vol. 59, no. 1 morristown unitarian...

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  • From our minister...

    In fellowship

    Rev. Alison Miller

    In this issue...

    From Our Minister 1

    Mission, Contact Info, Deeds Well Done 2

    Board Corner 3

    From our Director of Religious Education 4

    Endowment, Milestones & Passages,

    & Tapestry of Faith 5

    Social Justice 6

    UULMNJ, Green Earth Ministry 7

    Black Maria 8

    Sunday Morning Workshop, Adult RE, Book

    Group 9

    From our Capital Campaign Director 10

    Calendar 11

    As the New Year kicks off, we will be focusing on “Igniting Passion” as a way to delve more deeply into

    our 2013-2014 theme: “Catch the Spark! Renew the

    Spirit!” This topic will anchor our First Wednesday

    Renewal Service on January 1st at 6:30pm, our First Sunday Worship and Children’s Chapel and Religious

    Education Classes, and the Covenant Circle gatherings

    throughout the month.

    January is a time of resolve, and many people create “To

    do” lists that address something in their life they want to fix. These lists include things like go to the gym, quit

    smoking, spend more time with family, learn something

    new, etc. These pursuits are immanently worthwhile.

    However, research and our own life experience bears out that our resolve frequently doesn’t last longer than a

    few weeks or a couple of months. One reason this might

    be so is that while we may hunger for a big change, we create a “To do” list we expect results from about four

    weeks or we lose patience and commitment.

    This January I invite us to start from a different vantage

    point. Rather than a desire to fix something quickly,

    let’s focus on discerning the activities, pursuits, and

    pastimes that truly capture our full spirit and being. Rather than the creation of a “To do” list, let’s take the

    time to reflect on the question of what calls out to us in

    the middle of the night or in the middle of the day as worthy of our aspirations, time and commitment.

    Frederick Buechner describes this call as “the place

    where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger


    There is an aliveness present when we live out of a calling. I have witnessed it many times. Even as I write

    this column, my husband, David Snedden, and his mother

    and brother are downstairs painting in oils and

    watercolors. The world needs beauty, and the Sneddens need to paint. Or, our new Congregational Administrator,

    Mandi Huizenga, comes to mind. What stood out about

    her to the hiring committee in the interview process was the degree of joy and passion she derives from helping to

    create order, and we all know Unitarian Universalists need

    some help with order. Or, just yesterday, I met with a retired teacher who is feeling called to make a difference

    in the lives of immigrants. She is connected to their

    stories as many of her former students lived with the

    burdens our society places on people in the margins. She is in that potent time of discernment figuring out how her

    skills and passion can be matched with one of our social

    justice programs to enhance the lives of immigrants in our community.

    There are also times when a whole community feels called to do something together. This year, we are living into

    our collective call to carry the torch of Unitarian

    Universalism from generation to generation by rising to

    the occasion of a Capital Campaign and the ensuing building projects to come. May we be blessed in this vital


    M o r r i s t o w n Unitar ian F e l l o w s h i p January 2014

    Vol. 59, No. 1


    Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 am to 3 pm,

    Friday 9 am to 12 pm

    Tel: (973) 540-1177

    Fax: (973) 539-8218

    Email: admin@muuf.org

    Web: www.muuf.org

    Board President: Nina McCormack

    Minister: Rev. Alison B. Miller

    Congregational Administrator: Mandi Huizenga

    Music Director: Jim Blanton

    RE Director: Tim Atkins

    RE Coordinator: Judith Stein-Farrall

    Operations Manager: Bruce Benson

    Custodians: Eduardo Guzman, Sergio Lopez

    Newsletter Editor, Graphic Designer: Anne Bungo

    Newsletter Banner Designer: David Snedden

    WE, the members of the Morristown Unitarian

    Fellowship, mindful of the rich diversity and

    essential oneness of human experience, covenant to

    weave the fabric of community from the strands

    of our separate lives.

    This is our pledge:

    To create for ourselves and our children a spiritual

    home which will nurture, challenge and offer

    us renewal

    To seek what is true even as we celebrate the

    mystery of existence

    To reach out to all who share our liberal religious

    values and participate in the broader Unitarian

    Universalist movement

    To work for social justice and the well-being of our

    planet Earth

    Mission and Covenant Statement Deeds Well Done...

    January Minstrel Concerts

    8:00 pm on Friday evenings

    Adults $8; children 12 and under free.

    For more information, go to

    www.folkproject.org. or call

    (973) 335-9489

    21 Normandy Heights Road, Morristown NJ 07960

    Sunday Services: 9 am and 11 am

    THANK YOU...To all who made our Holiday

    Alternative Gift Fair a great success! Kudos to

    Chris Reynolds who coordinated this huge

    undertaking...To Susan Oxman and Susan Lausell

    for processing all the accounting for the Gift Fair,

    which was fast and furious during the Fair’s check

    out (especially for credit cards), and after the

    fair…and to Judy Hahn who took the lead on

    merchandising...to all our wonderful volunteers

    who helped put MUF’s most cherished UU

    Holiday values into action...Chris Reynolds, who

    also masterminded the November Harvest Fair for

    our families to experience the joy of giving to the

    Food Pantry...Katharina Pietraszek and Chris

    Reynolds for coordinating the MUF Holiday

    Giving Tree...Geri Silk for organizing and leading

    a special Hanukkah Class for all ages of RE...DRE

    Tim for leading the MUF Family Christmas Party

    and to all who helped organize, provide food

    and lead activities at the event...Gloria Jackson

    and Beth Hayward for their commitments as

    Pastoral Friends for the last couple of years, and

    continue to give their time and spiritual support.

    ---Caroline Gower


  • Page 3 Morristown Unitarian Fellowship

    My name is Steve Parker and I am the Board

    member assigned to represent our Strategic Planning

    initiatives. I served on the Strategic Planning Task Force at

    its inception in 2009, and subsequently have been involved

    in the Facilities portion of the Strategic Plan for the past

    several years. Here is a little of my story.

    I first came to Gateways through one of our ‘back doors’ – the

    Thursday night Men’s Group. At first, I didn’t even realize that the Fellowship was a

    spiritual community, but eventually, one of the men, Marty Geltman, invited me to join him on a

    Sunday morning. Marty also ended up introducing me to a pretty little blond woman (Beth

    Hayward!) and the rest, as they say, is history!

    In my personal life, I am a technology attorney, and Grandpa to 6 year old Sadie and 8 year

    old Jackson. We kidnap them and bring them to the Fellowship whenever we can. When not

    working for my job (or the Fellowship!), I recharge my batteries with quiet activities: gardening,

    reading and pouring concrete. Seriously! Our back yard has a steep slope and I’ll be happily

    terracing it for the rest of my days.

    In my 15 years at the Fellowship, I have served on the Sunday Services Committee, and

    taught 3rd and 4th grade Religious Education. Our Unitarian Universalist children are so fabulous!

    What a gift it is to see them learning to respect the wisdom of many spiritual paths, while

    questioning all of them (and their teachers, of course!).

    Strategic Planning’s vision for Morristown Unitarian Fellowship is: “We are a dynamic

    Congregation, growing in spirit, community, numbers and impact, seeking to transform

    ourselves and the world beyond us.”

    I get very excited when I see the work that we do in the local community and the influence

    we exert in larger social discussions such as Gay Rights, or Tim energizing the Religious

    Education program. I get very excited when I listen to Alison’s wonderful sermons or am moved

    by Darrell Courtley’s alternative Mass. There is so much we are doing, and so much more that we

    have the potential to do. And, when our membership voted overwhelmingly to commence the

    capital campaign -- well, that is about the most exciting thing that we have embarked upon for 40


    I really want this community to be here for my grandchildren (and yours) and the children of

    potential members who have not even come through our doors yet. By acting on our Strategic

    Plan, we can help ensure the future and continuity of a faith tradition, and an open-minded way of

    thinking that our tired and conflicted world so needs to hear. Let’s open the

    Gateways wide and invite everyone in! In fellowship,

    Steve Parker

  • Page 4 Morristown Unitarian Fellowship

    From the Desk of the Director of Religious Education :

    It is the New Year and time for New Year’s Resolutions. If you are anything like

    me, you try making a resolution or two and by the end of January - or maybe

    February if you’ve really been sticking to it – the resolution has passed in to a

    distant memory. Sure, you might bring it up to guilt yourself every now and

    then, but the desire to change your life through whatever resolution you have

    picked has diminished.

    Changing your life is hard work. We all have different things about our lives we

    know we should change – maybe it is to come to church more often, maybe it is to stop biting your

    fingernails, maybe it is to reach out to long-lost loved ones, maybe it is to be a better parent or a

    better child. Whatever the aspiration is, almost all of us have some sort of aspiration to change our

    lives for the better.

    New Year’s resolutions are a way for us to codify that aspiration and to remind ourselves to attempt

    it. But aspirations are different from an action plan, and it takes a plan to make our resolutions come


    Start off with one small change that you can do daily. From there, work your way up to a second

    change, and when comfortable with those two small changes, add in a third, and keep on going until

    you’ve become the person you aspire to be. It’s important to make these small changes a part of your

    daily routine – after all, according to some studies it takes 30 days of doing an action before it

    becomes a habit.

    It helps if you write down your resolution, and write down specific steps you want to take to make

    your resolution happen. And I suggest posting it up a couple of different places around your house.

    Don’t just talk about why you want to change a bad habit, envision what your life will be like when

    you’ve accomplished your resolution and focus on that vision.

    And, most of all, you need a supportive community. And that community can start right here at the

    Fellowship. With community comes support – we’re here to cheer you on, and with community can

    also come accountability (something I know I need in order to stick to a resolution!)

    So in the spirit of community and accountability here is my New Year’s Resolution: to lose weight.

    Probably one of the most common ones out there, truth be told. In the past I’ve successfully done

    Weight Watchers, and I’ll be heading back there at the start of the New Year. I just need to stick with

    it for the entire year and not conveniently forget about it when it comes time for dinner!

    So there’s my New Year’s Resolution – and I’m making it public. And there’s a certain amount of

    fear in that. What happens if I fail? What happens if all of a sudden everyone wants to know how I’m

    doing and I’m just not doing as well as I hoped? What if I’m over-sharing? But I’m a believer in the

    power of vulnerability and know when something feels a little scary that it’s the right way to grow.

    If you want to share your resolution for the accountability and that vulnerability, don’t hesitate to

    email it to me at dre@muuf.org. And together, we can start to change the world by changing our own


    ─ Tim Atkins


  • Page 5 Morristown Unitarian Fellowship

    Joan Clifford announced that her wonderful daughter-in-law, Mary, recently had surgery on her spinal

    column. Please send your best wishes...Irene Mendelson is happy and relieved to report that she has

    started a new job consulting as a project manager/business analyst...Karol Ruiz won her very first case. A

    Somali man, fleeing grotesque persecution on account of his Sufi religion and clan membership was granted

    asylum. His family is displaced and their whereabouts are unknown. Your prayers and donations are

    appreciated...Katharina Pietraszek is recovering from hip replacement surgery. Caring messages would be

    appreciated. We miss seeing her at the Fellowship...Marjorie Wormser gives heartfelt thanks to all who

    offered support, encouragement, prayers, and compassion during her work transition that to her relief has

    been resolved.


    Celebration of Life In Memory of

    Jules Lipcon

    Richard Guernsey

    To Celebrate the Marriage of

    Anne Gaynor and Sharon Glickman

    Pat de la Fuente

    Nancy Tweed

    To the Endowment Fund

    Tony Rutigliano

    Vivian L:ipcon

    The Endowment Board invites you to honor special

    life events of friends, family and relatives by

    donating to the Endowment Fund directly or by

    designating “In Memory Of” or “In Honor Of.”

    Examples of the latter could be a birthday, a

    graduation, a wedding, or other life event.

    Growing the fund will help to ensure the

    Fellowship’s financial health and future. We

    appreciate your generosity on behalf of both the

    honoree and the Fellowship.

    All year, on the first and third Thursdays, from 7 to 9 pm, I lead a course from the Tapestry of Faith

    called Faith Like a River. It explores the dynamic course of Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian

    Universalist histories ─ the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our faith heritage. This

    class has an open enrollment ─ feel free to drop in to just one or all sixteen of the individual weeks.

    Please let me know if you're able to come so I know how many copies of materials to make.

    Jan 2 - We're All Swimming in the Stream Together – Covenant

    Jan 16 - Gently Down the Stream – Polity

    Our regulars are learning a ton about UU History and more about ourselves all while having a great

    time. You don't want to miss this offering!

    ─ Tim Atkins

    Tapestry of Faith

  • Page 6 Morristown Unitarian Fellowship

    FOOD DONATIONS: Thanksgiving generosity resulted in 800 pounds of food being donated to

    the Interfaith Food Pantry. Our children did a wonderful job preparing their crafts and baskets.

    ALTERNATIVE GIFT FAIR SUCCESS: This year’s sale was a resounding success thanks

    to the work of 60 volunteers and 10 partner organizations. Our partner organizations raised over

    $12,000 and merchandise sales from Ten Thousand Villages were over $14,500. In all, proceeds were

    nearly 30% higher than last year.

    HOLIDAY GIVING TREE: While a weekend snow storm put a damper on gift collection and

    distribution, MUF members still found a way to connect gifts with designated recipients:

    38 toys were delivered to an after-school class of fourth and fifth graders at Neighborhood House

    25 gifts of warmth were delivered to day laborer’s at Pathways to Work

    22 gift cards were distributed to needy teens at Morristown High Schools and Frelinghuysen

    Middle School

    15 cards gift cards were provided to families at Neighborhood House

    Once again your generosity brought holiday cheer into the lives of 100 individuals in our community!

    Holiday Blessings

    SCAN Concert Tickets Go On Sale January 6!

    28th Annual Benefit Concert for

    Central America – Sat., Feb. 8

    Doors Open at 7:15 pm and concert starts at 8 pm. Wine and cheese reception: 7:15 pm.

    The MUF stage welcomes The Kennedy’s whose

    music is a delightful blend of acoustic-based folk,

    rock, country, pop and secular gospel music and MUF

    favorites A. J & Lisa to this sensational event.

    Proceeds go to agencies providing direct aid to

    impoverished people in Central America for “self-

    sufficiency” enterprises and the UUA Service

    Committee Action Network (SCAN).

    Advance tickets are $25 at the MUF Box Office

    and $30 at the door. Advance Reservations List for

    “Hold Tickets” can be sent to admin@muuf.org; or

    call MUF office (973) 540-1177 ext. 203.


    Thursday Jan. 9 at 7 pm at MUF.

  • Page 7 Morristown Unitarian Fellowship

    News from Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Executive Director

    Another year of social justice, education and advocacy is coming to an end. Last week I was talking

    with Rohn Hein, expressing my frustration with the fracking issue, wondering if it was even possible to

    turn around the full press efforts of the energy industry and government policy. And he said to me, “And

    marriage equality in New Jersey isn’t going to happen.” That little comeuppance caused me to pause. I

    said, “Thank you.”

    That simple statement reminded me that social change doesn’t originate from strategy or constituent

    letters. Change happens because of hope. For thirty years, the hope of marriage equality was kept alive in

    our hearts, constantly compelling us to move forward, step by step, regardless of how pessimistic the out-

    look of current conditions seemed. And it is no different with any other social justice concern. As we

    move forward working toward a more equitable world, it is an unbridled hope in the future that motivates

    us, that helps us take those big courageous steps, and more often those little and sometimes tedious steps

    into the future. The cornerstone of who we are is our hope for a better quality of life for those who are

    struggling in New Jersey and our belief in its realization.

    One definition of faith is committing one’s heart fully to something and then moving forward with a

    confidence in tomorrow, knowing that life will evolve as it needs to evolve. The driving force of

    UULMNJ’s work is this kind of faith . — faith that moves us forward in hope, one step at a time,

    one conversation at time as we gather into a movement for justice.

    For more inspirational information about our New Jersey Legislative Ministry check out the website at


    Enthusiastic shoppers at the Fellowship’s Alternative Gift Fair purchased Peachy Salsa, Wild

    Woolies birdhouses and birds, and Gleen cleaning cloths Dec. 6

    through 8. As a result of bulk purchasing and intensive staffing of

    Green Earth Ministry’s table, we raised over $400. The money

    will be donated to Food & Water Watch, a national organization with a very active New Jersey chapter. Food

    & Water Watch works to ensure that the food, water, and fish we consume are safe, accessible, and sustainably

    produced. Matching funds tripled December donations to Food and Water Watch.

    - Linda DeLap, Green Earth Ministries

  • Page 8 Morristown Unitarian Fellowship Page 8 Morristown Unitarian Fellowship

    The Fellowship’s Fundraising Committee

    Proudly Presents…

    The 33rd Annual

    Black Maria Film Festival

    Saturday, Feb. 22

    Morristown Unitarian Fellowship will host two showings

    of this international juried and award tour.

    The Festival features a variety of bold contemporary works

    selected from this year’s submissions of award-winning films.

    Interlude includes an Italian dinner, wine and soft drinks.

    First showing: 5 pm Second showing: 7:30pm

    Tickets will be on sale at the box office from late January through February 20.

    In Advance At the Door 5 pm showing only $15 $20

    5 pm showing with Interlude $25 $30

    5 pm & 7:30 pm Showings $35 $45

    with Interlude

  • Page 9 Morristown Unitarian Fellowship

    First Monday Book Group meets in the Dining Room at MUF at 7 pm on the first Monday of every month. Visitors and new members are always welcome. We read fiction

    and non-fiction. Bring your recommendations! The discussions are worthwhile even if

    everyone didn't finish the book. With life's experience, everyone has something to contribute.

    Contact Nancy Lee McLure for more information. (908-204-9572). nlmclure@msn.com


    January 6 - The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh - Led by Nancy Lee McLure

    February 3 - Anthill by E.O. Wilson - led by Jackie Mulcey

    Sunday Morning Experience Workshop

    Calling all greeters, ushers, service associates and welcome table staff

    or those interested in becoming a part of the Sunday Morning Experience...

    There are many parts that go into making our Sunday morning services work. We would like to invite all

    those who currently fill these roles and anyone who is interested in learning them to a Sunday Morning

    Services Workshop. The workshop will include information about the different aspects of Sunday

    Morning and training/re-training for the different positions. The workshop will be held on Jan. 25 from

    9:30 am to 1 pm and will include breakfast. Please rsvp to Mandi Huizenga at (973) 540-1177 x 203 or

    admin@muuf.org by January 20.

    From the Adult Learning Committee

    Attention all readers of the UU World

    Magazine! If you’re interested in

    getting together to chat about the

    Winter 2013 issue, please get in touch

    with Tricia Armstrong at


    Date and time will be set once we

    know who would like to participate.

    Multigenerational Family Game


    Calling families of all shapes and sizes, including

    families of one! We’re going to start up a monthly

    board game and potluck night with all ages

    intentionally welcome. So dust off those copies of

    Candy Land and Carcassonne and join us on the sec-

    ond Fridays of each month beginning on January

    10th. We’ll meet in Room 204, start things off at 6

    pm and end by 10 pm (although you can come late

    and leave early!) Call or email our DRE Tim at

    dre@muuf.org to RSVP, and let us know what dish

    you can bring…and what games you can bring too!


  • Page 10 Morristown Unitarian Fellowship

    From Our Capital Campaign Director

    With the congregation vote on November 24th to move forward with a Capital Campaign, the month of

    December has been very busy! I am pleased to let you know that Paul Ferm and Tanya Van Order have

    agreed to be our Capital Campaign Co-Chairs. Along with Alison they have been in the process of

    recruiting individuals and forming the Capital Campaign Steering Committee. The first meeting of the

    Steering Committee is scheduled for Sunday January 5th.

    Approximately 300 “households” (individuals and/or families) have been identified for one-on-one, Capital

    Campaign “visits.” There are approximately 250 Member “households” and an additional 50 Friends and

    Active Visitors. Given this number, there is the need for a total of 30 to 35 Campaign visitors. Each

    member of the Steering Committee and the eight members of the Board of Trustees will be Campaign

    visitors. Besides these two groups there will be the need to recruit an additional 12 to 17 volunteers to

    conduct Campaign visits.

    The Campaign is “Carrying the Torch from Generation to Generation!” Campaign materials have begun

    to be created using this theme.

    The congregational wide Capital Campaign Kick-Off is planned for January 19th. As the date of this event

    approaches more information will be provided.

    This is an exciting time for the Fellowship as we will be formally kicking off the Capital Campaign with the

    goal of raising as much money towards $7.1 million need identified in the overall Master Plan. It is hard to

    believe that the last campaign was conducted over 30 years ago!

    In Service,

    David Grove

    Capital Campaign Kick-off Celebration

    January 19, 2013

    Our Capital Campaign, “Carrying the Torch from Generation to Generation,” will kick-off on January 19th

    at 10:15 am at the Morris Museum, just a quick walk down the road from the Fellowship. We ask that

    people park at the Fellowship and walk to the museum. For those who may find the walk difficult, we will

    have a shuttle between the two buildings starting at 10 am.

    Religious Education classes will begin prior to the service, at 10 am with Children’s Chapel at the

    Fellowship. We ask that parents leave their children at the Fellowship with their teachers and then head to

    the museum. Nursery care will also be provided at 10 am or you may bring your children to

    the service.

    We then invite you back to the Fellowship for a time for a kick-off reception – fun things are

    planned for people of all ages! We hope you can join us in this exciting celebration!

  • Page 11 Morristown Unitarian Fellowship

    Check us out on Facebook! www.facebook.com/


    Jan. 1-4 2 7 pm Faith Like a River

    7:30 pm Men’s Consciousness Raising

    9 am Tai Chi Light

    Jan. 5-11

    5 9 & 11 am Sunday Services

    12:20 pm Sunday Morning Services Wkshp Coord. Mtng

    6 7pm Membership Meeting

    7 pm Monthly Book Club 7 6:15 pm Choir Practice

    6:30 pm Finance Committee

    7 pm Sunday Services Committee

    7 pm Endowment Board Meeting 8 11 am Covenant Circles - Werner Simon

    7 pm Covenant Circles -Kate McAteer

    9 6 pm Covenant Circles - Nan Perigo 6 pm Covenant Circles - David Snedden

    7 pm Covenant Circles - Peter Fallon

    7 pm Social Justice Committee Meeting 7:30 pm Men’s Consciousness Raising

    Jan. 12-18

    12 9 &11 am Sunday Services 13 7 pm Covenant Circles—Carol Todd

    14 6:15 pm Choir Practice

    7 pm GEM Monthly Meeting 7 pm Fundraising Committee


    15 7 pm Board Meeting

    16 7 pm Faith Like a River – Adult RE 7:30 pm Men’s Consciousness Raising

    18 9:30 am Tai Chi Light

    Jan. 19-25

    19 9 &11 am Sunday Services

    Newcomer Welcome Sessions and Tour

    5 pm Covenant Circle

    Facilitators Meeting

    20 7 pm Covenant Circle - Marjorie Wormser

    21 6:15 pm Choir Practice

    7 pm Board Working Meeting 22 7 pm Network Meeting

    23 7:30 pm Men’s Consciousness Raising

    25 9:30 am Sunday Morning Services Workshop

    Jan. 26-31

    28 6:15 pm Choir Practice 30 7:30 pm Men’s Consciousness Raising

    Monthly Midweek Renewal Service

    “A Passion for Peace”

    Wednesday, Dec. 6th at 6:30pm

    Individuals, families, people of all

    ages are welcome to join us for a

    monthly midweek evening renewal

    service. Rev. Alison Miller and Da-

    vid Snedden attended a worship con-

    ference this summer focused on small

    and large group worship experiences

    and were inspired to offer a more inti-

    mate monthly service. This month we

    will focus our energy, spirits and

    hearts on attaining more peace in our

    lives and in our world.


  • Morristown Unitarian Fellowship 21 Normandy Heights Road Morristown, New Jersey. 07960-4611

    January 2014 Volume 59. No. 1

    January is often a time of resolve about the choices we make. Let’s explore how we can become more

    mindful eaters and more aware of the role of food in our lives, in light of our goals of a just society and the

    wellbeing of our planet.

    Jan. 12 “Food for Thought” Services at 9 am & 11 am

    - Led by Rev. Alison B. Miller

    You won’t want to miss our Capital Campaign Kick-Off! This special day will take place in two locations –

    Children, Youth and Teachers will start with chapel followed by classes beginning at 10AM at MUF. Adults

    will head to the Morris Museum (6 Normandy Heights Rd.) for worship in the Bickford Theater, which seats

    as many as our projected Fellowship Hall! Followed by a Festive Party for All Ages at 11:30am.

    Jan. 19 “Carrying the Torch from Generation to Generation” Service at 10:15am

    - Led by Rev. Alison B. Miller

    Jan. 26 “Celebrating the Vision of Members Who Have Served Our Fellowship as Presidents of

    the Board of Trustees” Services at 9 am & 11 am

    Our theme of the year is “Catch the Spark! Renew the Spirit!” On the first Sunday of the New Year, our

    theme invites us to reflect on what we feel called to do with our precious and finite gift of life. May this be a

    season of new and renewing beginnings for all.

    Jan. 5 “Igniting Passion” Services at 9 am & 11 am

    - Led by Rev. Alison B. Miller

    With so much excitement about our future, we will take time to reflect on how we got to this moment. We

    will celebrate efforts of our Presidents and the key moments in the life of the Morristown Unitarian


    -- Coordinated by Franklin Heller and Marjorie Wormser

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