v hirongdftnont~pmantienganh lap thpt chuyen tirnam...

Post on 08-Feb-2018






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VIv Hirong dftnon t~p man tieng Anhtrong ky thi tuyen vao lap 10 THPT vaTHPT chuyen tir nam h9C 2017-2018

CQNG HOA xA HQI CHU NGHiA VI~T NAMDQcl,p - Tv do - H~nh phuc

Ninh Thudn, ngay clJ?thang4 ndm 2017

Kinh gifi:- Cac Phong Giao due va Dao tao huyen, thanh ph5;- Cac tnrong ph6 thong true thuoc.

Thirc hien Quyet dinh s6 6811QD-UBND ngay 19/4/2017 cua Uy ban nhdn, , .dan tinh ve viec phe duyet Ke hoach va phirong thtrc tuyen sinh lop 6 THCS va lop10 THPT nam hoc 2017-2018 va lQtrinh thi tieng Anh trong kY thi tuyen sinh vaolop 10; nham tao diSu kien dB giao vien t6 chile on t~p cho hoc sinh ren luyen kynang va kiSn thirc chuan bi cho kY thi VaGlop 10 THPT va THPT chuyen, Sa Giaodue va Dao tao (GDDT) huang d~n on ~p man tiSng Anh trong Icy thi tuySn sinhVaGlOp 10 tir nam hQc 2017-2018 nhu sau:

1. On t~p thi man ti~ng Anh khuy~n khich vao l6'p 10 THPT va mon chungvao 16'p10 THPT ch uycn

1.1. Thb'j gian lam bai va hinh thuc thi- Thai gian lam bai: 90 philt.- Hinh thuc: K~t hQPu.r lu~n va tr~c nghi~m.- DS thi: Thi khuy8n khich VaGlOp 10 THPT va man chung vao lOp 10 THPT

chuyen chung mQt dS.1.2. N{}idung fhia) Nam hQc 2017-2018:- Ky nang nghe: Co tBi thi~u 2 bhl, thuQc cac d~g: Listen and match,' Listen

and complete; Listen and select the correct option va cac d~ng phil hQP khac.- Ky nang a9c hi€u: Co tBi thi8u 2 bAi, thuQc cac d~ng: Read and match; Read

and complete; Read and select the correct option va cae d~ng phil hgp khac.- KJ' nang viit: Co t5i thi~u 2 bai, thuQc cae d~ng: Use the provided words or

phrases to write completesentences;Completethe secondsentenceso that it means thesame as thefirst one; Write a short passage about a relevant and familiar topic vacac dl;lngphil hgp khac.

- SIC dl:f,ngtiing Anh: Co tBi thiBu 2 bAi, thuQc cac d~g: Multiple choicequestions - MCQs (va ngu am, ngu phap, tiI V\ffig, tU lo~i); Read and write ONEwordfor each space; Matching va cac dl;lngphil hgp khac.

b) Tit· nam hQc 2018-2019:- KjJnang nghe: Co tBi thi~u 2 bAi, thuQc cac d~g: Listen and match; Listen

and number; Listen and complete; Listen and select the correct option; Listen andgive short answers; Listen and choose True or False va cac d~g phil hgp khac.

- KjJnang a9c hiiu: Co tBi thiSu 2 bAi,thuQc cae d~ng: Read and match; Readand complete; Read and select the correct option; Read and answer the questionsva cac d~g phil hgp khac.

- Ky nang viit: C6 t6i thi8u 2 bAi, thuQc cac d~g: Arrange the words to makecomplete sentences; Use theprovided words orphrases to write complete sentences;

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one; Write apassage about a relevant and a familiar topic va cac dang phil hop khac., ,.

- Sit' dung tieng Anh: Co toi thieu 2 bai, thuoc cac dang: Multiple choicequestions - MCQs (vJ ngir am, ngtt phap, tir vung, tir loai), Read and write ONEwordfor each space; Matching va cac dang phil hop khac.

2. On tfP thi fuy~n sinh mfin chuyen ti~ng Anh vao l6'p 10 THPT chuyen2.1. Thoi gian lam bili va hlnh thti'c thi- Thai gian lam bai: 120 phut,- Hinh tlnrc: KSt hop tu lu?n va tr~c nghiem,2.2. NQi dung thia) Nam hoc 2017-2018:- Kj5nang nghe: Co tBi thiSu 3 bai, thudc cac dang: Listen and match; Listen

and number; Listen and complete; Listen and select the correct option; Listen andgive short answers; Listen and choose True or False or Not given va cac dang philhop khac.

- Ky nang doc hieu: Co tBi thiSu 3 bai, thuoc cac dang: Read and match; Readand complete; Read and select the correct option,'Read and answer the questions;Read and write ONE wordfor each space va cac dang phil hop khac.

- Ky nang viit: Co tBi thiSu 3 bai, thuoc cac dang: Use the provided words orphrases towrite completesentences;Completethe secondsentenceso that it means thesame as thefirst one; Write a passage about a relevant and afamiliar topic; Writean essay about a topic; Read and summarize va cac dang phil hop khac.

- Sir dung tiing Anh: Co tBi thiSu 3 bai, thuQc cac d~ng: Multiple choicequestions - MCQs (vJ ngu am, ngu phap, tir V\ffig, ... ); Write the correct wordforms,' Read and write ONE word for each space; Matching va cae d~ng phil hqpkhac.

b) Til' nam hQc 2018-2019:- Cac kY nang nghe, t1(Jchi€u, viit va su dl;lngtiing Anh co cdu truc nhu nam

hoc 2017-2018... '1, '\- KY nang noi aU(lcb6 sung them, gam 2 phan v6'i cac d~g bili nhu: Teacher-Student interaction; Student - Student interaction;Describing pictures va cac d~ngphil hqp khac.

Nh~n dugc van ban nay S6 GDDT ySu c~u thu truang cac dan vi ph&biSndSn giao vien, hQc sinh va t&chuc d?y hQc, on t~p cho hQc sinh nh~m d?t k~t quacao trong ky thi tuy8n sinh VaG lap 10 THPT va THPT chuyen.l.

Nui nlt(in : p'V- NhU'tren;- UBND tinh (Bao eao);- Lanh d~o Sa GDDT;- Website Sa GDDT ;- Cac phong chilc nang thUQC Sa;- LU'u:VP, GDTrH.


Nguy~n Anh Linh


s6:)ji /SL-PGDDT

, SAOLveThuqn Bae, ngay P0 thangJnam 2017

Kinh giri: Cac tnrong THCS trong huyen.

D~ nghi cac tnrong THCS trien khai thirc hi~n./.

Nui nh{in:- Nhir tren;- Lanh dao PGDDT;- Chuyen vien PGD;- Website PGDDT;- Liru: VT.

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