verimove v3.8.0 user guide...3.8.0 verimove user's guide 8 introduction cass engine will not produce...

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  • VeriMove™ Version 3.8.0

    VeriMove™ User's Guide

  • Table of Contents

    1 - Introduction

    What Is VeriMove? 5 VeriMove Workflow 10 Processing Example 13 Using the VeriMove User Interface 13 VeriMove Main Window 14 Using VeriMove on Unix, Linux, z/OS, and IBM

    i 18 USPS Required Text 19

    2 - Getting Started

    Overview 24 Step 1: Install VeriMove 24 Step 2: Install CASS Software 24 Step 3: Install USPS Certification Data 24 Step 4: Create and Run Certification Jobs 25 Step 5: Install USPS Live Data 26 Step 6: Create Customers, Operators, and

    BALAs 26 Step 7: Create Jobs 26 Step 8: Run Jobs 26 Step 9: Generate Monthly USPS Reports 26

    3 - Defining Customers, Operators, and BALAs

    Overview 29 Creating a Customer 29 Editing Customer Properties 33 Deleting a Customer 33 Creating a Broker/Agent or List Administrator 33

    Editing Broker/Agent or List Administrator Properties 35

    Creating an Operator 35 Editing an Operator 36 Deleting an Operator 36

    4 - Defining a Job

    Overview 38 Defining a Job for Unix, Linux, z/OS, or IBM i 38 Creating a New Job 39 Basic Job Properties 40 Defining Input 59 Defining Output 71 Specifying CASS Settings 92 Optional Job Properties 105 Creating a Job Definition File 117 Exporting a Job 118 Importing a Job 118

    5 - Running a Job

    Overview 120 Running on Windows 120 Running on z/OS 131 Running on Unix or Linux 134 Running on IBM i 135 Return Codes for Windows 135 Return Codes for Unix, Linux, z/OS, and IBM i 137

    6 - Reports

    Overview 139 Monthly Reports 139 Generating Reports Using the Windows UI 140

  • Generating Reports from the Command Line, JCL, or Script 141

    Generating Reports Using Site Support 142 Job Reports 144 Printing Reports 157

    7 - Troubleshooting

    Initial Troubleshooting Steps 159 Using the Errors Tab 159 VeriMove Running Slower Than Previously 163 No Output 163 Missing Files/Reports 164 Windows Event Viewer Messages 164 Event ID 4000 166 Command-Line Interface Errors 167 Resolving DPV and LACS/Link False Positive

    Violations 168 Internal CASS Error Codes 171 VeriMove Access Error Codes 173

    8 - Utilities

    Overview 176 AppendCRLF.exe 176 ASCII_EBCDICConverter.exe 176 CheckRecordLength.exe 177 ConfigUtility.exe 177 ftver.exe 179 getFileHTTP.exe 179 getFileHTTPs.exe 181 muver.exe 192 TestFileSha.exe 193

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  • 1 - Introduction

    In this section

    What Is VeriMove? 5 VeriMove Workflow 10 Processing Example 13 Using the VeriMove User Interface 13 VeriMove Main Window 14 Using VeriMove on Unix, Linux, z/OS, and IBM i 18 USPS Required Text 19

  • Introduction

    What Is VeriMove?

    VeriMove is a certified interface to the USPS® National Change Of Address (NCOALink

    ®) system.

    VeriMove updates mailing lists with USPS Change Of Address (COA) data to ensure timely and accurate mail delivery. VeriMove complies with the USPS Move Update requirements.

    What Is Included with VeriMove?

    The basic VeriMove system includes:

    • NCOALink® interface

    • ANKLink® support

    • SuiteLink® support

    • LACSLink® support

    • Delivery Point Validation (DPV®) support

    • Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS™) support • User Interface (UI) to define and run jobs • Command line processing to define and run jobs • Move Update and Internal CASS processing reports • Name and Address Scanner for use when the location of name/address data varies within a customer database

    • High-Speed Mainframe Connectivity • Faster Throughput Using Flat Files

    NCOALink Interface

    To qualify for all automated rates, mailers must update COA information within 95 days of the mailing using a USPS-approved method. This is the Move Update requirement. You can use VeriMove to satisfy this requirement and significantly reduce the costs associated with the Move Update process.

    USPS NCOALink technology provides access to approximately 160 million permanent COA records in the NCOA database. The USPS provides NCOALink data to licensees as encrypted files that you can place in a secure location in your environment. The USPS NCOALink system uses secure data storage technology in the form of "hash" tables. When queried, the hash tables only provide new address information if the query is a specific mathematical algorithm of the name and old address as provided on the USPS Change of Address form (PS 3575).

    The VeriMove USPS certified interface to NCOALink provides access to 48 or 18 months of Move Update information. NCOALink footnotes provide information on moves and near matches.

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  • Introduction

    The USPS requires NCOALink licensees to monitor the USPS PostalPro Move Update web site at for the most current information.

    ANKLink Support

    The 18-month NCOALink product provides change of address information for moves occurring in the last 18 months. Address Not Known (ANKLink) allows NCOALink Limited Service Provider and End User Mailer licensees to optionally acquire an additional 30 months of COA information. ANKLink

    does not return a new address but informs mailers that customer moves have occurred in the 19-48 month range and provides a move effective date.

    The USPS packages ANKLink as an enhancement to the NCOALink product and covers the development, distribution, and use of ANKLink under the existing NCOALink license.

    VeriMove populates the ANKLink Return Code output field with the value “77” when an ANKLink match is detected and sets the appropriate ANKLink Footnote Code.

    If VeriMove detects an ANKLink match and sets a Footnote Code, the NCOALink Processing Summary Report includes the ANKLink Footnote Statistics section. This section displays:

    • Number of records resulting in an ANKLink match • Percentage of records in the input file resulting in an ANKLink match • List of the ANKLink footnotes • Number of records in the input file for each ANKLink Footnote Code • Percentage of records in the input file for each Footnote Code

    If all Footnote Codes are equal to zero, the ANKLink Footnote Statistics section does not print on the NCOALink Processing Summary Report.

    The NCOALink Processing Summary Report includes the USPS NCOALink Footnote Descriptions section to provide detailed descriptions for each Footnote Code generated during processing.

    For more information on the NCOALink Processing Summary Report, see NCOA/Link Processing Summary Report on page 144.

    Suite/Link Support

    The USPS SuiteLink™ database contains data on business addresses that were identified as high-rise

    default records during CASS processing. VeriMove uses the SuiteLink database to correct the secondary (suite) information in business addresses identified in the input file as high-rise default records. Records that have been processed through CASS Certified™ ZIP + 4

    ® matching software

    and identified as high-rise defaults are potential candidates for SuiteLink processing.

    SuiteLink processing provides you with the ability to improve the deliverability of your mailing list by adding accurate secondary (suite) information to the business addresses in your mailing list. This

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  • Introduction

    additional information makes USPS delivery sequencing available for addresses in your mailing list that previously were not eligible. SuiteLink processing:

    • Improves your mailing list by appending secondary (suite) information to business addresses. • Ensures USPS delivery sequencing for the business addresses in your mailing list. • Improves postal coding accuracy resulting in less undeliverable mail.

    The SuiteLink Footnote Codes are generated during Internal CASS processing of the input record and written to the SuiteLink Footnote output field.

    Table 1: SuiteLink Footnote Codes

    Footnote Code Description

    A1 Exact Match - All words in the business name matched.

    A2 Good Match - All but one word in the business name matched

    A3 Poor Match - At least one word in the business name matched

    B0 No match

    C0 Name does not contain words that can be used for matching

    D0 ZIP + 4 provided was not a high rise default

    E0 Database was expired.

    Note: SuiteLink® reporting is required for all levels of production NCOALink processing. USPS CASS regulations require SuiteLink processing. If you do not perform SuiteLink processing, the internal CASS engine does not generate a USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).

    The NCOALink Processing Summary Report indicates whether SuiteLink processing was performed. If SuiteLink processing was performed, the report includes processing statistics. For more information, see NCOA/Link Processing Summary Report on page 144.

    The Qualitative Statistical Summary (QSS) section of the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report) displays the SuiteLink processing counts. For more information, see USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report) on page 155.

    The VeriMove CASS Postal Coder Summary Report provides details on your SuiteLink database and SuiteLink processing statistics. For more information, see CASS Postal Coder Summary Report on page 154.

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  • Introduction

    LACSLink Support

    The USPS LACSLink database contains data on address conversions. An example is an address converted from a rural route/PO box address format to a number/street address format in order to receive 911 emergency response services. The USPS LACSLink database provides mailers with a method for converting the old addresses. The USPS Change of Address (COA) database does not contain these addresses since these changes are actually conversions and not moves resulting in a change of address. LACSLink processing queries the LACSLink database to convert addresses.

    Note: USPS CASS regulations require LACSLink processing for CASS certification. If you do not perform LACSLink processing, the internal CASS engine does not generate a USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).

    The NCOALink Processing Summary Report indicates whether LACSLink processing was performed. If LACSLink processing was performed, the report includes processing statistics. For more information, see NCOA/Link Processing Summary Report on page 144.

    The Qualitative Statistical Summary (QSS) section of the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report) displays the LACSLink processing counts. For more information, see USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report) on page 153.

    The VeriMove CASS Postal Coder Summary Report provides details on your LACSLink database and LACSLink processing statistics. For more information on the VeriMove CASS Postal Coder Summary Report, see CASS Postal Coder Summary Report on page 154.

    Delivery Point Validation (DPV) Support

    Delivery Point Validation (DPV) processing matches the addresses in your address file against the USPS data file to determine whether an address exists and that the USPS actually delivers mail to the address.

    For example, your input file contains an address "42 Main Street." CASS processing determines that the address "42 Main Street" falls within the known range "00-99 Main Street" and standardizes the "42 Main Street" address. CASS processing assigns the ZIP Code, ZIP + 4 Code, carrier route code, and delivery point barcode for the known range "00-99 Main Street" to the "42 Main Street" address. However, the "42 Main Street" address belonged to a building that no longer exists. Any mail addressed to "42 Main Street" will be returned to the sender as undeliverable as addressed.

    VeriMove solves this problem by using USPS DPV data to determine whether an address actually exists. DPV processing verifies the existence of an address to as fine a level as an apartment or suite. You can use DPV processing to ensure the addresses in your address file are actual physical addresses to which the USPS delivers mail.

    USPS CASS regulations require Delivery Point Validation (DPV) processing for CASS certification and to generate the USPS Form 3553 (USPS CASS Summary Report). Although DPV processing is optional for VeriMove job processing, if DPV processing is not enabled for the job, the internal

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  • Introduction

    CASS engine will not produce a ZIP + 4 and therefore no forwarding address will be provided by NCOA processing.

    Full Service Providers, Limited Service Providers, and End Users are required to use DPV No Stat processing. The USPS requires the No-Stat Table for DPV processing to identify deliveries that are not valid for Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) pre-processing. VeriMove counts the occurrences of DPV No Stat flags and reports that statistic on the NCOA monthly reports. If you are a Full Service Provider, Limited Service Provider, or End User, the DPV No Stat option is automatically enabled on the VeriMove UI DPV/LACSLink/SuiteLink tab and cannot be disabled.

    Full Service Providers, Limited Service Providers, and End Users are required to use DPV Vacant Table processing. The USPS requires the Vacant Table for DPV processing to identify delivery addresses that have been active in the past but, according to USPS data, have not been occupied within the last 90 days. VeriMove counts the occurrences of DPV Vacant flags and reports that statistic on the NCOA monthly reports. If you are a Full Service Provider, Limited Service Provider, or End User, the DPV Vacant Table option is automatically enabled on the VeriMove GUI DPV/LACSLink/SuiteLink tab and cannot be disabled unless running in DEMO Mode.

    The NCOALink Processing Summary Report indicates whether DPV processing was performed. If DPV processing was performed, the report includes processing statistics. For more information, see NCOA/Link Processing Summary Report on page 144.

    The Qualitative Statistical Summary (QSS) section of the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report) displays the DPV processing counts. For more information, see USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report) on page 153.

    The VeriMove CASS Postal Coder Summary Report provides details on your DPV database and DPV processing statistics. For more information, see CASS Postal Coder Summary Report on page 154.

    Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) Support

    To qualify for postage rate discounts, mailers must check the accuracy of their address records every six months using a CASS-certified software program. The VeriMove internal CASS processor (available on Windows, Unix, and Linux only) has been CASS-certified by the USPS to:

    • Check addresses for accuracy • Standardize address elements according to USPS regulations • Assign and/or correct address elements needed for NCOALink processing, including CASS ZIP Apartment, CASS ZIP Code, CASS ZIP Rural Route, and CASS ZIP + 4

    The VeriMove internal CASS processor prepares an address for presentation to the NCOALink

    system to ensure all possible Move Updates are performed. This is called "Internal" CASS processing (available for Windows, Unix, and Linux only).

    The internal CASS processor does not offer the scope of output options or interactive mode available with a dedicated CASS-certified software package (for example, CODE-1 Plus

    ® or Finalist

    ®). You

    may prefer to use an external software package to CASS-certify your address records and use

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  • Introduction

    VeriMove only for Move Update processing. This is called "External" CASS processing. z/OS and IBM i users must use external CASS processing.

    High-Speed Mainframe Connectivity

    The High-Speed Mainframe Connectivity option provides a connection to a mainframe that can provide significantly faster uploads and downloads than FTP. If your user data resides on the mainframe and you run VeriMove on Windows, you can use this option to copy your user data to Windows for processing and then move the results back to the mainframe once processing has completed. The High-Speed Mainframe Connectivity option uses either a Bus and Tag or ESCON solution and can obtain the following throughput rates:

    • Bus and Tag downloads/uploads: 4.5 MB/sec • ESCON downloads/uploads: 17 MB/sec

    Flat Files

    Users can select flat files over hash files for faster throughput.

    VeriMove Workflow

    The process of updating a mailing list with change of address information typically involves the following steps.

    1. Define operators.

    VeriMove users who execute jobs are operators. Each job can have one operator associated with the job. If you have a Full Service Provider or Limited Service Provider license, you must specify an operator for each job. If you have an End User license, specifying an operator for the job is optional. For more information, see Creating an Operator on page 35. IBM i users should refer to the VeriMove User’s Guide for IBM i.

    2. Define customers.

    The USPS requires the mailing list owner to fill out a standard form called a Processing Acknowledgment Form (PAF). This information is reported to the USPS on a monthly basis. To fulfill this requirement, you must enter the information from the PAF into VeriMove by defining a customer. Full Service Providers and Limited Service Providers must enter the information from the PAF form filled out by their customers. If you have an End User License, you would define your company as the customer. For more information, see Creating a Customer on page 29. IBM i users should refer to the VeriMove User’s Guide for IBM i.

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  • Introduction

    3. Define brokers/agents or list administrators.

    A broker or agent is a third party who submits a Move Update service request to an NCOALink

    licensee for a client. The broker/agent receives the updated address files from the NCOALink

    licensee and returns the address files to the client. A list administrator performs all address list management functions for a client. The list administrator differs from a broker/agent in that, unlike a broker/agent, the list administrator does not return updated address files to the client. For more information, see Creating a Broker/Agent or List Administrator. IBM i users should refer to the VeriMove User’s Guide for IBM i.

    4. Set up a job definition.

    A job definition describes the options to use when processing a list, as well as the layout of the job’s input and output. If you have more than one address list to process, you must create separate job definitions for each list. For more information, see Defining a Job on page 37. IBM i users should refer to the VeriMove User’s Guide for IBM i.

    5. Run your VeriMove job.

    On Windows, you can run your job from the GUI, command line, script, batch file, or by unattended processing with Dispatch Manager. For more information, see Running on Windows on page 120.

    On Unix, Linux, z/OS, and IBM i, you export the job definition from the Windows GUI and then transfer your job definition to the execution platform. To run the job you can use command line execution, a script, or JCL. For more information, see Running on Unix or Linux on page 134, Running on z/OS on page 131, or Running on IBM i on page 135.

    6. Perform CASS processing.

    If you are running VeriMove on Windows, Unix, or Linux and are using the internal CASS option, VeriMove will perform CASS processing on your address file. If you are running VeriMove in external CASS mode, or you are running on z/OS or IBM i, your address file must have already been processed by a CASS processor such as CODE-1 Plus or Finalist.

    7. Perform NCOALink matching.

    VeriMove compares the CASS-processed records to the Move Update records in the NCOALink

    database using the USPS-supplied algorithms.

    8. Generate output.

    VeriMove generates output based on the options specified in the job definition. VeriMove can produce up to two output files. These files can contain the following information:

    • If a move does not occur, the following information is returned:

    • Original input name, address, CASS-coded address, and ZIP Code information • Status indicator specifying the recipient did not move

    • If a move occurs, the following information is returned:

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  • Introduction

    • Original input name, address, CASS-coded address, and ZIP Code information • New parsed or non-parsed address • New parsed or non-parsed city and state • New ZIP + 4, delivery point, and check digit • New carrier route number • Status indicators specifying the recipient moved • Date the recipient moved

    9. VeriMove collects run statistics and creates the monthly reports. For more information, see Reports on page 138.

    10. Send the NCOALink Customer Service Log to the USPS.

    The USPS requires a monthly accounting of your NCOALink processing. For more information, see Customer Service Log on page 139.

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  • Introduction

    Processing Example

    You decide to process your name/address records. John Smith’s address information is not current in your records. The steps to process John Smith’s name and address are:

    1. VeriMove sends John Smith’s Chicago address to the USPS NCOALink process. 2. NCOALink finds a match indicating that John Smith has moved from Chicago to Phoenix. 3. VeriMove reformats the output address to include both the old Chicago address and the new

    Phoenix address. 4. VeriMove adds the following information to the output: • The components necessary to apply a delivery point barcode and carrier route number to John Smith’s new address

    • The effective date of the move and a status indicator

    5. The diagram illustrates this processing example.

    Using the VeriMove User Interface

    The VeriMove User Interface (UI) allows you to configure VeriMove jobs and other properties. It also allows you to execute jobs on Windows. If you are going to execute your jobs on Unix, Linux, z/OS, or IBM i, you can use the Windows UI to define your jobs and other VeriMove properties, then export and transfer your jobs to your execution platform. For more information, see Running on Unix or Linux on page 134, Running on z/OS on page 131, and Running on IBM i on page 135.

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  • Introduction

    To start the VeriMove UI, follow these steps.

    1. Verify that the NCOALink data is accessible from the workstation that you are using (only if executing Move Update on Windows).

    2. Select Start > Programs > Pitney Bowes > VeriMove > VeriMove. The main VeriMove window displays. You can also launch VeriMove by double-clicking the VeriMove icon on the desktop.

    VeriMove Main Window

    The VeriMove main window lists the jobs that have been defined for the system. The first time you open VeriMove, you will see certification templates. VeriMove includes these certification templates to simplify the USPS certification process. For information on using these certification templates, see Step 4: Create and Run Certification Jobs on page 25. After you create your own jobs, you will see those jobs listed in the main window.

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  • Introduction

    Job Icons

    The color of the job icon indicates different states for the job. A gray icon indicates a certification template. You cannot run or edit certification templates. You can only make copies of them. You can then edit and run the copy.

    A green icon indicates a valid job that is ready to run.

    A red icon indicates an invalid job (a job that contains errors). You cannot run an invalid job until the errors listed on the Errors tab of the Job Properties window are corrected. To access the Errors tab, double-click the job then click the Errors tab.

    Run Type

    The Run Type column indicates the data source that the job is configured to use. Currently, only the NCOA data source is supported. The Run Type column also indicates whether the job is set up to run locally on your Windows machine or remotely. Remote jobs are processed by VeriMove hosted operations. NCOA Local The job is configured to use the NCOALink database and to run locally on

    your Windows machine.

    NCOA Remote The job is configured to use the NCOALink database and to run remotely on the VeriMove host server.

    For more information on setting up your job to run locally or remotely, see Specifying the Run Type Option for Your Job on page 54.

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  • Introduction

    Customer Name

    The Customer Name column shows the name of the customer associated with the customer ID selected on the General tab of the job properties window. You can add customers by selecting Tools > Options > NCOA/Link then clicking the Customers tab.

    Last Run Time

    The Last Run Time column shows the date and time when the job was last run on Windows. If the job has never been run, this column will be blank.

    Last Run Status

    The Last Run Status column indicates whether the job completed successfully or failed when it last ran on Windows. If the job has never been run, this column will be blank.

    Sorting Jobs

    To sort the job list by any of the column headings (Job Name, Run Type, Customer Name, Last Run Time, and Last Run Status), simply click on the desired column heading. The job list displays in the order you selected.

    Toolbar Buttons

    The following buttons display on the toolbar. Creates a new job.

    Runs the selected job.

    Stops the job that is currently running.

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    Deletes the selected job. You cannot delete a job while the job is running. The delete job icon is disabled (grayed out).

    Displays the Job Properties dialog box.

    Displays VeriMove version information.

    Shortcut Keys

    You can use shortcut keys to quickly perform actions when working with your VeriMove jobs.

    Table 2: Shortcut Keys

    To perform this action Press

    Create a new job Ctrl + N

    Edit a selected job Ctrl + E

    Copy a selected job Ctrl + J

    Delete a selected job Ctrl + D

    Note: You cannot delete a job while the job is running. The Delete (Ctrl+D) option is disabled (grayed out) while a job is running.

    Rename a selected job F2

    Import a job Ctrl + I

    Export a selected job Ctrl + X

    Run a selected job Ctrl + R

    Exit Alt + F4

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    To perform this action Press

    Access VeriMove Help F1

    These shortcut keys also display on the VeriMove UI Job drop-down menu.


    To access VeriMove help from the VeriMove UI, select Help > Help Topics or press F1.

    Using VeriMove on Unix, Linux, z/OS, and IBM i

    If you execute your jobs on z/OS, a Windows system is required to build the VeriMove database from the NCOALink database, which is obtained from the USPS Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) web site at For more information, see “Installing USPS Data” in your VeriMove Installation Guide. You can also use the Windows GUI to create and maintain your job definitions and export your job definitions to your execution platform.

    IBM i users can use either the Windows GUI or the IBM i screens to define jobs. For information on using the IBM i screens, see the VeriMove User’s Guide for IBM i.

    We recommend that Unix, Linux, and z/OS users use the VeriMove GUI, available only on Windows, to set up jobs. Then, transfer your job definition to the Unix, Linux, or z/OS system and run your job. Alternately, you can create your job definition directly on the Unix, Linux, or z/OS system using the parameters that are documented in the VeriMove Reference Guide.

    You can run and maintain monthly reports directly on the Unix, Linux, or z/OS system. For z/OS users, Pitney Bowes provides JCL on the installation media that you can use to run the monthly reports. For information on generating monthly reports on non-Windows platforms, see Generating Reports from the Command Line, JCL, or Script on page 141.

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  • Introduction

    USPS Required Text

    As a non-exclusive NCOALink Software Interface provider, Pitney Bowes Inc. is required by the USPS to provide the following text to our existing and prospective customers. This text explains the NCOALink process in detail.

    Pitney Bowes Inc. is a non-exclusive Licensee of the United States Postal Service® (USPS®) to provide USPS certified NCOALink® interface software to authorized Full Service Provider, Limited Service Provider, and End User Licensee candidates.

    The NCOALink Product is a USPS proprietary system of move information that on average contains approximately 160 million permanent changes-of-address (COAs) filed with the USPS. These COAs are retained on the file for a four-year period from the move-effective date and the file is updated weekly.

    It is important to note that not all Service Providers can provide the same level of service. Data quantity differs based on license level. Full Service Providers receive the full 48 month data set on a weekly basis. Limited Service Providers receive an 18 month data set on a weekly basis. End Users receive an 18 month data set on a monthly basis. All data fulfillments are provided under direct license from the USPS.

    The sole purpose of NCOALink processing is to provide a mailing list correction tool for lists that will be used for the preparation of mailings for acceptance and delivery by the USPS. The NCOALink

    Product may not be used to create, generate, or maintain new movers lists or as a source to any other proprietary database for the purpose of redistribution or sale.

    An input name and address must match the name and old address on a COA in order to obtain a match. When queried with a matching name and old address as input, the NCOALink process will yield the new address as the result. New address information is provided only when a match to the input name and address is attained.

    Before being added to the NCOALink file, the Old address supplied by the Postal customer must be ZIP + 4® coded. The New addresses must be ZIP + 4 coded and validated using the USPS’ proprietary database of actual delivery points. (NOTE: The delivery point database does not include NAMES or COA information.) Each delivery point confirmed New address is included on the NCOALink

    file. If unable to validate the New address, the NCOALink process will indicate that a move exists but will not provide the undeliverable New address.

    The typical profile of the New address information contained on the NCOALink file is as follows:

    80.92% Forwardable moves containing delivery point confirmed New addresses – New address provided

    1.18% Moves containing unconfirmed New addresses – New address not provided

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    13.80% Moved, left no address

    3.92% P. O. Box™ Closed

    0.18% Foreign moves

    When possible, postal customers who move multiple times within the NCOALink® time period are “linked” or “chained” to ensure that the latest address is furnished when an NCOALink match is attained. This is not always possible if subsequent COAs are not filed in exactly the same manner as a COA filed previously (for example, name spelling differences or conflicting secondary information).

    The provision of change of address information is controlled by strict name and address matching logic. NCOALink processing will only provide new address information when queried with a specific algorithm of the name and input address from a mailers address list which matches the information on the NCOALink Product. Data contained in and information returned by NCOALink is determined by the move type (Business, Individual, or Family) indicated on a Postal customer’s Change of Address form.

    The NCOALink Product is comprised of approximately 6% business moves, 54% individual moves, and 40% family moves.

    All matches made to the NCOALink file require a ZIP + 4® coded input address.

    The five types of processing modes are Standard (S); Business and Individual (C); Individual (I); Business (B); and Residential (R).

    Standard Processing Mode (S)

    • Standard Processing Mode requires inquiries in the following order: • Business — Match on business name. • Individual — Match on first name, middle name, surname and title required. Gender is checked and nickname possibilities are considered.

    • Family — Match on surname only. • Under no circumstances shall there be a “Family” match only option.

    Business and Individual Processing Mode (C)

    • The NCOALink customer may choose to omit all “Family” match inquiries and allow only “Individual” and “Business” matches to be acceptable. This matching process is also known as C Processing Mode.

    Individual Processing Mode (I)

    • The NCOALink customer may also choose to omit “Business” match inquiries when processing individual names for mailing lists that contain no business addresses.

    Business Processing Mode (B)

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    • The NCOALink customer may choose to process for only “Business” matches when processing a “Business-to-Business” mailing list which contains no residential (Individual or Family) addresses.

    Residential Processing Mode (R)

    • The NCOALink customer may choose to omit “Business” match inquiries and allow only “Individual” and “Family” matches to be acceptable under Residential Processing Mode. This matching process is also known as R Processing Mode.

    The USPS has opted to remove soundex from the matching logic process. Consequently, the USPS has established a process called the “Rules Table.” This process will produce matches that otherwise would not be possible (for example, JOHNY and JOHNNY) without the risks associated with soundex.

    All nickname possibilities are derived from a standard USPS® nickname list. In considering alternate presentations of an input name, only reasonable derivatives of the original input name are acceptable. If an input name and address do not match to NCOALink® and alternative queries are attempted, any variations which obtain NCOALink matches will be provided to the NCOALink customer for analysis.

    When a match or a near match of an input name and address to NCOALink is identified, a standard NCOALink return code is provided indicating the type of match made or reason that a match could not be made.

    The return code provided is the final result of an NCOALink query. At the option of the NCOALink

    Licensee, additional return code values from intermediate queries may be provided. The query name and/or address which generated the specific return code may not be the exact input or final query name and address provided in the standard output of a USPS NCOALink process.

    The standard output of a USPS NCOALink process is:

    1. Each original unaltered input name and address as it was presented. 2. The standardized input address appended with the correct ZIP + 4/DPC, other postal values

    and any other intelligence flags or footnotes that result from the CASS™ processing segment. 3. For each mailing address for which there is a match to the NCOALink hash table(s) as defined

    in this document, the 11-digit DPBC and a conversion to a standardized address, and standard return codes. Software shall assign all applicable standard return codes.

    4. When a match is made, the following elements must be returned: the move effective date (CCYYMM), specific name and address utilized in the query that obtained the match, and the move type.

    5. For each mailing address for which there is not a match to the NCOALink hash table(s), the software shall return all elements as appropriate under a and b as well as any standard return codes as may be appropriate.

    6. The urbanization name information, when applicable. 7. The carrier route information for new (updated) addresses. 8. DPV® results, if returned. 9. LACSLink® results, if returned. 10. SuiteLink™ results, if returned.

    VeriMove™ 3.8.0 VeriMove™ User's Guide 21

  • Introduction

    11. Processing summary report containing information to identify the specific list, the statistics resulting from the NCOALink process, and a notice of any other processed performed on the list.

    Although every record must be returned, the format of the records returned by a Service Provider to their clients is determined by a separate agreement between the processor and the customer.

    NCOALink processing has the potential to reduce returned mail, yet the USPS does not make any guarantees, express or implied, on the reduction of such mail. Thus any costs associated with returned mail are the Licensees’ and/or their customers’ sole responsibility.

    An NCOALink Licensee with questions about specific processes within an NCOALink software interface and/or results returned from an NCOALink process must first contact the software distributor for explanation and resolution.

    The ANKLink™ option is available through Limited Service Provider Licensees and to End User Licensees to enable mailers to make informed choices regarding a specific customer contact. If the data indicates a move, the mailer may choose to suppress the record from their list or attempt to determine the actual new address by engaging the services of an NCOALink Full Service Provider (FSP) Licensee.

    Mailers choosing to engage the services of an FSP Licensee may submit only those ANKLink matches for which they need additional processing provided that:

    1. The mailer informs the FSP Licensee that the list is derived from a prior ANKLink process. 2. The list submitted to the FSP for processing meets the mailing list requirement of at least 100

    unique names and addresses. 3. The final results are incorporated back into the original list. 4. The records separated for processing are not used to create a derivative product.

    The following trademarks are owned by the United States Postal Service®: NCOALink, ZIP + 4, CASS, ANKLink, DPV, LACSLink, SuiteLink, USPS and United States Postal Service.

    VeriMove™ 3.8.0 VeriMove™ User's Guide 22

  • 2 - Getting Started

    In this section

    Overview 24 : Install VeriMove 24Step 1: Install CASS Software 24Step 2: Install USPS Certification Data 24Step 3: Create and Run Certification Jobs 25Step 4: Install USPS Live Data 26Step 5

    Step 6: Create Customers, Operators, and BALAs 26 : Create Jobs 26Step 7: Run Jobs 26Step 8

    Step 9: Generate Monthly USPS Reports 26

  • Getting Started


    This chapter describes how to prepare VeriMove to process your mailing list. This involves getting certified by the USPS; setting up your customer, operator, and broker/agent/list administrator information; defining your jobs; and finally executing your jobs.

    Step 1: Install VeriMove

    For instructions on installing VeriMove, see "Installing VeriMove and USPS Data" in your VeriMove Installation Guide.

    Step 2: Install CASS Software

    If you will be using an external CASS program such as Finalist or CODE-1 Plus for CASS processing, install the CASS software. For instructions, refer to the installation guide included with your CASS product.

    Note: If you will run your jobs on z/OS or IBM i, you must use an external CASS product such as Finalist or CODE-1 Plus. VeriMove does not provide internal CASS processing on the z/OS or IBM i platforms.

    Step 3: Install USPS Certification Data

    The NCOALink certification process and requirements for each license level are documented by the USPS and are available on the USPS web site at Select Move Update and then, NCOALink. Select the appropriate licensing category to access information on the appropriate certification process. When you receive certification data from the USPS, follow this procedure to install the certification data.

    1. Install the NCOALink data. For instructions, see “Installing NCOA/Link Data on Windows and z/OS” in your VeriMove Installation Guide.

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  • Getting Started

    2. If you are going to execute your jobs on Unix, Linux, z/OS, or IBM i, transfer the data to the other platform (the execution platform).

    3. If necessary, load the necessary CASS, DPV, and LACSLink databases. For instructions, see “Installing CASS, DPV, EWS, LACSLink and SuiteLink Databases” in your VeriMove Installation Guide.

    4. Start VeriMove on a Windows computer. Select Tools > Options > NCOA/Link. 5. On the Registration tab, enter the activation keys for the USPS data. 6. On the Customers tab, enter the customer information required for certification. For more

    information, see Creating a Customer on page 29. 7. Click OK.

    Step 4: Create and Run Certification Jobs

    To facilitate the certification process documented on the USPS web site, VeriMove provides job templates that you can use as a starting point for your certification jobs. To use these templates as a starting point, follow these steps.

    1. Select the appropriate template.

    • TemplateStage2ExternalCASSFormat1 — Use this template for Stage 2 testing if you will use Finalist for external CASS processing.

    • TemplateStage2ExternalCASSFormat2 — Use this template for Stage 2 testing if you will use CODE-1 Plus for external CASS processing.

    • TemplateStage2InternalCASS — Use this template for Stage 2 testing if you will use VeriMove internal CASS processing (available on Windows, Unix, and Linux only).

    2. Select Job > Copy. A copy of the template appears in the job list.

    Note: You cannot modify or delete the VeriMove certification templates. You can only copy these templates.

    3. Select Job > Rename. Rename the copied template with your own job name. 4. Double-click your certification job. 5. Edit the certification job to suit your processing environment. For instructions, see Defining a

    Job on page 37. Be sure to use the appropriate processing category. For more information, see Specifying a Processing Category on page 56. Also, be sure to update the appropriate fields on the Customer Properties dialog box with your current Processing Acknowledgment Form (PAF) information including the date signed.

    6. If you will execute the job on Unix, Linux, z/OS, or IBM i, transfer the job to your execution platform. For instructions, see Running a Job on page 119.

    7. Run the job. For instructions, see Running a Job on page 119.

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  • Getting Started

    Step 5: Install USPS Live Data

    After you pass USPS certification, install the USPS live data. For instructions, see “Installing USPS Data” in your VeriMove Installation Guide.

    Step 6: Create Customers, Operators, and BALAs

    Customers and brokers/agents/list administrators (BALAs) are organizations that are responsible for handling the mailing list. Operators are VeriMove users who execute jobs. Before you can define or execute a job you must create these individuals in VeriMove. For instructions, see Creating a Customer on page 29, Creating an Operator on page 35, and Creating a Broker/Agent or List Administrator.

    Step 7: Create Jobs

    Job definitions contain the parameters that define your input and output and control how VeriMove runs a job. For instructions on creating jobs, see Defining a Job on page 37.

    Step 8: Run Jobs

    You are now ready to run your VeriMove jobs. If you are going to execute jobs on Unix, Linux, z/OS, or IBM i, you need to export the jobs and then transfer the jobs to that platform. See the appropriate section for your platform in Running a Job on page 119.

    Step 9: Generate Monthly USPS Reports

    The USPS requires you to report your NCOALink use monthly. For information on reports and filing requirements, Monthly Reports on page 139.

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  • Getting Started

    The method you use to generate reports depends on your environment:

    • If you execute your jobs on Windows, you can generate your reports from the VeriMove GUI, the Windows command line, or a script. For more information, see Generating Reports Using the Windows UI on page 140 and Generating Reports from the Command Line, JCL, or Script on page 141.

    • If you execute your jobs on Unix, Linux, or z/OS, you can generate the reports on your execution platform from the command line, JCL, or a script. For more information, see Generating Reports from the Command Line, JCL, or Script on page 141.

    • If you execute your jobs on IBM i, you can use the VeriMove CHUI screens to generate the reports. For more information, see the VeriMove User’s Guide for IBM i.

    VeriMove™ 3.8.0 VeriMove™ User's Guide 27

  • 3 - Defining Customers, Operators, and BALAs

    In this section

    Overview 29 Creating a Customer 29 Editing Customer Properties 33 Deleting a Customer 33 Creating a Broker/Agent or List Administrator 33 Editing Broker/Agent or List Administrator Properties 35 Creating an Operator 35 Editing an Operator 36 Deleting an Operator 36

  • Defining Customers, Operators, and BALAs


    Before you can define and run a VeriMove job, you must enter information for each customer, operator, and Broker/Agent/List Administrator (BALA). This chapter describes how to create, edit, and delete customers, operators, and BALAs using the Windows GUI. For instructions on defining customers, operators, and Broker/Agent/List Administrators on IBM i, see the VeriMove User’s Guide for IBM i.

    Creating a Customer

    Before you can define or run a job, you must set up a unique customer definition. A customer definition contains the information from the USPS Processing Acknowledgment Form (PAF). This form must be filled out by the list owner, NCOALink licensee, and, if applicable, the broker/agent before the mailing list can be processed. You will need a copy of the completed PAF before you perform this procedure. Follow these steps to enter the information from the PAF into the VeriMove system.

    If you are a service provider, you must create a customer definition for each list owner. If you are an end user (meaning that you process mailing lists for your own company), you only need to define your own company as a customer.

    To create a customer, follow these steps.

    1. Select Tools > Options > NCOA/Link then click the Customers tab. 2. Click Add. The Customer Properties window appears.

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  • Defining Customers, Operators, and BALAs

    3. To create a customer, complete the following fields. You must fill in each field that is also filled in on the Processing Acknowledgment Form.

    • Company Name — Name of the company that owns the mailing list. If processing a mailing list for your own company, this is your company’s name. If processing a list for another company (for example, a service bureau), this is the name of the company that owns the list to process.

    • Parent Company — Parent company of the company entered in the Company Name field, (if applicable).

    • Marketing Company Name — Name used for advertising (if different from the company name). • Address, City, State, ZIP, ZIP + 4 — Address, City, State, ZIP, ZIP + 4 for the company in the Company Name field.

    • Telephone Number — Telephone number for the company in the Company Name field. • NAICS/SIC — Six-digit North American Industry Classification System or Standard Industrial Classification (NAICS/SIC) code used to identify the type of company. For more information on the NAICS/SIC codes, see

    • Signer — Name of the individual who signed the Processing Acknowledgment Form (PAF). • Title — Title of the individual who signed the PAF. • Date Signed — Date that the PAF was signed. Enter the date in an MMDDYYYY format. For example, if the PAF was signed on June 15, 2015 you would enter 06152015. The PAF is a USPS-required form that brokers/agents and list administrators must sign to acknowledge that they will use the output from NCOALink in accordance with USPS regulations.

    • Mailer ID — (Optional) Type up to 15 alphanumeric characters for the mailer ID. • Email Address — (Optional) Type up to 64 alphanumeric characters for the email address of the individual signing the PAF.

    • Website URL — (Optional) Type up to 40 alphanumeric characters for the company web site.

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  • Defining Customers, Operators, and BALAs

    • Alternative PAF — If you are submitting an alternative Processing Acknowledgment Form (PAF), click Alternative PAF.

    • Buyer Company Information — (Optional) Type the name and ZIP Code of the company that will be buying the list after the list has been processed.

    • Processes Performed — Select the option that describes any pre- and/or post-processing that occurs outside of VeriMove. The options are identical for the Pre and Post fields:

    • None — No processing occurs outside of VeriMove. • Yes, no data altered — Processing occurs outside of VeriMove but data is not changed. • Yes, altered from non-postal data only — Processing occurs outside of VeriMove. Changes are only made from non-postal data.

    • Yes, altered from postal data only — Processing occurs outside of VeriMove. Changes are only made from postal data.

    • Yes, altered from postal and non-postal data — Processing occurs outside of VeriMove. Changes are made from postal and non-postal data.

    If you select any option other than None for the Pre and/or Post fields, click Edit to enter the appropriate information to describe the processing.

    • Postal — Select the postal processes that occur outside of VeriMove. • Other (Postal and/or Non-Postal) — Enter any other postal and/or non-postal processes that occur outside of VeriMove.

    Click OK to return to the Customer Properties Window.

    The information entered in the Processes Used Window is reported on the NCOALink

    Processing Summary Report.

    • Class of Mail — Select the class of mail for the mailing list to process. • Name — Type the name used to identify the mailing list.

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  • Defining Customers, Operators, and BALAs

    • Multiple Selects — Select Multiple Selects if:

    • Only parts of the mailing list will be processed (not the entire mailing list). • Some runs will process the entire list but other runs will process only part of the list.

    • Entire File — Select Entire File if you will process the entire list all at once or in multiple runs. • Frequency — Select the frequency for processing the list. For example, if you process the entire list using one run every 16 weeks, select 16 in the Frequency field. If you process one-third of the list on each run such that the entire list is effectively processed every three weeks, select 3 in the Frequency field.

    • High Match Rate Indicator — Select one of the following reasons to indicate why the processing run results in a high match rate (match percentage greater than 20%).

    • None — You are processing with a regular file. The High Match Rate indicator is not set. (default)

    • A-ANKLink — You are processing a file from an ANKLink processing run. • S-Stage File — You are processing a Stage I or Stage II file. • R-Return Mail File — You are processing a Return Mail file.

    • Type — Select one of the following for the Licensee assigned.

    • Initial — This is a new PAF. • Renewal — You are updating the PAF due to changes that require you to renew your PAF. The USPS requires you to review your PAF annually (based on your PAF signed date) for changes to the information contained on your original or last reviewed PAF form. If the information on your PAF has not changed, you do not have to submit a new PAF to the USPS. If the information on your PAF has changed, you have to submit a new PAF to the USPS and update the PAF information in your VeriMove job.

    • Modification — You are modifying the PAF with changes not related to a renewal.

    • Date Signed — Type the date (mmddyyyy) on which the NCOALink licensee signed the PAF. For example, if the PAF was signed on January 2, 2009 you would enter 01022009. The PAF is a USPS-required form that brokers/agents and list administrators must sign to acknowledge that they will use the output from NCOALink in accordance with USPS regulations.

    • Broker/Agent — If the customer uses a Broker/Agent, select the appropriate Broker/Agent. If the customer's Broker/Agent does not appear on the list, you must create the Broker/Agent. For more information, see Creating a Broker/Agent or List Administrator.

    • List Administrator — If the customer uses a List Administrator, select the appropriate List Administrator. If the customer's List Administrator does not appear on the list, you must create the List Administrator. For more information, see Creating a Broker/Agent or List Administrator.

    • PAF ID — Type the six alphanumeric characters for the unique PAF ID for this customer. This is a number assigned by you.

    4. Click OK. The Customers tab appears. The new customer appears in the Customers group. 5. Click OK.

    VeriMove™ 3.8.0 VeriMove™ User's Guide 32

  • Defining Customers, Operators, and BALAs

    Editing Customer Properties

    The USPS uses Customer IDs to audit your mailing process. As a result, you can only change customer properties if a job has not yet been run for that customer. To edit customer properties.

    1. Select Tools > Options > NCOA/Link and then click the Customers tab. 2. In the Customers group, select the customer to edit. Click Edit (or double-click on the Customer

    Name). 3. Make the necessary changes. Click OK. For descriptions of the fields, see Creating a Customer

    on page 29.

    Deleting a Customer

    The USPS uses Customer IDs to audit your mailing process. As a result, a customer can be deleted only if a job has not yet been run for that customer. To delete a customer.

    1. Select Tools > Options > NCOA/Link. Click the Customers tab. 2. Select the customer to delete. 3. Click Delete. A message appears to confirm that this customer should be deleted. 4. Click Yes if you want to delete the customer. 5. Click OK.

    Creating a Broker/Agent or List Administrator

    A broker or agent is a third party who submits a Move Update service request to an NCOALink

    licensee for a client. The broker/agent receives the updated address files from the NCOALink licensee and returns the address files to the client. A list administrator performs all address list management functions for a client. The list administrator differs from a broker/agent because, unlike a broker/agent, the list administrator does not return updated address files to the client. To add a broker/agent or list administrator:

    1. Select Tools > Options > NCOA/Link. Click the NCOA Broker/Agent/List Admin tab. 2. Click Add. The Broker/Agent/List Administrator Properties dialog box displays. Complete the

    following fields to add a Broker/Agent or List Administrator.

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  • Defining Customers, Operators, and BALAs

    Table 3: Broker/Agent/List Administrator Properties Dialog Box

    Field Name Description Comments

    Broker/Agent To add a broker/agent, click Broker/Agent.

    List Administrator To add a list administrator, click List Administrator.

    ID Type six alphanumeric characters for the unique broker/agent Required or list administrator ID. The company ID must be unique.

    Company Name Type up to 30 alphanumeric characters for the company name. Required The company name must be unique.

    Address Type up to 50 alphanumeric characters for the address. Required

    City Type up to 28 alphanumeric characters for the city name. Required

    State Select the state for the broker/agent or list administrator. Required

    ZIP Type the ZIP Code for the broker/agent or list administrator. Required

    ZIP + 4 Type the ZIP + 4 Code for the broker/agent or list administrator. Required

    Telephone Number Type the 10-character telephone number (without hyphens or Required punctuation) for the broker/agent or list administrator.

    NAICS/SIC Type the six-digit NAICS/SIC code that identifies the company Optional type. For more information on the NAICS/SIC codes, see

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  • Defining Customers, Operators, and BALAs

    Field Name Description Comments

    Date Signed Type the date (mmddyyyy) that the broker/agent or list Required administrator signed the Processing Acknowledgment Form (PAF). For example, if the PAF was signed on January 2, 2015 you would enter 01022015. The PAF is a USPS-required form that brokers/agents and list administrators must sign to acknowledge that they will use the output from NCOALink in accordance with USPS regulations.

    The USPS PAF renewal process requires you to review your PAF annually (based on your PAF signed date) for changes to the information contained on your original or last reviewed PAF form. If the information on your PAF has not changed, you do not have to submit a new PAF to the USPS. If the information on your PAF has changed, you have to submit a new PAF to the USPS and update the PAF information in your VeriMove job.

    Website URL Type up to 40 alphanumeric characters for the web site of the Optional broker/agent or list administrator.

    Editing Broker/Agent or List Administrator Properties

    Follow these steps to edit a broker/agent or list administrator.

    Note: You cannot remove or change a broker, agent, or list administrator once that individual has been used to process a job.

    1. Select Tools > Options > NCOA/Link. Click the NCOA Broker/Agent/List Admin tab. 2. Select a broker/agent or list administrator and click Edit. The Broker/Agent/List Administrator

    Properties dialog box appears. 3. Make any necessary changes. After completing all changes, click OK.

    Creating an Operator

    VeriMove users who run jobs are referred to as “operators”. To create an operator ID:

    1. Select Tools > Options > NCOA/Link. 2. Click the Operator IDs tab.

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  • Defining Customers, Operators, and BALAs

    3. Click Add. 4. In the Operator ID field, enter a unique ID. 5. In the Operator Name field, enter the name of the operator that corresponds to the Operator

    ID. 6. Click OK.

    Editing an Operator

    An operator is a user who runs the job. When you edit an operator ID, any existing job definition that uses the operator ID is automatically updated to reflect the edits you make.

    For example, there is an operator named Ann Smith with an ID of SMITHA. There are three jobs that use the operator ID SMITHA. The operator marries and changes her name to Ann Johnson. You change her operator ID to JOHNSONA. The three jobs that used the operator ID SMITHA are automatically changed to use the operator ID JOHNSONA.

    To edit an operator ID:

    1. Select Tools > Options > NCOA/Link. 2. Click the Operator IDs tab. 3. Select the operator ID you want to edit and click Edit. 4. Make any necessary changes. After completing all changes, click OK.

    Deleting an Operator

    When you delete an operator ID you are removing all occurrences of that ID. This means that any VeriMove job that used the operator ID will no longer have an operator ID.

    For example, an operator ID JOHNSONB exists for an operator named Bob Johnson. Three jobs use the operator ID JOHNSONB. Bob Johnson retires. You delete the operator ID JOHNSONB. The operator ID is removed from the three jobs. These three jobs no longer have an operator ID assigned.

    To delete an operator ID, follow these steps.

    1. Select Tools > Options > NCOA/Link. 2. Click the Operator IDs tab. 3. Select the operator ID you want to delete and click Delete.

    VeriMove™ 3.8.0 VeriMove™ User's Guide 36

  • 4 - Defining a Job

    In this section

    Overview 38 Defining a Job for Unix, Linux, z/OS, or IBM i 38 Creating a New Job 39 Basic Job Properties 40 Defining Input 59 Defining Output 71 Specifying CASS Settings 92 Optional Job Properties 105 Creating a Job Definition File 117 Exporting a Job 118 Importing a Job 118

  • Defining a Job


    This chapter describes how to use the Windows GUI to define job settings. You use the Windows GUI to create a job to execute on Windows, Unix, Linux, or z/OS. If you will execute the job on IBM i, you can use either the Windows GUI or the IBM i screens to define your job settings. For information about using the IBM i screens to define a job, see the VeriMove User’s Guide for IBM i.

    Defining a Job for Unix, Linux, z/OS, or IBM i

    If you want to create a job to be executed on Unix, Linux, or z/OS, you should use the VeriMove GUI, available only on Windows, to set up your job. You then export the job and transfer the job to the execution platform on which to run the job. To use the GUI to define your job, follow the procedures in this chapter. Alternately, you can set up your job files directly on the execution platform using the parameters that are documented in the VeriMove Reference Guide.

    IBM i users can use the IBM i CHUI screens to define jobs. For information on using the IBM i screens, see the VeriMove User’s Guide for IBM i. IBM i users can also use the Windows GUI or set up the job files directly on IBM i using the parameters specified in the VeriMove Reference Guide.

    Note: There are several fields in the Windows GUI that require you to enter a file path. An example of a file path is the path to NCOALink data. You cannot specify files on non-Windows systems in these fields. The procedures in this chapter contain alternate methods for specifying files on non-Windows platforms.

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  • Defining a Job

    Creating a New Job

    To create a new job definition, select Job > New. The Job Properties dialog box appears.

    Each tab at the top of the dialog box represents a category of job settings. To create a job definition, you must complete the fields on each tab. After completing all fields on these tabs, VeriMove displays your newly created job definition in the main window. If you have errors that need correction, the Errors tab appears listing the errors that must be corrected before you can run your new job.

    You can also create a job by using one of the job templates provided with VeriMove. In addition to the certification templates (see Step 4: Create and Run Certification Jobs on page 25), VeriMove includes the following job templates:

    IVPSampleJobExternalCASS and You can use either of these jobs as a template if you are IVPSampleJobExternalCASSFormat2 using an external CASS product. The input definition is

    configured to work with Finalist or CODE-1 Plus but can be modified to work with another CASS product as long as the CASS Detail Results Indicator field is provided by

    VeriMove™ 3.8.0 VeriMove™ User's Guide 39

  • Defining a Job

    that product in the exact same format as specified in Configuring Other CASS Products on page 99.

    IVPSampleJobExternalCASSFormat2 uses the SampleDataFormat2.dat file that includes an expanded 250-character CASS Detail Results Indicator field.

    IVPSampleJobInternalCASS and You can use either of these jobs as a template if you are IVPSampleJobInternalCASSFormat2 using VeriMove internal CASS processing (available on

    Windows, Unix, and Linux only).

    IVPSampleJobInternalCASSFormat2 uses the SampleDataFormat2.dat file that includes an expanded 250-character CASS Detail Results Indicator field but this field is not used by Internal CASS processing.

    Basic Job Properties

    This section provides information on defining basic job properties.

    Naming a Job

    To specify the name of a job, follow these steps.

    1. In the VeriMove main window, double-click the job you want to open. 2. On the General tab, in the Job Name field, enter up to 28 characters for the job name.

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  • Defining a Job

    3. Click OK.

    To rename the job, right-click the job in the VeriMove main window and select Rename.

    Specifying the Path to the NCOALink Data

    The procedure that you use to specify the path to the NCOALink data depends on whether or not you are defining a job that will run on Windows.

    Jobs That Will Run on Windows

    1. In the VeriMove main window, double-click the job you want.

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  • Defining a Job

    2. On the General tab, enter the path to the NCOALink data files in the Directory Path field or Click Browse to open a dialog box and navigate to the location of the NCOALink data files.

    3. Select LCD.NT and click Open. 4. If you want to use the Daily Delete file, see Using the Daily Delete File on page 105.

    Jobs That Will Run on Unix, Linux, z/OS, or IBM i If you are defining a job that will be executed on a platform other than Windows, select one of the following options to define the location of the NCOALink data files

    • If you are defining a job to execute on Unix or Linux, select one of the following options.

    • Define the path to the NCOALink data files using the GUI for your target platform. • Export the job from VeriMove (by selecting File > Export) and open the job definition file (the .def file) in a text editor and modify the tag to specify the path to the NCOALink

    data files.

    • If you are defining a job that will be executed on z/OS, modify the DD statements in the MU JCL under the comment heading "USPS DATA FILES".

    • If you are defining a job that will be executed on IBM i, use the IBM i screen NLCPG110 to specify the location of NCOALink data. For more information, see the VeriMove User’s Guide for IBM i.

    VeriMove™ 3.8.0 VeriMove™ User's Guide 42

  • Defining a Job

    Note: If you leave the Directory Path field for NCOALink data blank in the Windows GUI, the Errors tab will display an error indicating that you must specify a path to NCOALink data. You can ignore this error. If you want to avoid receiving the job validation error, you can specify a fake path in the Directory Path field.

    Assigning a Customer ID and Operator ID

    Every job definition must include a customer ID. The customer ID identifies the owner of the list that the job will process. The owner is the company that filled out the Processing Acknowledgment Form (PAF) for the list.

    The operator ID identifies the person who will run this job. The operator ID is required if you have a Full Service Provider or Limited Service Provider license for NCOALink. This field is optional if you have an End User license.

    To assign a customer ID and operator ID to a job, follow these steps.

    1. If you have not already done so, create the customer ID. You must create the customer ID before assigning it to a job. For instructions on how to create a customer ID, see Creating a Customer on page 29 .

    2. If you have not already done so, create the operator ID. For information on how to create an operator, see Creating an Operator on page 35.

    3. In the VeriMove main window, double-click the job you want. 4. On the General tab, next to the Customer ID field, click Select.

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    5. In the Select Customer window, select the customer who owns the mailing list to be processed by this job. If you do not see the desired customer, you must create the customer ID first. For instructions on how to create a customer ID, see Creating a Customer on page 29.

    6. Click OK. The customer ID appears on the General tab of the Job Properties dialog box. 7. Next to the Operator ID field, click Select.

    Note: The Operator ID field is required if you have a Full Service Provider or Limited Service Provider license for NCOALink. This field is optional if you have an End User license.

    8. In the Select NCOA Operator window, select the operator who will run this job. If you do not see the desired operator, you must create the operator ID. For information on how to create an operator ID, see Creating an Operator on page 35.

    9. Click OK. The operator ID appears on the General tab of the Job Properties dialog box. 10. Click OK to save the job.

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    Specifying the Character Set

    If you are running jobs on Windows, Unix, or Linux you can specify the character set of the input and output as ASCII or EBCDIC. If you are defining a job that will run on z/OS or IBM i, the character set specified is ignored and EBCDIC is assumed.

    Note: The job output will use the same character set as the input.

    To specify the character set for job input and output, follow these steps.

    1. In the VeriMove main window, double-click the job you want. 2. On the General tab, in the Character Set group, select one of the following.

    • If source data is in an ASCII format, select ASCII. Select the Use CRLF option if the input file records are separated by Carriage Return Line Feeds (CRLF). In the .def file, the Use CRLF option is defined as . For Unix and Linux customers, is interpreted to indicate that the input only includes and only is appended.

    Note: If you select both Use CRLF and Copy Input Record to Output Record, the CRLF will not be copied from the input record to the output record. However, the CRLF will be added to the end of the output record.

    • If source data is in an EBCDIC format, select EBCDIC and use binary mode when transferring files.

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    Specifying Matching Logic

    VeriMove uses the move type when attempting to determine if a name/address combination in your input file has a forwarding address in the NCOALink data. The move type is specified by the mail recipient on the USPS Change of Address (COA) form. There are three move types: Individual An Individual move type is used when household members have different last

    names or when only some of the recipients in a household move to another address.

    Business A Business move type is used when a company relocates.

    Family A Family move type is used when all household members have the same last name and all move to the same address. If anyone is staying at the old address, or if anyone has a different last name, then it is considered an Individual move. For a Family move type, only the last name must match for a forwarding address to be found.

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    Matching Logic Sequence

    In general, the sequence for the matching logic used to match names in your input file to names in NCOALink is:

    1. Business 2. Individual (using complete name information) 3. Family (using surname only)

    Depending on the matching logic type you select, some steps may be skipped. For example, if you select Individual Only, VeriMove skips the Business Matching logic.

    Note: For more information on USPS matching logic regulations, go to


    John Smith completed a USPS move form specifying an individual move. The following table describes the VeriMove results when looking for a move for John Smith.

    NCOALink Matching Logic Description of Results

    Standard Move matched. Forwarding type code I (Individual).

    Individual Only Move matched. Forwarding type code I (Individual).

    Business Only No move matched. No forwarding type code assigned.

    Individual and Business Only Move matched. Forwarding type code I (Individual).

    Individual and Family Only Move matched. Forwarding type code I (Individual).

    The following table describes the VeriMove results when looking for a move for John Smith's wife Debbie.

    NCOALink Matching Logic Description of Results

    Standard No move matched. No forwarding type code assigned.

    Individual Only No move matched. No forwarding type code assigned.

    Business Only No move matched. No forwarding type code assigned.

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    Individual and Business Only No move matched. No forwarding type code assigned.

    Individual and Family Only Move matched. Forwarding type code F (Family).

    John Doe and family members, Jane and Jack, completed a USPS change of address form specifying a family move. The following table describes the VeriMove results when looking for a move for John Doe.

    NCOALink Matching Logic Description of Results

    Standard Move matched. Forwarding type code I (Individual).

    Individual Only Move matched. Forwarding type code I (Individual).

    Business Only No move matched. No forwarding type code assigned.

    Individual and Business Only Move matched. Forwarding type code I (Individual).

    Individual and Family Only Move matched. Forwarding type code I (individual).

    The following table describes the VeriMove results when looking for a move for Bob Doe.

    NCOALink Matching Logic Description of Results

    Standard Move matched. Forwarding type code F (Family).

    Individual Only No move matched. No forwarding type code assigned.

    Business Only No move matched. No forwarding type code assigned.

    Individual and Business Only No move matched. No forwarding type code assigned.

    Individual and Family Only Move matched. Forwarding type code F (Family).

    To specify the matching logic to use, follow these steps.

    1. In the VeriMove main window, double-click the job you want to select.

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    2. On the General tab, in the NCOA/Link Matching field, select the method to use when comparing the names in the input file against the names in NCOALink.

    • Individual Only — Get new address information for Individual move types only. An Individual move type is used when household members have different last names or when only some of the recipients in a household move to another address. When you select this option, VeriMove attempts to match addresses in the input file to records in NCOALink by looking at all parts of a name (first name, middle initial, last name, and title). All parts of the name must match for a forwarding address to be found.

    • Business Only — Get new address information for Business move types only. Only the company name need match for a forwarding address to be found.

    • Individual and Business Only — Get new address information for both Individual and Business move types. Parts of either a name or a company name must match for a forwarding address to be found.

    • Standard — Get new address information for all move types (Individual, Business, and Family). When you select this option, VeriMove uses the move type indicator stored in each NCOALink

    record to determine what parts of a name to use to compare the names in the input file against the names in NCOALink.

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    • To get new address information for Individual and Family move types, select Individual and Family Only. Parts of either a name or a surname must match for a forwarding address to be found.

    Using Business Name Matching

    VeriMove uses three tables during the Business Name Matching process to compare records in your input file against the NCOALink database. Pitney Bowes certifies VeriMove with the USPS using these three tables. These three tables, formatted and installed in the Tables directory during VeriMove installation, are only used for Business Name Matching.

    Note: These tables do not change your input records and do not affect VeriMove output but are simply used to aid in comparing your input records against the NCOALink database to determine a Business Name match.

    Table 4: Business Name Matching Tables

    Table Name Description

    REDEFINES-WORD-LIST.txt Maps commonly used abbreviations to full words

    JUNK-WORD-LIST.txt Words that are ignored during Business Name Matching

    COMMON-WORD-LIST.txt Words that are given higher value when calculating Business Name Match percentages (used to determine whether or not a match has been achieved)

    Note: Pitney Bowes certifies VeriMove with the USPS using these three tables. Editing these tables may result in an increase or decrease in your Business Name Matching rate. If your Business Name Matching rate changes significantly, the USPS may audit your Business Name Matching results and require you to recertify using your customized versions of these three tables.

    Using the REDEFINES-WORD-LIST Table VeriMove uses the REDEFINES-WORD-LIST table during Business Name Matching to convert common business abbreviations to standard accepted full business words to bridge the gap between how business names are stored in your input file and how the USPS stores business names in the NCOALink database.

    For example, a small portion of the REDEFINES-WORD-LIST table is shown below. In this example, if the input file contains “ATTNY”, the Business Name Matching process internally converts “ATTNY” to “ATTORNEY” to determine a Business Name Match against the NCOALink database.

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    This conversion is performed for the sole purpose of determining a Business Name Match. This process does not change your input file or job output and does not extend beyond the scope of the Business Name Matching process.

    Figure 1: Editing the REDEFINES-WORD-LIST Table

    To edit the REDEFINES-WORD-LIST table:

    1. Add the abbreviated word from your input file in the first column. For any words less than 20 characters in length, you must insert blank spaces as placeholders so that every word entered in the table occupies the full 20 characters allowed. Do not exceed 20 characters.

    For example:

    Table Entry Description

    ACCOUNTING This entry is incorrect because it does not fill the entire 20 characters allowed.

    ACCOUNTING.......... This entry is correct. This table entry fills all 20 characters. The last 10 characters are spaces.

    2. Add the standard accepted full business word to the second column. For any words less than 20 characters in length, you must insert blank spaces as placeholders so that every word entered in the table occupies the full 20 characters allowed. Do not exceed 20 characters.

    3. After adding entries, sort the table alphabetically in ascending order.

    Note: The Business Name Matching tables are copied to the “Tables” directory during VeriMove installation. Each time you explode the NCOA files to your database location, these files are copied from the “Tables” directory to your database location. Subsequent VeriMove installations will overwrite these tables with the tables VeriMove used to certify with the USPS. If you customize these tables, be sure to backup these files before installing a new VeriMove release. After installing a new VeriMove release, replace the installed VeriMove USPS-certified tables with the backed up versions of your customized tables.

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    Using the JUNK-WORD-LIST Table VeriMove uses the JUNK-WORD-LIST table to identify words to ignore during Business Name Matching. These words are typically not useful for Business Name Matching purposes because the words are too common to be helpful in identifying and differentiating business name matches. For example, a small portion of the JUNK-WORD-LIST table is shown below. In this example, the word “AND” is identified as “junk” or “not useful for matching purposes” and not used in the Business Name Matching process.

    This elimination of words is performed for the sole purpose of determining a Business Name Match. This process does not alter or delete words from your input file or job output and does not extend beyond the scope of the Business Name Matching process.

    Figure 2: Editing the JUNK-WORD-LIST.txt Table

    To edit the JUNK-WORD-LIST table:

    1. Add the word from your input file that you want ignored for Business Name Matching purposes in the table column. For any words less than 22 characters in length, you must insert blank spaces as placeholders so that every word entered in the table occupies the full 22 characters allowed. Do not exceed 22 characters.

    For example:

    Table Entry Description

    AND This entry is incorrect because it does not fill the entire 22 characters allowed.

    AND................... This entry is correct. This table entry fills all 22 characters. The last 19 characters are spaces.

    2. After adding entries, sort the table alphabetically in ascending order.

    Note: IMPORTANT! The Business Name Matching tables are copied to the “Tables” directory during VeriMove installation. Each time you explode the NCOA files to your database location, these files are copied from the “Tables” directory to your database location. Subsequent VeriMove installations will overwrite these tables with the tables

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    VeriMove used to certify with the USPS. If you customize these tables, be sure to backup these files before installing a new VeriMove release. After installing a new VeriMove release, replace the installed VeriMove USPS-certified tables with your backed up versions of your customized tables.

    Using the COMMON-WORD-LIST Table VeriMove uses the COMMON-WORD-LIST to identify common words found in business names. The Business Name Matching algorithm gives these common words a slightly higher value when performing Business Name Matching.

    For example, a small portion of the COMMON-WORD-LIST table is shown below. In this example, the word “ACCOUNTING” is identified as a “common” business word and is given slightly higher value during the Business Name Matching process.

    This practice of placing more value on common business words is performed for the sole purpose of determining a Business Name Match. This process does not alter or delete words from your input file or job output and does not extend beyond the scope of the Business Name Matching process.

    Figure 3: Editing the COMMON-WORD-LIST Table

    To edit the COMMON-WORD-LIST table:

    1. Add the word from your input file that you want assigned special value for Business Name Matching purposes in the table column. For any words less than 20 characters in length, you must insert blank spaces as placeholders so that every word entered in the table occupies the full 20 characters allowed. Do not exceed 20 characters. For example:

    Table Entry Description

    ACCOUNTING This entry is incorrect because it does not fill the entire 20 characters allowed.

    ACCOUNTING.......... This entry is correct. This table entry fills all 20 characters. The last 10 characters are spaces.

    2. After adding entries, sort the table alphabetically in ascending order.

    Note: The Business Name Matching tables are copied to the “Tables” directory during VeriMove installation. Each time you explode the NCOA files to your database location,

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    these files are copied from the “Tables” directory to your database location. Subsequent VeriMove installations will overwrite these tables with the tables VeriMove used to certify with the USPS. If you customize these tables, be sure to backup these files before installing a new VeriMove release. After installing a new VeriMove release, replace the installed VeriMove USPS-certified tables with your backed up versions of your customized tables.

    Specifying the Run Type Option for Your Job

    If you are processing your VeriMove jobs on Windows, you can run your job locally on your Windows machine or remotely through VeriMove hosted servers. To specify the run type option for the VeriMove job you are defining, follow these steps.

    1. In the VeriMove main window, double-click the job you want to define.

    2. On the General tab, in the Run Type group, select one of the following.

    • Local — Select Local to run your job on your local Windows machine. • Remote — Select Remote to run your job through the VeriMove hosted server.

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    Specifying the Job Link Option for Your Job

    If you are processing your VeriMove jobs on Windows, you can select another job to begin processing after your current job completes processing. To specify a job to process after your defined job completes processing, follow these steps.

    1. In the VeriMove main window, double-click the job you want to define.

    2. On the General tab, in the Link To Job drop-down list, select the job to start processing after the defined job completes processing. You can only link to jobs displaying in the VeriMove Main Window. You can link local jobs to other local or remote jobs and also, remote jobs to other remote or local jobs.

    • If you link your defined job to another job that is later removed, the original job fails during processing and generates the following error message:

    Linked job missing

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    • If you attempt to delete a job that is linked to another job, the following message displays:

    This job linked to by other jobs. Are you sure you want to delete the selected job?If yes, this job will be removed from all linked jobs.

    Note: You can link multiple jobs for processing. For example, y

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