utme testing centres nationwide

Post on 06-May-2015






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UTME Test UTME Test UTME Test UTME Test CentresCentresCentresCentres & & & & Applicants’ &Applicants’ &Applicants’ &Applicants’ &

Population DistributionPopulation DistributionPopulation DistributionPopulation Distribution

Geo-political Zones in Nigeria

Jigawa, Kaduna

Kano, Kebbi

Sokoto, Zamfara

Benue, Katsina, Kogi

Kwara, Nasarawa, Niger

Plateau. + FCT

Akwa Ibom, Rivers

Bayelsa, Cross River

Delta, Edo

Adamawa, Bauchi

Borno, Gombe

Taraba, Yobe

Ekiti, Lagos

Ogun, Ondo

Osun, Oyo

SouthSouthSouthSouth----SouthSouthSouthSouthAbia, Anambra

Ebonyi, Enugu



Of this 36 States, 23 are Educationally Less-PrivilegedStates (ELPS). They are:

Adamawa, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Benue, Borno, Cross River, Ebonyi, Gombe, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Kogi, Kwara, Nasarawa, Niger, Plateau, Rivers, Sokoto, Taraba, Yobe, Zamfara

The Educationally Privileged States are:The Educationally Privileged States are:The Educationally Privileged States are:The Educationally Privileged States are:

Abia, Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Delta, Edo, Ekiti, Enugu, Imo, Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo,

Nigeria Population, 2011 Nigeria Population, 2011 Nigeria Population, 2011 Nigeria Population, 2011 ---- 2013201320132013

ZoneZoneZoneZone 2011201120112011 2012201220122012 2013201320132013NC 28,721,167 29,266,870 29,822,940NE 20,857,655 21,253,951 21,657,776

NW 33,085,498 33,714,123 34,354,691SE 18,053,008 18,396,016 18,745,540SS 23,120,695 23,559,988 24,007,628SW 30,458,061 31,036,764 31,626,462TotalTotalTotalTotal 154,296,085154,296,085154,296,085154,296,085 157,227,711157,227,711157,227,711157,227,711 160,215,037160,215,037160,215,037160,215,037

The national census conducted in 2006 put Nigeriapopulation at 140140140140,,,,437437437437,,,,790790790790; with a growth rate of 1.9%,Nigeria population in 2013 is estimated to be160160160160,,,,215215215215,,,,037037037037.

NC: NC: NC: NC: North-Central NE: NE: NE: NE: North-East NW: NW: NW: NW: North-WestSE: SE: SE: SE: South-East SS: SS: SS: SS: South-South SW: SW: SW: SW: South-West

UTME Applicants, 2011 UTME Applicants, 2011 UTME Applicants, 2011 UTME Applicants, 2011 ---- 2013201320132013

ZoneZoneZoneZone 2011201120112011 2012201220122012 2013201320132013NC 260,888 278,036 309,259NE 77,476 79,818 96,602

NW 140,468 136,273 189,304SE 206,128 214,821 252,826SS 324,346 322,119 359,953SW 484,102 472,614 527,580TotalTotalTotalTotal 1,493,4081,493,4081,493,4081,493,408 1,503,6811,503,6811,503,6811,503,681 1,735,5241,735,5241,735,5241,735,524

Applicants here refer to Candidates who enrolled and wrote the UTME 2011, 2012 and 2013 within Nigeria only.

Test Test Test Test CentresCentresCentresCentres, 2011 , 2011 , 2011 , 2011 ---- 2013201320132013

ZoneZoneZoneZone 2011201120112011 2012201220122012 2013201320132013NC 488 537 665NE 149 162 218

NW 289 304 423SE 413 427 520SS 608 648 749SW 919 967 1,090TotalTotalTotalTotal 2,8662,8662,8662,866 3,0453,0453,0453,045 3,6653,6653,6653,665

UTME 2013:UTME 2013:UTME 2013:UTME 2013: The Test centres for UTME 2013 shows both Paper-Pencil Based Testing (PPBT)(PPBT)(PPBT)(PPBT), Dual (Computer/Paper) Based Testing

(DBT) (DBT) (DBT) (DBT) and Computer Based Testing (CBT)(CBT)(CBT)(CBT).

Ratio of Population to ApplicantsRatio of Population to ApplicantsRatio of Population to ApplicantsRatio of Population to Applicants

The ratio of Population to UTME application explains the degree ofinterest in tertiary education in Nigeria. Overall, it shows 1 in 92 areinterested in tertiary education in 2013, while 2011 and 2012 were 105.

ZoneZoneZoneZone Pop2011Pop2011Pop2011Pop2011 App2011App2011App2011App2011 Pop2012Pop2012Pop2012Pop2012 App2012App2012App2012App2012 Pop2013Pop2013Pop2013Pop2013 App2013App2013App2013App2013

NC 28,721,167 260,888 29,266,870 278,036 29,822,940 309,259

NE 20,857,655 77,476 21,253,951 79,818 21,657,776 96,602

NW 33,085,498 140,468 33,714,123 136,273 34,354,691 189,304

SE 18,053,008 206,128 18,396,016 214,821 18,745,540 252,826

SS 23,120,695 324,346 23,559,988 322,119 24,007,628 359,953

SW 30,458,061 484,102 31,036,764 472,614 31,626,462 527,580

TotalTotalTotalTotal 154,296,085154,296,085154,296,085154,296,085 1,493,4081,493,4081,493,4081,493,408 157,227,711157,227,711157,227,711157,227,711 1,503,6811,503,6811,503,6811,503,681 160,215,037160,215,037160,215,037160,215,037 1,735,5241,735,5241,735,5241,735,524

ZoneZoneZoneZone Ratio 2011Ratio 2011Ratio 2011Ratio 2011 Ratio 2012Ratio 2012Ratio 2012Ratio 2012 Ratio 2013Ratio 2013Ratio 2013Ratio 2013

NC 1:110 1:105 1:96

NE 1:269 1:266 1:224

NW 1:236 1:247 1:181

SE 1:88 1:86 1:74

SS 1:71 1:73 1:67

SW 1:63 1:66 1:60

TotalTotalTotalTotal 1:1051:1051:1051:105 1:1051:1051:1051:105 1:921:921:921:92

Ratio of Population to CentreRatio of Population to CentreRatio of Population to CentreRatio of Population to CentreZoneZoneZoneZone Pop2011Pop2011Pop2011Pop2011 Centre2011Centre2011Centre2011Centre2011 Pop2012Pop2012Pop2012Pop2012 Centre2012Centre2012Centre2012Centre2012 Pop2013Pop2013Pop2013Pop2013 Centre2013Centre2013Centre2013Centre2013

NC 28,721,167 488 29,266,870 537 29,822,940 665

NE 20,857,655 149 21,253,951 162 21,657,776 218

NW 33,085,498 289 33,714,123 304 34,354,691 423

SE 18,053,008 413 18,396,016 427 18,745,540 520

SS 23,120,695 608 23,559,988 648 24,007,628 749

SW 30,458,061 919 31,036,764 967 31,626,462 1,090

TotalTotalTotalTotal 154,296,085154,296,085154,296,085154,296,085 2,8662,8662,8662,866 157,227,711157,227,711157,227,711157,227,711 3,0453,0453,0453,045 160,215,037160,215,037160,215,037160,215,037 3,6653,6653,6653,665

ZoneZoneZoneZone Ratio 2011Ratio 2011Ratio 2011Ratio 2011 Ratio 2012Ratio 2012Ratio 2012Ratio 2012 Ratio 2013Ratio 2013Ratio 2013Ratio 2013

NC 1:58,855 1:54,501 1:44,847

NE 1:139,984 1:131,197 1:99,348

NW 1:114,483 1:110,902 1:81,217

SE 1:43,712 1:43,082 1:36,049

SS 1:38,027 1:36,358 1:32,053

SW 1:33,143 1:32,096 1:29,015

TotalTotalTotalTotal 1:53,8371:53,8371:53,8371:53,837 1:51,6351:51,6351:51,6351:51,635 1:43,7151:43,7151:43,7151:43,715

National average has reduced from 53,837 in 2011 to 43,715 PeoplePeoplePeoplePeople to1 TestTestTestTest CentreCentreCentreCentre. There is great improvement in NE and NW, showing aconsistent growth in the number of Test Centres viz-a-viz Population.

Ratio of Applicants to Test Ratio of Applicants to Test Ratio of Applicants to Test Ratio of Applicants to Test CentresCentresCentresCentres

In UTME 2013; there were 474 applicants to a Test Centre - Nationally.However , this is an improvement on 512 and 494 in 2011 and 2012respectively.

ZoneZoneZoneZone App2011App2011App2011App2011 App2011App2011App2011App2011 App2012App2012App2012App2012 App2012App2012App2012App2012 App2013App2013App2013App2013 App2013App2013App2013App2013

NC 260,888 488 278,036 537 309,259 665

NE 77,476 149 79,818 162 96,602 218

NW 140,468 289 136,273 304 189,304 423

SE 206,128 413 214,821 427 252,826 520

SS 324,346 608 322,119 648 359,953 749

SW 484,102 919 472,614 967 527,580 1,090

TotalTotalTotalTotal 1,493,4081,493,4081,493,4081,493,408 2,8662,8662,8662,866 1,503,6811,503,6811,503,6811,503,681 3,0453,0453,0453,045 1,735,5241,735,5241,735,5241,735,524 3,6653,6653,6653,665

ZoneZoneZoneZone Ratio 2011Ratio 2011Ratio 2011Ratio 2011 RatioRatioRatioRatio 2012201220122012 Ratio 2013Ratio 2013Ratio 2013Ratio 2013

NC 1:535 1:518 1:465

NE 1:520 1:493 1:443

NW 1:486 1:448 1:448

SE 1:499 1:503 1:486

SS 1:533 1:497 1:481

SW 1:527 1:489 1:484

TotalTotalTotalTotal 1:5211:5211:5211:521 1:4941:4941:4941:494 1:4741:4741:4741:474

� The percentage of the population that applied for UTME2011, 2012 and 2013 are 0.97%, 0.96% and 1.08%respectively

� NW represents 21% of Nigeria population, followedclosely by SW; however, only 0.55% of NW applied forUTME compared with 1.67% of SW.

� 66% of Applicants are based in the South, while 34% arefrom the North. Also, 64% of Test Centres are in theSouth while 36% are in the North.

� 30% of UTME 2013 applicants applied in the SW,followed by SS (21%). The least is NE (6%).

� Similarly, 30% of Test Centres are in the SW, 20% in SSand just 6% in NE.

In SummaryIn SummaryIn SummaryIn Summary

Clearly, the Northern States are the least represented. Even though these ELPS have been tagged so for many years, little noticeable growth

has been achieved to make them EPS.

The Government at all levels – most especially in the North – need to make concerted effort to generate hunger for Education so that more candidates from the North can enroll for tertiary


Freely share use and acknowledge the source – © Wale Micaiah

DataDataDataData sourcesourcesourcesource::::- UTME 2013 applicant test mode choices,extracted from JAMB website.

Analysis by: Wale Micaiah

e: walegate@yahoo.com

m: 08078001800

b: walemicaiah.blog.com

w. www.statisense.info

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