uth chronicle 2009-iv

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Uth Chronicle 2009-IV


  • 8/14/2019 Uth Chronicle 2009-IV


    Greetings, dear reader =)

    You are currently holding the

    last issue of the Uth Chronicle

    for the year of 2009. By Gods

    grace we have managed to put

    it together despite many

    delays! Do pray for the Uth

    team as we start work on the

    first issue for next year.

    Hopefully well be able to stick

    to the schedule and publish on


    The theme for this issue is

    Study. It is something that

    all of us can relate to as

    students, but let us also

    remember that we should also

    be diligent students in the

    study of Gods Word.

    Another year has flown by

    and before we know it, it will

    be the New Year. Perhaps a

    little stock-taking is in order

    have we spent our time wisely

    when it comes to studying?

    Many of us are students and

    time management is an item

    that crops up time and again

    on our prayer lists. Indeed,

    sometimes it seems that there

    is too much to do and too little

    time with which to do it.School can seem so

    overwhelming at times

    (especially for those who have

    just started in University) and

    we often spend most of our

    days studying for a test or

    rushing an assignment;

    sometimes all of it seems to be

    a futile endeavor. But what

    should our attitude be

    towards studying? Pr.

    Lingkang shares with us his

    testimony of studying in

    FEBC, and the lessons he has

    drawn from it that we can

    apply to our own secular


    What of our spiritual lives?

    Have we also spent our time

    in the study of Gods preciousWord? It is a pursuit that

    should take precedence over

    our own earthly desires;

    without the Bible guiding us,

    we are prone to wander off

    the straight and narrow.

    Elder Chew writes to us about

    how Jesus Himself valued the

    Scriptures and how we, as

    Christians, should do likewise.

    Rev. Quek also shares with us

    a comprehensive guide into

    reading parables to help us

    properly discern the meaning

    behind the stories that Christ

    told. May we remind

    ourselves of the necessity of

    studying to show ourselves

    approved unto God, a

    workman that needeth not to

    be ashamed, rightly dividing

    the word of truth. (2 Tim


    Before you read the rest of

    this issue, there is a little

    verse I would like to share. If

    we find ourselves struggling

    in secular studies or

    struggling to keep our daily

    Quiet Time, let us remember

    that it is not by our own

    strength that we overcome

    the trials and temptations set

    before us. Are we falling

    behind in class? Pray for

    guidance and contentment!

    Are we quietly pushing aside

    our Bible? Pray for a more

    fervent desire to read Gods

    Word! The less we are able to

    do something, the more we

    should pray and echo the

    words of Paul where he

    shares, And he said unto me,My grace is sufficient for thee:

    for my strength is made

    perfect in weakness. Most

    gladly therefore will I rather

    glory in my infirmities, that

    the power of Christ may rest

    upon me. (2 Cor 12:9)

    May God bless your reading. =)

    Thank you to all who have

    contributed to this issue inone way or another. To God be

    all glory!


    Brian Lim

    Editors Note

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    ther than parables, there

    are no other genres of

    writing in the bible where

    the LORD Himself providesreaders of Gods Word with an

    interpretation. After the LORD

    spoke on the parable of the Sower

    (Matt 13: 1- 9), the disciples asked

    for an explanation. From Christs

    answer, we can glean the steps on

    how to interpret parables.

    CONTENT of the Parable

    The parable of the Sower

    portrays a Sower who sowed

    seeds which fell on four

    different kinds of ground: by

    the wayside and the fowls came

    and devoured the seeds; stony

    places without much earth and the

    sun scorched the plant because it

    had no root; thorny places which

    choked the plant; and good

    ground which brought forth fruit ahundredfold, sixtyfold and

    thirtyfold. The end of the parable

    has the words who hath ears to

    hear let him hear.

    EXPLANATION of the Parable

    The four kinds of ground describe

    the four ways of receiving the

    Word of the Kingdom. The

    wayside refers to those who hearthe Word of God but have no

    understanding and the wicked one

    takes away the Word of God that

    was sown. The stony places refer

    to those who hear the same Word

    preached and immediately

    receives the Word with gladness.

    But there is no root at the point of

    receiving the Word, i.e. there is

    mental acceptance withoutheartfelt conviction. It lasts but for

    a while. When there is tribulation

    or persecution because of the

    Word of God, these hearers are

    offended and reject the Word of

    God. The thorny places refer to

    those hearers who are like the

    stony places hearers. These

    receive the Word with joy

    immediately and feel good about

    it. But the cares of the world and

    the deceitfulness of riches choke

    the Word and there is no fruit.

    The lives of these hearers are not

    transformed by the Word of God.

    The good ground refers to those

    who hear, understand and who

    bear fruit in their lives. Their

    lives are transformed by the Word

    of God which becomes their light

    in the pathway of life.

    OBSERVATIONS of Christs


    a. The main thrust of each parable

    is found at the end. Do not be

    too quick to apply in parables.

    Patience is needed to first

    establish the teaching in the

    Parable. In the case of theParable of the Sower, the thrust

    is on godly and acceptable

    reception of the Word of God;

    b.In parables, the interpreter must

    distinguish between

    embellishments and key

    elements. Once that is

    accomplished he must then

    ascribe the correct

    interpretation to these key

    elements. He must refrain from

    ascribing meaning to the

    embellishments. Some of the

    embellishments are there to

    make the storyline complete.

    The key elements possess

    spiritual significance; the

    embellishments do not. The

    seed represents the Word of the

    Kingdom; the fowls represent

    the wicked one. The seed thatsprings up represents immediate

    acceptance of the Word with

    joy. The sun represents

    persecution and tribulation

    because of the Word; withered

    away represents the offended

    reaction; thorns refer to the

    cares of the world and

    deceitfulness of riches; the

    choking of the plant refers tothe choking of the Word; the

    good ground refers to the right

    kind of hearing; and the


    Understanding ParablesBy Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew


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    fruitfulness of the ground refers

    to the fruitful life of the

    Christian. The examples of

    embellishments in this parable

    are not as obvious as in other

    parables. Some of them would

    include fowls [plural] but refers

    only to wicked one [singular];not much earth, and no

    deepness of earth, have no

    special significance.

    APPLICATION of the Parable

    If the seed refers to the

    gospel of salvation, then

    the hearers would refer to the

    four different groups of people who

    receive the gospel or the fourdifferent ways the gospel would be

    received. One group would reject it

    immediately; another would say yes

    to the gospel but when persecution

    for the faith comes, they would give

    up their faith; the third group

    would say yes but allow the cares of

    the world and the deceitfulness of

    riches to draw them away and to

    reject Christ; and the final group,which responds rightly to the

    gospel, say yes and allow their lives

    to be transformed and they will not

    allow persecution, neither the cares

    of the world nor deceitfulness of

    riches to lure them away from


    But if the seed refers to the general

    teaching of Gods Word pertaining

    to sanctification such as thedoctrines of prayer or tithing or

    fasting, then the Parable of the

    Sower would refer to Christians

    who hear Gods Word preached.

    Some would show no interest; there

    are those who would give mental

    and verbal acceptance but then

    persecution, the cares of the world

    and deceitfulness of riches would

    discourage them and they will notobey. The only way to receive

    Gods Word that is accepted by the

    LORD is to obey the Word

    whereby the believers life is

    transformed and is become more

    like Christs.

    The Parable of the Sower teaches

    one single truth - the right way to

    receive Gods Word is to embrace

    and live it !

    Before Examinations:

    I am so worried about this

    particular subjectPhil 4:6-7Be careful for nothing but in

    every thing by prayer and

    supplication with thanksgiving let

    your requests be made known

    unto God. And the peace of God,

    which passeth all understanding,

    shall keep your hearts and minds

    through Christ Jesus.

    My mind cannot

    concentrate during

    revisionIsa 26:3

    Thou wilt keep him in perfect

    peace, whose mind is stayed on

    thee: because he trusteth in thee.

    I cannot even sleep

    peacefully nowadays

    Psalm 3:5

    I laid me down and slept; I

    awaked; for the Lord sustained


    I am physically and

    mentally fatigued

    Isa 40:31

    But they that wait upon the

    LORD shall renew their strength;

    they shall mount up with wings as

    eagles; they shall run, and not be

    weary and they shall walk, and

    not faint.

    There is no hope for me.

    Im too far behind to

    catch up

    Psalm 43:5

    Why art thou cast down, O my

    soul? And why art thou

    disquieted within me? hope in

    God: for I shall yet praise him,

    who is the health of my

    countenance, and my God.

    Coping with ExaminationsPrecious Promises and Answers I


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    esus, the Living Word, has

    declared, "Heaven and earth shall

    pass away: but my words shall notpass away. (Lk 21:33). The

    Lord Jesus is the Wordmade flesh,

    [who]dwelt among us (Jn 1:14).

    It may be asked, Does Jesus need

    the Word of God like us, to lead and

    guide Him and to be the rule of

    faith and practice? What about the

    exhortations to us to meditate on the

    Word of God and to hide them in

    our hearts so that we will not sin

    against God? Do these apply to

    Christ, the Incarnate Word, as well?

    To answer these questions, we need

    to know who Jesus Christ is. He is

    the Son of God and Son of Man in

    one person, very God and very man,

    without sin. He is perfect, He sins

    not and is in constant fellowship

    with the Father, abiding in the Wordof God and the Word of God in Him.

    Sin is the transgression of the Law

    of God (1 Jn 3:4). Since our Lord

    Jesus never sins, He never

    transgresses against the Law of God

    at any time but is in perfect sync

    with the Word of God. He knows

    the will of the Father and He lives in

    perfect harmony with it. Never once

    is He ignorant of the Fathers will,

    such that He has to stop to search

    the Scriptures. He never sins, even

    ignorantly as some of us do, and

    unlike us He never sins willfully

    against what He knows to be the

    Word of God.

    However as a man, Jesus could have

    succumbed to the temptations and

    trials that plague every man, and

    that dogged him. He could, for

    example, have naturally gratified hisphysical appetites when fasting,

    transported himself supernaturally

    instead of toiling under the hot

    Judean sun, and most of all, shielded

    himself from the anguish and pain

    on the cross.

    How did Jesus the man remain true

    to his calling? By the reading,

    meditation, and obeying of Gods Word.

    If Jesus needed the Scriptures, what

    more us?

    Jesus said Search the scriptures; for in

    them ye think ye have eternal life: and they

    are they which testify of me.(Jn 5:39).

    On another occasion he rebuked theSadducees Ye do err, not knowing the

    scriptures, nor the power of God.(Mt


    Jesus set us the example in the

    account of his temptation by the

    devil. (Mt 4:1-11) Jesus was hungry

    and it was then that the devil came

    to tempt him, If thou be the Son of

    God, command that these stones be made

    bread. Our Lord answered and said,It is written, Man shall not live by bread

    alone, but by every word that proceedeth out

    of the mouth of God. Notice how our

    Lord resisted the temptation, by

    relying on the inerrant, infallible

    eternal Word of God. This account

    teaches us that this was the same

    meat that sustained the Lord Jesus

    Christ, the Son of Man, day by day.

    How much more do we, as fallen

    depraved individuals, need the


    Notice how the Lord was tempted

    again. Then the devil taketh him up into

    the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle

    of the temple, And saith unto him, If thou

    be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it

    is written, He shall give his angels charge

    concerning thee: and in their hands they

    shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou

    dash thy foot against a stone.(v5-6) It is

    instructive to note that even the devilquotes the Scriptures to prove his

    point! If you do not know the word

    of God, you can be misled by the

    devil who will wrest the Scripture to

    guide you in the wrong path. So

    beware! But Jesus said unto him, It iswritten again, Thou shalt not tempt the

    Lord thy God.

    Once again, our Lord fended off the

    fiery darts of the devil by resting in

    the authority of the Scriptures. Are

    we able to do likewise? How shall we

    stand against the wicked forces of

    darkness that seek to cripple us so

    that we will sin against God and

    become ineffective for Christ in this

    world of darkness? We need theSword of God in our hand!

    Again, the devil taketh him up into an

    exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him

    all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory

    of them; And saith unto him, All these

    things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall

    down and worship me. (v8-9) How did

    our Lord reply? He had used the

    Word of God but the devil did not

    relent in his attack. Should He tryanother method? Then saith Jesus

    unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is

    written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy

    God, and him only shalt thou


    Jesus continued to resist the devil by

    abiding in the Word of God and

    Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold,

    angels came and ministered unto him.So

    says James, in Jas 4:7 Submit

    yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil,and he will flee from you.

    The way to victory against sin is to

    hide Gods Word in our hearts and

    to rest in and submit to it. How

    ought we then to meditate daily on

    the Word of God, to ingest it

    thoroughly so that our Sword is

    sharpened and ever ready against

    the hour of temptation.

    God bless your endeavour to Study

    to shew thyself approved unto God, a

    workman that needeth not to be ashamed,

    rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Ti 2:15)


    O how love I thy law(Ps 119:97):How Jesus valued the study of the scripturesBy Elder Chew Chong Kiat


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    As so many have said before me, your time ofstudies is one of the best times of your lives.

    You have the most freedom, and the least

    amounts of responsibilities. Of course this isa general statement, and each ones personalexperiences might differ from individual to

    individual. But generally, our schooling daysshould be cherished and treasured, and we

    should make the most of it. It is a time whenwe are filled with youthful energy and

    exuberance, unbound by pressures of ourown family or responsibilities of the

    workplace. We have much time on our handsto manage as we please. It is a time where

    we can do so much for the Lord. It is also atime for great learning not just from

    academic knowledge in the classroom, butalso from life experiences where we learn to

    trust in Gods grace and to follow His willeach step of the way.

    I have been asked to share a short testimony

    of my 4 year journey in FEBC, of the lessonslearnt and the experience garnered. And so

    below, I have listed a few things that I havelearnt, many of them the hard way, about

    studying for the Lord. You may say that

    because I was in Bible College my experiencewould have been different from one in a JC

    or Poly or University, but my reply is this: nomatter what course of study we are taking or

    what institute of education we are at, thesame principle applies we are Christians

    first, students second, and therefore we areto do all for the glory of God.

    Always study for the LordThe first point that I would address would bethe issue of our motivations. What motivates

    us to study? That was something that Istruggled with constantly as well, even in

    Bible College. Oftentimes I found myselfdoing an assignment for the lecturers sake,

    or so that I could get the A that I wanted, forprides sake. I knew that often the motivation

    that kept me up late studying away was sothat I could achieve a good grade for my own

    glory. And so I had to constantly remindmyself, and was also constantly reminded by

    the Lord through His word and through Hisservants, that my purpose there was not at

    all for self but always only for the Lord. Mypurpose in studying was not so that I could

    prove that I was smart but simply to preparefor whatever ministry that the Lord had for

    me, and to be a good testimony to thepeople around me.

    We all know this principle that we are to

    study for God and for His glory. Yet

    oftentimes that is not the case, for we areoften motivated by self and pride, in seeking

    results, the glory of scholarship, a desire for agood job and future. Either that or we study

    to please our parents or teachers andlecturers, or even just so that we can do

    A Testimonyof SchoolBy Ko Lingkang


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    better than our classmates. But

    what we must realize is that ourstudies should be for none of these

    reasons. We must constantly remindourselves that our purpose in

    school is to study for the Lord, andfor that reason alone. Yes we do our

    best and fulfil all that is required of

    us, but only so that we can be agood testimony, so that we canshine forth for Christ. If anything

    that we do takes us away from thatsingle motivation, we must stop to

    check ourselves to make sure thatwe are studying for the Lord alone.

    These verses in Colossians sum upthis principle quite well: Servants,

    obey in all things your mastersaccording to the flesh; not with

    eyeservice, as menpleasers; but insingleness of heart, fearing God: And

    whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, asto the Lord, and not unto men;


    r ece iv e the r eward o f the





    wo rl dl y a mb i6 on , a nd a ls o

    laziness,forwe mustrealize that



    is no work, nor device, nor

    knowledge, nor wisdom, in the

    grave, whither thou goest (Ecc


    Always study relying on the


    For sure, I did face numerous

    difficul6es in my 4 years of


    seemed that there was simply

    not enough 6me to finish all


    felt so overwhelmed by the

    m o un ta i n o f a s si g nm e nt s

    before me that I just felt like

    giving up. There were 6mes of

    weariness and fa6gue, where I


    and the holidays to come. But

    through it all, 6me and 6me

    again, theLordshowed that His

    g race i s s uffici ent ; t hat Hi s

    strengthis madeperfectthroughour weakness. I realized that

    each 6me I rely on my own



    commit it to the Lord, and rely


    prove that it is His grace that

    wouldseeus through.Atthe end

    of each semester, I would look

    back and marvel at the way

    which theLordhad brought methrougheachtask.Truly,Iwould

    not have been able to do

    anythingat allwithout theLord

    guiding andleading me. Andso


    But by the graceofGod I am

    what I am:and his gracewhich

    wasbestowed uponmewasnot

    in vain; but I labored more

    abundantlythantheyall:yetnotI, but the grace of God which


    That should therefore me the

    principle that we should bring

    with us not just through our

    studies, but through everything


    that anything we do, it is only

    done by His grace. We should

    never trust in our own wisdomand understanding, or our own

    talents andabili6es,for they will

    a l w ay s f a i l . A s S o l o mo n

    observed: I returned, and saw

    under the sun, that the race is


    the strong, neither yet bread to


    understanding, nor yet favor to


    happeneth tothemall.Forman


    fishes that are taken in an evil

    net, and as the birds that are

    caught in the snare; so are the

    sons of men snared in an evil

    Qme, when it falleth suddenly

    upon them(Ecc9:11-12).While

    it is generally the case that the

    s mar t er, more ha rdwor ki ng

    person would get the beYergrades, we know that is not

    always the case. Why? Because

    God is always in control. We

    cannot and should not expect

    thingsto go theway weexpect


    fully onthe Lord, doingourpart

    to the best of our abili6es, but


    AlwaysstudywiththeheartAs a Bi ble student, another

    problem that I would o]en

    struggle with would be the


    a n d n o t j u s t m y m i n d .

    O]en6mes, taking theology,


    can easi ly b eco me ju st a n

    a c a de m i c p r o ce s s , w h e re

    informa6on is processed by thebrai n, but never e nters t he


    There is a great danger in this,


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    for it would just make me one

    bloated with head knowledge

    and pride, but liYle spirituality

    and humility. I thank God that


    con6nually drilledintomy byall

    the lecturers from day 1, that

    the three important principles

    that we must have in studying

    theology is simply humility,

    humility, humility. There was a

    g re at d an ge r t ha t a ll t he


    make us puffed up, with no

    a pp li ca6 on i n o ur l iv es . I


    mandescribedinJames 1:23-24

    For if any be a hearer of the

    word, and not a doer, he is likeunto a man beholding hi s

    natural face in a glass: For he


    way,andstraightway forgePeth


    Never entertain the thought of


    As a Chris6an student, and

    especiallyas a Biblestudent,one

    thingthatalwaysweighedheavyonmy mindwas thatit isalways

    G od fi rs t, s tu d ie s s ec on d .

    B e c a u s e s o m e 6 m e s , o u r

    pragma6c thinking tried to take

    control, and comes into conflict

    with our Chris6an ethics and


    a r e t h e n t e m p t e d t o

    compromise, to commit a liYle

    sin,forthesakeofgainingsome6me or opportunity to finish

    st udy i ng fo r a te st o r to

    complete our assignments that

    are due. One thing which I


    did succumb to at 6mes, would

    be to use the 6me during

    lectures or evenchapelto study

    for upcoming quizzes. Many

    students would also flout the

    rule about lights off at FEBC tostay up late to finish their



    such acts have beco me so

    commonplace, that it almost

    b ec om es h a b it ua l . To d o

    h om ew or k o r t ut or ia ls o f

    another class during another

    subjects lecture; to skip classes

    sothat wecanstay at hometo

    study more produc6vely; to

    study onSundays regularly orto

    skip F or even Sunday worship




    that I havecommiYedall of theabove in my student life, but

    many 6mes, I am also rebuked


    is a ques6on of our priori6es.

    Will we place God first, or our

    st ud ies first? H ow i s Go d


    process of geng our good

    grades, we sin against him?

    Whatis thepointofstudyingfor

    that ex tra hal f ho ur duri ng

    chapel,ifat theendofthe day I

    show a bad tes6mony to the


    on the Word of God preached?



    c o mp r om i se a ga i n st G o d s

    standards, to sin against him in


    grades. We are to be Chris6an

    students,whoarerovidingforhonest things, not only in the



    we honour the Lord, we know

    that He will honour us. If we

    forsakeHim,hewillforsakeus as

    well. The LRD is with you,

    while ye bewith him; and if ye


    but if ye forsake him, he will



    In summary, the point that I

    would like to make is very

    simple. Our period of studies is


    hasto go through. Our purpose

    as a student is like thepurpose

    of any other Chris6an, and that

    is to glorify God and to enjoyHimforever.Allthatwedoasa

    s tu de nt s ho ul d b e g ea re d

    towards this purpose. If we are

    i n i t f o r o ur o w n s e l fis h

    ambi6ons or pleasures, thenwe

    are not mee6ng the mark of

    G od s h ol in es s i n u s. T he

    ques6on is: Do we desire to

    honourand glorify Godand our

    Lord Jesus Christ in our lives as



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    I was asked to write an article on

    studying. But I wondered how Icould approach the topic from a

    different viewpoint. An eventhappened while writing this article

    that helped my train of thought.How do you as a Christian Student

    deal with friends and friendshipswhen they go sour? What advice

    does the Bible have for you? Howdo you deal with unhappiness? These were my

    thoughts as I pondered how to best counsel a student

    facing these issues.

    Most of us are social by nature and when things go

    wrong, who do we turn to for help? You have beenworking on a project with friends, good friends, friends

    who you think feel the same way about you. Butsuddenly, as quick as a change in the weather, they

    begin to avoid you. They refuse to reply your SMSes.They call you names behind your back. Their MSN nick

    is a veiled criticism of you.

    Examine yourself

    As Christians, our first reaction must not be to do denyeverything. Get an external unbiased opinion.

    Extend the hand of reconciliation

    After careful examination, if we are in the wrong, it

    would be good to admit your shortcomings. And see ifyou can move on. Extend the hand of peace.

    Luke 6:35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, andlend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall begreat, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is

    kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.


    Now the other party may or may not accept the

    apology/explanation. If they continue to be hostiletowards you, the best thing may be to excuse yourself

    from working or hanging out with the group.

    But you say, Now my group of friends do not wantanything to do with me. They dont sit with me, they

    dont ask me for lunch. It is a lonesome path, however ifyou have done your best to make peace, perhaps it is

    best to leave that clique, to find new friends.

    So what can you do?

    Talk to Christian Friends/YFers.

    Dont forsake your friendships in church. They are yourmutual encouragement.

    Proverbs 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the{kisses} of an {enemy} are deceitful.

    Be sociable

    Yes you may not be in the in crowd but it is time tomake wise choices beyond popularity. Take the effort to

    talk to classmates who may be quieter.

    Seek and Pray for God to lead you to mutuallyencouraging friendships with classmates

    I encourage all young people to pray as

    you begin your school term, pray thatGod will bless you with good friends

    and classmates. Fair weather friends willleave you when the group decides they

    no longer like you. Good friends willstand up for you. Good friends will tell

    you your faults. And good friends willremind you of Gods promises in the

    midst of times of trial and difficulty.

    Proverbs 3:5 {Trust} in the {LORD} with all thine {heart};and lean not unto thine own understanding.Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall

    direct thy paths.

    As a lecturer I found it really hard to counsel students.Secular counseling techniques advise us not to give a

    solution but to allow the student to come to theconclusion by themselves. I listened, I prompted, but I

    couldnt tell the student to seek the Lord.

    My fellow brothers and sisters, our hope, ourconfidence, should be in the Lord. It is not an easy road

    to walk if you are not in the majority. But our Lord andSaviour walks with us and guides our footsteps. Trust in

    an Almighty Saviour to carry you through these storms.Trust in Him to bring you true friends and help you

    through each semester of your studies.

    Psalms 20:7 Some {trust} in {chariots}, and some inhorses: but we will remember the nameof the LORD our God.


    is a full time audio geek and alecturer at Ngee Ann Polytechnic.He can always be found somewherenear the PA room every Sunday.

    Dealing with Betrayalin SchoolWhen friends turn against you


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    Now that youre in your late teens,I am writing to give you a glimpseinto growing up. The road ahead

    will be full of bumps, some of whichare pretty hard knocks. Sometimes

    you will be disappointed, frustratedand grieved. At other times, you will

    laugh over an intelligent joke withbosom buddies or smile knowingly

    at good memories with loved ones.

    People will come and go in yourlife, even those whom you think are

    close friends. But the constant isGod never forget that He has

    been watching over you and willcontinue to do so until you see

    Him face to face. He is your trueBest Friend.

    You are now wondering why all

    your female friends have boyfriendsor have guys approaching them, but

    you are treated as a buddy by yourguy friends. You begin to ask

    whether you are that ugly oruncool. Its just not your time yet.

    You are not mature enough for agiving relationship, one that

    cherishes God as Master and King.There will be attractive, kind and

    sensitive guys in your life. But theyare not for you chiefly because they

    are not His children. The good,

    Christian ones are either seeingsomeone else, are not interested,or are immature.

    God will send along one generous,

    loving and God-fearing man. He willappear later in your life yes,

    after your friends are married andhave their own kids. But it is worth

    the wait. Why? Its simply becausehe is Gods gift to you. Arent Gods

    gifts the best for us? Anyway, youllbe more mature and ready then.

    Your parents will also approve ofhim at first sight. So dont go

    around finding your own happinessrashly.And then there are conflicts at

    home. You and I know whats beengoing on, so theres no need to go

    into details here. Sometimes thingswill get so bad, you will wonder

    why other peoples families seem tobe far happier than yours. You will

    often cry out to God for His graceand peace. It sure is the way to

    real peace of mind, because youtend to think over and over howelse things could change.

    Youve been a quick and organised

    worker, but this time, the problemsare beyond your abilities and

    understanding. Remember this well man can change only with Christ

    in his/her heart. So, the struggle isnot just to persevere in praying for

    your parents salvation, but also tobear in mind that salvation belongs

    to the LORD. Dont run accordingto your own will its unwise and


    Youll find a whole new world opento you in university. Hostel life is

    vastly different from home life, andyoull soon realise that undergrads

    reflect the different personalities inthe working world. There will be

    buayas, skivers and martians in thisjungle of a world. And of course

    there will be the glam, popularones. Looking back, I cant resist

    smiling at who those termsrepresent.

    You will be excited to join the

    hostel band, choir and dramagroup. You are a performer at

    heart. There will be long hoursspent in rehearsing and performing.

    Sure, youll feel a high, but all isvanity. Why? Its self-promotion

    after all. No, Im not saying all art isevil; Im saying that your reason for

    being involved and the circle ofinfluence are wrong.There will be many who call

    themselves Christians, but watchhow they behave and hear their life

    goals and directions. Mark thosewho are wise in the LORD. The

    Bible will help you discern whoyour real friends are. They will pray

    with and encourage you with Godsword.

    You will also learn how others see

    you you might have goodintentions but your bluntness might

    hurt others feelings. Its indeed apainful journey to learn what it is

    to be approachable, because ithurts to find out your own

    weaknesses. Proverbs 18:24 Aman [that hath] friends must shewhimself friendly: and there is a friend[that] sticketh closer than a brother.

    Growing up sounds rather

    bewildering, doesnt it? It can beconfusing, and sometimes you are

    puzzled as to why your intentionsare misread. You might wonder

    what the meaning of life is, and feellike giving up altogether. In times

    likes these, dont despair. To despairis to have no hope. Since Christ has

    saved you, and is the LORD of

    everything, how can there be nohope?

    Make this your life reminder Iam crucified with Christ: nevertheless Ilive; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me:and the life which I now live in theflesh I live by the faith of the Son ofGod, who loved me, and gave Himselffor me(Galatians 2:20).God hassaid this for a very good reason.

    Live it until you see Christ.

    Oh, and God loves you very much.

    Hey!ere y"n#r me,



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    I supposed I knew my BibleReading piecemeal, hit and miss,

    Now a bit of John or Matthew,Now a snatch of Genesis,

    Certain chapters of IsaiahCertain Psalms (the twenty-third);

    Twelfth of Romans, First of ProverbsYes, I thought I knew the Word;

    But I found that thorough readingWas a different thing to do,

    And the way was unfamiliarWhen I read the Bible through.

    Oh, the massive, mighty volume!Oh, the treasures manifold!

    Oh, the beauty of the wisdomAnd the grace it proved to hold!

    As the story of the HebrewsSwept in majesty along,As it leaped in waves prophetic,

    As it burst to sacred song,As it gleamed with Christly omens,

    The Old Testament was new,Strong with cumulative power,

    When I read the Bible through.Ah! Imperial Jeremiah,

    With his keen, coruscant mind;And the blunt old Nehemiah,

    And Ezekiel refined!

    Newly came the song idyllic,And the tragedy of Job;

    Deuteronomy, the regal,To a towering mountain grew,

    With its comrade peaks around itWhen I read the Bible through.

    What a radiant processionAs the pages rise and fall,James the sturdy, John the tender

    Oh, the myriad-minded Paul!Vast apocalyptic glories

    Wheel and thunder, flash and flame,While the church triumphant raises

    One incomparable name.Ah, the story of the Saviour

    Never glows supremely trueTill you read it whole and swiftly,

    Till you read the Bible through.You who like to play at Bible,

    Dip and dabble, here and there,Just before you kneel, aweary,

    And yawn thro' a hurried prayer;You who treat the Crown of Writings

    As you treat no other bookJust a paragraph disjointed,

    Just a crude, impatient lookTry a worthier procedure,

    Try a broad and steady view;You will kneel in very raptureWhen you read the Bible through.

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    Greetings from India! Its been a few months since Ive disappeared from YF, and Im sure you must be wonderinghow I have been doing over here. I must say I am enjoying myself thoroughly the food here is fantastic, the

    people are the most hospitable folk Ive met, the travelling opportunities are immense, and the culture andatmosphere of this place is simply amazing. It has had such an influence on me that my parents are complaining

    that I subconsciously shake my head in the Indian-style now when Im speaking. Haha, I guess I have becomeIndianized in that sense.

    But thank God for his preservation thus far. I have survived the horrible traffic, the street food, the poverty andfilthiness of the place, and other practices known only to a 3rd world country. My fellow German exchange

    students have had diarrhea a couple of times already since they have arrived. Ive only had the fortune of having itjust once, and it was a mild one too, so Im incredibly grateful.

    School isnt particularly intensive, considering how Im on exchange. It is actually rather relaxing. I have the timeto go on holidays to various parts of India (as of October Ive been to Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Calcutta and

    Tamil Nadu) and have seen and experienced the sights and smells of an extremely diverse country. Its what Iexpected and more! One of my friends here, Vrinda, says that Ive assimilated so well that Im like a desi, which is

    a term used for Indians who reside overseas and come back to India to visit once in a while. If you want to knowmore stories, youll have to speak to me in person!

    The only thing that has been very trying is to find a sound church. My school and hostel is located in a villageabout an hour away from the Bangalore city. Furthermore, if you dont already know, India is predominantly

    Hindu. Christian communities exist, but they are in small pockets. I was church hopping when I arrived in thebeginning, and have finally settled on an Assembly of God church, which is slightly bigger than Calvary Pandan. The

    messages are solid and based on the KJV, so thats something I appreciate. But the worship is rather charismaticand there is tongues-speaking, so thats something unfamiliar which I have to deal with. Nonetheless its always

    awe-inspiring to hear the pastor keep repeating the mantra of shining for Christ in a God-forsaken land. InSingapore we dont really feel the need to. But in a country like India, its heartening to see pockets of Christians

    being fervent and living as a good witness for Him.

    Well, I think thats about all I have to update. Ill be back really soon anyway in just a few months. So Ill see you

    when I get back!


    Dear YFers,

    God Bless,Danny

    During Examinations:

    I dont understand what this

    question is all aboutProv 3:5,6

    Trust in the LORD with all thineheart: and lean not unto thineown understanding. In all thyways acknowledge him, and heshall direct thy paths.

    I am too nervous to

    think properlyJohn 14:27Peace I leave with you, mypeace I give unto you: not asthe world giveth, give I untoyou. Let not your heart betroubled, neither let it be afraid.

    Coping with ExaminationsPrecious Promises and Answers II


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    Reflections on organizing the 30th Anniversary ThanksgivingAnd Asa cried unto the LORD hisGod, and said, LORD, it is nothing withthee to help, whether with many, orwith them that have no power: helpus, O LORD our God; for we rest on

    thee, and in thy name we go againstthis multitude. O LORD, thou art ourGod; let not man prevail againstthee.(2 Chronicles 14:11)

    To be honest, when I received the

    invitation to write on theanniversary thanksgiving for Uth, my

    initial reaction was to decline, forthroughout the entire planning, I

    wished for all the glory to go toGod, and I feared that writing this

    article would glorify me instead. As Iprayed more about it, the Lord laid

    it upon my heart to use thisopportunity to share with you how

    to glorify God in all aspects of yourlife, even in such major events. For

    when I was younger, I sometimessinned in desiring recognition for

    what I had done.

    Back in mid 2008, after the Church

    session decided that we should havea 30th Anniversary Thanksgiving andI was then asked to take charge of

    it, my recurring thought was tomake sure that no glory must go to

    me. Do understand that it is veryeasy for a person to exalt himself in

    this position of being able to directboth the banquet staff at the

    external venue as well as our ownmembers who are involved in

    helping out. Yes, someone must

    lead, for there must beresponsibility and accountability. But

    as God had given Calvary Pandanthese 30 years, He must be given

    the glory for our thanksgiving ofthese 30 years.

    A plan was drawn up to ensure the

    organizing was broken down intovarious tasks that would be handled

    by capable members who would inturn form their own groups; in this

    way, no one person would beglorified, only Christ. The Church

    session had already agreed oncritical details such as the venue and

    the order of events, so whatremained was to flesh out the rest

    of the details, brief the organizingmembers, and most importantly,

    pray. For just as king Asa in the textabove faced a million Ethiopians

    with a considerable army of his ownnumbering 580,000 and having

    fortified his cities, he still chose tocommit it all to the Lord in prayer,

    and God gave the victory. Similarly,

    though this dinner plan wascomprehensive and we had thepower of many involved, we

    committed it all to the Lord duringchurch prayer meetings that He

    would be glorified.

    Thus, even when the economicrecession hit and the signup rate

    was slow during the

    initial weeks of registration, I did

    not panic because it was clearly theLords will that we gave thanks for

    30 years in Pandan; He would givethe increase. Praise God that just a

    couple of days before the event, thetotal number of tables committed

    to was finally fulfilled. As the eventdrew near, the main challenge was

    dealing with change. I purposed inmy heart that I would try not to

    complain about all these changesnor feel it was MY plan, for this

    was definitely not glorifying Godand instead glorifying myself. Truly

    His grace proved to be sufficient:for example, help came from so

    many members, especially for lastminute demands. All praise to God

    that at the end, everyone whoattended the anniversary

    thanksgiving could give God theglory, and there were no major

    hiccups. God allowed minormistakes of my own doing, to keep

    me humble, and to make Hisstrength perfect in my weakness.

    Sola Gloria!

    Deacon Milton Ang,or affectionately BM to many.

    After Examinations:

    What will my results bePsalm 37:4,5

    Delight thyself also in the LORD;

    and he shall give thee thedesires of thine heart. Committhey way unto the LORD trust inhim; and he shall bring it to pass.

    Doesnt God care if I fail1 Peter 5:7

    Casting all your care upon him;

    for he careth for you.Rom 8:28

    And we know that all thingswork together for good to themthat love God, to them who arecalled according to his purpose.



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    Thank God for the September

    Retreat, it was certainly encouragingto see so many take time off their

    busy schedules to come andlearnmore of God's Word together! (:

    The theme for the retreat,

    "Treasures", was taken fromMatthew 6:19-24. The messages

    delivered by Bro Paul Fergusonreminded us to check our heart's

    condition and to reflectif we havebeen pursuing after the things of the

    world. Personally I felt that themessages were very pertinent since

    most of us have just started a new

    schoolterm in university and as theworkload starts to get heavier, it is

    very easy to get caught up with the

    cares of the world and neglect ourwalk with the Lord.This definitelyshould not be the case, sincestudying is merely our earthly

    vocation, and what is moreimportant is laying up for ourselves

    treasures that willlast for eternity!It is only by having an intimate

    relationship with God will we be

    able to find true happiness andpeace. And as He has promised, allotherthings will then be addedunto us (Matthew 6:33)! (:

    We had a blessed time of

    Fellowship Walk around theneighbourhood, where the YFers

    shared with each other theirburdens andblessings which theywould like to thank the Lord for. Itwas an excellent opportunity to

    interact with people whom we didnot know too well prior to

    thisactivity, and I hope that all of ushave gotten to know them a tad

    better now!

    The object lesson on Saturdayafternoon was also enjoyable, where

    the theme of the retreat was

    reiterated in the form of games. Thecampers were once again remindedtoalways set our affections onthings that will bring glory to God'sname, be it inserving others,spending time reading the bible orliving our lives in accordance to His


    It has indeed been a blessing to beable to serve alongside Joyce, Brian

    and Lingting in planning

    andorganizingthis retreat! Andmany thanks to those whohavehelped out in one way oranother; your service is greatlyappreciated! :D

    A Report on the September Retreat by Dorothy Chiang


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    What do you think YF willbe like?I think that YF will be an

    older version of Teenz, with

    all the fellowship, camps,

    retreats but also more

    fervent as we grow up inserving the Lord. Just that

    people arent talking of

    secondary schools and O

    levels now, but JCs,

    polytechnics and A levels.

    I probably wont know most

    of the YFers but Im

    guessing theyll be quite


    What are your thoughtsabout moving up to YFafter Teenz?I have gone to YF before, so

    I guess its the same

    thoughts you get when

    moving up from JW toTeenz Im getting older.

    Physically, mentally,

    spiritually and all.

    Self-IntroIm Grace, a sec 3 from

    Teenz, from St. Margarets

    secondary school. I like red

    and I dont like cakes.

    I think YF would be like a moreadvanced stage of Teenz, but

    catering to a wider spectrum ofages. It is, in my opinion, sort of a

    Christ-centred platform for like-minded brethren to fellowship

    together, to encourage and edifyone another, and most

    imperatively to study Gods wordtogether. It is essentially a

    blessed time for spiritual feeding.I think the people in YF would be

    like friendly big brothers andsisters whom I can look up to,

    and who are more than willing toprovide wise, godly advice and

    sincere guidance. I am somewhateagerly anticipating the imminent

    move from Teenz to YF, not onlybecause I get to expand my

    network of Christian friends, but

    more importantly because of thein-depth coverage of certaintopics related to the Bible and

    everyday life. :)


    I think that YF is like teenz in

    many ways, for example theretreats, but probably more

    mature, as YF people are usuallyex-teens :) Another difference:

    its now no longer talking aboutwhich JCs or poly(s) to go to,

    more likely talking aboutuniversities, masters, PhDs, jobs,

    etc. The people in YF willprobably be familiar to us as they

    might have attended teenz orretreats or camps together

    before. Therefore, a lot of familiarfaces! Although, there is probably

    a very big difference between YFand teenz. The messages of YF

    probably require a lot morestudying of the Bible, as well as

    the significant absence of BM :)

    All in all, to me, going from Teenzto YF is like going up to the nextlevel :D!

    What we think YF would be.

    We think that it is a fun and lovingplace to be in for fellowships. We

    hope that we would be able tounderstand the messages and mix

    around with the YFs. Mostimportantly, to walk closer to God

    through YF.See you soon.

    Thank you!Thank God for YF!


    We asked some teens 2 questions about YF,

    and here are theyre responses! (Do we

    really talk about Masters and PHds?! im

    not in the loop!- Grace AY)


  • 8/14/2019 Uth Chronicle 2009-IV


    EXPOS! STUDY DESKSWe asked some of you to show us what your

    study table looks like, and here are the pictures!

    Try and guess who these tables belong to!


    Name: Choong Kai Shuin

    Age: 18 ++Working at: Home Team Academy, 501 Old Choa Chu Kang Road!!!I study Gods word in the morning. Then on the way to work, I studythe sleepy-faces and those that K.O-ed on the bus; and soon Ill join

    them as well. When I reach office, I study my bosss mood patterns(which hardly changes). I also study the office politics taking place in

    the offices next to mine, since I dont get any in mine (only my bossand I in my office).


    -Sports! But no water sports please, I dont like water!-Socializing

    -Playing musical instruments

    My 3 wishes:

    -Finish NS as soon as possible!

    -Continue to grow spiritually and serve the Lord - till my very lastbreath!

    -Grow by another 5 cm... Im still that bit away from my ideal height!

    Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it; except theLord keep the city, the watchmen waketh but in vain. (Psalm 127:1)

    Name: Choong Yi Jie


    School: Anglo-Chinese Junior College

    Subjects: GP, Chinese, PW (waaaa,use up all my time) Biology, Chemistry,

    Mathematics, History.

    Hobbies: Harp & Singing

    Hopes and Dreams:

    1) Lead a life that pleases God!2) For my brother to do well! (Had tohave this in the list since he is the one

    typing for me)




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    Indeed, it is good to cultivate

    a habit of setting aside time to

    begin the day by praying and

    meditating on Gods Word.

    May we pray for more time

    and a greater desire to come

    before God for a sweet hour of






    6 9



    Time spent on personal study ofGods Word/QT3 hours weekly OR ~25 mins daily Church Activities

    (YF, FCM, Contact Groups, etc.)10 hours weekly OR ~1 hour 30 minutes dailyIt is a great blessing for us to be able to come

    before God to worship Him on Sundays and to

    learn more of His Word and fellowship with

    likeminded brethren. But let us also seize the

    opportunities presented to us during the rest of

    the week; there are many blessings to be had.

    It is often easy for us

    to neglect our family

    because of all the time

    we spend on work and

    play, but let us

    remember that we

    ought to honour our

    parents. We can also

    edify our siblings and

    encourage ourparents by simply

    taking some time to

    talk to them and

    share their burdens.

    Time spent withFamily (Dinner,Outings, Etc.)10 hours weekly OR~1 hour 30 minutes daily

    As with studies, we must

    take care that we do not

    spend so much time and

    energy on our hobbies and

    CCAs that it negatively

    affects our service to the

    Lord. While these activities

    may not be innately sinful,we should take care that

    we do not accidentally turn

    them into idols.

    Hobbies/CCAS9 hours weekly OR~1 hour 15 minutes daily

    With a medium as

    pervasive as the Internet,it is difficult to determine

    exactly how much time we

    spend on things like

    Facebook. Who hasnt had

    the experience of popping

    onto Facebook for just a

    little while in between

    doing work, only to find

    that hours have flown by

    without us making any

    progress? Let us keep aclose eye on how we spend

    our time here!

    Social Networking(Facebook, Friendster, etc.)6 hours weekly OR~50 minutes daily

    There is a fine line

    to be drawn

    between sloth and


    studying, and we

    must take heed

    that we do not

    swing to either

    extreme. May we


    remember to

    commit our

    studies to God,

    that we may be

    good testimonies

    to our friends in


    Secular Studies(Excluding Curriculum Time)23 hours weekly OR~3 hours 15 mins daily


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    7th Cottage Meeting at Dr

    Tows place14th, 21st, 28th

    Godly Leadership by Bro



    5th YF Games Day

    12th Cottage Meeting

    Myself Inside, Jesus

    Aside? Dn Chia14th -19th Combined YF


    26th Remembrance Night

    Nov Bdays: 16 William 17Joy 25 Damien 30 Yeda

    Dec Bdays:07 Dorothy, Evangeline,

    Matt Chiang

    08 JasonQuah 10 Kai Shuin, Yi Jie

    14 Jeremy Zhang 19

    Wanping 21 Popeye 31


    JULY12th Danny Quah flies to India for

    a year at the National Law School

    of India.

    15th Kenny Cheong arrives from

    Melbourne to commence his

    studies at FEBC.

    18th Serena Ng returns from

    Warwick for good after

    graduating with a Bachelors

    Degree in Economics.

    24th dotK Sister Debbie gives a

    biblical response to Feminism.

    AUGUST9th FCM celebrates its 23rd

    anniversary at CPBPC. Dr. S H

    Tow speaks on Psalm 23 The

    Lord is My Shepherd.

    11th Several YFers begin their

    university life Brian Lim,

    Dorothy Chiang, Grace and Joyce

    Auyong at NTU; Joanne Khor,Ong Su Ling, Chew Wanping and

    William Quah at NUS.

    12th Preacher Ko Lingkang flies

    to Perth to minister to the

    brethren at BPCWA, and is well-

    received. Celeste Chin returns to

    America to continue her studies

    at Bob Jones Academy.

    15th YFers go tracting in the

    Jurong East and Clementi areas.

    29th CPYF holds its gospel rally.

    Rev Quek speaks on the topic

    The Pursuit of Emptiness.

    SEPTEMBER4th & 5th YF September

    Retreat on the theme of

    Treasure. Many are blessed

    by Dr Paul Fergusons

    messages on Two Treasures,

    Two Hearts and Two


    12th KING and 2ndhome have

    a combined group cycling

    outing at East Coast Park.

    Brian Lim and Marcus Lim

    learn to cycle in record time

    thanks to some mutual

    friendly competition.

    18th FCM Combined Meeting,

    organized by the NUS FCMers,

    is held at CPBPC. Preacher

    Dennis Kabingue speaks on

    Discovering Your Spiritual


    21st YF Leaders Retreat at

    Elvins house leaders plan

    for Year 2010.

    22nd Lisa Ang returns from

    Sydney to visit her niece

    Olivia, who was supposed to

    be due on the 19th but refused

    to be born.

    26th Danny Quah pops back

    from India for a long weekend.

    28th Sophia Huang returns to

    the UK for her final yearstudies at Imperial College.

    Jonathan Tay delivers his

    first baby, a 3.5kg boy.


    Calendar of Events


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  • 8/14/2019 Uth Chronicle 2009-IV


    A Publication of

    Calvary Pandan Youth Fellowship

    Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church

    201 Pandan Gardens

    Singapore 609337

    Email: uth.chronicle@gmail.comEdify, Educate, Engage


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