user group presentation – release 2.12 january 11, 2007

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User Group Presentation – Release 2.12 January 11, 2007. Overview – Release 2.12 Highlights. GLOBAL CHANGES Attachments can now be marked as “Internal Use Only”. (8358) Award Tracking Report will not run when table is being updated. (10254) INBOX Tab – Task Filters NOTHING NEW RFA Tab - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

User Group Presentation – Release 2.12

January 11, 2007

Page 2

Overview – Release 2.12 Highlights GLOBAL CHANGES

Attachments can now be marked as “Internal Use Only”. (8358) Award Tracking Report will not run when table is being updated.


INBOX Tab – Task Filters NOTHING NEW

RFA Tab Language for the Email Notification sent to Recipients from the “Notify

Recipient” task has been updated. (11928) To avoid confusion, no FALD Names will appear on routing slips, only

“FALD” since they all get the task. (12434) Enhancements have been made to the FFO and Omnibus Synopsis detail

pages. (12544) “Save” button is visible on data boxes for the FFO and Omnibus Synopsis

for the commonly used screen resolution of 1024 x768. (12588) Audit Trail has been added to Omnibus Synopsis details page.

(12602) New Application Log report has been added to the RFA and Competition

Details pages for Competitive RFAs (12089)

Page 3

Overview – Release 2.12 Continued

APPLICATION Tab “Save as Draft” button for Input Paper Applications

works correctly. (12062) “Save” button for Review Minimum Requirements

works correctly. (12045) Email sent out when application is rejected during

Review Minimum Requirements is recorded in Grants Online and copy is sent to Assigned FPO. (12046)

Format of hard-copy letter for rejected applications has been corrected. (12298)

Paper applications can no longer be entered for Non-Competitive RFAs which have closed. (RFA will not be returned in results of “Search Applications”. (12398)

Grant or Cooperative Agreement box is now mandatory on PO checklist. (9864)

System will validate that required items on the GMD checklist have been checked off. (12487)

Page 4

Overview – Release 2.12 Continued

AWARD Tab Workflow has been fixed for administrative amendments to

ensure that the Grants Specialist gets a task after the action is initiated. (12158)

FPOs can add (but not delete) attachments to PPRs and AARs submitted by recipients. (12513)

Language on New Award notifications has been enhanced. (11889 and 12514)

Notifications sent when an Expanded Authority No Cost Extension has been submitted now include: Assigned Program Officer, Grants Specialist, all Authorized Representatives, and any PIs associated with the award. (12239)

Award Action Requests— Expanded Authority link will be removed as soon as one has

been initiated, even if it has not yet been forwarded to NOAA. (11989)

— Amendments generated from AARs will not be visible to grantees until they have been sent for acceptance. (10255)

— Status of all AARs will be displayed on Grants File Launch page. (12068)

Page 5

Overview – Release 2.12 Continued

AWARD Tab Continued Progress and Financial Reports

— Submit date for PPRs will be populated when report is submitted by an FPO. (12303)

— Reports will not be marked as delinquent until the day after the Report Due date. (11972)

— Feature has been added to allow NOAA to mark a SF-270 request as rejected (payment denied). (10932)

— Printed report of SF-270 form has been fixed to print all dollar amounts. (12673)

— SF-270 reports will not display any delinquency status (12461)

— Fixes to “Search Reports” feature include:– FPOs can see Financial Reports as well as Progress

Reports (12176)– The name of the FPO who accepted the report will

be displayed for those which have already been accepted; otherwise the Assigned FPO’s name will be displayed. (12306 and 12176)

Page 6

GLOBAL CHANGES – Attachments: New “Internal Use Only” Flag

Page 7

RFA Tab – Notification from “Notify Recipients” task

This is an automated notification from NOAA Grants Online that an application package has been posted at and you have been

selected by the posting Program Officer for notification. is available at the URL: If you are not registered at, please begin the registration process

immediately. It can take up to 2 weeks to fulfill all of the registration requirements.

To retrieve your application package from the home page:

1) Click the "Apply for Grants" link in the upper left (under "For Applicants"). Review the instructions and download/install the PureEdge

forms program if you have not already done so.

2) Click the "Download a Grant Application Package and Instructions“ link.

3) Enter the following Funding Opportunity Number:


4) Click the Download Package button.

5) Click the "download" link under the Instructions & Application column.

6) Click the download links for the instructions and the application package.

7) Fill out the application and follow the instructions for submission.

Page 8

RFA Tab – Notification from “Notify Recipients” task cont.

Information on the NOAA Request for Applications (RFA):


Fiscal Year: 2007

CFDA Number: 11.420

Opportunity Number: NOS-OCRM-2007-2000819

Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Opening Date: 2006-12-12 11:50:07.0

Program Office: NOS Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM)

Program Officer: Richard Schneider

Closing Date: 2007-01-01 22:00:00.0- NOTE: This is the latest due date for all applications in this RFA. Please contact

the NOAA Program Officer for verification of when your specific application must be submitted for

timely award processing.

For further information contact:

Name: Mark Abbey

Phone: 518-442-3510

Address: 600 Capitol Way North Olympia, WA 98501


Name: Garo Nalabandian

Phone: 301-675-6049

Address: 1315 East West Hwy Silver Spring, MD 20910


Page 9

RFA Tab – No FALD Names on Routing Slips

Page 10

FFO and Synopsis: New “Look and Feel”

Page 11

FFO and Synopsis: New “Look and Feel” with pop-up data field

Page 12

RFA Tab – New Applications Report

Page 13

RFA Tab – New Applications Report cont.

Page 14

Application Report Columns (42 Columns)

Page 15

Application Report Column Descriptions

Page 16

Application Report Column Descriptions cont.

Page 17

AWARD Tab – Notification for New AwardCongratulations, you are the recipient of NOAA Award Number NA06NMF4720032.

All of your award administration/processing is done through the NOAA Grants Online website. You will receive tasks regarding your award in

your Grants Online inbox when action needs to be taken on your part. You currently have a task to "Accept" your NOAA award. You must accept

the award in order to initiate any further award action requests or to access your funds via ASAP. The NOAA Grants Online web site can be

accessed at:

Name of Recipient Authorized Representative with task to accept award:

Gil McRae

Additional Information about your award is given below:

CFDA Number: 11.472

Award File Period: 12/01/2006 - 11/30/2009

Program Office: Fisheries Protected Resources Program Office (PRPO)

Program Officer: Lisa Manning

Phone: 301 713-1401


Total Federal Funding: $73,830.00

Total Non Federal Funding: $25,643.00

Organization Name: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission,

Fish and Wildlife Research Institute

Project Title: Long-Term Monitoring of Smalltooth Sawfish in Charlotte

Harbor, Florida

Name of Principal Investigator as identified in the negotiated

application: Dr. Philip Stevens; co-PIs: Gregg Poulakis and Brent Winner

Page 18

AWARD Tab – Notification for New Award cont.

After award acceptance, the Principal Investigator(s) must be associated with this award by your Recipient System Administrator. This

will provide them with access to the award for requesting award actions and submitting project progress reports. The Recipient System

Administrator that you identify during acceptance will receive a task to "Manage Award Users".

Your Username is your first initial followed by your last name (and possibly followed by a 2-digit number). If you do not have your

Password or need to create an account, please email the Grants Online Help Desk during working hours at and provide your name and phone number for a return call. If you experience any problem in reaching

the web site, please contact the Help Desk immediately. The Grants Online Help Desk is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00PM Eastern Time,

Monday through Friday. You can call the Help Desk toll free at 1-877-662-2478 or at 301-713-1000 from within the local Washington D.C.

Metro area. Email requests can be sent to the Help Desk at any time and are answered within one business day. The Help Desk cannot sent

your Password by email for security reasons. Newly assigned or expired passwords will force a password reset after login. If you are a

first-time Grants Online user, please click on the Account Management tab and change your security question/answer.

We HIGHLY encourage you to review the Grants Online Grantee Quick Reference Guide and Grantee User Manuals available at

Thank you,

The NOAA Grants Online Program Management Office.

Page 19

AWARD Tab – FPOs can see Financial Reports using “Search Reports”

Page 20

AWARD Tab – Assigned Program Officer is displayed for reports not yet accepted

Page 21

Additional Resources (301) 713-1000

(877) 662-2478 (1-877-NOAAGRT)

Grants Online PMO Website at to Access:

Grants Online Training/Support Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

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