vales for regenerator and riser

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  • 8/11/2019 Vales for Regenerator and Riser


    Journal of Applied and Industri al Sciences, 2014, 2 (2): 46-57, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), ISSN: 2328-4609 (ONLI NE)

    Research Article 46

    Abstract-Catalytic cracking to produce products of higher octane

    number is rather important and needs always to be under

    investigation and development. It is not an easy process, but it is

    difficult due to the deactivation of the catalyst, deposition of coke

    and poisoning by heavy metals. The manipulative and controlled

    parameters of the regenerator(s), reactor and firing air may beinteracting. In this study two catalyst regenerators are designed

    for control loops with single-input single output (SISO). A ratio

    controller for air/fuel and a temperature controller are used to

    adjust the air/fuel ratio and their rate. Where the temperatures in

    the two regenerators were controlled by manipulating the rate of

    the inlet hot air. Levels, temperature and steam rate were also

    controlled as well as the top pressure in the regenerators through

    manipulation of the exit flue gas. The control strategy was

    developed, the overall transfer functions were identified and the

    characteristic equations were used for stability analysis, tuning

    and response simulation, as shown in Tables 1 through 7 and

    Figures 2 through 13.

    I ndex Terms-: Catalytic cracking, Tuning and Stability


    Petroleum refinery is an industrial processplant where crude

    oil is processed and refined into more useful products such

    aspetroleum naphtha,gasoline,diesel fuel,asphalt

    base,heating oil,kerosene andliquefied petroleum gas [1].

    Fluid catalytic cracking is one of the most important conversion

    processes in a petroleum refinery, it also occupies very

    significant position in the refinery because of its economic

    benefits, and the process incorporates most phases of chemical

    engineering fundamentals, such as fluidization, heat/mass

    transfer, and distillation. The heart of the process is the

    reactor-regenerator, where most of the innovations have

    occurred since 1942 [2].Heavy Oil vapors are cracked to gasoline and fuel oil plus

    low-molecular-weight Paraffins and olefins by contact with

    very hot particles of fine zeolitesilicaalumina catalyst. The

    catalyst provides energy for vaporization of the feed and for the

    endothermic reactions. A few percent of the feed forms

    carbonaceous deposits on the catalyst, rapidly decreasing its

    activity, so frequent regeneration is necessary. Spent catalyst is

    continuously removed from the reactor and sent to the

    *Corresponding author

    regenerator, where air is introduced to burn off the coke,

    reheat the catalyst, and restore its activity. In early versions of

    the FCC process, the reactor and regenerator were fluidized

    beds placed side by side as seen in Fig. 1.

    Figure1: FCC Unit (Peter 2003)

    Catalyst from the reactor passed down by gravity through a

    stripper, where up flowing steam displaced the hydrocarbon

    vapors and maintained the solid in a fluidized state. The catalyst

    then flowed in a transfer line to a point below the beds, where it

    was picked up by the air stream and carried into the regenerator.

    It is important to separate catalyst and vapors as soon as they

    enter the reactor, otherwise the extended contact time of the

    vapors with the catalyst in the reactor housing will allow for

    non-selective catalytic recracking of some of the desirable

    products. The extended residence time also promotes thermal

    cracking of the desirable products [2]. Catalyst from the

    regenerator flowed through another transfer line to a tee

    junction, where it joined the oil feed and passed up into the


    Other versions of FCC units had different methods of

    controlling the solid flow between reactors in one

    Improved Control Strategy of Residue Fluidized-bed

    Catalytic Cracking Unit

    Sahar .A. Salih*1

    , Mustafa. A. Mustafa2

    , Gurashi. A. Gasmelseed3

    1Faculty of Graduate studies, University of Karary, Khartoum-Sudan2Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Khartoum, Khartoum- Sudan

    Email:Dr.Mustafa.Abbas@gmail.com3Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Khartoum- Sudan

    (Received:December 01, 2013; Accepted:April 04, 2014)
  • 8/11/2019 Vales for Regenerator and Riser



    Journal of Applied and Industri al Sciences, 2014, 2 (2): 46-57, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), I SSN: 2328-4609 (ONLI NE)

    single-vessel unit, the reactor was placed on top of the

    regenerator. However, the biggest change came after the

    introduction of very active zeolite catalysts and the realization

    that much of the cracking took place in the transfer line carrying

    catalyst into the reactor. Current designs feature a riser reactor,

    a tall, small-diameter pipe, where all the cracking occurs as

    catalyst particles are carried upward at high velocity by the oil

    vapors. The gassolid suspension is discharged through

    cyclones into a vessel that serves as a stripper and a feedreservoir for spent catalyst. The regenerator is a large reactor

    (up to 18 m in diameter) with a bed depth of 1015 m, and it is

    often the largest vessel in the refinery. Some steam is fed to the

    bottom of the riser to strip any hydrocarbon and maintain

    fluidization until the feed oil is vaporized [3]. Gas and solid exit

    the riser horizontally through swirl nozzles that make some of

    the solids drop out prior to the cyclones. Steam is introduced at

    several points in the multistage stripper to maximize

    hydrocarbon removal. The regenerator is operated in the

    turbulent regime at superficial velocities of 0.31.0 m/sec,

    which is over 100 times the minimum fluidization velocity.

    Entrainment of fines is severe, and the top of the regenerator iscrowded with many sets of two-stage cyclones. The cyclones

    recover over 99.99% of the entrained solids, which are returned

    to the bed through dip legs discharging below the top of the

    bed. Most of the oxygen is consumed in the reactor, but the

    catalyst is not completely regenerated. Because of solids

    mixing, there is a wide distribution of residence times and a

    corresponding distribution of carbon content on the catalyst

    particles. Typically, over 90% of the carbon is burned off.

    Two-stage regenerators are used in some refineries to with

    operational problems due to the high nonlinearity of such

    systems [3]. Both CO and CO2are produced as the coke burns,

    and some CO is oxidized in the gas phase, the rest of the CO

    can be burnt to generate steam. Oxidation of CO above the bed

    can lead to large, undesirable temperature increases, and some

    catalysts are promoted with platinum to favor CO oxidation in

    the bed [3].

    Control of FCCUThe control problem of fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) units is a

    challenging task due to its model complexity, non-linear

    dynamics, constrained variables and cross-coupling interaction

    between inputs and outputs [4]. Baker developed optimal

    system of a two cascade closed-loop system which takes the

    conversion percentage as the optimal variable because it is the

    direct measurement to the degree of reaction and can be

    calculated online from the products distribution of FCCU, used

    a neural network to predict this conversion percentage onlineand at real-time because there may be a large time-delay to

    calculate the conversion percentage. Based on this, closed-loop

    optimization is achieved by the uses of online observation for

    feeds property and adaptive intelligent optimal method and the

    yield of light oil increases about 0.6% [5]. ChenZiluan

    Developed a design of multivariable feedback control

    configurations for composition control at the riser output for

    FCC units. Numerical simulations on a non-linear dynamical

    model operating in the partial-combustion mode are used to

    show the effectiveness of several multivariable control

    configurations under disturbances and uncertainty parameters[6]. Raluka developed a dynamic simulator of the fluid catalytic

    cracking (FCC) pilot plant, The operation of the pilot plant

    permits the execution of case studies for monitoring of the

    dynamic responses of the unit, by imposing substantial step

    changes in a number of the manipulated variables [7].

    Madhusudana developed a case study of an object-oriented

    model for automatic generation of a fluid catalytic cracking unit

    (FCCU) reactor/regenerator is presented [8]. Bollas applied the

    calculation of the optimal set points by considering the

    closed-loop dynamics, focusing in particular on rigorous

    handling of input saturation effects [4].

    The main objectives of this study is to develop a controlstrategy for tight control of the residue Fluidized-bed Catalytic

    Cracking Unit (RFCCU) for improvement of performance of

    the Base Case shown in Fig. 2as well as to identify the control

    functions, stability analysis, tuning and response simulation of

    the RFCCU.


    Two control strategies were developed as shown in Fig. 1and


    Control L oops Identif ication


    Temperature control, Riser temperature versusregenerated catalyst from the second regenerator.


    Catalyst level control versus regenerated catalyst from

    the first regenerator.

    3. Pressure control for second and first regenerators,

    manipulating exit flue gas.

    4. Steam rate versus set point.

    5. Level in the reactor versus spent catalyst from the

    reactor to regenerator 1.


    Temperature in the second regenerator versus hot air

    flow rate to the second regenerator.


    Temperature in the first regenerator versus hot air flow

    rate to the first regenerator.


    Local feedback control of the hot air to the first and

    second regenerator versus desired value or set point.


    Ratio control of fuel/air ratio.

  • 8/11/2019 Vales for Regenerator and Riser



    Journal of Applied and Industri al Sciences, 2014, 2 (2): 46-57, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), I SSN: 2328-4609 (ONLI NE)

    Figure2: Physical Diagram of the Base Case Control Strategy of RFCC

    Figure 3: Physical Diagram of RFCCU Control Strategy

  • 8/11/2019 Vales for Regenerator and Riser



    Journal of Applied and Industri al Sciences, 2014, 2 (2): 46-57, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), I SSN: 2328-4609 (ONLI NE)

    Mathematical models were developed for loop 1 through loop 4 and parameters of the transfer functions were cited from the

    literature [9, 10].

    Transfer f unction i dentif ication:

    Loop 1:

    Figure 4: loop 1 block diagram with the identified transfer functions

    The chr-eq = 1+OLTF = 0 :

    )1......(..............................05.108.18252.50356.3344.8s sss

    Loop 2:

    Figure 5: loop2 block diagram

    The chr-eq is:


    Loop 3:

    Figure 6: loop 3 block diagram

  • 8/11/2019 Vales for Regenerator and Riser



    Journal of Applied and Industri al Sciences, 2014, 2 (2): 46-57, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), I SSN: 2328-4609 (ONLI NE)

    The chr-eq is:

    )3.(........................................02.97.924.2037.1044.1 ssss

    Loop 4:

    Figure 7: loop4 block diagram

    The chr-eq is:

    )4(........................................012.37.924.2037.1044.1 ssss

    Stability Analysis and Tuning:

    Taking loop 1 as an example:

    1- RouthHurwitz Technique:

    The chr-equation is:

    )5..(..............................019.42.428.53344.0 ssss

    The ultimate gain Ku and ultimate period Pu were inserted in to Ziegler-Nicolas table and the adjustable parameters are determined

    and tabulated in the following table.

    ku=9.5, Pu=9.8s.

    Table 1

    Z.N adjustable parameters of loop1

    The same is repeated for each loop and summarized as shown in the Table 2:

    Type of controller kc (min)i



    P 4.75 - -

    PI 4.27 8.16 -

    PID 0.57 4.9 1.22

  • 8/11/2019 Vales for Regenerator and Riser



    Journal of Applied and Industri al Sciences, 2014, 2 (2): 46-57, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), I SSN: 2328-4609 (ONLI NE)

    Table 2

    Summary of the adjustable parameters of the four loops using Routh-Hurwitz method

    Loop Number mode kc (min)i



    1 P 4.75 - -

    PI 4.27 8.16 -

    PID 0.57 4.90 1.22

    2 P 7.96 - -

    PI 7.16 0.73 -

    PID 9.55 0.44 0.10

    3 P 4.1 - -

    PI 0.48 5.51 -

    PID 0.57 33.1 0.83

    4 P 5.28 - -

    PI 4.75 4.43 -

    PID 6.33 26.6 0.67

    2- Root locus method:

    Establishing the OLTF from equations 1,2,3 and 4 , Root Locus

    method was applied.

    The OLTF of loop 1 is:






    Applying MATLAB software for loop1:

    Figure 8: root locus of loop 1

  • 8/11/2019 Vales for Regenerator and Riser



    Journal of Applied and Industri al Sciences, 2014, 2 (2): 46-57, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), I SSN: 2328-4609 (ONLI NE)

    The ultimate gain and ultimate period are:

    Ku=1.91, Pu=9.99s.

    Inserting the values of ku and Pu into Z-N, the adjustable parameters for loop 1 are:

    Table 3Z.N adjustable parameters of loop 1

    Table 4

    Summary of the adjustable parameters for loop 1,2,3 and 4 using Root-Locus method

    Loop Number mode kc (min)i



    1 P 0.96 - -

    PI 0.86 8.33 -

    PID 1.15 49.95 1.25

    2 P 0.49 - -

    PI 0.44 0.72 -

    PID 0.59 4.3 0.11

    3 P 1.06 - -

    PI 0.96 5.42 -

    PID 1.28 32.5 0.81

    4 P 0.56 - -

    PI 0.50 4.37 -

    PID 0.67 26.2 0.66

    3- Bode plot method

    The OLTF of loop 1 is:

    Applying MATLAB software for loop 1:

    Type kc (min)i


    P 0.96 - -

    PI 0.86 8.33 -

    PID 1.15 49.95 1.25







  • 8/11/2019 Vales for Regenerator and Riser



    Journal of Applied and Industri al Sciences, 2014, 2 (2): 46-57, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), I SSN: 2328-4609 (ONLI NE)

    Figure 9:Bode diagram of loop 1

    From bode plot: ku=9.71, Pu=9.68s.

    Inserting the values of ku and Pu into Z-N, the adjustable parameters for loop 1 are:

    Table 5

    Z-N adjustable parameters of loop1

    Type kc (min)i


    P 4.86 - -

    PI 4.37 8.07 -

    PID 5.83 48.4 1.21

    The same was repeated for loops1, 2,3and 4:Table 6

    Summary of the adjustable parameters for loop 1, 2, 3 and 4 using Bode method

    Loop Number mode kc (min)i



    1 P 4.86 - -

    PI 4.37 8.07 -

    PID 5.83 48.4 1.24

    2 P 8.00 - -PI 7.20 0.72 -

    PID 9.60 4.30 0.11

    3 P 4.15 - -

    PI 3.74 5.42 -

    PID 4.98 32.5 0.81

    4 P 5.28 - -

    PI 4.75 4.43 -

    PID 6.33 26.60 0.67

  • 8/11/2019 Vales for Regenerator and Riser



    Journal of Applied and Industri al Sciences, 2014, 2 (2): 46-57, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), I SSN: 2328-4609 (ONLI NE)

    Offset investigation

    The forcing input:

    Applying the method above for loops 1, 2,3and 4 and taking unit step change in the input, the offset are determined and tabulated in

    the following table:

    Table 7Offset investigation values of loops 1, 2, 3 and 4

    Loop Number Method of tuning

    1 Routh 0.1

    Bode 0.09 0.03

    2 Routh 0.05

    Bode 0.03 0.29

    3 Routh 0.10

    Bode 0.11 0.32

    4 Routh 0.24

    Bode 0.24 0.60

    The System Responses:

    Using the highest gain from the four loops for each method and taking a step change in the input the following responses are



    idCt 1















  • 8/11/2019 Vales for Regenerator and Riser



    Journal of Applied and Industri al Sciences, 2014, 2 (2): 46-57, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), I SSN: 2328-4609 (ONLI NE)

    Figure 10: Response of loop 1

    Figure 11: Response of loop 2

  • 8/11/2019 Vales for Regenerator and Riser



    Journal of Applied and Industri al Sciences, 2014, 2 (2): 46-57, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), I SSN: 2328-4609 (ONLI NE)

    Figure 12: Response of loop 3

    Figure 13: Response of loop 4


    The control system in the Reference Case as shown in Fig. 2

    needs to be renewed, better by adaptive controllers as these

    types of controllers can adapt themselves according to the

    change of catalyst activity, temperature and pressure. These

    types of controllers are costly, hence a less expensive control

    system is developed in this study to replace the existing control

    system in application to date as in Fig. 3. It is observed that in

    the existing control system depicted in figure 3, the level inside

    the regenerator and the temperature in the riser are controlled

  • 8/11/2019 Vales for Regenerator and Riser



    Journal of Applied and Industri al Sciences, 2014, 2 (2): 46-57, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), I SSN: 2328-4609 (ONLI NE)

    by manipulating the regenerated catalyst flow rate by two slide

    valves which are very interacting, at the same time the hot air

    rate is not controlled.

    The system depicted in Fig. 3was developed in this study, the

    transfer functions were identified and the overall transfer

    functions were calculated the characteristic equations as well as

    the closed loop and open loop transfer functions were

    determined as seen in tables 1 through 7. Routh Hurwitz,Root-Locus and Bode methods are used for stability analysis

    and tuning. All the systems in all control loops are shown to be

    stable. The tuning methods of Routh and bode give

    asymptotically equal parameters but with regard to the gain

    Root Locus does not in agreement with the two other methods

    as shown in tables 3 and 4. The method that gives the highest

    sensitivity is selected for simulation of the results, upon a step

    change in the input, the results are shown in figures (10

    thtough13). Summary of the adjustable parameters are

    tabulated in tables (1, 2, 3 ...7), the system is recommended to

    be transformed to digital control system.

    IV. CONCLUSIONSIn conclusion the control system of the RFCC in the Reference

    Case should be superseeded by either an adaptive control

    system or by the system developed in study. It is concluded

    that with the exception of root locus, the methods of stability

    analysis and tuning are found to be identical and each of them

    can confidently be used for tuning. The response of each loop

    was stable, with minimum oscillation and very short recovery

    time as seen in Figures1 through 13.


    The authors wish to thank the Graduate College for Higher

    Studies and Research of Karary University for their help and

    encouragement. This paper is generated from a research thesis

    in partial fulfillment for Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at the

    University of Karary (Sudan).

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