vilma, margie, and gaby 1941-1943. newspapers during after pearl harbor is attacked

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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Vilma, Margie, and Gaby


Newspapers during after Pearl Harbor is attacked

TimeLine On December 7, 1941 the submarines of the imperial

Japanese navy began attack on the U.S At 06:05 on December 7, the six Japanese carriers

launched a first wave of 183 planes composed mainly of dive bombers.

At 8.3 second wave of 17o Japanese planes attacked the fleet anchored in pearl harbor.

Overall nine of the U.S fleet were sunk and 21 ships were severely damaged.

Overall death toll reached 2350 including 68 civilians and 1178 injured.

The first shots fired were from the destroyer Ward on a midget submarine that had surfaced outside of Pearl Harbor; Ward did successfully sink the midget sub at approximately 06:55, about an hour before the assault on Pearl Harbor.

  Commander-in-Chief of the Combined FleetAdmiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Airplane used to attack Pearl Harbor

Declaring War On December 8, 1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt

declares war on Japan In 1933, Adolf Hitler became the leader of

Germany, and under Nazi power, Germany began to rearm and pursue new foreign policy by demanding the cession territories which were historically a part of Germany.

Italy and Germany (Hitler) Japan’s allies, declared war on the United States on December 11, 1941, making the U.S. a full partner in the war against Germany.

U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the declaration of war against Japan, December 8, 1941.

Benito Mussolini, was the prime minister of Italy (1922-1943).

Adolf Hitler - Nazi dictator of Germany (1933-45), planned and started World War 2

Relocating Japanese-Americans In February 19, 1942, President Franklin

D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order No. 9066, which forced around 120,000 Japanese-Americans in the western part of the United States to relocate.

This was the result of prejudice and wartime hysteria after Pearl Harbor was bombed Japanese-Americans had to

surrender their photo cameras (and radios) to the U.S. authorities who confiscated it.

Battle of Stalingrad Fought during the winter of 1942 to 1943 The turning point in World War II in Europe Russia defeated Germany and after this defeat, the Germany

Army was in full retreat Stalingrad was also an important target as it was Russia’s centre

of communications in the south as well as being a centre for manufacturing.

The Germans simply did not have enough manpower to cope with the Russian advance to Germany when it came

The Battle of Stalingrad gave us all hope. Hope that the war would end and everything would be back to normal. The Germans and the Japanese would be defeated.

Some of the most brutal fighting took place at Stalingrad. Seen here are the Russian soldiers turning the tide.

This is what remained of this city after the Battle for Stalingrad

Battle of Singapore Considered one of the greatest defeats in the history of the

British Army and probably Britain’s worst defeat in World War II Clearly illustrated the way Japan was to fight in the Far East– a

combination of speed and savagery that only ended with the use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in August 1945.

The attack on Singapore lasted from 8 February 1942 to 15 February 1942

Battle of Singapore, Old Ford Motor Factory

When I heard about the Battle of Singapore I was shocked. This gave the Japanese more military power.

Dear Helen,I miss you dearly and I can’t wait till all this gets over with. I’m now part of the 42nd Infantry Regiment of the United States Army. I believe serving for my country is freedom for not only me and my family but for every citizen of the United States. I know it will be hard to understand, but my decision is made up.

However this decision isn’t easy, for you and the rest of my family are now being forced to relocate because the Executive Order 9066. I can’t explain how confused I am about all this. I’m trying to do what’s right and they send my family to be relocated in camps. We have landed in North France. It’s very hard to determine whether we are going to win the war right now, German resistance is very strong. However we were able to move steadily forward in all sectors against fierce German resistance.I hope to see you soon.

With all my love, James Lee

Dear James Lee,It seems as to me that there is no hope for the Japanese Americans here in the United States. We were forced to relocate and had 48 hours to do so. We were allowed only one suitcase each. We had to sell the house for one fourth of what we bought it and we lost the business.It is tough. Leaving all I have known to be relocated as a prisoner. Its unfair! I am very angry at the government, but I can’t do anything about it. I must keep quite and there's been a lot of prejudice since Pearl Harbor. I won’t lose my faith however, I will fight for my rights.

I love you,Helen

Dear Helen,As we received word to scramble from camp, my

best friend from boot camp had lost a duffle(his clothing and equipment). My transport was forced to leave without me; the Lieutenant told me I could ride in his jeep, which was supposed to be reserved for officers only. We finally found the duffle, my friend and I hopped into the Lt's jeep with the driver, and we fell in line with the convoy. Several hours into the trip, the road was ambushed by German forces, hiding out along the hillside. An explosion from a mortar forced their jeep off the road into a ravine several hundred feet. it all went down so quickly. His best friend was nowhere to be found; later it was discovered that out of the four occupants of the jeep, my grandfather was the only survivor.

I’m getting sent home. I will be landing in Texas first and then at Long Beach California, where the only Veterans Administration hospital is located. I’m very happy to be going home, but I’m terribly afraid I might be in a wheelchair and be paralyzed from the waist down. I lost my left arm from the accident.

Coming Home Soon,James Lee


Young Americans of Japanese descent who have just arrived at an assembly center, wait to have their bags inspected

Tule Relocation Center, Newell, California 1942 or1943.Japanese-American camp, war evacuation.

Japanese Americans getting off trains to go to relocation camps

Another camp in the United States

Living in the camps is very hard. However I feel safer because I’m surrounded with people of my own country.

Posters in World War IIPoster to get people join the

air service.

Asking men to register for the Marine corps.

“Rosie the Riveter became popular during World War II when women joined the work force in support of troops serving overseas. encouraging women to join the work force. Six million women replaced the men who left for war in the factories, shipyards and industrial plants.

Weapons usedArmor piercing shell of the APBC1 Light weight ballistic cap2 Steel alloy piercing shell3 Desensitized bursting charge (TNT, Trinitrophenol, RDX...)4 Fuse (set with delay to explode inside the target)5 Bourrelet (front) and driving band (rear)

Iron Bombs: ›Variety of sizes: 100, 250, 500 & 1000 pounds ›Variety of types: high explosive, incendiary & amour piercing

The Japanese used this type of bomb for the attack on Pearl Harbor

The Japanese carrier Kaga pitches in heavy sea in the North Pacific in early December 1941, en route to the attack on Pearl Harbor. This is a still frame from a Japanese motion picture captured in 1943. U.S. Nava


•Japanese Government money during WWII•Known as “Mickey Mouse” money because it was similar to play money and becoming worthless•75 Mickey Mouse pesos, or about 35 U.S. dollars at that time, could buy one duck egg. In 1944, a box of matches cost more than 100 Mickey Mouse pesos

Uniform used during World War II

World War 42nd Infantry Regiment badge

Works Cited;_ylt=A0WTefgFa9BLbjoA2VeJzbkF?fr2=sg-gac&sado=1&p=executive%20order%209066%20camps&fr=yfp-t-701-s&ei=utf-8&x=wrt

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