ussm: development strategy for period...

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Development Strategy 2014 - 2020

Split, December 2014

USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020


Short historic prewiev 3

I. Students and teaching 7

II. Study programmes 9

III. Science 10

IV. Professional activities development 14

V. Human resources 16

VI. Facilities 20

VII. International collaboration 22

VIII. Financing 24

IX. Quality assurance 25

X. Conclusion 26


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

Short historic review

The very beginning of University of Split School of Medicine (USSM) goes back to

1806, when the “first medical school” was launched. It took place in medieval town of Trogir,

in St. Lazars licey, and six months later it was moved to Zadar, which was capital of Dalmatia

at time.

On June 12th 1974 Zagreb University school of Medicine brought a decision of

establishing a Medical School of the University of Split. At the early beginnings students of

9th and 10th semester were enrolled in this program, and the lessons were held by the

lecturers from Split and Zagreb.

In 1976 the 4th year of studying was opened, while in 1979 the Senate of Zagreb

Medical School decided to approve enrolment of the complete study programme of

Medicine in Split, and therefore enrolment of 50 new students.

The complete study programme was ceremonially opened on October 1st 1979. At

that time there were 2 full time, 9 associated and 7 assistant professors in Split and 6

associated professors within Dalmatian region.

The very first school premises were in Bishops palace until relocation to the premises

of Križine in 1994.

The first leaders of the School were professor Boschi since 1991, and from 1994 professor

Rumboldt who became a first dean of the University of Split School of Medicine back in


On June 26th the Senate of University of Split brought a decision according to which

University of Split School of Medicine became independent and developed into one of the

constituents of the University of Split.

Since the very beginnings of our School the number of students has rapidly increased

from 6 students back in 1974 to total of 509 in 2014. Besides students enrolled in

programme of Medicine, our School has also 167 students at the programme of Dental

Medicine, 153 in Medical studies in English and 288 students at the post doctoral studies.

At the same time USSM has expanded not only when looking at the increasing

number of students but also space wise. The expansion involved two phases: first phase

during the mandate of professor Boban: an extension on top of the existing Basic medical

sciences building was completed which represents enhancement for future development.


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

Second phase; during 2007 (when professor Janković was dean) complete project-technical

specifications have been laid down and building permit for these facilities issued. This phase

included large lecture hall for 386 people,), two smaller seminar rooms (with 75 seats each),

administration offices, School of Medicine Outpatient Clinic, an animal research facility with

the European Certificate, power facilities (engine-room and power station), a hostel (10

suites) with a restaurant, support facilities and an air-raid shelter as well as adequate

communications (connecting corridors between buildings A, B and C). Complete construction

project as planned was finalised during 2011.

When it comes to studying programmes, during 2004 USSM enrolled students in the

studying programmes of “Nursing”, “Medical radiology” and “Physiotherapy”. During the

mandate of professor Marušić USSM launched study programme of Medicine in English and

first students enrolled in 2011 in mandate of professor Ljutić.

In 2010 permission for study programme of Pharmacy was issued, and this programme is

now being conducted in collaboration with Faculty of chemistry and technology in Split.

Professional study programmes of “Nursing”, “Medical radiology” and “Physiotherapy” were

moved out of USSM in 2011, and are conducted under University's Department of health


It is important to mention the growth of number of employees: in 1997 USSM had 49 and

today 217 employees (12 assistants are financed out of institution's own resources).

When it comes to science, we have to mention that development of USSM meant also

significant growth (both in science and scientific publications). For example the number of

publications in 2014 is five times higher than in comparison to 1990 (170 vs 30).

It is visible, that in the period of last five years USSM has developed in all necessary areas:

human resources, teaching and science. USSM's development is outlined in the Strategy of

scientific development for 2014-2020.

This is USSM's vision and mission:


To promote excellence in medical profession by linking teaching and scientific research with

the aim to gain optimal knowledge and skills as well as to develop feelings of overall

responsibility and to become familiar with principles of ethics that all medical professionals

need to provide quality service to the community.



USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

High quality human resources

To create conditions in which USSM will became institution where the best medical experts,

researchers and teachers will work and be committed to their professional development and

career growth. Also, it will be the place where the best students from our country will

choose to study.

High quality scientific/research potential

To reinforce and maintain the reputation of the USSM as an institution in which world widely

recognized projects are carried out, young researches educated and continuing medical

education for experts in different fields of medicine is organized.

High quality professional, teaching and educational potential

To run and develop educational programmes that keep up with advances in modern

medicine, and that are aimed at satisfying students’ needs and meeting standards of medical

profession as well as of wider academic and local community.

International reputation

To reinforce international reputation by applying the best European criteria of ensuring the

quality of work performed at the USSM as well as by carrying out international evaluation

and ranking procedures.

Service to the community

To broaden the social dimension of academic activities undertaken at the USSM by creating,

developing and conducting activities aimed at improving health and preventing disease in

the local and wider community.

High quality management

To achieve continuous improvements in all processes related to effective management of

the School’s human and material resources according to the Plan for Establishment and

Development of Financial Management and Control.

High quality infrastructure

To achieve and maintain outstanding quality of buildings and their equipment as well as of

the surrounding area, teaching facilities and research laboratories with the aim to ensure

healthy, safe and stimulating professional environment.

Sustainability and Self-financing


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

Besides traditional forms of financing, to provide a larger number of self-financing sources

by opening new facilities and organisational units that will provide high quality diagnostic

and therapeutic services as well as educational and advertising activities.

Bearing in mind USSM's vision and mission, here are the main chapters of our Strategy:

1. Students and studying

2. Study programmes

3. Science

4. Professional activity development

5. Human resources

6. Facilities

7. International collaboration

8. Finances

9. Quality assurance


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

I. Students and studying

Students and teachers represent USSM's main value, therefore the main purpose of

our institution is education of young professionals. It is, through their knowledge, skills and

capabilities, that science and the medical profession will be carried out not only in the region

of Dalmatia, but in the whole country. The main goals here are:

1.1. Enhancement of the level of student's competences

1.2. Enhancement of the level of student's standard and standard of studying

1.1. Enhancement of the level of student's competences

At the USSM efficient and quality education based on the studying outcomes and in

compliance with society's demands is conducted.

The main strategic definition is quality of education and studying carried out through study

programmes. Therefore we are trying to make our study programmes well organized with

excellent teachers, quality facilities and equipment. It is, based on these conditions, and

through good organization that our students will be able to develop/improve during study

and graduate in time, capable to participate in labour market.

We feel it is important to form Centre of clinical knowledge that could help our

students with difficulties in studying. The main aim of the Centre would be organization of

variety of educations, workshops, lectures and summer schools.

Planned measures:

1. To further develop mentorships: each lecturer will be the mentor to assigned number

of students during the entire period of education.

2. To organize at each study programme appropriate number of lectures, seminars and

exercises for each subject and in accordance to studying outcomes.

3. To organize practical knowledge and skills, as well as the exercises through variety of

clinical subjects.

4. To organize regular and often assessments of student's knowledge through mid-term



USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

5. To encourage team work in small groups, and more direct work between teacher and


6. To involve students in research: encourage education based on the research done

7. To reward the best students as encouragement and example to the others

8. Through regular analyses of studying success surveys detect students with potential

problems and to intervene on time

9. Encourage the involvement of well known experts and guest professors in teaching


1.2. Enhancement of the level of student's standard and standard of studying

USSM will continue to maintain and develop student's standard through necessary

infrastructure and support for social, cultural and sport activities organized for students.

It is also necessary to assure appropriate Croatian text-books at acceptable prices for

students, as this would contribute to USSM's recognition as respectable publishing centre in

the region.

Investment in student's standard and social dimension of studying is associated to

one of the main national strategic goals, and that is that the education should be accessible

to everyone and under the same conditions.

Planned measures:

1. To ensure financial resources for equipment of dormitory, restaurant and kitchen

within new USSM's facilities.

2. To organize sport's, scientific and cultural activities based on student's needs.

3. Full accessibility of USSM's Library

4. To encourage collaboration with Student's assembly and other student's


5. To encourage development of doctor's fellowship system.


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

II. Study programmes

During the period of the last five years all the planned studying programmes have

started off. Today USSM conducts programme of Medicine, Dental Medicine, Medical

studies in English and Pharmacy (in collaboration with Faculty of chemistry and

technology in Split) and it also contributes to functioning of University's Department of

health sciences that came out of USSM in 2011.

One of the ideas for the new strategic period is establishment of study programme of

Dental Medicine in English and Psychology in collaboration with Faculty of philosophy in

Split, which would contribute to future formation of Biomedical University.

In the last three years we have increased the number of enrolled students for

some of the programmes, all based on the society demands and needs. This means that

at the study programme of Medicine we now have 90 students (earlier there were 75), at

programme of Dental Medicine 30 (whereas at the beginning this number was 25)

Medicine in English has 50 students (earlier it was 30). This was all done although there

was a lack of adequate backup (by Ministry of science, education and sports)) when it

comes to teaching and administrative human resources. Further systematic and

reasonable engagement toward Ministry of science, education and health is needed in

order to assure human resources.

Enrolment at USSM is based on results of the state graduate exam. These results in

many ways insure that here, at USSM, we have quality students, but in order to maintain

quality of studying at USSM, we feel it would be wise to incorporate student admission

procedure at least for the basic subjects important for biomedicine and health (biology,

physics and chemistry).

Planned measures:

1. To establish study programme of Dental Medicine in English

2. To establish study programme of Psychology in collaboration with Faculty of

philosophy in Split

3. To establish postgraduate study programme of Clinical pharmacology

4. To establish specialist postgraduate study programme of Sleep Medicine


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

III. Science

USSM's international recognition is primarily based on scientific productivity.

Strengthening of the scientific activity of USSM, as centre of scientific excellence, is one

of the main conditions for further development of medical profession whereas research

outcomes are main promoter in medicine. This is why we have made Strategy of

scientific development for period 2014-2020, within which all the main future goals and

priorities in scientific research are implemented, all according to demands of the society

and work market.

Science is research, research is knowledge about something new but also finding of

new solutions. Our aim is to form institutional system that can help develop research

potentials and encourage collaboration between multidisciplinary projects and

programmes all through new lines of research, which, in the end, will strengthen

international recognition of USSM.

It is also crucial to insure financial resources for the projects and to increase their

number. Source of financing, election and criteria for selection of the projects are

changed in the last couple of years especially since the main financial institutions are not

(which was the case before) the part of Croatian national institutions. We feel it is

necessary to strengthen USSM's backup when applying for project, which could be

realised through human resources within Science office and international collaboration

that can helpful not only in the phase of application but also when it comes to finding

financial resources out of European Union programme.

In the period of last couple of years, we have equipped out of institution's own

resources, laboratories of USSM and that is something we are willing to continue to do,

although this also means implementation of joint usage of scientific equipment.

Publishing at USSM is the main part of scientific-teaching process and therefore it is

one of the factors that make our institution recognised worldwide. This is why

publishing, both in Croatian and foreign languages should be encouraged.

Therefore we feel that important areas when it comes to science are:

III.1. The Increasing scientific productivity

III.2. Popularization of science

III.3. Formation of scientific groups/teams at USSM


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

III.4. Cochrane Centre

3.1. The Increasing scientific productivity

Research component of USSM should be strengthen, because it is crucial for

gaining new knowledge and innovations. This can be done through connection of

scientific capacities and encouragement of all creative potentials of basic and clinical

medicine. Special attention should be paid to development of research forms of work

both on integrated and PHD programmes, but also to capacity of development and

assurance of funding that come out of international project applications. This is

where we see USSM as active participant within ERA. Encouragement of research

excellence must be followed by support to most successful scientists which is now

partly done through doctoral programmes at USSM.

Planned measures:

1. To adopt The Strategy of scientific development for period 2014-2020

2. To Assure additional financial resources for science, research and technological


3. To Connect scientific groups that come out of different areas

4. To encourage researcher's mobility

5. To strengthen human resources within Office for science and international

collaboration that will be a support when applying for international projects

6. To form Publishing Department for help and advising when writing papers and

text-books within the Office for science and international collaboration

7. To implement IT system for supervision of scientific productivity at USSM

8. To increase the number of PHD students, i. e, ratio: one lecturer- one student

9. To reward best scientist, best paper and text-book.

3.2. Popularisation of science

Science popularisation means representation of scientific findings, scientific methods

and scientists to wider audience in popular and understanding way. Some of these activities

at USSM, involve organisation of Festival of science, Brain awareness week etc. Projects like

these are important for connection with wider society and economy. This is why we will


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

make an extra effort so that the science of USSM gets more media space and more space

within the whole society. We will encourage “Open doors days” for potential students of


Planned measures:

1. To encourage science popularisation among younger generation, but also within

wider local society.

2. To organize continual planning of interesting subject for Science club (that takes

place once a week) and wider audience

3. To Organize scientific workshops within USSM's facilities (early involvement of young


4. To Reward the best student's scientific papers.

3.3. Forming of scientific groups at USSM

There are many different active scientific research groups at USSM. Furthermore, the

joint research work between preclinic and clinic associates is very successful, the result of

which is constant increasing number of published papers (967 in the last 5 years), and

increasing number of papers published in editorials with high impact factor.

Planned measures:

1. To form a team for cardiovascular research

2. To form a team for cancer research

3. To form a Centre for hearing and speech, as a base for research, innovation and

specific clinic

4. To strengthen the already existing Sleep medicine Centre

5. To strengthen Croatian Centre for Global Health and Cochrane Centre

6. To form Centre for clinical epidemiology.


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

3.4. Cochrane Centre

In 2008 USSM has founded Cochrane Centre, as a part of Italian Cochrane, the only entity of

this collaboration in this part of Europe. The members of Cochrane are mainly USSM's

employees. The main task that Centre deals with is evidence based medicine.

Further activities of the Centre will be directed towards achieving main goals of the USSM's

Strategy. In order to achieve planned goals Cochrane will try to involve as many

collaborators in its work as possible, it will offer quality and constant education and backup

to them. It will also try to develop translation activities, and widen it's participation in

teaching programmes with active participation at international congresses in region and

worldwide. Cochrane will continue to work on successful collaboration with Ministry of

science, education and sports and USSM.

Planned measures:

1. To increase number and quality of publication summary in the medicine area (that

are relevant, actual and important for decision making within health system)

2. To enable access to Cochrane publication summary to wide number of employees

within the health system, patients, politicians (for decision making) and citizens of

Republic of Croatia.

3. To promote the role of Cochrane as leader of evidence based medicine in the region

of South-east Europe

4. To ensure future existence of Cochrane by transparent, inclusive and effective way of

functioning, with maximum usage of resources available.


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

IV. Professional activities development

For over five years there has been a need for establishing a Outpatient clinic

Academicus, which would be an integral part of the University of Split School of Medicine.

Therefore, the Statute of the University of Split School of Medicine has been modified

accordingly and activities have been amended with health activities. Moreover, aiming to

realize such a task many of our doctors have completed specialities in differed medical fields;

e.g. internal medicine, occupational medicine, neurology. Clinicians, who are employed at

the University of Split School of Medicine, are health protection providers. Based on that

foundation the clinic has been planned, designed and spatially defined on the ground floor

of the B building of the University of Split School of Medicine. During current mandate the

procedure for clinic opening has been initiated in addition to its prior equipment. The Centre

for diagnostic radiology has been spatially defined but not entirely finalized. Since the

Outpatient clinic includes major financial investments, no arrangement has been met in the

way the necessary financing should be carried out. Naturally, the Outpatient clinic, as a

constituent of the University of Split School of Medicine, has its own steering committee and

Head of the clinic.

Planned measures:

1. To open the Outpatient clinic Academicus for internal medicine, neurology,

otorhinolaryngology, pathology and radiology and include clinicians, at least partially,

in its work.

2. To Establish partnership with the Croatian Health Insurance Fund (HZZO) regarding

clinic financing and enlisting the radiological centre in the Croatian network of

radiological centres

3. To establish contract-based collaboration of the radiological centre with the Clinical

Hospital Centre Split beneficial not only to outpatients but to patients of the Clinical

Hospital Centre Split as well.

4. To Establish the speech and hearing team as well as the start of health services

providing of the future centre (numerous significant scientific accomplishments in a

form of international projects in this filed have been finalized by the University of


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

Split School of Medicine employees and with regard to professional work many

interviews have been carried out with ear, nose and throat specialists.

Establishment of an independent Centre for sleep medicine at the University of Split

School of Medicine within the clinic Academicus. The space, equipment and

personnel (including licensed somnologists) have been ensured.


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

V. Human resources

Above-mentioned programme points clearly portray managing board organization of

the University of Split School of Medicine, which does not differ from the current

organization of the managing board:

The University of Split School of Medicine Council, which is the central

managing body

The Dean and the Dean’s Advisory Board with its departments – the Deanery,

that is, the executive body of the University of Split School of Medicine

Since the mission of the University of Split School of Medicine is to promote knowledge

acquisition, comprehension, guidance and education the managing board of the University

of Split School of Medicine would not be complete without the student representative, that

is, the representative of the Student Association, who can deliver students’ problems and

contribute to their prompt solutions. For that reason the representative of the Student

Association is a member of the Dean’s Advisory Board.

In addition to that, we believe that the Dean and the Dean’s Advisory Board should have

other permanent and temporary advisors at their service

Strategic development advisor

Advisor for clinical medicine

Advisor for student issues

Advisor for publishing

who are able to contribute to the growth and development of the University of Split School

of Medicine with their knowledge and experience.

Continuous education of all deanery departments as well as administrative and service

offices is of high significance as well. Promptness, efficiency and readiness of administrative-

support personnel for acquiring of new skills and knowledge as well as efficient adaptation

to changes will be encouraged in order to ensure high-quality delivery of all activities.

Therefore, it is important to deliver:

V.1. Organization of the efficient work of the University of Split School of Medicine

managing board

V.2. Work organization of all Deanery departments


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

V.3. Development of human capacities

5.1. Organization of the efficient work of the University of Split School of Medicine

Managing Board

Efficient Managing Board (the Dean and Vice deans) implies clear and transparent

issuance of decisions for the good of all work units simultaneously acknowledging their

suggestions. Every activity is based on clearly defined assignments, deadlines and persons in

charge of their delivery.

Planned measures:

1. To Coordinate current regulations and issuance of new ones

2. To organize regular meetings and discussions of basic and complete advisory board

on current problems

5.2. Work organization of all Deanery departments

Within deanery organization, service departments are an essential and significant

part of the work organization. Work organization has to be solely based on high-quality work

delivery including cooperation of all department representatives. Consequently, the

University of Split Managing Board will provide all service department employees with an

opportunity to further educate for the purpose of their continuous education aiming to

benefit from their knowledge and competencies.


Construction and maintenance Department-Department director (1)- Department manager (1)-Department manager for general affairs (1)-Doorman (2)-Cleaning ladies (10) Departments planned structure

-Voditelj ustrojstvene jedinice, VSS(1)

Secretary (1)

Internal administration and technical support structure chart

Deans Office-Senior administartion assistant (1) -Administartion officer (1)


Deapartment for University Studies- Director of Studies (1)-Professional Consultant for Dental Medicine (1)- Professional Consultant for Medicine in english (1)-Professional Consultatnt(1)-Senior Administartion assissstant (2)- Senior adm. Assistant (2)

Viši stručni referent (2)

Viši stručni referent (2)

Legal and Human resources Department-Department Director (1)-Deparment manager for legal affairs (1)-Deparment manager for human resources (1)-Deparment manager for procurement (1)-professional Consultant for procurement affairs (1)Deparments planned structure

Information Technology Department-Director of IT Department (1)-Department Manager (1)-It Officer (1)- Department manager (1

Finance and Accounting Department-Director of Finance and accounting (1)-Department manager (1)-Accounts payable and payroll Manager (1))-Procurement manager (1)-professional consultant (1)- Department manager (2)

Postgraduate Medical Studies and Continuing Medical Education-Director of PG Medical Studies and CME Department (1)-Professional Consultant (2)-Senior administration Assistant (1)

USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

Planned measures:

1. Continuously enhance the work organization efficiency of all deanery departments

2. Enhance communication and coordination of deanery service departments and other

service departments

3. Continuous education of all administrative and technical personnel


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

5.3.Development of human capacities

The employees of the University of Split Schol of Medicine represent the most important

part of our school for our students. So as to face all possible challenges, it is highly important

to encourage and develop competencies of all those who participate in science-research,

teaching and administrative activities at the University of Split School of Medicine. Since we

aim to reach top quality in all these activities, we will encourage a continuous education of

both science - research and administrative-support personnel.

Planned measures:

1. To deliver a personnel plan by the year 2020 and its continuous supervision at the

school level

2. To publish international public calls for teaching positions ensuring objective and

transparent election procedure

3. To organize courses for continuous education of teachers on pedagogy, didactics,

methodology and other.

4. To organize participation of administrative and other personnel in further education in

accordance with requirements of the University of Split School of Medicine


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

VI. Facilities

Since the University of Split School of Medicine has become an independent constituent

of the University of Split we can undoubtedly state that there has been an enormous

expansion of its space capacities: two additional floors have been added to the main science

building and two building blocks have been finalized (the big lecture hall, four small halls,

dormitory, a bistro – caffe bar, parking lot and secured boundaries of the University of Split

School of Medicine). Working conditions of the Dental Medicine Programme have increased

since we have signed a collaboration agreement with the Dental Outpatient clinic. Our wish

and new assignment is to achieve that it becomes the Outpatient Clinic of the University of

Split School of Medicine. On the other hand, the University has given us necessary space for

the Dental Medicine Programme within the University campus.

The Library is an important educational element and should definitely represent one of

the priorities of this Strategy. Nevertheless, we have to say that the library space capacities

are insufficient compared to services that it provides and we believe that library space

capacities, equipment and personnel should be enhanced.

It is important to mention that on several occasions meetings have been organized with

the representatives of the Ministry of defence for the purpose of taking over a part of the

Naval Medicine Department, which is an integral part of the Ministry of defence.

Simultaneously we have been organizing the use of lecture rooms at the Clinical Hospital

centre Split as main teaching rooms for education of the clinical work.

Planned measures:

1. To Open of the Outpatient Clinic Academicus with the Centre for diagnostic radiology

2. To take over a part of the Centre for Hyperbaric Medicine areas and their

organization for the needs of the dental medicine and pharmacy study programmes

3. To Increase the number of enrolled students prompts the use of other teaching

constituents of the University of Split School of Medicine for educational purposes,

such as general Hospital Zadar, General Hospital Šibenik, General Hospital Dubrovnik,


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

General Hospital Bjelovar, General Hospital Vukovar, the Community Health Centre

of Split-Dalmatia County with a tendency to open clinics as an integral part of the

University of Split School of Medicine within those hospitals wherever possible.

4. In collaboration with the Ministry of Health to establish a clinical hospital in a

separate building at ‘’Križine’’ hospital (Clinical Hospital centre Split), which would be

incorporated in the University of Split School of Medicine. The ultimate goal is to

establish future University Hospital.

5. That would make ‘’Križine’’ hospital a biomedical centre, a unique complex with its

specifics with the possibility of delegating a part of the activities of the University

Department of Health Studies by means of which a biomedical university would be

established in its own area.

6. Establishment of the Centre for Clinical Skills at the University of Split School of

Medicine (funded by international European funds), locality ‘’Križine’’.

7. Spatially define the Centre for sleep medicine.

8. Establish and spatially define the Speech and Hearing Centre at the University of Split

School of Medicine, which would be, at least, of regional significance

9. Ensure larger library space areas and enhancement of its personnel (finding new

locality within the new Centre for Clinical Skills)


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

VII. International cooperation

The phenomenon of globalization does not support closing of local boundaries and self-

sufficiency. The modern world is prone to exploring the new, there are no boundaries –

studying in a new environment and student mobility is welcomed. Therefore, the EU

membership means greater mobility of not only knowledge, but of students and teachers,

which will be definitely encouraged.

Therefore, the University of Split School of Medicine should be an attractive destination

to national and international scientists, teachers and students; current as well as new

suggestions for science conference organizations and symposiums should be encouraged

and at the University of Split. The important segment when it comes to International

cooperation is: the Internalization of the University of Split School of Medicine.

7.1. Internalization of the University of Split School of medicine

Internalization of higher education definitely yields numerous benefits: above all, the

flow of information and ideas, exchange of attitudes, experience and familiarisation with

examples of high-quality (or low-quality) working strategies. Moreover, in this world of

global networks not only is it unwelcomed but it is practically impossible to isolate oneself in

a home or a backyard. The current generation of students, as well as future generations of

students, communicate and think globally. Moreover, Croatian students get the opportunity

to study at other EU Universities. A certain number of students choose Universities on other

continents, even if that includes higher cost of their education.

That our international endeavours pay off show the students of Medical Studies in

English since they are, along with the students of mobility programmes, the best promoters

of our institutions. That’s the reason why it is preferable to be a member of international

programmes, such as ERASMUS. In the near future the University of Split School of Medicine

has to emphasize even more the international cooperation and participation in international

European projects. We have to open up even our boundaries and take advantage of

international public calls and funds. Almost all activities at the University of Split School of


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

Medicine can be used for enhancement of international cooperation (therefore: the use of

international, especially EU funds).

International cooperation should be carried out based on both previously signed

cooperation agreements and new agreements especially on participation in mobility

programmes, joint organization of science fairs, summer schools, projects, publishing of

magazines and science literature, partial cooperative delivery of undergraduate, graduate

and postgraduate study programmes and mobility of teachers and students. As a part of

Lifelong Learning programme LLLP, a type of ERASMUS programme, the University of Split

School of Medicine should have numerous interinstitutional agreements with EU

Universities, which would define the exact number of incoming and outgoing students with

regard to the level and area of their studies. We will make an effort to enrich the list of

signed contracts and update it with further cooperation with other Universities that have

study programmes similar to ours. We will also encourage our students to study abroad.

Planned measures:

1. To increase the number of personnel members in the Office for international


2. To connect with esteemed schools of other Universities including the possibility of

establishing joint programmes

3. To Increase international mobility of students and teachers

4. Ensure international mobility programmes and organize a semester in a foreign

language based on the practice of other Universities

5. Utilization of European and other funds for mobility projects

6. Establish Dental Medicine in English study programme.


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

VIII. Financing

Our current social context and the future that lies ahead of us clearly indicate that our

financing resources cannot depend solely on the state budget, that is, the Ministry of

science, education and sports. Therefore, the establishment of the Medical Studies in

English Program showed us how valuable an additional financial resource is: new work

positions, assistant positions for young experts and their payment carried out by the

school independent financial means, covering financial costs of external service providers

(which is not covered by the Ministry of science, education and sports but due to the

nature of the medical profession represents a necessity). Furthermore, the possibility of

obtaining laboratory equipment, finalizing crucial projects, such as establishment of new

buildings (the big lecture halls, four small halls, the Clinic, bistro, caffe bar and dormitory,

which consists of 10 bedrooms equipped by our own financial means and donations).

Planned measures:

1. To establish the Dental Medicine in English Programme

2. To Sign a contract with the Croatian Health Insurance Fund for activities in

internal medicine and radiology (equipment of the radiology centre in

collaboration with the Croatian Health Insurance Fund)

3. National and international research projects as well as projects for

establishment of the Clinical for clinical skills.


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

IX. Quality Assurance

At the University of Split School of Medicine operates the Association for Quality

Enhancement, which is an advisory body for the Dean and the University of Split School of

Medicine Council. The Association planes, coordinates and analyses steps of evaluation of

the entire science-research system and higher education system at the University of Split

School of Medicine and other activities in accordance with the Ordinance and the Guide on

Work delivery. Based on the Association work report, the managing board formulates a

system for teaching, professional and administrative work evaluation. This year The

Association for internal evaluation of quality assurance system has been established, which

will most definitely enhance the quality of the University of Split School of Medicine overall


Planned measures:

1. Three months’ report of the Association for Quality Enhancement aiming to

enhance all inconsistencies

2. Compliance of all documents related to quality delivery with new ESG standards

that are planned to be incorporated in May 2015.

3. Six months’ report presentation at the University of Split School of Medicine


4. Final presentation of results.


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020

X. Conclusion :

The Strategy that we have presented here portrays main work guidelines of the

University of Split School of medicine.

As shown, main characteristics and components of the activities and work delivery of the

University of Split School of Medicine have been emphasized in a manner that can be

achieved in five years’ time.

Whenever possible, the Strategy indicated main suggestions of the course that we plan on

taking and consequently, we believe the Strategy to be easy to understand, legible, and most

importantly, achievable.


USSM: Development Strategy for period 2014-2020


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