uts built leadership program - 16 may 2013 talk

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Anything is possible if you've got enough nerve." — JK Rowling

A Quick Intro



The Mischief Makers

Creating mischief and mayhem in our otherwise straight-laced world.


Why we do what we do?

Short answer:“The world isn’t perfect. Yet.”

The World of Advertising

The World of Advertising

The World of Advertising

The World of Advertising

The World of Advertising

We Choose To...

Say what Coke is really abouthttps://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.627925983890977.1073741825.328171430533102&type=3

Support awareness around organ and tissue donationhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJgNiRK_Pbo&feature=share&list=UUfyX5OUoA5WJt1w7Av04EPQ

Stand up for animal rights (boycott animal testing)https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.402855343064710.116803.328171430533102&type=3

Change racism and prejudice around Gay Asians within the gay communityhttp://youtu.be/hvR5cEfUDfM


My Story

My Story

My Story


My Story

My Story

My StoryAustralia

Something felt very wrong

Asked Some Big Questions• Why do we have enough food in the world, yet still have

hunger and extreme poverty?• Why are we part of one human family, yet still fight over

national, racial and religious interests?• Why are we living on a planet that we are entirely

dependent on for our own survival, yet depleting it to the point of near-catastrophe?

• Why do we know it’s terrible to endure pain and suffering, yet inflict atrocious pain and suffering on other living beings?

• Why do we think it’s wrong to kill another person, yet slaughter and torture animals horribly in our food industry?

Opened My EyesThe state of the world:

Poverty. Climate Change. Injustice. Racial and religious hatred. Inequality: gender, gays, indigenous, racism. Sexual trafficking. Slavery. Marginalised communities: the poor, physically& mentally disabled. A consumerist, capitalistic society: Does it bring happiness? How sustainable is it?

Of course it’s not all bad. The world is a beautiful place

too. We just imagine it could be a beautiful place for all.

Light Bulb Realisations

• Our birth is merely a lottery of luck. It could be me.

• If I don’t contribute something to change, and everyone is like me, nothing will change.

• If I keep doing what I’m doing, nothing will change.

• If nothing changes, tomorrow’s generations will still suffer the ills of today

My Message To You• Open your eyes and be a keen observer. Experience.

Investigate.• Ask big questions.• Ask yourself what kind of leader you want to be? What

kind of impact you want to make?(Ghandi vs Hitler)

• Learn ethical deliberation. It’s a complex world with no straight answers.Checkout http://80000hours.org and http://www.centreforeffectivealtruism.org/

• Don’t give up hope. The world needs you.

In Closing

The Mischief Manifesto


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