vocabulary the museum has the world’s largest ____ of dinosaur fossils....

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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The museum has the world’s largest ____ of dinosaur fossils.

a) vendor

b) collection

c) concern

d) exclaimed

collection – noun – a group of things gathered together

We were full of _____ for our teacher who was out sick for a whole week

a) goalie

b) vendors

c) collection

d) concern

concern – noun – serious interest

“I just won the game,” Christopher _____

a) concern

b) exclaimed

c) figure

d) goalie

exclaimed - verb – spoken or shouted suddenly with strong feelings

Each _____ on the shelf is part of Mom’s collection of bells. .

a) collection

b) concern

c) exclaimed

d) figure

figure – noun – a form, outline or shape

Our ______ made a great save at the end of the game.

a) figure

b) goalie

c) vendors

d) collection

goalie – noun – the player who defends the goal in soccer, hockey, and some other sports

The fruit _____ were selling apples, bananas, and oranges.

a) exclaimed

b) figure

c) goalie

d) vendors

vendors – plural noun – people who sell things

Susan Ging Lent Production

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