vineyard of the ukrainian orthodox church in canada … · (trans by thomas spidlik, drinking from...

Post on 07-Oct-2018






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Святкування100-річчя праці на Божій ниві

Української Православної Церкви в Канаді

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of labouring in God's Holy

Vineyard of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Canada

August 09-12 Saskatoon - 2018 - 9-12 серпня


Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity Парафіяльний Місячний Бюлетень - Parish Monthly Bulletin

Червень– 2018 – June

V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky

Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595

Sunday: Hours-9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy-10:00

Feast Days: Divine Lit-10:00 a.m. or as announced

Tropar — Tone 1:

As the beautiful fruit of Your salvific sowing,

our land offers to You, Lord, all the saints

glorified in it. By their prayers and the

prayers of the Theotokos keep our Church and

people in profound peace

Тропар — Голос 1

Як красний плід Твого спасительного сіяння,

земля наша приносить Тобі, Господи, всіх

святих, що в ній просіяли. Їхніми молитвами в

мирі глибокому Церкву і землю нашу

Богородицею збережи, Многомилостивий.

Всіх Святих Землі Русі-Української - All Saints of Rus’-Ukraine

Сердечно Вітаємо!

We extend a warm, cheerful, hearty Welcome

To all our Parishioners & Visitors Worshipping with us today!

Слава Ісусу Христу! Слава На Віки!

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the Divine Liturgy and after Vespers.

Проба Катедрального Хору / Cathedral Choir Rehearsal: Monday – 6:00 p.m.

Проба Хору Діброва / Dibrova Ukr. Folk Ensemble Rehearsal: Wednesday – 1:00 p.m.

"To our faithful and friends, who have come to worship with us,

we welcome you. Please come and join our family in regular weekly

worship in our Cathedral"

Дорогі парафіяни та друзі нашої Катедри, які відвідують наші

Богослужіння. Щиро запрошуємо Вас також приходити та

молитися разом із нами на наші буденні служби.

Junе / червень- Schedule of Services

Sun. June 3 Sunday 1 after Pentecost / Нед.1-ша по П’ятдес.

All Saints Day (All Saints Khram) / Всіх Святих

NO SERVICE at Cathedral – Нема Служби в Катедрі Пресвятої Тройці Tone 8 - Heb 11: 33 – 12:2 - Matt 10: 32-33, 37-38; 19:27-30

Service at: All Saints Orthodox Church on Louise St.

Sun. June10 Sunday 2 after Pentecost / Нед. 2-га по П’ятдес.

All Saints of Kyivan Rus'-Ukraine/Усіх святих, що на Русі-Україні просіяли

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone 1/Голос 1 - Romans 2:10-16 - Matthew 4:18-23

Hebrews 11:33-12:2 - Matthew 4:25-5:12 (Saints)

Sun. June 17 Sunday 3 after Pentecost / Нед. 3-тя по П’ятдес.

Synaxis of All Saints of Galacia/Собор Всіх Святих Галичини

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone 2/Голос 2 - Romans 5:1-10 - Matthew 6:22-33

Sun. June 24 Sunday 4 after Pentecost / Нед. 4-та по П’ятдес. Holy Apostles Bartholomew & Barnabas/ Свв Апп Варфолемя й Варнави

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone 3/Голос 3 - Rom 6:18-23 - Matt 8:5-13

Prayers for the Faithful - Молитви Для Вірних

Caleb Allen Nick Budzak Rose Chuhaniuk Nadia Demkiw

Nick Duch Kelly Helmke Lily Herman Toni Horachek

Michael Kerelchuk Rose Kerelchuk Paul Kodak Kay Kostyk

Alice Kowalsky Mary Maksuta Elaine Maksymiuk Wasyl Maskal

Ann Michayluk Dobr. Erika Olesiuk Myron Petrow Elsie Powalinsky

Peter Powalinsky Clark Remenda Susan Senko Michael Sorochka

Alexandra Shewchuk Elsie Stefanuk Walter Wachniak Ernie Wasylciw

Vera Webster

Please let Father Taras or Nadine Potts know of others whom we should remember in our prayers or when

you feel your name could be taken off the list.

Wedding Congratulations Весільні Вітання

Congratulations to / Вітаємо

Tyson Mayer and Yulia Koropetska

Хрещення Baptisms

We welcome the following to our Church family - Вітаємо

Nico-Nazari parents - Don and Darby Sovyn

Jack parents - Nicholas Connell & Kayla Bilokury


Збори Парафіяльної Управи Катедри: Слідуючі збори управи

Катедри відбудуться 12-го червня , год. 7:00 вечором. Як маєте щось

на увазі, яке відноситься до нашої катедри, прошу подайтеся до когось на управі.

Cathedral Parish Council Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 12

th at 7:00 pm in the Church basement.

If your have concerns or observations, concerning our cathedral parish,

please call one of the council members & express your thoughts.

Вечеря Вареників: Слідуюча вечеря вареників

відбудиться у п'ятницю, 22-го червня - Просимо всіх від

год. 5:00 – 7:00 вечором.

Ціна за вечерю з десертом є $12.00. Ковбаса та голубці окремо продаються.

Next All-You-Can-Eat Varenyky Supper:

Ukrainian Orthodox Auditorium on Friday, June 22th

from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Cost is $12.00 (includes dessert) Extras priced separately. Bring your family and friends

Frozen Varenyky/Perogies & Cabbage Roll sales: Saturday, June 23th 10am – 12:00

Збори Союзу Українок Канади – Відділь Ім. Ольги Кобилянської:

Слідуючі загальні збори Сoюзу відбудуться у неділю,

24-го червня о год. 1:00 по обіді. Запрошуємо всіx членкинь

U.W.A.C. – Olha Kobylianska Branch: will hold their regular

meeting on Sunday, June 24th

at 1:00 p.m.

Schedule of Work BeeS

Varenyky/ Perohy:

Prep: 8:00 am Wed: June 6th Pinching: 9:00 am Thurs: June 7th

Cabbage Roll Bees: May 31st / June 12th (We need extra help as we are making for FolkFest)

Last Bees for the Summer!

Товариство Українців Самостійників

Загальні Збори відбудутьса у четвер 21-го червня

о год. 5:30, гостинніст – о год. 6:00, вечеря і збори

USRA/TYC - Saskatoon ‘Steppe’ Branch:

Will hold their next general supper meeting on Thursday June 21st

At Mohyla Institute Social 5:30 – Supper – 6:00 - Meeting to follow

Verenyky Supper Friday June 22th Group 3 - Co-ordinators – Vesper &Nestor Kowalsky

Marsha Hrycuik Carol & Terry Shinkewski

Holly Stasiuk Myron Kowalsky Ilaria Powalinsky

Connie & John Demkiw Ruby Michalenko Larry Balion

Alice Sopatyk Adele Akoulov Don Hrytzak

Cheryl Fedusiak Larry & Alicia Klopoushak

Wezenet Ghebremedhin Cathy & Andrew Herman

Zane & Larise Skoretz Irene & Zenovie Kindrachuk

If you are unable to work your shift call one of the spares below:

Spares: Andriy & Janet Hawrysh, Randy Evans, Robert Rudy,

Tanya Smolyakov, Ron Trischuk, Maurice Werezak, Carol Cisecki,

Olena Gaivoronska

If you have any questions, call Vesper or Nestor at 306-931-0988

Verenyky Supper Work Crew

CYMK - Anna Papish Branch

Anna Papish Saskatoon CYMK has two outreach projects:

1) Ukrainian Credit Union to help soldiers and families affected

by the war in Ukraine who need medical help & rehabilitation

2) Items for Crisis Nursery are being collected by CYMK to

support the Crisis Nursery Projects.

The Saskatoon Crisis Nursery is a home away from home

whose families are experiencing a crisis.

For families who are in crisis, the Crisis Nursery offers a

24/7, 365 day a year safe haven for children where they are given nurturing care

while their parents receive the help they need

They are accepting:

- clothing from birth to 12 years

- toys (no stuffed toys), books and games in new or good condition

- $$ Money $$ donations will also be accepted for both projects.

Contact Reece Smith (306-371- 3325) or Linda Balon-Smith (306-260- 3385)

There were 165 hungry patrons served at the May Varenyky/Perogie Supper.

Thank you to Group 1, John & Cindy Didula’s Team for working so hard.

Проводи на Гробах Provody/Graveside Visitations

Dates for surrounding areas:

Melfort / Brooksby – June 3 North Battleford – June 10 Hafford – June 10

Wakaw – June 16 Meacham – June 16 (Note: date added since last bulletin – Service 10 am)

Nipawin, after Codette service – June 24 Glaslyn – July 15 Yellow Creek – July 15

Let us seek in the fountain of this garden ‘a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’

[John 4:14] We shall taste a joy that will never dry up, because the grace of the Bible garden

is inexhaustible. John Damascene, 8th century - from On the Orthodox Faith (Trans by Thomas Spidlik, Drinking from the Hidden Fountain: A Patristic Breviary, Cistercian Publications, Kalamazoo, MI - Spencer, MASS, 1994)

The Bible is a scented garden, delightful, beautiful. It

enchants our ears with birdsong in a sweet, divine

and spiritual harmony; it touches our heart, comforts

us in sorrow, soothes us in a moment of anger, and

fills us with eternal joy. Let us knock at its gate with

diligence and with perseverance. Let us not be

discouraged from knocking. The latch will be

opened. If we have read a page of the Bible two or

three times and have not understood it, let us not be

tired of re-reading it and meditating on it.

At the Garden Gate

Holy Trinity Icon Project Vera Senchuk has been commissioned to write an icon of the

Canadian Theokosis

This icon will be placed on the front of the choir loft wall.

This icon is part of the Holy Trinity Cathedral icon project

initiated by Parish Council several years ago and the funds

have already been raised for this icon.

We have been assured by Vera Senchuk that it will be ready time

in time for the 100th

Anniversary Celebration in August.

- .

Parish Council Notes Parish council continues preparing our church for our

upcoming 100 anniversary celebrations. A Council Committee

has recommended a plan on replacing the carpet in the church.

After thirty years it is showing the wear of many feet treading

upon it & also the number of burn holes made over these years.

We have insurance to cover some of the cost & have prepared

fundraising letters requesting help with cost of replacement.

We should have a new asphalt shingle roof on the manse this

month. Scott Roofing has been contracted since last fall to complete the project

including the elimination of the skylights in the garage. If anyone feels the spirit to

donate to this project your financial help would be greatly appreciated.

Big thank you to all volunteers who came out for bingo during the months of

February and March while Jo-Ann Zazelenchuk took a much needed break from

coordinating volunteers. Thanks for all your help & hopefully you will continue to help

on a regular basis.

A reminder for those who struggle with envelopes for donations, there is an easier

way. If you would like to explore options available please speak with Ilaria

Powalinsky, Rodney Antonichuk or Gord Trischuk.

We would like to encourage all our members to consider attending the


Anniversary Celebrations being held in Saskatoon August 9-12, 2018.

This is truly going to be a once in a lifetime experience!

Parish Council members welcome phone calls or discussion on issues.

President: Rod Antonichuk 881-0008 Vice-Pres: Larry Klopoushak 242-2753

Sign of the Cross “Do not do anything without signing yourself with the sign of the Cross! When you depart on a journey, when you begin your work, when you go to study, when you are alone, and when you are with other people, seal yourself with the Holy Cross on your forehead, your body, your chest, your heart, your lips, your eyes, your ears. All of you should be sealed with the sign of Christ’s victory over hell. Then you will no longer be afraid of charms, evil spirits, or sorcery, because these are dissolved by the power of the Cross like wax before fire and like dust before the wind.” " Не роби нічого без осінювання себе Чесним Хрестом! Коли ви вирушаєте в подорож, коли ви починаєте вашу роботу, коли ви йдете на навчання, коли ви одні, і коли ви з іншими людьми, захистіть себе Святим Хрестом на лобі, на вашім тілі, грудях, серці, ваших губах, очах і вухах. Ви всі повинні бути захищені знаком перемоги Христа над пеклом. Тоді ви більше не будете боятися змов, злих духів, або чаклунства, тому що вони розчиняються (або зникають) під силою Хреста, як віск під силою вогню і як порох (або курява) на вітрі." Elder Cleopa of Sihastria on the Cross

Where have we been?

How did we come to be where we are today?

Check out these links for a brief history of

our Church. . .


UOCC History

Youth/CYMK registration is only $50 for the full weekend or $25 for Sat/Sun

Note: Single tickets for the Sat. Banquet ($75) & Sun. Lunch ($30) will be available after June 15th Please note that the Registration fee is reasonable as it includes tickets for the

Saturday Banquet, Sunday noon meal, Friday & Saturday noon meal, Friday

evening meal, River Cruise, bus for Church tour & more. . . .

Register early & be ensured a spot at this historic event

celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the UOCC

The Extra Ordinary Sobor registration package is

now available. You can download on our website - and it is posted on our

bulletin boards in the Church and Auditorium. Full

weekend event registration costs $400 or $350 for

Saturday/Sunday only.

Note Change: Early Bird Registration changed

to June 15. Register early & receive a $50 discount.

Registration deadline is June 15th


Green Grove Camp Wakaw Lake Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp

Youth Camp (ages 7 – 13 years) July 8 – 22, 2018 Teen Camp (Grades 9 – 12) August 19 – 26, 2018

Що цього літа роблять ваші діти? Може б ви хотіли їх записати до літнього табору?

Реєстразійні аплікації можна взяти у отця Тараса. Якщо вам потрібна допомога

звертайтеся до отця Тараса він з великим задоволенням допоможе вам. До зустрічі!!!

Are your children wishing to attend Zeleni Hai Church Camp this summer. We encourage our

parents to enroll their children, an opportunity to meet new friends and enjoy 2 weeks of

cultural and religious education and fun at Wakaw Lake

Application forms are at the back of the Church & Hall, contact Fr. Taras or the website


Contact Tammi Bohle at or 306-979-3789 for Teen Camp


We are urgently looking for staff for camp July 8th to 22

nd, 2018

Positions available are: Director, counselors, head cook and assistant cooks. Applications, job

descriptions & hours of work can be found on our website

“Wherefore, brethren, let us plant ourselves upon the rock of faith

and the Tradition of the Church, removing not the landmarks set by

our holy fathers, nor giving room to those who are anxious to

introduce novelties and to undermine the structure of God’s holy

ecumenical and apostolic Church.

For if everyone were allowed a free hand, little by little the entire

Body of the Church would be destroyed.” + St. John of Damascus

Св. Іоанн з Дамаску на віри і традиційю. . .

"Отже, браття, давайте твердо стояти на скелі (основі) віри та традицій Церкви, не

поступатися канонами, встановленими нашими святими отцями, і не надавати місця

тим, хто прагне запровадити дрібні (дешеві) нововведення та зламати структуру

(устрій) Божої святої Вселенської та Апостольської Церкви.

Бо, якби кожній людині було дозволено вільно змінювати порядок, то

крок-за-кроком, поступово був би зруйнований весь устрій Церкви ".

St John of Damascus on Faith & Tradition. . .

Paint Night Fundraiser for St Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church Meacham

Thursday, June 7 at Dancing Sky Theatre, Meacham

Call Janice Sopatyk at 306-376-4422 or email

Check Mohyla website for details & registration form:

St Petro Mohyla Institute 5th Annual Golf Tournament Friday, June 8, 2018

Greenbryre Golf & Country Club

2018 August 16, 17, & 18

Ukrainian Karpaty Pavilion is looking for Volunteers : (set-up,

clean-up, kitchen, food line, bar, security) Please contact staffing coordinator,

Carol Shinkewski Telephone: 306-373-0479 E-mail:

Sunday, June 10, 2018 2:00 pm

Ukrainian Orthodox Auditorium Ave J & 20th

St W

Guests - Leleka Dance Ensemble Spivohrai Children’s Choir

Admission: $3.00 Advance $5.00 at the Door Advance tickets available from any choir

member or call Al @ 374-7675 or Stan @ 652-3178

1917 – Purchase & relocation of Church building from 634 - 20th St. W to 310 Ave P So

1918 - July 18-19 - First conference of 150 from the three prairie provinces was held in Saskatoon

Resolution passed was: "To organize the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada

1918 - December 28 - First Sobor of the newly organized Church was held in Saskatoon

1921 - Rev. S. Sawchuk becomes the priest of the Saskatoon Orthodox Parish

1922 - Purchase of the Orthodox Church & land for the taxes owing ($600.) Property had been in

the name of Bishop Olexander of the Russian mission

1923 - September 23 - The U.W.A.C. was organized at the Orthodox Hall

1927 - December 28-30 - The Ukrainian Self-Reliance League TYC was formed at the second

convention of the P. Mohyla Institute in Saskatoon

1934 - Consistory purchases building at 7 St. John's Avenue in Winnipeg which served as a

Seminary and offices for the Consistory

1935 - Ukrainian Hall purchased for taxes ($462.62). Because of the difficult economic conditions,

church services were held only twice a month

1941 - April 16 - The Saskatoon Orthodox Church officially became part of the Ukrainian Greek-

Orthodox Church of Canada and changed its name to "Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Parish

Descent of the Holy Ghost"

1941 - Purchase of a new Community Hall. The Federal Government had taken over the Hall from

the Communists as a safety measure during the war

1944 - April 2 - Parish decides to begin fund raising campaign for the new Church

1947 - July 24 - Building Committee formed & building of the new Church begins

1948 - December 7 - Building of the new church slowed down due to lack of building materials

1949 - July - The Parish and its priest take an active part in the official opening of Green Grove

Summer Youth Camp

1949 - October - V. Rev. Dr. S. Sawchuk blessed the cornerstone of the New Church. By year end

the Parish sold the Old Church and moved all activity to the new one. Activity was

conducted in the basement of the Church - Parish buys two lots adjacent to existing property

1952 - November - The New Church was officially opened and blessed by Metropolitan Ilarion

1957 - The Ikonostas was completed by woodworker Tkach From Smoky Lake, Alta. The icons for

the iconostas were painted by artist Zalutsky from Edmonton

1958 - A section of the Saskatoon Woodlawn Cemetery designated as the Orthodox section

1959 - Planning & fundraising for the Auditorium begins

1960 - Burning of the mortgage on the New Church. Installation of main chandelier

1961 - Construction of the new auditorium begins

Holy Trinity Cathedral Where we came from:

First 50 years, a brief timeline

June Anniversaries: John & Connie Demkiw (05), Vitaliy & Natlia Chayka (06),

Paul & Alice Antonichuk (15), Oleksiy & Viktoriya Kutsenko (17),

Glen & Mariann Paziuk (27), Evan & Doreen Howlett (28),

Robert & Patusia Rudy (28)

June Birthdays: Dmytro Druzhynin (01), Jonathan Skwarchuk (01),

Alexa Smyrnov (01), Guilnar Kalyton (02), Rahel Okubay (02),

Elaine Chouinard (03), Ema Uhryn (04), Yulia Shovkun (04),

Merlin Chouinard (5), Micah Powalinsky (05), Taisa Rudy (05),

Gordon Trischuk (06), Oleksander Pavlovsky (04), Emelia Isak (06),

Nazar Yaremenk (06), Sasha Pavlovsky (07), Fedir Zarichnyi (07), Peter Powalinsky (08),

Tracy Symchyck (08), Olya Babiy (09), Danielle Shatokina (09), Nikita Macheyevskiy (11),

Diana Manzuc (11), Mary Zazelenchuk (11), Marsha Hryciuk (12), Maurice Werezak (12),

Anastasia Pryma (13), Karma Bohle (14), Petro Volos (14), Don Sovyn (15),

Artyum Kramerenko (15), Halyna Valorko (15), Dean Yuzik (15), Alice Kindrachuk (16),

Yaroslav Wasylyk (16), Lorentia Yakhnovich (16), Dima Pilchenko (17), Andriy Danyuk (18),

Stan Hawryliw (18), Yaroslav Dobushevsky (19), Nancy Kucey (19), Alexander Shovkun (19),

Petro Dobushevsky (20), Toni Horachek (20), Yakym Oneschuk (20), Anastasiya Danyuk (21),

Andrew Herman (21), Cindy Didula (22), Andriy Hawrysh (22), Olesia Kowalsky (22),

Veronica Pavlowska (22), Olena Trokhymchuk (22), Diana Nosach (23), Olexander Paturov (23),

Cole Benoit (24), Michael Sorochka (24), Ashley Werezak (24), Margaryta Solodenko (25),

Diane Werezak (25), Helen Hrycan (26), Alena Yuschyshyn (26), Serhij Pashkov (27),

Ben Trischuk (27), Artur Fayfruk (29), Natalia Yatsina (29), Yulia Druzhyna (30)

На Многая і Благая Літа! May God Grant you Many Years!

Any announcements pertaining to our Parish Community are welcomed.


Cathedral Priest – Very Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky – 306-931-8595 or 306-222-0274

Cathedral Council President – Rod Antonichuk – 306- 881-0008

Sunday Church School – Dobr. Joanne – 306-931-8595

Cathedral Administrator – Gord Trischuk – 306-955-1452

TYC/USRA President – Maurice Werezak – 306 230-8957

UWAC President—Carol Cisecki – 306-343-9987

CYMK President – Reese Smith – 306-371-3325

Bulletin Editor – Nadine Potts – 306-249-1519

Auditorium Booking Agent – Gord Trischuk-306-955-1452

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