ussd gateway - oracle documentation

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Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control

Product: OCNCC 4.3 Component: USSD Gateway

Technical Guide S’ware version: Release 2.4.1 Guide version: 11.00

Release date: December 2010


Commercial In Confidence

Page ii USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Copyright USSD Gateway Technical Guide, Release 2.4.1


Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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USSD Gateway Page iii Technical Guide


Copyright ............................................................................................................................. ii About this Document ........................................................................................................... v Document Conventions ...................................................................................................... vi 

Chapter 1 

System Overview 

Overview .............................................................................................................................. 1 What is USSD Gateway? .................................................................................................... 2 Handset Interaction ............................................................................................................. 5 Callback ............................................................................................................................... 7 Alarms, Statistics, Reports and EDRs ................................................................................. 9 

Chapter 2 


Overview ............................................................................................................................ 11 Configuration Overview ..................................................................................................... 12 Configuring the SLEE.cfg .................................................................................................. 13 Configuring acs.conf for the UAS ...................................................................................... 15 Overview of the USSD Gateway Configuration ................................................................. 17 Configuring the USSD Gateway Portal Component (UPC) ............................................... 21 eserv.config Configuration ................................................................................................. 25 Response Date and Time .................................................................................................. 27 EDR Section ...................................................................................................................... 35 Configuring the XML Interface and Enabling Tracing........................................................ 39 

Chapter 3 

Background Processes 

Overview ............................................................................................................................ 43 ussdgw ............................................................................................................................... 44 UssdMfileD ........................................................................................................................ 45 libupcService ..................................................................................................................... 46 libupcChassisActions ......................................................................................................... 47 libupcMacroNodes ............................................................................................................. 48 cdrLoader ........................................................................................................................... 49 

Chapter 4 

Administrative Tasks 

Overview ............................................................................................................................ 51 Starting and Stopping the USSD Gateway ........................................................................ 52 

Chapter 5 


Overview ............................................................................................................................ 53 Common Troubleshooting Procedures .............................................................................. 54 Scenarios ........................................................................................................................... 57 

Continued on next page

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Page iv USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Chapter 6 

System Alarms 

Overview ............................................................................................................................ 59 Alarm Topic Description .................................................................................................... 60 USSD Gateway.................................................................................................................. 61 

Chapter 7 


Overview ............................................................................................................................ 71 Installation Pre-requisites .................................................................................................. 72 Preparing the System ........................................................................................................ 74 

Chapter 8 


Overview ............................................................................................................................ 75 Installation Procedure Overview ........................................................................................ 76 Loading the Distribution File .............................................................................................. 77 Installing uisScpSizing Package ........................................................................................ 78 Installing uisSmsSizing Package ....................................................................................... 79 Installing the uisSms Package ........................................................................................... 80 Installing the uisScp Package ............................................................................................ 84 Installing the upcScpSizing Package ................................................................................ 91 Installing the upcSmsSizing Package ............................................................................... 92 Installing the upcScp Package .......................................................................................... 93 Installing the upcSms Package ......................................................................................... 99 CDR Loader Deployment ................................................................................................ 102 Post-installation Configuration ......................................................................................... 104 

Chapter 9 

Removal Overview .......................................................................................................................... 107 Remove upcScp .............................................................................................................. 108 Remove upcSms ............................................................................................................. 113 Remove uisScp................................................................................................................ 116 Remove uisSms............................................................................................................... 120 Checking Removal .......................................................................................................... 123 

Appendix Overview .......................................................................................................................... 125 Glossary of Terms ........................................................................................................... 127 Index ................................................................................................................................ 133 

Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway Page v Technical Guide

About this Document The scope of this document includes all the information required to install, configure and administer the USSD Gateway (UUGW phase 1) application.

This guide was written primarily for installers and System Administrators. However, sections of the document may be useful to anyone requiring an introduction to the application.

A solid understanding of Unix and a familiarity with IN concepts are an essential pre-requisite for safely using the information contained in this guide. Attempting to install, remove, configure or otherwise alter the described system without the appropriate background skills, could cause damage to the system; including temporary or permanent incorrect operation, loss of service, and may render your system beyond recovery.

This manual describes system tasks that should only be carried out by suitably trained operators.

The following documents are related to this document:

• SLEE Technical Guide • USSD GW User's Guide

Here are the changes to the document since the last release.

Version no.

Revision Date Description

06.00 CTS 37012: SMSC pre-requisite added to install section.

Updated Background Processes chapter.

07.00 2008-11-10 New -z option for ussdgw process.

08.00 2009-11-10 CTS 43786 - Added -w command option.

10.00 2010-03-08 Timestamp changes to eserv.config. Removed cdrif. 11.00 2010-11-03 Re-branded




Related documents

Changes in this document

Commercial In Confidence

Page vi USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Document Conventions Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the terms and typographical conventions used in the documentation.

Specialised terms and acronyms are defined in the Glossary at the end of this guide.

Formatting convention Type of information Special Bold Items you must select such as menu options,

or names of tabs. Emphasis within text. Names of database tables and fields.

Italics Name of a document, chapter, topic or other publication.

Button The name of a button to click or a key to press. Example: To close the window, either click Close or press Esc.

Key+Key Key combinations for which the user must press and hold down one key and then press another. Example: Ctrl+P, or Alt+F4.

Monospace Text that you must type and examples of code or standard output.

variable Used to indicate variables or text that should be replaced.

menu option > menu option > Used to indicate the cascading menu option to be selected, or the location path of a file. Example: Operator Functions > Report Functions Example: /IN/html/SMS/Helptext/

hypertext link Used to indicate a hypertext link on an HTML page.

The following icons are used as visual cues to draw attention to important information.

Note: Indicates useful and complementary information. Explanation, comment, or short expansion of the text object that is intended to catch your attention.

Tip: Indicates practical but non-essential information that makes the solution easier to use or operate (e.g. keyboard shortcut, alternative way to perform a step in a procedure, etc).

Warning: Indicates a caution. If this information is ignored, it could cause possible and irreversible damage to the equipment, data or software.

Typographical conventions


Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway Page 1 Technical Guide

System Overview Overview

This chapter provides a high-level overview of the application. It explains the basic functionality of the system and lists the main components.

It is not intended to advise on any network or service implications of the product.

This chapter contains the following topics.

What is USSD Gateway? ................................................................................ 2 Handset Interaction ......................................................................................... 5 Callback ........................................................................................................... 7 Alarms, Statistics, Reports and EDRs ............................................................. 9

Chapter 1


In this chapter

Chapter 1 Commercial In Confidence

Page 2 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

What is USSD Gateway? The USSD GW provides the following functions:

• interaction using USSD messages between the subscriber's handset and the platform: processing fast access, single string (typeahead) requests presenting information to mobile users using USSD messages complex interaction through navigation of menus based on user input

(interactive USSD) • IMSI Management:

different services can be configured for different IMSI prefixes barring by IMSI or IMSI prefix logging forbidden attempts to use the service, and tracing for all calls from an IMSI or IMSI prefix CDR Viewing screen provides full information about a call and provides

EDR searching • support for both USSD phase 1 / MAP1 and USSD phase 2 / MAP2, and • roaming USSD Session Control:

separate control plans for charging and call monitoring, and with Location Capability Pack, session can be initiated directly back to a

roaming subscriber.

USSD GW is provided in two main parts:

1 UIS, and 2 UPC.

This diagram shows the components that make up the UIS part of the USSD GW service.

Continued on next page




Commercial In Confidence Chapter 1

What is USSD Gateway?, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 3 Technical Guide

This table describes the main components in USSD GW.

Process Role Further information ussdgw The ussdgw process is the main

USSD GW binary. It: • provides an interface between

SLEE applications (including slee_acs) and the rest of the system, and

• translates between INAP and USSD.

ussdgw (on page 44)

slee_acs The ACS process which runs control plans.

ACS Technical Guide

libupcService libupcService is the USSD GW service library plugin for slee_acs which handles initial set up of USSD call control plans.

libupcService (on page 46)


libupcChassisActions provides the functions which enable the USSD GW Feature Nodes to interact with other elements in the system

libupcChassisActions (on page 47)

libupcMacroNodes This slee_acs plugin provides the USSD GW macro nodes.

libupcMacroNodes (on page 48)

The USSD Interactive Services Gateway (UIS) enables operators to provide interactive menu-based portal services to end users.

UIS translates between the network USSD messages received from handsets to the INAP messages used to communicate with ACS. UIS also determines the service that should handle in the incoming service initiation request.

UIS enables operators to provide a range of services using USSD messages from (and to) a subscriber's handset. Interaction is configured using ACS control plans. UIS can also process fast access, single-string requests to trigger platform functionality, including:

• Subscriber account detail reports (with CCS) • Voucher recharges (with CCS), and • USSD Roaming call back.

USSD GW's USSD Portal Service (UPC) is an optional part of USSD GW that provides extended interactivity through the UPC Portal Screens and USSD GW feature nodes.

The UPC Portal Screens are used to extend the interactive USSD menus created using the UIS screens (for example by providing menu branching).

Continued on next page


USSD Interactive Services Gateway

USSD Gateway Portal Service

Chapter 1 Commercial In Confidence

What is USSD Gateway?, Continued

Page 4 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

USSD GW uses the USSD protocol as defined by GSM phase 1 & 2. This means the majority of subscribers can use the menus without needing to upgrade their handsets.

This approach is an alternative delivery mechanism to WAP, as WAP support is still limited to middle- and higher-tier handsets.

The diagram below illustrates the possible processing stages initiated by the gateway when a message from the network (USSD message) or service interface/portal (INAP message) is received:

Handset integration

Processing diagram

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 1

USSD Gateway Page 5 Technical Guide

Handset Interaction There are two main methods for interacting with a handset:

1 USSD menus, and 2 Typeahead, single-string commands. In both cases, the ussdgw (on page 44) process communicates back and forth with an ACS control plan. With USSD menus, the messages from the control plan are translated into USSD messages and are sent to the handset. The subscriber can then respond with another USSD message. For single string commands, ussdgw buffers the original request and responds to the messages from the control plan using each buffer in sequence.

USSD menus are created using the SMS screens. For more information about how to configure and use menus, see USSD GW User's Guide.

This diagram shows the call flow for a single-string handset interaction.

This table provides additional detail about the Example call flow diagram.

Flow Description 1 The HLR sends a USSD message to the UAS, where it is picked up by

the TCAP interface (usually SIGTRAN stack).

2 The TCAP interface forwards the unchanged USSD message to ussdgw across the SLEE.

3 ussdgw parses the message, using: • * as the initial trigger prefix and to separate each field, and • # as a terminator. ussdgw translates the USSD message into an INAP message, using the first field as the Service Number and forwards it to slee_acs across the SLEE.

Note: Service Number will not be used if a Replacement SAN is being used. For more information, see USSD GW User's Guide.

4 slee_acs loads the control plan for the Service Number based on standard criteria. For more information about how slee_acs determines which control plan to load, see ACS Technical Guide.

Continued on next page


Example call flow

Example call flow description

Chapter 1 Commercial In Confidence

Handset Interaction, Continued

Page 6 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Example call flow description (continued)

Flow Description 5 The control plan executes until it reaches an interaction node. In this

example, the node is a Selection Dependant Routing node which enables the subscriber to specify which service they want to use. An INAP PACUI message is created, specifying the uugw as the srf and the specifying the announcement id 1 from the node's configuration. This message is sent to ussdgw.

Warning: The srf configuration must specify uugw in the announcement and the uugw srf must also be configured in acs.conf or the message will not be received by ussdgw. For more information, see srf configuration (on page 16).

6 The ussdgw receives the PACUI and checks whether it has a buffer which contains unused data from the original USSD message. In this case it does, so it constructs an INAP CUI message using the 8 from the second field and sends it back to slee_acs.

7 slee_acs receives the CUI and continues the control plan as normal. In this case, the Selection Dependant Routing node routes the call to a Play Announcement node. A PA message is constructed and sent to ussdgw as described in stage 5.

8 ussdgw receives the PA message. In this case it has no unused buffers, so it uses the announcement id to determine what menu details to use in the USSD message it constructs and sends back to the HLR. In this case the message provides the information provided by the service selected in stage 6, and reports the date the account will expire.

Note: If the interaction node specifies a number of repetitions of 127, ussdgw will not construct a message to be sent to the subscriber.

9 ussdgw responds to the CUI with an SRR back to slee_acs which completes the control plan.

10 The subscriber receives the USSD message from the HLR.

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 1

USSD Gateway Page 7 Technical Guide

Callback USSD GW can be used to enable USSD message-initiated call back. There are a number of ways this can be configured, but the main elements are:

1 subscriber initiates the call back using a USSD message 2 the system initiates the A leg of the call, then 3 the system completes the call by initiating the B leg.

The subscriber can initiate a callback using:

• a single string which is parsed by the ussdgw process, or • an initial message followed by interaction defined in a control plan.

A-leg call initiation is done from a control plan using ACS's Call Initiation feature node. The Call Initiation node attempts to establish the A leg of the call by:

• arming the switch to inform the platform when the A party answers the call (by sending an RRBCSM (oAnswer)), and

• sending an Initiate Call Attempt (ICA) to the switch (the switch then sets up the call).

Note: The Call Initiation node can initiate a call with any destination number using any profile block or a hard coded value. The A leg is selected using the Call Initiation node's configuration. Because the A leg setup is done in a control plan, any function which is available in the control plan can be used, including:

• checking subscriber's account state or balance, and • normalising the calling party number.

After Call Initiation node is called, initiating control plan continues when the A leg has answered and the IDP been sent. Further processing should continue in the new call generated by the IDP.

For more information about the Call Initiation feature node, see CPE User's Guide.

When the A party answers, the switch returns an ERBCSM (oAnswer) to the control plan and a new forked control plan starts. The new call can use any control plan functionality, including:

• monitoring the new call, and • using a retrieved details (including MSRN) for charging.

The new forked call is responsible for connecting to the B leg (for example, by using an AT or a UATB node).

Continued on next page


Callback initiation

A leg

B leg

Chapter 1 Commercial In Confidence

Callback, Continued

Page 8 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

This diagram shows a simple example of the USSD call back message flows.

Call back message flow

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 1

USSD Gateway Page 9 Technical Guide

Alarms, Statistics, Reports and EDRs USSD GW processes log alarms and notices to the syslog. They are then collected by the SMS alarms subsystem and moved to the USMS. For more information about alarms, see System Alarms (on page 59).

SMS’s statistics subsystem collects and stores the statistics on the USMS as entries in the SMF database table SMF_STATISTICS. They can then be processed further by SMS or by third party systems.

This table lists the statistics collected about USSD GW.

Statistic Description UIS_1 USSD session initiation attempt – phase 1

UIS_2 USSD session initiation attempt – phase 2.

UIS_3 Successful USSD initiation attempt (InitialDP sent to a service interface)

UIS_4 Message being sent to user as a result of a PACUI INAP operation from a service interface

UIS_5 User input as a result of an active PACUI

UIS_6 Fast access attempted on USSD session initiation (that is, dial ahead digits specified)

UIS_7 Timer Expiry (Session cut off)

UIS_8 Timer Expiry (SSF)

UIS_9 Timer Expiry (overall inactivity)

UIS_10 Timer Expiry (reconnect)

UIS_11 Timer Expiry (user inactivity)

UIS_12 TC-ABORT received from network

UIS_13 TC-ABORT received from service interface UIS_14 Gateway call limiting

USSD GW can log Event Data Records for some transactions. Also, an EDR is logged for each call which passes through a control plan. For more information about the EDRs logged by USSD GW see <EDR_Rg_sn>.




Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway Page 11 Technical Guide

Configuration Overview

This chapter explains how to configure the application.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Configuration Overview ................................................................................. 12 Configuring the SLEE.cfg .............................................................................. 13 Configuring acs.conf for the UAS .................................................................. 15 Overview of the USSD Gateway Configuration ............................................ 17 Configuring the USSD Gateway Portal Component (UPC) .......................... 21 eserv.config Configuration............................................................................. 25 Response Date and Time.............................................................................. 27 EDR Section .................................................................................................. 35 Configuring the XML Interface and Enabling Tracing ................................... 39

Chapter 2


In this chapter

Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

Page 12 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Configuration Overview This topic covers some general information about configuring USSD GW.

For more information about configuration which must be done when USSD GW is installed, see Post-installation Configuration (on page 104).

USSD GW is configured by the following components:

Component Locations Description Further Information all UASs sets the command

line parameters which configure ussdgw.

Gateway configuration (on page 17)

SLEE.cfg all UASs SLEE.cfg sets up SLEE interfaces and applications.


acs.conf all UASs acs.conf configures slee_acs. This includes number normalisation.

Configuring acs.conf for the UAS (on page 15)

SMS screens SMF database The service details are configured using the SMS screens.

USSD GW User's Guide

upc.conf all UASs If UPC is installed, upc.conf provides some of UPC's additional control plan configuration.

Configuring the USSD Gateway Portal Component (UPC) (on page 21)

eserv.conifg all UASs eserv.config provides date formatting for outgoing messages.

eserv.config Configuration (on page 25)

cdrLoader.conf cdrLoader.conf configures cdrLoader. It must be configured or cdrLoader will not start.

Configuration (on page 49)

cdrIF.cfg all UASs Configures the EDR Interface. Configuring EDR Interface

To configure multiple instances of the SMSC, refer to the SMSC Technical Guide.


Configuration components

Multiple instances of SMSC

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 2

USSD Gateway Page 13 Technical Guide

Configuring the SLEE.cfg The system is configured so that USSD Gateway and associated interfaces all start together. This is performed using the /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg file.

Note: The directory /IN/service_packages/SLEE and all its subdirectories/files should be owned by the user acs_oper.

This can be done using: chown –R acs_oper:IN SLEE in the directory /IN/service_packages.

The SLEE.cfg file will be automatically edited to add the USSD Gateway components and interface entries.

The SLEE.cfg configuration file is automatically updated. To check:

Step Action 1 cd to the following directory:

/IN/service_packages/SLEE/bin 2 An example file:

#!/bin/sh LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/IN/service_packages/SLEE/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH SHLIB_PATH=$SHLIB_PATH:/IN/service_packages/SLEE/lib export SHLIB_PATH /IN/service_packages/SLEE/bin/sleeStartup /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg

Here is an example of a SLEE.cfg file that includes the USSD GW components and interface entries. # Maximums MAXAPPLICATIONS=10 MAXSERVICES=10 MAXSERVICEHANDLES=10 MAXSERVICEKEYS=20 MAXDIALOGS=70000 MAXEVENTS=50000 MAXCALLS=25000 MAXINTERFACES=20 MAXEVENTTYPES=30 MAXCORRELATIONIDS=10000 INTERFACE=Timer timerIF /IN/service_packages/SLEE/bin UDG INTERFACE=acsStatsLocalSLEE acsStatsLocalSLEE /IN/service_packages/ACS/bin EVENT WATCHDOG=/IN/service_packages/SLEE/bin/ watchdog WATCHDOGCYCLETIME=30 # Applications APPLICATION=slee_acs slee_acs /IN/service_packages/ACS/bin 1 1 # Services SERVICE=ACS 1 slee_acs ACS SERVICE=ACS_Outgoing 1 slee_acs ACS_Outgoing # Servicekeys SERVICEKEY=INTEGER 111 ACS SERVICEKEY=INTEGER 110 ACS_Outgoing # USSD Gateway application and service APPLICATION=ussdgw /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin 1 1

Continued on next page


Editing the SLEE.cfg file

Checking procedure

Example SLEE.cfg file

Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

Configuring the SLEE.cfg, Continued

Page 14 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Example SLEE.cfg file (continued)

SERVICE=ussdgw 1 ussdgw ussdgw SERVICEKEY=INTEGER 10 ussdgw

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 2

USSD Gateway Page 15 Technical Guide

Configuring acs.conf for the UAS USSD GW provides functionality which is used by the main call processing subsystem, slee_acs. slee_acs is the main binary in ACS and is configured by acs.conf.

For slee_acs to support USSd GW functionality, some configuration must be added to acs.conf.

The following pages contain a description of each section that must be changed and the acs.conf parameters that appear within that section which are relevant to USSD GW.

The USSD gateway can be configured to send '*' and '#' to the portal. However, the '*' and '#' is sent across the network as hex digits 'C' and 'D' respectively.

This means if ACS is used as the portal, it will need to be configured to recognise incoming hex digit 'C' as '*' and 'D' as '#'. This is achieved by adding/changing the following configuration parameters in the acsChassis section:

• DialledStarEncoding C • DialledHashEncoding D

Note: The default installation of ACS has the following:

• DialledStarEncoding B • DialledHashEncoding C

Before starting this section you must understand the layout of the ACS configuration file, acs.conf. For more details of the layout of acs.conf, refer to the ACS Technical Guide.

Follow these steps to ensure that ACS recognises hex digit 'C' as '*' and 'D' as '#'.

Step Action 1 Log in to the UAS as acs_oper.

2 As acs_oper, edit acs.conf: Example command: vi /IN/service_packages/ACS/etc/acs.conf

3 Set these parameters to the following: DialledStarEncoding C DialledHashEncoding D

Notes: • There must be a single space before the beginning of each

parameter. • If the parameters are not found, then add them to acs.conf under the

acsChassis section. 4 Restart the SLEE.

For more information about restarting the SLEE, see SLEE Technical Guide.

If the UPC part of USSD GW is being used, acs.conf must include the plugin libraries supplied by the upcScp package. A default configuration is added on installation for the following libraries:

Continued on next page


Configuring ACS to recognise hex digits

Checking encoding parameters

UPC library configuration

Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

Configuring acs.conf for the UAS, Continued

Page 16 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

UPC library configuration (continued)

• libupcService (on page 46) • libupcChassisActions (on page 47), and • libupcMacroNodes (on page 48).

For more information about the acs.conf entries for these libraries, see the Startup section for each binary.

The Send Buffer node is a feature node that allows ACS to send the content of a pre-defined buffer in the form of a short message to an end-user during at runtime. It is possible to configure the origination address and destination address of the short message to normalised calling and called party numbers.

In order to use normalised calling and called party numbers either originating or destination address, normalisation needs to be configured in ACS. Whilst this is not configuration of the Send Buffer node, it is required and hence listed below.

Note: The calling party number is the MSISDN of the calling mobile. It is important to know the format of the MSISDN that the network passes to the USSD GW before attempting to configure ACS number normalisation. For more information about ACS number normalisation configuration rules, see the ACS Technical Guide.

Control plans use Interaction nodes to send INAP messages to ussdgw as if ussdgw was a VIP or media server. In order to do this, ACS must include some specific configuration in order to work with USSD GW.

1 The interaction nodes must use announcements which have been set up to point at ussdgw instead of a normal media server. This is done by specifying announcements which use the srf of "uugw" by specifying uugw as their Resource Name in the New/Edit Announcement screen.

2 acs.conf then includes the uugw srf ids to match the announcement srfs. Example: srf (uugw,tcapPreEnd=Y,UseETC=N,Address=,NOA=4)

Send Buffer Node - number normalisation

srf configuration

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 2

USSD Gateway Page 17 Technical Guide

Overview of the USSD Gateway Configuration Exclusive configuration for the USSD Gateway is contained in the file in /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin.

This file is created automatically from the install script.

ussdgw supports these command line parameters.

Note: ussdgw is usually started by the shell script ussdgw's configuration is usually set in the shell script. For more information about, see Startup (on page 44).

-l <usr>/<pwd>

Syntax: -l <usr>/<pwd> Description: The Oracle username and password for logging into the UAS

database. Type: String Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Default: /

-n <name>

Syntax: -n <name> Description: Global Gateway Name. Type: String Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Default: Global GW config

-c <if>

Syntax: -c <if> Description: The SLEE CDR Interface Name. Type: String Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Default: Cdr

-s <opt>

Syntax: -s <opt> Description: When present, for MAP2 messages the MSISDN is

populated from the msisdnreference field. Type: String Allowed: msisdnref Example: -s msisdnref

Continued on next page


Gateway configuration

Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

Overview of the USSD Gateway Configuration, Continued

Page 18 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Gateway configuration (continued)

-o <opt>

Syntax: -o <opt> Description: How to populate the MSISDN in the IDP. Type: String Allowed: imsi Use IMSI from incoming

Map1BeginSubscriberActivity for the MSISDN in the IDP.

oen Use OriginatingEntityNumber from incoming Map1BeginSubscriberActivity for the MSISDN in the IDP.

none Don't populate the MSISDN in the IDP.

-e <opt>

Syntax: -e <opt> Description: How to populate the IMSI. Type: String Allowed: imsi Use IMSI from incoming

Map1BeginSubscriberActivity for the IMSI. oen Use OriginatingEntityNumber from incoming

Map1BeginSubscriberActivity for the IMSI. none Don't populate the IMSI.

-v <id>

Syntax: -v <id> Description: The VLR announcement set id. Type: Integer Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Default: - (disabled by default)

-m <max>

Syntax: -m <max> Description: The maximum number of concurrent calls allowed. Type: Integer Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Default: - (unlimited by default)

Continued on next page

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 2

Overview of the USSD Gateway Configuration, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 19 Technical Guide

Gateway configuration (continued)

-r <opt>

Syntax: -r <opt> Description: Append received PA messages to a buffer and send the

contents of the buffer in the final release message. Type: String Allowed: send_PA_on_Rel

send_PA_on_Rel_MAP send_PA_on_Rel_MAP2


Syntax: -a Description: When present, the Release message is appended. Type: Boolean Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Default: Not present (unset).


Syntax: -p Description: Send SpecializedResourceReport in response to PA or

PACUI timeout. Type: Boolean Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Default: - (disabled by default)


Syntax: -u Description: Send Unicode Characters. Type: Boolean Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Default: - (disabled by default) Warning: Your db character set must be UTF8 to send Unicode. Example: paraMeter = <>

Continued on next page

Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

Overview of the USSD Gateway Configuration, Continued

Page 20 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Gateway configuration (continued)

-z <str>

Syntax: -z <str> Description: The string to change "+"s in a number from the handset to. Type: String of zero or more digits Optionality: Optional (no replacements are made if not set). Default: None Example: -z 00

This rule would change an incoming number of +641234567890 to 00641234567890.


Syntax: -w Description: Strips leading and trailing white space from the typeahead

text returned in PACUI responses. Optionality: Optional (no white space removal actions). Default: None Notes: This rule would change incoming typeahead text of:

*103*1239*1239 # to *103*1239*1239#

Example: -w

Here is the startup script code. #!/bin/sh cd /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin exec ./ussdgw --oracle-login / --cdr-interface cdrIF code

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 2

USSD Gateway Page 21 Technical Guide

Configuring the USSD Gateway Portal Component (UPC) UPC can be conceptually divided into two main components:

• Component that resides in ACS, which is started and controlled by ACS. • Component that is controlled by the SLEE directly.

The part of UPC that resides in ACS is configured via a single configuration file, upc.conf. This file resides in /IN/service_packages/UPC/etc and is owned by upc_oper.

Here is the default upc.conf file that is delivered in the upcScp (see "Installing the uisScp Package" on page 84) package. # Service loader configuration upcServiceLoader

# This is the cause that will be used in an INAP ReleaseCall operation # when no call plan could be found for the incoming call noCallPlanReleaseCause 31 # This is the default language that will be used when no user-specific # language could be determined defaultLanguageId 1

# DO NOT DELETE the ':' below! :

As this is the ACS UPC component configuration, the acs.conf-style configuration is used. This means all configuration must belong to a section, and a configuration section ends with a single ':'. The '#' in the beginning of a line indicates a comment, and is ignored by the configuration parser. Actual configuration are done via key/value pair with a space in between followed a new line.

Currently the only sub-component in the ACS UPC module that requires configuration is the UPC service loader, and the section is named "upcServiceLoader".

There are a number of configuration parameters for the UPC service loader, listed below:

Continued on next page


Default upc.conf file

upcServiceLoader parameters

Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

Configuring the USSD Gateway Portal Component (UPC), Continued

Page 22 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

upcServiceLoader parameters (continued)


Syntax: noCallPlanReleaseCause <value> Description: The UPC service loader attempts to load a control plan

based on the dialled number/replacement SAN that is sent by the gateway in the beginning of a call. The UPC service loader will release the call with the configured release cause if the dialled number/SAN to control plan mapping is not defined.

Type: Integer Optionality: Mandatory Allowed: Valid Release Cause value. Refer to the ACS Technical

Guide. Example: noCallPlanReleaseCause 31


Syntax: defaultLanguageId <value> Description: The language ID is used in conjunction with announcement

IDs to achieve transparent multi-lingual announcement playing. This configures the default language ID when an end-user dials a USSD call and no user specific language could be determined.

Type: Integer Optionality: Mandatory Note: The language ID configured needs to match the ACS and

UIS language ID configuration. Example: defaultLanguageId 1


Syntax: noMsisdnReleaseCause <value> Description: If a call is received without a MSISDN (mapped in the Calling

Party Number in the IDP), the UPC service loader will release the call with the configured release cause.

Type: Integer Allowed: Valid release cause value. Refer to the ACS Technical


Continued on next page

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 2

Configuring the USSD Gateway Portal Component (UPC), Continued

USSD Gateway Page 23 Technical Guide

upcServiceLoader parameters (continued)


Syntax: smscInterfaceName <name> Description: Used by the Send Buffer node if the SMSC SLEE Handle is

not provisioned in the Send Buffer node. Type: String Optionality: Optional Default: smscIF

If the SMSC IF name is not provisioned in the Send Buffer screen, and the name is not provisioned in the Service Loader configuration the default name will be set by the Send Buffer node.


Syntax: smscFromAddress <value> Description: Used by the Send Buffer node to populate the Originating

Address field of the UPC message if one is not provisioned in the Send Buffer screen.

Type: String Optionality: Optional

Follow these steps to modify upc.conf to disconnect calls with no MSISDN (such as MAP 1 calls). This is optional.

Step Action 1 Log in as upc_oper # su - upc_oper

2 Edit upc.conf: $ vi /IN/service_packages/UPC/etc /upc.conf

3 Add noMsisdnReleaseCause <value> within the upcServiceLoader (on page 21) section. Note that indentation may be added for human-readibility.

4 Restart the SLEE.

5 If a call release cause has been configured in the UPC.conf (that is - noCallPlanReleaseCause or noMsisdnReleaseCause), the following will also need to be configured, enabling the correct text message to be sent back to the user. The Status Info tab allows you to map status values to move meaningful status messages. Using the SMS screen select Service>USSD Gateway>Menu & Status>Config and select the Status Info tab. Add a new name and add a value that is equal to the number used for the release cause in the upc.conf file. For further details refer to the USSD Gateway User Guide.

Continued on next page

Release calls with no MSISDN instructions

Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

Configuring the USSD Gateway Portal Component (UPC), Continued

Page 24 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Release calls with no MSISDN instructions (continued)

Step Action 6 The Status Language tab allows you to set language specific status text

for a given status. Select Service>USSD Gateway>Menu & Status>Display and select the Status Language tab. Select the menu just created and add the text required to be displayed to the user.

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 2

USSD Gateway Page 25 Technical Guide

eserv.config Configuration The eserv.config file is a shared configuration file, from which many Oracle applications read their configuration. Each Oracle machine (USMS and UAS) has its own version of the configuration file, containing configuration relevant to that machine. The configuration file contains many different parts or sections; each application reads the parts of the eserv.config file that contains data relevant to it.

It is located in the following directory: /IN/service_packages/

The eserv.config file format allows hierarchical groupings, and most applications make use of this to divide up the options into logical groupings.

To organize the configuration data within the eserv.config file, some sections are nested within other sections. Configuration details are opened and closed using either { } or [ ].

• Groups of parameters are enclosed with curly brackets - { } • An array of parameters is enclosed in square brackets - [ ] • Comments are prefaced with a # at the beginning of the line

To list things within a group or an array, elements must be separated by at least one comma or at least one line break. Any of the following formats may be used, as in this example:

{ name="route6", id = 3, prefixes = [ "00000148", "0000473"] } { name="route7", id = 4, prefixes = [ "000001049" ] }

or { name="route6"

id = 3 prefixes = [

"00000148" "0000473"

] } { name="route7"

id = 4 prefixes = [

"000001049" ]


or { name="route6"

id = 3 prefixes = [ "00000148", "0000473" ]

} { name="route7", id = 4

prefixes = [ "000001049" ] }

By default, UPC will read its configuration from the LCA section of: /IN/service_packages/eserv.config

To override the default location, use the ESERV_CONFIG_FILE environmental variable.

Continued on next page


Configuration file format

Location of eserv.config

Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

eserv.config Configuration, Continued

Page 26 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Location of eserv.config (continued)


Syntax: ESERV_CONFIG_FILE = "<path>/<file>" Description: The directory eserv.config configuration file will be read from.Type: String Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Default: /IN/service_packages/eserv.config

Open the configuration file on your system using a standard text editor. Do not use text editors such as MS Word, that attach control characters. These can be, for example, Microsoft DOS or Windows line termination characters (for example: ^M), which are not visible to the user, at the end of each row. This will cause file errors when the application tries to read the configuration file.

Always keep a backup of your file before making any changes to it. This will ensure you have a working copy which you can return to if necessary.

Most applications come with an example eserv.config configuration in a file called eserv.config.example in the root of the application directory.

Warning: This file is not intended to be changed by the user. Please contact the Oracle support with your queries.

Editing the file

eserv.config files delivered

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 2

USSD Gateway Page 27 Technical Guide

Response Date and Time Responses to the USSD queries are based on the chosen language of the subscriber making the query.

The USSD responses may contain date and time information. This section of the eserv.config file allows the format of the date and time to be configured based on the chosen language of the subscriber.

Here are the parameters supported by ussdgw (on page 44) in the UIS.DateAndTime section of the configuration file.


Syntax: DaysOfWeek = { <lang> = {

Full = [ <config> ] Abbv = [ <config> ]

} [...]


Description: The names of the days of weeks in various configured languages used in outgoing USSD messages.

Type: Array Optionality: Optional (defaults used if not set). Default: As set by Full (on page 28) and Abbv (on page 29)

parameters. Notes: There must an entry for each of all the 7 days of the week or

an alarm will be logged when ussdgw (on page 44) starts up and the default OS language will be used instead of the chosen subscriber language. For more information about how these values are used, see USSD GW User Guide, Languages tab.

Example: DaysOfWeek = { English = {

Full = [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ]

Abbv = [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ]

} Bahasa = {

Full = [ "Minggu", "Senin", "Selasa", "Rabu", "Kamis", "Jumat", "Sabtu" ] Abbv = [ "Min", "Sen", "Sel", "Rab", "Kam", "Jum", "Sab" ]

} }

Continued on next page

Response date and time format


Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

Response Date and Time, Continued

Page 28 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Parameters (continued)


Syntax: For an example of how to use this parameter, see DaysOfWeek (on page 27).

Description: Name of the language. Type: String Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Allowed: Must match a language defined on the Language tab of the

USSD Gateway Base Configuration Screen. Notes: For more information about the USSD Gateway Base

Configuration Screen, see USSD GW User Guide. Example: For an example of this parameter used in context, see

Examples (on page 32).


Syntax: Full = [ "<sun>", "<mon>", "<tue>", "<wed>", "<thu>", "<fri>", "<sat>" ]

Description: Full names of the days of the week in the specified language beginning with “Sunday” and ending with “Saturday”.

Type: Array of Strings Optionality: Optional (defaults used if not set). Default: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,

Saturday Notes: Used to define the %A variable in the Data Format field on

the Language tab. 'There must an entry for each of all the 7 days of the week.

Example: For an example of this parameter used in context, see Examples (on page 32).

Continued on next page

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 2

Response Date and Time, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 29 Technical Guide

Parameters (continued)


Syntax: Abbv = [ "<sun>", "<mon>", "<tue>", "<wed>", "<thu>", "<fri>", "<sat>" ]

Description: Abbreviated names of the days of the week in the specified language, beginning with “Sun” and ending with “Sat”.

Type: Array of Strings Optionality: Optional (defaults used if not set). Default: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat Notes: Used to define the %a variable in the Data Format field on

the Language tab. There must an entry for each of all the 7 days of the week.

Example: For an example of this parameter used in context, see Examples (on page 32).

Continued on next page

Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

Response Date and Time, Continued

Page 30 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Parameters (continued)


Syntax: Months = { <lang> = {

Full = [ <config> ] Abbv = [ <config> ]

} [...]


Description: The names of the months of the year in various configured languages used in outgoing USSD messages.

Type: Array Optionality: Optional (defaults used if not set). Default: As set by Full (on page 31) and Abbv (on page 31)

parameters. Notes: There must an entry for each of all the 12 months of the year

or an alarm will be logged when ussdgw (on page 44) starts up and the default language will be used. For more information about how these values are used, see USSD GW User Guide, Languages tab.

Example: Months = { English = {

Full = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ]

Abbv = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]

} Bahasa = {

Full = [ "Januari", "Februari", "Maret", "April", "Mei", "Juni", "Juli", "Agustus", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Desember" ] Abbv = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", "Jul", "Agu", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Des" ]

} }

Continued on next page

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 2

Response Date and Time, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 31 Technical Guide

Parameters (continued)


Syntax: For an example of how to use this parameter, see Months (on page 30).

Description: Name of the language. Type: String Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Allowed: Must match a language defined on the Language tab of the

USSD Gateway Base Configuration Screen. Notes: For more information about the USSD Gateway Base

Configuration Screen, see USSD GW User Guide. Example: For an example of this parameter used in context, see

Examples (on page 32).


Syntax: Full = [ "<jan>", "<feb>", "<mar>", "<apr>", "<may>", "<jun>", "<jul>", "<aug>", "<sep>", "<oct>", "<nov>", "<dec>" ]

Description: Full names of the months of the year in the specified language beginning with “January” and ending with “December”.

Type: Array of Strings Optionality: Optional (defaults used if not set). Default: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,

September, October, November, December Notes: Used to define the %B variable in the Data Format field on

the Language tab. There must an entry for each of all the 12 months of the year.

Example: For an example of this parameter used in context, see Examples (on page 32).


Syntax: Full = [ "<jan>", "<feb>", "<mar>", "<apr>", "<may>", "<jun>", "<jul>", "<aug>", "<sep>", "<oct>", "<nov>", "<dec>" ]

Description: Abbreviated names of the months of the year in the specified language beginning with “Jan” and ending with “Dec”.

Type: Array of Strings Optionality: Optional (defaults used if not set). Default: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec Notes: Used to define the %b variable in the Data Format field on

the Language tab. There must an entry for each of all the 12 months of the year.

Example: For an example of this parameter used in context, see Examples (on page 32).

Continued on next page

Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

Response Date and Time, Continued

Page 32 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Example 1 This text shows an example of 1 Language:

• Primary Language = Bahasa • Other Languages = None DateAndTime = {

DaysOfWeek = { Bahasa = {

Full = [ "Minggu", "Senin", "Selasa", "Rabu", "Kamis", "Jumat", "Sabtu" ]

Abbv = [ "Min", "Sen", "Sel", "Rab", "Kam", "Jum", "Sab" ]

} } Months = {

Bahasa = { Full = [ "Januari", "Februari", "Maret", "April",

"Mei", "Juni", "Juli", "Agustus", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Desember" ]

Abbv = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", "Jul", "Agu", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Des" ]

} }


Continued on next page


Commercial In Confidence Chapter 2

Response Date and Time, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 33 Technical Guide

Examples (continued)

Example 2 This text shows an example of 4 Languages:

• Primary Language = Japanese • Other Languages = English, Bahasa, Polish DateAndTime = {

DaysOfWeek = { English = {

Full = [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ] Abbv = [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ]

} Bahasa = {

Full = [ "Minggu", "Senin", "Selasa", "Rabu", "Kamis", "Jumat", "Sabtu" ] Abbv = [ "Min", "Sen", "Sel", "Rab", "Kam", "Jum", "Sab" ]

} Japanese = {

Full = [ "Nichiyoobi", "Getsuyoobi", "Kayoobi", "Suiyoobi", "Mokuyoobi", "Kin'yoobi", "Doyoobi" ] Abbv = [ "Nic", "Get", "Kay", "Sui", "Mok", "Kin", "Doy" ]

} Polish = {

Full = [ "Niedziela", "Poniedziałek", "Wtorek", "Środa", "Czwartek", "Piątek", "Sobota" ] Abbv = [ "Nie", "Pon", "Wto", "Śro", "Czw", "Pią", "Sob" ]

} } Months = {

English = { Full = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ] Abbv = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]

} Bahasa = {

Full = [ "Januari", "Februari", "Maret", "April", "Mei", "Juni", "Juli", "Agustus", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Desember" ] Abbv = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", "Jul", "Agu", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Des" ]

} Japanese = {

Full = [ "Ichigatsu", "Nigatsu", "Sangatsu", "Shigatsu", "Gogatsu", "Rokugatsu", "Shichigatsu", "Hachigatsu", "Kugatsu", "Juugatsu", "Juuichigatsu", "Juunigatsu" ] Abbv = [ "Ichi", "Ni", "San", "Shi", "Go", "Roku", "Shichi", "Hachi", "Ku", "Juu", "Juuichi", "Juuni" ]

} Polish = {

Continued on next page

Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

Response Date and Time, Continued

Page 34 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Examples (continued)

Full = [ "Styczeń", "Luty", "Marzec", "Kwiecień", "Maj", "Czerwiec", "Lipiec", "Sierpień", "Wrzesień", "Październik", "Listopad", "Grudzień" ] Abbv = [ "Sty", "Lut", "Mar", "Kwi", "Maj", "Cze", "Lip", "Sie", "Wrz", "Paź", "Lis", "Gru" ]

} }


Commercial In Confidence Chapter 2

USSD Gateway Page 35 Technical Guide

EDR Section The ussdgw application no longer relies on cdrIF to generate EDRs. EDRs are now generated directly by the ussdgw application. To enable EDR generation, the parameters listed in this section must be configured.

The following parameters show the EDR section of the eserv.config file: UIS = {

EDR = { flushPeriod = 1800 # 30 minutes filePrefix = "UIS" tagPrefix = "UIS" destDir = "/IN/cdr/UIS/closed" tempDir = "/IN/cdr/UIS/current" maxNum = 10000 timestampFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %T[usec:6]"

} }

These are the EDR parameters:


Syntax: destDir = "<directory>" Description: Base file store directory for completed EDR files. Type: String Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Default: "/IN/service_packages/UIS/edr/closed" Notes: Warning: The directory specified here must exists and have

the correct permissions for the user that executes the ussdgw process.

Example: destDir = "/IN/service_packages/UIS/edr/closed"


Syntax: filePrefix = "<>" Description: Base filename used to create EDR log files. Type: String Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Default: "" - null value Notes: Could be used to easily indicate which process the EDR file

was generated by. Example: filePrefix = "UIS" would give a file name of:

"UIS" + pid + "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.cdr"

Continued on next page


Example config


Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

EDR Section, Continued

Page 36 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Parameters (continued)


Syntax: flushPeriod = <seconds> Description: How long (in seconds) before closing the current EDR file

and moving to the Destination EDR Directory (ref. destDir). Type: Integer Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Allowed: Any positive integer. Default: 0 - A value of zero indicates that no EDR files will be

generated. Notes: A recommended value for flushPeriod would be 600 (10

minutes) or larger. Setting this value too small (e.g. less than 2 or 3 minutes) may not be optimum with respect to system performance as this would cause EDR files to be generated too often. Used in conjunction with the maxNum parameter, a value of say 1800 would allow EDR files to be generated every 30 minutes or earlier if the number of EDRs in the current file exceeds the maxNum value.

Warning: If flushPeriod is not set (or set to 0), no EDR files will be generated even if the Cdr Flag checkboxes on the USMS Screens are ticked.

Example: flushPeriod = 1800


Syntax: maxNum = <value> Description: Max number of EDRs per file. Type: Integer Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Allowed: Any positive integer. Default: 10000 Notes: Used in conjunction with the flushPeriod parameter. Example: maxNum = 6000

Continued on next page

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 2

EDR Section, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 37 Technical Guide

Parameters (continued)


Syntax: tagPrefix = "<value>" Description: A string that will be inserted at the start of each row in the

EDR files generated by USSD Gateway. Type: String Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Default: "" - null value Example: tagPrefix = "UIS"

The EDR file contents would look like: UIS|callID=1160640033|type=0|IMSI=555551234567891|...etc... UIS|callID=1160640034|type=0|IMSI=555551234567891|...etc... UIS|callID=1160640035|type=0|IMSI=555551234567891|...etc... UIS|callID=1160640036|type=0|IMSI=555551234567891|...etc...


Syntax: tempDir = "<directory>" Description: Temporary directory for working EDR files. Type: String Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Default: "/IN/service_packages/UIS/edr/current" Notes: Warning: The directory specified here must exist and have

the correct permissions for the user that executes the ussdgw process.

Example: tempDir = "/IN/service_packages/UIS/edr/current"

Continued on next page

Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

EDR Section, Continued

Page 38 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Parameters (continued)


Syntax: timestampFormat = "<symbolic parameters>" Description: The format of timestamps shown in the EDR files. Type: String Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Allowed: Any valid formatting parameters as per Unix command man

strftime.Default: "%Y-%m-%d %T" Notes: The format is as described in the Unix command man strftime,

with the additions for specifying microseconds [usec:x]. Where x is an integer between 1 and 6 (inclusive) which specifies the number of microsecond digits required.

Example: timestampFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %T[usec:6]" With a timestamp of 2010-02-18 03:59:09 59975 microseconds the timestamp will be output in the EDR as: 2010-02-18 03:59:09.059975

With [usec 4], same timestamp will appear as: 2010-02-18 03:59:09.5997

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 2

USSD Gateway Page 39 Technical Guide

Configuring the XML Interface and Enabling Tracing The XML interface configuration file is used by the XML interface to determine the port, ip address and response time for the XML server. During the installation of the UPC package the installation script will prompt the user for XML server parameters. These parameters will be saved in the xmlIF.cfg file described below. This file is also used to set the XML tracing parameters, which are used to enable/disable and direct the XML tracing file.


Syntax: ip <value> Description: IP address of content provider. Type: String Optionality: Mandatory Allowed: IP address in standard format Example: ip


Syntax: port <value> Description: Port on the machine in which the requests and responses

are read and written to. Type: Integer Optionality: Mandatory Default: 9999 Example: port 9999


Syntax: timeout <value> Description: The response timeout from the content provider, in ms. Type: Integer Optionality: Mandatory Default: 3000 Example: timeout 3000


Syntax: xmlfile <path> Description: This defines the file which contains the tag pairs, needed in

constructing the request sent to the XML Service provider. Type: String Optionality: Mandatory Allowed: Valid path Example: xmlfile /IN/service_packages/UPC/etc/<file 1>

Continued on next page

xmlIF.cfg configuration

Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

Configuring the XML Interface and Enabling Tracing, Continued

Page 40 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

xmlIF.cfg configuration (continued)


Syntax: tracingPath <path> Description: Defines the directory in which the trace file will be written to. Type: String Optionality: Optional Allowed: valid path Default: /IN/service_packages/UPC/tmp Example: tracingPath /IN/service_packages/UPC/tmp


Syntax: tracingEnabled <true |false> Description: Defines if tracing is enabled or disabled. Type: boolean Optionality: Optional Allowed: true, false Default: false Example: tracingEnabled true


Syntax: keepalive <true |false> Description: Keeps the connection with the XML server alive. Type: boolean Allowed: true, false Default: true Example: keepalive true

Here is an example xmlIF.cfg file. ip port 9999 timeout 3000 xmlfile /IN/service_packages/UPC/etc/<file 1> xmlfile /IN/service_packages/UPC/etc/<file 2> tracingPath /IN/service_packages/UPC/tmp tracingEnabled true keepalive true END

The XML scripts are individually written. They are placed in the IN/service_packages/UPC/etc directory.

The XML Interface can create a Trace log file, which is used to monitor debug messages from the XML Interface. It is possible to switch on the output of trace events by sending the XML Interface process a signal at run time or by a specification within the XML Interface configuration file at start up.

Continued on next page

Example xmlIF.cfg

XML script configuration

XML interface tracing

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 2

Configuring the XML Interface and Enabling Tracing, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 41 Technical Guide

XML interface tracing (continued)

These trace events will be written to a pre-defined trace log file. It is also possible to specify the location of this file within the XML Interface configuration file. The following describes the configuration and viewing of the trace logs generated by the XML Interface.

Configuration At start up the the XML interface reads the tracing configuration, if it has been set in the xmlIF.cfg file. Otherwise the default values are set to tracing switched off and the trace file is created in /IN/service_packages/UPC/tmp. If this directory does not exist, it will dump the file in /tmp.

Switching on trace at start up:

tracingPath The directory where the trace can be created.


this will switch on or off the tracing at start up, or when xmlIF.cfg is reread, this can be set to true or false.

For example, add the following two lines to /IN/service_packages/UPC/xmlIF.cfg: tracingPath /IN/service_packages/UPC/tmp tracingEnabled true

Switching trace on or off, after start up Follow these steps to switch trace on and off, after start up.

Step Action 1 The control of the trace can be achieved by sending the xmlInterface

process a known signal. The following describes the functionality of these signals. • HUP - This will toggle the trace to either on or off. • USR1 - This will cause the xmlInterface to reread the xmlIF.cfg file • USR2 - This will cause the xmlInterface to disconnect and reconnect

to the XML Server.

2 To use these signals with the XML interface, first Identify the pid for the XML interface.

3 Send the specified signal to the XML interface process using the kill command. (For full details refer to the man kill pages section 1). Example: $ kill -USR2 <pid>

The trace file The trace file will be located in a directory and a new Trace file will be created each day at midnight. The file will take the form:

• xmlTrace_<date>.log. For example: xmlTrace_20030622.log

Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway Page 43 Technical Guide

Background Processes Overview

This chapter explains the processes which run automatically as part of the application. These processes are started automatically by one of the following:

• inittab • crontab, or • SLEE.

Note: This chapter also includes some plugins to background processes which do not run independently.

This chapter contains the following topics.

ussdgw .......................................................................................................... 44 UssdMfileD .................................................................................................... 45 libupcService ................................................................................................. 46 libupcChassisActions .................................................................................... 47 libupcMacroNodes ......................................................................................... 48 cdrLoader ...................................................................................................... 49

Chapter 3


In this chapter

Chapter 3 Commercial In Confidence

Page 44 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

ussdgw The ussdgw process is the main USSD GW binary. It:

• translates incoming USSD messages into INAP messages which are passed to a SLEE application (such as slee_acs)

• determines which service key an incoming USSD message should trigger to in the SLEE, and

• translates INAP play announcements and PACUI messages into USSD messages and forwards them to the external interface.

This binary is located on UASs.

This task is started by the SLEE, by lines like the following in SLEE.cfg: APPLICATION=ussdgw /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin 1 1 SERVICE=ussdgw 1 ussdgw ussdgw SERVICEKEY=INTEGER 10 ussdgw

Notes: • Actual value and startup script name may vary. • For more information about this SLEE.cfg configuration, see SLEE Technical


ussdgw is configured using the command line. For more information about the available parameters, see Gateway configuration (on page 17) and eserv.config Configuration (on page 25).





Commercial In Confidence Chapter 3

USSD Gateway Page 45 Technical Guide

UssdMfileD UssdMfileD maintains all USSD Gateway MFiles. It is installed with UIS.

Note: The MFiles contain a sub-set of the configuration data (such as triggering rules) entered through the UPC and UIS system management screens. This data is stored in a form optimised for fast lookup by ussdgw (on page 44).

This binary is located on UASs.

This task is started twice (by entries uis0 and uis1 in the inittab). Each entry uses a different startup shell script. They are: /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/

UssdMfileD supports these parameters from command line: UssdMfileD -user <uid>/<pwd> -name <name>


Syntax: -user <usr>/<pwd> Description: The oracle userid and password to log into the database. Type: String Optionality: Optional (default used if not set). Default: /


Syntax: -name <name> Description: The filename of the MFile. Optionality: Mandatory Default: None Example: UssdMfileD -user smf/smf -name


UssdMfileD writes alarms and other messages to the syslog and to: /IN/service_packages/UIS/tmp/uisMfileOP.log /IN/service_packages/UIS/tmp/uisMfileTR.log






Chapter 3 Commercial In Confidence

Page 46 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

libupcService libupcService is the USSD GW service library plugin for slee_acs which handles initial set up of USSD call control plans. It:

• sets up USSD GW call processing (including populating the call context from the IDP), and

• used the eserv.config and USSD GW screens configuration to determine the correct control plan to load and run from cache.

This library is located on UASs.

If libupcService is configured in acs.conf, it is made available to slee_acs when slee_acs is initialised. It is included in the acsChassis section of acs.conf in a ServiceEntry. acsChassis ServiceEntry (UPC,C,c,

libupcService is configured in the upcServiceLoader section of the upc.conf file.

For more information about this configuration, see Configuring the USSD Gateway Portal Component (UPC) (on page 21).




Configuration - libupcService - 1.0- ; #lgcy

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 3

USSD Gateway Page 47 Technical Guide

libupcChassisActions libupcChassisActions provides the functions which enable the USSD GW Feature Nodes to interact with other elements in the system, including ussdgw.

This library is located on UASs.

If libupcChassisActions is configured in acs.conf, it is made available to slee_acs when slee_acs is initialised. It is included in the acsChassis section of acs.conf in a ChassisPlugin entry. acsChassis ChassisPlugin

This binary has no specific configuration.





Chapter 3 Commercial In Confidence

Page 48 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

libupcMacroNodes This slee_acs plugin provides the USSD GW macro nodes. There are no configuration file settings for these macro nodes, they are all configured in the Control Plan Editor node configuration screens.

For more information about the feature nodes provided by this library, see USSD GW User's Guide.

For more information about macro node libraries, see ACS Technical Guide.

For more information about the CPE, see CPE User's Guide.

This library is located on UASs.

If libupcMacroNodes is configured in acs.conf, it is made available to slee_acs when slee_acs is initialised. It is included in the acsChassis section of acs.conf in a MacroNodePluginFile entry as follows: acsChassis MacroNodePluginFile

This binary has no specific configuration.





Commercial In Confidence Chapter 3

USSD Gateway Page 49 Technical Guide

cdrLoader cdrLoader reads EDR files or standard input and inserts records into SMF database.

Required to view EDRs in CDR Viewer screen.

This binary is located on USMSs.

This task is run in the crontab for acs_oper, by default every minute. It is scheduled as the following script: /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/

The script runs the cdrLoader process with set parameters. will not start another cdrLoader process if one is already running.

cdrLoader supports these parameters from cdrLoader.conf. username=<usr> password=<pwd> nsname=<nsname>

Note: cdrLoader will not start if cdrLoader.conf cannot be found.


Syntax: username=<usr> Description: The userid to use for logging into the SMF database. Example: username=SMF


Syntax: password=<pwd> Description: The password to use for logging into the SMF database. Example: password=PWD


Syntax: nsname=<nsname> Optionality: Optional. Notes: Operator can also set nsname as it appears in tnsnames.ora





Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway Page 51 Technical Guide

Administrative Tasks Overview

This chapter explains the procedures for administering the USSD Gateway application.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Starting and Stopping the USSD Gateway ................................................... 52

Chapter 4


In this chapter

Chapter 4 Commercial In Confidence

Page 52 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Starting and Stopping the USSD Gateway This topic explains how to start or stop the USSD Gateway application.

Follow these steps to start the automated shell script.

Note: You must be logged in as the user acs_oper.

Step Action 1 Type /IN/service_packages/SLEE/bin/

Result: This shell script starts the slee_acs and the associated interfaces ussdgw, timer IF and cdrIF. The stdout and stderr from will appear on the screen, so if this screen is closed the output will no longer be viewable. If this information is required then redirect output to a file, e.g. > sleeout.log

When the SLEE service starts various information is presented on stdout and the syslog.

Follow these steps to stop the USSD Gateway service.

Note: You must be logged in as the user acs_oper.

Step Action 1 Type /IN/service_packages/SLEE/bin/

Note: It also recommended to run a ./clean following the stop.

If the SLEE_FILE variable is being used it must be visible to the stop program. If it is not visible, the program will not be able to clear the shared memory and will exit with error 3005.

Note: If the service has stopped for any abnormal reasons, a manual cleanup should be performed, .i.e. ps –fu acs_oper to find the remaining processes, then kill <pid> each one. The shared memory should be checked using ipcs | grep abs, then remove acs_oper owned ones using ipcrm.


Starting the SLEE

Startup output

Stopping the USSD Gateway service

Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway Page 53 Technical Guide

Troubleshooting Overview

This chapter explains the important processes on each of the server components in the OCNCC, and a number of example troubleshooting methods which will help aid the troubleshooting process before raising a Support Ticket.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Common Troubleshooting Procedures ......................................................... 54 Scenarios ...................................................................................................... 57

Chapter 5


In this chapter

Chapter 5 Commercial In Confidence

Page 54 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Common Troubleshooting Procedures Refer to the NCC System Administrator's Guide for troubleshooting procedures common to all OCNCC components.

Debug Logging (debugging) can be enabled on an IMSI basis. The output from specific debugs are written to files with names derived from what is being debugged.

You can check which processes are running using the standard UNIX command: ps. To find processes being run by Oracle software, you can grep for the string 'oper', which will display all processes being run by the application operator accounts (for example, acs_oper, ccs_oper and smf_oper).

Note: Some processes which are required for proper functioning may be run by other users, including root or the user which runs the webserver. Example command: ps -ef | grep oper

For more information about the ps command, see the system documentation for the ps command.

You can also check how much of the processor a process is using by running the standard UNIX tool: top. If you have some baseline measurements, you will be able to compare it with the current load.

Example command: top

Tip: Some processes should only have one instance. If there are two or more instances, this may indicate a problem. For example, there will usually only be one timerIF running on each UAS. For more information about which processes should be running on each node, check the Process List for each node in Installation.

To check the details of an installed package, use the pkginfo command.

Example command: pkginfo -l smsSms

Example output: This is an example of the output of the example command above. PKGINST: smsSms NAME: Oracle smsSms CATEGORY: application ARCH: sun4u VERSION: 3.1.0 VENDOR: Oracle PSTAMP: smsNode20041020104925 INSTDATE: Oct 20 2004 13:15 EMAIL: STATUS: completely installed FILES: 348 installed pathnames 39 directories 89 executables 152448 blocks used (approx)

For more information about the pkginfo utility, see the system documentation.

Continued on next page


Checking current processes

Checking installed packages

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 5

Common Troubleshooting Procedures, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 55 Technical Guide

A number of services and functions rely on access to the Oracle database. To check that Oracle is available to a service, check the following:

1 Use sqlplus to check that you can log into Oracle with the username and password the service is using to connect (these can usually be found in the service's configuration file). Example command: sqlplus smf/smf

2 Where the tables required for a service are known, use SQL queries to check that: the tables exist, and they have appropriate content.

For more information about SQL queries, see the Oracle documentation.

Network connectivity will affect any process which requires communication between two different network addresses.

Network connectivity should support ssh sessions between the two machines experiencing the problem.

If you can open an ssh session between the two machines, check the following before contacting Level 1 support with details:

• If the address of either of the machines specified in the Node Management screens is a hostname, check that the hostnames used in the ssh sessions are the hostnames specified in the Node Management screen.

If you cannot ssh, check the following before contacting Level 1 support with details:

• Check that the hostname is resolving correctly in the DNS. • Check that the physical network connection is working correctly. • Check that the inetd and sshd are running. • Check that sshd is listening on the expected port. • Check that the smf_oper and acs_oper accounts are not locked, and that the

username and password combinations being used are correct.

Replication may be failing for the following reasons:

• ssh keys have not been correctly set up between origin and destination machines.

• The destination node has been incorrectly set up in the Node Management screens of the SMS Java screens.

• Oracle is not running correctly. • A new replication.cfg file has not been created after a change. • replication.cfg may not be successfully copying to the destination machine (an

error should display when the Create Config File button on the Node Management screens is clicked).

• The partition on the destination machine where the data is being replicated to may be full.

• The updateLoader on the destination machine may be running incorrectly. • The destination database may be substantially out of sync with the SMF. Run

a resync.

Continued on next page

Checking Oracle

Checking network connectivity


Chapter 5 Commercial In Confidence

Common Troubleshooting Procedures, Continued

Page 56 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

One of the significant areas where faults can occur and be remedied is in the configuration of processes. Configuration files can be edited by any standard text editor. A backup of the existing configuration file should always be taken before editing a configuration file.

For more information about the configuration files used in this application, see Configuration.

For more information about the configuration file for a specific program or tool, see the section named after the binary in question.

Checking configuration files

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 5

USSD Gateway Page 57 Technical Guide

Scenarios Refer to the table below for a list of possible problems and the course of action required to fix.

Problem Remedy The service does not appear to be running as expected

Check that the service is actually running. If it is, using the Unix ps command, you should get a response similar to the following: # ps -fu acs_oper acs_oper 1975 1 0 11:38:07 pts/7 0:00 ./ussdgw --oracle-login / --cdr-interface cdrIF

The main thing to note here is that the ussdgw (on page 44) process is running. If it is not running, then the SLEE has not been started.

EDRs are not being written Check that the CDR flag in the Gateway configuration has been set, as described in the USSD GW User's Guide. Check that the user who runs the SLEE (acs_oper) has permission to write to the /IN/cdr/temp and /IN/cdr/ussd directories. Once the permissions are changed, the cdrIF will start up automatically and EDRs will be written to a file in the /IN/cdr/temp directory. When the files in this directory reach the defined size (see cdrIF.cfg), they will be output into the /IN/cdr/ussd directory.

Alarms are not being logged To check for alarms, use: tail –f /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log. If alarms are not being logged, then the SMS alarm subsystem has not been properly installed. Contact your system administrator.

When starting the SLEE, the following error appears: SLEE Exception (1005) in at 114 by process id 2537

You need to increase the number of semaphores and rebuild the kernel. SEMMNS SEMMNI SEMMSL Then rebuild the kernel using the sam command, and reboot the machine.

When running the SLEE, the following error appears when passing calls: May 1 14:28:09 cmnError(20187) NOTICE: smsRecordStats: Statistic not found 'UIS.UIS_5'

Check: • in sqlplus: SQL> select count(*) from smf_statistics_defn; COUNT(*) ---------- 49 • and in smsStatsDaemon.log: # cd /IN/service_packages/SMS/tmp # view smsStatsDaemon.log

It will include a line similar to this one:

smsStatsDaemon: Adding up to 49 entries (some possibly SYSTEM)

• That the number of entries is the same. If they are not, kill the smsStatsDaemon process, restarting it. Then check again and the two numbers should match.

Continued on next page

Checking the service

Chapter 5 Commercial In Confidence

Scenarios, Continued

Page 58 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Checking the service (continued)

Problem Remedy When starting the SLEE, the following error appears: No Output because output file is Null

You need to verify that the user who started the SLEE (acs_oper) has permission to write to the directories required for EDRs, statistics. CDR subsystem: /IN/cdr/ussd Stats subsystem: /IN/service_packages/SMS/stats

Running a call to the USSD Gateway product and it fails with “Service Trigger Undetermined”

One of the UssdMfileD (on page 45) processes may not be running. ps –ef | grep Ussd uis_oper 9198 1 0 Mar 11 ? 0:00 /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/UssdMfileD -name UIS_SVC_TRIGGER_MFILE -user / uis_oper 16284 1 0 15:38:47 ? 0:00 /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/UssdMfileD -name UIS_OPERATOR_INFO_MFILE -user /

If either of these daemons is not running they need to be started. If they are running they may need to be restarted by killing the existing processes. If they are running and current, then check configuration of service triggers in USSD GW screens.

When removing the upcSms package the following is displayed: ./ ./ not found * The following macro nodes are still in use by one or more call plans ... * Version Branching * User Selection * Language Setting * User Input * Send Buffer * Call plans using these nodes should be exported first. Abort uninstallation ? [y,n,?]

Abort the uninstallation. Run the SMS screens ACS CPE export the control plans containing these nodes. Go to the Resources screen in ACS and un-associate any service numbers with these call plans. Return to the CPE delete the control plan data for these call plans and then delete the structure for these control plans. You can now return to the uninstallation of the package.

Running a call to the USSD Gateway product and it fails with “Prompt and Collect message build failed”

The Service Trigger is using a different Service Interface to the Service Interface that the menus were written against, even if the interfaces are the same physical interfaces. Either rename the Service Interface for the Service Trigger or the Menus so that they are the same.

Number Normalisation is required

In the acs.conf file under acsChassis place NormalisationRule (2,E,4,06)

This strips off the 1st 4 digits of the msisdn and replaces them with 06 for all calls with an NOA 2 with any prefix. Obviously this can be changed for specific NOAs etc

Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway Page 59 Technical Guide

System Alarms Overview

This chapter explains the alarms which may be generated by the application, probable causes and recommended responses.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Alarm Topic Description ................................................................................ 60 USSD Gateway ............................................................................................. 61

Chapter 6


In this chapter

Chapter 6 Commercial In Confidence

Page 60 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Alarm Topic Description The alarms listed in this section describe the system alarm messages that the USSD Gateway system may generate. These alarms will appear in the IMSI technical trace as well as in the syslog.

This table describes the alarms severity levels.

Level Abbr Description Critical C These alarms are raised when the application has encountered

an error which indicates that the system is unable to function.

Error E These alarms indicate the application has encountered a serious problem completing a necessary task and could not complete the task.

Warning W Warnings are raised to indicate the application encountered a problem completing a non-mission critical task.

Notice N Notices are raised to indicate that the application has completed a task successfully.

The %d and %s symbols represent variables within the alarm text. These values are generated by the subsystem and added to the message when the alarm is raised.

Usually the %d is a number and the %s is text in the context of the message to complete the alarm message. Occasionally other % symbols are also used (e.g. %u) for different variables.


Severity levels

Alarm text and variables

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 6

USSD Gateway Page 61 Technical Guide

USSD Gateway The following is a list of alarms generated by the USSD Gateway. The first column is the alarm identifier and the second is the textual description.

In the textual description, the string <x> is replaced by an appropriate value. Parts in square brackets are optional and may or may not appear depending on the exact nature of the alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm raised Alarm cause description Severity Resolution Clearing message

0001 Starting. Starting USSD Gateway Interface.

Notice No Action Clears 0002

0002 Stopped. Stopped USSD Gateway Interface.

Notice No Action none

0003 Service <x> enabled.

SLEE management event has occurred of type service enabled, where <x> is the name of the service enabled.

Notice No Action Clears 0004

0004 Service <x> disabled.

SLEE management event has occurred of type service disabled, where <x> is the name of the service disabled.

Notice No Action none

0005 Ending. Call from the SLEE for all applications to clean up and exit.

Notice No Action none

0006 Killed. SLEE exits Notice No Action none 0007 Re-reading

configuration. SLEE calling all application to re-read their config files.

Notice No Action none

0008 Oracle login set to <x>

<x> = Oracle login Notice No Action none

0009 Gateway name set to <x>

<x> = gateway name Notice No Action none

0010 Timer interface name set to <x>

<x> = Timer interface name Notice No Action none

0011 CDR interface name set to <x>

<x> = CDR interface name Notice No Action none

0012 Overriding previous oracle login option!

More then one login argument supplied to gateway at start up, latest takes president.

Notice No Action none

0013 Overriding previous gateway name option!

More then one login argument supplied to gateway at start up, latest takes president.

Notice No Action none

0014 Overriding previous timer interface name option!

More then one login argument supplied to gateway at start up, latest takes president.

Notice No Action none

Continued on next page

Alarm descriptions

Chapter 6 Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway, Continued

Page 62 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Alarm descriptions (continued)

Alarm ID Alarm raised Alarm cause description Severity Resolution Clearing message

0015 Overriding previous CDR interface name option!

More then one login argument supplied to gateway at start up, latest takes president.

Notice No Action none

1000 Failed to find timer interface!

Cannot find timer interface name in slee.cfg, inconsistent name, Gateway exits

Critical Check timer interface name in slee.cfg


1001 Uncaught JCORE::gen::Exception <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits

Critical Contact Support


1002 Uncaught SleeException!

Internal error Gateway exits

Critical Contact Support


1003 Uncaught std::length_error <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


1004 Uncaught std::domain_error <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


1005 Uncaught std::out_of_range <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


1006 Uncaught std::invalid_argument <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


1007 Uncaught std::logic_error <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


1008 Uncaught std::range_error <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


1009 Uncaught std::overflow_error <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


1010 Uncaught std::underflow_error <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


1011 Uncaught std::runtime_error <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


Continued on next page

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 6

USSD Gateway, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 63 Technical Guide

Alarm descriptions (continued)

Alarm ID Alarm raised Alarm cause description Severity Resolution Clearing message

1012 Uncaught std::bad_alloc <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


1013 Uncaught std::bad_exception <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


1014 Uncaught std::bad_cast <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


1015 Uncaught std::bad_typeid <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


1016 Uncaught std::ios_base::failure <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


1017 Uncaught std::exception <x>!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


1018 Unknown exception caught!

Internal error Gateway exits <x> = error

Critical Contact Support


1019 Failed to connect to Oracle!

Error Contact Support


1020 Failed to initialise database, status <x>[ <x>]!

DB error <x> Oracle error id and description.

Error Contact Support


1021 Failed to obtain gateway info, status <x>[ <x>]!

DB error <x> Oracle error id and description.

Error Contact Support


1022 Failed to obtain gateway id, status <x>[ <x>]!

DB error <x> Oracle error id and description. Service Interface called "Gateway" has been deleted.

Critical Contact Support


1023 Failed to determine barring of IMSI <x> status <x>[ <x>]!

DB error <x> Oracle error id and description. DB for imsi barring has been corrupted.


Contact Support


1024 Search key required!

No imsi number as search key for barring type.

Error Contact Support


Continued on next page

Chapter 6 Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway, Continued

Page 64 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Alarm descriptions (continued)

Alarm ID Alarm raised Alarm cause description Severity Resolution Clearing message

1024 Unknown barring result <x>!

Internal error. Error Contact Support


1026 Failed to determine barring of MSISDN <x> status <x>[ <x>]!

DB error <x> Oracle error id and description. DB for MSISDN barring has been corrupted.

Error Contact Support


1025 Failed to retrieve trace for <x> status <x>[ <x>]!

DB error <x> Oracle error id and description. DB for IMSItrace does not exist or has been corrupted.

Error Contact Support


1026 Search key required!

No MSISDNnumber as search key for barring type.

Error Contact Support


1027 Unknown barring result <x>!

Internal error <x> = lookup message result

Error Contact Support


1028 Unknown parameter type!

The message parameter type for a PA or PACUI is not an int or a number.

Error Check configuration of macro node for the variable parts of the PA or PACUI.


1029 Unrecognised message form <x>!

Unknown message form has been sent and unable to use it to do a lookup.

Error Contact Support


1100 Event type <x> with no dialogue!

The dialogue is always created before an event. If no dialogue for an event, this would imply that the dialogue has been lost, internal error on the SLEE. <x> = type name

Error Contact Support


1101 Unknown TCAP primitive type <x>!

New dialogue created, so TCAP type must be TCAP_BEGIN, anything else is a protocol violation. <x> = TCAP type

Error Contact Support


1102 Unknown event type <x> received!

Third party has sent event to SLEE/gateway, which should have been sent elsewhere. <x> = type name

Error Contact Support


Continued on next page

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 6

USSD Gateway, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 65 Technical Guide

Alarm descriptions (continued)

Alarm ID Alarm raised Alarm cause description Severity Resolution Clearing message

1103 Watchdog event?

Internal error SLEE applications do not receive watchdog events,

Error Contact Support


1104 Interface end? Internal error The gateway is an application not an interface

Error Contact Support


1105 Interface kill? Internal error The gateway is an application not an interface

Error Contact Support


1106 Unknown SleeManagementEvent type <x>!

Internal error Error Contact Support


1107 Unable to send CDR!

CDR Interface not running or dead or misconfigured

Error Check CDR Interface is running


1108 Unable to locate SCF <x>!

Unknown service key <x> = service key

Error Check slee config file for service key


1109 SCF timeout! No response from service Interface

Error Check service Interface running


1110 MRDB timeout! No response from MRDB Interface

Error Check MRDB process running


1111 Dialogue gets unknown event type <x>!

<x> = type name Error Contact Support


1112 Event on unknown dialogue!

Error Contact Support


1113 SCF closed with no operations!

Service application closed SLEE dialog without sending any INAP operation.

Error Contact Support


1114 Unknown TCAP primitive type <x>!

<x> = TCAP type Error Contact Support


1115 MS attempted to invoke operation <x>!

MAP protocol violation. MS attempts to send TCAP_INVOKE when it has already sent it for the same transaction. <x> = operation error id

Error Contact Support


Continued on next page

Chapter 6 Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway, Continued

Page 66 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Alarm descriptions (continued)

Alarm ID Alarm raised Alarm cause description Severity Resolution Clearing message

1116 MS sent TC-RESULT-NL, treating as TC-RESULT-L!

The mobile station has sent a TCAP component of type RESULT_NL (not last). The gateway is treating this component as RESULT last

Notice Check network config

1117 MS RESULT of <x> when no active operation!

MAP protocol violation. Result received without invoke being sent <x> = operation id

Error Contact Support


1118 Response to PA has operation <x>!

MAP protocol violation. Response to an UnstructuredSSNotifyRequest is not an UnstructuredSSNotifyResult.<x> = operation id

Error Contact Support


1119 Response to PACUI has operation <x>!

MAP protocol violation. Response to PACUI does not match request operation.<x> = operation id

Error Contact Support


1120 Unknown MS component <x>!

MAP protocol violation. <x> = operation type

Error Contact Support


1121 MS sent TC-U-ERROR of id <x> error <x>!

MAP protocol violation. Gateway received error message from Result sent by MS <x> = invoke id

Error Contact Support


1122 MS sent TC-REJECT of id <x> source <x> type <x> problem <x>!

MAP protocol violation. Gateway received rejection from Result sent by MS <x> = invoke id

Error Contact Support


1123 Invalid TCAP component type <x> from MS!

MAP protocol violation. Gateway received Invalid TCAP component from MS <x> = TCAP type

Error Contact Support


1124 Unknown TCAP component type <x> from MS!

MAP protocol violation. Gateway received unknown TCAP component from MS <x> = TCAP type

Error Contact Support


1125 Unknown TCAP component type <x> from SCF!

INAP protocol violation. Gateway received unknown TCAP component from SCF <x> = TCAP type

Error Contact Support


Continued on next page

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 6

USSD Gateway, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 67 Technical Guide

Alarm descriptions (continued)

Alarm ID Alarm raised Alarm cause description Severity Resolution Clearing message

1126 Unknown TCAP primitive type <x> from SCF!

INAP protocol violation. Gateway received unknown TCAP primitive from SCF <x> = TCAP type

Error Contact Support


1127 TC-INVOKE (<x>) from SCF has unknown operation <x>!

INAP protocol violation. Gateway received unknown operation from SCF <x> = invoke id operation

Error Contact Support


1128 Unexpected end of mobile dialogue!

No event has been sent to inform of end of mobile dialogue

Error Contact Support

1129 Unexpected end of SCF dialogue!

No event has been sent to inform of end of SCF dialogue

Error Contact support

1130 Timer interface closed!

All Calls aborted Critical Contact Support


1131 Unexpected end of unrecognised dialogue <x>!

Third party has opened a dialogue to the gateway and then closes it with out sending an event. <x> = dialogue

Error Contact Support


1132 End of unknown dialogue <x>!

Internal error <x> = dialogue

Error Contact Support


1133 Failed to log statistic <x>!

SMS stats library is unable to log statistics <x> =

Error Contact Support


1134 IMSI <x> MRDB handle <x> not found!

MRDB Interface handle not found in slee config file. <x> = imsi & name

Error Check slee config file


1135 Failed to encode Unicode character <x>!

Internal error <x> = string

Error Contact Support


1136 Second TC-BEGIN from MS!

Received TC-BEGIN twice in same dialogue. TCAP protocol error

Error Contact Support


1137 Invalid UTF-8 character <x>!

Obtained invalid character from db. <x> = string

Error Contact Support


1138 Response to PACUI has wrong invoke id!

MAP response to the MAP request, triggered by the PACUI has the wrong invoke id.

Error Contact Support


Continued on next page

Chapter 6 Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway, Continued

Page 68 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Alarm descriptions (continued)

Alarm ID Alarm raised Alarm cause description Severity Resolution Clearing message

1139 Unknown command line option <x>!

Wrong command line option in starting the gateway, gateway ignores option and continues. <x> = option

warning Contact Support


1140 Response to PA has wrong invoke id!

MAP response to the MAP request, triggered by the PA has the wrong invoke id.

Error Contact Support


1141 Missing argument for <x>

Wrong command line option in starting the gateway.

Warning Contact Support


1142 Unable to find 1A5 equivalent of UTF-8 character <x>

Cannot display given character.

Error Contact Support


2000 User Information isn't a direct reference[ from <x>][ to <x>]!

MAP violation User information in TCAP BEGIN isn’t a direct reference <x> = source & destination

Error Contact Support


2001 Duplicate MAP open

MAP violation Kills dialogue

Error Contact Support


2002 Can't get MAP open destination

MAP violation Kills dialogue

Error Contact Support


2003 Can't get MAP open origination

MAP violation Kills dialogue

Error Contact Support


2004 Can't find MAP open

MAP violation Kills dialogue

Error Contact Support


2005 Duplicate PUSSR

MAP violation Kills dialogue

Error Contact Support


2006 TC-INVOKE has unknown operation <x>!

MAP violation <x> = operation

Error Contact Support


2007 TC-BEGIN has unknown component type <x>!

MAP violation <x> = TCAP type

Error Contact Support


2008 No PUSSR MAP violation Error Contact Support


Continued on next page

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 6

USSD Gateway, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 69 Technical Guide

Alarm descriptions (continued)

Alarm ID Alarm raised Alarm cause description Severity Resolution Clearing message

2009 Unknown application context of <x>[ from <x>][ to <x>]!

MAP violation <x> = context, source & destination

Error Contact Support


3000 MSISDN lookup failed!

MSISDN not found in DB Error Contact Support


3001 Unknown trans_opt <x>!

Field in DB not 0 or 1 <x> = trans operation

Error Contact Support


3002 Unable to construct message builder!

As a result of ETC Task released from SCF

Error Contact Support


3003 Connect to Resource when already connected!

Message sent from Service Interface for a Connect to resource has already been sent

Notice Check Service none

3004 Disconnect forward connection when not connected!

Message sent from Service Interface for a Disconnect forward connection when not connected

Notice Check Service none

3005 Unable to construct message builder!

As a result of CTR Task released from SCF

Error Contact Support


3006 Establish temporary connection when connected!

Message sent from Service Interface for a Establish temporary connection when already connected

Notice Check Service none

3007 Play announcement when not connected!

Message sent from Service Interface for a Play announcement when not connected

Notice Check Service none

3008 Play announcement message build failed!

IF message has not been provisioned in DB

Notice Contact Support


3009 Prompt and Collect when not connected!

Message sent from Service Interface for a Prompt and Collect when not connected

Notice Check Service none

3010 Prompt and Collect message build failed!

IF message has not been provisioned in DB

Notice Contact Support


9000 <x>:Internal error!

Critical Contact Support


Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway Page 71 Technical Guide

Pre-installation Overview

This chapter explains the pre-installation configuration requirements of the application.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Installation Pre-requisites .............................................................................. 72 Preparing the System .................................................................................... 74

Chapter 7


In this chapter

Chapter 7 Commercial In Confidence

Page 72 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Installation Pre-requisites This page provides a list of the pre-requisites for the installation of the USSD Gateway service.

USMS and UAS machines are required to host the USSD Gateway service. This includes the following software setup:

Note: While either version 9 or 10 of Solaris and Oracle can be used, a Solaris 9 installation must have version 9 of Oracle. Similarly, an installation with Solaris 10, can only have version 10 Oracle. Software Version Description Solaris SunOS 5.9 or 5.10 Sun operating system

Oracle or 10.2.0.x Oracle DBMS

SLEE 3.2.x Service Logic Exection Environment installation

acsSms 2.4.x Oracle ACS package for USMS

acsScp 2.4.x Oracle ACS package for UAS

smsSms 3.0.x / 3.1.x Oracle SMS package for USMS

smsScp 3.0.x / 3.1.x Oracle SMS package for UAS SMSC 2.4.x Oracle SMSC package

For details on the installation of the required system software, refer to the installation and set-up documentation supplied with the software.

Check that your Oracle version is correct.

As acs_oper (or whichever user is appropriate) logon to sqlplus as "/", e.g.: bash-2.05$ sqlplus /

The resulting messages show the Oracle version in use: SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jul 22 06:55:45 2005 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle9i Release - 64bit Production JServer Release - Production

Use the pkginfo utility to check the versions of Oracle application packages on each node.

For more information about:

• which versions are required, see the list under the machine name in this topic. • using pkginfo, see Checking installed packages (on page 54).

Check that your Solaris version is correct. The version required is listed under the machine names in this topic.

Example commands: You can check your Solaris version by using the commands:

• uname -r, and

• pkginfo

Continued on next page



Checking Oracle version

Checking Oracle application versions - cmn

Checking software on Solaris

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 7

Installation Pre-requisites, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 73 Technical Guide

Checking software on Solaris (continued)

For more information about finding out your Solaris version, see your Solaris documentation.

The minimum size requirements for the databases in the system are dependent on the software installed and its intended purpose. Consult your support representative about appropriate minimum sizing.

Database sizing

Chapter 7 Commercial In Confidence

Page 74 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Preparing the System It is recommended that you check the kernel parameters on the system to ensure the system is optimally configured.

The following parameters are described in the respective technical guides. However, they are collated here for reference.

Note: Actual kernel parameters may be greater than those listed here.

Follow these steps to check the Kernel parameters for Solaris 9.

Step Action 1 Log in as root.

2 Type cat /etc/system

3 Check the parameters are set to at least the minimum values. 4 Change the parameters as required using the following command from


Follow these steps to check the Kernel parameters for Solaris 10 and later.

Step Action 1 Log in as root.

2 Display the parameters for group.dba. Example command: cat /etc/project

3 Check the parameters are set to at least the minimum values. For information about recommended minimum values, see Parameters - Preparing the System (see "Parameters" on page 74). Example: A possible set of parameters is: group.dba:100::oracle::process.max-sem-nsems=(priv,2048,deny);project.max-sem-ids=(priv,2048,deny);project.max-sems-nsems=(priv,256,deny);project.max-shm-ids=(priv,400,deny);project.max-shm-memory=(priv,4294967296,deny)

4 If necessary, change the parameters as required. Example command: To add values: projadd -G dba -U oracle -p 100 \ -K process.max-sem-nsems=\(priv,2048,deny\) \ -K project.max-sem-ids=\(priv,2048,deny\) \ -K project.max-sems-nsems=\(priv,256,deny\) \ -K project.max-shm-ids=\(priv,400,deny\) \ -K project.max-shm-memory=\(priv,4294967296,deny\) \ group.dba

Example command: To change a value (in this case, to change the max-sem-nsems value): projmod -s -K process.max-sem-nsems=\(priv,2048,deny\) group.dba

Kernel parameters are listed below.


Checking Kernel parameters

Checking Kernel parameters


Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway Page 75 Technical Guide

Installation Overview

This chapter provides the installation instructions for USSD Gateway, including UIS and UPC.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Installation Procedure Overview ................................................................... 76 Loading the Distribution File .......................................................................... 77 Installing uisScpSizing Package ................................................................... 78 Installing uisSmsSizing Package .................................................................. 79 Installing the uisSms Package ...................................................................... 80 Installing the uisScp Package ....................................................................... 84 Installing the upcScpSizing Package ............................................................ 91 Installing the upcSmsSizing Package ........................................................... 92 Installing the upcScp Package ...................................................................... 93 Installing the upcSms Package ..................................................................... 99 CDR Loader Deployment ............................................................................ 102 Post-installation Configuration .................................................................... 104

Chapter 8


In this chapter

Chapter 8 Commercial In Confidence

Page 76 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Installation Procedure Overview Install the following packages in this order:

1 uisSmsSizing 2 uisSms 3 uisScpSizing 4 uisScp 5 upcSmsSizing 6 upcSms 7 upcScpSizing 8 upcScp

Package installation order

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 8

USSD Gateway Page 77 Technical Guide

Loading the Distribution File Before you can install the application packages, you must load them in an installation directory on the correct machines. This procedure copies and registers packages from the distribution file on to the system.

You must repeat this procedure on every machine. If your application packages have already been loaded, you do not have to complete this procedure.

This procedure copies the distribution file into the /tmp directory. The installation procedure assumes that the /tmp directory has been used.

Follow these steps to load the distribution file.

Step Action 1 Ensure you are logged onto the machine as root.

2 Copy the distribution file into the /tmp directory. The application's distribution file will be distributed on either CD or from an FTP location. If you do not either have a CD or know the correct FTP location, please contact your Oracle contact. The packages are often distributed in one large compressed file (for example, sms.tar.gz).

3 Check whether the distribution file is compressed (zipped). You can usually determine this by the file extension: .gz or .tgz will mean the file is compressed. Occasionally, the file extension will be incorrect, or the file will fail to uncompress or untar. If it is available, you can use the file command to attempt to determine the type of file by checking its contents. If the distribution file is: • not compressed, go to Step 4. • compressed, uncompress the file. Example commands: • gunzip <filename>, or • gzip –d <filename>

Where: <filename> is the distribution file

Result: This uncompresses the distribution file. 4 If the distribution file is:

• .pkg file, no further actions are required to load the distribution file. • a tar ball, untar the distribution. Example command: tar –xvf <filename> • Where:

<filename> is the uncompressed distribution file. Result: Untarring unzips the packages into the /tmp directory and will create an install sub-directory.


Installation directory


Chapter 8 Commercial In Confidence

Page 78 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Installing uisScpSizing Package The uisScpSizing package adds the full database sizings required for UIS Services on a production SCP platform.

Note: This package is optional, to be used when the database size is different from the default size in the SMS package.

During installation, the installation script will overwrite any previously installed files in /IN/service_packages and /IN/html. If you want to keep these files, move them before starting the installation.

Follow these steps to install the uisScpSizing package.

Note: If you loaded a package into a directory other than /tmp, then use that directory name.

Step Action 1 Type pkgadd -d /tmp uisScpSizing

Result: This step starts the package installation utility. 2 The installation script will complete after a few minutes. No further

action is required.

The table below provides a sample of the text displayed during an uisScpSizing package installation on an SCP.

Package Prompts Action Processing package instance <uisScpSizing> from </.../.../.../.../.../...> UIS Sizing (for SCP) Installation (sun4u) Oracle ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. 1 package pathname is already properly installed. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs. Installing UIS Sizing (for SCP) Installation as <uisScpSizing> ## Installing part 1 of 1. /IN/service_packages/DB/UIS/SCP/sizing/uis_scp_uisLive_Sizing.tar [ verifying class <none> ]

No user action required. This is for information only.

Installation of <uisScpSizing> was successful.

Confirmation of successful installation. No user action required.


Before you begin


Example script for uisScpSizing installation

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 8

USSD Gateway Page 79 Technical Guide

Installing uisSmsSizing Package The uisSmsSizing package adds the full database sizings required for UIS Services on a production SMP platform.

Note: This package is optional, to be used when the database size is different from the default size in the SMS package.

During installation, the installation script will overwrite any previously installed files in /IN/service_packages and /IN/html. If you want to keep these files, move them before starting the installation.

Follow these steps to install the uisSmsSizing package.

Note: If you loaded a package into a directory other than /tmp, then use that directory name.

Step Action 1 Type pkgadd -d /tmp uisSmsSizing

Result: This step starts the package installation utility. 2 The installation script will complete after a few minutes. No further

action is required.

The table below provides a sample of the text displayed during an uisSmsSizing package installation on an SMP.

Package Prompts Action Processing package instance <uisSmsSizing> from </.../.../...> UIS Sizing (for SMS) Installation (sun4u) Oracle ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. 1 package pathname is already properly installed. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs. Installing UIS Sizing (for SMS) Installation as <uisSmsSizing> ## Installing part 1 of 1. /IN/service_packages/DB/UIS/SMS/sizing/uis_sms_uisLive_Sizing.tar [ verifying class <none> ]

No user action required. This is for information only.

Installation of <uisSmsSizing> was successful.

Confirmation of successful installation. No user action required.


Before you begin


Example script for uisSmsSizing installation

Chapter 8 Commercial In Confidence

Page 80 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Installing the uisSms Package During installation, the installation script will overwrite any previously installed files in /IN/service_packages and /IN/html. If you want to keep these files, move them before starting the installation.

Follow these steps to install the USSD Gateway uisSms package.

Note: If you loaded a package into a directory other than /tmp, then use that directory name.

Step Action 1 As root (on the SMS or Dual machine), type:

cd /tmp/uisSms.0.0.3 pkgadd –d `pwd` uisSms

Result: The package installation utility will complete after a few minutes. The install script will ask if you wish to have the configuration files automatically run. If you answer yes no further action is required.

The table below provides a sample of the text displayed during a uisSms package install on an SMP.

Script Output Action # pkgadd -d `pwd` uisSms

Type this command to start the installation.

Processing package instance <uisSms> from </IN/packages/UIS/uisSms_2_4_1> Oracle uisSms (sun4u) 2.4.1 Oracle ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. ## Verifying package dependencies. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs. This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of installing this package.

No user action required. This is for information only. A check is made to ensure that there are no packaging conflicts. If there are conflicts found, an option to not install the conflicting files will be given. Check with Oracle technical staff before continuing.

Continued on next page

Before you begin


Example script for uisSms installation

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 8

Installing the uisSms Package, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 81 Technical Guide

Example script for uisSms installation (continued)

Script Output Action Do you want to continue with the installation of <uisSms> [y,n,?] y Installing Oracle uisSms as <uisSms> ## Executing preinstall script. NOTE: Installing uisSms into /IN/service_packages/UIS NOTE: Creating account uis_oper ## Installing part 1 of 1. /IN/html/UIS/error/Delete_Data/2292.UIS_GATEWAY__LAN__FK /IN/html/UIS <implied directory> /IN/html/UIS/error <implied directory> /IN/html/UIS/error/Delete_Data <implied directory> /IN/html/UIS/error/Delete_Data/2292.UIS_MENU_INFO__MI_FK /IN/html/UIS/error/Delete_Data/2292.UIS_MENU_LANGUAGE__LI_FK /IN/html/UIS/error/Delete_Data/2292.UIS_MENU_LANGUAGE__MI_FK /IN/html/UIS/error/Delete_Data/2292.UIS_STATUS_INFO__SI_FK /IN/html/UIS/error/Delete_Data/2292.UIS_STATUS_LANGUAGE__LI__FK /IN/html/UIS/error/Delete_Data/2292.UIS_STATUS_LANGUAGE__SI_FK

... /IN/service_packages/UIS/lib/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/lib/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/ [ verifying class <none> ] ## Executing postinstall script.

Type y to continue installation process or n to quit the installation. No user action required. This is for information only. Note that some lines have been removed to save space.

Would you like to configure the USSD Interactive Services Gateway SMS Components now [Y|N] ? Y * uisSms installation script ./ * installing into /IN/service_packages/UIS NOTE: Please enter a password for uis_oper in order to unlock the account for remote access.

Type y to configure USSD Gateway components

New password: Re-enter new password: passwd (SYSTEM): passwd successfully changed for uis_oper

Enter the password

* Is the database instance on a remote node ? [y,n,?]

Type y if the database exists on a different machine.

* Please specify the ORACLE_SID to use when configuring the database. (default: SMF) [?] * Please choose a value for ORACLE_HOME from the following list, * taken from /var/opt/oracle/oratab. NOTE: 2 options found, please choose one (1) /u01/app/oracle/product/ (2) Manual Entry or Exhaustive Search

Select Oracle configuration options.

Continued on next page

Chapter 8 Commercial In Confidence

Installing the uisSms Package, Continued

Page 82 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Example script for uisSms installation (continued)

Script Output Action Select the option to use (default: 1) [?] * Please enter the value of ORACLE_BASE to use. NOTE: 2 options found, please choose one (1) /u01/app/oracle (2) Manual

Select the option to use (default: 1) [?] * Please enter the password for the smf user on the SMF instance (default: smf) [?] * Enter the USSD Gateway default language name (default: English) [?] * Enter the language id for the 'English' language (default: 0) [?] * Language 'English' with id '0' selected, is this correct ? [y,n,?] y

At the prompt, press Enter to accept each default, or enter a value.

* Creating /IN/service_packages/UIS/.profile-sms * Creating /IN/service_packages/UIS/.profile * Selecting /IN/service_packages/UIS/.profile-sms for inclusion in /IN/service_packages/UIS/.profile. * Update the database now? [y,n,?]

Type y to update the database.

* Updating file 'uis_initial_values.sql', replacing 'DEF_LANG_ID' with '0' * Updating file 'uis_initial_values.sql', replacing 'DEF_LANG_NAME' with 'English' Enter data file path 1 for service data tablespace. Example: /volA/oracle/data/dbf1/volB/dbf1

Enter the location of the data file used for creating data table spaces.

NOTE: Creating UIS Tablespaces for database SMF NOTE: Not using raw devices for datafiles NOTE: Creating UIS Users for database SMF .... NOTE: Installing Replication for database SMF .... NOTE: Creating UIS Application Entries (part 2) for database SMF .... NOTE: Installing efm for database SMF .... * ok - database modifications successful

No action required.

* Adding UIS_GW.jar.sig file to sms.html * Modifying Helpfiles Configuring UIS helpfiles postinstall: Extracting UIS helpfiles * Adding /etc/services & /etc/inetd.conf entries for CDR push files

No user action required.

Continued on next page

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 8

Installing the uisSms Package, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 83 Technical Guide

Example script for uisSms installation (continued)

Script Output Action Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.9 Generic May 2002 * inserted into uis_oper crontab.

Scripts added to the crontab. No action required.

USSD Gateway SMS component configuration complete. Installation of <uisSms> was successful.

Confirmation of successful installation.

Chapter 8 Commercial In Confidence

Page 84 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Installing the uisScp Package During installation, the installation script will overwrite any previously installed files in /IN/service_packages and /IN/html. If you want to keep these files, move them before starting the installation.

Follow these steps to install the USSD Gateway uisScp package.

Note: If you loaded a package into a directory other than /tmp, then use that directory name.

Step Action 1 As root (on the SMS or Dual machine), type:

cd /tmp/uisScp.0.0.3 pkgadd –d `pwd` uisScp

Result: The package installation utility will complete after a few minutes. The install script will ask if you wish to have the configuration files automatically run. If you answer yes no further action is required.

Below is a sample of the system prompts and actions for an installation of the uisScp package on a dual SMS/SCP.

Script Output Action # pkgadd -d `pwd` uisScp

Type this command to start the installation.

Processing package instance <uisScp> from </IN/packages/UIS/uisScp_2_4_1> Oracle uisScp (sun4u) 2.4.1 Oracle ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. 10 package pathnames are already properly installed. ## Verifying package dependencies. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. The following files are already installed on the system and are being used by another package:

/IN/service_packages/UIS/db/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_app_no_smf.sql <attribute change only> /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_audit_one_after.sql <attribute change only> ...

No user action required. This is for information only. Note that some lines have been removed to save space.

/IN/service_packages/UIS/lib/ckstr <attribute change only> /IN/service_packages/UIS/lib/ckyorn <attribute change only>/IN/service_packages/UIS/lib/ <attribute change only> * - conflict with a file which does not belong to any package.

Continued on next page

Before you begin


Example script for uisScp dual installation

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 8

Installing the uisScp Package, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 85 Technical Guide

Example script for uisScp dual installation (continued)

Script Output Action Do you want to install these conflicting files [y,n,?,q] y ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs. This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of installing this package.

Type y to install any conflicting files.

Do you want to continue with the installation of <uisScp> [y,n,?] y Installing Oracle uisScp as <uisScp> ## Executing preinstall script. NOTE: Installing uisScp into /IN/service_packages/UIS ## Installing part 1 of 1. /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/cdrIF.cfg.UIS /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/UssdMfileD /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/cmnPushFiles /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/ussdgw /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_app_no_smf.sql <attribute change only> ... /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/ [ verifying class <none> ] ## Executing postinstall script.

Type y to continue. Note that some text has been removed to save space.

Would you like to configure the USSD Interactive Services Gateway SCP Components now [Y|N] ? Y * uisScp installation script ./ * installing into /IN/service_packages/UIS * NOTICE: Dual SMS/SCP configuration. * Please specify the ORACLE_SID to use when configuring the database. (default: SMF) [?] * ORACLE_HOME is currently set to /u01/app/oracle/product/ Use this setting?

Type y to install Gateway SCP components Installation script runs automatically.

[y,n,?] y * Please enter the value of ORACLE_BASE to use. NOTE: 2 options found, please choose one (1) /u01/app/oracle (2) Manual

Type y to accept setting

Continued on next page

Chapter 8 Commercial In Confidence

Installing the uisScp Package, Continued

Page 86 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Example script for uisScp dual installation (continued)

Script Output Action Select the option to use (default: 1) [?] * Please enter the password for the smf user on the SMF instance (default: smf) [?] * Update the database now? [y,n,?] y SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Sep 7 23:49:54 2006 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> Connected. SQL> SQL> D - X SQL> SQL> PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> Synonym dropped. Synonym created. ...

At the prompt, press Enter to accept each default, or enter a value.

Grant succeeded. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production Operation Completed. * Notice: database modifications successful * Please enter the path to the SLEE configuration file (Default is /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg) Notice: The CDR interface is already present Notice: Updated SLEE configuration file: /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg Notice: Updated cdrIF config file: /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/cdrIF.cfg

* Please enter the name of the CDR interface (default is cdrIF): Confirm cdrIF? (y/n): y * Please enter the name of the timer interface (default is Timer): Confirm Timer? (y/n): y * Notice: SLEE configuration successfully modified * Notice: Install MFILE related components

Type y at the prompt.

Continued on next page

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 8

Installing the uisScp Package, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 87 Technical Guide

Example script for uisScp dual installation (continued)

Script Output Action * Please enter the password for the smf user on the SMF instance (default: smf) [?] SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Sep 7 23:49:54 2006 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production SQL> SQL> DOC> * DOC> * Module Name : $RCSfile: uis_mfile_scp.sql,v $ DOC> * Original Author : $Author: ray $ DOC> * DOC> * Revision : $Revision: 1.4 $ DOC> * DOC> * Revision date : $Date: 2003/05/02 10:17:36 $ DOC> * DOC> * Description : This file creates the triggers that will signal an DOC> * alert to the Mfile daemon whenver data is modified in the DOC> * UIS_OPERATOR_INFO, UIS_TRIGGER_INFO or UIS_SERVICE_TRIGGERS DOC> * table. DOC> * DOC> * Copyright 2002, Oracle (UK) Ltd. DOC> * DOC> *****************************************************************************/ Trigger created. View created. Grant succeeded. Synonym created. Trigger created. Trigger created. SQL> Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production NOTE: Checking mfile directories * Notice: Mfile directories added * Adding inittab entries * Adding inittab entry uis0 for UssdMfileD * Adding inittab entry uis1 for UssdMfileD Installation of <uisScp> was successful.

Press Enter to accept the default, or enter a value

Continued on next page

Chapter 8 Commercial In Confidence

Installing the uisScp Package, Continued

Page 88 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Below is a sample of the system prompts and actions for a single installation of the uisScp package for an SCP.

Script Output Action # pkgadd -d `pwd` uisScp

Type this command to start the installation.

Processing package instance <uisScp> from </IN/packages/UIS/uisScp_2_4_1> Oracle uisScp (sun4u) 2.4.1 Oracle ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. 10 package pathnames are already properly installed. ## Verifying package dependencies. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs. This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of installing this package.

Do you want to continue with the installation of <uisScp> [y,n,?] y Installing Oracle uisScp as <uisScp> ## Executing preinstall script. NOTE: Installing uisScp into /IN/service_packages/UIS NOTE: Creating account uis_oper ## Installing part 1 of 1. /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/cdrIF.cfg.UIS /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/UssdMfileD /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/cmnPushFiles /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/ussdgw /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_app_no_smf.sql <attribute change only> ... /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/ [ verifying class <none> ] ## Executing postinstall script.

Type y to continue Note that some text has been removed to save space.

Would you like to configure the USSD Interactive Services Gateway SCP Components now [Y|N] ? * uisScp installation script ./ * installing into /IN/service_packages/UIS NOTE: Please enter a password for uis_oper in order to unlock the account for remote access.

Type y to install Gateway SCP components Installation script runs automatically.

Continued on next page

Example script for uisScp single installation

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 8

Installing the uisScp Package, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 89 Technical Guide

Example script for uisScp single installation (continued)

Script Output Action New password: Re-enter new password: passwd (SYSTEM): passwd successfully changed for uis_oper * NOTICE: Standalone SCP configuration * Please specify the ORACLE_SID to use when configuring the database. (default: SCP) [?]

Enter password

* ORACLE_HOME is currently set to /u01/app/oracle/product/ Use this setting? [y,n,?] y

Type y to continue.

* Enter the Oracle Version (Enter as x.y.z) [9.2.0] ? * NOTE: A valid version has not been entered using default. * NOTE: Oracle Version set to 9.2.0

Press Enter to accept the default, or enter a value.

* Please enter the value of ORACLE_BASE to use. NOTE: 2 options found, please choose one (1) /u01/app/oracle (2) Manual Select the option to use (default: 1) [?]

Enter the ORACLE_BASE directory. Example: /u01/app/oracle

* Please enter the password for the scp user on the SCP instance (default: scp) [?] * Creating /IN/service_packages/UIS/.profile-scp * Creating /IN/service_packages/UIS/.profile * Selecting /IN/service_packages/UIS/.profile-scp for inclusion in /IN/service_packages/UIS/.profile.

Enter password for scp user on the SCP instance. This will be known by the system administrator.

* Update the database now? [y,n,?]

Type y to continue.

Enter data file path 1 for service data tablespace. Example: /volA/oracle/data/dbf1/volB/dbf1 NOTE: Creating UIS Tablespaces for database SCP ... NOTE: Not using raw devices for datafiles ... NOTE: Creating UIS Users for database SCP .... NOTE: Creating UIS Tables for database SCP .... NOTE: Creating UIS Table synonyms for database SCP .... NOTE: Creating UIS Application Entries for database SCP .... * Notice: database modifications successful

Enter the location of the data file used for creating data table spaces.

Continued on next page

Chapter 8 Commercial In Confidence

Installing the uisScp Package, Continued

Page 90 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Example script for uisScp single installation (continued)

Script Output Action * Please enter the path to the SLEE configuration file (Default is /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg) Notice: Updated SLEE configuration file: /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg Notice: Created cdrIF config file: /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/cdrIF.cfg

Press Enter to accept the default, or enter a different path.

* Please enter the name of the CDR interface (default is cdrIF): cdrIF Confirm cdrIF? (y/n):

Press Enter to accept the default, or enter a different CDR interface name.

* Please enter the name of the timer interface: Timer Confirm Timer? (y/n): y * Notice: SLEE configuration successfully modified * Notice: Install MFILE related components NOTE: Checking mfile directories * Notice: Mfile directories added * Adding inittab entries * Adding inittab entry uis0 for UssdMfileD * Adding inittab entry uis1 for UssdMfileD * Adding inittab entry for CDR loader

Enter and confirm the name of the Timer interface.

Enter the SMS fully qualified host name [?] NOTE: Attempting to contact * Adding inittab entry uis2 for cmnPushFiles * Reloading inittab.

Enter the host name for SMS.

USSD Gateway SCP component configuration complete. Installation of <uisScp> was successful.

Confirmation of successful installation. No user action required.

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 8

USSD Gateway Page 91 Technical Guide

Installing the upcScpSizing Package The upcScpSizing package adds the full database sizings required for UPC Services on a production SCP platform.

Note: This package is optional, to be used when the database size is different from the default size in the SMS package.

During installation, the installation script will overwrite any previously installed files in /IN/service_packages and /IN/html. If you want to keep these files, move them before starting the installation.

Follow these steps to install the upcScpSizing package.

Note: If you loaded a package into a directory other than /tmp, then use that directory name.

Step Action 1 Type pkgadd -d /tmp upcScpSizing

Result: This step starts the package installation utility. 2 The installation script will complete after a few minutes. No further

action is required.

The table below provides a sample of the text displayed during an upcScpSizing package installation on an SCP.

Package Prompts Action Processing package instance <upcScpSizing> from </.../.../.../.../.../...> UPC Sizing (for SCP) Installation (sun4u) Oracle ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. 1 package pathname is already properly installed. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs. Installing UPC Sizing (for SCP) Installation as <upcScpSizing> ## Installing part 1 of 1. /IN/service_packages/DB/UPC/SCP/sizing/upc_scp_upcLive_Sizing.tar [ verifying class <none> ]

No user action required. This is for information only.

Installation of <upcScpSizing> was successful.

Confirmation of successful installation. No user action required.


Before you begin


Example script for upcScpSizing installation

Chapter 8 Commercial In Confidence

Page 92 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Installing the upcSmsSizing Package The upcSmsSizing package adds the full database sizings required for UPC Services on a production SMP platform.

Note: This package is optional, to be used when the database size is different from the default size in the SMS package.

During installation, the installation script will overwrite any previously installed files in /IN/service_packages and /IN/html. If you want to keep these files, move them before starting the installation.

Follow these steps to install the upcSmsSizing package.

Note: If you loaded a package into a directory other than /tmp, then use that directory name.

Step Action 1 Type pkgadd -d /tmp upcSmsSizing

Result: This step starts the package installation utility. 2 The installation script will complete after a few minutes. No further

action is required.

The table below provides a sample of the text displayed during an upcSmsSizing package installation on an SMP.

Package Prompts Action Processing package instance <upcSmsSizing> from </.../.../...> UPC Sizing (for SMS) Installation (sun4u) Oracle ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. 1 package pathname is already properly installed. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs. Installing UPC Sizing (for SMS) Installation as <upcSmsSizing> ## Installing part 1 of 1. /IN/service_packages/DB/UPC/SMS/sizing/upc_sms_upcLive_Sizing.tar [ verifying class <none> ]

No user action required. This is for information only.

Installation of <upcSmsSizing> was successful.

Confirmation of successful installation. No user action required.


Before you begin


Example script for upcSmsSizing installation

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 8

USSD Gateway Page 93 Technical Guide

Installing the upcScp Package During installation, the installation script will overwrite any previously installed files in /IN/service_packages and /IN/html. If you want to keep these files, move them before starting the installation.

Follow these steps to install the USSD Gateway Portal component upcScp package. Note: If you loaded a package into a directory other than /tmp, then use that directory name. Step Action 1 As root (on the SMS or Dual machine), type:

cd /tmp/upcScp.0.0.3 pkgadd –d `pwd` upcScp

Result: The package installation utility will complete after a few minutes. The install script will ask if you wish to have the configuration files automatically run. If you answer yes no further action is required.

The table below provides a sample of the text displayed during a upcScp package install on a dual USMS/UAS.

Script Output Action # pkgadd -d `pwd` upcScp Processing package instance <upcScp> from </IN/packages/UPC/upcScp_2_4_1> Oracle upcScp (sun4u) 2.4.1 Oracle ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. 16 package pathnames are already properly installed. ## Verifying package dependencies. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. The following files are already installed on the system and are being used by another package: /IN/service_packages/UPC/lib/ckstr <attribute change only> /IN/service_packages/UPC/lib/ckyorn <attribute change only>/IN/service_packages/UPC/lib/ <attribute change only>

Type this command to start the installation.

Do you want to install these conflicting files [y,n,?,q] y ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs. This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of installing this package.

Type y to install any conflicting files

Continued on next page

Before you begin


Example script for upcScp dual installation

Chapter 8 Commercial In Confidence

Installing the upcScp Package, Continued

Page 94 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Example script for upcScp dual installation (continued)

Script Output Action Do you want to continue with the installation of <upcScp> [y,n,?] y Installing Oracle upcScp as <upcScp> ## Executing preinstall script. NOTE: Installing upcScp into /IN/service_packages/UPC ## Installing part 1 of 1. /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/bin/xmlInterface /IN/service_packages/UPC/bin/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/db/upc_config_scp.sql /IN/service_packages/UPC/db/upc_indexes_scp.sql /IN/service_packages/UPC/db/upc_permissions_scp.sql /IN/service_packages/UPC/db/upc_perms_one_scp.sql /IN/service_packages/UPC/etc/offline /IN/service_packages/UPC/etc/online /IN/service_packages/UPC/etc/upc.conf /IN/service_packages/UPC/lib/ckstr <attribute change only> /IN/service_packages/UPC/lib/ckyorn <attribute change only>/IN/service_packages/UPC/lib/ <attribute change only> /IN/service_packages/UPC/lib/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/lib/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/lib/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/lib/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ [ verifying class <none> ] ## Executing postinstall script.

Type y to continue.

Would you like to configure the USSD Interactive Services Portal SCP Components now [Y|N] ? Y * upcScp installation script ./ * installing into /IN/service_packages/UPC * NOTICE: Dual SMS/SCP configuration

Type y to install Gateway SCP components Installation script runs automatically.

Continued on next page

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 8

Installing the upcScp Package, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 95 Technical Guide

Example script for upcScp dual installation (continued)

Script Output Action * Please specify the ORACLE_SID to use when configuring the database. (default: SMF) [?] * ORACLE_HOME is currently set to /home/oracle/app/product/8.1.7. Use this setting? [y,n,?] y * Please enter the value of ORACLE_BASE to use. NOTE: 2 options found, please choose one (1) /home/oracle/app (2) Manual Select the option to use (default: 1) [?] * Please enter the password for the smf user on the SMF instance (default: smf) [?] * Update the database now? [y,n,?] y

At the prompt, press Enter to accept each default, or enter a value.

USER : SMF PASSWD: smf UNCHECK: LOGIN: execute smf_security.response(smf_security_response(smf_security.challenge('<UPC>'))); STORAGE: MAIN: @upc_permissions_scp.sql CHECKED_MAIN: SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri May 9 11:28:45 2003 (c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> Connected. SQL> SQL> 'LOGI ----- login ... * Notice: SLEE XML configuration successfully modified * Please enter the path to the ACS configuration file (Default is /IN/service_packages/ACS/etc/acs.conf) Updated ACS configuration file: /IN/service_packages/ACS/etc/acs.conf * Notice: Creating XML interface config file (xmlIF.cfg)

No user action required. This is for information only. Note that some lines have been removed to save space.

Enter the XML content provider IP address [?] * Notice: Attempting to contact

Enter the IP address.

Continued on next page

Chapter 8 Commercial In Confidence

Installing the upcScp Package, Continued

Page 96 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Example script for upcScp dual installation (continued)

Script Output Action Enter the destination port number (default: 9999) [?] Enter the XML interaction response timer duration (default: 3000) [?] * Warning: Please modify the /IN/service_packages/UPC/etc/xmlIF.cfg * to ensure the xmlfile loaded are correct. * 2 examples have been provided in xmlIF.cfg. See the technical * guide for more information. * Notice: ACS XML configuration successfully modified

At the prompt, press Enter to accept each default, or enter a value.

Installation of <upcScp> was successful.

The table below provides a sample of the text displayed during a upcScp package install on an SCP.

Script Output Action # pkgadd -d `pwd` upcScp Processing package instance <upcScp> from </IN/packages/UPC/upcScp_0_5_3> Oracle upcScp (sun4u) 2.4.1 Oracle ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. ## Verifying package dependencies. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs. This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of installing this package.

Type this command to start the installation.

Do you want to continue with the installation of <upcScp> [y,n,?] y Installing Oracle upcScp as <upcScp> ## Executing preinstall script. NOTE: Installing upcScp into /IN/service_packages/UPC NOTE: Creating account upc_oper ## Installing part 1 of 1. /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ ... /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ [ verifying class <none> ] ## Executing postinstall script.

Type y to continue.

Continued on next page

Example script for upcScp single installation

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 8

Installing the upcScp Package, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 97 Technical Guide

Example script for upcScp single installation (continued)

Script Output Action Would you like to configure the USSD Interactive Services Portal SCP Components now [Y|N] ? Y * upcScp installation script ./ * installing into /IN/service_packages/UPC

Type y to install Gateway SCP components Installation script runs automatically.

NOTE: Please enter a password for upc_oper in order to unlock the account for remote access. New password: Re-enter new password: passwd (SYSTEM): passwd successfully changed for upc_oper * NOTICE: Standalone SCP configuration

Enter and confirm the password for upc_oper user.

* Please specify the ORACLE_SID to use when configuring the database. (default: SMF) [?] * ORACLE_HOME is currently set to /home/oracle/app/product/8.1.7. Use this setting? [y,n,?] y * Please enter the value of ORACLE_BASE to use. NOTE: 2 options found, please choose one (1) /home/oracle/app (2) Manual Select the option to use (default: 1) [?] * Please enter the password for the scp user on the SCP instance (default: scp) [?] * Creating /IN/service_packages/UPC/.profile-scp * Creating /IN/service_packages/UPC/.profile * Selecting /IN/service_packages/UPC/.profile-scp for inclusion in /IN/service_packages/UPC/.profile. * Update the database now? [y,n,?]

At the prompt, press Enter to accept each default, or enter a value.

Continued on next page

Chapter 8 Commercial In Confidence

Installing the upcScp Package, Continued

Page 98 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Example script for upcScp single installation (continued)

Script Output Action USER : SCP PASSWD: scp UNCHECK: LOGIN: STORAGE: @upc_tablespaces.sql ./[168]: test: argument expected NOTE: Creating UPC Tablespaces for database SCP ... NOTE: Not using raw devices for datafiles ... NOTE: Creating UPC Users for database SCP .... SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Jan 9 17:19:46 2007 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. SQL> SQL> 2 User created. SQL> SQL> Grant succeeded. SQL> SQL> Grant succeeded. SQL> SQL> Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options JServer Release - Production

No user action required. This is for information only.

NOTE: Creating UPC Tables for database SCP .... NOTE: Creating UPC Table synonyms for database SCP .... NOTE: Creating UPC Application Entries for database SCP .... * Notice: database modifications successful * Notice: /IN/service_packages/SLEE/bin/ updated

No action required.

* Please enter the path to the SLEE configuration file (Default is /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg) Notice: Updated SLEE configuration file: /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg * Notice: SLEE configuration successfully modified * Please enter the path to the ACS configuration file (Default is /IN/service_packages/ACS/etc/acs.conf) Updated ACS configuration file: /IN/service_packages/ACS/etc/acs.conf * Notice: ACS configuration successfully modified

At the prompt, press Enter to accept each default, or enter a value.

USSD Gateway Portal SCP component configuration complete. Installation of <upcScp> was successful.

Confirmation of successful installation. No user action required.

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 8

USSD Gateway Page 99 Technical Guide

Installing the upcSms Package During installation, the installation script will overwrite any previously installed files in /IN/service_packages and /IN/html. If you want to keep these files, move them before starting the installation.

Follow these steps to install the USSD Gateway Portal component upcSms package. Note: If you loaded a package into a directory other than /tmp, then use that directory name. Step Action 1 As root (on the SMS or Dual machine), type:

cd /tmp/upcSms.0.0.3 pkgadd –d `pwd` upcSms

Result: The package installation utility will complete after a few minutes. The install script will ask if you wish to have the configuration files automatically run. If you answer yes no further action is required.

The table below provides a sample of the text displayed during a upcSms package install on an SMP.

Script Output Action # pkgadd -d `pwd` upcSms

Type this command to start the installation.

Processing package instance <upcSms> from </IN/packages/UPC/upcSms_1_0_1> Oracle upcSms (sun4u) 2.4.1 Oracle ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. ## Verifying package dependencies. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs. This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of installing this package.

No user action required. This is for information only. A check is made to ensure that there are no packaging conflicts. If there are conflicts found, an option to not install the conflicting files will be given. Check with Oracle technical staff before continuing.

Continued on next page

Before you begin


Example script for upcSms installation

Chapter 8 Commercial In Confidence

Installing the upcSms Package, Continued

Page 100 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Example script for upcSms installation (continued)

Script Output Action Do you want to continue with the installation of <upcSms> [y,n,?] y Installing Oracle upcSms as <upcSms> ## Executing preinstall script. NOTE: Installing upcSms into /IN/service_packages/UPC NOTE: Creating account upc_oper ## Installing part 1 of 1. /IN/html/Acs_Service/images/FNLanguageSetting.gif /IN/html/Acs_Service/images/FNSendBuffer.gif /IN/html/Acs_Service/images/FNUserInput.gif /IN/html/Acs_Service/images/FNUserSelection.gif /IN/html/Acs_Service/images/FNVersionBranching.gif /IN/html/Acs_Service/images/PFNLanguageSetting.gif /IN/html/Acs_Service/images/PFNSendBuffer.gif /IN/html/Acs_Service/images/PFNUserInput.gif /IN/html/Acs_Service/images/PFNUserSelection.gif /IN/html/Acs_Service/images/PFNVersionBranching.gif /IN/html/UPC.jar.sig ... /IN/service_packages/UPC/lib/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ [ verifying class <none> ] ## Executing postinstall script.

Type y to continue installation process or n to quit the installation. No user action required. This is for information only. Note that some lines have been removed to save space.

Would you like to configure the USSD Interactive Services Gateway SMS Components now [Y|N] ? Y * upcSms installation script ./ * installing into /IN/service_packages/UPC

Type y to configure USSD Gateway components

NOTE: Please enter a password for upc_oper in order to unlock the account for remote access. New password: Re-enter new password: passwd (SYSTEM): passwd successfully changed for upc_oper

Enter and confirm password for upc_oper user.

* Please specify the ORACLE_SID to use when configuring the database. (default: SMF) [?] * Please choose a value for ORACLE_HOME from the following list, * taken from /var/opt/oracle/oratab. NOTE: 2 options found, please choose one (1) /home/oracle/app/product/8.1.7 (2) Manual Entry or Exhaustive Search Select the option to use (default: 1) [?]

At the prompt, press Enter to accept each default, or enter a value.

* Please enter the value of ORACLE_BASE to use. NOTE: 2 options found, please choose one (1) /home/oracle/app (2) Manual Select the option to use (default: 1) [?]

Enter the ORACLE_BASE directory.

Continued on next page

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 8

Installing the upcSms Package, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 101 Technical Guide

Example script for upcSms installation (continued)

Script Output Action * Is the database instance on a remote node ? [y,n,?]

Type y if the database exists on a different machine.

* Please enter the password for the smf user on the SMF instance (default: smf) [?] * Creating /IN/service_packages/UPC/.profile-sms * Creating /IN/service_packages/UPC/.profile * Selecting /IN/service_packages/UPC/.profile-sms for inclusion in /IN/service_packages/UPC/.profile.

Enter the password for the SMF user on the SMF instance. This will be known by the system administrator.

* Update the database now? [y,n,?]

Type y to update the database.

Enter DATAFILEPATH1 path for service data tablespace.. Example: /volA/oradata/dbf1/volB/dbf1 NOTE: Creating UPC Tablespaces for database SMF ... NOTE: Not using raw devices for datafiles ... NOTE: Creating UPC Users for database SMF .... NOTE: Creating UPC Tables for database SMF .... NOTE: Creating UPC Table synonyms for database SMF .... NOTE: Creating UPC Packages for database SMF .... NOTE: Creating UPC Triggers for database SMF .... NOTE: Creating UPC Sequences for database SMF .... NOTE: Creating UPC Feature Nodes for database SMF .... NOTE: Creating UPC Application Entries for database SMF .... NOTE: Installing Replication for database SMF .... NOTE: Installing efm for database SMF .... * Notice: database modifications successful

Enter the location of the data file used for creating data table spaces.

* Notice: Adding UPC.jar.sig file to sms.html * Notice: Adding upcMacros.jar.sig file to sms.html * Modifying Helpfiles Configuring UPC helpfiles postinstall: Extracting UPC helpfiles * Finished Successfully

Updating the sms.html and helpfiles.

USSD Gateway Portal SMS component configuration complete. Installation of <upcSms> was successful.

Confirmation of successful installation. No user action required.

Chapter 8 Commercial In Confidence

Page 102 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

CDR Loader Deployment The USSD Interactive Service CDR Loader is installed and configured by the uisSms package. The following procedure details how to deploy the CDR Loader on a host machine other than the original machine the uisSms package was installed.

The platform that the uisSms was originally installed on will be referred to as "platform 1" and the platform that the CDR Loader will be running on will be referred to as "platform 2" as shown below.

Files required:

1 From platform 1: /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/cdrLoader /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/cmnReceiveFiles /IN/service_packages/UIS/etc/cdrLoader.conf /var/spool/crontabs/uis_oper

2 On platform 2: Assuming that the /IN and /IN/service_packages directories already exist, make the following directories: /IN/service_packages/UIS /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin /IN/service_packages/UIS/etc /IN/cdr /IN/cdr/ussd /IN/cdr/ussd/archives /IN/cdr/ussd/failed

Follow these steps to deploy the CDR Loader onto a different machine.

Step Action 1 On platform 2, make a new user "uis_oper". The home directory is

/IN/service_packages/UIS, and the shell is ksh.

2 On platform 2, add uis_oper to the allow list to run cron jobs. Edit /var/adm/cron/cron.allow and append uis_oper to the file.

3 On platform 2, copy the files listed above for platform 1 over to the corresponding locations onto platform 2. Ensure that the ownership and permissions are set correctly.

4 On platform 2, duplicate the uisoperFile configuration on platform 2 from platform 1.

5 On platform 1, in /etc/inetd.conf there is a line starting with "uisoperFile". Copy and paste the entire line into /etc/inetd.conf on platform 2 (append at the end of file).

6 Duplicate the uisoperFile configuration on platform 2 from platform 1.

7 On platform 1, in /etc/services there is a line starting with "uisoperFile". Copy and paste the entire line into /etc/services on platform 2 (append at the end of file).

Continued on next page




Commercial In Confidence Chapter 8

CDR Loader Deployment, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 103 Technical Guide

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 8 Restart the inet daemon by sending it the HUP signal.

9 As root, at the prompt, find out the process ID of the inet daemon by typing the command ps -ef |grep inetd.

10 Send the process ID obtained above by typing kill -HUP <process ID>.

11 Switch the SCP over to send EDR files from platform 1 to platform 2. Edit the file /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/ At the end of the file, change -h platform 1 to -h platform 2. Result: At this point, the EDRs will be forwarded to platform 2, and the uis_oper cron job will start once a minute to check for EDRs to process.

Chapter 8 Commercial In Confidence

Page 104 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Post-installation Configuration After installation of all packages, the stats daemon will need to be restarted. When the Stats daemon is started it reads the Db table smf_statistics_defn. If this table is updated, in order for these changes to take effect, the stats daemon will need to be restarted.

Follow these steps to restart the stats daemon.

Step Action 1 Search for the stats daemon's process ID. At the prompt type:

ps -ef | grep Stats

Result: the result is shown: $ smf_oper 10887 1 0 09:25:42 ? 0:00 /IN/service_packages/SMS/bin/smsStatsDaemon -u

2 Using the kill command identify the pid for the smsStatsDaemon (in this case 10887) and terminate this process. The process will then be restarted by the init daemon.

Here is a list of the SMS provisioning screens that need to be configured to make a call via the USSD Gateway.

• Operator • Service IF • Language • Trigger Prefix

Follow these steps to set up the minimum screens required to make a call.

Step Action 1 Create a call plan by using the Call Plan Editor in ACS.

2 Create a SAN (Service Access Number). To do this, bring up the ACS service screen and select Resourses. Select new for service numbers, then enter a number with the associated call plan just created.

3 Create a new operator. This allows you to set up different operators against different IMSI prefixes and using different IMSI to MSISDN mapping interfaces. To do this, select Service>USSD Gateway>Base Config>Operator tab.

4 Create a new Service Interface. This allows you to create different service Interfaces. To do this, select Service>USSD Gateway>Base Config>Service IF tab.

5 Create the languages with the specific values. This unique value is viewed externally and sent to the gateway interface. To do this, select Service>USSD Gateway>Base Config>Language tab.

6 Create the Trigger Prefix needed. This screen allows you to create a prefix that prefixes the IMSI that can trigger a particular service field. To do this, select Service>USSD Gateway>Base Config>Trigger Prefix tab.

For steps 1 and 2, consult the ACS User's Guide for further details. For steps 3 to 6, consult the USSD GW User's Guide for further details.

Continued on next page

Restart stats daemon

The minimum configuration required to make a call

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 8

Post-installation Configuration, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 105 Technical Guide

Replication is a process which enables the same tables on the <box_SMS_ac> and the UAS machines to be kept in sync. The following procedure must be followed each time packages which contain replicated tables are removed and added.

Follow these steps to create the correct config file with the replication tables for UIS, UPC on the <box_SMS_ac> and UAS machines.

Step Action 1 Using the SMS screen, select Operator Functions>Node Management, Table

Replication tab.


3 For UPC, drag the following table from the Available Replication Groups and drop it on the Allocated Replication Groups SCP node: • UPC_USER_SELECTION

4 Click Save. 5 Click Create Config File.

Result: This process should indicate success.

For more information about table replication, see SMS User's Guide.

Setting up replication

Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway Page 107 Technical Guide

Removal Overview

This chapter explains how to remove the USSD Gateway packages.

The pkgrm utility deletes the entire package directory. Check the /IN/service_packages/UIS directory for any files you wish to keep.

If you are storing any critical files there, move them before starting these procedures.

There is a dependency between UPC and UIS. You must remove upcScp before uisScp and upcSms before uisSms.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Remove upcScp .......................................................................................... 108 Remove upcSms ......................................................................................... 113 Remove uisScp ........................................................................................... 116 Remove uisSms .......................................................................................... 120 Checking Removal ...................................................................................... 123

Chapter 9


Before you begin

Removal order

In this chapter

Chapter 9 Commercial In Confidence

Page 108 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Remove upcScp Follow these steps to remove the package.

Step Action 1 Log in as root. 2 Type pkgrm upcScp

Result: There is no need to run the .unconf scripts manually. The remove script will prompt you and ask if you wish to have this scripts run automatically. Once these are run the package is completely removed.

Follow these steps to remove the packages for a single installation for scp.

Step Action 1 Log in as root.

2 Type # pkgrm upcScp 3 Follow the prompts in the script. See the example script below.

The table below provides a sample of the text displayed during a upcScp package removal on a stand-alone SCP.

Script Output Action # pkgrm upcScp The following package is currently installed: upcScp Oracle upcScp (sun4u)

Type this command to start the installation.

Do you want to remove this package? y ## Removing installed package instance <upcScp> This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of removing this package.

Type y to remove the package, or n to quit the removal process

Do you want to continue with the removal of this package [y,n,?,q] y ## Verifying package dependencies. ## Processing package information. ## Executing preremove script. Warning: upcScp has not been unconfigured. The unconfigure script will now be run.

Type y to continue.

Continued on next page

Procedure - remove upcScp

Procedure - remove stand-alone upcScp installation

Example script for stand-alone upcScp removal

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 9

Remove upcScp, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 109 Technical Guide

Example script for stand-alone upcScp removal (continued)

Script Output Action * Please specify the ORACLE_SID to use when configuring the database. (default: SCP) [?] * ORACLE_HOME is currently set to /u01/app/oracle/product/ Use this setting? [y,n,?] y * Please enter the value of ORACLE_BASE to use. NOTE: 2 options found, please choose one (1) /u01/app/oracle (2) Manual Select the option to use (default: 1) [?] * Please enter the password for the scp user on the SCP instance (default: scp) [?] * Undo database changes now? [y,n,?] y

Enter the various options, or leave defaults for Oracle user SCP

USER : SCP PASSWD: scp UNCHECK: whenever sqlerror continue LOGIN: STORAGE: MAIN: @upc_drop_all.sql SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Sep 7 23:49:54 2006 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> Connected. SQL> SQL> 'LOGI ----- login ... SQL> SQL> Tablespace dropped. Tablespace dropped.

No user action required. This is for information only. Please note that this is only a small sample of the list of things that will be removed with the package.

Continued on next page

Chapter 9 Commercial In Confidence

Remove upcScp, Continued

Page 110 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Example script for stand-alone upcScp removal (continued)

Script Output Action SQL> SQL> Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the partitioning option JServer Release - Production SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Sep 7 23:49:54 2006 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> Connected. SQL> SQL> 'LOGI ----- login ... Tablespace dropped. SQL> SQL> Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the partitioning option JServer Release - Production Operation Completed. * Notice: database modifications successful * Notice: /IN/service_packages/SLEE/bin/ updated * Please enter the path to the SLEE configuration file (Default is /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg) Notice: Updated SLEE configuration file: ...

/IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/

## Executing postremove script. NOTE: Removing base directory. ## Updating system information. Removal of <upcScp> was successful.

Confirmation of successful package removal. No user action required.

Follow these steps to remove the packages for a dual installation for an sms/scp.

Step Action 1 Log in as root.

2 Type # pkgrm upcScp 3 Follow the prompts in the script. See example script below.

Continued on next page

Procedure - remove upcScp dual installation

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 9

Remove upcScp, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 111 Technical Guide

The table below provides a sample of the text displayed during a upcScp package removal on a dual SMP/SCP.

Script Output Action # pkgrm upcScp The following package is currently installed: upcScp Oracle upcScp (sun4u)

Type this command to start the installation.

Do you want to remove this package? y ## Removing installed package instance <upcScp> This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of removing this package.

Type y to remove the package, or n to quit the removal process

Do you want to continue with the removal of this package [y,n,?,q] y ## Verifying package dependencies. ## Processing package information. ## Executing preremove script. Warning: upcScp has not been unconfigured. The unconfigure script will now be run.

Type y to continue.

* Notice: Dual SMS/SCP configuration - database configuration not required * Notice: /IN/service_packages/SLEE/bin/ updated * Please enter the path to the SLEE configuration file (Default is /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg) Notice: Updated SLEE configuration file: /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg * Notice: SLEE configuration successfully modified * Please enter the path to the ACS configuration file (Default is /IN/service_packages/ACS/etc/acs.conf) Notice: Updated ACS configuration file: /IN/service_packages/ACS/etc/acs.conf * Notice: ACS configuration successfully modified * Please enter the path to the SLEE configuration file (Default is /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg) The XML Interface is not installed! * Notice: SLEE XML configuration successfully modified * Please enter the path to the ACS configuration file (Default is /IN/service_packages/ACS/etc/acs.conf) Notice: Updated ACS configuration file: /IN/service_packages/ACS/etc/acs.conf

No user action required. This is for information only. Please note that this is only a small sample of the list of things that will be removed with the package.

Continued on next page

Example script for dual installation upcScp removal

Chapter 9 Commercial In Confidence

Remove upcScp, Continued

Page 112 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Example script for dual installation upcScp removal (continued)

Script Output Action * Notice: ACS XML configuration successfully modified * Notice: Removing XML configuration file (xmlIF.cfg) ## Removing pathnames in class <none> /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ ... /IN/service_packages/UPC/bin <shared pathname not removed> /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/ /IN/service_packages/UPC/

## Executing postremove script. NOTE: Removing base directory. ## Updating system information. Removal of <upcScp> was successful.

Confirmation of successful package removal. No user action required.

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 9

USSD Gateway Page 113 Technical Guide

Remove upcSms Follow these steps to remove the package.

Step Action 1 Log in as root. 2 Type pkgrm upcSms

Result: There is no need to run the .unconf scripts manually. The remove script will prompt you and ask if you wish to have this scripts run automatically. Once these are run the package is completely removed. See the example script below.

The table below provides a sample of the text displayed during a upcSms package removal on an SMP.

Script Output Action # pkgrm upcSms The following package is currently installed: upcSms Oracle upcSms (sun4u)

Type this command to start the installation.

Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q] y ## Removing installed package instance <upcSms> This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of removing this package.

Answer y to continue with the removal of this package, or n to quit the removal process.

Do you want to continue with the removal of this package [y,n,?,q] y ## Verifying package dependencies. ## Processing package information. ## Executing preremove script. Warning: upcSms has not been configured. The unconfigure script will now be run. * Please specify the ORACLE_SID to use when configuring the database.

Answer y to continue installation or n to quit the installation process.

(default: SMF) [?] * Please choose a value for ORACLE_HOME from the following list, * taken from /var/opt/oracle/oratab. NOTE: 2 options found, please choose one (1) /u01/app/oracle/product/ (2) Manual Entry or Exhaustive Search

Enter the various options, or leave defaults for Oracle user SMF

Continued on next page


Example script for upcSms removal

Chapter 9 Commercial In Confidence

Remove upcSms, Continued

Page 114 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Example script for upcSms removal (continued)

Script Output Action Select the option to use (default: 1) [?] * Please enter the value of ORACLE_BASE to use. NOTE: 2 options found, please choose one (1) /u01/app/oracle (2) Manual

* Please enter the password for the smf user on the SMF instance (default: smf) [?] * Creating /IN/service_packages/UPC/.profile-sms * /IN/service_packages/UPC/.profile already configured to include /IN/service_packages/UPC/.profile-sms. * Undo database changes now? [y,n,?] y

Enter the various passwords, or leave defaults for Oracle user SMF (the SMF database installation defaults to smf' however if this has been changed either at or post install time of the package, you must enter what the password was changed to).

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Sep 7 23:49:54 2006 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production USER : SMF PASSWD: smf UNCHECK: whenever sqlerror continue LOGIN: execute smf_security.response(smf_security_response(smf_security.challenge('<UPC>'))); STORAGE: MAIN: @upc_drop_all.sql @removeMacroNodes.sql CHECKED_MAIN: @upc_un_tablespaces.sql SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Sep 7 23:49:54 2006 (c) Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

No user action required. This is for information only. Please note that this is only a small sample of the list of things that will be removed with the package.

Continued on next page

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 9

Remove upcSms, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 115 Technical Guide

Example script for upcSms removal (continued)

Script Output Action SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> Connected. SQL> SQL> 'LOGI ----- login SQL> SQL> PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. ...

No user action required. This is for information only. Please note that this is only a small sample of the list of things that will be removed with the package.

/IN/html/Acs_Service/images/FNSendBuffer.gif /IN/html/Acs_Service/images/FNLanguageSetting.gif ## Executing postremove script. NOTE: Removing base directory. ## Updating system information. Removal of <upcSms> was successful.

Confirmation of successful package removal. No user action required.

Chapter 9 Commercial In Confidence

Page 116 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Remove uisScp Follow these steps to remove the package.

Step Action 1 Log in as root. 2 Type pkgrm uisScp

Result: There is no need to run the .unconf scripts manually. The remove script will prompt you and ask if you wish to have this scripts run automatically. Once these are run the package is completely removed. See the example script below.

The table below provides a sample of the text displayed during a uisScp package removal on a stand-alone SCP.

Script Output Action # pkgrm uisScp The following package is currently installed: uisScp Oracle uisScp (sun4u)

Type this command to start the installation.

Do you want to remove this package? y ## Removing installed package instance <uisScp> This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of removing this package.

Type y to remove the package, or n to quit the removal process

Do you want to continue with the removal of this package [y,n,?,q] y ## Verifying package dependencies. ## Processing package information. ## Executing preremove script. Warning: uisScp has not been configured. The unconfigure script will now be run. * Removing inittab entries * Removing entry uis0 from /etc/inittab * Removing entry uis1 from /etc/inittab * Removing entry uis2 from /etc/inittab * Reloading inittab.

Type y to continue.

* Please enter the path to the SLEE configuration file (Default is /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg) Notice: Updated cdrIF config file: /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/cdrIF.cfg Notice: Updated SLEE configuration file: /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg * Notice: SLEE configuration successfully modified * Notice: Waiting for the Mfile Daemons to shutdown... * Please specify the ORACLE_SID to use when configuring the database. (default: SCP) [?]

Click Enter to accept the default, or enter the path, if required.

Continued on next page

Procedure - remove stand-alone uisScp

Example script for stand-alone uisScp removal

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 9

Remove uisScp, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 117 Technical Guide

Example script for stand-alone uisScp removal (continued)

Script Output Action * ORACLE_HOME is currently set to /u01/app/oracle/product/ Use this setting? [y,n,?] y * Please enter the value of ORACLE_BASE to use. NOTE: 2 options found, please choose one (1) /u01/app/oracle (2) Manual Select the option to use (default: 1) [?] * Please enter the password for the scp user on the SCP instance (default: scp) [?] * NOTICE: Standalone SCP configuration * Undo database changes now? [y,n,?] y

Enter the various options, or leave defaults for Oracle user SMF

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Sep 7 23:49:54 2006 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> Connected. SQL> SQL> D - X SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> drop function chartoraw * SQL> SQL> Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production Operation Completed. * Notice: database modifications successful ## Removing pathnames in class <none> /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/tmp <non-empty directory not removed> ... /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/ussdgw /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/cmnPushFiles /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin/UssdMfileD /IN/service_packages/UIS/bin <non-empty directory not removed> /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/cdrIF.cfg.UIS /IN/cdr/ussd /IN/cdr/temp

No user action required. This is for information only. Please note that this is only a small sample of the list of things that will be removed with the package.

## Executing postremove script. NOTE: Removing base directory. ## Updating system information. Removal of <uisScp> was successful.

Confirmation of successful package removal. No user action required.

Continued on next page

Chapter 9 Commercial In Confidence

Remove uisScp, Continued

Page 118 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Follow these steps to remove the packages for a dual installation sms/scp.

Step Action 1 Log in as root.

2 Type # pkgrm uisScp 3 Follow the prompts in the script. See the example script below.

The table below provides a sample of the text displayed during a uisScp package removal on a dual SMP/SCP.

Script Output Action # pkgrm uisScp The following package is currently installed: uisScp Oracle uisScp (sun4u)

Type this command to start the installation.

Do you want to remove this package? y ## Removing installed package instance <uisScp> This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of removing this package.

Type y to remove the package, or n to quit the removal process

Do you want to continue with the removal of this package [y,n,?,q] y ## Verifying package dependencies. ## Processing package information. ## Executing preremove script. Warning: uisScp has not been configured. The unconfigure script will now be run. * Removing inittab entries * Removing entry uis0 from /etc/inittab * Removing entry uis1 from /etc/inittab * Removing entry uis2 from /etc/inittab * Reloading inittab.

Type y to continue.

* Please enter the path to the SLEE configuration file (Default is /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg) Notice: Updated cdrIF config file: /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/cdrIF.cfg Notice: Updated SLEE configuration file: /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/SLEE.cfg * Notice: SLEE configuration successfully modified * Notice: Waiting for the Mfile Daemons to shutdown... * Notice: Dual SMS/SCP configuration.

Click Enter to accept the default, or enter the path, if required.

* Please enter the password for the smf user on the SMF instance (default: smf) [?]

Enter the various options, or leave defaults for Oracle user SMF

Continued on next page

Procedure - remove uisScp dual installation

Example script for uisScp dual installation removal

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 9

Remove uisScp, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 119 Technical Guide

Example script for uisScp dual installation removal (continued)

Script Output Action SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Sep 7 23:49:54 2006 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Connected to Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production SQL> SQL> Synonym dropped SQL> View dropped. SQL> SQL> Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production ## Removing pathnames in class <none> /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/tmp <shared pathname not removed> /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/lib/ <shared pathname not removed> ... /IN/service_packages/SLEE/etc/cdrIF.cfg.UIS /IN/cdr/ussd <shared pathname not removed> /IN/cdr/temp <non-empty directory not removed>

No user action required. This is for information only. Please note that this is only a small sample of the list of things that will be removed with the package.

## Executing postremove script. NOTE: Removing base directory. ## Updating system information. Removal of <uisScp> was successful.

Confirmation of successful package removal. No user action required.

Chapter 9 Commercial In Confidence

Page 120 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Remove uisSms Follow these steps to remove the package.

Step Action 1 Log in as root. 2 Type pkgrm uisSms

Result: There is no need to run the .unconf scripts manually. The remove script will prompt you and ask if you wish to have this scripts run automatically. Once these are run the package is completely removed.

The table below provides a sample of the text displayed during a uisSms package removal on an SMP.

Script Output Action # pkgrm uisSms The following package is currently installed: uisSms Oracle uisSms (sun4u)

Type this command to start the installation.

Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q] y ## Removing installed package instance <uisSms> This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of removing this package.

Answer y to continue with the removal of this package, or n to quit the removal process.

Do you want to continue with the removal of this package [y,n,?,q] y ## Verifying package dependencies. ## Processing package information. ## Executing preremove script. Warning: uisSms has not been unconfigured. The unconfigure script will now be run. * Please specify the ORACLE_SID to use when configuring the database.

Answer y to continue installation or n to quit the installation process.

(default: SMF) [?] * Please choose a value for ORACLE_HOME from the following list, * taken from /var/opt/oracle/oratab. NOTE: 2 options found, please choose one (1) /u01/app/oracle/product/ (2) Manual Entry or Exhaustive Search

Enter the various options, or leave defaults for Oracle user SMF

Continued on next page


Example script for uisSms removal

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 9

Remove uisSms, Continued

USSD Gateway Page 121 Technical Guide

Example script for uisSms removal (continued)

Script Output Action Select the option to use (default: 1) [?] * Please enter the value of ORACLE_BASE to use. NOTE: 2 options found, please choose one (1) /u01/app/oracle (2) Manual

Select the option to use (default: 1) [?] * Is the database instance on a remote node ? [y,n,?] y * Please enter the password for the smf user on the SMF instance (default: smf) [?] * ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name. Quit? [y,n,?] y

Enter the various passwords, or leave defaults for Oracle user SMF (the SMF database installation defaults to smf' however if this has been changed either at or post install time of the package, you must enter what the password was changed to).

## Removing pathnames in class <none> /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/tmp /IN/service_packages/UIS/lib/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/lib/ /IN/service_packages/UIS/lib/ckyorn /IN/service_packages/UIS/lib/ckstr /IN/service_packages/UIS/lib /IN/service_packages/UIS/etc <non-empty directory not removed> /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_values_smf.sql /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_validation_smf.sql /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_un_tablespaces_scp.sql /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_un_tablespaces.sql /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_tablespaces_smf_custom.sql /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_tablespaces_smf.sql /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_tablespaces_custom.sql /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_tablespaces.sql /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_tables_smf.sql /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_tables_1.sql /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_storage_none.sql /IN/service_packages/UIS/db/uis_storage.sql ...

No user action required. This is for information only. Please note that this is only a small sample of the list of things that will be removed with the package.

Continued on next page

Chapter 9 Commercial In Confidence

Remove uisSms, Continued

Page 122 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

Example script for uisSms removal (continued)

Script Output Action /IN/html/UIS/error/Delete_Data/2292.UIS_MENU_INFO__MI_FK /IN/html/UIS/error/Delete_Data/2292.UIS_GATEWAY__LAN__FK /IN/cdr/ussd/failed /IN/cdr/ussd/archives /IN/cdr/ussd ## Executing postremove script. NOTE: Removing base directory. ## Updating system information. Removal of <uisSms> was successful.

Confirmation of successful package removal. No user action required.

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 9

USSD Gateway Page 123 Technical Guide

Checking Removal After the un-installs have completed, it is worth double checking the /IN/service_packages/ directory to ensure the UIS, and UPC directories have gone.

Follow these steps to check that the tables have gone.

Step Action 1 As sms_oper, start SQL Plus. 2 Type:

sqlplus / select table_name from all_tables where_name like 'U%';

and make sure there are no UIS tables in the list.



Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway Page 125 Technical Guide



This appendix contains the following topics.

Glossary of Terms ....................................................................................... 127 Index ............................................................................................................ 133

In this appendix

Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway Page 127 Technical Guide

Glossary of Terms

Authentication, Authorisation, and Accounting. Specified in Diameter RFC 3588.

Advanced Control Services configuration platform.

Basic Call State Model - describes the basic processing steps that must be performed by a switch in order to establish and tear down a call.

Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic

This is a 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) initiative to extend traditional IN services found in fixed networks into mobile networks. The architecture is similar to that of traditional IN, in that the control functions and switching functions are remote. Unlike the fixed IN environment, in mobile networks the subscriber may roam into another PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network), consequently the controlling function must interact with a switching function in a foreign network. CAMEL specifies the agreed information flows that may be passed between these networks.

Country Code. Prefix identifying the country for a numeric international address.

1) Charging Control Services (or Prepaid Charging) component.

2) Common Channel Signalling. A signalling system used in telephone networks that separates signalling information from user data.

Call Detail Record

Note: The industry standard for CDR is EDR (Event Detail Record). Over time EDR will replace CDR in the Oracle documentation.

Control Plan Editor (previously Call Plan Editor) - software used to define the logic and data associated with a call - e.g. "if the subscriber calls 0800 nnnnnn from a phone at location xxx then put the call through to bb bbb bbbb".

Unix utility for scheduling tasks.

File used by cron.

Character User Interface


A feature rich AAA protocol. Utilises SCTP and TCP transports.

Detection Point

Event Detail Record

Note: Previously CDR. The industry standard for CDR is EDR (Event Detail Record). Over time EDR will replace CDR in the Oracle documentation.

First Delivery Attempt - the delivery of a short message directly to the SME rather than relaying it via the MC.

File Transfer Protocol - protocol for electronic transfer of files


















Commercial In Confidence

Page 128 USSD Gateway Technical Guide

General Packet Radio Service - employed to connect mobile cellular users to PDN (Public Data Network- for example the Internet).

Global System for Mobile communication.

It is a second generation cellular telecommunication system. Unlike first generation systems, GSM is digital and thus introduced greater enhancements such as security, capacity, quality and the ability to support integrated services.

The Home Location Register is a database within the HPLMN (Home Public Land Mobile Network). It provides routing information for MT calls and SMS. It is also responsible for the maintenance of user subscription information. This is distributed to the relevant VLR, or SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node) through the attach process and mobility management procedures such as Location Area and Routing Area updates.


HyperText Markup Language, a small application of SGML used on the World Wide Web.

It defines a very simple class of report-style documents, with section headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, and illustrations, with a few informational and presentational items, and some hypertext and multimedia.

InitiateCallAttempt. A CAMEL/INAP operation sent by the UAS to an SSP request that a voice call is started.

INAP message: Initial DP (Initial Detection Point)

International Mobile Subscriber Identifier. A unique identifier allocated to each mobile subscriber in a GSM and UMTS network. It consists of a MCC (Mobile Country Code), a MNC (Mobile Network Code) and a MSIN (Mobile Station Identification Number).

The IMSI is returned by the HLR query (SRI-SM) when doing FDA. This tells the MSC exactly who the subscriber is that the message is to be sent to.

Intelligent Network

Intelligent Network Application Part - a protocol offering real time communication between IN elements.

Initial Detection Point - INAP Operation. This is the operation that is sent when the switch reaches a trigger detection point.

1) Internet Protocol

2) Intelligent Peripheral - a box that is able to play announcements

Internet Protocol Address - network address of a card on a computer

Integrated Services Digital Network - set of protocols for connecting ISDN stations.

International Telecommunication Union











Initial DP


IP address



Commercial In Confidence

USSD Gateway Page 129 Technical Guide

Mobile Application Part - a protocol which enables real time communication between nodes in a mobile cellular network. A typical usage of the protocol would be for the transfer of location information from the VLR to the HLR.

Message Centre. Also known as SMSC.

Mobile Country Code. In the location information context, this is padded to three digits with leading zeros. Refer to ITU E.212 ("Land Mobile Numbering Plan") documentation for a list of codes.

Mobile Network Code. The part of an international address following the mobile country code (MCC), or at the start of a national format address. This specifies the mobile network code, i.e. the operator owning the address. In the location information context, this is padded to two digits with a leading zero. Refer to ITU E.212 ("Land Mobile Numbering Plan") documentation for a list of codes.

Mobile Station

Mobile Switching Centre. Also known as a switch.

Mobile Station Identification Number.

Mobile Station ISDN number. Uniquely defines the mobile station as an ISDN terminal. It consists of three parts; the country code (CC), the national destination code (NDC) and the subscriber number (SN).

Mobile Station Roaming Number

Mobile Terminated

Nature Of Address - a classification to determine in what realm (Local, National or International) a given phone number resides, for the purposes of routing and billing.

Oracle Corporation

Play Announcement and Collect User Information

Public Land Mobile Network

Request Report BCSM.

Service Access Number

Service Control Function - this is the application of service logic to control functional entities in providing Intelligent Network services.

Service Control Point. Also known as UAS.

Stream Control Transmission Protocol. A transport-layer protocol analogous to the TCP or User Datagram Protocol (UDP). SCTP provides some similar services as TCP (reliable, in-sequence transport of messages with congestion control) but adds high availability.




















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Diameter exchange relating to a particular user or subscriber access to a provided service (i.e. a phone call).

Standard Generalized Markup Language. The international standard for defining descriptions of the structure of different types of electronic document.

Serving GPRS Support Node

Service Logic Execution Environment

Short Message Entity - an entity which may send or receive Short Messages. It may be located in a fixed network, a mobile, or an SMSC.

Service Management Platform (also referred to as USMS).

Short Message Service.

Short Message Service Centre - stores and forwards a short message to the indicated destination subscriber number.

Service Number

Structured Query Language - a database query language.

Send Routing Information - This process is used on a GSM network to interrogate the HLR for subscriber routing information.

Sub Service Field.

Service Switching Point

Anything that can send and receive C7 messages.

The person(s) responsible for the overall set-up and maintenance of the IN.

Transaction Capabilities Application Part – layer in protocol stack, message protocol.

Transmission Control Protocol. This is a reliable octet streaming protocol used by the majority of applications on the Internet. It provides a connection-oriented, full-duplex, point to point service between hosts.

Universal Application Server - hardware on which applications run.

USSD Interactive Services

USSD Portal Components

Universal Service Management System hardware platform.

Unstructured Supplementary Service Data - a feature in the GSM MAP protocol that can be used to provide subscriber functions such as Balance Query and Friends and Family Access.














Switching Point

System Administrator TCAP







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Universal USSD Gateway - used to provide data services using high performance menu-based interactions.

Visitor Location Register - contains all subscriber data required for call handling and mobility management for mobile subscribers currently located in the area controlled by the VLR.

Wireless Application Protocol. A standard designed to allow the content of the Internet to be viewed on the screen of a mobile device such as mobile phones, personal organisers and pagers. It also overcomes the processing limitation of such devices. The information and services available are stripped down to their basic text format.

eXtensible Markup Language. It is designed to improve the functionality of the Web by providing more flexible and adaptable information identification.

It is called extensible because it is not a fixed format like HTML. XML is a `metalanguage' — a language for describing other languages—which lets you design your own customized markup languages for limitless different types of documents. XML can do this because it's written in SGML.





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# Configuration - libupcService - 1.0-

libupcService • 46

A -a • 19 A leg

Callback • 7 Abbv • 27, 29, 30, 31 About this Document

Audience • v Changes in this document • v Pre-requisites • v Related documents • v Scope • v

ACS • 3, 13, 57 acs.conf • 12 Alarm descriptions

USSD Gateway • 61 Alarm text and variables

Alarm Topic Description • 60 Alarm Topic Description

Alarm text and variables • 60 Introduction • 60 Severity levels • 60

Alarms Alarms, Statistics, Reports and EDRs • 9

Alarms, Statistics, Reports and EDRs Alarms • 9 EDRs • 9 Statistics • 9

Audience About this Document • v

B B leg

Callback • 7 Before you begin

Installing the uisScp Package • 86 Installing the uisSms Package • 82 Installing the upcScp Package • 95 Installing the upcScpSizing Package • 93 Installing the upcSms Package • 101 Installing the upcSmsSizing Package • 94 Installing uisScpSizing Package • 80 Installing uisSmsSizing Package • 81

C -c

<if> • 17 Call back message flow

Callback • 8 Callback

A leg • 7 B leg • 7 Call back message flow • 8 Callback initiation • 7 Introduction • 7

Callback initiation Callback • 7

CDR • 57, 61 CDR Loader Deployment

Introduction • 105 Platforms • 105 Procedure • 105

cdrIF.cfg • 12 cdrLoader

Configuration • 49 Location • 49 Purpose • 49 Startup • 49

cdrLoader.conf • 12 Changes in this document

About this Document • v Checking configuration files

Common Troubleshooting Procedures • 56 Checking current processes

Common Troubleshooting Procedures • 54 Checking encoding parameters

Configuring acs.conf for the UAS • 15 Checking installed packages • 74

Common Troubleshooting Procedures • 54 Checking Kernel parameters

Preparing the System • 76 Checking network connectivity

Common Troubleshooting Procedures • 55 Checking Oracle

Common Troubleshooting Procedures • 55 Checking Oracle application versions - cmn

Installation Pre-requisites • 74 Checking Oracle version

Installation Pre-requisites • 74 Checking procedure

Configuring the SLEE.cfg • 13 Checking Removal

Introduction • 126 Procedure • 126

Checking software on Solaris Installation Pre-requisites • 74


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C,(continued) Checking the service

Scenarios • 57 Common Troubleshooting Procedures

Checking configuration files • 56 Checking current processes • 54 Checking installed packages • 54 Checking network connectivity • 55 Checking Oracle • 55 Introduction • 54 Replication • 55

Component acs.conf • 12 cdrIF.cfg • 12 cdrLoader.conf • 12 eserv.conifg • 12 SLEE.cfg • 12 SMS screens • 12 upc.conf • 12 • 12

Components What is USSD Gateway? • 3

Configuration • 12, 42 cdrLoader • 49 libupcChassisActions • 47 libupcMacroNodes • 48 ussdgw • 44 UssdMfileD • 45

Configuration components Configuration Overview • 12

Configuration file format eserv.config Configuration • 25

Configuration Overview Configuration components • 12 Introduction • 12 Multiple instances of SMSC • 12

Configuring ACS to recognise hex digits Configuring acs.conf for the UAS • 15

Configuring acs.conf for the UAS • 12 Checking encoding parameters • 15 Configuring ACS to recognise hex digits •

15 Introduction • 15 Send Buffer Node - number normalisation •

16 srf configuration • 16 UPC library configuration • 15

Configuring the SLEE.cfg Checking procedure • 13 Editing the SLEE.cfg file • 13 Example SLEE.cfg file • 13 Introduction • 13

C,(continued) Configuring the USSD Gateway Portal

Component (UPC) • 12, 46 Default upc.conf file • 21 Introduction • 21 Release calls with no MSISDN instructions

• 23 upcServiceLoader parameters • 21

Configuring the XML Interface and Enabling Tracing Example xmlIF.cfg • 40 XML interface tracing • 40 XML script configuration • 40 xmlIF.cfg configuration • 39

D Database sizing

Installation Pre-requisites • 75 DaysOfWeek • 27, 28 Debug • 54 Default upc.conf file

Configuring the USSD Gateway Portal Component (UPC) • 21

defaultLanguageId • 22 destDir • 35 Diagram

What is USSD Gateway? • 2 Document Conventions

Icons • vi Typographical conventions • vi

E -e

<opt> • 18 Editing the file

eserv.config Configuration • 26 Editing the SLEE.cfg file

Configuring the SLEE.cfg • 13 EDR Section

Example config • 35 Introduction • 35 Parameters • 35

EDRs Alarms, Statistics, Reports and EDRs • 9

eserv.config Configuration • 12, 44 Configuration file format • 25 Editing the file • 26 eserv.config files delivered • 26 Introduction • 25 Location of eserv.config • 25

eserv.config files delivered eserv.config Configuration • 26

eserv.conifg • 12 ESERV_CONFIG_FILE • 26 Example 1 • 32

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E,(continued) Example 2 • 33 Example call flow

Handset Interaction • 5 Example call flow description

Handset Interaction • 5 Example config

EDR Section • 35 Example script for dual installation upcScp

removal Remove upcScp • 113

Example script for stand-alone uisScp removal Remove uisScp • 118

Example script for stand-alone upcScp removal Remove upcScp • 110

Example script for uisScp dual installation Installing the uisScp Package • 86

Example script for uisScp dual installation removal Remove uisScp • 121

Example script for uisScp single installation Installing the uisScp Package • 90

Example script for uisScpSizing installation Installing uisScpSizing Package • 80

Example script for uisSms installation Installing the uisSms Package • 82

Example script for uisSms removal Remove uisSms • 123

Example script for uisSmsSizing installation Installing uisSmsSizing Package • 81

Example script for upcScp dual installation Installing the upcScp Package • 95

Example script for upcScp single installation Installing the upcScp Package • 98

Example script for upcScpSizing installation Installing the upcScpSizing Package • 93

Example script for upcSms installation Installing the upcSms Package • 101

Example script for upcSms removal Remove upcSms • 115

Example script for upcSmsSizing installation Installing the upcSmsSizing Package • 94

Example SLEE.cfg file Configuring the SLEE.cfg • 13

Example xmlIF.cfg Configuring the XML Interface and

Enabling Tracing • 40 Examples • 28, 29, 31

Response Date and Time • 32

F filePrefix • 35 flushPeriod • 36 Full • 27, 28, 30, 31

G Gateway configuration • 12, 44

Overview of the USSD Gateway Configuration • 17

H Handset integration

What is USSD Gateway? • 4 Handset Interaction

Example call flow • 5 Example call flow description • 5 Introduction • 5

I Icons

Document Conventions • vi Installation directory

Loading the Distribution File • 79 Installation Pre-requisites

Checking Oracle application versions - cmn • 74

Checking Oracle version • 74 Checking software on Solaris • 74 Database sizing • 75 Introduction • 74 USMS/ UAS • 74

Installation Procedure Overview Package installation order • 78

Installing the uisScp Package • 21 Before you begin • 86 Example script for uisScp dual installation •

86 Example script for uisScp single installation

• 90 Procedure • 86

Installing the uisSms Package Before you begin • 82 Example script for uisSms installation • 82 Procedure • 82

Installing the upcScp Package Before you begin • 95 Example script for upcScp dual installation

• 95 Example script for upcScp single

installation • 98 Procedure • 95

Installing the upcScpSizing Package Before you begin • 93 Example script for upcScpSizing installation

• 93 Introduction • 93 Procedure • 93

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I,(continued) Installing the upcSms Package

Before you begin • 101 Example script for upcSms installation •

101 Procedure • 101

Installing the upcSmsSizing Package Before you begin • 94 Example script for upcSmsSizing

installation • 94 Introduction • 94 Procedure • 94

Installing uisScpSizing Package Before you begin • 80 Example script for uisScpSizing installation

• 80 Introduction • 80 Procedure • 80

Installing uisSmsSizing Package Before you begin • 81 Example script for uisSmsSizing installation

• 81 Introduction • 81 Procedure • 81

Introduction Alarm Topic Description • 60 Callback • 7 CDR Loader Deployment • 105 Checking Removal • 126 Common Troubleshooting Procedures • 54 Configuration Overview • 12 Configuring acs.conf for the UAS • 15 Configuring the SLEE.cfg • 13 Configuring the USSD Gateway Portal

Component (UPC) • 21 EDR Section • 35 eserv.config Configuration • 25 Handset Interaction • 5 Installation Pre-requisites • 74 Installing the upcScpSizing Package • 93 Installing the upcSmsSizing Package • 94 Installing uisScpSizing Package • 80 Installing uisSmsSizing Package • 81 Loading the Distribution File • 79 Overview of the USSD Gateway

Configuration • 17 Preparing the System • 76 Starting and Stopping the USSD Gateway •

52 What is USSD Gateway? • 2

ip • 39

K keepalive • 40

L -l

<usr>/<pwd> • 17 Language • 28, 31 libupcChassisActions • 3, 16

Configuration • 47 Location • 47 Purpose • 47 Startup • 47

libupcMacroNodes • 3, 16 Configuration • 48 Location • 48 Purpose • 48 Startup • 48

libupcService • 3, 16 Configuration - libupcService - 1.0- • 46 Location • 46 Purpose • 46 Startup • 46

Loading the Distribution File Installation directory • 79 Introduction • 79 Procedure • 79

Location cdrLoader • 49 libupcChassisActions • 47 libupcMacroNodes • 48 libupcService • 46 ussdgw • 44 UssdMfileD • 45

Location of eserv.config eserv.config Configuration • 25

Log in • 74

M -m

<max> • 18 MAP • 57, 61 maxNum • 36 Months • 30, 31 MSISDN • 57, 61 Multiple instances of SMSC

Configuration Overview • 12

N -n

<name> • 17 -name • 45 noCallPlanReleaseCause • 22 noMsisdnReleaseCause • 22 nsname • 49

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O -o

<opt> • 18 Oracle • 20, 57, 74 Output

UssdMfileD • 45 Overview of the USSD Gateway Configuration

Gateway configuration • 17 Introduction • 17 code • 20

P -p • 19 Package installation order

Installation Procedure Overview • 78 Parameters • 76

-a • 19 Abbv • 29, 31 -c <if> • 17 DaysOfWeek • 27 defaultLanguageId • 22 destDir • 35 -e <opt> • 18 EDR Section • 35 ESERV_CONFIG_FILE • 26 filePrefix • 35 flushPeriod • 36 Full • 28, 31 ip • 39 keepalive • 40 -l <usr>/<pwd> • 17 Language • 28, 31 -m <max> • 18 maxNum • 36 Months • 30 -n <name> • 17 -name • 45 noCallPlanReleaseCause • 22 noMsisdnReleaseCause • 22 nsname • 49 -o <opt> • 18 -p • 19 password • 49 port • 39 Preparing the System • 76 -r <opt> • 19 Response Date and Time • 27 -s <opt> • 17 smscFromAddress • 23 smscInterfaceName • 23 tagPrefix • 37 tempDir • 37 timeout • 39 timestampFormat • 38 tracingEnabled • 40 tracingPath • 40

P,(continued) -u • 19 -user • 45 username • 49 -v <id> • 18 -w • 20 xmlfile • 39 -z <str> • 20

password • 49 Platforms

CDR Loader Deployment • 105 port • 39 Post-installation Configuration • 12

Restart stats daemon • 107 Setting up replication • 108 The minimum configuration required to

make a call • 107 Preparing the System

Checking Kernel parameters • 76 Introduction • 76 Parameters • 76

Pre-requisites About this Document • v

Procedure CDR Loader Deployment • 105 Checking Removal • 126 Installing the uisScp Package • 86 Installing the uisSms Package • 82 Installing the upcScp Package • 95 Installing the upcScpSizing Package • 93 Installing the upcSms Package • 101 Installing the upcSmsSizing Package • 94 Installing uisScpSizing Package • 80 Installing uisSmsSizing Package • 81 Loading the Distribution File • 79 Remove uisSms • 123 Remove upcSms • 115

Procedure - remove stand-alone uisScp Remove uisScp • 118

Procedure - remove stand-alone upcScp installation Remove upcScp • 110

Procedure - remove uisScp dual installation Remove uisScp • 121

Procedure - remove upcScp Remove upcScp • 110

Procedure - remove upcScp dual installation Remove upcScp • 112

Process libupcChassisActions • 3 libupcMacroNodes • 3 libupcService • 3 slee_acs • 3 ussdgw • 3

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P,(continued) Processing diagram

What is USSD Gateway? • 4 Purpose

cdrLoader • 49 libupcChassisActions • 47 libupcMacroNodes • 48 libupcService • 46 ussdgw • 44 UssdMfileD • 45

R -r

<opt> • 19 Related documents

About this Document • v Release calls with no MSISDN instructions

Configuring the USSD Gateway Portal Component (UPC) • 23

Remove uisScp Example script for stand-alone uisScp

removal • 118 Example script for uisScp dual installation

removal • 121 Procedure - remove stand-alone uisScp •

118 Procedure - remove uisScp dual installation

• 121 Remove uisSms

Example script for uisSms removal • 123 Procedure • 123

Remove upcScp Example script for dual installation upcScp

removal • 113 Example script for stand-alone upcScp

removal • 110 Procedure - remove stand-alone upcScp

installation • 110 Procedure - remove upcScp • 110 Procedure - remove upcScp dual

installation • 112 Remove upcSms

Example script for upcSms removal • 115 Procedure • 115

Replication Common Troubleshooting Procedures • 55

Response Date and Time Examples • 32 Parameters • 27 Response date and time format • 27

Response date and time format Response Date and Time • 27

Restart stats daemon Post-installation Configuration • 107

S -s

<opt> • 17 Scenarios

Checking the service • 57 Scope

About this Document • v SCP • 110, 112, 121 Send Buffer Node - number normalisation

Configuring acs.conf for the UAS • 16 Setting up replication

Post-installation Configuration • 108 Severity levels

Alarm Topic Description • 60 SLEE • 13, 52, 57, 61 SLEE.cfg • 12, 13, 61 slee_acs • 3 SMS screens • 12 smscFromAddress • 23 smscInterfaceName • 23 srf configuration • 6

Configuring acs.conf for the UAS • 16 Starting and Stopping the USSD Gateway

Introduction • 52 Starting the SLEE • 52 Startup output • 52 Stopping the USSD Gateway service • 52

Starting the SLEE Starting and Stopping the USSD Gateway •

52 Startup • 17

cdrLoader • 49 libupcChassisActions • 47 libupcMacroNodes • 48 libupcService • 46 ussdgw • 44 UssdMfileD • 45

Startup output Starting and Stopping the USSD Gateway •

52 Statistic

UIS_1 • 9 UIS_10 • 9 UIS_11 • 9 UIS_12 • 9 UIS_13 • 9 UIS_14 • 9 UIS_2 • 9 UIS_3 • 9 UIS_4 • 9 UIS_5 • 9 UIS_6 • 9 UIS_7 • 9 UIS_8 • 9 UIS_9 • 9

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S,(continued) Statistics

Alarms, Statistics, Reports and EDRs • 9 Stopping the USSD Gateway service

Starting and Stopping the USSD Gateway • 52

Switching trace on or off, after start up • 42 Symbolic names

<id> • 18 <if> • 17 <max> • 18 <name> • 17 <opt> • 17, 18, 19 <pwd> • 17 <str> • 20

System Alarms • 9

T tagPrefix • 37 tempDir • 37 The minimum configuration required to make a

call Post-installation Configuration • 107

The trace file • 42 timeout • 39 timestampFormat • 38 tracingEnabled • 40 tracingPath • 40 Typographical conventions

Document Conventions • vi

U -u • 19 UIS and UPC

What is USSD Gateway? • 2 UIS_1 • 9 UIS_10 • 9 UIS_11 • 9 UIS_12 • 9 UIS_13 • 9 UIS_14 • 9 UIS_2 • 9 UIS_3 • 9 UIS_4 • 9 UIS_5 • 9 UIS_6 • 9 UIS_7 • 9 UIS_8 • 9 UIS_9 • 9 uisScp • 118, 121 uisSms • 78, 123 UPC library configuration

Configuring acs.conf for the UAS • 15 upc.conf • 12 upcScp • 15, 110, 112

U,(continued) upcServiceLoader parameters • 23

Configuring the USSD Gateway Portal Component (UPC) • 21

upcSms • 58, 115 -user • 45 username • 49 USMS/ UAS

Installation Pre-requisites • 74 USSD Gateway

Alarm descriptions • 61 USSD Gateway Portal Service

What is USSD Gateway? • 3 USSD Interactive Services Gateway

What is USSD Gateway? • 3 ussdgw • 3, 5, 27, 30, 45, 57

Configuration • 44 Location • 44 Purpose • 44 Startup • 44 • 12 code

Overview of the USSD Gateway Configuration • 20

UssdMfileD • 58 Configuration • 45 Location • 45 Output • 45 Purpose • 45 Startup • 45

V -v

<id> • 18

W -w • 20 What is USSD Gateway?

Components • 3 Diagram • 2 Handset integration • 4 Introduction • 2 Processing diagram • 4 UIS and UPC • 2 USSD Gateway Portal Service • 3 USSD Interactive Services Gateway • 3

X XML interface tracing

Configuring the XML Interface and Enabling Tracing • 40

XML script configuration Configuring the XML Interface and

Enabling Tracing • 40 xmlfile • 39

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X,(continued) xmlIF.cfg configuration

Configuring the XML Interface and Enabling Tracing • 39

Z -z

<str> • 20

top related