using public participation to ensure mobility and safety for the urban vulnerable in liaoning, china

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Public Consultation for Better Project Design -Using public participation to ensure mobility and safety for the urban vulnerable in Loaning, China

Wenling Chen,Jan 2009, Washington D.C.

World Bank Urban Transport Projects in China




Six Medium Cities


Jinzhou:Port CityPop: 0.77 million2004 GDP: Y33.7 b ($4b)

Panjin: Petrolic Industry City Pop: 1.2 million2004 GDP: Y36.9 b ($4.5b)


Liaoyang:Historical, Petrolic CityPop: 1.82 million2004 GDP: Y29 b ($3.5b)

Dengta:A part of LiaoyangPop: .50 million

Fushun:Coal Industrial CityPop: 1.3 million04GDP: Y37.5b

Six Medium Size Cities

Benxi:Pop: 1.57m.04GDP:Y29b

Liaoning Medium Cities Project US$525m, US$218m WB Loan, Launched in the end of 2006 Road development, traffic management &

public transport improvement, and TAs People-centered transport development

Public participation in planning process Secondary road system improvements Implementing road safety law

Public Participation – to Improve Project Design

Public Participation in China Bank funded PP: Wuhan Urban Project, 2004 1999 Liaoning Urban Transport Project 1999 Vulnerable often an afterthought, participatory

process high value

Liaoning PP: One of the first in China that received funding from the government

Public Participation – to Improve Project Design

Objectives Determine public key concerns Prioritize problems Incorporate public input into project design

Project team Liaoning Academy of Social Science (LASS) Public Participation Advisor: China Agricultural

University Provincial Project Office – Liaoning Urban

Construction & Renewal Project Office (LUCRPO) Project cities WB team

Public Participation Process









5 –








Phase I : PP for Planning and Design

Open meeting



Phase II : PP for Project Appraisal

Open meeting



Open meeting



Phase III : PP for M & E




PP: public participationFGD: focus group discussionII: individual interview

Public Participation Process Three phases

Phase I (Design stage) – Identify issues Phase II (Appraisal stage) – Solutions to issues

open for public comments Phase III (Implementation stage) – Assess public

satisfaction mid-term & end of implementation

Over 5 years Estimated budget: $400k-500k

Phase I finished in Sep 2005, phase II completed in April 2006

Participants Recruitment Implemented by independent agency LASS Recruitment plan Gender separated groups to enhance female involvement

Sorting Focus groups GenderNumber of

participants Note

Mode-driven group

Walkers / bus users M / F 10-10 Choose either oneBicycle users M / F 10-10

Bus drivers mixed 15

Choose either one

Three-wheeled vehicle drivers mixed 15

Vulnerability- driven groups

Poor people M / F 10-10 Must

Disabledmixed 5-10

Individual interview

Migrants mixed 15 As appropriate

Seniorsmixed 15

As appropriate

Design (Phase I) and Appraisal Stage (Phase II) PP Activities

City Open Meeting 公开大会


Focus Group 焦点访谈 (groups组/


Individual Interviews


Questionnaires 问卷调查 (number


Liaoyang 30 12/86 11 503Jinzhou 30 12/89 12 711Fushun 27 12/93 11 696Panjin 28 12/85 11 497Dengta 30 8/60 10 151Benxi 26 12/90 10 700

Open Meeting Focus Group Questionnaires

City (persons) (groups/ persons) (number)Liaoyang 90 12/120 10 400Jinzhou 90 12/120 10 500Fushun 90 15/120 10 500Panjin 100 12/120 10 403Dengta 30 22068 10 150Benxi 90 12/120 10 500

Phase I Participation Process 一阶段公众参与过程

Phase II Participation Process 二阶段公众参与过程Individual Interviews (persons)








步行 w alk

自行车 bicycle

公交车 public transport

出租车 taxi

通勤车 commuting bus私家车 private car

摩托车 motor bike

三轮车 tricycle

其他 others






Dongxin Rd N., Liaoyang

Hankou Rail Crossing, Jinzhou

Xueyuan Rd, Jinzhou

Panjin Urban Road

Mode shares

Zhaolin Rail Underpass, Dengta

Wuwangzi Interchange, Liaoyang

Guangming, Wenhua Intersection, Dengta

Trip Purposes











日常生计 Daily livihood

上学 School

娱乐 Entertainment

探亲访友 Visit Friends

去医院看病 Hospital visit

其他 Other


Key Mobility and Safety Issues Identified through Phase I PP

Poor secondary road pavement and drainage conditions Jiancai Road, Beishao Zhongxin Interchange (Liaoyang),

Xueyuan Road Vicinity (Jinzhou), Zhanqian Street (Dengta) Poor sidewalk conditions and road facilities

Xueyuan Road Vicinity (Jinzhou), Jinzhou Urban Road, Fushun Secondary Road, Fushun Sidewalk,Dengta Sidewalk.

Lack of separation between MV and NMV traffic Wuwangzi Street (Liaoyang), 6 Dao St (Liaoyang), Hankou Rail

Overpass (Jinzhou), Lack of street lighting and signage

Xinyun Road (Liaoyang) Gender differences identified in needs associated with

safety and security

Key Mobility and Safety Issues Identified (cont.) Poor secondary road pavement an

d drainage conditions Poor sidewalk conditions and road f

acilities Lack of separation between MV

and NMV Poor Traffic Management

Poor secondary road pavement and drainage conditions

“灯塔:一位腿部瘫痪的女性居民:“我的腿坏了多年,一直靠轮椅出行,最让我犯愁的就是道路的坑洼不平,有人在身边还好点,一次自己出门,没走多远轮椅就陷到坑里了人还差点掉下来旁人费了很大力气才把我拉出来,从那以后再不敢自己出来。” A disable female: I travel by wheelchair, my greatest concerns is the roughness of roads… my wheelchair often got stuck in the road cracks…. Now I feel reluctant to go out alone.

“灯塔一位老年男性居民说:“为了省钱,没有特殊的事儿,我多远都走着去,走时间长了挺累的,可功夫(时间)磨呗。要是碰到下雨、下雪,走道儿可费劲了,天不好我轻易不出门。” A senior male: in order to save money, I walk wherever I go in the city… it’s really difficult to walk when it rains or snows… eventually, I don’t normally go out unless it’s absolutely necessary.

“案例:市民陆某,男, 51 岁,工人。他抱怨道路上没有排水系统,下大雨时,马路成大河;下小雨,处处是积水。” Mr. Lu, 51 yr old: there’s no drainage system on the road, when it rains hard, the roads become rivers, when it rains mildly, water is pooled everywhere.


Poor sidewalk conditions and road facilities

“刘女士, 65 岁,住在高山路附近,是居住在这一地区的老居民。出于保持身体健康的考虑,她很愿意在闲暇时间出外散步。但是由于这条道路目前的建设标准很低,道路养护情况很差,特别是没有人行道,使得她不太敢出门。她认为,在未来的新建设的道路应当留有人行道,保证行人的安全和出行方便,这最主要的。” Ms. Liu, 65: I would love to take a walk whenever possible, however, because the road condition is so bad, especially with no sidewalks, i don’t dare to go out…I think future plan should definitely include sidewalks

“抚顺:董某,出行方式主要是步行,出行目的主要是去工作,家住高山路附近,每天上班都要走高山路,但是高山路两边基本没有人行道,而且道路也坑坑洼洼的,步行者特别不方便,尤其是下雨天的时候,更是泥泞难行,因此董女士特别希望能早日修好这条路,这样自己出行就方便多了。” Ms. Dong, main mode of travel: walk: I walk everyday along Gaoshan Road to work. There’s literally no sidewalks there, besides the road pavement is rough, it’s very difficult to walk, especially when it rains…return

Lack of separation between MV and NMV traffic

“抚顺:王某,出行方式主要是自驾自行车,偶尔乘坐公交车,王先生说,他自己骑自行车上班的时候非常担心自己的安全,因为经常有机动车驶入自行车道里,而且车速还经常特别快。因此,王先生希望交通部门能加强管理,做到自行车道和机动车道严格分离开,这样才能更好的保证骑自行车者的安全。” Mr. Wang, bike to work, use bus once in a while: when bike to work, I concerns very much on my safety, because mvs often drive on bike lanes and often with high speeds. ….

“灯塔:一位以骑自行车为主的居民说:“自行车道挺少的,也挺窄,也没人管,走道的、骑车的、开车的都在道上过,感觉挺危险的。” … there’re very few bicycle lanes in the city. They are very narrow, without proper management, pedestrians, bicyclist, and motor drivers all use bike lanes. It’s quite dangerous…

灯塔: 市民张某,难, 52 岁。每天起自行车上下班,穿过市中心,他说在市中心没有机动车与非机动车道的划分,行人与各式各样的车都拥挤在一条路面不平且狭窄的道路上,常堵车。在上下班高峰期时,时有碰撞,很危险,他为此多次与人发生口角。” Mr. Zhang, 52: I bike to and from work daily through downtown, where there’s no mv/nmv separation. Pedestrians share narrow and rough roads with all kinds of vehicles…. It’s very dangerous return

Poor Traffic Management “案例:市民彭某,女, 39 岁,工人。她说城市的过街横道必须保证安全。有时候,有些机动车辆的驾驶员看到行人过街时也不减速,特别是小孩过横街就很危险,我的孩子就差点被车撞倒,到现在我都心有余悸。所以我认为城市人行横道改进要有明确的标志(红绿灯、斑马线等),但距离不要过长,以免引起交通事故。” Ms. Peng, 39: it’s

quite often for mv drivers to cross intersection with high speed. My kid was once almost hit by a car. I’m still frightened thinking of that occasion ….

“灯塔:一位年长的女性居民:“我家到菜市场要过一条马路,横过马路的时候很小心,马路上车挺多的,而且有时候还有不少年轻人摩托车开的飞快,一碰到这种情况提心吊胆的。” A senior female: i walk to daily grocery, it’s sometime scary enough for me to hold the breath when I cross the road… the traffic is heavy and fast… motorists are often speeding.

“个案 23 :一位以开摩托车为主的居民说:“在路上开车,没有红绿灯,十字路口的地方最乱,往哪边走的都有,有好几回我都差点跟走道的撞上。” A resident who commute by motorcycle: there’re no traffic lights on many. intersections are chaotic, traffics are in every directions…

Lack of Street Light “个案 14 :年轻职业女性:“工作原因我经常会加班到很晚,回家时总有些提心吊胆的,因为到家的路上有一段很黑,有几个路灯年久失修也不亮了,虽然这种情况下丈夫总是尽量去接我,但还是有几次自己回的家,感觉真的挺害怕的。”

“ A young female professional: I often get off from work late, when I go home, I’m so frightened by the darkness along some roads. Some lights are broken for very long time and nobody fixes them. My husband walks me home whenever possible… but there are times I walk home alone and I felt terrified”

“案例 1 :金某,女,退休工人,她说一些街路没有路灯,抢劫事件经常发生,治安不好,以至于单身女子不敢在天黑以后独自出行。”“ Ms. Jin, retired worker: There’re no lights on some streets. Robbery happens frequently there. I wouldn’t dare to walk alone when it’s turning dark”

“案例:石会敏,女, 43 岁,环卫工人,家住在盘锦市兴隆台区八里社区,去上班都是骑自行车。她说,如果晚上回家比较晚时感觉非常不安全,因为从庄林路到泰山路这段路到晚上非常黑,有路灯但是不亮,不知道是什么原因。” “ Ms. Shi, 43: Environmental Protection Worker: I bike to and from work, I don’t feel safe biking home when it’s a little late. ….it’s extremely dark in some sections, there’re lights, but they don’t work, I don’t know why…”

Address Phase I PP Raised Issues Final feasibility

includes : Summary of issues

raised Issues to be

addressed in design Issues not to be

addressed, and reason

Issues/Requests Raised by the Public Benxi Dengta Fushun Jinzhou Liaoyang PanjinRIImprove drainage condition in some roads or the city network R/A R/A R/A R/A R/A R/AImprove quality of alley and secondary road: pavement, traffic lights or street lighting R/A R/A R/A R/A R/AImprove quality of problematic arterial: pavement, traffic lights, or street lighting R/A R/A R/A R/A R/AImprove damaged street lights R/A R/AAdd new street lights R/A R/AImprove tunnel lighting R/AEnhance disability access (barrier-free path) R/A R/A R/A R/AImprove public facilities: bus stations, phone booth, trash bins, public restroom and etc R/A R/- R/A R/AImprove greening and beautify the street R/-Ensure sufficient width/quality of NMV lanes and sidewalks, and privision of pedestrian crossing R/A R/-Road widening at some locations R/- R/ARelieve traffic pressure on some roads with new alternative roads/bridge constructions R/ARSRegulate speeding issues at some intersections R/AReduce traffic accidents in problematic locations R/A R/AImprove the seperation of MV/NMV traffic, walkability, and pedestrian safety R/A R/A R/A R/A R/A R/AImprove traffic flow and congestion conditions on problematic locations R/A R/A R/A R/ARegulate the routing of freight traffic R/- R/ABan the illegal use of roads by peddlers and vehicle parking R/-Manage the illegal use of sidewalks R/-Manage bus parking to free bus parking from other road facilities R/A R/AOver or underground pedestrian passes at heavy traffic intersections R/- R/A R/-Manage bicycle parking and sove bicycle stealing problem R/A R/-Manage overloading problem R/-Lack of sign post at intersections R/AStrenthen traffic Management at chaos sections R/A R/-Strenthen coordinated management of main roads, secondary roads, and alleys R/A R/ABetter monitor traffic violation and maintain traffic safety R/AManage parking R/- R/-Lack of road monitoring system R/-Manage tricycle traffic R/-Lack of guardrail in rail crossing and segments R/AAdd separate bike pass on main and secondary roads R/-Strenthen the promotion of traffic rule to the residents R/- R/APTIncrease bus numbers (capacity) and services in certain areas R/A R/A R/- R/- R/-Increase bus stops and improve bus stops signages R/A R/A R/AExtend some bus routes R/A R/AImprove smoothness of bus transfer R/AImprove the management of bus facility (e.g. advertisement at bus stops) R/AImprove public transport management efficiency R/-Improve bus routing R/A R/AReduce bus fares, especially lower fares for seniors and the disable R/A R/- R/-Lack of bus priority lanes in some routes R/A R/- R/AImprove bus access to the disable and senior (e.g, dedicated seats, disability facility) R/A R/- R/A R/- R/-RMImprove road maintenance R/A R/AOtherReduce vehicle emission and noise pollution R/-Difficult traffic condition during road construction R/AReduce taxi price R/-

Phase I PP Outcomes Informed decisionmakers on citizens’ priority &

needs Project design –emphases shifted to:

Secondary road improvements Traffic management, especially MV/NMV traffic separation Much greater attention to sidewalks and pedestrian’s needs

Latent issues were picked up to take care of the urban vulnerable

Street lights Public transport

Appraisal Stage (Phase II) PP: Focuses and Outcomes

Focused on assessing: How well project design addressed Phase I raised

concerns Remaining and newly identified issues Expected implementation concerns

Address Appraisal Phase PP Identified Issues LASS developed actionable recommendations (location

specific) to each city Cities agreed to develop action plans incorporating the

recommendations Phase III to assess the implementation and outcomes of

the action plans

Implementation Stage (Phase III) PP

Monitor the status of action plans and ensure raised issues are addressed

Assess public satisfaction with completed roads and facilities through stakeholder field testing, and continued dialogues

Lessons Learned Structured public participation process

Low effort Raises sensitivity of project design to the mobility

and safety needs and issues related to the disadvantaged

Provides platform for addressing particular vulnerable groups at low incremental effort Gender issues Disabled community

Government buy-in from the ability to increase public welfare with low-cost measures Street lights, toilets, trees and benches go a long way

Make it work & make champions

Thank you!

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