vincenzo chianese - rest, for real! - codemotion milan 2017

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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Resilient API Design with REST and API Gateway

Previously known as REST, for REAL!


Vincenzo Chianese, @d3dvincent

Who am I?


• • • •

The Challenge

Express Gateway

Monolith vs. Microservices

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Business requirements change rapidly AND continuously – so the need for shipping updated version of your app are increasing exponentially.

A microservice app Continuous updating in parts.

A monolithic app All or nothing — a big, giant thing that can’t

fit through the shipping door.


Express Gateway

Microservices: an ideal that’s been out there for a long time

Decades of best practices in the modern web era

Web-scale experiences (Amazon, Google, Netflix, etc)

Cloud native technologies — Microservices as individual processes— Processes encapsulated in containers— Containers orchestrated

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Express Gateway

Microservices and APIs

The natural evolution of microservices are APIs to the “N” client - client traditionally was built by the company, but now can be built by anyone

APIs = business leverage and amplification

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Architectural styles

7Express Gateway09/11/17

Big central window A lot of towersDark roof colorTwo top towers


Express Gateway

An Architectural Style, Not a Fixed BlueprintMicroservices are the new norm – but also more of an architectural style

There are too many ways to slice and dice Examples

Problem 1: Services can be discreetly defined in many ways – Business capability– Domain and subdomains– Model

Problem 2: Deployment units can vary in granularity – How many services per host?– What services per host?

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Microservices: a new set of problems to deal with


2. Propagation of server implementation details to the client

1. Duplication of code among services

3. A lot more we’re not going to look into now

Express Gateway09/11/17

Express Gateway

API Gateway PatternProblem 1: Disparate Microservices

Solution: Centralized Middleware Public APIs

• Authentication• Security• Traffic Control• Ops• Logging• Transformations• Etc

API Gateway

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Client Only for internal usage

Only for specific partners

AWS Lambda, etc

Express Gateway

API Gateway Pattern (cont’d)Problem 2: Different Granularity Required

Solution: Orchestration

• Optimized endpoints• Request collapsing• And more

API Gateway

Invoices DB schema

Customers DB schema

Orders DB schema

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12Express Gateway09/11/17

Roy Fielding — dissertation published on 2000

A system that has the following features: – Stateless– Layered– Code on Demand– Client/Server– Uniform interface

Rationale on deployment of HTTP/1.1

REST definition

Everything is a resource!


No.No!Express Gateway09/11/17

Uniform interface


Resource identification in requests – URI

Resource manipulation through representations – HTTP Content Negotiation mechanism

Self descriptive messages – Headers + payload contain all the data you need

Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State – HTML is an Hypermedia format

Express Gateway09/11/17

Hypermedia examples

<span>Name: Vincenzo!</span> <span>Surname: Chianese!</span> <a type="invoice" href="https:!//customers.apitest.lan/invoices/">Get Invoices!</a>


<h1>Main menu!</h1> <a href="https:!//customers.apitest.lan/">List customers!</a> <a href="https:!//customers.apitest.lan/">Add new customer!</a> <a href="https:!//invoices.apitest.lan/">List invoices!</a> <a href="https:!//invoices.apitest.lan/">Add invoices!</a> <h1>Customers!</h1>

<div> <div>Vincenzo Chianese <a href="https:!//customers.apitest.lan/1" type="customerDetail">!</a> !</div> <div>Customer 2 <a href="https:!//customers.apitest.lan/2" type="customerDetail">!</a> !</div> <div>Customer 3 <a href="https:!//customers.apitest.lan/3" type="customerDetail">!</a> !</div> !</div>

Express Gateway09/11/17

Real HTML example<header class="site-header"> <section class="wrapper"> <a href="/" class="logo"> <svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="http:!//!!" xmlns:xlink="http:!//!!" viewBox="0 0 575 88"><defs><style>.eglogo-1{fill:#128595}.eglogo-2{fill:url(#linear-gradient)}.eglogo-3{fill:url(#linear-gradient-2)}.eglogo-4{fill:url(#linear-gradient-3)}.eglogo-5{fill:url(#linear-gradient-4)}.eglogo-6{fill:#ffc50a}!</style><linearGradient id="linear-gradient" x1="33.87" y1="82.81" x2="219.98" y2="-138.99" gradientTransform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 90)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#116c7b">!</stop><stop offset=".05" stop-color="#1e7989">!</stop><stop offset=".17" stop-color="#3d97ab">!</stop><stop offset=".3" stop-color="#55afc5">!</stop><stop offset=".43" stop-color="#66c0d8">!</stop><stop offset=".57" stop-color="#71cbe3">!</stop><stop offset=".72" stop-color="#74cee7">!</stop><stop offset=".73" stop-color="#74cee7">!</stop><stop offset="1" stop-color="#74cee7">!</stop>!</linearGradient><linearGradient id="linear-gradient-2" x1="31.11" y1="80.5" x2="217.22" y2="-141.3" xlink:href="#linear-gradient">!</linearGradient><linearGradient id="linear-gradient-3" x1="10.58" y1="63.27" x2="196.69" y2="-158.52" xlink:href="#linear-gradient">!</linearGradient><linearGradient id="linear-gradient-4" x1="18.88" y1="70.23" x2="204.99" y2="-151.56" xlink:href="#linear-gradient">!</linearGradient>!</defs><title>Artboard 1!</title><path class="eglogo-1" d="M122 28c-9.11 0-15.73 7.45-15.73 17.73v.5c0 10.71 6.33 17.63 16.13 17.63 7.13 0 12.41-3.74 14.12-10l.15-.46h-2l-.14.29c-1.48 5.34-5.92 8.41-12.18 8.41-8.94 0-14.13-6-14.27-16.35h28.6V44.6c.05-5.36-1.46-9.74-4.37-12.68A14.17 14.17 0 0 0 122 28zm0 1.85c7.83 0 12.63 5.29 12.87 14.15h-26.64c.55-8.49 6.07-14.17 13.77-14.17zM166 28.57l.15-.19h-2.31L152.5 43.79l-11.54-15.41h-2.31l12.59 16.82-13.39 18.22h2.31l12.34-16.81 12.47 16.63v.18h2.48L153.76 45.2 166 28.57zM187.9 28c-6.85 0-12 4.7-14.27 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11.82-9.72-.02-6.74-3.8-8.64-11.3-9.95zM298.42 44.58c-8.22-1.49-10.6-3.19-10.6-7.58 0-4.23 3.81-7.08 9.47-7.08s9 2.42 9.88 7.18v.32H309V37c-.9-5.83-5-8.91-11.72-8.91s-11.4 3.66-11.4 8.91c0 6.17 4 8 12 9.42 7.78 1.38 9.8 3 9.8 8 0 4.77-4 8-9.87 8-3.75 0-10.21-1.18-11.37-9.08V53h-1.85v.44c.61 6.67 5.71 10.81 13.32 10.81 7 0 11.82-4 11.82-9.72-.01-6.74-3.81-8.64-11.31-9.95zM355.67 36.53A14.24 14.24 0 0 0 342.1 28c-9.4 0-16.22 7.12-16.22 16.92v.5c0 11.69 7.9 16.92 15.72 16.92a15.41 15.41 0 0 0 14.08-8.83v7.29c0 10.72-7.44 13-13.67 13-3.57 0-12-.86-13.47-8.78v-.33h-2v.44a11.48 11.48 0 0 0 4.22 7.15c2.79 2.22 6.59 3.35 11.3 3.35 10 0 15.53-5.23 15.53-14.72V28.38h-2zm0 8.37v.5c0 9.9-7.08 15.07-14.08 15.07-8.37 0-13.77-5.92-13.77-15.07v-.5c0-8.93 5.87-15.17 14.27-15.17 8.13 0 13.58 6.09 13.58 15.17zM378.2 28c-7.16 0-12.31 3.93-13.12 10v.42h1.85v-.3c1-5.27 5.11-8.3 11.28-8.3 6.83 0 9.88 3.26 9.88 10.57v3.27h-9.39c-10.1 0-15.23 3.54-15.23 10.53 0 6.06 4.68 9.83 12.23 9.83 7.34 0 11-3.83 12.38-5.82v5.32h2V40.4C390 32.16 386 28 378.2 28zm9.88 17.35v7.75c0 4.78-5.78 9-12.37 9s-10.28-2.83-10.28-8c0-6.07 4.09-8.77 13.28-8.77zM407 62.08c-3.83 0-5.78-2.31-5.78-6.87v-25h10.1v-1.73h-10.2v-7.8h-2v7.8H394v1.75h5.2v25c0 5.63 2.74 8.72 7.73 8.72a14.74 14.74 0 0 0 4.31-.64l.24-.07.27-.13v-1.88l-.46.15a14.06 14.06 0 0 1-4.29.7zM429.6 28c-9.11 0-15.72 7.45-15.72 17.73v.5c0 10.71 6.33 17.63 16.13 17.63 7.13 0 12.41-3.74 14.12-10l.15-.46h-1.95l-.14.29c-1.49 5.31-5.93 8.39-12.19 8.39-8.94 0-14.13-6-14.27-16.35h28.6V44.6c.05-5.33-1.46-9.71-4.39-12.66A14.15 14.15 0 0 0 429.6 28zm-13.77 16c.55-8.47 6.06-14.15 13.77-14.15s12.63 5.26 12.87 14.15zM480.5 60.49l-10.18-32.03-.03-.08h-1.48L458.5 60.49l-10.18-32.03-.03-.08h-2.06l11.04 34.74v.3h2.22l10.01-31.31 9.79 60.49zM509 28c-7.16 0-12.31 3.93-13.12 10v.42h1.85v-.3c1-5.27 5.11-8.3 11.28-8.3 6.83 0 9.88 3.26 9.88 10.57v3.27h-9.39c-10.1 0-15.22 3.54-15.22 10.53 0 6.06 4.68 9.83 12.22 9.83 7.34 0 11-3.83 12.38-5.82v5.32h2V40.4C520.83 32.16 516.85 28 509 28zm-2.5 34.1c-6.63 0-10.28-2.83-10.28-8 0-6.07 4.09-8.77 13.28-8.77h9.38v7.77c0 4.78-5.79 8.98-12.38 8.98zM551.52 28.38l-12.42 30-12.77-29.71v-.29h-2.12l13.85 32.42-5.97 14.35-.08.18h2.07l19.23-46.37.29-.58h-2.08z">!</path><path class="eglogo-2" d="M85.9 42.8l-1.8-3.1c-6-5.5-13.9-11.2-24.8-11.6-9.1-.3-14.3 3.2-21 7.6-.7.5-1.5 1-2.2 1.5a85.61 85.61 0 0 1 8 4.1c1.1.6 2.2 1.2 3.2 1.1.6 1.7.9 13.2-5.1 25.8-3.6 37.1-.5a4.27 4.27 0 0 1 .1 2.5c-10.5-3-22.3-4.6-34.4-.5 1.3.7 2.4 1.4 3.5 2.1 4.1 2.5 7 4.2 11.8 5.4 5.9 1.5 11.4-.3 17-2.9l1.8-3.2a3.63 3.63 0 0 0 0-4z">!</path><path class="eglogo-3" d="M33.8 36.2c1.2-.8 2.3-1.5 3.4-2.2 7-4.6 12.5-8.2 22.2-7.9 9.1.3 16.1 4 21.7 8.4l-11.5-20a4.08 4.08 0 0 0-3.6-2.1H33.4a4.2 4.2 0 0 0-3.6 2.1L18.1 35c.9-.2 1.8-.4 2.9-.6a26.65 26.65 0 0 1 12.8 1.8z">!</path><path class="eglogo-4" d="M21.2 36.4a26.78 26.78 0 0 0-4.7 1.2l-3 5.2a3.58 3.58 0 0 0-.4 1.1 46.36 46.36 0 0 0 18.2-6.1c.1-.1.2-.1.3-.2a23 23 0 0 0-10.4-1.2z">!</path><path class="eglogo-5" 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16Express Gateway09/11/17

Can we make it with JSON?


Multiple JSON and Hypermedia friendly formats

HAL + JSON – Resources– Links

Siren – Entities– Links– Actions

RESTful JSON – Links– Resources

Express Gateway09/11/17

RESTful JSON specs

1. JSON objects MAY include a url property to indicate a link to itself


2. JSON objects MAY append _url to properties to indicate related links

Express Gateway09/11/17

{ "_id": "59fdb32de1e514001212698a", "name": "Vincenzo", "surname": "Chianese", "!__v": 0, "invoices_url": "http:!//invoices.apitest.lan:81/59fdb32de1e514001212698a/invoices", "url": "http:!//customers.apitest.lan:81/59fdb32de1e514001212698a" },

Where I am

Where can I go from here

Introducing Express Gateway

Express Gateway

Express GatewayWhy?

No matter what style - Microservices and APIs need Super GlueEveryone knows ExpressAlready Proven - countless people have rolled their own

What? A dynamic Express outfitted with Middleware for the API Gateway use case

When? July 2017

09/11/17 20

Express Gateway

Features and BenefitsCentralized Declarative Configuration - Manage, Control and Visualize API Consumer Management (users, apps, credentials, tokens etc.) – Get What You Need Most Express Middleware Driven Plugins – Getting Started is Dead Simple

Security – Peace of Mind Basic AuthorizationKey AuthorizationOauth 2.0CORS

Quality of Services –Your Way Dynamic RoutingSimple LoggerProxy with Load Balancer (coming soon)Rate LimiterJavaScript Expression

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Express Gateway


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Express Gateway


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Express Gateway7/27/17 24

Wrap Up

Express Gateway

Get Involved!How is this different?

A seamless and unified platform for developing, managing and orchestrating microservices and APIs insanely fast – managing is just the tip of the iceberg!

Installing is Dead Simple

09/11/17 25

$ npm install express-gateway

Express Gateway

Quick Plug - LunchBadgerBuild, Manage, Deploy your Microservices as APIs through One Unified Experience:

Express Gateway - ManagementExpress (LoopBack) - CompositionDocker and Kubernetes - Cloud Native Portable Runtime

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Express Gateway

Join Us!

09/11/17 27

Express Gateway ExpressGateway/express-gateway




Express Gateway

Thank You!

09/11/17 28


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