vatican telescope lucifer & cern - three hearts 1 of 25 vatican telescope lucifer...

Post on 02-Feb-2020






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It is interesting to note that the Vatican has a huge telescope. They just so happened to name one of the camera’s on the telescope – lucifer.

Those objects can be detected with the help of lucifer – a beastly set of super-cooled, near-infrared cameras also known as Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research.

The first camera, lucifer I, was fitted to the telescope in 2010. According to some reports, lucifer II is set to be installed as early as this year.

Nobody thought of the possibility that anybody could take offense at the name

‘lucifer.’ After all, even if you forget about the completely innocent connotations,

as in ‘morning star’ or ‘Saint lucifer of Sardinia’ and just think of evil lucifer, there

are other examples such as an NHL team called the ‘New Jersey Devils’ that

nobody seems to mind.”

I heard this recently and I forget who said it, but it is good. If you are a blood

bought Christian, you are not going to name your cat lucifer. The people who are

still going along with the Catholic church on this stuff are just kidding themselves

saying they are speaking in Latin and so forth. It is blasphemy against God –


In a twist of irony, lucifer’s neighbors are Catholic Jesuits at the Vatican’s observatory on Mount Graham.

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The neighboring Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope, or VATT, is manned by Jesuit astronomers.

In a peculiar twist, Horn also said he spoke with a Jesuit at the Vatican observatory who told him astronomers there are searching for extraterrestrial intelligence (aliens are extraterrestrials which means demons) and planets inside other solar systems.

“Even the Jesuit priest told us that’s the No. 1 thing that they’re all searching for right now: other Earth-like planets that might host extraterrestrial intelligence,” he said.

“When we went to the VATT, we wanted to talk to the Jesuits face to face. We were actually astonished at how both they and the LBT staff spoke very openly,” Horn said. “In fact, they told us that nobody in academia now any longer believes that humans are the only intelligent life on a planet in this galaxy – nobody, none, zero.

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Gen.1:28 – And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

God gave HUMANS dominion over this earth– not anything else. Until Adam fell, then satan was made the prince of the earth for a short time until Jesus comes and sets up His Kingdom on this earth. God only created one intelligent being that was made in His image. Animals are smart too, they can think and process, but they were not made in His image.

“They said that all academia now accepts the fact that it’s really just a matter of time having to do with us locating life on other planets – and not just organisms but intelligent life, and maybe intelligent life literally trillions of years ahead of us in terms of their evolution.

Horn added, “It feels like they even know something or they suspect something or they’re simply putting themselves in a position in case extraterrestrial life is discovered to be the go-to religious source.

Why the name lucifer on the telescope camera?

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Vatican’s Telescope on Mt. Graham

Construction of MGIO began in 1989. MGIO currently operates and maintains facilities for three scientific organizations. The first two telescopes, the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope and the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope began operations in 1993. The Large Binocular Telescope, one of the world's largest and most powerful telescopes, began operations using mirrors independently in 2004, with joint operations between the two mirrors beginning in 2008.


In 1984, the University of Arizona and the Vatican selected Mount Graham as a site for a complex of 18 telescopes. The fact that this is a sacred place for the Apache was not taken into consideration. To get around the legal barriers of the American Indian Religious Freedoms Act, the University hired a lobbying firm to put pressure on Congress to remove this, and other, roadblocks. The area in question is administered by the U.S. Forest Service.

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The Vatican has an observatory staff which is officially supported by the Vatican City State. The Vatican Observatory Foundation is supported by private donations. One of the important duties of the church is to maintain an accurate calendar and this requires astronomical observations. Hence the involvement of the Vatican with astronomy. The first Vatican observatory was established in 1774.

The Vatican is no more interested in calendar dates than a man in the moon. They are getting ready to push their alien agenda and push toward NWO. They are also watching to know the time of when God will send things like asteroids and comets onto the earth. I will speak more on this next week too.


From: Name@Withheld


Date: 96-12-11 00:33:29 EST

Dear Mr. Bell,

I have listened to your program off and on for around two years now, whenever I get "down-time". I have some disturbing information and I fell that your program would be the perfect vehicle with which to distribute what I have.

I have been under the employ of the Vatican for over five years. I have done what could best be described as counter-intelligence work, for the church. I am a man of God and please believe me when I tell you that the information I have is genuine, and very serious.

Without going into too much detail about my former employers, I will briefly tell you that I have had a Top Level security clearance in the Vatican for quite some time. Most of the work I have done regrettably falls into the realm of "black-ops", and I will not go into detail about that now.

Around six months ago, I was working at a data terminal in a highly restricted area following a case that I had just completed, when I stumbled onto something that

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nearly made my heart stop. Please pay attention here, this is where it gets strange.

I uncovered a heavily encrypted sub-system that was surprisingly well hidden. I found that it was only accessible through the terminal I was at, and one other terminal. (I must point out that the area I was in was not an area that I routinely used.) After two minute of trying to get into the system, the whole lab shut itself down and I was booted off the terminal. Not wanting to raise any eyebrows, I decided to leave and come back later that night. The strange thing was, when I came back, there were ARMED guards standing sentry outside of the lab. I must say that it is not unusual to see guards roaming the Vatican, but it is very unusual for them to stand sentry at a lab, much less while armed.

Over the next month, I managed to slip in unnoticed only once. And after I had found what I came for, I understood the security.

It took me a good deal of time to break into the system, and when I did, I wished I hadn't. When I entered the system, I came across a file titled


(Yes, with a question mark.) Thinking it to be a text file, I brought up the file with

the intent of copying so I could read it later. What happened next was truly

remarkable. The file sort of "deteriorated" into a series of command lines that

lasted approximately two minutes. Once it was done running, there it was.

I had found a direct link-up to the Hubble space telescope. Not only that, but it was pointed directly at the comet Hale-Bopp. The program was running some kind of analysis. Taking directional notes, projecting path of travel, etc. After realizing what I had discovered, I started searching and came across an e-mail data trail that led directly to the office of the Pope himself. What was discussed, I cannot know.

Over the next two weeks, I began to uncover evidence that the Vatican is very aware of the existence of the companion, and is VERY worried about it. I began to copy files and pictures that were present at the terminal, when I found a report from the United Nations to the Vatican, as well as a report from NASA regarding their concerns.

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It is very obvious to me that a great many people and entities know of the companion and are doing their best to keep quiet. VERY quiet. As the next part of my story illustrates.

I had found another file that I wanted to look at, but it was independently encrypted. At the time that I discovered it, I had already been online at the terminal for some time, so I decided to copy the file encrypted, and decode it at my leisure. As I was leaving the lab, I was approached by two of the Pope's top aides and was asked to meet them later in the evening. I didn't feel comfortable about the situation, so I agreed and told them that I needed to shower, and would join them later. I haven't been back to the Vatican since.

I found out about a week later through some old friends and contacts that a contract had bee placed on my life. Two days later my mother and father were killed in a car crash in France. Three days after that, my brother and sister were killed when their single engine plane went down on the East coast of the U.S. I've been on the run for a very long time now, and am still trying to decode the file that I have in my possession. Approximately ten copies have been distributed to friends in the field in the event that I should disappear. I do not fear for my life, as I am very adept at not being found, however I believe that the world needs to know of the information that I have. I would be willing to share all that I have with you Mr. Bell. But you need to understand that your life could be in danger if you were to go public with what I give you. I apologize for being so vague, but I feel it necessary at this point in time.

If you would like the information, say so over the air when you get this letter. If I am not listening, someone will get the information to me, as there is no safe way for you to contact me at this point in time. I await your response.


(Art declined.) Interesting

Rev.8:11 – And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

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Testimony of a scientist working in the Vatican and now on their hitlist.


The European Organization for Nuclear Research (French: Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire), known as CERN (/ˈ sɜrn/; French pronunciation: [sɛʁn]; derived from the name "Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire"; see History) is a European research organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. Established in 1954, the organization is based in a northwest suburb of Geneva on the Franco–Swiss border, (46°14′ 3″N 6°3′ 19″ E) and has 21 European member states.

Layout of land location of CERN Israel is the first (and currently only) non-European country granted full membership.[3]

** Cernunnos is the conventional name given in Celtic studies to depictions of the "horned god" (sometimes referred to as Hern the Hunter) of Celtic polytheism.**

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Cerrunnos – the horned god.

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Cerunnos – the horned god – this is where they got the name CERN for the machine.

CERN's main function is to provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for high-energy physics research – as a result, numerous experiments have been constructed at CERN as a result of international collaborations.

CERN is also the place the World Wide Web was first implemented. The main site at Meyrin has a large computer facility containing powerful data processing facilities, primarily for experimental-data analysis; because of the need to make these facilities available to researchers elsewhere, it has historically been a major wide area networking hub.

Large Hadron Collider

Most of the activities at CERN currently involve operating the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and the experiments for it. The LHC represents a large-scale, worldwide scientific cooperation project.

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The LHC tunnel is located 100 metres underground, in the region between the Geneva International Airport and the nearby Jura mountains. Seven experiments (CMS, ATLAS, LHCb, MoEDAL,[20] TOTEM, LHC-forward and ALICE) will be performed on the collider; each of them will study particle collisions from a different aspect, and with different technologies.

The initial particle beams were injected into the LHC August 2008. The first attempt to circulate a beam through the entire LHC was at 8:28 GMT on 10 September 2008, but the system failed because of a faulty magnet connection, and it was stopped for repairs on 19 September 2008.

The LHC resumed operation on 20 November 2009 by successfully circulating two beams, each with an energy of 3.5 trillion electron volts. The challenge for the engineers was then to try to line up the two beams so that they smashed into each other. This is like "firing two needles across the Atlantic and getting them to

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hit each other" according to the LHC's main engineer Steve Myers, director for accelerators and technology at the Swiss laboratory.

At 1200 BST on 30 March 2010 the LHC successfully smashed two proton particle beams travelling with 3.5 TeV (trillion electron volts) of energy, resulting in a 7 TeV event. However, this was just the start of what was needed for the expected discovery of the Higgs boson. When the 7 TeV experimental period ended, the LHC revved to 8 TeV (4 TeV acceleration in both directions) during March 2012, and soon began particle collisions at that rate. In early 2013 the LHC was deactivated for a two-year maintenance period, to strengthen the huge magnets inside the accelerator. Eventually it will attempt to create 14 TeV events. In July 2012, CERN scientists announced the discovery of a new sub-atomic particle that

was possibly the much sought after Higgs boson - believed to be essential for formation of the Universe. In March

2013, CERN announced that the measurements performed on the newly found particle allowed it to conclude that this is a Higgs boson.

God spoke and said be and it was. He is the CREATOR.

On 5 April 2015 and after two years of maintenance and consolidation, the LHC restarted for a second run. Proton beams successfully circulated in the 27-kilometer ring in both directions. The first ramp to the record-breaking energy of 6.5 TeV was performed on 10 April 2015.

Outside of the LEP and LHC experiments, most are officially named and numbered after the site where they were located. For example, NA32 was an experiment looking at the production of so-called "charmed" particles and located at the Prévessin (North Area) site while WA22 used the Big European Bubble Chamber (BEBC) at the Meyrin (West Area) site to examine neutrino interactions. The UA1 and UA2 experiments were considered to be in the Underground Area, i.e. situated underground at sites on the SPS accelerator.

Most of the roads on the CERN campus are named after famous physicists, such as Richard Feynman, Niels Bohr, and Albert Einstein.

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Richard Seed, a physicist and human cloning researcher

Richard Seed is holding a double "cloned" statue of the ancient God of Health "Ygia", presented

to him by the Greek Scientists Union.

said, “We are going to become gods – period! If you don’t like it, get off. If you are going to interfere with me becoming a god, then we are going to have warfare.”

In Robert J. Sawyer's science fiction novel Flashforward, at CERN, the Large Hadron Collider accelerator is performing a run to search for the Higgs boson when the entire human race sees themselves twenty-one years and six months in the future.

John Titor, a self-proclaimed time traveler, alleged that CERN would invent time

travel in 2001.

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CERN is depicted in the visual novel/anime series Steins;Gate as SERN, a shadowy organization that has been researching time travel in order to restructure and control the world.

The Compact Muon Solenoid at CERN was used as the basis for the Megadeth's Super Collider album cover.

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Excellent Cern video

“Symmetry” Cern’s lord of the dance. Part of this video has someone dancing inside a circle of salt. A magic circle is circle or sphere of space marked out by practitioners of many branches of ritual magic, which they generally believe will contain energy and form a sacred space, or will provide them a form of magical protection, or both. It may be marked physically, drawn in salt or chalk, for example, or merely visualised. Its spiritual significance is similar to that of mandala and yantra in some Eastern religions. Satanists and witches do their evocations inside of circles.

Cern’s lord of the dance – satanic dance.

Shiva (/ˈ ʃ ivə/; Sanskrit: Śiva, meaning "The Auspicious One"), also known as Mahadeva ("Great God"), is one of the main deities of Hinduism. He is the

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supreme god within Shaivism, one of the three most influential denominations in contemporary Hinduism.[2][3] He is one of the five primary forms of God in the Smarta tradition,[2] and "the Destroyer" or "the Transformer"[4] among the Trimurti, the Hindu Trinity of the primary aspects of the divine.

Dancing Shiva coming out of the lotus flower that represents the emergence of horus who is also known as apollo or shiva.

This statue is outside at the CERN facility.

The Hebrew term Abaddon (Hebrew: ֲאַבּדֹון , 'Ǎḇaddōn), and its Greek equivalent Apollyon (Greek: Ἀπολλύων, Apollyon), appears in the Bible as both a place of destruction and as the name of an angel. In the Hebrew Bible, abaddon is used with reference to a bottomless pit, often appearing alongside the place שאול (sheol), meaning the realm of the dead. In the New Testament Book of Revelation, an angel called Abaddon is described as the king of an army of locusts; his name is first transcribed in Greek (Revelation 9:11—"whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon"

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(Ἀβαδδὼν)), and then translated ("which in Greek means the Destroyer" (Ἀπολλύων, Apollyon)). The Latin Vulgate and the Douay Rheims Bible have additional notes (not present in the Greek text), "in Latin Exterminans", exterminans being the Latin word for "destroyer".

In one clip I watched a group of people who were in a news studio talking about Cern and one guy said, “We are at the basis of discovering our reality and our existence here.” The people interviewing him had asked what he thought and he said he had faith in the people at Cern. One of the news guys said, “The most important thing is to keep pushing our boundaries.”

They started this thing up Nisan 15th just after the blood moon. This machine has the world’s largest magnets and operates at -271 deg. Celcius.

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They are trying to disprove the “big bang theory” but to show that there are

parallel universes. They want something to come through the gateway/portal or for us to send something through from our side.

Rev. 1:18 – I Am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I Am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

This CERN machine is not going to open the gates of hell or do one thing that Jesus Christ does not allow. He holds the keys!!!

Matt.16:18 – And I (Jesus) say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Remember that Ronald Reagan made a statement in a speech from 1987 that the world would unite if we were faced with fighting an outside threat like aliens. All of these people (Jesuits, illuminati, atheists, etc) are trying to set the stage to explain what happened when we are gone in the rapture. They are putting the message out pretty clear about aliens (which are demons) and then paired with this machine they can back their story better. They will be saying that aliens took us or even that the CERN machine zapped us out of here. The world is working to have a “story” ready to do damage control and control the people that are left. They will roll out a story for them to believe, anything to keep them away from knowing the truth of what happened and where we went which is to be with the Lord, Jesus Christ.

They are trying to open the gates of hell, and even the abyss. The satanic powers that are influencing them have talked them into creating this thing to push their own agenda. All of this goes against the God of the Universe, Whose name is Jehovah!

I Sam.8:18-20 – And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen you; and the LORD will not hear you in that day. Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel (the Prophet of God); and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us: That we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles.

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Isaiah 33:22 – For the LORD is our Judge, the LORD is our Lawgiver, the LORD is our King; He will save us.

Psalms 81:11-12 – But My people would not hearken to My voice; and Israel would none of Me (not obey). So I gave them up unto their own hearts’ lust: and they walked in their own counsels.

These people teaching about ufo’s and aliens and trying to open gateways and portals and naming telescopes lucifer and looking for aliens (demons) all of this is against God. Those people, He will let them pursue their own free will. He loves them, but He will not force anyone to come to Him or serve Him. You’ve heard it said before, He doesn’t send anyone to hell. They sent themselves there.

The “elite” (1. Aliens/demons, 2. Vatican/pope/Jesuit Priests, 3. Illuminati/Freemasons/Secret Societies) are preparing to come out in the open with information on aliens which are demons. They have been preparing our minds and with all the Sci-Fi and horror movies

“Walking Dead” – TV show

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and dark tv shows and skeleton t-shirts

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T-shirt, typical clothing on unbelievers and those that are not intimate with Jesus or have not grown spiritually.

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Baby Clothes

and Monster claw drinks and vampire books and shows

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Movie - “Avatar”

and hybrid animal toys

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Hybrid Toy

for kids etc. Remember last week I showed that the Catholic church has been doing studies to see when is a good time to come forward with this type of information so that the public will be accepting of it. Their goal is to cut down the population so it will be easier to control less people, have you submit to their authority, go along with one world government and one world religion so that we can all live in peace. THIS IS GREAT DELUSION – their goal is to keep you from knowing the Truth, Who is Jesus Christ.

John 14:1-3 – Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. This is where Jesus is right now. Getting a place ready for His bride.

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Acts 1:9-11 – And when He (Jesus) had spoken these things, while they beheld, He was taken up; and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven.

He will come in the clouds and “catch away” His bride first, and then there will be 7 years of hell on earth called the Tribulation. The age of grace or the church age will have ended when He takes His bride. People that did not know the Lord intimately will be left behind to endure this hell on earth. The only way to be saved and go to heaven during this time is to NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST. (Rev. 20:4) Do not bow down or serve the beast or false prophet or satan. Believe in Jesus in your heart even to the point of death, do not deny Him.

Jesus Christ is real. He is coming back first for His bride. 7 years later He will return with His bride and fight the Battle of Armageddon. Then He will set up His Kingdom on earth and we will all go into what is called a millennial reign – 1000 years of peace on earth. After that comes the judgment of all those who did not serve the Lord and those that lived in the millennial reign. The bride will have her judgment in heaven while the 7 years of tribulation are happening here on the earth.

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