verbal reasoning 2 of 50 - · gre verbal reasoning. ... mnemonic concerned with...

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g C





page2 of 50

GRE Verbal Reasoning



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GRE Verbal Reasoning

어원별 단어정리

pugnare; to fight with fist




aggressive; ready to fight



어원별 단어정리

bellum; war



ante bellum

aggressive; warlike


before the war

(used of the American Civil War)

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GRE Verbal Reasoning

어원별 단어정리

cide; murderHomicide







the killing of one person by another

the deliberate killing of a large group of people

act of killing oneself

chemical to kill insects

act of killing one’s father

act of killing one’s brother

killing of a king

어원별 단어정리

morior; to dieMortuary






place where dead bodies are kept

occupied with thoughts of death

cannot die

on the point of death; no longer active

to pay off a debt in installments

doomed to die





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GRE Verbal Reasoning

어원별 단어정리

vera; truth






close resemblance to real life


swear; claim


check; validate

어원별 단어정리

duct; to lead









new to a role; novice


attack verbally to destroy a reputation; slander

lead into error; tempt into wrong doing

intending to teach; instructive in a dogmatic way

established and orthodox opinion

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어원별 단어정리

potens; power; being able






powerful ruler


all powerful; having unlimited power

어원별 단어정리

spec; observation






viewpoint; balance

inward-directed thought; self-examination

guesswork; consideration;

investment aimed at quick profits false but attractive

perceptive; insightful; wise

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GRE Verbal Reasoning

Grandiose plans (are on an exaggerated scale)

Vicarious pleasure (is experienced indirectly)

A byline to an article (tells you who wrote the article)

A facetious remark (is amusing but not to be taken seriously)

A huge tome (is a very big book)

A meteoric rise (is sudden, rapid and dramatic)

A pernicious rumor (is sneaky and very harmful)

A pungent aroma (is a strong smell

A resolute attitude (is forceful and determined)

A sedentary job (does not involve much movement)

A tangent to an argument (goes off the point)

A virtuoso musician (is exceedingly skillful)



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Ambivalent attitude (is vague and undecided)

An apocryphal story (is of doubtful origin and may be untrue)

An ignominious departure (is shameful)

An implacable opponent (is impossible to appease)

An innocuous remark (is harmless)

An inveterate liar (is a habitual liar)

An onerous task (is a heavy burden)

Colloquial language (is local, informal speech)

Empirical findings (are found by experiment or in practice)

Entrenched opinion (is very firmly established)

Hoary myths (are very old)

Illustrious forebears (are famous ancestors of good repute)

Inclement weather (is extremely bad)



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- 57 -

Subject-related Words

Psychology (I)

Altruism self-sacrifice (putting others before oneself)

Catharsis purging or venting strong emotions

Circadian occurring approximately every 24-hours

Cognition the mental process of knowing something

Congenital present from birth

Egocentric selfish; self-obsessed

Empathy ability to understand and identify with another person

Gestalt a pattern/symbol that is more than the sum of its parts

Habituation becoming used to something;

Heuristic stimulating interest; encouraging someone to investigate or learn

Subject-related Words

Psychology (II)

Hypochondriac person with imaginary illnesses; excessively concerned about health

Innate inborn

Masochist person who enjoys inflicting pain on himself

Mnemonic concerned with memory; memory aid

Paranoid excessively worried or afraid

Phobia excessive fear (e.g. claustrophobia is fear of enclosed spaces)

Placebo a substance of no real medicinal value used as a control in an experiment, or to reassure a patient

Psyche the soul, spirit or mind; that which is responsible for our thoughts and feelings

Somnambulism sleep-walking

Subliminal below the threshold of consciousness

D 17

D 18

Buyer: PK Son ( ID: 8P737940NY248122J

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GRE Verbal Reasoning

- 57 -

Subject-related Words

Psychology (I)

Altruism self-sacrifice (putting others before oneself)

Catharsis purging or venting strong emotions

Circadian occurring approximately every 24-hours

Cognition the mental process of knowing something

Congenital present from birth

Egocentric selfish; self-obsessed

Empathy ability to understand and identify with another person

Gestalt a pattern/symbol that is more than the sum of its parts

Habituation becoming used to something;

Heuristic stimulating interest; encouraging someone to investigate or learn

Subject-related Words

Psychology (II)

Hypochondriac person with imaginary illnesses; excessively concerned about health

Innate inborn

Masochist person who enjoys inflicting pain on himself

Mnemonic concerned with memory; memory aid

Paranoid excessively worried or afraid

Phobia excessive fear (e.g. claustrophobia is fear of enclosed spaces)

Placebo a substance of no real medicinal value used as a control in an experiment, or to reassure a patient

Psyche the soul, spirit or mind; that which is responsible for our thoughts and feelings

Somnambulism sleep-walking

Subliminal below the threshold of consciousness

D 17

D 18

Buyer: PK Son ( ID: 8P737940NY248122J

word 뜻 word 뜻

altruism 이타주의 hypochondriac 심기증 환자

catharsis 정화작용 innate 선천적인 (능력)

circadian 24시간 주기 masochist 피학대 성애자

cognition 인지 mnemonic 연상

congenital 선천적인 (기형, 질병) paranoid 망상

egocentric 자기중심적인 phobia 공포증

empathy 감정이입, 공감 placebo 위약효과

gestalt 게슈탈트 / 형태(지능이나 성격분석)

psyche 마음

habituation 습관화 somnambulism 몽유병

heuristic 스스로 발견하게 하는 subliminal 부지불식간에

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GRE Verbal Reasoning

DAY 03scrupulous


meticulous metus fear


exacting ex / agere thoroghly perform

assiduous assidere doing



priggish self-righteous

The nurse told him to be scrupulous (= extremely careful) about keeping the wound clean.

First, it is so well written and meticulously researched that despite its fastidious attention to detail it is a pleasure to read.

Always meticulous about his appearance in the past, he had become dirty and unkempt, with straggly hair, stained clothes, and patches of silver stubble on his chin.

Some photographs are happy accidents, others the painstaking result of careful planning and even years of practice.

The exacting standards laid down by the organic food industry.

Financial and e-commerce sites typically have these protections, but not all businesses are as assiduous.

They are a diligent and industrious race, eager to gain, and tenacious of their gains.

Both companies were punctilious about delisting people who asked for their names to be removed.

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DAY 03lax laxus loose

slipshod wearing loose shoes

lackadaisical lack a day

remiss remit send back


cursory cursor runner



Lax computer security can not prevent hackers from gaining access.

he'd caused many problems with his slipshod management.

Lackadaisical customer service, with erratic parts supplies, are only bad memories.

Counselors have been remiss in not providing for the counseling needs of elderly.

The daughter remembers how she was too busy with city life to make anything more than a perfunctory phone call home.

A cursory glance at a newspaper article allowed me not to notice details.

Tastefully designed, splendidly made, and yet cheaper than if they were the slovenly kind usually offered.

A few people were left, talking in a desultory fashion.

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GRE Verbal Reasoning




1. Far from being an innocent prank, their action is a ____ attempt to spoil my reputation.

A. malicious B. salubrious C. naive D. saturnine E. innocuous F. callous

2. Their latest theory aims to integrate the seemingly ____ elements of twenty years of research to form a coherent whole.

A. relevant B. sporadic C. incessant D. disparate E. discrete F. extensive

3. The insertion of a fiction into a news bulletin cannot be condoned, but inserting propaganda for a good cause seems less ____.

A. untoward B. democratic C. reprehensible D. credible E. insupportable F. utilitarian

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4. Although his findings were initially greeted with ____ , the unlikely hero was finally vindicated when the French Academy acknowledged his work.

A. derision B. accolades C. commendations D. sympathy E. jubilation F. incredulity

5. Both commentators noted the way that Dylan can submerge himself in tradition while somehow managing to create works of startling ____.

A. gestation B. singularity C. provenance D. conservatism E. nonchalance F. originality

6. When aid is given to an autocracy, the donors are prone to rationalize their decision to support non-democratic governments, and thus lay themselves open to the charge of ____.

A. negligence B. hypocrisy C. equivocation D. slander E. autonomy F. nepotism

page25 of 50

GRE Verbal Reasoning

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce

completed sentences that are alike in meaning.

A field trip was arranged so that this troupe of ______ dancers could observe the real masters of their art.

Click on your choices.





Sentence Equivalence

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce

completed sentences that are alike in meaning.

After a long, hard practice in the summer sun, the players were visibly __________.

Click on your choices.





1 of 6

2 of 6

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce

completed sentences that are alike in meaning.

A field trip was arranged so that this troupe of ______ dancers could observe the real masters of their art.

Click on your choices.





Sentence Equivalence

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce

completed sentences that are alike in meaning.

After a long, hard practice in the summer sun, the players were visibly __________.

Click on your choices.





1 of 6

2 of 6

1 of 4

2 of 4

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GRE Verbal Reasoning

3 of 4

4 of 4

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce

completed sentences that are alike in meaning.

Unlike the politician’s earlier evasions and equivocations, this latest statement is a _______ lie.

Click on your choices.





Sentence Equivalence

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce

completed sentences that are alike in meaning.

The phrase “gliding the lily” is a late 19th century expression that sneered at the ostentatious gestures of some of then newly rich, such as applying gold gilt to the carved lilies on the entrances of their Beaux Arts homes; for decades, it then served as a shorthand for any ________ and showy behavior.

Click on your choices.





3 of 6

4 of 6

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce

completed sentences that are alike in meaning.

Unlike the politician’s earlier evasions and equivocations, this latest statement is a _______ lie.

Click on your choices.





Sentence Equivalence

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce

completed sentences that are alike in meaning.

The phrase “gliding the lily” is a late 19th century expression that sneered at the ostentatious gestures of some of then newly rich, such as applying gold gilt to the carved lilies on the entrances of their Beaux Arts homes; for decades, it then served as a shorthand for any ________ and showy behavior.

Click on your choices.





3 of 6

4 of 6

page27 of 50

GRE Verbal Reasoning

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce

completed sentences that are alike in meaning.

Although accommodating in person, George Orwell ________ defended his political positions in print.

Click on your choices.


Sentence Equivalence

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce

completed sentences that are alike in meaning.

The etymologies of the words alpha and omega couldn’t be more different; the former is obscureㅡthe original symbol for alpha was an ox’s head, and an ox is alp in Phoenicianㅡwhile the latter is _______, as omega simply means “big O.”

Click on your choices.


5 of 6

6 of 6











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GRE Verbal Reasoning

그럼����������� ������������������  이제...����������� ������������������  유형을����������� ������������������  파악해����������� ������������������  볼까요?

1. She was amiable and -------- in public, though in private she would frequently fall into protracted bouts of melancholia.

(A) downcast(B) forlorn(C) ostentatious(D) gregarious(E) hostile

2. Carla approached work in a(n) --------- manner ㅡ she would often stare vacantly into nothingness while performing a given task, regarding it as nothing more than a chore.

(A) steadfast(B) roundabout(C) perfunctory(D) unseemly(E) brusque

3. Initially deemed an affront to Taipei’s skyline, the Taipei 101 building is no longer considered a(n) --------, indeed many residents contend that, without the building, the harmony of the skyline would be broken.

(A) eyesore(B) inconvenience(C) stopgap(D) edifice(E) benefit

4. Virginia Woolf’s foray into a stream-of-consciousness style was construed by many of her naysayers as reckless experimentalismㅡonly with the publication of Mrs. Dalloway did they concede that the author’s aim had been far more --------- all along.

(A) literary(B) calculated(C) endearing(D) fortuitous(E) precipitate

5. A theoretical physicist, especially one trying to divine the origins of the universe, must rely on mathematical training just as much as ------, for the mind must be able to concoct endless possible scenarios before enlisting the powers of computation.

(A) intuition(B) hindsight(C) creativity(D) logic(E) irrationality






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GRE Verbal Reasoning

자!����������� ������������������  그럼����������� ������������������  이제����������� ������������������  어떤����������� ������������������  유형인지����������� ������������������  분석해서����������� ������������������  문제를����������� ������������������  풀어봅시다!

1. In the last century, the U.S. has truly become a ------- nation: immigrants from over a hundred countries have created a veritable tapestry of languages.

(A) cosmopolitan(B) dignified(C) universal(D) polyglot(E) cherished

2. Despite years of urban living, Keith was hardly the model of civility; indeed, he continued to behave -------- even during those occasions that called for the utmost propriety.

(A) coyly(B) courteously(C) unethically(D) churlishly(E) selfishly

3. Typically openhanded with his constituents, Nelson was ------ with those he considered friends.

(A) close-minded(B) garrulous(C) parsimonious(D) tactless(E) admonitory

4. Though less celebrated, Haydn was far more ----------- than Mozart: to Mozart’s 41 symphonies, Haydn penned 106.

(A) obscure(B) congenial(C) talented(D) structured(E) prolific

5. Although a devoted physician with a thriving practice, Albert Schweitzer was no mere musical dabbler but a(n) ---------- organistㅡhis Bach recordings are even prized today.(A) cautious(B) loyal(C) generous(D) fledgling(E) consummate






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GRE Verbal Reasoning Text Completion

2 of 8

For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way the best completes the text.

Although it was not the university’s policy to (1)_______ the authority of its faculty, the president felt that the professor’s comments regarding affirmative action could not remain (2)________.

Blank (1) Blank (2)

Click on your choices.







1 of 8

For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way the best completes the text.

Even generation is accused of slacking by the preceding ones, before in turn calling their own progeny lackadaisical; such is the ________ of life.

Click on your choices.






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4 of 8

For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way the best completes the text.

The (1)_______ young employee was soon (2)_______ for making a serious mistake that cost the company thousands of dollars.

Blank (1) Blank (2)

Click on your choices.







3 of 8

For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way the best completes the text.

The transformation of the NFL from a running-oriented game to a passing-oriented game demonstrates that, in any profession, when the ________ proves more successful than the time-honored, industry leaders will embrace the new with alacrity.

Click on your choices.






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6 of 8

5 of 8

For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way the best completes the text.

While the author’s first collection of short stories presented a (1)__________ hodgepodge of voices, the second collection presents a remarkably (2)_________ set of tales presented by a (3)_______ narrator.

Blank (1) Blank (2) Blank (3)

Click on your choices.










For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way the best completes the text.

Socrates advocated a life of moderation: live (1)_______ , drink (2)_________, and (3)_________

Blank (1) Blank (2) Blank (3)

Click on your choices.







fight for one’s beliefs

do nothing to excess

remain inscrutable always

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8 of 8

For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way the best completes the text.

Jimmy Stewart, the actor, spoke with an (1)________ that (2)_________ audiences: though hesitancy and understatement, he was at least as captivating as his flamboyant peers.

Blank (1) Blank (2)

Click on your choices.

awkward lisp

overwhelming passion

appealing shyness




7 of 8

For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way the best completes the text.

Just as ancient Greek cultures in some ways provided the Romans with a model, the remnants of Roman culture _________ the development of medieval European mores.

Click on your choices.













g C





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GRE Verbal Reasoning

Questions 1 to 3 are based on this passage.

Reviving the practice of using elements of popular music in classical composition, an approach that had been in hibernation in the United States during the 1960s, composer Philip Glass (born 1937) embraced the ethos of popular music in his compositions. Glass based two symphonies on music by rock musicians David Bowie and Brian Eno, but the symphonies' sound is distinctively his. Popular elements do not appear out of place in Glass's classical music, which from its early days has shared certain harmonies and rhythms with rock music. Yet this use of popular elements has not made Glass a composer of popular music. His music is not a version of popular music packaged to attract classical listeners; it is high art for listeners steeped in rock rather than the classics.

Select only one answer choice.

1. The passage addresses which of the following issues related to Glass's use of popular elements in his classical compositions?

A. How it is regarded by listeners who prefer rock to the classics

B. How it has affected the commercial success of Glass's music

C. Whether it has contributed to a revival of interest among other composers in using popular elements in their compositions

D. Whether it has had a detrimental effect on Glass's reputation as a composer of classical music

E. Whether it has caused certain of Glass's works to be derivative in quality

Consider each of the three choices separately and select all that apply. 

1. The passage suggests that Glass's work displays which of the following qualities?

A. A return to the use of popular music in classical compositions

B. An attempt to elevate rock music to an artistic status more closely approximating that of classical music

C. A long-standing tendency to incorporate elements from two apparently disparate musical styles

2. Select the sentence that distinguishes two ways of integrating rock and classical music.

Reading 문제 접근 방법

1. next 버튼 눌러서 문제 갯수 확인 및 질문 내용 노트정리

2. 지문을 마침표 타고 내려오면서 문장간의 관계 파악

3. 동사중심으로 속독하면서 문장의 의미를 먼저 파악한 후, 필요하면 세부정보를 더 읽고 아니면 다음 문장으로 넘어가기

4. 질문 내용 노트정리한 부분과 일치하는 정보 찾으면 천천히 꼼꼼히 정독하기

5. 정독한 내용을 머릿속에 정리한 후 선택지보고 답 찾기

Questions 1 to 3 are based on this passage.

Reviving the practice of using elements of popular music in classical composition, an approach that had been in hibernation in the

United States during the 1960s, composer Philip Glass (born 1937) embraced the ethos of popular music in his compositions.

Glass based two symphonies on music by rock musicians David Bowie and Brian Eno, but the symphonies' sound is distinctively his.

Popular elements do not appear out of place in Glass's classical music, which from its early days has shared certain harmonies and rhythms with rock music.

Yet this use of popular elements has not made Glass a composer of popular music.

His music is not a version of popular music

packaged to attract classical listeners; it is high art for listeners steeped in rock rather than the classics.

1.작곡가 Philip Glass 가 작곡할 때 대중음악을 참고함

- 이전에도 있었음(reviving)

2.록음악가 David Bowie 와 Brian Eno 의 음악을 기초로 2개의 교향악을 작곡했지만, 전혀 다른 스타일이었음

- 작곡가 Glass는 이전의 것을 기초로 삼았지만 (대중음악 참고) 그만의 스타일이 있었음(distinctively)

3.대중음악요소는 나타나지 않았음

- 1-2 문장에서 대중음악을 참고했다고 했으나 대중음악적인 요소가 별로 안나타났다고 하고 있으므로 Glass 만의 스타일이 독특하다는 것을 말하기 위한 글이라는 것을 인지해야 함

4.하지만 Glass가 대중음악의 작곡가는 아니었음

5.그의 음악은 클래식 음악보다는 록음악에 빠진 청자들을 위한 수준높은 예술이었음

절대 하지 말아야 할 것!!

1.선택지 먼저 읽고 지문과 대조 -> 시간낭비2.지문에서 단어로만 가지고 와서 선택지에서 똑같은 단어 답으로 찾는 것 -> 정확한 의미를 가지고 와야지 패러프레이징 선택지에서도 정확하게 답을 찾을 수 있음

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GRE Verbal Reasoning

The Hubble space telescope, which orbits the Earth, faces several operational constraints. For example, because bright light form the Sun or reflected light from the Earth and the Moon would overload Hubble's sensitive instruments, Hubble cannot look at objects that are, from the perspective of the telescope, near these bodies. Furthermore, for most of the time the Van Allen radiation belts surrounding the Earth prevent cosmic rays from Sun and elsewhere in the universe from penetrating to Hubble. However, for up to 25 minutes during each of its eight daily orbits, Hubble passes through an unprotected region, where Hubble's orbit carries it above the radiation belts, and the instruments must be shielded during this time. Finally, the Earth obscures half of the telescope's view, so that the telescope can see a particular area for only half of each orbit. These constraints create a nightmare in allocating observation time to astronomers.

** 글의 종류:

** 글의 주제:

** 글의 전개:

마침표 찍고 내려가면서 각 문장의 역할 파악







1. 설명문

1. 새로운 개념을 설명하거나, 정의내리는 종류의 글

2. 과학지문에 특히 많이 쓰이는 글의 전개

3. 글의 전개는 예시와 병렬이 가장 많음

theory, hypothesis, idea... defined, called, known as...

For example,several, a number offirst, second, another ...

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GRE Verbal Reasoning

** 글의 종류:

** 글의 주제:

** 글의 전개:

마침표 찍고 내려가면서 각 문장의 역할 파악






글 읽기 연습

1. 지문을 마침표 타고 내려오면서 문장간의 관계 파악 (글의 종류, 글의 전개 파악)

2. 동사중심으로 속독하면서 문장의 의미를 먼저 파악한 후, 필요하면 세부정보를 더 읽고 아니면 다음 문장

으로 넘어가기

Although it is an imperfect model for describing a complex market, the theory of supply and demand is a reasonably accurate method of explaining, describing, and predicting how the quantity and price of goods fluctuate within a market. Economists define supply as the amount of a particular good that producers are willing to sell at a certain price. For example, a manufacturer might be willing to sell 7,000 sprockets if each one sells for $0.45, but would be willing to sell substantially more sprockets, perhaps 12,000, for a higher price of $0.82. Conversely, demand represents the quantity of a given item that consumers will purchase at a set price; in the most efficient market, all buyers pay the lowest price available, and all sellers charge the highest price they are able. The intersection of these occurrences is graphically represented in supply and demand curves that show the prices at which a product becomes too expensive or too readily available.

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Although it is an imperfect model for

describing a complex market, the theory of supply and demand is a reasonably

accurate method of explaining, describing,

and predicting how the quantity and price of goods fluctuate within a market.

Economists define supply as the amount of

a particular good that producers are willing

to sell at a certain price.

For example, a manufacturer might be willing

to sell 7,000 sprockets if each one sells for

$0.45, but would be willing to sell substantially more sprockets, perhaps

12,000, for a higher price of $0.82.

Conversely, demand represents the

quantity of a given item that consumers will

purchase at a set price; in the most efficient

market, all buyers pay the lowest price available, and all sellers charge the highest price they are able.

The intersection of these occurrences is graphically represented in supply and demand

curves that show the prices at which a

product becomes too expensive or too readily available.

1.도입: 이론 제시 불완전하긴 하지만, 수요공급이론은 어떻게 물건의 양과 가격 이 변동하는지를 설명하는 정확한 이론

(the theory of supply and demand)

2.설명: 공급의 정의

공급 = 생산자들이 팔려고 하는 물건의 양

3. 예시: 공급을 설명하기 위한 예시하나.����������� ������������������  예시는����������� ������������������  패턴이����������� ������������������  있음!!����������� ������������������  여기서는����������� ������������������  숫자

둘.����������� ������������������  무엇을����������� ������������������  설명하고����������� ������������������  있는지!!����������� ������������������  여기서는����������� ������������������  공급자의����������� ������������������  입장

가격: $0.45 -> 공급: 7000개 가격:$0.82 -> 공급: 12000개셋.����������� ������������������  노트테이킹����������� ������������������  할����������� ������������������  때는����������� ������������������  숫자가����������� ������������������  중요한게����������� ������������������  아니라����������� ������������������  패턴을����������� ������������������  정리해야����������� ������������������  함

-> 공급자 입장에서는 가격이 낮으면 공급 덜하려고 함

4. 전환 -> 설명: 수요의 정의

3 문단에서는 공급자의 입장4 문단에서는 소비자의 입장-> 소비자는 돈을 덜내려고 하고, 판매자는 돈을 더 받으려고 한다

5. 결론: 수요-공급 관계에 따른 가격 형성-> 상품의 가격은 그 접점에서 결정됨

글 분석 -> 노트테이킹

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GRE Verbal Reasoning

Questions 1 to 3 are based on this passage.

Although it is an imperfect model for describing a complex market, the theory of supply and demand is a reasonably accurate method of explaining, describing, and predicting how the quantity and price of goods fluctuate within a market. Economists define supply as the amount of a particular good that producers are willing to sell at a certain price. For example, a manufacturer might be willing to sell 7,000 sprockets if each one sells for $0.45, but would be willing to sell substantially more sprockets, perhaps 12,000, for a higher price of $0.82. Conversely, demand represents the quantity of a given item that consumers will purchase at a set price; in the most efficient market, all buyers pay the lowest price available, and all sellers charge the highest price they are able. The intersection of these occurrences is graphically represented in supply and demand curves that show the prices at which a product becomes too expensive or too readily available.

1. Which one of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A. explaining why buyers in a given market tend to seek the lowest price on available goods

B. offering a dissenting perspective on an obsolete economic model

C. persuading readers that the model of supply and demand is the best method for understanding market forces

D. providing an explanation of the two primary elements of an economic model and how they intersect

E. analyzing the fluctuation of supply and demand within a market

2. Consider each of the following choices separately and select all that apply.

If the producer of sprockets nearly doubles its prices as described in the passage, it follows thatA. buyers in the market will be likely to

purchase more of the sprockets being sold.B. the price of sprockets will continue to

increase.C. the price of sprockets will continue to

increase.D. buyers in the market will be likely to

purchase fewer of the sprockets being sold.

3. Select the sentence in the passage that illustrates an abstract concept presented by the author.

문제 풀이

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GRE Verbal Reasoning

Questions 1 through 3 are based on the

passage below.

Thermodynamics is concerned with changes in the properties of matter when we alter the external conditions An example of this is a gas being compressed by the motion of a piston. The final outcome depends on how the change is madeㅡif the piston is moved in slowly, we say that the compression is “reversible.” This means that if we pull the piston back out, we retrace the same sequence of properties but in the reverse order; hence, the temperature of the gas will be the same when the piston has been pulled out as it was before the piston was pushed in. However, if the piston is moved in and out quickly, then the initial state (and temperature) will not be recoveredㅡthe gas will always be hotter than it was at the beginning. This is a manifestation, although not a statement, of the second law of thermodynamics. It also makes a difference whether there is a transfer of heat between the cylinder of gas and the external surroundings. If the cylinder is insulated, then the gas will heat on compression and cool on expansion (refrigeration uses this principle). On the other hand, if the cylinder can exchange heat with the surroundings, it will remain at the same temperature if the compression is slow enough.

글 읽기 연습 Your turn!

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마침표 찍고 내려가면서 각 문장의 역할 파악

page43 of 50

GRE Verbal Reasoning

Questions 1 through 3 are based on the

passage below.

Thermodynamics is concerned with changes in the properties of matter when we alter the external conditions An example of this is a gas being compressed by the motion of a piston. The final outcome depends on how the change is madeㅡif the piston is moved in slowly, we say that the compression is “reversible.” This means that if we pull the piston back out, we retrace the same sequence of properties but in the reverse order; hence, the temperature of the gas will be the same when the piston has been pulled out as it was before the piston was pushed in. However, if the piston is moved in and out quickly, then the initial state (and temperature) will not be recoveredㅡthe gas will always be hotter than it was at the beginning. This is a manifestation, although not a statement, of the second law of thermodynamics. It also makes a difference whether there is a transfer of heat between the cylinder of gas and the external surroundings. If the cylinder is insulated, then the gas will heat on compression and cool on expansion (refrigeration uses this principle). On the other hand, if the cylinder can exchange heat with the surroundings, it will remain at the same temperature if the compression is slow enough.

1. The scope of this passage is

A. the motion of a piston demonstrating the effects of thermodynamics.

B. the conservation of heat during the morion of a piston.

C. how the second law of thermodynamics applies to pistons.

D. how thermodynamics function.E. reversible compression.

2. Based on this passage, if we were to record the temperature of the gas within a cylinder of a car engine when we were driving the car at 20 mph, and measure it again after accelerating the car to 40 mph (thus speeding up the piston), what would we expect to find?

A. The gas would be hotter in the first reading.B. The gas would be hotter in the second

reading.C. The gas would be the same temperature in

both readings.D. There is no way to accurately predict the

change in temperature.E. The gas would be cooler in the second

reading if the engine were well insulated.

3. Given the context, what is the meaning of the highlighted phrase?

A. The second law of thermodynamics is only applicable to objects moving at high speeds.

B. The motion of the piston is a confirmation of the second law of thermodynamics.

C. The second law of thermodynamics cannot, on its own, explain the change in heat in the cylinder.

D. The change in heat inside the cylinder illustrates the second law of thermodynamics but does not prove it.

E. The motion of the piston disproves the second law of thermodynamics.

문제 풀이 Your turn!

page44 of 50

GRE Verbal Reasoning

Eleanor Roosevelt made it her business to reaffirm by word and deed her belief in equality of opportunity for all. But she was more than a symbol of the New Deal's conscience; she was also able to influence her husband, President Franklin D. Roosevelt. She sparked his conscience when necessary, and it was useful for the President to have his wife absorb some of the criticism from those who wished to maintain discriminatory policies. Because his wife publicly advocated equal opportunity, President Roosevelt rarely felt the need, before 1935, to mention Black Americans in his public statements. Between 1935 and 1941, his references to Black Americans increased in frequency and directness, but his eye was on the balance of political forces, and he did not come out forthrightly for equal rights. Roosevelt did not directly commit himself, as his wife did, until June 1941, when he established the Fair Employment Practices Commission to supervise all defense-contract industries.

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마침표 찍고 내려가면서 각 문장의 역할 파악







2. 비교문

1. 문단 2개

2. 문장 전환 지점을 빠르게 잡기

3. 글의 전개는 대조가 가장 많음

proponent <-> opponentagree <-> disagreeadvantage <-> disadvantage

however, yet, butdiffer from, opposite

page45 of 50

GRE Verbal Reasoning

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** 글의 전개:

마침표 찍고 내려가면서 각 문장의 역할 파악






글 읽기 연습

1. 지문을 마침표 타고 내려오면서 문장간의 관계 파악 (글의 종류, 글의 전개 파악)

2. 동사중심으로 속독하면서 문장의 의미를 먼저 파악한 후, 필요하면 세부정보를 더 읽고 아니면 다음 문장

으로 넘어가기

Geologists Harris and Gass hypothesized that the Red Sea rift developed along the line of a suture (a splice in the Earth's crust) formed during the late Proterozoic era, and that significant observable differences in the composition of the upper layers of rocks deposited on either side of the suture give clues to the different nature of the underlying igneous rocks. Other geologists argued that neither the upper rock layer nor the underlying igneous rocks on the one side of the rift differ fundamentally from the corresponding layers on the other side. These geologists believe, therefore, that there is inadequate evidence to conclude that a suture underlies the rift. In response, Harris and Gass asserted that the upper rock layers on the two sides of the rift had not been shown to be of similar age, structure, or geochemical content. Furthermore, they cited new evidence that the underlying igneous rocks on either side of the rift contain significantly different kinds of rare metals.

page46 of 50

GRE Verbal Reasoning

Geologists Harris and Gass

hypothesized that the Red Sea rift developed along the line of a suture (a splice

in the Earth's crust) formed during the late Proterozoic era, and that significant observable

differences in the composition of the upper layers of rocks deposited on either side of the

suture give clues to the different nature of

the underlying igneous rocks.

Other geologists argued that neither the

upper rock layer nor the underlying igneous

rocks on the one side of the rift differ fundamentally from the corresponding layers

on the other side.

These geologists believe, therefore, that there is

inadequate evidence to conclude that a

suture underlies the rift.

In response, Harris and Gass asserted that

the upper rock layers on the two sides of the

rift had not been shown to be of similar age, structure, or geochemical content.

Furthermore, they cited new evidence that

the underlying igneous rocks on either side

of the rift contain significantly different kinds

of rare metals.

1.사람이름 + hypothesized = 이론 설명으로 시작

-> 지질학자 해리스와 개스는 홍해 단층 형성 장소, 기간, 차이에 대한 가설을 세움

2.다른 지질학자들의 견해 설명 (비교시작)-> 화성암의 상층과 하층이 다르지 않다고 주장(이를 통해 첫문장에서는 해리스와 개스가 상층과 하층이 다르다고 말했다는 것을 알 수 있음)

3.다른 지질학자들의 견해 정리-> 그러므로 단층이 봉합선을 따라 형성되었다는걸 부정

4.해리스와 개스 다시 등장-> 다른 지질학자들의 견해에 반박: 단층 양쪽 상층이 동일한 연대가 아니라고 말함

5.해리스와 개스 주장 하나 더(병렬)-> 단층 양쪽 하층은 서로 다른 금속 포함하고 있다는 새로운 증거 제시

글 분석 -> 노트테이킹

page47 of 50

GRE Verbal Reasoning

Geologists Harris and Gass hypothesized that the Red Sea rift developed along the line of a suture (a splice in the Earth's crust) formed during the late Proterozoic era, and that significant observable differences in the composition of the upper layers of rocks deposited on either side of the suture give clues to the different nature of the underlying igneous rocks. Other geologists argued that neither the upper rock layer nor the underlying igneous rocks on the one side of the rift differ fundamentally from the corresponding layers on the other side. These geologists believe, therefore, that there is inadequate evidence to conclude that a suture underlies the rift. In response, Harris and Gass asserted that the upper rock layers on the two sides of the rift had not been shown to be of similar age, structure, or geochemical content. Furthermore, they cited new evidence that the underlying igneous rocks on either side of the rift contain significantly different kinds of rare metals.

1.   Part of the Harris and Gass hypothesis about the Red Sea rift would be weakened if it could be demonstrated that the composition of upper rock layers

A. cannot cause a suture to developB. has no effect on where a suture will occurC. cannot provide information about the nature

of underlying rocksD. is similar on the two sides of a rift unless a

suture divides the two sidesE. is usually different from the composition of

underlying rocks

 2.   It can be inferred from the passage that the

“Other geologists” (line 5) would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements?

A. Similar geological features along both sides of a possible suture imply the existence of that suture.

B. Sutures can be discovered only where they are not obscured by superimposed geological features.

C. The composition of igneous rocks permits prediction of the likelihood of a rift developing through them.

D. It is possible to date igneous rocks by carefully studying the different kinds of rare metals contained in them and by observing their similarity to the layer of rock that lies above them.

E. The existence of rock layers on one side of a rift that are similar in composition to rock layers on the other side suggests that no suture exists between the two sides.

문제 풀이

page48 of 50

GRE Verbal Reasoning

Geologists Harris and Gass hypothesized that the Red Sea rift developed along the line of a suture (a splice in the Earth's crust) formed during the late Proterozoic era, and that significant observable differences in the composition of the upper layers of rocks deposited on either side of the suture give clues to the different nature of the underlying igneous rocks. Other geologists argued that neither the upper rock layer nor the underlying igneous rocks on the one side of the rift differ fundamentally from the corresponding layers on the other side. These geologists believe, therefore, that there is inadequate evidence to conclude that a suture underlies the rift. In response, Harris and Gass asserted that the upper rock layers on the two sides of the rift had not been shown to be of similar age, structure, or geochemical content. Furthermore, they cited new evidence that the underlying igneous rocks on either side of the rift contain significantly different kinds of rare metals.

3.  It can be inferred from the passage that Harris and Gass have done which of the following?

A. Drawn detailed diagrams of the Red Sea rift.

B. Based their conclusions on the way in which sutures develop in the Earth’s crust.

C. Rejected other geologists objections to their hypothesis about the Red Sea rift.

D. Suggested that the presence of rare metals in rocks indicates an underlying suture.

E. Asserted that rifts usually occur along the lines of sutures.


4.  According to the passage, Harris and Gass have mentioned all of the following properties of rocks along the Red Sea rift EXCEPT:

A. age of the upper layers of rockB. structure of the upper layers of rocksC. geochemical content of the upper layers of

rocksD. metallic content of the underlying igneous

rocksE. age of the underlying igneous rocks

문제 풀이

page49 of 50

GRE Verbal Reasoning

During the eighteenth century, European astronomers were able to use improved telescopes to observe many comets for the first time, and better translations of Chinese records describing earlier comets visible to the naked eye offered further evidence about comets' motions. Because such information indicated that comets, like planets, obeyed Newtons's law of gravity, most astronomers now considered comets to be extraterrestrial bodies rather than immaterial visual effects produced by Earth's atmosphere. The reappearance of Halley's comet in 1758, as predicted by Newtonian calculations, substantiated this hypothesis. However, since astronomers could not always determine whether the observable portion of a comet's path constituted one end of a repeating elliptical orbit around the Sun or a segment of an unrepeated, curved passage through the solar system, the issue of cometary origins within or beyond the solar system could not yet be resolved. Proponents of a solar system origin emphasized apparently clear-cut example of Sun-orbiting comets, but other comet observations were ambiguous.

글 읽기 연습 Your turn!

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마침표 찍고 내려가면서 각 문장의 역할 파악

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