victorian croquet association inc. a0001560e abn 91 903 ... · ben o'brien to be contacted to...

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Victorian Croquet Association Inc. A0001560E ABN 91 903 271 264

trading as Croquet Victoria

20191216Council Page 1 of 4

Minutes of Croquet Victoria Council Meeting

held at Victorian Croquet Centre, 65 Nobel Banks Drive Cairnlea 3023

Monday 16 December 2019

1 Attendance

1.1 Present:

1.1.1 Directors:

Jim Clement (President), Kate Patrick (Vice-President), Sarina Cevaal-Hewitt (Secretary), Jim Saunders (Treasurer), Lorraine Gutcher (Member), Lynne Roberts (Member), Eric O'Donnell (Member), Nancy Hatherell (Ballarat and District), Roger Lee (Bayside), Wayne Worladge (Eastern Metro), Butch Hollier (Geelong), Robert Smallwood (Gippsland), Kenn Boal (Goulburn Valley), Ian Potter (Murray Valley), Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt (North Eastern), Margaret Kelson (South West), Brian Rowe (WMCMA).

1.1.2 Observers:

Trudy Serafini (Shepparton), Trish Pedrotti (Shepparton), Ian Kelson (Warrnambool), Harley Johnstone (Brighton).

1.1.3 Administrator:

Sandra Kastanaras.

1.2 Apologies:

Janet Leckie-Brunton (Member, SEMCA), Hetty Veldman (Northern District), Charles Rees (Wimmera).

2 Opening

The President opened the Meeting at 10.36 am welcoming Bevan Whelan as Alternate Regional Director for SEMCA and the Observers listed above.

3 Minutes of Previous Council Meeting Resolved on the motion of Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt and Nancy Hatherell 'that the Minutes of the Croquet Victoria Council Meeting held 21 October 2019 be adopted as a true and correct record'.

3.1 Business Arising from Minutes of Previous Meeting:

3.1.1 Provision of JBWere Monthly Earnings:

The President reported on his meeting with the Auditor and informed the meeting that the Asset Revaluation Reserve is the accumulation of the monthly increases or decreases of the value of our investments with adjustments for drawdowns and the monthly investment income provision. A reconciliation of this Balance Sheet account to be forwarded to Jim Clement, Kate Patrick, Jim Saunders, Brian Rowe, and Roger Lee. Action Administrator Secretarial Note: 3.1.1 was amended at the 24 February 2020 Council Meeting

4 Financial Report Attached as Annex A

Kate Patrick queried why the income for Croquet Victoria affiliations is more than the budgeted figure yet the income for Croquet Australia is less than the budgeted figure. Brian Rowe suggested that the amount input into the budget initially might be incorrect. Resolved on the motion of Jim Saunders and Butch Hollier 'that the Financial Report be adopted'.

4.1 Business Arising from Financial Report:

4.1.1 How to deal with Financial Bequests:


5 Consent Items

5.1 Correspondence: Attached as Annex B

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5.2 Reports:

5.2.1 President's Report Attached as Annex C

5.2.2 Secretary's Report: Attached as Annex D

5.2.3 CoM Reports: 19 November 2019 Minutes distributed 25 November 2019

5.2.4 Courts Directors Report: Attached as Annex E

5.2.5 M & P Report: Attached as Annex F

5.2.6 VCC Development Working Group Report: Refer to Secretary's Report

5.2.7 DHHS Mandatory Board Quota Working Group Bi-Monthly Report: Attached as Annex G

5.2.8 Strategic Plan 2021-2025 Working Group Report: Attached as Annex H

5.2.9 Strategic Plan Implementation Sub-Committee Report: Attached as Annex I

5.2.10 Sub Committee Minutes Received:

M & P: 13 October 2019, 6 November 2019. DHHS Mandatory Board Quota Working Group: 29 October 2019 Strategic Plan 2021-2025 Working Group: 23 October 2019 Strategic Plan Implementation Sub-Committee: 13 November 2019 Association Croquet Selection Sub-Committee: 14 October 2019 Golf Croquet Selection Sub-Committee: 7 November 2019 Together More Active Project Working Group: 20 November 2019

Resolved on the motion of Kenn Boal and Lorraine Gutcher ' that Consent Items be accepted'.

6 Business Arising from Consent Items

6.1 Correspondence:

6.1.1 Council vote on Belvedere Heritage Croquet Club request to transfer to Bayside Region:

The Meeting agreed to Belvedere Heritage Croquet Club's request to transfer to the Bayside Croquet Association region. Date of transfer was set at 6 December 2019. SEMCA, Bayside Croquet Association and Belvedere Heritage Croquet Club to be notified. Action Secretary

6.2 Reports:

6.2.3 CoM Report:

6.2.3b) Shade Shelter Construction:

Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt considered that the drawings supplied for the refurbishment of the outer shade shelters lacked a central support beam to for attachment of the shade material and fastening to the existing shelter. New construction diagrams to be sourced. Action Jim Saunders

6.2.3c) Footer Template:

Resolved on the motion of Brian Rowe and Kate Patrick 'that a twelve month trial for insertion of the following information in the footer of Croquet Victoria documentation be undertaken. - file name, adoption date, review dates, page number of number of

pages Action Secretary 6.2.3d) Caretakers Contract:

Preparation of new letter of offer ongoing. Action President

6.2.3e) Director's Portfolios:

Resolved on the motion of Kate Patrick and Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt 'that Directors be assigned Portfolios as per previously distributed list. Attached as Annex J

6.2.3f) Provision of Liquor and Catering at VCC Policy: Attached as Annex K

20191216Council.doc Page 3 of 4

Resolved on the motion of Kate Patrick and Brian Rowe 'that revised policy as distributed be adopted with the following amendment: 'licensee' to changed to 'nominee' on page 02'. Revised policy to be uploaded to website. Action Secretary

6.2.3g) Reimbursement of Expenses Related to Delivery of Grant Activities: Attached as Annex L

Resolved on the motion of Kate Patrick and Lynne Roberts 'that this Policy be adopted '. Policy to be combined with existing Reimbursement of Expenses Policy. Action Secretary

6.2.3h) Proposed Amendment to Croquet Victoria By-Laws:

The Meeting agreed to amend the Croquet Victoria By-Laws as previously distributed. Croquet Victoria By-Laws to be amended and uploaded to website. Action Secretary

6.2.7 DHHS Mandatory Working Group Bi-Monthly Report:

Ben O'Brien to be contacted to ascertain correct State Government Department overseeing Mandatory Board Quotas. Action President

6.2.8 Strategic Plan 2021-2025 Working Group Report:

Resolved on the motion of Kate Patrick and Brian Rowe 'that revised vision, goals and updated SWOT be accepted'.

6.2.11 Regional Reports: NEDCA, SWCA and WMCMA Attached as Annex M

12.40 pm Wayne Worladge left meeting.

7 General Business

7.1 Matters for Decision:

7.1.1 Strategic Plan Implementation Sub-Committee Nomination:

The meeting endorsed the nomination of Maria Harvey to this Sub-Committee. Maria Harvey to be so notified. Action Secretary

7.1.2 Together More Active Player Development Project Working Group: Attached as Annex N

The Meeting approved the Terms of Reference for the Together More Active Player Development Project as amended at this meeting. Terms of Reference to be uploaded to website. Action Secretary

7.1.3 Vacant Positions:

Margaret Kelson's offer to take on the role of State Coordinator of Association Croquet was met with acclamation. Croquet Victoria website to be updated to reflect this. Action Secretary

7.1.4 Selection Sub-Committees Recommendations for Junior Scholarships:

Resolved on the motion of Jim Saunders and Lorraine Gutcher ' that the Croquet Victoria approve that each of the two junior members who have submitted applications for funding support from the Croquet Victoria Junior Scholarship receive $1,000.00 upon production of receipts after acquittal of their $500.00 Croquet Australia Under 21 Golf Croquet Scholarship. Prior claims against the Croquet Victoria Scholarship to be deducted before further payments approved'. Secretarial Note: 7.1.4 was amended at the 24 February2020 Council Meeting

7.2 Matters for Discussion:

7.2.2 VCA:

7.2.2a) Review of Current Policies:

Croquet Victoria Child Safe Policy: After attendance at a Child Safe Forum Jim Clement and Nancy Hatherell spoke to the future requirement that those clubs receiving grant funding to undertake activities specifically involving under 18's will need to be incorporated

20191216Council.doc Page 4 of 4

and have appropriate insurance against child abuse. Fact Sheet to be attached to Minutes and distributed to clubs. Action Secretary State Coordinator Job Descriptions: Review of these policies to be undertaken by Hetty Veldman and Wayne Worladge (in line with Director Portfolio preferences).

7.2.3 ACA:

Kate Patrick queried the status of the renewal of the ACA Insurance Policy. Resolved on the motion of Brian Rowe and Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt 'that the

Croquet Victoria Secretary write to Croquet Australia, expressing Croquet

Victoria's extreme dissatisfaction that the Croquet Australia Board is about to

leave our Directors, Club Officials and Clubs uninsured by failing to put in

place the appropriate insurance cover'.

Further comment: If we need to rely on Croquet Australia for matters such as

insurance and Croquet Australia prove that they cannot be relied upon the

Croquet Victoria will be forced to seek their own insurance cover.

Action Secretary

7.3 Matters for Noting:

7.3.1 VCC

7.3.1a) Painting of Fascia/Roof Leaks/Lettering: Refer to Secretary's Report

7.3.2b) Gardening Contractors: Refer to Secretary's Report

8 Other Business:

8.1 Matters for Future Discussion:

Director's Portfolios Reports to be an Agenda Item for next Council Meeting. Action Secretary

9 Close: 2.32 pm

10 Next Meetings: CoM 10.30 am Tuesday 21 January 2020

Council 10.40 am Monday 24 February 2020

Annex A Financial Report

Annex B Correspondence

Annex C President's Report

Annex D Secretary's Report

Annex E Court Director's Report

Annex F Marketing and Publicity Report

Annex G DHHS Mandatory Board Quota Working Group Report

Annex H Strategic Plan 2021-2025 Working Group Report

Annex I Strategic Plan Implementation Sub-Committee Report

Annex J Director's Portfolios

Annex K Provision of Liquor and Catering at VCC Policy

Annex L Reimbursement of Expenses Related to Delivery of Grant Activities

Annex M Regional Reports

Annex N Together More Active Player Development Project Working Group Report.

Attachment Victorian Funding Requirements for Services to Children

191216Finance Report Page 1 of 1


VCA Finances

The Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement as at 30 November, 2019 are


The Balance Sheet includes Grants received, $20,701, but not yet expended.

The budgeted VCA trading loss for the year ending 31 March, 2020 is $178,924

VCA Bank Accounts The bank account balances as at 30 November, 2019 are as per the Balance Sheet.

Total bank accounts 30 November $108,862

Total bank accounts 31 October $127,769

This indicates a decrease in cash held of $18,907

The J B Were portfolio holds in

Cash $44,679 (last month $43,502)

Total Fixed Interest $1,110,866 (last month $1,107,156)

There are no imminent cash concerns.

J B Were Investment Portfolio J B Were reports indicate the portfolio has a market value of $4,222,506 at 30

November, 2019 compared to $4,135,310 the previous month.

The change from last month’s report indicates an increase in the market value of

the portfolio of $87,196 (last month the portfolio valuation increased by $12,834).

VCA Matters The insurance renewal process is running alarmingly late. Until state bodies

receive renewal notices, payment cannot be made. In turn the process of issuing

Certificates of Currency may be delayed till after the Christmas break.

Jim Saunders

Honorary Treasurer

8 December, 2019

Annex A to Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes 16 December 2019

Selected Period Budgeted Last Year


VCA AFFILIATIONS $104,823.21 $103,422.00 $97,567.62

ACA AFFILIATIONS/INSURANCE $82,874.46 $87,364.00 $66,917.53

MERCHANDISE/PENNANT $5,891.67 $10,000.00 $3,304.18

TOURNAMENTS $20,606.88 $13,700.00 $5,821.88

MSV $3,537.21 $5,000.00 $4,407.27

CATERING/BAR $11,709.07 $22,000.00 $11,881.78

PREMISES/COURTS/RENT $31,800.91 $45,450.00 $28,848.09

BEQUESTS $33,723.97

DEPARTMENT OF AGING $0.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00

INTEREST BANK/JB WERE $89,343.77 $140,300.00 $91,331.02

Total INCOME $350,587.18 $430,236.00 $346,803.34

Gross Profit $350,587.18 $430,236.00 $346,803.34


ACA AFFILIATIONS/INSURANCE $84,286.82 $85,864.00 $75,971.40

ADMINISTRATION VCA $30,874.13 $74,445.00 $30,748.48

COMMITTEES $3,969.92 $16,900.00 $3,948.81

MSV $3,671.60 $5,000.00 $3,384.09

COUNCIL/COM travel $4,145.45 $10,000.00 $3,357.00

DEPARTMENT OF AGING $0.00 $3,000.00 $3,281.85

UNDER 21S SCHOLARSHIP $834.28 $5,000.00 $0.00

TOURNAMENTS $11,148.25 $10,350.00 $3,435.80

MERCHANDISE/PENNANT $3,880.35 $7,500.00 $859.40

WAGES $119,373.57 $191,951.00 $111,218.79

VCC BUILDING $71,027.11 $129,350.00 $72,325.80

CATERING/BAR $4,173.26 $12,100.00 $5,310.11

VCC COURTS $16,455.13 $47,200.00 $12,783.24

STATE TEAMS G & A $5,727.30 $10,000.00 $545.45

CROQUET EQUIPMENT $345.45 $500.00 $0.00

Total EXPENSES $359,912.62 $609,160.00 $327,170.22

Operating Profit ($9,325.44) ($178,924.00) $19,633.12

OTHER $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Net Profit/(Loss) ($9,325.44) ($178,924.00) $19,633.12

Victorian Croquet Association

65 Nobel Banks Drive


Profit & Loss [Budget Analysis]April 2019 To November 2019

Appendix 1 to

Annex A to

Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes

16 December 2019

Victorian Croquet Association Inc.65 Nobel Banks Drive


ABN: 91 903 271 264


Created: 4/12/2019 1:16 PM

Balance SheetAs of November 2019

This report includes Year-End Adjustments.

Page 1 of 1


Current Assets

Bank Accounts

Bendigo $21,852.59

Bendigo - Grants Account $20,701.03

CBA $65,982.29

Bendigo Direct Debit Card $327.04

Total Bank Accounts $108,862.95

Total Current Assets $108,862.95

Withholding Credits

Accounts Receivable $7,492.30

Total Withholding Credits $7,492.30

JBWERE - Investment A/c $4,222,506.48

Fixed Assets

Cairnlea - Land/Building $5,250,000.00

Plant & Equipment

Plant and Equipment $197,447.77

Accumulated Depreciation -$144,831.48

Total Plant & Equipment $52,616.29

Total Fixed Assets $5,302,616.29

Total Assets $9,641,478.02


Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable $12,636.01

Total Current Liabilities $12,636.01

Tax Payable

GST Collected $122,008.91

GST Paid -$110,777.19

Payroll Liabilities $2,230.22

Superannuation Liabilities $1,391.23

Total Tax Payable $14,853.17

Grant Liabilities

Grants Receivable in Advance $20,701.03

Total Grant Liabilities $20,701.03

Total Liabilities $48,190.21

Net Assets $9,593,287.81



General Reserve $7,703,572.44

Asset Revaluation Reserve $824,790.92

Retained Earnings $1,040,525.92

Current Earnings -$9,325.44

Bequest - Late Jean A Rentoul $33,723.97

Total Equity $9,593,287.81

Text Box
Appendix 2 to Annex A to Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes 16 December 2019 Balance Sheet as of November 2019

191216Correspondence Page 1 of 2



28 Oct 2019 Record of phone call re state of shelter sheds

Brimbank Council - unsuccessful grant submission

Brimbank Council - confirmation of receiving grant funding agreement

29 Oct 2019 Active April - seeking information re participating clubs and their offers

1 Nov 2019 Horsham Rural City Council - Minutes of City to River Discussion 25 October 2019

Phantom Stickers and Signs - sourcing price to manufacture lettering

Casterton - application for junior scholarships for Casterton Juniors

ACA Secretary - confirmation of Draft Policy submission

2 Nov 2019 Sec Cc'd - retention of Croquet Victoria records

Ian Petersen - Immediate focus of State Coordinator of Golf Croquet 3/4 Nov 2019 Glenelg Shire Council - seeking name of expert to assist with drainage and levelling of croquet court

Economic Development Enquiries - acknowledgement of Athlete Travel Grants submission

Bayside Croquet Association - concerns re Auditor independence

Bayside Croquet Association - no objection to affiliation of Belvedere Heritage Croquet Club

7 Nov 2019 Rich River Croquet Club - thank you for Letter of Support

8/9 Nov 2019 Simon Watkins - concerns re state of shade shelters and lack of maintenance at VCC

9 Nov 2019 Phantom Stickers & Signs - confirmation that work will commence

13 Nov 2019 Vic Sport & Recreation - advice of successful project funding application.

15 Nov 2019 Belvedere Heritage Croquet Club - request to move to Bayside Region

16 Nov 2019 ACA - Request for input into ACA Tournament Calendar

19 Nov 2019 Via Secretary - Kew Croquet Club to President - comments on Adverse Playing Conditions

25 Nov 2019 DHHS Remittance Advice - Seniors Festival Grant funding

29 Nov 2019 Kew Croquet Club - query re Croquet Victoria Adverse Playing Conditions

2 Dec 2019 Belvedere Heritage Croquet Club - copy of application to join Bayside Region

3 Dec 2019 Sport & Recreation Victoria - Local Sports Infrastructure Fund

4 Dec 2019 SEMCA - Agreement with resignation of Belvedere Heritage Croquet Club

Brimbank Council - payment of Gateball grant funding

9 Dec 2019 Croquet NSW Secretary - re publicity of Association Croquet Worlds

Various eBulletins, event flyers, notification of region delegates to SGM, scams, confirmation of Seniors Festival participation, Active April participation



30 Oct 2019 Phantom Stickers and Signs - supply and fit of lettering above entrance

31 Oct 2019 ACA Secretary - comments on Draft Member Protection Policy

1 Nov 2019 Sec CC'd - Labour Hire authority - clarification if Labour Hire Licensing Scheme applies to us

2 Nov 2019 Ben O'Brien - seeking status of template to announce successful grant submission

6 Nov 2019 Global Turf Grass Council - Glenelg Shire Council croquet court

7 Nov 2019 Region Secretaries - Notice and Agenda of SGM

Sec Cc'd - DHHS Victoria - Kirsty Reidy - advice re GST not paid in last grant instalment

Annex B to

Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes

16 December 2019

191216Correspondence Page 2 of 2

Rich River Croquet Club - letter of support re lighting for croquet courts

8 Nov 2019 Active April - advice of Croquet Victoria non-participation on 2020

9 Nov 2019 Phantom Stickers - new quote accepted

23 Nov 2019 Club Secretaries - call for nominations for M & P Sub-Committee casual vacancy

25 Nov 2019 Simon Watkins - reply re concern about lack of shade at Victorian Croquet Centre

26 Nov 2019 Croquet NSW - request to share Player Pathway to Excellence Program documentation

Sec Cc'd - Kew, President's response to query re Adverse Playing Conditions

27 Nov 2019 Sec Cc'd - SEMCA - Belvedere Croquet Club resignation from SEMCA Region

29 Nov 2019 Croquet States - request to share coaching resources

Greg Bury - confirmation that 'Through the Hoops' is still aligned with coaching system being drafted

2 Dec 2019 Sec Cc'd - Greg Barnes, re input into Draft Strategic Plan Vision and Goals


191216President's Report to Council Page 1 of 1


My apologies for the late distribution of this report, things have been hectic during the

past few months, on both personal and croquet fronts.

Since the last Council meeting and in my capacity as an ex officio member of all

Croquet Victoria sub-committees and working groups, I have attended meetings of

the Mandatory Board Quota WG, the Strategic Plan 2021-25 WG, the Strategic Plan

Implementation Sub-Committee and the interim Together More Active Sub-committee

as well as both the GC and AC Selection Committees.

In November, I attended the Vicsport AGM and in December I attended the Vicsport

CEO and Chair Forum which was designed to ensure that the CEOs and Chairs of

SSAs are kept abreast and aware of matters that may impact their organisations.

Also, in December, Sandra Kastanaras and I attended an evening course required

for liquor license nominees. One outcome of that course will be addressed further

during this Council meeting.

Further, I have met twice with Bruce Warlow, our auditor, to discuss details of the

financial reports presented to Directors at each Council (and CoM) meeting.

Finally, I reiterate my earlier calls for someone to assume the role of State

Coordinator of Association Croquet. It appears that most AC players and those clubs

with a high proportion of AC players are very concerned with the gradual diminution

of numbers playing the code, but there is only so much that Croquet Victoria can do

without someone to coordinate it all.

Jim Clement President

Annex C to

Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes

16 December 2019

191216Secretary's Report to Council Page 1 of 2

SECRETARY'S REPORT VCC: Removal of Trees and Garden Beds: No progress. VCC Development Working Group: No progress. VCC Fascia/Lettering: Painting and lettering completed. Functions at VCC: Whilst data is collected as to the profitability of the hire of the Victorian Croquet Centre for non-croquet functions, bookings are suspended.

VCA Policies: The following policy is currently being reviewed:

Provision of Liquor and Catering at VCC Policy Policy for Review in 2020: Croquet Victoria Child Safe Policy. Job Descriptions for Review in 2020: State Coordinator Job Descriptions. Clubs Child Safe Policy: Nine clubs have yet to advise adoption of a club child safe policy. Member Protection Information Officers: To date no member has contributed to this register. Seniors Festival 2019: Grant funding for this years event has been received and deposited to participating clubs bank accounts. Thank you to those clubs who have provided reports and photos of activities during the festival. These will be collated for a report to Victorian Seniors Festival and for inclusion in the 2020 Croquet Victoria Annual Report. Athlete Travel Pathways Grant Program: Two applications have been submitted under this program. One to support the Eire Cup Team ($6,000.00) and one to support the Victorian representative to the Croquet Australia Association Croquet gold Medal ($1,250.00). Brimbank City Council Support of Gateball Australia Championship: Brimbank City Council Festivals/Events Grants Program provided $3719.10 to support this very successful event recently concluded at the Victorian Croquet Centre paying for an interpreter, entertainment and catering. Quotes from the Gateball Australia website:'

'...Just writing to say a big thank you to the organisers for the AGC in Cairnlea...' Hunter Allsorts. '....Thank you Melbourne for a wonderful Australian Gateball Championship, you did the sport proud.....' Capricornians '...The competition was held in great spirit, with many competitors remarking on the friendly nature of the event. Saturday evening’s BBQ was well attended and overseas players were all

Annex D to

Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes

16 December 2019

191216Secretary's Report to Council Page 2 of 2

given small gifts as a token of appreciation for their having made the effort to come to the 10th Australian Championship....' John Park National Coordinator Gateball Australia

Strategic Plan 2021-2025: The Draft Vision Statement and Strategic Plan Goals were forwarded to Region and Club Secretaries (plus Region Presidents) on 27 October 2019 for feedback and collation to be presented to December Council Meeting. Marketing and Publicity Sub-Committee Casual Vacancy: Clubs were advised on 23 November 2019 that there was a casual vacancy on this Sub-Committee. To date no nominations have been received. State Coordinator of Association Croquet: This position has been vacant since June 2019 and no nominations have been received. Croquet Victoria Membership: Our current membership is 2924 in our 88 clubs (7 December 2019). Regional Reports to Council: 24 February 2020 Wimmera

6 April 2020 Ballarat, Bayside, Geelong

17 August 2020 EMCA, Gippsland, GVCA

19 October 2020 MVCA, NDCA, SEMCA

21 December 2020 NEDCA, SWCA, WMCMA

191216Court Director's Report to Council Page 1 of 1

Courts Director’s Report, December, 2019


Following the September ISS Tournament I spent time with James Hood reviewing the

impact of a 12 day event on our facility. James is of the view that this event, played in early

September, puts an unrealistic strain on lawns that are trying to emerge from winter

dormancy. Particularly, the foot traffic of 12 days competition has put back the normal early

spring recovery of the lawns by up to a month, more following an inclement winter. This has

a ripple effect on events and court usage for the rest of the spring.

The question has been asked of ACA as to whether this type of event cannot be scheduled

later in the year say at the end of October or in November? Not only would the lawns benefit

but so would the players being able to enjoy more amenable weather conditions. Such a

program change would be of benefit to lawns wherever the ISS is held.

ACA has since announced a review of Australian Croquet Events.

The Koro maintenance of Courts 11 & 12 has taken place as per our works program. The

contractor agreed to remove all the soil wastage together with all the heaped soil wastage that

has been an eyesore in the back carpark for many months. The Koro work will cost about

$2100. The waste soil removal from the courts will be included in the Koro cost and we will

share, with the contractor, the cost of removing the heap from the carpark. Total cost to VCA

will be about $2700, an excellent arrangement when the costs of a bobcat and truck are

considered. That only leaves the removal of the caterer’s shipping container and we shall

have a clean rear carpark.

Jim Saunders

Courts Director

8 December, 2019

Annex E to Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes 16 December 2019

191216Marketing and Publicity Sub-Committee Report to Council Page 1 of 2

Marketing and Publicity Sub-Committee Report BACKGROUND The Marketing and Publicity sub-committee are tasked with promoting croquet across Victoria and southern NSW. UPDATE 1. Sub-committee membership Dianne Wilson has had to resign from the sub-committee due to ill-health. The sub-committee wish to thank her for her service – we hope that she will recover and rejoin us in due course. In the meantime her resignation has created a vacancy which is being advertised to clubs, for appointment at the February meeting of Council. 2. Sub-committee budget for 2020/21 We have reviewed our current activities and the marketing strategies agreed as part of the Croquet Infrastructure Plan for 2020, and we have provided the Treasurer with a draft budget accordingly. 3. Work with club Publicity Officers and publicity contacts In late October we held a workshop for publicity officers and club publicity contacts. This was attended by 29 people representing 18 clubs. Keynote speaker was Greg Bryant, Croquet Development Officer, Croquet New Zealand. Costs were met from the Marketing section of the Together More Active grant. A report of the workshop has been circulated to clubs and is available on the Growing Croquet section of the Croquet Vic website. Some key points:

The image and reputation of croquet in NZ has been significantly changed by the recruitment of a relatively small number of young players (currently around 2% of the membership). To date about half the regions in NZ have schools participating in the interschool challenge.

Recruitment and publicity at club level in NZ has been assisted by a system of “red flags”: clubs with fewer than 10 members per court are identified as potentially at risk, and helped to find one thing to work on with assistance.

Targeted publicity for a younger audience was developed by Croquet New Zealand who were happy to share it with Croquet Victoria. Some members attending the workshop offered to review potential advertising templates with an eye to relevance to potential younger players.

It could be useful for club Facebook pages to link with local community Facebook pages

Personally providing the new videos to allied health workers via a USB stick could be more effective than emailing a link to Youtube.

A new Publicity Officers Kit was revised following discussion at the workshop and is now available via the Growing Croquet web page.

Feedback from participants indicated that the workshop was well received and we are planning to run further workshops in the future.

Annex F to Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes 16 December 2019

191216Marketing and Publicity Sub-Committee Report to Council Page 2 of 2

We are now providing club publicity officers and publicity contacts with monthly updates focusing on two or three marketing and publicity issues. 4. Cooperation with other State Associations Members of the sub-committee have now had two informal meetings, via Skype, with representatives of the other State Associations. We are discussing how to publicise croquet on the back of the AC Worlds; also plans for World Croquet Day (the first Sunday in May), and potential sharing of resources. The group is to meet again by Skype in early December. 5. Government House presence on Australia Day Croquet Victoria has again been invited to contribute to the Open Day at Government House on 26 January, and clubs were circulated asking for members to join the Croquet Vic presence. By the end of November (the due date) sixteen people had offered to help. Initial information has been sent to them. A further three members nominated in early December and have been asked to act as back-up. 6. Active April The format for Active April is to change in 2020. The timeline does not allow Croquet Victoria to act as a partner, as we would have to provide a list of participating clubs almost at once. Instead, clubs are being encouraged to sign up individually (or via if they wish to make Come and Try days available to Active April participants. 7. High resolution photographs We have approached two photographers who are both interested in providing us with a range of high resolution photographs for use in publicity. Funds to support this are available from the Together More Active grant. We envisage adding annually to an image bank. We are considering using some of the new photographs to refresh the trifold brochure.


Kate Patrick for the Marketing and Publicity sub-committee

191216DHHS Mandatory Board Quota Working Group Report to Council Page 1 of 1

DHHS Mandatory Board Quota Working Group Report

BACKGROUND Council established the DHHS Mandatory Board Quotas Working Group in June 2017. At its meeting in June 2019, Council extended the Working Group’s term of office to 30 June 2020, and updated its terms of reference.

The group is currently asked to

examine all aspects of Department of Health & Human Services requirements for mandatory board quotas, including consideration of what cultural change may be required to encourage the participation of women in governance at state level, and make recommendations to Council accordingly.

CURRENT ACTIVITY The sub-committee is concerned that membership of Council is currently exactly 40% women. If there is any change which reduces the number of women Directors, or which adds a man as a member of the Committee of Management, we will fall below the mandatory 40% and will have to take action to coopt outside member/s if we are to retain our Government funding (currently $40,000 a year).

As reported in October, initiatives aimed at encouraging the involvement of women at State level were agreed at the August Council meeting and are now being pursued. Examples are

the circulation of the draft Council agenda to enable regions to nominate topics for discussion at Council

encouraging Directors to bring women colleagues with them to the Council meeting where they report on their region.

attendance of sub-committee members at regional meetings

To date we have attended three regional meetings which have provided an opportunity to present and discuss current Council activities and opportunities for women to engage with the work of Council. Some of the women at these meetings expressed interest in connecting with working parties and subcommittees, subject to having the expertise to participate in Skype meetings. We have begun one on one assistance with Skype accordingly.

Attendance at three more regional meetings has been arranged, and we are finalising dates for another three. We are yet to hear back from two regions.

In line with the procedure agreed last year, the importance of “balancing the board” and the current balance of numbers will be highlighted when the timetable for the 2020 AGM is circulated to clubs and regions in January.


Kate Patrick, Tricia Devlin, Sarina Cevaal-Hewitt, Jim Clement (ex officio) DHHS Mandatory Board Quota Working Group

Annex G to Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes 16 December 2019

191216 Strategic Plan 2021-2025 Working Group Report to Council Page 1 of 4

Strategic Plan 2021 to 2025 Working Group Report


Croquet Victoria’s current Strategic Plan runs to the end of 2020. In April 2019 Council approved terms of reference for a working group to coordinate the development of a new Strategic Plan for the period 2021 to 2025, and in June Charles Rees, Sarina Cevaal-Hewitt and Kate Patrick were appointed to the working group, which also includes the President ex officio.

As per the terms of reference, the scope of the 2021 – 2025 Strategic Plan includes

vision for 2025

goals to support achievement of the vision

budgeted activity

initiatives agreed as part of the Infrastructure Plan approved in April 2019

the programs funded by the State Government under the Together More Active program

other initiatives needed to achieve the agreed goals

A timeline for this work was agreed at the August meeting of Council.

At the August meeting of Council, Directors also brainstormed an analysis of our current situation (internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats – a SWOT).

The October meeting of Council discussed proposals for the overall vision of the plan and the goals which it should tackle. Council agreed on a draft to be circulated to clubs and regions for feedback by 30 November.

Since that time, the working group has established a new Planning for Croquet page on the Croquet Vic website, accessed via the Resources tab on This page will house current planning documents and drafts of the new Strategic Plan as it develops.


Feedback on the Vision, Goals and SWOT was received from two regions, two clubs and two individuals: NEDCA and SEMCA; Brighton CC and Casterton CC; and Greg Barnes (Brighton) and Sharon Jackson (Bright). In general, they supported the draft vision and goals, with some suggestions for enhancement; they also provided some detailed comments on the items in the SWOT.

The working group has considered this feedback. As a result, we have

amended the Vision statement, adding a reference to sustainability

added a new goal under the heading Capability: support for the growth of all forms of mallet sports

reworded a goal under the Membership heading to clarify that it is intended to extend the demographic of participants in croquet

included some new points in the SWOT.

These changes are highlighted in green in the appended documents.

The next step in developing the plan will be to consider the activities which will be needed to achieve the goals. A draft list of activities against each goal will be published on the Planning Croquet website and presented to the Council meeting in February for discussion. This list will take into account the points listed in the SWOT.

Council is now asked to finalise the Vision and Goals part of the plan and to endorse the updated SWOT.

Sarina Cevaal-Hewitt, Kate Patrick, Jim Clement


Annex H to Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes

16 December 2019

191216 Strategic Plan 2021-2025 Working Group Report to Council Page 2 of 4

To extend the public recognition, the development and the sustainability of croquet as a sport and a recreational activity for people of all ages and abilities. 1. Capability / sport development

Support the growth of all forms of mallet sports

Grow croquet as a sport as well as a recreational activity

2. Governance / management

Support and develop leadership and inclusive governance.

Further develop the capability of the organisation.

3. Membership / recruitment / participation

Build membership and participation.

Extend the demographic of participants in croquet.

4. Financial sustainability / funding / sponsorship

Improve Croquet Victoria’s financial position.

Enable investment in the development of croquet at club and regional level.

5. Image

Enhance the image and build the profile of croquet in Victoria


SWOT amended to include points from feedback

191216 Strategic Plan 2021-2025 Working Group Report to Council Page 3 of 4

STRENGTHS Governance

we govern our expenditure

ten year infrastructure plan t0 2030 developed in consultation with LGAs

Attractions of sport Who

sport for life / sport for all ages - no age barriers

no class barriers, no physical barriers Why

gender neutral sport, in that men and women compete equally

croquet is a balance of mental challenge and physical challenge and therefore suits a wide range of participants

non-contact sport

gentle exercise / mental activity / pathway to staying active

social interaction / social atmosphere / groups can be involved


always available to new members

can be played by people of all abilities/ disabilities

time efficient for working people

club membership and ongoing costs are low compared to other sports / inexpensive

loan equipment available for new players and new clubs

(generally) play all year round, in all weather conditions and at any time


89 clubs throughout the state

each club involved in their community

developing range of publicity resources including Allied Health videos

established models for collaboration with other sports: bowls, lawn tennis and golf

courts are typically occupied during daylight when other sports facilities may be idle


Good relationship with SRV

Developing relationships with LGAs

Established relationship with Australian Physiotherapy

Good social media connections around the world

Secretary has active connection with clubs including publicity officers

WEAKNESSES Size and structure

volunteer organisations with limited resources

small sport as far as the state or LGAs are concerned

limited membership base diminishes external interest and commitment


played by people on limited income

small membership base with small income restricts ability to employ professionals without external funding

croquet courts large in comparison to other sports eg gateball, bowls

lack of clubs with lights, limits participation of working people

because it is inexpensive, hard to raise fees by a significant amount

year round sport raises issues for maintenance

some clubs have no-one with promotional skills, eg re obtaining grants, press reports


public image is that it is a sport for older people

clubs believe membership should be old - CWA mentality

lack of connection with youth and the working age in the community

viewed as an elitist sport

not a spectator sport, although it once may have been

some clubs do not currently engage with social media

Challenges for governance

Council agenda currently offers too little opportunity to discuss matters of interest to regions

travel to Cairnlea for meetings seen as onerous

lack of technology skills amongst Council members and potential members

recruitment (and upskilling as needed) of suitable Council members

Facility issues

lack of regional sized facilities

forced sharing of facilities reduces access

hard to make effective use of facilities at VCC

lack of universal access toilet facilities including waste disposal

SWOT amended to include points from feedback

191216 Strategic Plan 2021-2025 Working Group Report to Council Page 4 of 4

clubs often have ageing infrastructure


Older people

ageing population

retirement community, which is increasing, is increasingly focused on lifestyle and activities

Working people

growing number of part-time workers of all ages

croquet is in a position to compete with bowls as a strategic sport - more demanding/ interesting

School students

could encourage schools to try croquet as part of school curriculum

Technical developments

artificial surfaces: take advantage of sports moving from artificial surfaces back to grass

explore the possibility of playing croquet on artificial surfaces

live streaming going well, could communicate with new players

active social media: could engage more with potential local players / other state associations

THREATS LGA demands in relation to viability - have included

trying to reduce their contribution to maintaining facilities

asking croquet to contribute to development costs

pressing for installation of artificial turf

seeking evidence of significant demand for croquet before considering local facilities

Environmental changes

weather, issues with water, affects court maintenance

developing perception of bowls as a glamour sport - they are recruiting school children

pressure to share facilities, may reduce access

shift to artificial turf by other sports means loss of access to shared lawns


courts look empty to outsiders - area needed for numbers

too small to get big grants, donations, sponsorships; too little to trade

Changing demographics

not a traditional sport for many ethnic backgrounds

lack of LGA recognition that croquet is an all-age sport

191216Strategic Plan Implementation Sub-Committee Report to Council Page 1 of 4

Strategic Plan Implementation Sub-Committee Report


The Implementation Plan is designed to help Croquet Victoria progress towards the aims in its Strategic Plan – currently the Plan for 2015 – 2020.

At its meeting on 19 August Council received an update on progress towards achieving the goals in the Strategic Plan (appended with some updates as Attachment 1). It also approved the terms of reference of a new Strategic Plan Implementation sub-committee, to include at least 3 and up to 5 members. In line with these terms of reference, clubs and regions were invited to nominate member to the sub-committee. Sarina Cevaal-Hewitt and Kate Patrick were nominated and duly appointed by Council in October. As President, Jim Clement is a member of the sub-committee ex-officio.

The sub-committee has considered possible additional appointments to the sub-committee, for consideration by Council, as provided under its terms of reference. In the meantime, we have been following through on the activities funded by the State Government under its Together More Active program, and we have begun work on updating the current Implementation Plan.


In line with its terms of reference, the sub-committee is seeking to recruit more members. It proposes to Council that Maria Harvey (Beechworth) be appointed to the sub-committee. A brief CV for Maria is attached (Attachment 2).



In April 2019 Sports and Recreation Victoria announced its new funding program for state sporting and recreation organisations, “Together More Active”. Croquet Victoria applied for the maximum funding available to us under this program: $20,000 a year for four years Foundation funding, and $20,000 a year for two years (extensible to four years) for a Project. In July we were advised that we were successful in obtaining the full $20,000 a year Foundation funding, and in November we were advised that we were successful in obtaining the Project funding.

Foundation funding Our application for this funding designated three strategic areas for support:

1. Progressing strategic planning ($8000 p.a.) 2. Workforce development: developing and implementing pathways for officials ($5000 p.a.) 3. Developing and implementing a marketing plan ($7000 p.a.)

Under each heading, the funding can be used to enable Croquet Victoria to carry forward relevant strategic activities. This may include paying for external professional and consultancy support – for example, this funding supported the workshop for publicity officers and contacts in October.

As agreed by Council in August, this work will be included in the implementation planning going forward, and coordinated by the Strategic Plan Implementation Committee. We are required to provide SRV with an action plan detailing our plans for implementing the first year of the work. The pro forma for this action plan was provided in November. We have drafted a response which has been sent to SRV for feedback.

Annex I to Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes 16 December 2019

191216Strategic Plan Implementation Sub-Committee Report to Council Page 2 of 4

Project funding We applied for funding to support a program of coaching to be offered around the Regions, aimed at developing the skills and competitiveness of interested players at beginner, developing and advanced levels. SRV requires this project to be managed by a working party, to which they will nominate one or more members. A proposal with draft terms of reference for the working party has been sent to SRV for discussion at a meeting on Thursday 12 December. This is a separate item on the agenda of this meeting.


In the form in which it was last presented to Council for endorsement, in June 2018, the Implementation Plan was short on targets for activities and outcomes in 2019. Relevant information was sought from the various coordinators early in 2019 but was generally not available.

In August 2019, Council endorsed the inclusion in the Implementation Plan of action items for 2020 from the ten-year Infrastructure Plan which was approved in April 2019.

The subcommittee has now updated the attached Implementation Plan (Attachment 3) with

information about the training and recruitment of referees in 2019

information on coaching initiatives in 2019

updated information on the publicity officer network

activities funded by the State Government under Together More Active

2020 activities from the Infrastructure plan

It notes that the training of coaches is on hold pending the development by ACA of a system of coach qualifications.

We have asked the various State coordinators about their plans for 2020 and propose to bring a further update of the Implementation Plan to Council in February 2020.


Sarina Cevaal-Hewitt, Kate Patrick; Jim Clement (ex officio)

Attachment 1: Current status of Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020

191216Strategic Plan Implementation Sub-Committee Report to Council Page 3 of 4

STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-2020: overview of current status

The current Strategic Plan was endorsed in December 2015 and runs through to the end of calendar year 2020.

The overall vision for Croquet Victoria was for “the Victorian croquet community to be active, engaged, and growing”. The plan focused on governance, membership, image, and capability. Progress has been made in all these areas.

Governance (goal: Council and Committee members aware of responsibilities). A workshop for Council members was followed by pilot workshops for regional and club committee members. Resource materials are available online. An induction pack has been developed and provided to new members of Council.

Membership (goal: more members in the 30 – 60 y.o. age group). At the end of Croquet Victoria’s financial year on 31 March 2019, it had more members than at any time since the 1970s. It is unclear how many are in the target age group – probably not many.

Image (goals: presence in social media; croquet positioned as a sport in the media; croquet seen as part of future planning for sports in the community) Active presence on Facebook by Croquet Victoria, some regions and a majority of clubs; Croquet Vic Twitter feed and Instagram presence. Live streaming of croquet has been initiated in Victoria and actively picked up internationally. Croquet is reported regularly in some local papers (less often in the national media). Planning proposals and resources have been provided for local government; positive responses have been received from many LGAs. A network of club publicity officers is increasingly active. A workshop for publicity officers and contacts was held in October and a publicity officer manual is now available online along with other resources to help clubs grow.

Capability (goals: more members locally active as referees, coaches, tournament managers; new clubs; more clubs with lights) Tournament management resource has been developed and a pool of tournament managers established. Regular refresher and training sessions for referees. Development of coaching inhibited by undeveloped ACA coaching system. Five new clubs formed in regional areas, though six with small memberships have closed. Two additional clubs have lights.

This plan focused on areas for development. It did not encompass existing activities or resource allocation, which are within scope for the new Strategic Plan.

Attachment 2: CV Maria Harvey

191216Strategic Plan Implementation Sub-Committee Report to Council Page 4 of 4

Maria Harvey Background, skills and experience

Maria began her working life after completing 4 years training as a TAFE teacher. As a mature aged student she later upgraded that qualification to BEd (TAFE). She ultimately had senior responsibilities in TAFE NSW, including as a Senior Head Teacher and Acting Deputy Principal, and as a senior member of the regional team responsible for 13 colleges with 6000+ students.

In partnership with her husband she operated a small retail/wholesale business for 30 years. She was an active member of the local Chamber of Commerce and over time spent two years in each of its executive positions. For 14 years she was actively involved in Beechworth’s tourism promotion and business development.

Her ongoing studies have included short courses in small business management, accounting, dealing with media, marketing, mediation and conflict resolution. She has found the training provided by VCA such as Secretary's Satchel and the resources provided on VCA website to be invaluable. Particularly, as she came to croquet with no sporting experience.

She started playing croquet at Beechworth in 2012, at a time when the Beechworth club had less than a handful of active members and only one of its two courts in use. The club is now thriving, with 32 members and two beautiful well-kept lawns meeting the needs of 2/3 of members who enjoy social play and a strongly competitive 1/3 who compete on a regional basis.

Maria has had local club responsibilities (including committee member, secretary, and vice president) and has also been the NEDCA secretary for two years. She instigated a Referee training course for the region. She is currently secretary of the Beechworth CC mother club, the Beechworth Senior Citizens Club and Vice President Beechworth Croquet Club.

Maria is an accredited GC coach and plays off a GC handicap of 7. She is Beechworth’s coaching contact.

191216Director's Portfolios Page 1 of 1

DIRECTORS PORTFOLIOS PROPOSAL The Director named first will have leading responsibility with other Director(s) named providing support. No Director has been allocated more than two areas of responsibility. Finance ...........................................................Jim Saunders (Treasurer) with Brian Rowe (specific

tasks) Child Safety ....................................................Nancy Hatherell (Under 21 Coordinator) with Hetty

Veldman Development of Juniors .................................Nancy Hatherell (Under 21 Coordinator) with Lynne

Roberts Building Maintenance .................................... Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt with Charles Rees and Jim

Saunders Director / Office Bearer Induction .................Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt Policy Review .................................................Wayne Worladge with Hetty Veldman Strategic Plan Development ..........................Kate Patrick with Sarina Cevaal-Hewitt and Charles Rees

[appointed members of the Strategic Plan 2021-2025 Working Group] with Wayne Worladge

Equipment Library ..........................................Lorraine Gutcher Using Social Media .........................................Sarina Cevaal-Hewitt Marketing .......................................................Kate Patrick [convenor, Marketing and Publicity sub-

committee] Facility Infrastructure Implementation ..........unallocated. Folded into Strategic Plan Implementation. Workplace Health and Safety ........................Lorraine Gutcher and Jim Saunders


Annex J to

Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes

16 December 2019

191216Provision of Liquor and Catering_at_VCCdraft_rev_policy.doc Page 1 of 3

Policy review: Liquor and catering at VCC


As part of the systematic review of Croquet Victoria policies, Council requested the President, Vice President and Administrator to review and update the policy on Liquor and Catering at VCC, which dates back to August 2011.


The principles underlying the existing policy are reaffirmed.

New section headings have been introduced to clarify the various matters addressed by the policy, that is to say: prices; service of liquor; non-alcoholic beverages; supply of beverages; nominee and staff.

The draft policy includes additional provisions as follows:


responsibility for providing guidance on setting prices

annual report to CoM on the financial outcomes of external bookings and croquet related events

Service of liquor

the significance and location of the redline plan

responsibility for informing relevant people of the terms of the liquor licence and the location of the redline plan

Nominee and staff

responsibility for appointment of nominee

responsibilities of nominee

engagement and supervision of bar and catering staff

These additions are highlighted in the appended document.

Jim Clement, Kate Patrick, Sandra Kastanaras


Annex K to Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes 16 December 2019

191216Provision of Liquor and Catering_at_VCCdraft_rev_policy.doc Page 1 of 3

Provision of Liquor and Catering at VCC Policy The Victorian Croquet Centre should operate in a manner which does not impose costs upon the many members of Victorian croquet clubs who do not regularly use the facilities. Consequently, the provision of liquor and catering for the croquet community (including gateball players) must be conducted to achieve profitability from the bar and kitchen.

1. PRICES For croquet events, prices for both the bar and catering will be set at a moderate level, taking into account the costs involved and the availability of qualified volunteer labour. If a croquet-related event or function wishes to provide drinks and other bar beverages to members or guests, then that event or function will be billed at these prices.

For pre-booked functions where bar service has been arranged, prices will be set at a commercially competitive level which provides an appropriate profit after taking relevant costs into account.

The Committee of Management is responsible for monitoring the financial outcomes resultant from events at VCC and for reviewing the approach to pricing accordingly. The nominee and the Administrator will report annually to the Committee of Management on their approach to pricing and the net financial outcome of croquet-related and externally booked events at VCC.

2. SERVICE OF LIQUOR Croquet Victoria holds a licence for the limited supply of liquor on the premises. We are committed to complying with the licence conditions.

The liquor licence at the Victorian Croquet Centre authorises the licensee to supply liquor:

on the licensed premises to a member of the club or a guest of a member for consumption on the licensed premises;

on a part or parts of the licensed premises to a person attending a pre-booked function for consumption in the area where the function is being conducted

by staff holding the Responsible Service of Alcohol certificate.

Generally speaking, alcohol may be consumed anywhere on the premises with some exceptions, as defined in the redline plan, which is displayed in the bar.

Liquor supplied under this licence may only be purchased from the holder of a general or packaged liquor licence. Consistent with the terms of the licence, all liquor consumed by members or guests must be purchased from the VCC bar at prices set by the bar management.

It is the responsibility of the nominee as designated from time to time to ensure that relevant employees and event organisers are aware of the terms of the liquor licence and the whereabouts of the redline plan.

3. NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Players are welcome to bring non-alcoholic drinks to VCC for their own consumption during play. However, members and guests may not bring non-alcoholic drinks to VCC for the purposes of supplying an event or function.

4. SUPPLY OF BEVERAGES If some non-standard liquor or other drink is desired for an event, VCC will undertake special purchases to meet reasonable requirements.

5. NOMINEE AND STAFF The Croquet Victoria Committee of Management is responsible for nominating an appropriate person to act as licensee and for notifying the Liquor Licensing Board (LLB) of changes in the nominee from time to time. The nominee’s responsibilities will include determining appropriate prices for catering and beverages, in line with this policy.

Subject to guidance by the relevant office-bearer, the Administrator Croquet Victoria is responsible for arranging for bar and catering services to be provided by appropriately qualified staff (ie bar

191216Provision of Liquor and Catering_at_VCCdraft_rev_policy.doc Page 2 of 3

staff with current RSA certification, and kitchen staff under the direction of an employee with a Food Handling qualification) as required by legislation.

Adopted by VCA Council 9th August 2011

Changes proposed by Jim Clement, Kate Patrick and Sandra Kastanaras

for consideration by Council at its meeting on 16 December 2019

191216Reimbursement of Expenses for Grant Funded Activities Policy.docx Page 1 of 1



As part of its systematic review of Council policies, Council appointed a working group comprising

Kate Patrick, Lynne Roberts and Janet Leckie-Brunton to

1. Ascertain whether budgets for grant funded activities should include provision for reimbursing members who use their own cars for travel associated with delivering the grant-funded activity.

2. If so, determine and recommend a fair and reasonable contribution for this purpose.


1. Inclusion of operating cost reimbursement in grant budgets

We note that the Australian Tax Office allows claims of 68c / km for work-related travel.

Members involved in delivering workshops and other activities for projects for which Croquet Victoria is funded are providing a service which encourages Clubs in the area of “Growing Croquet” and other matters so as to assist Regions and Clubs generally to expand. If a funded project can contribute to meeting their costs, we believe these members should not be unreasonably out of pocket.

We recommend that submissions for grants include provision for reimbursing members when they use their cars for travel associated with the delivery of a grant-funded activity.

2. Level of contribution

The RACV has calculated that car operating costs (including depreciation, on-road costs, repairs, registration, insurance and fuel) are between 42 cents per km and $1.02 per km, depending on the size of the car.

Currently Croquet Victoria reimburses fuel costs only, at the rate of about 15 cents per km. We do not provide reimbursement for other costs involved in keeping a car on the road.

We have been advised that Croquet Australia and Croquet NSW both provide reimbursement for costs including petrol, at the following rates:

Croquet Australia 31 c / km

Croquet NSW 25 c / km

We recommend that for Grant Funded Activities, presenters should be reimbursed at the rate of 30c per kilometre.

This amount would include any claims for petrol. It is intended to contribute also towards the cost of wear and tear and servicing.

We suggest that the amount is reviewed in three years time (2022) along with other reimbursement amounts.

This proposal has been discussed and is supported by the Committee of Management

Kate Patrick, Janet Leckie-Brunton, Lynne Roberts


Annex L to Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes 16 December 2019

191216NEDCA Regional Report to Council Page 1 of 2

General update of information regarding NEDCA Region for December 2019 VCA

Council Meeting.

Update by Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt Regional Director.

Albury Croquet Club inc. Has around 44 members mostly playing Golf Croquet.

Some still play Association and some Ricochet. The club bought a defibrillator with

the assistance of grants from the Commercial Club Albury and West Albury Rotary


St John's Ambulance then ran a very successful training session on resuscitation and

the use of the defibrillator.

West Albury Rotary expressed an interest in a 'Come and Try' evening which was

enjoyed by more than 30 of their members.

The Army Reserve Pay Administration office asked to run a team building exercise

on our courts and this was so successful they are keen to do so again. This was an

excellent opportunity to introduce the game to a younger demographic.

Beechworth Croquet Club An active membership around 30 members with one

non-playing Life Member.

The large number of volunteers from within the club who ensure that the grounds

are well maintained and the club well administered.

Golf Croquet is mostly played, but some are now trying Ricochet

It has 2 'A' Courts. We have a social day once a year.

Beechworth won the Golf Croquet Pennant, the NEDCA Golf Croquet Handicap

Doubles and members entered the Croquet Australia Golf Croquet Handicap

Doubles and Singles at Twin City.

Benalla Tennis and Croquet Club has 36 members, they play twice a week and hold

Social Days and NEDCA qualifying events for the region. Mostly Golf Croquet with

two playing Association Croquet.

Bright Croquet Club currently provide personnel to fill the Administrative positions for

NEDCA Region.

They have 31 members which includes 1 junior. They play Association, Golf and

Ricochet some members travel for competition. A coaching day was held at the

club with great success with attendance of ten members plus a successful Seniors

Festival 'Come and Try'.

Cobram Croquet Club has10 members and play at the Cobram Tennis and Croquet

Club. They are next in line to provide the NEDCA Executive.

Corowa Civic Croquet Club shares space with the Lawn Bowling Club, the facility is

council owned. Of the 17 members about 12 play at least weekly. The club is

hoping to run a social day in the new year.

Howlong Golf Resort Croquet has 26 members has just gone through court

refurbishment. With 3 'A" courts, all Golf Resort members are also entitled to play

croquet. The club plays mainly Golf Croquet with a one trying Ricochet Croquet

and two trying Gateball next year.

Annex M to Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes 16 December 2019

191216NEDCA Regional Report to Council Page 2 of 2

Twin City Croquet Club Inc Has 14 full members plus 4 associate members. They play

Golf, Association and Ricochet Croquet at any time it is requested. Coaching is

provided on request.

The club has had a very successful year, It has held a $1500 prize money

Championship as well as the ACA Handicap Singles and Doubles Championship in

late September.

A successful grant submission from AlburyCity for another 2 sets of Quadway hoops

and 3 sets of balls.

Purchase of equipment and accessories moving toward being able to

accommodate up to 12 full size courts.

Twin City Publicity Officer organised a very successful and informative session with

the Physio Therapists practice 'Health Focus' with approximately 22 participants.

Wangaratta Croquet Club has 42 members. The club is on Council land and the

club members do all the required maintenance, They play mostly Golf Croquet with

some members playing Ricochet.

Walla Walla Croquet Club play on lawn bowling greens at the Walla Lawn Bowls

Club where they share the Clubhouse and facilities, they have about 16 members

but only 10 full time players as the rest are still at work they play Golf Croquet and


Wodonga Croquet Club has 40 members, playing at the Wodonga Tennis

Association Courts, a recent grant saw them print a history of the club. Celebrations

are planned for next year to mark 20 years at the current location.

Yarrawonga has 73 members, they play on 4 courts at the Yarrawonga Golf Resort

they play Association and Golf.

In summary we have 12 clubs, 382 members, 7 Foundation level Coaches, 7 with

Golf Croquet endorsements, 1 with Association Croquet endorsement and 4 with

Ricochet Croquet endorsements.

We have 1 Tutor in Association Croquet, 2 Tutors in Golf Croquet, 6 Association

Croquet Referees, 1 Association Croquet Umpire.

We have 10 Golf Croquet Referees and 4 Ricochet Referees.

191216 Together More Active Player Development Project Working Group Report to Council Page 1 of 3

Together More Active Croquet Victoria Player Development Project Working Group

Draft terms of reference


Croquet Victoria has been funded by Sport and Recreation Victoria to undertake a Together More Active Player Development Project. Under the terms of the funding, TMA projects are to be overseen by a Project Control Group which will include relevant SRV staff, members of the recipient organisation, and potentially members of the target community group. Meetings are expected to be fairly frequent (monthly or bimonthly), possibly by Skype.

SRV wants constant access to projects so they can provide real-time sharing, learning and publicity.

It is envisaged that this project will be overseen by a Croquet Vic TMA Player Development Project Working Group, acting as the project control group as mentioned above.

The work of the project will be coordinated by this group under the leadership of its chair.

Council is asked to decide on the Terms of Reference for the TMA PDP Working Group – draft appended.

Tricia Devlin, Sarina Cevaal-Hewitt, Kate Patrick, Jim Clement Interim Working Group


Annex N to Croquet Victoria Council Meeting Minutes 16 December 2019

191216 Together More Active Player Development Project Working Group Report to Council Page 2 of 3


Together More Active Player Development Project Working Group

This working group is tasked with coordinating Croquet Victoria’s Together More Active Player Development Project

This project aims to

1. increase regular and ongoing participation in croquet as a sport 2. provide players with structured opportunities to develop their play.

Subsidiary outcomes include:

1. Improve opportunities for coach and official development 2. Improve sport governance 3. Continue to attract international and national sporting events to Victoria 4. Improve understanding of issues relating to and impacting on sport in Victoria

Appointment The TMA PDP Working Group will have at least four and up to six members appointed by the Council of Croquet Victoria:

members and non-members nominated by Regions or Clubs

coopted members recommended by the Working Group

In addition it will include

one or two members nominated by Sport and Recreation Victoria

Council will appoint the Chair of the Working Group. It is to elect a Secretary from within its members.


The Working Group is to oversee the project for the duration of the funding provided by the State Government, subject to the timeline agreed with SRV.

It is to provide a final report and recommendations to Council following the expiration of the project. Its term of office expires when its final report has been accepted by Council.

Reports and minutes The TMA PDP Working Group is to provide a progress report to each regular meeting of the Croquet Victoria Council, through the Secretary. Reports are to include details of activities and expenditure. Additionally, the PDP WG is to provide reports as required for Sport and Recreation Victoria, and contribute items to Malletsports and Facebook.

Minutes of each meeting of the Working Group are to be provided to the Croquet Victoria Secretary within seven (7) days of such meeting, to be made available to Croquet Victoria Council members.

Qualifications for TMA PDP Working Party Membership To be a member of the TMA PDP Working Group, a member needs to have experience relevant to the duties of the Working Group.

Duties The TMA PDP Working Group will act as a project control group with responsibility for managing the TMA Player Development Project, in line with the Croquet Victoria submission to Sport and Recreation Victoria and subject to guidance by the Croquet Victoria Council.

191216 Together More Active Player Development Project Working Group Report to Council Page 3 of 3

Specific responsibilities include:

1. PROJECT TIMELINE In consultation with Sport and Recreation Victoria and the Croquet Victoria Council (or Committee of Management?), to develop, implement and monitor a project timeline for delivering local weekend workshops for players at different levels of achievement (Beginning, Developing, Advanced).

2. INVOLVEMENT OF COACHES To recruit, brief and coordinate the involvement of appropriate leading coaches in both Association Croquet and Golf Croquet. Includes preparation of a role description for leading coaches.

To recruit and brief additional coaches as required for coaching weekends.

3. INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION To publicise the project to potential participants and support the organisation of coaching weekends, including consultation with regional associations and arrangements for venues.

4. GUIDANCE FOR COACHES To obtain and circulate documentation for the assistance of participating coaches.

5. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES AND BUDGET To oversee the distribution of funding to defray expenses involved with the project, including the costs of coaches and training weekends in line with the project application.

6. OVERSEE PROJECT To evaluate and monitor risks and achievements.

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