vegetarian eating-16

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Vegetarian eating  There are many types of vegetarian diets, but the two most common are lacto-ovo (includes eggs and milk products, but not meat) and vegan (no forms of animal products).

Teens who are lacto-ovo vegetarians can usually get enough nutrients in their diets if carefully planned or monitored. Vegan vegetarians have greater risk to deficiencies of several nutrients, particularly vitamins D and B-12, calcium, iron, zinc, and perhaps other trace elements. These vitamins and minerals are required to maintain proper growth.

To be healthful, vegetarian diets require very careful, proper planning. The more you restrict your diet, the harder it is to get the nutrients you need.If it is important to you to be a vegetarian, it is easier to achieve good nutrition with the lacto-ovo form. A dietitian can help you plan a vegetarian diet that provides you with the nutrients you need for growth and development during your teen years. Vegetarians who eat no animal products need to be more aware of nutrient sources.

Vegetarian eating  

Here are some non-animal sources of nutrients

that may be lacking in vegan diets:

1. vitamin B12 - fortified soy beverages and cereals, brewer’s yeast, seaweed

2. vitamin D - fortified soy beverages and sunshine (Vit. D is formed in skin with help of sun)

3. calcium – tofu, soy-based beverage with added calcium, breakfast cereal with added calcium, fruit juice with added calcium, dark-green leafy vegetables such as collards, turnip greens

Vegetarian eating  

4. iron – ready-to-eat cereals with added iron, spinach, cooked dry beans , peas and lentils, enriched and whole grain breads

5. zinc - whole grains , whole-wheat bread, legumes, nuts, and tofu

6. protein - tofu and other soy-based products, legumes, seeds, nuts, grains, and some vegetables

Vegetarian eating  

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