vertebrates classification maribel

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Vertebrate Animals

Maribel MorenoCEIP Salvador Dalí (Villalbilla)

There are five different groups:·Mammals·Reptiles·Birds·Amphibians·Fish


• Mammals are vertebrates because they have bones inside their bodies.• Baby mammals feed on their mother's milk.• Most mammals bodies are covered with hair or fur, but sometimes we cannot see it.• They are viviparous animals because they are born from their mother’s womb.• They breathe through their lungs.

Marine Mammals·Not all mammals live on land. Some mammals live

in the sea like the dolphin, the whale ....·They also breathe through lungs so they need to go to the surface from time to time to breathe.

Flying mammals

·Bats can fly but they are also mammals.·Bats are blind, they cannot see but they know where to go thanks to their big ears. They use their sense of hearing to move around.

Mammals can be:· Carnivores: they eat meat, like the lion, the tiger….· Herbivores: they eat plants like the cow, the rabbit, the squirrel…· Omnivores: they eat meat and plants like the bear, the pig …

Read and complete.

· The dog is a __________________ because it drinks its mother's milk.· The giraffe is a ___________________ animal because it eats plants.· The cow is a ______________ because it has bones inside its body.· The pig is an ______________ animal because it eats meat and plants.· Mammals breathe with their ______________________ · The whale is a ______________ because it lives in the sea.· Cats are ________________ because they come from their mothers womb.

·Reptiles have dry skin and their body is covered in scales.·Reptiles are cold-blooded.·Reptiles breathe air through lungs.·Reptiles lay eggs, they are oviparous.·Reptiles have short legs or not legs at all (like snakes)·Most reptiles don't incubate their eggs, take care or feed their babies.


·All birds have feathers, but not all birds can fly.·All birds have a beak and two wings.·They have two legs covered in scales.·Birds are warm-blooded.·All birds hatch from eggs, they are oviparous.·All birds breathe with lungs.


Aquatic birds

·Penguins are aquatic birds·They only live in the southern hemisphere·They cannot fly·They breath air through their lungs·They are born from eggs, they are oviparous·They eat eat fish, squids ...


·Amphibians are animals that are born in water and grow to live on land.·They have smooth, wet skin.·Amphibians are cold-blooded.·Amphibians lay eggs in water, they are oviparous.·Amphibians breathe with gills when they are small, and then with lungs when they are adults.·Frogs, toads, and salamanders are all examples of amphibians.

Frog Life CycleNow we are going to watch a video

to learn about the frog life cycle. Click on the frog to start

Fish·All fish breathe with gills.·The live in water. They can live in fresh or salt water.·They can swim usin their fins.·Their bodies is covered in scales.·The are oviparous.·Fish are cold-blooded animals.

Let's see how much you've learnt!!!

Write true (T) or false (F)1. Mammals are oviparous animals _______2. All birds can fly ______3. Whales are mammals ______4. Salamanders are reptiles ______5. All reptiles have legs ______6. All reptiles incubate their eggs ______7. Lions are carnivores, this means they only eat meat ______8. Fish breathe using their gills ______

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