using your textbook

Post on 17-May-2015






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Welcome to The Mobile Interactive

Reading Unit(MIRU)*

“Look” in Japanese

College Textbook Reading

Why don’t students read?

Is it because there’re no quizzes on the reading?

Is it because their professor never talks about the reading assignment?

Maybe the assignments are too long.

MIRU for You

(MIRU) will demonstrate two very successful uses of Reading Strategies available for FREE at the Reading Center on campus in Bldg. C 107.

Effective College Textbook Reading

Think about a purpose! Think about your

assignment! Think about how to make

efficient use of your reading time!

First Reading Strategy: Pivotal words are words

that guide you This Reading Strategy is using flashcards

with pivotal words written on them. This helps to guide your mind along the pathway.

Examples of Pivotal Words

War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent.

George Orwell, 1984

It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.

George Orwell

Examples of Pivotal Words

On November 9, 1984, Ceaser E. Chavez delivered Common Wealth.

“The Republicans control the governor's office and the White House. They say there is a conservative trend in the nation. Yet we are filled with hope and encouragement. We have looked into the future and the future is ours!”


Flashcards are an important technique for remembering, especially for those students who have difficulty retaining information. It’s also good to enhance your comprehension.

Second Reading Strategy:

Using the SQ3R MethodSQ3R is a study-reading technique

designed to help students effectively read their assignments, textbooks and tests.

Here’s how you do it:

Practice Practice Practice

Survey a book

Survey a chapter


Read the summaries at the end of the chapters and books.

Read topical sentence and subtopical headings and sentences by critically skimming through the text.

Here’s how you do it:

Practice Practice Practice

Question1. Turn each of the main points found in

the introduction, headings, topic sentences, or summary into a question.

2. Use these questions to guide your reading.

Here’s how you do it:

Practice Practice Practice

ReadRead the section you have

surveyed using your questions as a guide.

Here’s how you do it:

Practice Practice Practice

Recite Restate the main points and

supporting details in your own words while you read.

Here’s how you do it: Practice Practice Practice

ReviewAt the end of your study period,

review the material you have covered using your notes, outline, or marked portions of the text to see how much you can remember.


Survey. Question. Read. Recite. Review.

Final Tips & Reminders:1. Note the differences in textbooks from

discipline to discipline.

2. Schedule reading time.

3. Preview assignment.

4. Read with a purpose.

5. Write and talk to improve comprehension. Use your voice.

6. Read in several short periods of time.

You will not lose if you PRACTICE!

Using the SQ3R Method students will:• Read faster• Pick out important points• Remember more• Quiz questions will become familiar

Students will often see immediate improvement in their comprehension and memory of reading assignments.



The Reading Center will help you with your reading needs.

Come see us in Building C Room 107


give us a call

at (213) 763- 3753.

Thank you for your time.

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