use light: creativity for free tip one

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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pronounced “at em see fu” @mcphoofollow now feel better immediately

how to be more creative without trying to be more creative

m.c. schraefel

Tip One: How to Use Light

bonus: also reduce stress, improve sleep and improve fat burning/muscle building

updated April 7, 2015

on how to use LIGHTHere is your 1 power tip

m.c. schraefel follow @mcphoo

For free, to be more creative overnight


during the day m.c. schraefel follow @mcphoo

take off your shades

For creativityand stress reduction and fat burning and muscle building and all things good


For creativity

do wear your sunglasses at night m.c. schraefel follow @mcphoo

and stress reduction and fat burning and muscle building and all things good


It’s about the EYE

and spectrums of light

really, the suprachiasmatic nuclei

m.c. schraefel follow @mcphoo #in5

and how light through the eye

syncs up our MANY body clocks

m.c. schraefel follow @mcphoo #in5

rather like this, as per dijka& Archer 09

which roughly translates to…

m.c. schraefel follow @mcphoo #in5

Sleep/Recovery/Circadian Kit for our bodies (metabolism)

to work optimally

m.c. schraefel follow @mcphoo

Get as much daytime SUN (esp. early morning) as possible

can use a SUNSPRITE to see if you have enough

m.c. schraefel follow @mcphoo


How much sun??about 10k lumens, or 1/2 hour bright sun

(longer when overcast)


at night - reduce (certain) light

m.c. schraefel follow @mcphoo

this keeps your body clocks in sync, lets them switch gearsto get into build and recover mode

which urban light screws up#in5

use orange shades to block blue light from night time screens and devices up to 2-3hrs before you want to sleep

m.c. schraefel follow @mcphoo

How fix??



These sleep savers cost 9 bucks

and filter out the right

or check how much blue light spectrum your shades filter(looking for the 400-500nm range) #in5

TO use the power of light effectively its as simple as Mr. Miagi’s Wax On, Wax Off

So there’s your super free creativity power tip:

m.c. schraefel follow @mcphoo #in5

m.c. schraefel follow @mcphoo

Shades on (at night)

Shades off (during the day)

m.c. schraefel follow @mcphoo

Once you start to USE light effectively

your creativity (& mood & sleep & memory & body mass) improves automatically -as a side effect

test it for yourself tonight!

m.c. schraefel follow @mcphoo

Shades on (at night)

Shades off (during the day)

Once again, your super free creativity(&memory &bodymass & mood) power tip:


pronounced “at em see fu” @mcphoofollow now feel better immediately

creativity for free TIPS?

m.c. schraefel

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