vol 17 issue 09

Post on 06-Apr-2016






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NO 09


The grand event




Upcoming Event




































INSIDER is published and printed at:Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences Campus

Paraatikenttä 7, 45100 Kouvola, Finland

Tel: +358 44 702 8758 / Fax: +358 5 230 2433 E-mail: insider@kyamk.fi Website: insider.kyamk.fi

Personal e-mails: firstname.surname@student.kyamk.fi

INSIDER ISSN 1457–1587Copyright © Insider 2014

Editor in chief: Hugh Clack



Time is flying by! The semester will be over

before we know it.

It‘s getting darker and gloomier as we go and

everyone is waiting for the snow to brigh-

ten up our days and give us more energy.

Even with the doom and gloom outside,

Kyamk students are staying active. You can

read about the last weeks Oscar Gala and

the performers there in our main article.

With Christmas fast approaching, our reporters

got excited and made some pre-winter cookies.

Flip to our recipe page to find the instructions

how to do it and make your day tastier as well.

If you are interested in Patteri, Enterpreneurship and

Venture camps, read the profile on Daria Nikulina.

Sarah went once more to Studio 123 and brings

you a review of the very awaited Interstellar.

Studio 123 is also advertising the movie coming

on the 28th of November called Autolla Nepa-

liin. It‘s a Finnish movie, about great dreams

and their realisation. I encourage you to go see

it once it comes, even if you can‘t understand

Finnish, it has wonderful things worth seeing.

Stay active, keep moving and do‘t give in to this

weather. Chomp down some cookies and get

ready for the Design Market!

Till‘ next time...






Last week in the news they told that Ireland would face

one of the coldest winters on record.The basic assumption

is that the forecast has no effect on a Finnish person, as you

would arrive to school with a polar bear any way. Still, I have

to admit that the news is scaring me.

I want to believe that the person who planned to build Irish

houses mixed his plans with the ones that were supposed

to be used in Spanish houses. Double glazed windows are

probably the worst invention ever, if you ever have nights

that are colder than +15°c.So far the nights have been around

+2°c which is not even that bad, therefore I have to say I’m

not looking forward to the winter.

However I decided I will not complain and face the cold we-

ather like a proper Finn. Month ago I bought a blue Cuddle

Bear overall for a fancy dress party. It is made out of fleece so

it is extremely warm. After few cold nights I realised that it is

perfect for sleeping, and now it’s my pyjama.

To be honest, weather is probably the most boring thing to

talk about but at the same time it is the best topic. When

you’re meeting people from different nationalities it’s one

of the only things that is safe to talk about. You don’t

actually need to be intelligent to say that: “It might rain

tomorrow”, and you can’t insult anyone because no one

cares about the topic that much.

For some reason, the first question people ask about Fin-

land is: “How’s the weather like there now?” I don’t check

the weather of a country if I’m not there, so I quite often

make a guess. Which is usually wrong. Usually the second

question that Irish people ask is if I know who Tommi

Mäkinen is. I find this question better because if you are

a girl, no one assumes you know anything about rally. If

someone is asking you about the weather of your home

country and you don’t know, it’s just shameful.

Text & Photos: Karoliina NIemi



Text & Photos: Iuliia Pogorelova Do you think in KyUAS people only sit in clas-

ses reading books and studying?

Definitely not, that is only a part of KyUAS‘s life.

Last Tuesday there was a great event organized

by our students - flashmob! It was arranged in

support of the biggest event of last week- annual

international evening. This year it was Oscar Gala.

Our super talented business students did a won-

derful marketing step by creating this amusing

thing (wink at our great teacher, Ulla Puustelli).

Usually flashmobs are unexpected things but we

were informed about it, so there were quite a lot

of people to observe the dance. Even though there

was an announcement of this event on Facebook,

some people were pleasingly surprised to see

some dancing in the hall of the main building.


Despite the fact that was the idea of IB13 to

organize this whole event, the flashmob was

started by two IB14 students, Phat Nguyen

and Linda Meri ‚taking selfies‘. Then everybo-

dy else got involved and ‚were happy‘ during

Pharrell Williams‘ song. I am sure students had

much fun in ‚Kung Hu‘ part, by the way, audi-

ence definitely had.

We saw the fervour of participants during ‚I

like to move it‘ song. They were whirling in a

circle, free, happy and passionate to be a part

of that flashmob.

Great choreography, interest to what the parti-

cipants were doing and wonderful mood made

the flashmob very colorful event of the week

and it obviously made my day! I hope everyone

who saw it enjoyed it in the same way!




Text: Sarah Rosenthal & Mattea Näveri, Photos: Hugh ClackWhat do you think when you hear the name „Oscar Gala“

as the title of an event? Movies and prizes for those in-

volved in their creation? Let me tell you one thing, you are

thinking too one-dimensional. If you give this term to the

Business students you can be sure they‘ll surprise you how

much it doesn‘t have to do with any of the obvious associa-

tions. There were indeed prizes though.

When did you hear about this event? About a week before it

happened? You think that is short notice? Nah, its fine, just

roll with it and check out what this event is all about on the

FB event page...

Everything about this afternoon gave the impression of ha-

ving been put together a week in advance tops. Which was

probably true for the most part. The event page on Facebook

didn‘t give any clue really what was to expect and was there

a dress code now or wasn‘t there? Apparently there was

but you didn‘t have to stick to it. Why putting it there then?

Almost the same story with the tickets for the grand show.

You could get them, for free, in advance, but if you didn‘t have

one, no worries, they would let you in anyways. What a waste

of perfectly good paper, how very sustainable. Since I didn‘t

get one of those tickets, I will just now make a guess based

on how pixelated the first batch of posters was, that they

weren‘t anything you keep around longer than you need it.

It‘s not like the school doesn‘t have its own rather well-ex-

perienced party planning student organisation they could

have asked for some advice. (It‘s called Kupla in case you

didn‘t know, and they make events about every two weeks.)

Rather embarrassing was also the fact that the majority of

the people who were supposed to get an award (a chocola-

te Father Christmas) never even attended the party. It also

stands to question if anyone of the people planning this

event ever watched an Academy Award ceremony. It‘s really

nice to have music playing in the background before the

show - but the music that was playing was not it.

The live music performances eventually saved the event

and we‘re all in all better than the one at the last years

Kyamk‘s Got Talent event.

Should you, to no fault but your own, have missed this eve-

ning you will also not have seen the trailer they put together

just for this evening. Despair not! The movie will be shown

next week on Thursday. So take the chance to see it and

don‘t forget to suit up for the occasion, or not.


The performers were very surprising!

When you hear ‚live performers‘ your tend to cringe

inwardly, as it‘s not always very promising. But this

was a very pleasant performance!

It started with an energetic Vietnamese song which was his

good bye to the University, as he has gone back to Vietnam.

After some more games and awards, the shy girl with a

strong voice, Uliana sang a song by Christina Aquilera. And

then Menno, Ringo, Miska and Liya‘s sang two songs, inclu-

ding the very popular Say Something by The great big world.

They varied the genres and the moods and it was nice to see

something that they clearly care about and see them outside

of their usual student environment.

They basically saved the event and made it more interesting.

The brakes in the „show“ were filled with their music and

made the time tick by faster.

If you haven‘t heard them, some of them will be perfor-

ming again at the Design market, so you will get the

opportunity to see them perform.



Text: Mattea Näveri, Photos:Saara Ikäläinen, John Saragosa, Mattea Näveri, Illustration:Saara Ikäläinen

For the past three years Kyamk‘s students have orga-

nised and hosted a big Christmas event. Every year, we

gather students wanting to create something, sell something,

make some money, or simply promote their work, to come

and join us in the Paja space, and we invite people from

Finland to visit our school and the lovely Christmas market.

This years team is almost the same as last; Saara Ikäläinen,

John Saragosa and Mattea Näveri, plus Anu Vainio helping

out when she is able to. The master team leader Jere Vilo is

currently on exchange, so his participation this year is only

in spirit.

The grand theme this year is „black“ . The team wan-

ted something different and not typically Christmas. So-

mething that will stand out and make people interested.

This event is a great opportunity for Kyamk students to

get out there, do some work, and present their talents.

The table fee is only 5€, which is used for decoration and

other event costs. If you still haven‘t reserved your spot,

please find Kyamk Design Market 2014 on Facebook

and follow the instructions on how to sign up. You can

also send an email to designmarket2014@gmail.com

There are plenty of spaces left for sellers. Paja is a big

area and many people can fit in.

There will not be only sellers there, but also live mu-

sic performances by our talented students and the-

re will be some sweets and drinks sold by Loma cafe.

There is a big after party in the making, so keep your eye out

on the event updates on Facebook.

Whether you are interested in selling, or you want to visit, feel

free to contact the team at any point.

Tell your mom, your grandma, your aunt and uncle and

your best friends! Kyamk Design Market 2014 awaits!


In this week’s issue we would like to get you to learn so-

mething about co-founder of Giffee Daria and Giffee itself.

What a pleasure for Kyamk to have such grandiose projects,

being a “soil” for new ideas like this one.

Where are you from and what do you study?

I am Ukranian, but I was born in Germany. I study Industrial

Design at Kyamk. I’m here for more than 2 years and I have 1,5

years of studies left.

How do you like studying process here?

Studying process is very different compared to what I had before

in my first university. I was studyng at the University of Architec-

ture and Design in Kiev and I have a degree on architecture and

design. We didn’t have the opportunity to choose what we really

want to study, which classes we are interested in and it was quite

difficult to study there because the structure of studyig wasn’t

very good. At Kyamk there is quite good collaboration process

between teachers and students: if you have some problems, they

will help you all the time. They can understand that you might

have other interests – maybe you want to study something from

another angle. You know, I like studying at Kyamk. It’s quite hard,

from one point, and from another point it is quite relaxing.

Have you ever thought about moving to another town because Kou-

vola is pretty notorious for being extremely boring?

*laughs* Oh my God, you are asking so tricky questions! Of

DARIA NIKULINA course, I was thinking about that because, to be honest, Kouvola

is quite small and there’s no “life” here. I like visiting different

exhibitions, events. I like being in the middle of “life”. What is

more, I’m a bit annoyed with this big distance between my home,

university and Veturi. Kouvola is nice though! It’s a perfect kind

of “tranfer” place in your life where you can study, but I’m not

sure I want to spend my whole life here in Kouvola.

What do you like the most about Finland?

I’m in love with Finland in general! I love people who live in Fin-

land. It is thought that Finns are quite cold inside, but I don’t think

so. They might be cold from one angle, but on the opposite, they

are good friends. They will also help you all the time. All Finnish

people I know are so great! I don’t know any asshole. Of course,

the country in general is great, the way of life. It’s different, but

still I enjoy it.

Now, let’s talk about Giffee. Could you please tell us what is

the main concept of Giffee?

The main concept of Giffee is that you can be in touch with peo-

ple who are far away from you. Globalisation takes place right

now: everyone travels a lot, we have a lot of friends around the

world, sometimes on the opposite side of the globe. So, the main

concept is that you can show your friends and your loved ones

that you remember what they really like by sending gifts. For

example, you are in Kouvola, I am somewhere else and you have

your special day – you passed your exam. So, you text me about

it. I’m like: “yes, she deserves some coffee that she really likes in

Coffee House” . I immediately order it for you and you pick it in 30

minutes! So, Giffee is about making people closer to each other,

just making people happier.

I know that you work in collaboration with wonderful Antti.

How would you describe him?

Antti is great! I experienced working with him for a long time

already and he is very responsible. He always finishes what he

startes. He is a multi-functional person. You can give him diffe-

rent types of tasks and he will manage to do it: from business to

design. He is smart and, of course, he is a very good team worker.

Antti is this kind of person who pushes me doing something

faster and more passionate. He infects me with his mood and

optimism!Thank you very much, Daria!

Text: Alena Kiianichenko, Photo:Daria Nikulina



Bowl, baking tray, oven

1. Mix all ingredients.

2. Knead the dough.

3. Roll out the dough. Use the molds to cut out

dough figures.


350 g flour

200 g butter

150 g sugar

1 egg

3tbsp cocoa

1tsp baking powder



4. Cover the baking tray with baking paper and put your

cookies. Place the pan in a preheated 180 degree oven

and bake for 10-15min.

Text&Photo: Diana Tykhonenko&Alexandra Ivchenkova

DID YOU KNOW? Chocolate chip cookies are

among only four foods acceptable to even the

pickiest of eaters.





Kymenlaaksonkatu 1

45700 Kuusankoski

05 3792082



GRIMES |(S)|23€

Thu 19:00, Sat 12:00|3h30min


Fri-Tue 17:15|1h16min


every evening 17:00|1h43min


Sun,Wed-Thu 19:20|1h58min


Fri,Mon-Tue 19:20|1h32min


Fri-Tue 18:45|2h15min


every evening 19:00|2h49min


Wed.Thu 18:00,20:20|2h03min


Sat 15:00, 17:00, 19:00


Fri, Sat-Thu 17:15|1h49min


Mankind was born on earth. It was never meant to die here.

When the food resources on earth are no longer capable of sustaining human life, the engineer turned

farmer Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) is recruited by NASA. In order to save humanity he takes

part in a mission that taking him through a wormhole to another galaxy in hopes of finding a planet

suitable for humanity.

Coop and four other scientists follow in the footsteps of 10 other scientists who were sent year ahead

of them and have been broadcasting back their findings on possible worlds for humanity to become

habitable on. It seems like they have at least some idea what they will find on these worlds but when

they get there they realise that they were not prepared at all for what is upon them.

This is the third movie in less than two years staring Matthew McConaughey that I have watched and

he seems to be getting better and better with every new role he takes. But this movie does not only

convince with the casts amazing performances but is also stunningly beautiful when it comes to the

effects and Rick Giudiceian environment landscapes.

The downside to this movie is unfortunately the science. At this point I am not talking about the

whole wormhole theory and possible references to Fermi‘s Type III Civilisation theory as these are

all theories to which no one can yet give a clear yay or nay. What I personally found troubling are

the mathematics behind events concerning the black holes and what it is according to this movie

possible. On the other hand, this movie had a much more accurate grip on how 21. century gravity

works than the 2013 movie Gravity by Alfonso Cuaron.

All in all, Christophor Nolan delivered a pretty awesome movie and even leaves the opportunity for a sequel.

“Do not go gentle into that good night; Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage

against the dying of the light.”

INTERSTELLAR / Director: Christopher Nolan / Genre: Adventure|Sci-Fi / Starring:

Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain / Rating:




15.11. Replay’s 2 year birthday party w/ Oliver Chase

Starting 20.00

Coffee House / Kauppalankatu 1, Kouvola


Starting 10.00


19.11.BUSINESS by Kupla

Starting 22.00

Club LuXe / Kouvolankatu 11, Kouvola

Tickets: 2€ with student card, 3€ without

20.11.Student’s Board Game Night

Starting 18.00

Restaurant Aula / Hotel Vaakuna

21.11. Ice hockey: KooKoo – TUTO Hockey

Starting 18.30

Kouvolanjäähalli / Topinkuja 1

Tickets from 12€ for students


14.11 Irina

Starting 21.00

Amarillo Kotka / Keskuskatu 21

Tickets: 16€




15.11.Street Food Carnival

Starting 12.00

Kaapelitehdas / Tallberginkatu 1, Helsinki

20.11 Ice Hockey: KHL: HelsinginJokerit – SKA

Saint Petersburg

Starting at 18.30

Hartwall Arena / Areenankuja 1, Helsinki

Tickets: from 12,50€

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