virtual academy-intermediate-gitapramestyani 07

Post on 16-Jul-2015



Data & Analytics



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Gita Pramestyani



Integrated Media

Component Strategy


Search Enginemedia to attrack customer from organic search

Social media(Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Blog)media to spread content and do engagement

Online communitymedia to create word of mouth and do engagement

Adsways to do promotion, could be on search engine, social media,etc.

Digital Integrated Strategy

WebsiteSearch Engine

Social media(Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Blog)

Online community

Another website, portal


What is a Website

Why must have a website



Target Audience


Where to host a website


• Research

• Development

• Maintenance

• Measurement


Digital Presences in

- Search engine

- Social media


• Google Insight

• Google Trends

• Google Keywords


• Structure/ Information Architecture

• Wireframe

• Design/ UX – user experience

• Content


• Content strategy




For Improvement


• Google Analytics

• Google Webmaster

Online Marketing Ecosystem

Online Brand Building




MeasureWeb Analytics




Attracting customer is only the first step in building online brands.

Brand then need to engange customers to obtain their interest and participation

Conversion :

First time visitor

Regular Visitor




• Learn about customers (demographic, behaviour,etc)

• Learn from result of measurement customer data/insight


By leveraging multidimensional data gathered from visitor activity on website, brand can create value by

providing a personalised online experience

This way can create a customer base that would spend more time and money at


Customization and good Customer Care help to switch barries and encourage customer to return and repeat cycle

Digital Marketing Model

Define business goals & target


Define/ refine internet marketing



Trough website, SMO, Ads, SEO

Measureexisting Internet

presence and programs or Result

Digital Marketing Model -Example-

• Awareness

• SalesBusiness Goal :

• Teenager

• Career women /men / SES A/ SES B/ SES C

• Kids

Target Market/audience :

• Targets aware with brand, 1000 visitor/day

• Online selling up to 40items/dayKPI

• Mapping target audience community

• Build product/ corporate/community/e-commerce site

Strategy & Implementation

• Number of visit, number of product selling, returning visitor, survey for brand awarenessMeasure


Google Insight

Google Trends

Google Keywords

Google Keywords

Google Keywords


Who’s our Target Audience?


Structure/ Information Architecture





sign/ U


ser Exp





What is Web Analytics?

Web analytics is not just a tool for measuring website traffic but can be used as a tool for business research and market research.

On server

Third Party

Google Analytics advantages

• Free

• Sufficiant possibilities for most companies

• Easy to implement

• Easy to use

• Easy to understand

1. Google Analytics Dashboard

• Add / remove elements

• Personalized• In any an important data for you,

just “Add to Dashboard”

2. Comparing Date Range

3. Deep Geographic Data

4. Email Report





• Send now

• Schedule

5. Navigation Summary

6. Site Overlay

7. Bounce Rate

8. Keyword Source

9. Referring Sites

10. Browser Capabilities

11. Connection Speed

12. Visitor Loyalty

13. Top Content

14. Top Exit Pages

15. Network Location

16. Seluler

Google Webmaster

Online Lead Generation

Build Lead Generation

Generate Leads

Engage current customers to increase statisfaction and loyalty

Drive word of mouth about existing products and services

Build relationships with influencers/ advocates

Listen for insight from conversation

Customer digital activity Generate Lead

• Objective– Grab customer data for CRM (Customer Relationship


• Target audience– Customer in social media

• KPI– 1000 data in a month

• Strategy (alternative 1)– Buzz information through social media– Bring customer to targeted landing page

• Measure– Convert lead into real customer

Lead convert to Sales

Generate more Lead

Attract Visitor

Building Landing Page

Visitor Landing PageCustomer get

what they needConversion

Social Proof

Social Spread

• Mention @company/brand

• Offering copywriting

• Link to landing page

“Bunda, ingin mendapatkan paket produk dari @prominaID? Ayo bergabung dengan Bunda2 lainnya”

Landing page

Landing page

Say Thank You

Social Media Sharing

SOYJOY Remind Me | I just make personal reminder in the future!

Post to social media

Auto Response Email

Social Media Optimization

SMO for website

Let people know

Spread marketing

and visibility

Search Engine



Conversion Ratio

Engage the visitors

Let people know

Official Twitter Account(Brand online presence)

Spread marketing and visibility

Using influencer

Link building

Spread conversation, more visibility

Search Engine Ranking

First rank for Facebook Fan page (brand online

presence )

First pages in Google Search result for website


Twitter's link shortening service

Conversion Ratio

Example : Buzzer effectiveness

Conversion Ratio

Conversion Ratio

Conversion RatioIn Google Analytics – Goal feature –

Conversion Ratio

Step page

Convertion Ratio-Example-


Convertion Ratio-Example-

• Menganalisa hasil pencatatan google analytics untuk goal conversion

8.54% = 77 x 100% = jumlah goal yang tercapai hari itu

902 jumlah seluruh kunjungan di hari itu

0.38% = 77 x 100% = jumlah seluruh goal yang tercapai

20.361 jumlah seluruh kunjungan

Convertion Ratio-Example- Reverse Goal Path

Mengetahui behavior visitor ketika berinteraksi diwebsite

Convertion Ratio-Example- Funnel Visualisation

User experience insight

Convertion RatioGoal - conditions for use-

• Visitor buys an item from your website.• Visitor clicks on an affiliate link to a product

on another site.• Visitor subscribes to your newsletter

(subscription link).• Visitor downloads a free report from your

site.• Visitor clicks on a link to your social profiles.

Engage the Visitors

Engage the Visitors

Engage the Visitors

Engage the Visitors

Customer/ visitor insight, data to learn how to engage more

Engage the Visitors

Contain backlink to website

Engage the Visitors

Website Traffic

SMO Activities-Learn-

• After knowing the result of SMO activities, next step is learning, what we had do, and what to do next.

• After SMO activities, we create number number of fans & visitor customer base

• With customer base, create strategy to impact our business do action

Search Engine Optimization Plan

SEO Plan

Target Keywords

Submit Webpages

Report Rankings


Optimize Websites

Target Keyword

Target Keyword

Submit Webpages

Report Ranking

Report Ranking

Website berada di posisi pertama di tengah 26.400.000 hasil pencarian, tingkat persaingan cukup tinggi

Analyze Conversion

Konten dapat di optimalkan lagi, karena dari 1300 impression, baru menghasilkan 400 klik

Optimize Website• Engagement and user experience

quality, by :– Increase Amount of time spent

on the website– Decrease Bounce rate– Increase Number of web pages

per visit (pageviews)– Enrich content– Good usability

• Link building in another website or social media

• Follow W3C standard for scripting

Google Panda (new) Algorithm

SEO Activites-Learn-

Good SEO result impact for business

• Good landing page can create purchase intent or even (online) sales

Visibility Clickability Open

targeted landing page

Visibility :

not more than 3rd search page

Clickability :

relevant copywriting, match with user needs

Open landing page :

convert visitor to buyer

Measuring/ insight

AdvertisingSocial Media


Study case



Facebook Application Insight

Facebook Application Insight

Facebook Insight for Website

Facebook Insight for Website

Facebook Insight for Website

Google Analytics -Embedded Code for integrated with social media page-

Google Analytics Report

Google Analytics Report

Google Analytics Report

Measure & track, how effective social media generate traffic to website

Google Analytics - Social Media Segment-facebook|twitter|kaskus|ubersocial|tweete|forum|twit|blog|hootsuite|

Google Analytics - Social Media Segment-facebook|twitter|kaskus|ubersocial|tweete|forum|twit|blog|hootsuite|

Google Analytics - Social Media Segment-facebook|twitter|kaskus|ubersocial|tweete|forum|twit|blog|hootsuite|

*GA old version

Google Analytics - Social Media Segment-facebook|twitter|kaskus|ubersocial|tweete|forum|twit|blog|hootsuite|

Google Analytics - Segment

Google Analytics Filter

Google Analytics – create filter

Google Analytics – create filter

Google Analytics – Filter Result

GA – Segment vs FilterAdvanced Segments Profile Filters

Modify a report view at the visit level.

Modify incoming data at the pageview level to create separate profiles (reports).

Applied to current and historical data.

Applied only to new data from the time the filter is created.

Instantaneous results—once they’re created, you can view segmented data in your reports immediately.

Aimed at longer-term usage where once set, the segment is unlikely to change.

Allow the use of conditional values on metrics, for example, greater than, less than.

Only text string matches can be included—no numerical conditionals are available.

Set up by report users, making them safe—no data can be lost.

Set up by administrators, because data can be permanently deleted.

Use profile

filters to remove

“noise” segments from your reports .

Use profile filterswhen you wish to

control the level of access, such as providing paid

search data to an external agency.

GA – Segment vs Filter

use advanced

segments when

you are drilling down to understand visitor behaviour, for example, comparing the performance of a social network versus search engine visitors

Advanced Segments Profile Filters

Test facility available. Take 3–4 hours for data to populate reports.

Combine statements to meet multiple conditions.

Use cascading filters for combination effect.

Set on a per-user basis—segments can be shared with other report users, but cannot be used to hide data.

Set on a per-profile basis, therefore access to segmented data can be controlled separately form other data.

Regular expression statements are not limited, though the total combined for a segment with multiple statements must not exceed 30,000 characters.

Regular expression statement limited to 255 characters.

Google Analytics-[New feature] Social-

Google Analytics-[New feature] Social-

Google Analytics-Social plugin-

Google Analytics-[New feature] Social-embedded code

Google Analytics-[New feature] Social-embedded code

Tips for Building Landing Page

• Clear title, description, and layout• Removing all distractions from landing page• Display social sharing button• Design forms in order to capture information from visitor• Structure forms not too long• Direct form submission to Thank You page• Track to conversion

Final words

• Website is a long term investment

• Always do improvement by measuring

• Content strategy and convenience (good information architecture) is a key for long-term engangement

• Good SEO

• Social media engagement

byGita Pramesyani

31 Mei 2012

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