valentines day quotes of 2016 – top five quote

Post on 14-Apr-2016






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Valentines day quotes are is going to be trending soon and that’s why here we are going to suggest you top five quotes for 2016 love week. And, this is not least, you can find more options at the official page of wishyouthesame.


Valentines Day Quotes of 2016 – Top Five Quote

Valentines day quotes are is going to be trending soon and that’s why here we are going to suggest you top five quotes for 2016 love week. And, this is not least; you can find more options at the official page of wishyouthesame.

In the quotes and wishes category the most viral category will be romantic valentines day quotes 2016 and love wishes for this year. You can find the different other categories for your friends and people you care like friendship quotes, love quotes, sweet wishes, romantic words, beautiful valentines images, image quotes, trust wishes and quotes and like this many more that tell others that your are very important for you.

Please find the best happy valentines day quotes 2016 list of top five here-

Love + Care = MaM

Love + Fear = DaD

Love + Help = Sister

Love + Fight = Brother

Love + Care + Fear + Help + Fight = My Girl

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night"

“I don't want perfect person or relationship, what I want is someone who won't give up in me.”

“Distance does not break relationship. It just shows you who is worth keeping and who is worth letting go”

“Money does not strengthen a relationship. It just helps you move life forward.”

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