values education-modern philosopher

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Cesar Chester O. Relleve, Edd, RGC

Philosophy of ManModern Philosophers

Rene Decartesview of human is founded on his

idea of substance. As a

substance, human is both

thinking substance and

extended substance. As

thinking substance and an

extended substance. As

thinking substance, human can

know and think apart from the

body. As an extended

substance, human assumes life

and move through the animal

spirits, not through the soul. For

him, man is a machine and a

thinking being, a thing that


view on human nature is derived

from labor since nature is the

totality of human activity, and

considering that labor is in itself a

human activity, in fact, the highest

form of activity, then, human nature

is derives its existence from labor.

For him, human nature rests on

labor, therefore, the human person

should be productive, if not, he/she

loses his/her nature.

Human beings are

physical objects,

sophisticated machine

all of whose functions

and activities can be

described and explained

in purely mechanistic


Sensation, for example, involves a series of

mechanical processes operating within the human

nervous system, by means of w/c the sensible

features of material things produce ideas in the brains

of the human beings who perceive them.

Thomas Hobbes

Specific desires and appetites arise in the human

body and are experienced as discomforts or pains

that must be overcome. Thus, each of us is

motivated to act in such ways as we believe likely

to relieve our discomfort, to preserve and promote

our well-being. Everything we choose to do is

strictly determined by this natural inclination to

relieve the physical pressures that impinge upon

our bodies. Human volition is nothing but the

determination of the will by the strongest present


Thomas Hobbes

As Hobbes acknowledged, this account of human

nature emphasizes our nature, leaving each of us

to live independently of everyone else, acting only

in his or her own self-interest, w/out regards for

others. This produces what Hobbes called the

“state of war,” a way of life that certain to prove

“solitary, poor, nasty. Brutish, and short,” the only

escape is by entering into contracts with each other

mutually beneficial agreements to surrender our

individual interest in order to achieve the

advantages of security that only asocial existence

can provide.

the human person is

not only an individual

being but also a social

being. He applied the

principle of personalism

in his theory of humans

interrelatedness to


He believes that the human person establishes a

relationship with his/her fellowmen in the three levels: I-

It, T-He/She, and I- Thou. The highest level of the

human persons relatedness is the I-Thou relationship.

This relationship happens when the “I” and the “Thou”

are bound together in the context of love.

Human is born well and evil

arise from developing “civilized”

societies. In a state of nature,

people are basically good, and

they tend to compassionate to

each other. But these condition

do not last, and indeed people

need to live in society that to

become fully. His political theory

aimed at creating an

environment in w/c what is right

dictates how might is employed

rather than letting the desire to

maintain the power prescribed

what was done.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Instead of being together, people should be linked

by a social contract, a pact resulting in a political

order to w/c reasonable persons would freely given

their allegiance. He believed that God is te source

of all justice. He also believed that it is in the

nature of the human consciousness itself to be free

from all others. Human is unique in the

world…one`s being, one`s existence, is different

from all others.

Philosophy of ManExistentialist Philosophers


the meaning of human

existence is found in

human`s exercise of

freedom and responsibility

in the scope oh human`s

individual and social


human existence can only be attained

when the human person lives his/her life


Authentic existence requires human to

do the ff:

1. Human has to be free himself/herself from

his/her inauthentic existence with the “they”

so that the human can own his/her existence.

2. As a human owns his/her existence,

he/she has to project his/her possibilities;

human has to make himself/herself.

3. As a human person, he/she has to experience dread, care, concern,

guilt. Besides, man has to listen to the voice of conscience, so that

he/she can resolve to live authentically;

4. With human`s resolute decision to live authentically, human has to

accept death as his/her own most inevitable possibility.


attainment of human existence

is possible when he/she is

seen as a whole or as the

‘Encompassing”. Seen this

way, human can be the

Encompassing when he/she

sees himself/herself as an

existent being, as a conscious

being, as a spirit, and as



human can find meaning in

his/her existence in a three-

fold manner, namely:

1. By dong a life-project

2. By experiencing value,

particularly in the context of

love; and

3. By finding meaning in



(utilitarianism) fully accepted

Bentham`s devotion to greatest

happiness principle as the basic

statement of ulitarianism value: “

… actions are right in proportion as

they tend to promote happiness,

wrong as they to produce pain. By

happiness are intended pleasure,

and the absence of pain; by

unhappiness, pain and the privation

of pleasure, “

But Mill did not agree that all

differences among pleasure could be

quantified. To him, some kinds of

pleasure experienced by human beings

also differ from each other in qualitative

ways, and only those who have

experienced pleasure of both sorts are

competent judges of their relative

quality. This establishes the moral

worth of promoting higher (largely

intellectual) pleasures among sentient

beings even their momentary intensity

may be less than that of alternative

lower (largely bodily) pleasures.

JEREMY BENTHAM. His moral theory

was found on the assumption that it is the

consequences of human actions that

count in evaluating their merit and that

the kind of consequences that matters for

human happiness is just the achievement

of pleasure and advanced pain. He

argued that the hedonistic value of any

human action is easily calculated by

considering how intensely its pleasure is

felt, how long that the pleasure lasts, how

certainly and how quickly it follows upon

the performance of the action and how

likely it is to produce collateral benefit

and avoid collateral harms.

All that remains, Bentham

supposed, is to consider the extent

of this pleasure, since the

happiness of the community as a

whole is nothing other the sum of

individual human interests. The

principle of utility, defines the

meaning of moral obligation by

references to the greatest

happiness of the greatest number

of people who are affected by

performance of an action…

DAVID HUME (naturalism)

believed that our beliefs and

actions are the products of custom

or habit. Since all our scientific

beliefs have exactly the same

foundation. This account

preserves the natural dignity of

moral judgements. According to

him, it is our feelings or sentiments

that exerts practical influence over

human volition and action. He

also claimed that a constant

conjunction between having a

motive (not reason) for acting and

performing the action in question.

• So a proper science of human

nature will account for human

actions as well as for human

beliefs, be reference to the

natural formation of habitual

associations with human


• Clearly, rationality had no place

in this account of morality. All

human actions flow naturally

from human feelings, w/out any

interference from human


• FREDRICH NIETZCHE insists that

there are no rules for human life, no

absolute values, no certainties on

w/c they rely. If the truth can be

achieve at all, it can come only from

an individual who purposefully

disregards everything that is

traditionally taken to be important.

He also rejects traditional values

including religion. Nietzche`s

declaration of “the death of god”

draws attention to our culture`s

general abandonment of any

genuine commitment to the

Christian faith.


• A Reviewer for the Licensure Examination

for Teachers, PNU 2006

• (for

philosopher images)

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