vol. so. no. 295 tw-in falls, idaho, thursday....

Post on 15-Feb-2018






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4 a j ktCM * •( ndSMd ttTMttfctM dtec t t e CnlUd B U t« m*T b« te •a*M « ’■wf t» SM M Vm b e h e h « t w b n t

A R e s io n a l K e n p a p t r S e r r i a s N in e I rrS jra te d I d a h o C o a n tic a




New Cold Following Snowfalls

B r C alled r rtMHeavy snows which cover­

ed the midwest and cast were followed today by still colder weather.

Meanwhile, C a l i f o r n ia ’s worst winter drought was broken by hea\-y rains which fell last night on the parchcd southern valleys which pro­duce much of the nation’s citrus fruit.

The U .S. »T»ther h i« * u » t CM- c»co rvponcd th>t lU b-QonuJ tcm« P«nture3 prtr»U td orer mo»t at th e QiUon.

SaonrfiJ] E nd m d le tc d Po rccu tc rs s»ld the hM Tlest

tnovf&U WM In n iU m Peanayl- T»nU. where u a*]ncb iloved trtnsporU U aa. They u id th e roow - faU would end tod&y tn c u te m states, and th » t colder w eather wouM M t tn tontght.

T he continued coJd which h u plAcaed m ost o f the nation alnce J«n . 13 drained fuel oU and cas iui>* pUe« s ti ll low tr tn inanr eecUona. l a ISetrolt. w h e n 300000 a e o h a re been la id off In IndistrU l sh u t- detvns caused b ; the (a s thortajre, th e letBpcraUire e a r l; today ditippcd to th ree decrees abore w ro.

M miea-DolUr Bain O sllfom la's i^rlcultural codznls*

sloaer, John Dixon, said the ra in w ai w orth a mUUoa dollan alone to ta im cra In th e rich fsim lnc region

.o f the S an Joaquin ra ller tn sa ttnga for feed, pom plns and Irrtcatlon.

^ Stockmen, many of whom had p re- A a r t d to sh ip the ir cattle artd she«p

O recoo for pasture or sell them ImmedUtely U the rains did n o t come, were expected to benefit c m t l r since the ra in wtU brine sood craxlnc for the ir U m tock.

Cheer Leaders Get a Few Poiuters

. b i m p tt ytU iiU tag a t- - --------------- -------------- ---------- •“ W edeeeday. Takla* p ^ t m . W t to tU ^ t . ar«

W m ian KtUty, A lb in ; D osaa T m b c . T w te FalH: StQtMi ftitititm R i p c r l : jM ie M in taa . K k h n d d ; B ar Landtvib. Filer, and Ba>7 n a w h ftT j. K icM W d. (Stan « c r« T te t l

* * * * • * * * * * ' * *

School Spirit, Cooperation Theme of First Cheer Leaders’ Workshop Here

Crash Brings $50 Fine for Recklessness

School sptrtt and eooperatloa _ th e them e of the f la t annual cheer leade rs ' workshop held la Tw in Falls W ednesday. Some 190 students r e p » - sen tln* schools tn el«ht ila « le V alley eoimtlca attended the

Tl»e metUng opened with an after* noon aeasloo a t the Tirln F&Us school wllh talks by BemeB W rieht, K im berly. tiA John IX PU tt, p rin ­c ipal of Tvln FaUs high S tuden ts from the Tlnim xlty o t Id ah o and Southern Idsha CODece o l EducalioQ expUlaed ih« C n cr

haQ f e ^ t s t d a banquet a n d th e m a la addrtss o t the byJ i t s . R e « M. North, dean of clrt* a t T w in FU b h!«h scbooL

i t s . Koeth ccca;arTd y«U Uadn^g to p o e a y b « a u « both ttn la ln fo u r s f ta i tv pe teti. tdeas, rtiy thm .color a r ^ esjoUon. She pointed o c t t h a t th e tcvrtsoh iita for cheer lead ­in g txx^xle anistry and s p o r tm a s - shtp.

M ra. Korth then jr e e n te d th e T w la Pans yea leader*. D oeaaTouBC. Slax7.;ent« O sndlsfa a itd B e rc tty Crovley as exaap ics of

................J«a Jeadla*.B ss t. j r , fo im tr

k la c a t the C niT«sjty o f Idaho, ta troduetd Uie p r w n t yea R allaad Tl.->5w:rd. T lpsw w d ex­plained the n-.rans of obU tn tsc achool sp irtl tn a a c ro«p of s tu ­dents.

H e demonstrated proper yrUj to th e c rw p acd care a ta lk o a pep ralUes.

“ We hope to roaU sc* these work- shops la the jrxzz to ccsae. I t t l a wxaderful cpportunlty to j1t» c re d it to the students w ho ktiep achool sp irit ca a h!«h le r r l and » c h aa re to «B.*k toceih tr t e r tm- Vtvcizss school coe^jetaUoa." F U t:

ahoM atree t weeoea iCQUtred Bwdlia l attentloD a s a rcsu ll of lha mishap.

Mrs. LoQiss M unjer, ow ner of tha c a r d rlT ta by Spellmtn. and he r

, aister. Ja n ice D arrah. bo th Twin y y i s . w ere trea ted by a local doc- V t w . Mr*. Mu&cer rteehred three

aUtches f<r a wotmd la h e r r ig h t rye whOe Miss D artah recd red two atltehea foe a wound In her bead, cordlnc to th e police tTport.

SpeUman was cited by d ty police when they determined th a t the SpeUman c a r m ust h a n bera driven rrcklessly to ha re struck a pickup tTMck le sa llr parked a t the curb.

A SCO-salloo U nk was dislodged from the truck, owned by th e F le u Cher OU eonpany . Jerome aad hurled to th e groond. The driver of th e truck was E. E. Davis. Jerome.

SpeUman had an Idaho d rivers license which expired k s t Norembcr. #tid a valid CalUomla license. Judge P u a p h rey warned Spellmaa th a t s ts to poUce m w take acUoo tn the

and « tld m arks were evWent for 17 paces before the c a r h it the plekup truck. T h e truck was hurled for­w ard 1« paces to the front o t an a l- Irv. police said.

Truman Smilingly »Mum’ on Politics

Despite Bolt Talkw A sn m o T O N . i^ b . s olb _

WhUe southern Democrats talked revolt against President T rum an's racial and clvU rlghta thechief extcuUve k e ^ smilingly today.

I^ut o the r Democratic party chlef- U ins were taking a more openly serlwis view of the tou lhera tj iv The acwthem DemocraU were th reatening to strike a t Use party pocketbook.

OoT. B ea Laney o f Arkansas _ nounced th a t the Democratic sU te committee wvuld ip p n m rt th e pn>- c teds of th e party* JeffeisooO ack- soa day dinners o a Feb. 19 instead of sendmg th e moaey to natloDal headquiners . And th e questloB of whether Jacksoa day d ln n o s would be held la South Carolina was un ­decided.

Mr. T rum an laughingly dodged Dice: poUtlcal questions a t h is news rooferencfc About th e nxist posl- Uve thing the P m id e a t would say *as tha t he would support the DemocraUc nominee for Prcsldeat.

Assault C h ^ e in • Burley Dismissed

BURLET. re b . 9 -C b a iv e o f a». sau lt wllh a deadly weapon w ith ta ­le n t to commit m tnder against iNlchlas Wilson h u beea

WUson was charged w ith Xlrtac aevetal shots with a rifle a t Tj U tv O lsoa durtag an argxm»eal over tn ie to l a iss t w e&

To Scouts at Honor Court

M erit badges and class ranks were •w ard ed to n Doy SeocU a t t h e ; T w in . Falls dhlrlc t court of hof-«- W ednesday night la the dlslrtel c o u rt room, a t the county court- • botise.

Prealdlng over the ceremoaJea! w rre U oyd Roberson, db lrlc l com­missioner. aad Hogh K elsA or- ganlsaU on aad eitensloa chalrm aa.

Recipients of awArtis were:S t a r ra a k -P h lllp Custer, troop 62.P i n t class m a lt bsdges—Philip

C uster, troop H ; R(ccr Boyd. Rich­a rd Body. BlUy FUber aad Davts O H am jw . troop R ; Larry K. J u - ch au , troop 8J; DarrtU A. Ileider. troop 100; J. w . Smith, troop 60; a n d Leslie Jones and Glenn W. Do&sett. troop C .

Second c lau merit bsdcw—Robert H onderlck. Jsa-.es Honderlck. La:^ t y O oeckntr itid David Anderstsi. troop 63; and Junior Esllngtr. tXTX>p S7.

F irs t class rar.k—Robert H ocder- ick a a d David Andcnon. troop C ; Oeoege Mills, troop 6S: K enneth Me- Dcmald. troop 66: and Clsrk White­h e a d a a d Robert Crowley, troop « .

Second class rank—John UiUer tio c ^ CS; Jack Boyd sad 8 u n > y V andenhark. troop 61; and W alter T hom psoa and Eugene Andersca. troop 81.

“Improving”NEW YOBS. Feb. 5 vTu_C5ialr-

m a a ZlaTid S . U acnthsl of the a tc o tc o p gy ccirgitii^tM saVl today t h a coaalry b Ts;;Boviag“ th e a to m bomb.

T t x th rea t csisls. he said, th a t a toask; esergy wUl be used f o r d esS tK tica o a a scale th a t h as n o t y e t beea disclosed."

L lllea thal declaitd th s t th e •pnaetpa l aad perhsjs th e only soi»l he ?* - f o r p m ro u ag this l i fo r "pecftSe everywhere to eccce to u a tie is ta ad the atomte world.”

Idaho State’s President Is

Club’s GuestpQlat±nc c c t th a t nhM of 10

TsUures resn lt frcm r« m ji o the r I th a a l a c i of tt^ m k a ] Dr. C arl

Human Right Bill Presented at U.N.

LA KE SUCCESS. ?«». 3 m — M rs. F ranklin D. Roosevelt today form ally pnaented the d raft of a a In terna tional bUl o t hixaaa rtsh ta foe coBslderaUon ta the UiUted N a­tions ecooomlc and so A l coua:lL

S h e appeared as th«irm»w of the U . M. comml^toB on h to iaa r lg h u w iilcb drafted the bill and a a In- te ra a t lo n a l coveaant a t a ttc en t aesslon In Oeseva.

A fte r geeeial comments on th e rep o rt. M ra. lUwevelt left th e table a n d Russia opened general dis­cuss! 00.

W . M d a to ih . prtsSdeat of Idaho S U te coCcgt. T h u ad iy noon toid R lw aais c^ ib member s th a t the coi- le re o f hhe ia l a rts pw ^iam a t th e FoeateU o school h 1 » l ts s t a no ther academ ic wastebsskrt.*

M d n t t th was principal speake r a t th e rtgu lsr ttooa club ses.'loa a t the Park bole! and was Intnsdaced by J iA T h t t a s . K lw anu m em ber a a d fo ra w stodeat a t th e

T h e school pctaideat .iecU rtd t h a t tb e Lbera] a ru couse Is loRger to be ccetsldertd as a pUce spend fo c r ew y yean a t stbooZ. whUe th e sSadetst makes c a hSs mirtd ab o u t h is life w ott.

A l= s c f the p.-ccraa adopted a t th « schoca ta th e erw tb e ra l a r ts ccnrse hsdade gtvtag a 3 sy jd e s t* th e tespoBsUdDty of dew l- opSss cccnmaad o t the dem ents of c o e m m k a tto a s . and ak eg th is line a c o c r » t j b a t t speech Is rebutted. C tE ilderah ie ahaty b devoted to U*ie so d s l science field wllh a « c o t o a

a a d h is retatlccOjhlp to o ther m en. b e Slid.

P o b iu s c c p th e tapartaace >. soeh a ccKTse. the m sk le a t of th e schooi declartd :

-Tfces« w as t*evtx m o e seed for a tOm hiii «■ N ,. tl. «

A t h is prellmtnaiT h e u la s Wed- Bcaday. th e case a g a h s t h tm « m ta k e s advlsemcBt T tnm erottig officials ann tcaced the cbarge had beea " iK k o f c T ltax e ,

Erection of Airport Building To Start at Once, Alayor S ays

ConstrticUan on the TWtn F»Us m unic ipal a i r p o r t adainlsiraU cn boU dlas will start *aImaBt tn a e d l- a te ly .- M ayor H. O. lAuterbach a a - a o ts u e d la te Wednesday after a spe« d a l m ecttag of the d ty e o w l l A t th e m e e tlrv coQtKllmen accepted the fed e ra l g r a a t ot funds for kU CD the ecw itructloa . This b ian\\mewm ctrQ • o t s a t t t k s admlnlstratlca p ro taU th e BJayor said.

F r e s e i t a t the meetlnt waa B . K. o a d d cB . B abe, ttM dlsWet n g tn e e r e ( U w OAA. B e rtp rta tn ttd th* f ed« ta x body a ad win f c m r d the em acU iaeti's r o o lu t l^ acceptisg tb e i i a n t to his btadquutcza.

Q lk idcn tB td k ttd the a p ^ n p ^ w ia be back w lthta a n e k . The xaayor a a ld w ith th b a ^ H o n ] th e e c e tre c t f t r cnea trw th^ th e b e id - ta « w ta be AsmaSy awairied to ! R cyaolds a a d Walker w b a e tow

h u been - I t i c n th e ewmtmnltip w in t e ­

l a a t oace ," th e osa jw said.Tha tn s x papers sate Uk alr-

ts C d ta c w ia be a w s t o c r stractB xv a ix l th e grant caSs to r ta -

e t sidcwalka aad a w ewtr <aspoB»l JCrtSem. Cp to gsftfloo wffl

700 Students Hear Officials Sti’ess Safety

Some r o Twin F i lls h l j h sch cd s ta d e n u aisem b^d a t 8 a. m . T h w - day to hear sta te officials ;p rak o a tralTx safety. T he sim e offlcisls spoke to SI persons W edaisday a i i h t a t Clover schooL

George K. Vsugha. sta te Mfe*.y d l- rectcc. strrased th e s iJ f tv p c ts a h e has made to rT > » r^i'. h igh schools iSace the be«aa U s: November.

•Dalty Crams*V augha told th e a u ie r .ce tha t

day” they a re esam -L-.SUOM la aslety p.*rcau;i.in. If they ftuEk a to t» I t may be fatal, h e warned. \* iu ;lia related the tragedy o t a $-yva>old boy w^« died in 1>« Wllh a a eiam uiatloa p » re r to h is hand. I t was graded ICO per cm t.

V at^ha said th e la d d en t h jp - r<T.fd while he was shcr.ff of r a y e tte c o d ty . H e hurried to te - v ts tigaie th e acdd eat «M.-h kl'-ed th e only child of an aged ccup:?. aad found th a t the arm and hand h o jj- ; me the p ip e r had bevn revTrtd. "T he youngster was h u rrr .r .j home

. te a the good newj;,- Va-.3:ha i s i ”B at he hopped c if th e b »

befcce Jt s;e«iped. and then filled to V x t up the to»d before crwainj.'*

T h e poor little fellow m l i r ctCy go t a ie ro th a t day.” Va-.^'

DriTvraWarcedS U te Police U ru t. .<L t Perkins

wtiTTStd the group th a t a d .- .tc r t U- CTTV*- does not give a iK-rsw tc dn\-e “with d lsrtta rd .” T h rre m-iC b e realisaUon of r«sp<eslb;--.r. p r - . k ia s la id . Parents shouli be aware of th e ir respoaslhllliy b r example a a d chUdrm should also be a n r « o f theS- rsepoaslhlllty ta eszhsnge Tor the prtvllege of drlvJag. he added.

W . W. Oodfrvy. Jercme. district offS.'er of the Farm B = m a . empha- s tsfd how cartlesstess ta astc« sctl> a ss id e n u t* effeetm* iasuraace

Present at, both tte e tS s s was i t a . A k m a B acsea. a « 2 e y . P re?ldfat o f the A sodsted Wcxnen c f the F a rm Bu m q w hkh b spcs.sonng th e campaign. la Tw in F i lls she Sxtrodueed SU te I>slle« O tncer M. J .

Stocks, C o m m o d ity Prices D iv e Second S tra ig h t D a y ;

P re sid e n t W a rn s of ‘B u s t’, By T b* A iM eb((4 F m »

Commoditj* pnces came tumbling down today for the second day running while the stock market moved lower at a slower rate. Commodities for the most part raccd do\vnward when markets opened and staj’ed dowTi through the day.

In the New York stock exchange leading stocks continued to slide. Although the market showed moi-e stability than yesteixJaj prices near the close were around the lows for the


News of Attempted Jail Break Here on Jan. 15 Is Suppressed

^ rtia l blame for suppressing rcw,s of an attempted jail break at the Twin Falls count)* jail on Jan. 15 wa.t taken today by rro,-5«utinj: Attorney Everett M. Swecley who said he “unmmnKb' may ha\ti said somethinj: to .sheriffs officers which they construed as w dc- sirv to keep the matter quid.”

Fin^l nexv-s o f the attempted break camo late Wednesday afternoon in district court when Judfw James W. IVrter asked Jim Martin. 14. Goodinp, if he had known of the planned hrvak. The Martin boy an.swered -No."

“My attitude is to pi\-Ts all necessary information to the prc.«y«;' Sweclcy said todai*. He attributed ."uppr«iSJon of the -news as a S lesire to arcvid puttinj; pressure on minor de­fendants to make a plea.**

o aata fted Wednesdsy, Sawley saU h e bel»re<i th e attempt* ed Jill break a ad ssp r r s ti^ o c f cewa of It was a m a tte r w hich was en­tirely ta the .M rjdJctlQn of Sherin Ibcda R. R a jb c m . H e de«isr»d W cdstslay th a t b e ewiid re i.vn «hy th e aewa a h « ild not have beea dLvloMd a t th e trme the h.-eak was attem pted.

L b ta S ra iM *.V ier the o ju r . resMoo ta whirtj tws cf the a t:tm pte>i break fa s t

became fcow a. S h e riff Raybcm gave three rvascc.s fee g g y c e ssfcg the news. He said h e h a d beea ad­vised by S r o le y to t t e p *t ^ e t * as the isform auoa cos^d be used agam jt s a a e t f th e j^xsthA.

O ther r e a » a s h .^ed by R a y b m were th a t there was stssy* to the trwtdfat as th e bre«k was a o t K S tn g i te id e a S b e « 6 5 h e dk l not wish 11 to become kn o w s th a t t o a j o t the eellmg t a th e JaC w t« a4 d e of ; : ^ e r a : ^ c c c ^ be faR ed eaiUy. B t .'aid he h a d a s M the bo»rd of ccuaqr ox a m lsslc h en for fimfis to s tr e ti '.h e a th e pcetioa ot the ceC2 « over th e ce2 b i x k where less diagerous pc.-n.-i^s a i» kejit.

D evtO es .\ t t e « » t:He descr.l<\i the a t : 't a p ; to break

oat o f ja il as :oll«:w3 : i A tasall i» > was s m * : ie d ta the plaster. I t was ta te a t o f the w«xW-be esca p es to jm U dJwa .w r r w - t p iu te r “a t th e pro;*r cwm eat” aad h.MK thesaselvta the attic .

From there th e prvvsK rs evxld hsve aiade the ir a i y to ”Tv«-ho>^' wladcws ta the u rp e r reaches of the ceuaty beridmg a ad iaw ered them-

tCMtk . i i M rw « ^ r»k«M i)

‘Ike’ to Retire From Army This Satui'day

WASHINGTON. Feb, 5 OJ.R>—Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower announced today he will retire as armj- chief of staff at noon Saturday'.

Eisenhower told a National Press club luncheon he will take a \-acation before assuming his new job as president of Columbia university. He is expected to take his new position in May or June,

Gen. Omar N, Bradley succeeds Eisenhower as chief of staff.

Russia, Romania Aid Pact Sgned

Turkey to Stand Firm Against All Russia Demands

ANKARA. T ^ r te y , F»<i. S .1 '— T tak ty ts teads to ata: a« ata jt a ll fS a iU a d«saa=>ds. r^r» e isa S ta ti te r X e« 5 sed ia Sadak de» da red today.

The fw vifa a u a s i e r vaid he had ta k ta ao :e ot r e p o r t ahr>Aad that his reeeat f jce.»a rc ii^y j th e a ssrc ib ^ ta c ::a :e d a wJl^xpTjeis to saakp a deal w r.h Mc«o.'w.

■It ts a te a d e a t ix a la te r rc rU - t i » o f aiy as.'*=A5r .'pcech. S id ik said to aa to te rraw . T h e r e has beea aay chaaxe to T = rk ish fo re sapo licy------

Ttsooe who u a ce rs taa d th e T.:r» k lih 5>.>:45r. h e r e v rr< arr t» s2 ri f«eadly r t ls ty a s w jth the fteHas cf c ra tita d e a T .r tey 1-^ the . \ s e r v a a a id profraca will h a te s o u a S e rj? aa i2-ithe a:;x\:t of thSs rai*e pcb* Ixatlca .”

.= e fcaowa laM a i th t that Ttekey has rrcan rd h e r aa^hsjvMicr f ro a ^aicow Sa tetaliau.-es f jr Rassla^ wf.i*hwwal o f iS«e eavey to T a te y . so c h a a a«l,-a . ho«ever. d » s ac< re^ sesc s t a break to d.-pifer-.stit rela tlaas.

District Court AssaultCouut Trial Started

Prespectm Jurors steadily fUed to the psael box T hursday inom lnc c a ^ t» be rejected a s tria l o f an as> sa u a with la ten t to coenmlt tape ease becaa befora Ju d se Jam es W. IVtfter.

.Nt the noon rem .v Ju d ee Porter adatoaljhed J a w a n o t to discuss u*>e s u te ^ case asatru t M ax L. OiUey who b charced w ith th e o f . ferae wpoa a H .year^old B ansea Ctxl last Juae.

I W bs SpeetatonJa d re Porter also w arned the

.'pertatora la the courtroom to re* frato ftvea speech on tlie la a tte r In the p«seaee of th e Jurors. SelecUon of J w n coatlaucd Thurwlay after> aasa.

Oailey b irFstseated by Attorneys M arshall C ha im aa a ad I^w rra ce Q uisa while Prosecatlnc A ttoroey E trre tt M. Sweeley b preeen tlas the state 's case.

Ei-senhower did not say where he will vacation or for how lonjT,

n e said he would like t a ( tre tb t same answer as Oen B tehoa Som et' TeU. fonaer chief o t u m y luppty. Who upoa reUrtos said he icould Uke to *xo socse place an d find a cottase w ith a rocker oa th e porch and i l l there foe aix weeks, a fte r which X will s ta r t rocklnj alowly."

EUenhower. who h a s ta k ro h im ­self out o t coaslderatloo a s a prtal* dentUI possibility, made one obUque rvfereaee to th e T k e for PreaJdcnt" doom. Referrlns to his su te m e n t th i t he could not and. would not ac« cer t a presldeaUal p o m laa tk o he.raid:

“In the last 10 d a j^ or tw o weeks

Most of his talk wa.t devoted to the nillon-s security problems. T h b ta lk was foUoa-ed by (juwUoas frota the neirsmtn pre«n t.

. noaea’l a th e forrery c»se Involrtns six

j t c th s between !♦ and 18 years of a«e. J u i « Porter lau m ated th a t » » e of them were p toducla ot tsrokea h o a w - and cave them a le co R d chaare.* T he Judce partiled e a th to the cuitody o t U>e sheriff for ooe year. They prevlou.\ly had pleaded cuUty to fo n tn s a JIO check aad passage It to Mrs. Christine l«xe a t the Ooasumer's m arke t last Dwr. 5T.

Ju d f f Porter also cedered Joe r i k ^ r . 16. and T*d K itchen. 14. to TTttaa to school. l u ordered Jim M artia. l i M eM a Irw la. 1*. J im -

tChttOmrt M r*(« x. CO«M 1 )

Fund Cut to Fade, Truman Declares

xcA saD «3T0.s. reb . 5 — Pr«s!deat T ttaaaa said today th a t R fpahHoa efTorti to slash h b < » . .

bt*Stet wlU se t exactly

De to n a new* eoaferrace a sen- a te^ h su x subceenmitiee r e c o m - m cadauca for a cut of C.SOO.000.000 « aa jB » ao tanch o o av em u o a .

Senate Committee Approves Plan to Curb Racial BansWASmNOTOM. Feb. 5 <UP —

T he senate labor conunlttee voted 7 to 5 today to approve the bill deslfned to prevent dL-crlmlniiion In employment becai»e o t race creed or naUonal o.l6ln.

Tlie measure. »po«vwed hy Sen. I n in e M. Ivto. R , N. Y , would create a nations) commUslon acalnst discrlmlnatioD . i n em ^oym ent, which would seek th r ts ijh concUia- tlon to adjust cccnplalnta o t Job dl.'crUnlnatioa.

I f medlaUon failed, the commis­sion could o b u in a court order to enforce Its decisions.

I f the Republican senate con. ference acrees to take up th e bill on the senate floor, a b itte r fU!. buster hy southern Dem ocraU b considered Inevitable.

Ownmlttee Chairaaan Robert A. TJift, R , o , announced th a t th o » favortae the blU tocluded Sena. O eorje D. Aiken. R , W : n . Alex, ander Slth. R , N. J . : W aay» L. Morse. R , Oee.: William E. Jean er. R , Ind.: n t)ert D, Thomas, n , tJ lah : James K. Murray. D , M ont, a n d ivts.

In Wn-shington President Truman said the price altua. tion still Is alarming despite Wednesday’s nosedive in com­modity and stock markets. Pricca arc risinj: so alarminir- b' that a crash is inevitable unlcs. somethin;; is done to halt them, he said.

For his part, Mr. Truman said he will keep telling con- RTcas he needs authority to Impose price controls. Talking to a news conference, Mr. Truman brought out charts ptTpared by the budget bu- rcftu.

He u id thesa thow s te a d ; rises In the prtee* o t eommodlUea, food and aU other Items. R ltet, b t explained. Klnce he asked for s tu d l iy price and rtUonlhf authority la a m «> u s e to the ipcclal fceslan o f con> r m last November.

C w fta t n a a D ata U r. Truman did n o t say w hether '

he to planatnff a special n e s iac e to conress. n« said m entbcrs of ccmcrtss h s n the sam e m to m sU o n he hsi.

AU {tains o t th e C hlcaso board • of trade plunced th e lim it per> m ltttd ta a s in s lt sesakm for the: tecood tonstcuUre d a j . AU f u t a w cootraeb o t wheat w e n off 10 c a t s , all com and soybeana off e tc h t eenta and sU oats off stz cents a busbeL

Broktra reported th a t o f f o i to sell T in pUIni u p la th e p lls . «eai. t n t from a lt sections o f th e eoimtiT . th i^uih con n lsilo p bo tts ts . Buylnc ordeo were fjw a n d f a r between. Uiey said, and tra d e n b im g a n u a d - the piu without m aking tran sac . Uoos.

May C era S U IK U sy wheat was offered a t t lM K b u ih a May com was M J IH . May

i and M arch soybeans

Scouts to Turn Out Here Saturday to Observe 38th Anniversary of Scouting

MOSCOW. Feb. s c O -R a m a a la arxl the Soviet ealoa alSed th e a . sc^re3 todsy la a :o>yrar trea ty o t m c tsa l aU aad Meadshlp.

F teeJfa M tobler V. M . Molbtoe. speak ias a t s lsa lac cerem tclw a th e kremlia last c ijh t. sak! th e p a rt accpiUed a speciil tsp ee taace "aow th a t th e toeeadlartes o t a n e v war from the bcpertalht c a s p a » z u k . t a : effK ts to fo ra lallltary aad poUUcal b te s d lrtctcd acatosS the desaoeiwtlc state*.-

P ro a Je r F e tra Q resa t f RcGsaala __________________ _t h a f ^ trea ty was - a a fscc t o t th e Bw Sk -F t c » a a r » s w e .

Dowatowa T«r.a F^i::s w i3 b a the > Scoot trocp CS will exhibit th e tn - x e n e o t w ldtspread ac t^ -.ty S a ts r - nissau ih ta ty of varlom household dsy attcraocB wtsea d a l rv t . R 'y s^sterjO s and the best m ethods to Sx«rt troesa c te ss seo a ra te th e SSth e stacB U h differeat ktods o t fires, a a a fr ttsa ty of th e f s c r s l s c c< th e ih e ex^latotd.

w tth a a e r . t ] O a th e tow

» * ^ :tC p « T 5 a are to be c e d e d and m e a - aa«3 S h c B tee s j w - , b»e» of tro.-^ O a rc scheduled to

S m a S x « a t» .T * 4 a d C s h p * c k a i p e r tO T - a - s e a a iJ w te d e a o a s tr a . patU c«»te to th e raneey^ o t ; tiao.

deBceat.-aac«a a a d »I»sw» n s c to c A c « t t o c « l o t Scoots tro m tzwip f r a a a e x h a ttx a c t w ta a o c oack. CS w a ahsw ihetr abi^ty a t f i m a id

D esito rt to be c ee c ; t2» ____9 R tscB !a r eveats show:=C thae Sc<act c n t e a t w cet. saM . wQb e a (Mewalk f S t e a s s h ^

e x p m sic n of the c ravU atbe o t « e r a n sS e e t w e th .~ — ■ ■ ..a.w mM. . . w. ..n I< ■ U. UU“ s r a a ^ the ftdtial a5ie«cal i pe«^ towa.-x! perpetual cci ahcsa- a tcL U vg. ■»

to th e wtadow of th e O ao d e Brow n M aoc a ad F tsa l ta re s ta re a t 143 M ato aveaae east. RepreaeaU ttves o t tro :p eo win show m odel a&- piaaes ta the Idaho Pow er com pany wtodow.

t>eU k i td t ta a ad siodel b t a b e s e t t i p e n t h e l o t opp e d te th e Safeway stole to aT esae

W.-.h the a»4 o t TW'.a F a S s fire . w e th tsy t t» o f troop W . who ksam m ey ag rriw y S t a l w a tu a a c e to whip u p a sam ple

m eal or two durlac th e afteraooo . Robeson added.

A t the same thee paeks VT a a d 69 win have trsphy display tn Uie Idaho Department store show wtadow and a leather a n d soap c a r r in t axhlbiUon ta th e Sw eeihrtar shop.

AU th e &howa wiU s ta r t sk a ttl. tarteouilr a t 3 p A , RobeaoQ sa id a n d will conUnae m t a 4 p m

TtM only other e rc n t to take place SattBday to th e T « n FiOis » iy Scout dlstrtct, h e coachided. wlU be a f irs t aid d c tao n s tra tk n by team s tiem tioopa Ti a a d t« t a FQcr between halves o t a basketball cam e th a t nlsht.

Fvather obscrraUcia o f Boy Scout w w k ix expected to b e carried o a by ticopa to th e a i t * a ttea d in c e^urch serDcta and pH hick d tn a tfa With their p s re a u d u rtac tb e zest o t t b e i t e k . _____________

oau SI a t t3.n.

Slock m arket prices d ropped a few cenb to a maxtmum o t abotit 13 a share almost Im m edUtely a fte r the opestnc.

«^«ton a t New T o rk skidded around t3 a bale, then rallied sllsht* ly. Cottonseed oU dropped tbe 2 cent maximum, and lower prtcea were potted for s u ^ a n d srease wool.

G ralas Ate KeyO taln prices are th e key to the

entire cocamodity p rice s true ture . accordinc to a w l d ^ held opinion amonc economists an d businessmen. A break in grains.' th ey say . wUl be Imnediaiely felt Ih roushou t the econom;.

A. W. Zelomek. ed itor a n d eeooo- m b t of the latemaUona] sU U stleal bureau, a private rM carch or^an l- laUon. a id todsj-'a break m l« h t bs the tu m la j point to th e long road tomnsUon.

r r l c t i \*nlnerable Prices are even more vulnerable ow ihsn a t Ihe end o t W orld w ar

1, Zeloaiek declared. TT^e m o st re ­cent upward rush, he said, w as based mainly on two things: F irs t, th a t th b country would cive. lend o r sell to the rest of the world e re ry th ln s it asktd for; second, m any so-called s h o r u w are tum ln* o u t to be non - eiijtem .

Zelotnfk predicted th a t a pro- nounced price break m ight release a hoard of vitally needed poods which are now held by Jittery speculators who have kept them hopJn* for a future riw.

Boslness «n **TI|b(-Bepe'*■nils opinion was also fflvea by a

pcomintnt New York banker, who said business b w alking th e tigh t­rope of fear o t another recession.

OecUnes ta the naU on's com* modlty and security m a rk e t w ers viewed by Joseph M. D od«e. presl- d(Dt of the American B a n k e n ' n > socUtloa. as a w arning to th e pub­lic « t the -completely unreaUitlo price stnicture oa which th e country h u beea operattoa."

Dworshak Blasts Trader Dedsions

WASHINaTON, Feb. 8 O U »-«en. Heary C. D wwihak. R , I d a , today a m ae d DcatocraU aa th e aenat*

o f tiT tn tto -whitewash* Bdwla W . Paaley aad B ilg .-aeo . WaUaee B . G raham .

D vorshsk l blast cam e a s th a sa b . cam alU te was p repa ilac fo r a eota tem otnw CO a-m oU cD b r S tn , ta e o d c n F taacis O teen, Di, A , i ;

: a clean bUl o t b e a lU to . . ivacta) a a ts ta n t to t b * Me>.

le taiy e( anay . a ad O rabam . per* •ooa) phytielaa to P r e e k te t I t t i* man. ta d k aU o u w en th a t U » a f r . Uoo wenU be d r tn te d O O P malortty.

M b a m bare a t e t t M « « « • : U U ni In connodm se, b « t - t e M they pnatK lU$e «n lo m B a a o t e t ^ : o r p o t i i s t t i t png taaB t,O rL . ten te tbtre l i M e ek M M of d o tn ta B d t t-U U H i ' i t a t i ' ' to ^ m e


Ismet Sanli to Addi-essTown Hall Members

M em bm of th» Twin P«Ui Town R ail utoclA tion wilt have u Ihctr Ciml (peak tr ton lfh t lu n e l Gaiill, » d tu jh i tr of rnodfm T uik ty . bIio will n l t t « lltUC'known /a c u her Mllve UncJ.

The Ie«lure will b reln a t 8 p. .In the hlch «chool auditorium and Is epen only to Town Kali memlwn and any out-of-town guesla for wliom prrvloui arraniem enU hive been made.

M lu S u ill Is Uie daughter of proralnent newspaper publlMirr in 'iMrlcey, 8he received her e irlv (choollns in h e r native land and In Pranro and Isler came to the United s ia iM to eludy a t the Unl- verilty of Califorisla and a t Colum* bla unlrer«jty. where aha majored In political aclencB.

For lei’e rtl y e a n M lu Sanll luu been United S talw correspondent for ouutanding T urkbh newepapera end h»a lecturrd widely throuftiout thU countrr.

Fonlfled with her hbtorical back- cround, ahe will tell the atory of Turkey a t thla timo when the a t­tention of 111# entire world Li focuserf on the exploalvo middle ca«t.

K eep the W hite Flag 0} Sa/clv Flping

Kimberly Scout Honor Court Set

HANSEN, Feb. 6 -P lan» for a . clal district Boy Scout court of hon­or were drawn up Tueftdsy a t the K lmb«ly-IIan»en*MurtAugh dlatrlct meeting a t the ‘Hansen community church.

T he »p«cla1 court of honor will b« held along with a potluek dinner a t 7 p. m. on Feb. 12 a t th e Kimberly Orange hall as a Scout week mem­orial. Regular courta of honor will b« held on th e f ln t Tliursday of each month.

M th» jneeU nf an explanatJan oS the "double track" tystem of hold­ing tfUtrlct Boy Scout meetings with troop leaders and unit conunlttee- men was outlined by O orth Morrill, dlslrtct oommluloner.

President Elected For Lincoln PTA

Mrs. Preston Durbin h as b«ea elected president of th e Uacoln PTA to fill the vacancy le ft by the resignation o t M rs. Arlon Baatlan. D r. K atherine MacDonald was elect* ed first vice president a t a recent meeting of the organization.

Mm. Oale M ontgomerr has been reappointed chairm an of th e round­up committee. O ther appolntm enu to fill vacanclea on the executive board are Mrs. Ralph Schaeffer, budget chairm an, and Mrs. James Honj, publicity chairman.

M rs. Kenneth Ridgeway, chair­man for the polio drive of Lincoln PTA, announced th s t th e group raised tlsa.Tl.

TTis nex t g en era l, meetlDg la scheduled for Feb. 19.

Now U d a y s w tthou t a traffic death in our M agtc VaUev.

Expired Auto Tags Warning Given Drivers

Oftncn of cars bearing out*of> tt«i4 license plates were warned Thuridsy by etate police th a t the out-of-sutfl licenses become void on Uie day thry expire In the stat« which they were luued.

Although Idaho drivers driving Idiho cars huve until M arch 31 to renew their licenses, a ll s ta tes do not give IS much time, s u t « Police Lieut, A. E. Perkins said.

Temporary licenses can be ob- tallied for ti. T h a t will enable the o*Tifr of n "loreiRn” e a r to ge t the machine back to hla home stnte, he said.

If drivers Intend to rem ain In Ida­ho. however, they m ust have title, registration and pla tes from their former state. Motor and aerial num ­ber Inspection for an Idaho UUe and reglilratlon can bo obtained a t the nherltf's oftlee. hn statMl.

Clutlons will be given ear i 1 with expired license plates, he

declared,Some early expiration dates for

foreign pUtea are California Feb 4. Alaska Dee. 31, Kansaa Feb, 3. Ml5> sourl Feb. 18, M ontana Feb. 15, Ne­vada Jan. 31. Oregon Ja n , 1, Utah F e b .» and Colorado Feb, M.

District Court Assault Count Trial Started

(rr*B Fir* ou)m li Parr and Itoy K itchen, both 18. to find steady work.

Th« Jud^e a to noted th a t person* who cash checks under ctrcum- tUncM similar to th e Dec. 71 Inci­dent were not exercising “th s best of Judgment.”

Judge Porter's remark* came after two defense a ttom eyi had crlUcI«d the state's reform school system, and one of Uie ationieyo said the check acceptor had not McreUed "rejpon- ilbllity.”

Tlie remark* about th e reform school «3-»Um were made by Atior^ nr>'s W. L. Dunn and J . W. Taylor. Dunn rep;e.ienl«d Vlscher and Parr while Taylor rtpresented Melvin Ir­win. Tsylor remarked about ih# ••responjlbimy of chcck acceptors."

Attorney F. 0 . Bheneberger repre­sented the other th ree youths.

Meryle Idwln. 23. who was arretted with ths six youths, was turned o>‘er to the federal authorities a* a parole violator.

The boys' combined storle* reveal­ed H ut the seven planned to cash checks for suppUe* and head for California. Suspicion on the p v t of Mrs. Lore, a fte r cashing the check, prevented th e ir getting any further than Contact, Nev.

Judge Porter said th e group had acted In concert. Therefore, he would give them all the si tence.

After disposing of the boj-s* case, district court Juo" filed In to In­

form the Judge they had found Mil­ton Burke, 34, Long Beach. Calif., and Charles Clpreasl, 28, Los Angeles, not guilty o f second degree burglary.

Both h id taken th e stand during the day to deny they had ••drilled" slot madtlnes in the Blue Pig B ar­becue, Buhl, last Dec. 13.


Twin Falls Brevities

Clab to Meet T h s Modrl nallrosd club will

meet a t 7:30 p. m. today a t 292 Sho­shone s tree t wejt.

g e t t in g Festpeard The meeting of the Blckel PTA

study group has been postponed to Friday, Feb. 13,

Toots Mlaalng A box of tools was taken frccn his

parked auto Wedneiday. Frank Poppy, 30J Washington street south, h u reported to police.

B irthsA w n was bom Thursday to Mr.

md Mr*. Bo)'d Waldmar, Filer, and a daughter was bom Wednesday to Mr. and Mr». W, P. Holloway, Filer, a t the Tw in Falls county hospital.

Lutherans Plan 4 Rallies for Spring

Church Leader to Speak at Funeral

E3dtr E*ra T aft Benson, member of the council of the twelve apos­tles. Salt U ke a ty , will be prin­cipal speaker a t the funeral services for P. A, Babbel a t 3 p . m. Friday In the LD8 stake ta t^ m ac le . Mr. Babbel was killed In an automobile accident Monday n ig h t near Tre- monton, Utah

Bsbbel's Clothing Olinlo will be closed all day Friday in honor of Mr. Babbel.

Magic Valley Funerals

Meeting Held by Valley’s Realtors

Paul French, Rupert, explained h e prognm for th e annual Idaho Real Estate assocIaUon convenUon n Pocatello Feb. 30 and 31. to 33

members of the Magic Valley Realty board a t a regular meeting of the group Wednesday n ig h t In the Rog- erson hotel.

French urged all members of the local group to attend. A fter hear­ing remarks from French about the convention. President J. E. White named C. El Adams. LaVeme Bald­win, James Vandenbork, C. T . New- bry, Cecil Jones and Ja y M. Merrill ‘ ■ convention committee. Adams

named chairman.

P la iu wer* formulal . a t » meet* Ing Saturday by the board of direct­ors of th e Utah-Idaho L utheran Uymcn^s league for spring rallies to be held In the four zones of the dIstrlcL

Procurem ent of a prominent I ^ th -ran speaker for the rallies was dis­

cussed.Edward V. Werner, Twin Falls,

was named to make the neccsaary orrangem enU for conducting a con­test to nam e U)e league paper and Ray Zlerott, Salt Lake City, Utah, was nam ed head of a committee to publish Inormatlon regarding octlvl- ties of the various Lutheran churches w ithin the district.

Also discussed by the board were plans for the district convention scheduled to be held a t Clover, In the fall.

A tU ndlng the board meeting from Magic Valley In addition to W tm rr were the Rev. R. c . Muhly, lr\-ln Ehlera and Leonard M. Jacob, Twin Falla, and Melvin Oppllger, BuhL

Photo Club Here Plans Field Trip

The Hospital&nergeney bed* only were avail­

able Thursday a t the Tw in Falls county ho ip iu i. VUltlng hours from 3 to 4 and 7 Jo 8 p m

ADMITTED Mr». LaVerl Crow. Mr*. Verl

Cllmer, W. E. Trcsmer. Mrs. Paul AUred. Wilma Mathews and Mrs. Dor* Vise, Twin Fslls; Mrs. Roj Lancaster and Mrs. Boyd Waldmar, Filer: John A. Flscus and Mrs. Joel Harrison. Kimberly; Mrs. Earl Baker, Hansen, and Lois Bowlin, Richfield,

DIB^nSb'ED Oeorge A. ChUds, Qeorge W.

Lewis. Mrs. Oeorgs Larue. Mrs. Richmond A. Burks. Mr*. Noel Q w irtney and son. Mrs. Socarro Robles and daughter, Mrs. Vernon Sharp and daughter, and Mrs. Roy Johnson and daughter, Twin Falls; Jim Hamm. Mrs, Ida Russell, Mrs. J . E Beach and daughter. Mrs. Or- Till# Relnke and son, and Mrs. Ed­ward Wood and daughter. Buhl' R. C. Smith. Wendell; M n . Floyd Ander.ion, Dietrich, and Velma Jean Bern-. Hawlton.

conducud t t 3 p. m. Saturday In the White mortuary chapel. Burial will bo In the Twin Fail* cemetery.

TWIN FA L L S-F uneral service* for Frederick A. Babbel will be held a t 3 pm. Friday Is the LDS Uber* nacJe with the f irst w ard bishop. Sherman Swenson, officiating. B ur­ial will be In the Sunset Memorlol park.

BUHL ~ Funeral sen lces for Mrs. Betty Lester Rush will be held a t 3_ prn. Friday a t the Albertson

WeatherTwin Falls and Tlclr.:<y—Partly

eloody (cnlght and Friday. Little change In tem perature. High yes- U rday 40. low 11, Low this m om lor 20, a t S ajQ. 22. '

M.x ;

St. touu - . . . . rT-ln r . l k -------Wtii'asloo _

BURLEV — Funeral services for Emest Kidd will be held a t 3 p jn . Ptlday a t the Burley th ird ward LDS church with Bishop Lawrence Tolmsn officiating. Burial will bo In the Burley cemeUry.

OOODINO—Joint funeral se rr - Ires for Mrs. Elisabeth M. Perry and her brother, irwin Riddle, both Mesa. Aril, will be neld a t 3 p jn . Friday at the Thompeon chapel with the Rev. William J . Lam bert- son. pastor of the M ethodist church, offlciaung. Burial will be m ads In the Elmwood cwnetery.

BURLEir—Funeral service* Albert. C. Bailey will be held a t 3 p m Saturday a t the B urler M etho­dist church with the Rev. Don L Sm ith officiating. Burial will be made In the Burley cemMer)^.

B U RLn’-F u n e ra l servloesCallahan B abbitt

will bo held a t l pjn. Monday a t the O ^ ley LDS tabernacle w ith Bishop Wllford Sagers officlailng. Burial will be made In the Oakley ceme- teo '. Friends may call a t th e Payne mortuary until p pm . Sunday. The body will be taken to th e family realdenea In Oakley a t lo a jn M on-

Minor Collisions Listed by Police

Two minor collisions wero reported to police by telephone calls from Twin Falls residents W ednesday.

Ralph Fraser, rout# 3. Tw in P^lls. Informed police his c a r slid Into the rear of a telephone company truck about t p, m. whlls th s truck was pulling from a parking space Sixth avenue north.

Jerry Harper, 1&30 Kimberly road. Indicated tha t while h e wa* parked on Main avenue e u t. the rea r righ t fender on his car was damaged by a car driven by Zandra Thomas who w u parking h e r eari

News of Jail Break Try Ts “Suppressed”

(F na rtca Om )aelves to the ground by a blanket- Jadder.

Several h o c n before the planned break tlie officers learned of the plan. Haybom said. The officers Immediately herded the prtsoners Into another room and queaUoned Uiem.

Four person* admitted they were In on the plan. Raybom aald. The four were M artin. Meiyle (Junior) Irwin, IVOR Master* and George Je u Long, the sheriff said.

His office believes th a t the leader of the plan was “another^' person who would not edmlt to hi* know­ledge of the m atter, Raybom *ald. A fter th a t person t e r m his time here, there Is an ou t-of-iU te felony •■holder" on him, Raybom aald.

Irwln was released Wednesday to ' I U. 6 . m arshal on a parole viola- Uon charge. Irwln. a . had been ar­rested with the o ther six teen-ager* who pleaded guilty to the forgery charge.

Seen TodayWoman co Taylor s tree t chaaln*

dogs off her law n by throwing *tlck* and another woman on the other side of the ■

Sleepy Driver Hurt and Fined

M A G i r t h e a t r eK IM B ER LY

Freeeed* o t F riday B re n b v Show ' «• pdU* Fond.

Engineer Speaks To Local Group

A U lk on the methods tised to compound oils and gnoses was giv­en by P. T. Naudet, chief petroleum engineer for the Consumers Co* operative association, to memUers and emplo)-es of nine Magic Valley supply cooperaUves a t the RogerJon hotel Wednesday evening.

The meeting was sponsored by the Pacific Supply Cooperative wholesale and was srranged by Paul Poullgnot. manager o f the Twin Falls Cooperotlve supply.

Meeting AnnouncedCounty superlntendenu of the

fourth dlsUlct of the South Central Idaho Educational association will meet a t 10:30 am . Friday in the office of Twin Fall* County Suht. Doris Stradley.

I h e meeting will be the first of- flcial gathering of the ontanltaUon since last fall. Mri. Stradley said.

A field tr ip on Sunday wa* plan- . ed by members of the Sporter Photo d u b a t their regular meeting W ednesday night.

Membership card* bearing the member's photograph superimposed on a picture of the Twin fulls were d istributed a t the meeting.

President W alt Brsnd named Gordon Elliott chairman of the membership committee and urged a ll members to send prospective members to see Elliott.

Mrs. A1 Hankins was named chairm an o f the food committee for the Sunday trip and alt member* were urged to bring a lunch. Refre ‘ ‘ "the business meeting.

GLENNS FERRY, F tb . 9—I t wU' n 't enough th a t Edward Fleener, Jerome, fell asleep a t the wheel, UTecked h is car and was Injured. He also was arrested for reckless driving.

Fleener pleaded guilty to ths charge and paid a 110 fine to Peace Justice L, T . Dixon.

He fell asleep while driving his car opprozimately three and one- half mile* east of Glenn* Ferry. His automobile dived Into the bank on the left side of the road, careened to the r ig h t side and skidded 81 feed down the highway. He sus­tained a cu t on hi* neck which re­quired nine sUtchea to close.

Henry Hennig, Bonners Ferry, also has paid a fine of 110 to JusUce Dixon on a charge of failure to stop for a halted school bus.

Enlistments Open In Army Reserve

E nlistm ents lo the army enlisted reserve corps now are open to per­sons who have no prior military service, CapU Jack Rodarme, unit Instructor of the local army or- ganlMd reserve corps, said Thur». day.

A pplicants m ust b« between the ages 17 and 33. clUtens of theU nllcd StAes. physically qualified and pre- )ared to en list In a un it undergoing training, Rodarme said.

Traffic FinesA to ta l o f 137 was assessed 31

person* W ednesday for traflic law vlolaUons la Twin Fails.

Five persons each paid t3 for overtime porklng In Uie postofflce tone. They a re C. D, Dudlej', R. c . Living. C harles Sleljer, W. S. K lr- cher a n d Jo h n E. Mitchell.

O thers, each of whom paid | l for overtim e parking, are Charles Pryor, W. E. Teater, Psul Jones. Claude Detweller. C. J . Thom. Curly W illiams. K . E. Suddreth. viol* K ing, Mr*. R. S. Toffletplrp, Mrs. M argare t W alter, ti-'- I'-iw-ard Griggs, Mrs. M. 0 . Prunty.,Dan Iverion. Jim Kenney ana .\iau:ice M cFarland.

Events Scheduled For Jerome MLI

JEROME, Feb. 8 -0 fflcer« end teachers of the LDS second ward MIA met Tuesday evening a t the home of Dale Munk. A report on the E ra drive was given by Heber Prescott. Report* also were given by R. L. Robinson. M-Men manual counsellor, and Or^’llle Thompson, activity councellor.

Plans were discussed for the sw eetheart ball to be held Feb. 13 a t the LDS recreation h a l t A floor show will be presented with danca directors Mr. and Mrs. Lew P ra tt In cliarge. Decorations will be In charge of Gall Hendrickson and Mrs. A1 Robinson. Plans were dis­cussed for the Gold and Oreen ball.

I t was announced th a t a three- act play w ith BUUe Daley directing would be presented on Feb. 37.

The Gooding MIA will present a number of plays to both Jerome wards on Feb. 20.

Following the meeting, refresh­ment* were served by Mr*. Munk and Mrs. V em Tomlinion.

w ith the use of rock* . . . Raymond Peek wearing half red a n d hall white sh irt and pant* In honor of Junior high school color week . . . Carl Leonard carrying a bundle of paper* and Doug Bean w ith laundry Uicked under hU a rm . . . Mr*. T . Deo Conner on final *hopplnf tr ip be­fore departure fo r Haw aii . . . Dog in red sedan snooUng around In glove w m portm ent o f c a r . . , Par- shall Terry w ith o rercoat collar turned up as icy breeze cweeps croes Shoehone street . . . G en t stopping abruptly as he spoU new bathing beauty calender In barber ahop . . . Idaho licenses; 3T-13, 7T-1S and 3T-3000 . . . J u s t *e«n: W . U Rob- bln* from PocaUUo, R obert n o c h e r from Burley, H elen Young, Paul L. K reft. G n ee Clark, and Joe Glbney . . , And overheard. N uno from ho*T p iu i aaylng they 're going to gel double bunks nex t; a n d h o sounds coming from Ou* Relker a* he tries to Ulk.

Series of Potato Parleys Planned

MOUNTAIN HOME. Feb. A T he second se rlu of potato Indus­try educational meetings will open here nex t Mondsy. The meetings are sponsored by the University ol Idaho extension service for potato growers, shippers and others Inter­ested In Uie Industry.

Robert D. pelkey, extension potato specialist, said the growers and ship­pers will be Infomied of la test In- foimaUon on cultural practice*, mechanical han 'cjtlng and storage meU\ods.

O ther February meetings sched* led are Rupert, Feb. 10; Burley.

Feb. 11 and 12; Pocatello, Feb. 13 and 14; Gooding. Feb. 18; Marslng. Feb. 18, and Shoshone. Feb. 30.

Building Permits Asked by 5 Here

Five persons seeking permission to constnjct o r repair Twin Falls structures a t an estim ated total cost of 88,800 have filed appllcaUons with City Clerk Constance J . Lelser.

M. Williams. 12S F ifth street east, seeks to remove porches on the Cot­tage apartments, and construct new sloops wlUj concrete porches, as well as rt-roof w ith asphalt shingles. He estimates cost a t I3J50.

The Union M otor company wishes to remove a brick wall and move a frame parOUon a t 300 Main avenua north. Cost Is figured a t »300.

Ross Beale plana to oonsmict the A. and W, Root Beer s ta n d on Blue Lake* boiJerard about one-half mile north of Five p o ln u east. He estimates cost o f the steel paneled suucturs a t $3,000:

A t an anUclpated cost of »3M. R L. McCracken Intcnda to enclose a five by elghUfoot porch In glass a t 3U Sixth avenue north .

Mrs. DoroUiy FuUer plans to re­pair the ceiling In SO by llM o o t brick structure a t 307 slKjshone street south a t a n estim ated cost of $1,000.

Price for Cattle Declines at Sale Here Wednesday

T here was good new* for the con- tam a l a the lower prices paid a t Uu Tw in Falls U restock Cf«nmlulfln company sale Wednesday, ccmpony officials said.

Prices on good cattle were down SO ccnU to t l p e r hundred pounds w ith the pBloe of oommon cattle steady. Five htiD djtd head. Uis smallest nsmsber In many months, » tro *oId, according to company of­ficials.

Price* paid w e n good *teer», 131> I38.M: commop and BolsUln

Steen, «33 to «3«.78; rood feeder steers, 134 to t3S.M; coam oo and HoUteln steers, i n j o to I3>: choice cow*. IIB to C30.7S: good cows, 81T.S0

118.78; Conner* sod cutten, 110 •1T.M; and good heifers 12] to

I33.&0; medium heifer* ISO lo 831.75; commoo h e lfen . • : ? to IU.BO: bulls.

K L O V E R K L U BArallable for Private


FHONE m - S :N F3L TO I A.U.

FFA Will Sponsor Program on RadioA brief history of the d e re lo soen t

of farmln* m ettod* tn m eolcnlal timea to th e preaent day 1* scbed- uijd for broadcast a T u r t i ju n . Friday o re r sU tloa m . r x by the Twin F ills Chapter of th e Future Forojers o f America.

Taking po rt In the p e rfo a a a c e ^ ** B o ^ Flynn, K ay L*r»en. DarreU Bchnlcker and Lm BhaxR all of Twin Fall*. ^

lie to t31.7S: and TeaL (30 to |J7.fiO Top pr1c« paid on a s lnd* con-

slgnm est w u «3i40 per hundr«d pounds.

mmUTODAY!AKUt tz»eu»*iiHnmn...


Services Held for Returned War VetG nveslde ser>^lces for P v t Morris

R. Swope were held a t 3:30 p. Thursday a t Uio Twin Falls cei tery w ith th s Rev. M ark C. Cronen- berger officiating.

MlllUry rites were conducted by the local American Legion post.

Pallbearers were J . 0 . Schwinn. S tuart Swan. A. O. M artin . Lloyd Martin, Ralph M artin a n d MexUn MsrUn.

Private Swope waa killed laUon In France Ju ly 8. 1M4. __body w u retum ed to the DnUod S u te s on the arm y transport CpL Eric Gibson along w ith the bodies of 1.763 other seni^lcemen.

POCATELLO \1 S IT 0 B a FILER, Feb. &-Mr. and Mrs.

Roy Reiser and Mrs. Fred Knapp vlslKd relaU vts In Pocatello o rcr the week-end.


Brigham City, Utah, is In Albion , ^ visiting Mr, and Mrs. Wallaceli believed to rotate in Averlil. Miss Rldd U a niece of Mrs.

Avertll. .

T O N I G H TAmerica’s No. 1 Favorites

oTer the “TWIN’LStation*


99.7 on Yonr D lil


Wednesday • Thursday Two Show »-8tartlng a t 7:30

n e World’s B iggM t

H jste r j '5 S c r e e n s F u n n iest

\ w cxysrojtycFA HOVSi-BROm

m /



exy#. STARTS

SUNDAYV > n m t

t n i l o v e ta g


Tips to Wise Listeners

Henry MORGANRetnms lo KLIX Tonighl!

TAe tam e H enry! The tam e cattr Ifow heard evenf Thurtdaj/ nightl

WILLIE PIPERSavie loveable, laughable show,

but one hour later.

Polka HOLIDAYWonderful muiie at 8:80

Hany ARNOLD’SCrisp newt report at 8:45

PAT NOVAKThrilling waUir front adventure



Smylie Fights To Gain Test On ‘Slot’ Law

By JOUK COELETT BOISE, Feb. 9 (UJ9—J iu t when It

looird Uk8 the v iy v u clear lor * tupreme « u r t detennlaaUon of the 1917 alot machms law. an unusual •cUon was taken to foul up the

. apUn. However, the hl<h court may lUU r tU ln JurlwUcUon In the caae a t hand and make the decision. At least Alty.-Qcn. Ilobert £ . Smylle Is begging It to.

U the case tails for appeal. It v ill be the aecond tim e something has happened to keep th e law away Irom a auprcme court test o{ lU ralldJty.

VTebcr Cai« Dropped L u t cummer, the so-called Wclser

alot machine t« st suit was suddenly dismissed before It could be ap> pealed. And the dU mlual came alter Judge D. 11. Suiplien of Ooodlng held th a t slot machines w en lot­teries which are banned by the su t« coniUtuUon.

In the curren t case, Scott L. Bmlth. Homedale. deliberately sta rt­

le cd the U st by rcfuUng to obtain a license for the one slot machine In his place of business. He w u tried and fined *200 In Owyhee county district c ou rt He appealed to tbe suprvme court and held the slo t machine law was unconsUtu* Uonal clung the an il*loiury sec­tion.

U w HeM ValidSmylle filed a brief holding the

law was Tllld In lU entirely. Then 13 Idaho e lU u entered the case aa friends of the court. They had an intertat la slot machines. I f they are outlawed, the cities would face a financial crisis because their bud­gets are based on slot machine re­venue. S till they w ant to get the official supreme court Terdlct as toon as poolble.

■men Sm ith walked Into Owj'hee county district court and paid his *200 fine. I t wa* from tha t fine th a t h» appealed and of/hand It would seem to ha re wiped ou t the case. B ut Smylle asked the court to retain Jurisdiction In the case and detemOne Its validity 'I n the public Intereala."

Carey Residents Act As Hosts, Take TripsCA nrV. Feb. S -K cndnll Judy,

Orollno, Is spending se%'eral days a t ^ th e home of his brother. B. L. Jud>\ B Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Peterson ^ and daughter. O ay. Idaho ra ils , are

visiting a t the home of her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DIeterlo.

Out>of-town visitors who attend­ed funeral sen lces for Mrs. Joseph E. Conte. and who have returned to the ir homea were Mrs. Rliea Farns­worth, Los Angeles. Calif.; Mrs. Melda Atwood. Hollywood. Calif,: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oundersoa, Mr. and Mrs. David D arls, and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hntfleld, Salt Lake City, U tah; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ooates, ShMhone: Mr. and Mrs. Y ens' CoaUs auS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Whiting, Salmon City; Mr. and Mrs. DeVer« Coates. Brigham

Amy Peterson and Jeasn e tte Fineii. Jerome: Wilfred Coatea, Klagiton. U tah : D. Ounderacn, Sun Valley, and Mr. and Mra. Leo McKendrick, llupcrt.


MAJOB IfEKllY KOEBNER . . . wbo «UI lead a yasng peo-

ple'i rally t« be held at « pjn. Katnrday a l the Salratloa A m y bnlldlBg mt 117 Second a»enoe soBth. M ajor X o rrs r r . rortland. O re , la young people’s worker far Oregon and Mtith Idaho. He alto wlU speak a t public aerrlce* a t 11 ajB. Sunday. The pobllc b In rlW U attend, according l« Major C la n E. NIeUen.


Winfield H urst were recent vbltors In Idaho Fajb.

Now Many Wear

F A L S E T E E T HWith More Comfort

I viMUnI KlkillM (BOD-lit r*U* UMti ner< nm l;k In Bon eomtcrL lait U rABTECm an m>

.....— Chvki -p itu 'odirA ffrr r rn i

2 Southern Utah Counties Declare War oh Rustlers

CEDAH C n r . U tah. Feb. 5 0L»— Two aouthem U tah counties today took a page out of the west's post aitd declared war on cattle rustlers.

Authorities of Iron and Beaver counties named two special deputies to direct the campaign a fte r Sheriff Kent a. Sm ith of Iro n county eaU- mated m ? loise# to rusUers a t tlO.000.

The special olflcers wUl concen­trate on remote roads th a t bobted areas of Ihe counUt*.

The rustlera have used these roads to haul cattle from range lands, where the thefts were made, to m ar­ket areas.

CaiToll aald tha t the m otorlied nisUera were particular. H e added tha t they frequently killed cattle by the roadside, cu t off only th e choice hind quarters, and threw the re­mainder of the cnrcass away.


Mri. Jack Benson have moved to Idaho City.

$10,000 Asked for Auto Crash InjuryDamages of tlO.OOO are sought In

a clrU acUon fUrd W ednesday In district court by Robert n ils .

Nimed as d tfendanu In the acUon were Arlene Oolay and Robert V. Ooliy.

□ lb charies In tlie complaint tha t he Is permanently disabled because of Injuries received In an automobile acddcnt Sepi 3. 1H7. He itaU s tha t the accident occurred jit the Highland avenue and Locust atreet south IntcrsKUon when M b* Oolay. driving a car belonging to OoUy In

“careless manner,” collided with18 o»n machine.EUij states lh a t he received three

fractured rertebrae in h b neck, three broken ribs and a c u t on h b upper Up in the accident. T he neck Injury allegedly made It necessary for him to wetr a brace.

In addition to the 110,(XM damages, he asks reimbursement for S310 spent for medical treatment, I145JS hospital care. $55 for th e m etal brace and 1150 for automobile dam ­ages.

Attorneys for nib are M arshall Chapman and Uwrence Q uinn.

FLOWERS for your


Twin FaUs Floral

Most yoting anlm ab aeparoted

• from their parents show no fear of snakes. -

QUICK R E L IEF FROMSym ptom s « t DtotTMS A rfoini fromSTOMACH ULCERS outroEXCESS ACIDFrMBMhTattaefNMMTrMfaMfttOwt Mwat Hilp or It W a C«at Y m NotUag Otot IhTM mUlUm bottla* of Um Wiu a«» TakATvnr h»n bom wld for rtltorof•rmpMm^ruutmi Vlilnt from "

— *bieh ruiij«xpUlBHhto«fmtBient



» n o N s .W atch this column dally for newt of Maglo Valley's farm auetlooi and for the data the ir Ibtlngi wl'l appear In th a Tlmea-Newa. Check their ads for location and all neceasary tnforaaUon.

^ FEBRUAHY 6Martin Relnka

Feb, 4-5

Game Department Reports 32 Arrests

B O Isr, Feb. S om-ITiB M .ho fbh and game department reported today th a t 3J arrests were made In January. ae\-en more than for the same m onth a year ago.

Ta'o hunters arrested for shooting ducks out of sciuwn were lined ilM each. TJie average fine was J23.

Six arreata were made In Bonne- vllb county and three esth In Can­yon. Jefferson. Shoahone, Twin PaUs and Washington.

Box Social HeldH LER. Feb. 3 - n ie r Orange

grossed »2M for the march of dimes a t a box social la.it week.

Col. Earl O. Waller .._ aucUoneer. Following th# auction games w e» played and refreshments ser%eU.

Take TripsFILER. Feb. ft -M r. and Mrs.

Olenn D avb and Mra. Ward Mackle

The Rev. M. J. Carmichael, Shem- bough. ItL, who has been vbltlng hb d a u g l ^ . Mrs. Wayne Creasey, has

FAIKFIELD BIBTSS FA lR nE L O , rw t. S -A a«B w u

bom to Mr. and Mrs. Ooa Krtlgh Friday and a daughter waa bore to Mr. and Mrs. WUlanl Wlbon last Monday.

M W Mj ^ Q U I C K E R


6 0 6 i K.gHOW

. K T F I 1 8 : 0 0 p . m .




Phi/tnscy U s p«fe»»ioft ofpfKitisceuficy, iJway*. Y o« Wslgteen fhicm iciit fills e»ery preiftipiion kftowinj ihij inHinctiYrif <i he extt. cites the thorough ore (hit goes into EVERY Wtlgtetn.filled pteioiption.

M nR»iiii riiK iirrio itiiv ia



VOc Powier^ P u t t ! ■

Ronenbeek * HoUenbeek, Aaeta.

FEDRUARY 9Le« Nancolai '

Advertbemenl. Feb. «-7 RopklBS & llarm on. Anetloneera

FEBRUARY lo 'Bay Wllklnaoa

AdTerilaeaMit Feb. 8 Oepklns & lla rm sn . Anetloneen

FEBRUARY 10L. W. Slsami

Adrertlaemeat, Feb. t notlenbeek * HoUenbeek. AuetJ.

FEBRUARY 11W. L Eackelt

AdTcrtiaement. Feb. 8 Ronenbeck * RoUenbeck, Aae

FEBRUARY 11Geerte and Jo h n Moor« Adrerilaemeat Feb. 9.10

Hopkins A narm on. AocUoaecn

FEBRUARY 12John Paxton

A d n rtb ea en l Feb. 19-U I Osrar Klaas, AaetJeoecr

FEBRUARY 12Coamxmlty

Farm M achlnerr AsctJoa a t Bnbl. Idaha

Adrertlsement Feb. »-lft Ropklns & narm aa. Anetloaeera

FEBRUARY 17Bay Btaeharl

U Feb. l l - l«



100 ASPIRINP U R E 5 - G R A I N T A B L E T S (Limit i ) ................. 8 ‘P A L M O L I V E Q s l O cS O A P — R E G . C A K E (L im it:)..................................... M t K M W

MINERAL OIL2 3 c P I N T B O T T L E {L i^ i, i ) ..................................................................

10=OXYDOL 2 -

' L A R G E B O X ( L ™ , , ) ...............................

, . r-77 '

29e on of W in terg r ee n


K TO S !

' BLOW COLOREDb u b b l e s

,WHh New

SPIKE JONES ( Magic-Colors


7 2 r 5 9 c

5 0 c S H A V E

lO T I O N

3 9 C

3 0 e O llM

T a b la ls

L o itrf lv * '(U m ltl)... I t *'

a' 52'-2Se2 0 0 M e e n x

F a c ia l T is s n e s


Sbu eo4 9 .

i n f TWO cad Savtt 3 3 e O R L I S


f r _ 2 ^ 3 9 «

e O a l l u i i M

ShaT B C raam

r.s_43«Benenbaek * Itoacabect, AsctJ.

SO* WDBams S i m Cf««K«W

50e Aqua V«lva 1 . 0 0 V elM f C 0 « » •OTH r o n ^ D «l*

Bow Seal Blatt Wax


Uakpm f t! c Tyson Ice Bag

! Handy 8-lnch alM.

np-Sfita M/airfS9c Biffa aod

SliiBpooSm y

8-0 . rubber hoae

S«f •«CofflblnaHooAHadinents

r;"_69eZocludlnc tu b ln f.

M O N A R C H S M a f t t*98c BULB SYRINGE

l J 0 b f w » f0 » . O o ro b rt59c mOH 6L0VES

S »g.tm hg.

H air Wave Lotion ■ STYPTIC PENCILN c r - t M , . la ,l .d ,Y k , K J q ■ / ln « .c p f , 'c . £ „ c o .c J6.ouncc boiilt lor onlf... J ■ ,fo„_ oNLr................O


SPECIAL■ V a f i ^ F U R


F r i d a y

S a t u r d a y







Mr. 1. Biderman, Dupler’s Fur Stylist, will be in our store on Friday and Saturday ■with a wonderful new collection of the finest furs in America at the lowest prices possible... her is a partial listing...

Sable Dyed ConeyRcff.S165

Now i 99 Silver Fox Paws

Rejr.» 6 5

Now$249Moulon Dyed Lamb 195 119 isable Dyed Labrador

SealSilver Blue Dy.199

395 269VLsca«ha 295 I'eraian Lamb Paw 423 299AHsemblcd Muskrnt 275 189 Blended .Moskrat 525 379h a lfa Dyed Kidskin 325 219 Federal Tax Included

OtfierWine F u7s at Equal Savings!Nattiral Squirrel — China 3IJnk, Persian Lamb, Sable Dyed Sqolrrtl, Hodson S e a l

B U Y N O W - B E A T

t h e P R I C E R IS E !•Sm all Deposit Holds Your

Selection in Our Layaway

1J *

•Take 10 months to pay, i f necesswy after you start wearing your coat. . , Ko eanjin* d tu s*

O E R S O n


wittM w r<k. ti. m t. w Ik* U4k« tii Is IM Tvla r>ll< N«*« «ukllU>4 i* !• ............... - - - j» JjM * 8 ^ W«t T«

*>rO L IIIL •< 'r«kJi>M —

r«iu. u«iM. wXaUr«d M tani-a cimm m ii B«n

*(nM i» T«1* r«UL lU k^ <»4«

0«UU< Buu «( I4ik«(

Atl aelJ<« mvlrid br Ii<t «* br *n lrMlcIlo■ U U pabllih«4 WMklr. <

Tkandir kiM of Uli pangial I1111. u adM Ufftu try OipUf Ul. II

Ul t* p«klUk«4 I S«1l«a i n e i I '


WrST.ITOU.IHAT CO- ISC.91 UarkM SlTMt. Baa rnatlaea. CalU.

ANO THER JO B FO R U N C LE SAM There have been two appeals In the last

few days for the United Nallona to aet up an lnt€matlonftl police force that can atop the fighting In Palestine before It flares Into major war. One came from Harold Stassen, In the course of a political speech. The other was made by Mrs. Oolda Meyerson of the Jewish agency on her arrival at U. N. headquarters from Palestine.

I t 1« a wonder that there have not been more appealJi. It Is a greater wonder that the U. N. has not done something long since to carry out Its order of partition. For the organization stands to lose the prestige It gained in the Sovlet-Amerlcan agreement on Palestine by its Inaction since then.

The U. N. was clearly warned of trouble ahead. On the very day that partition was voted, representatives of the Arab states told the general assembly that their govern­ments would not abide by the decision. It vos evident that opposition would take the form of concerted International action. And that U Just what Is happening.

The Jews have been guilty of some need­lessly bloody reprisals in Palestine. The Brl' tlfih have been guilty of a half-hearted effort to keep the peace. But It was the Arabs who started the fighting.

Some have said that new nations are bom slowly and In pain. They point to our own long revolution, and to the bloodshed from which many other governments of today have emerged. But this doe not mean that history must go on repeating Itself. The U. N. was created to change the pattern of history, to put an end to wars, declared and undeclared, and to preserve peace.

Efforts have been made by the U. N. In India and Indonesia to stop the fighting there and settle disputes. They have had some success. But the trouble In Palestine — trouble bom within the assembly chamber— Is Ignored.

Partition was unpopular with the Arabs and their supporters, and the security coun­cil knew it.

Yet the security council has not acted. The U. N. commission on Palestine has not acted. The British government refuses to co-operate with the U. N. decision. And the Arab states are assembling on Invasion army to crush the embryo Jewish state which the decision decreed.

I f the Invasion is not halted or broken up by International action, unilateral action by a U. N. member will not be surprising. Bri­tain obviously is neither willing nor able to lake that action. And what other nation Is near enough and strong enough to step In? None but Russia, of course.

Some people with an understandable sus­picion of Soviet policy think that Russlo’s agreement on partition was made with Just such an outcome In view. If a major invasion of Palestine should come about, the future of the Jewish state and it j people would be seriously threatened.

I t Is not easy to prcdlct where the red army would be sent and how long It would stay, once It was In Palestine. But the possibilities cannot bring much Joy to Washington or to London. Evidently London Is going to do nothing about It. So, for the sake of Justice and self-interest. It looks as If It Is up to Uncle 8am to brc k the silence and stir the security council to octlon.


WHIRLIGIGW ASHmOTON—Th# prle# which lU rrln n r e. Eedc*

paJ<1 !ot h u oppotiuon to ih* T nm an-S oyder a n u - intliUon prcfr»m w hU own offlclil defUUon. More ihAH w f action lUiee h i b tc im t P retldeat, the demoUon of th e new dcsllih b inke r from O tth deraooiUatei th a t the MhMUflui*In Uie W hlU X{outa and the Ueajuryl a n a pair o f Ught'Uppcd. d«t«r-j m lnrt men who w an t their own way.

D uptte t ^ pleuA ntrles c x c h in t^ between Mr. T nunaB and the loni-, time bead of th e federal re ie rrt JTstem, W aahhu ton rewpilM * tha t' the la tte r had M«pped on loo many I im portant toe t la p ru en tln i h lj'Tlew* to e ong rts i on liow to pm-cnti rtiln* prlcea. Ho crtUcUed FDR'#, deficit financing « f the war, Mr.l Tniman’B new propo»aU for wage- _ _ . price-m»t«rtala conlroU and had ™*«rb u ih word* for th e private bankers who oppoaed him.

■nie Identity o f his nuecetaor, Thom aj D. McCabe, a Union leagua Hepubllean from Philadelphia, ha i •hocked both liberal and conservative DcmocraU, eaptclally M uthrm er* who now have no repre«ntatlv« on the reacrre board of govemori. Aa head of tha Philadelphia rci»er\-e bank, closely allied w ith New York nnanclers. EccIm 'j »uccfiwr attacked hi* pro­posed remedle* openly and violently.

neSPONSIBLE—Tha d hapeem en t between Preal- d tn l T tum an and Eccles U on« of the mo«t unw ritten Alorlu a t the capIUI became It Involves « ich key pertonallUea and auch a baalc problem u domejtlo and world InHntlon, The Uinh banker was m realistic In hU offer of solutions tha t he versed on th e Icono- clu tlc and peaslmbtlc.

Uesldea aosolllng the McCabe group'i opposition to new- checka on bank loam and credit, he declared tb i t one of the “m ost Inflationary factors” tn today’s Inflation was "cxcesslTely easy mortgage credit." He pointed ou t th a t in two yean tb b form of credit on homes and buildings had Increa.ied by more than nine billion dollars.

Dut h li heresy Iny la emphaililng th a t federal agenclu were responsible for half of this Increase Uirough the operaUon* of the national hom ing au­thority, the home loan bank system and the OI bill of rights. He criticized Ihiea of the be.M vote-netting agencies a t the c a p lu l and begied them to Ughten their policies on loans and appraisals of property to be financed w ith federal funds.

RAN OCT OF NEWSWe taw a person leave a Uttle note

m Ye Editor's desk, so we anltched lame. suspecting aald no te contained loma good Information. H ert’a what re found;

*1 se« by tb i paper th e m aa wb« aaaadna ted .Mahatma Heliaiulas K. Gasdhl

LABOR—Bcclea also s

C L U T T E n E D L IC E N S E P LA TES Idaho's automobile license plates have been

misused for advertising purposes to the point that different sections of the state are com­peting for recognition.

By some hook or crook, the whole thing started with that skier which characterized the 1947 plates. ThU became sort of a stand­ing Joke with many alluding to the skier as “the grasshopper.” From any distance beyond ao feet It looked as much like a grasshopper as a skier, and for that reason, to our way of thinking, failed of Iti purpose. Anyway,

• • this particular attempt at license plate adorn­ment was supposed to be a break for Sun Valley.

This year It's a potato—a sickly, half-baked proposition crowned with a pat of butter, all of which could be mistaken for a blob of some sort at any distance beyond 16 feet.

And now comes the news that north Idaho will recommend that next year's plates be used to advertise the state's fishing, pre­sumably with a sketch of a leaping rainbow.

We contend that with this sort of thing the state Is getting entirely out of line—that auch monkey-business Is defeating the real purpose of the automobile license. Obviously these plates are placed on cars for very definite reasons, principally to facilitate IdenUty and ownership in case of accident, theft and vio­lation of traffic laws. The more our plates are cluttered up with skiers, potatoes and fish, the more difficult It becomes to read the nutnbers readily.

We’re all for advertising Idaho and all Its attractions, but If the state can't do the Job without using Its auto license plates as bill- boardis. i t had better give U all up as a bad Job.

In. any event, let’s go back to a safe and cane Ilcepsa plate In 1M9.

Bectricity tmvela 11,600,000 miles a minute arrlTlng 69 wcond« behind town gossip.

ortan lied labor a t the very m om ent when President TVuman and his pollUcal aides were coaxing A. P. WhlUiey, William Oreen and PhlUp Murray back Into the DemocmUe camp for 1948.

The federal reserve spokesman urged Jccger hours of work and a postponement of a new round of wagt demands. In both these recommendations he TlrtuaUy paraphrased the words of Bernard M. Baruch.

Mr. T rum an dismissed the Wall street financier's prognm w ith th e crisp statem ent th a t he approved only those porUoaa which coincided w ith h is m n propoials to congress In hU economic report and in his neuage on th e sU t« of the onion.

BANKERS—U nfortunately for Eocle#. he denounced the President's specific anU-lnflatlon suggesUon»— coatrels on waKes. prlcea and allocations of key mate­rial*—*# “curbs r a th e r than cures."

Specifically, Eoclea proposed relmpotlUon of regu- IsUons on Insta llm ent credit, raising the am ount of legal r tse rrea w hich banks m ust hold, and an addl- Uonal "special rese rre" to lower UieU' lending power.

•ni# McCabe facUon of the reserve system fought every one of these remedies, aa has Secretary Snyder. So. hi the showdown which the Mls.iourl secretary of the treasury demanded, either he or EccJes had to itep down.

Regardless o f th e Individual fate of the two pro­tagonists, P resident T riunan has sided with the big bankera of New York, Phllndelphln, Chicago and elsewhere.

VAQUE—Presiden t Truman'a support of Secretary Snyder In th is controversy makes all the more putsllng the tatter's vngue answers to que^Uons about the admlnlJtratlon's nnU-lnflaUon program, when he

witness before congre&ilonnl eommUtees.W hen'S nyder w as a.Oced where Mr. Triim an hoped

to obUln th e funds to finance the elaborate health. educaUsnal, public works, social welfare and farm program he subm itted to congress In hln stale of the union meaviee. th e admlnlstrntlon'n chief flnnndal o ffI«r had no answer. • He almply suftKcstcd th a t the congr«.\s p u t th a t question to President Trum an.

^Vhtn they Inquired when he flr.nt beard of the chief eiecuUve'.i tax reduction p la t i - a KO deducUon for esch taxpayer and dependcnL-t—the secretary of the treasury adm itted th a t he "could not re.niember." The fact 1-1 th a t he l.i -lupixwed to have oppa^ed this retreat from th e original Trumnn stand of no tax

Period-Edlton, we opine, will do »ccne of

the dangdest things w hen they run out of news.


It looks very much like Idaho has blundered for the K cond itra lgh t year on license pUt«s. W hat I mean U this: Ju s t forget you know tha t^ supposed to be a baked spud oa our auto tags thla year. I t 'f never been explained to you. Now go out and stand about 10 fee t away from one of tho«e plates and you'll discover what's supposed to be a baked spud doesn't look lUte much of anyttUng.

I suggest we have large algns mounted on the rear of our autos with an arrow pointing to th a t white blob on the Ucerue plates. The sign should read: T H IS IS AN IDAHO BAKED SPOT.

s u n CrafBsed

s u rs STILL BilOPPINO Dear Po t Shots:

Dear mel I didn 't realize that there were so many ui;attached men In Maglo Valleyl Now Its "0 ft. 3. Burley" and another le tte r from -NotUll of Buhl."

The height of this Burley fellow certainly f l i j Into my dreams, anc the oUier quallfUatlons, ‘'free, white and under 30" a ren 't exactly ob' Jectlonal. I'U simply have to have more time.

NotUH ot Buhi U a dear, bu t how f u t h e w orksl. M other eays "beware of fast workers.’"

So fellows, please give me time to get my breath. Your response Is simply o^'crwhelmlngl _

An O ldM dd

OUR BULLETIN BOARD A Dog Lover—T h at little m atter

sU rted In the Public Porum, so we'll tu rn your le tte r m tr to Uie Fcrum editor. You should contact the Porum editor to authorize him to me your name if you w ant your letter printed.

■Die Office Owl says Uie cMt of hlRh living Is bothcrlnK him more than the high cost o f living.

WZ'RZ DRANCniNG OUT Pot Shota expccta to have a field

nan staUoned In Bagdad. Iraq, In he near future. Yep. the T-N Is iranchlnrf out. Of course, there'll

full sta ff to represent ulatlon. adver


MARQUIS CHILDSBehind th t haadUa** la n m ach J n r ls h m««oc7 fo r PalesUne, ha* U-

th a t U unspoken, so m uch th a t U whispered. Above all. th a t Is true of Uie feiterUJg wound of Palestine, where manklnd'a hope of peace teeffii to die »Uttle each day.

The fear th a t Is motivaUng B n tb h poUcy Is a fear th a t Paleaune U weU on the way to becoming a com-, munlst state. I t Is a fear th a t r ld u l F o r e i g n Secy.l Ernest Bevls. H e' b e l l e v e a tha t within 10 years Palestine wUl be completely communlced.

Some reflecUon of t h i s ________In a recent dispatch to the New York Tlmca containing details tup* pUed by the British foreign office o f communist InfUtraUca >from Soviet sattlUte sta tes Into Palestine. O f Uie 13.000 unauthorized Im ­migrants on two seised refugee shlpa. Oie P an York and the Pan C m cen t, 1.000 were said to be mem­bers of m ilitant ci luU oiu.

Hartak OD^

%'ETPIANS—Speaker Joseph W. Martin. Jr., has qultUy lined up th e Itepubllcan majority for pa.«age of three bllU w hich head the list of World v,-ar IX Telerans' demand.v The OOP will mlM no chanceto win ih b vote fo r next November becatiio It prove drcLUve.

*nio llrst would lncrea.« the subsistence allowance for students and Job-tralneeA from |GS to 175 for a man without a dependent, from tOO to $10S If he has one dfpendent, and from »S>0 to 1123 If he hwi two. The second w ould place a t a higher level the 1300 celling on com bined subii.ilenco and ouuicle wagca. I t would lit t the celling to «50 for. a veteran w ithout a dependent, S3S9 fo r an ex-O I with one dependent, and «30 when tliere are two or more.

The third objective In this program, which b o.isured of enactment If th e W hlto Hou.w favors It. Is a "workable housing m caiurc." The fUst two measures were paised by th e senate la s t year, bu t they go t lost In Uie closing hours o f the 1D47 Msslon.

all ___ _____llslng, business, editorial and I ^ t Shots.

Apparently there Is no other ne»-.ipapcr th a t can servo the lUg- dod area adequately, so the T-N has received a sort of SOS from Ds-irj-'s Advertising agency In Bag­dad. Ju s t a.1 a sta rter , the agcncy Is Interealed In inform ation nntnt advertising.

So maj’bo It w on't be long before Uie T-N will be c a rrjln g ads featur­ing Saturday bargains In Bagdad stores. Hoiuewlvea can Juit hop over to Bagdad before brrakfa.U Saturday morning to do the week's shopping.

KABfOUS LAKT LINE . . . If the eeorthonse burned

dewn. they'd probably try to keep th a t secret, too.


No one was wUllng to stand for this statem ent officially, in the same wiy. BevUi has never expres­sed publicly the extent of his fears over w hat he believes Is happening In Palestine. But thoee fears are deep-seated. Bevln puts the blame

Washington for w hat h e tolnks is happening.

Here Is Uie significance of the Bevln viewpoint, i t has been munlcated to top poUcy-makcr# here, and today It overshadows w hat U done, or ra th e r no t done, wlUi reepect u> Palestine.

TJiere U a terrible, explosive potentlaUly In this approach t ' Palestine problem. Keeping problem under cover or Ignoring It will only make the explosion more d lm trc u j when It does occur. T hat Is why It seems u> m e to b« long past time to try to get a t th e facta and bring them Into th« open.

The departmenta o f s ta te and naUonal defense have both received reports of communist infUtraUon like those which have come out of London. They are perhaps not »o detailed as those In the possession of the BrlUsh foreign office, bu t Uiey appear to havo convinced leading poUcy-makera of th e serious danger of a communist Palestine.

The argument runs more or les.i In this fashion. Since the refuges were aiiembled In Soviet satellite states, they would no t have been permitted to depart w ithout the ap ­proval of Mucow. Approval wotUd not have come unless the exodus sen-ed Moscow's obJecUves both directly and Indirectly. BrlUsh In- tcUlgencG h u furalshed w hat pur­ports to be proof of the InfUtraUon.

Russia's agreement to the plan for


Senstor H. Styles Drldges' blU Uj prohibit atl porta of petroleum and petroleum products for year cannot be JusUflcd w ith the alma of the M anhall plan to help end Europe's misery before It Is too late.

•nils page can n o t make sense out of permltUng oil exporu to Ru.wla and her Mtellltes th a t have r tn u rd to Join th e European recoverj- plan. They are unfriendly nations, so branded by word and deed. They have. In add ition , corralled n large .•Oiare of the world's oil resen 'cs and have no claim on oura.

But w hat of B rita in , ao short of oil th a t operaUon of private automobiles has been banned and pubUc traiuportaUon crippled? And w hat of France and other friendly and devastated countries, atruggllng not only for food and fuel bu t toward a restoration of Ufe-glving tndusu-lal protecUonT To withdraw petro­leum supplle.1 would deepen the ir misery and cancel many of the benefits o f American aid.

Senator Bridges, Irked by conUnued fuel shortages tn New England, ip e ak s from Uie laolaUonlat past when ha castigates th e government for apendlng *'so much Ume and money on th# health and welfare of foreign people w hen there Is suffering a t home." I t Is no more to be though t th a t wa should refuse to share our oil w ith strleken naUons dependent upon It for recovery th a n th a t we should refuse to share our food.

Nevertheless, the re Is an urgent necessity for a non- poUUcal a.**essment o f domesUc oil reicrN’ea. as well as foreign reserves and the ir availability. The growing shortage In th is c oun try may be attributable, in aome measure, to th e stockpiling of fuel by th e armed forces —a policy w ith w hich few will Quanel In the present state of world affa irs . B u t the fields will no t la s t for­ever.—The O regonian.

LAST O F ITS KIND Prtend: * U t me eoagratulate you, old man, Vm eure

you wlU alwaya loc* on this day a» th e happiest of ycwr Ufe.“

Bridegroom: "E r. b u t It's tomonow Tra being m ar- rled."




"iiu R orA Ouaranfccd“ IMPERIAL WALLPAPERS

PHONE 2263J1

Uie parUtlon of Palestine la ined In the same Ught. I t Is ... aumed th a t agreement would never

been forUicommg If the polit- had n o t believed th a t parUUon

would further Soviet domlnaUon In the near east.

Behind alt o f U)ls. of course. Is th e conviction tha t the oU of the near cast is CMcntlal to U. S. urity and th a t a communist Pales- Une would be a th rea t to th a t security. O n lower levels th is Is be­ing expreued with Increasing crudeness and bluntness. In which ancient prejudice comcs to the face. Thu.*i the fire smoulders and the danuer grow.^.

Moilie ShertoU, an official of the

cued a n I n d lg s u t denial’ of the BitU sh cbaiT ta. Be ta y i th a t the u nm lgT uU « e r» carefully tcreened by JewU b agentgr offlclals In Ro- man la a n d th a t the tr deM rtura waj bitterly crlUcUed by Jewish ocoi' m unlita tn Bom aala.

B u t I t a ee au to me tmportaat totU« th is above th e level of charge

t a d dcnlaL W hat la said la p rlvau (hou ld b« M id Ul public ao th a t It can be exam ined hoDMtly. ‘R ia t li th e only w ay to cure th e whisper* U it a n d th * ausplcloa.

I n th e presen t aUno*phere. the t r u th la loa t sigh t of. In Palestine th e m odem world ftc«s the feudal world of th e Arab*. To allow Uie taoctm aU t« of Palestine to be de- itroy«<l would be a crime Uiat would have Incalculable consequences. I t would be a d irec t rtpudlaUon of Uie u n ite d Nations, a blow from which th a t beginning InsUtuUon could h a rd l ; curvlve.

T here U a deadly parallel In the rec en t pact. A t th e begUmlng of the S panish civil w ar. the weetem de- ffiocraclea followed a policy tha t was evaalve a n d ehtftlng. i t was nelUitr rta llam n o r IdeaUtra bu t a paUiet- Ic e ffo rt to avoid eeeUig and hear- Ui* w hat was actually happening.

Aa one consequence th e ’ legal governm ent o f Spain, which had been a comparaUvely moderate gov­ernm ent. came under the conUol of th e com m unists. Soviet Russia was the only counUy sending help w counter the planes, tanka, and troopi th a t were coming from Ger­m any and Italy . The end wi evitable—A dictatorship of r ig h t flnaUy overcoming a dictator­sh ip of the left.

SomethUig like th is can happen la PaleilUie. I t can happen If de clslons a re evaded In an aUnosphen of suspicion a n d distrust.


SentencedOO CDINO. Feb. 5 -R obert Ku-

bu i, who w as arrested last week on a charge of burglarizing Uie home of Robert D ickerson In Hagennan, M onday wa* sentenced to not more th a n 16 years In the sta te penlten- U ary by E>tstrtct Judge D. H. Sutphen.




Now th a t teltT laloo U a o ______sS th e p n a ld en tlU candldatM a rt worrlad abou t theU- loolo. In fact, Uiat sen ato r from Ohio It rm n ahave a s a slOffau.i---------- -------------T o te fo r T a r t . . . I B e l o o k s l i k e Rafl.-

AU th e eand l- | datea a re p rep a r- |Uig fo r te lertslco.Harold Staase

h a ir oU Dewey Is b a i h l i m u s t * waxed . . .Bent7 W a l l a c just b o u f h t a c o m b . T h e y ' r e taking talerU lon seriously. Last week w m tbody spo tted E aro ld Btaasen talking th ings over w ith a tlclan.

m fac t from now on a t all big political conferences you'U see the Presiden t.. . Closely followed by Uie secret service a n d h is makeup men.

One candidate is hav ln s a ipeclsl suit made fo r television appesraneet . . . th e co at U 'Yankee blue and the trousers a re Confederate gray.

No m a tte r w ho gets to the White House nex t year, Max Factor will be Uie power beh ind the throne.

Trips Taken

two-week Tlslt with relsUves at DevUs Lake, N. V.

Mrs. Bus Brauberger and daugh­ter, Judy, le ft S a turday morning to vblt he r pa ren ta and o ther rtlaU v« In Kansas.

Mr. and U ra . R enry Jones and children are spending a week tn San DIfgo, Calif., w ith Mrs. Jones' par- enta, Mr. a n d M rs. EmU Martens.


tiannan le ft T uesday for his hone in Fullerton. Calif., a fte r vlslUng his parents, i t r . and M a J . H. Bobannan.

Church in Burley Has Youth Event

B U R IZ r. Fti). 8 -0 « ic In d In S f w tares of -YouUj W eek’ w tr* eon- ducted Sunday flTcnlng a t th s Chils* tla s chureh wiUi young people ta k . Ing p a n in the «Ttnln« chnrch radio broodcaut

Mtitleal numbers w tr* g tv tn l7 B lab eU i Dilaken. loto. a n d » by Lou O odmour a n d B s la Ooch- nour. Sbella D ccnaa read a poem, and Uie R er. Uoyd M . B alfour gar* th e sermon.

Sunday monUng th e y o u a f people replaced Uie regular tc a c h n s tn oU daises . S tudent te ac b en w v e n u e Oochnour, Helen Bagtr. P a tiy L tQer. Mildred Caudle. Ja ck Je tla . W aada Caudle. Carl N ikano. Lois Oochnour. James Nakaoo. Sheila D o n n o n .rth e l Olsen and Paul Coffey, tr.

Friday evening m o n b e rt qf tb s church gave a pie social to help tn th e purchase of new c h a in and benches for the nursei7 departm ent of Uie Sunday school.

Hurt in FallRICHFIELD. Feb. 5 -R o e s Brown

received a cu t on h is ch in tn a fall from a school swing U c o d a r a fte r­noon. The fourth grade student is Uve son of Mr. a n d Mr*. WUUam Brows. The chUd w as rwtumed to h is home a fU r receiving trea tm en t a t Shoehone. Five s titches w v « r t - QUlrtd to close Uie cu t.



SASH GLASSWE ALSO EAVB slngl* and double suengUi sash . . . C m ts J

'S heet Glass for desks c r ttb l* tops.


m ta d Av«. I . Pbeao 4S1-W

Administrators SALE


J .G. Winter Estate

N EA R TW IN FALLS? b r complete InformaUon as to location and details on th is prop­e rty see Legal Advertisement In this psper on dales o l Ja n .Feb. 1st a n d Bth. IIMB.



C u s t o m P a c k i n g C o .

In connection with O. P . Skaggs Food Lockers



All done by experts in each department.

Phone 0589-Jl


A LIMITED SUPPLYCustome-Aire Oil H eaters___Loncrgan Oil H eaters...... .......Sparlon Radio & Phonojn^ph

Combination ............... ........Hy-Temp Electric Heaters___Rcellte

Formerly ...$ 60.00__

Now _.$ 42.00


-.$239.50___ i_.tl48.50_5 10.25-------- S 5.81

Norge Refrifferator, used, 1941 model, has new oRit, Can give same guarantee aa on a new Norce.Was $225.00 ............................... ..................Now $175.00Good line of Flourescent Fixtures for bathroom and Kitchen Reduced ISfc.



A ero* th s 8b«e< from O. F . Bkaggs

Store on Mstai Aveaae Esst


W a iK n a to n , Lincoln— a n d b o y « ! A H tlia t il fine an d n o U , in H i» g re a t patriofs whom wa gra ta fu lly honor thli month, i i a potantiat posiBtiion of avary Am arican b o y . I t i i our [ob, as citiiani, to n o th a t thaia attributat ara c u ltiva te d an d davalopad to tha banafit o f

the b o y . tha nation and aH m ankind.

Wa know o f no batter w a y t o m a a t th ii p re iiin g challango than to back u p tha Boy S co u ti o f A m a n ’ca which is celobrating its 38tli b irth d a y this month. Its O a t h a n d La w , tha enriching influences o f its citiienshlp and cam ping p ro g ra m s , i h support o f the hpnie, t h . ch u rch and the school e m b o d y th a basic principles that made W ash­in gto n and Lincoln'man o f th e a g M .

Uncounted leaders, now in h ig h p la c e s fn government, Kienee, b . d u itr v , business, labor and th a C h u rc h once wore the Scout U n ifo rm . M a n y o f them still r ™ . th a S co u t O a th and Law. Th e y a r . b e tte r citiiens because o f th e ir experiences in Scouting.

Boys becom e C u b Scouts a t nine o r Boy Scouts a t twelve. Ih e y have lo t . o f fun in the process o f grovring u p in S ^ n g whicti trains fo r tha l o % cifnenship Id e al W ash ington and Lncoln sat fo r

all o f u> to fc lb w .

S c o u t i n g wm grow tn our c o m m u n H y [ a t t

a s m u c h a s w * , t h a c H l x t n i , w p p o i t I t


HopsNazi General

ps Wall to End His Life

* NUTRKBERO. aerm*ny. Feb. 5 Nm I Oen. Jo h u io a BltskovlU

lM p«d to h li de«th tocSir tborUr------ belore be v u - t o to aa trU i with

I I o the r O w nua huUIm t In d e n ior w crtmes.

BlukcnrJts. 64. v u » T clenn of the PoUsb and R usU n tnruionA to d U u r c n so aa d ed n u l fcn tu In the NtUterUndft. l i t brolu a w tr fram a m« of prlaoDus on ths third tie r o f the h l(h c a tn lk i surround-

the pct«cn rotunla.As n tc h « d help lfu tf, the

ct& cral e lu n b tr td up a tm n - fo o t wire ta e t a sd threw hhnteU orcr it. hurtU nc SO ft«t to a Ule floor.

B e died rn 'the SajthD .B . mlUtair hcBpltal or a fn e tu rfd chest and punctured lun(s.

H is eoUcMUM » e r t escorted Into th e D .& oewrt fo r the twtU lh and la st v a r crlm ei t r li l to be held tn K uem beif. They are aecu«d of r t - a n n ln t for war e rro before the rlM of H lU r.

Amonf the defendaoU are three field marshall, one admiral and Blae other lenerals. all charged with crim es a«aia*t p « e e and humanity. Prosecutor* said th is cue might well ”proT« of pe a te r Importaoeo to Ger­m any than any other.

B r l« .^ e n . Telford Tttylor ot C h rry Chase. M d, chief U.S. war crim es proeeeulor. told the court In his openlnj au tem ent tha t the army men BUided the old Oeiman rrtehi- w ehr untU I t became a h a rd -tin k . Inz. a a r e s l r e weatnn.

H e Asserted th a t Qennan senerals were leaders In breaking the Ver- aallle* treaty Id th e tSXa. He sold they embarfced on

SICE Debaters Ponder, the “Question”

waa n o t InTcnted by niUer." The whole thing, he declared, was part of a cocnmoa plan haring to do wllh e ren tual war.

Hiffhway Officials Conclude Parley

BO ISS. Feb. S (Ui)—Idaho and federmJ highway officials yesterday coejcluded a Joint meeUng a t which I d ^ > entlr« road aptem was

Ik U . H u jfin s. Idaho district engineer for the public roads ad* m lnlstratloa. said the mate puiposo o f th® oonfereaco w u to reach a common undem anding < r prcn

, c tdure* where InteresU of the elate f and federal BoremmenU overlap.

Recruiters Return For Marine Corps

A m arine corpj rwrulling station was form ally opened b T*-ln Fulls W edneaday a t 125 W Main nrenue south by S /S g t T M Letendre and M 'Sgt. OUn V. Carey.

Operalitm of the sUUon wUl be carried on. Se rjean t Lelendre said, on a temporary basis tar one month pending the opening of a permanent office here to service Mnslc Valley.

>7srrs MOTHEIlALBION. PVb. 6 -M r. u id Mrt.

Elmer Snodgnsi, Toole. Dtah, vUit- led Snodgrass' mother. U n . Ida Snodffrus. Malta.

Member* o f the debate learns a t the BoDthem Idaho Cenege ef EdscaUea here pcnder a qtuatloa w hich baa been assigDed to them for debate. BUndlng are Don Taylor, Bopert. left, and n'ayne Skeem. wnM Seated, Jett to rlgbt, are Dean Alahooey, Albion; Thelm a i la r ^ Jerome; H arrana Ball. Meridian, and Richard Telman, M urtasih.

Debaters at SICE Meet Two Teams On Swing in Utah

SOUTHERN IDAHO COLLEOB O P EDUCATION. Feb. 5 -O n their return from .debate* u1th Brigham Young university teams, two teams from Uie Southern Idaho College of Education debated Wcbcr college teams In Ogden. U tah.

Members of th e ta-o fllCE teams a re Don Taylor. H upcrt; Dean Ma­honey. AJblon; Wayne Skeem. Buhl, and Richard Tolman, Uurtaugh. They were accomponlcd by M. Alvln K cmpton. debate Instructor a l SICE.

Plans a re being made to hold the traditional U lah-Idaho meet on the SICE campus sometime In March. *nie meet Is open to a ll colleges In both Blateii.

Plans a l» a re being formulated ir a hi(Th school non-dfclsion In-

Tltatlonal meet a t SICE for a ll hlnh schools In th e .a rea . The debating season a t SICE will be climaxed w ith a L-ip to M onU na State col­lege. Bo-emrn. fo r the annual tour­nam ent there. •


IN S in .A TIO N CO.139 T hird Are. S..


WelcomeBOSTON. Feb. 5 OW-Fvr the

first tim e In 310 yean, resldenU of Rhode Island could visit Mas­sachusetts today without the th rea t of being hanged.

“Come to Boston anytime. All Is forgiven." Oov. Robert P. Brad­ford of M a s g a c h u s e t t s tele­graphed Oov. John O. Pastore of Rhode Island last night.

He sen t the wire a few houn after signing a bill which re%'Oked a 1535 law prohibiting resldenU of Providence plantations from entering M assachusetts bay col­ony under penalty of death by hanging.

TWINS BOKN BURLEY, Feb. S-tdr. and Mr*. O.

Preston Stocks are the parents of twin daughUra bom Peb. 1 a t the Cottage hospltAl. Mrs. Stocks « formerly aasls tant city librarian.

$5,598 Judgment Awarded to Pair

BOISE, Feb. 8 (UJ9-Mr. and M n . Doyle Symms, Sunnj-slc^. today had won a $5,588 Judgment from Idaho Federal Judge Chase A. C lark for the death of their daughter, killed in Jul}-. lots.

The daughter. Carolyn. 8. was fatally Injured when she and the horse she was riding were struck by an anoy ear driven by U ru l Clarence Christensen, then assigned to the prisoner of war cam p a t Marsing.

Christensen later served six months tn the Idaho penitentiary following his conviction on a charso of involuntary manslaughter.

T he Bymms sued for MO.CO under the federal claims act.

State Purchases 5 Surplus Buses

BOISE. Feb. ft i«V -nv« acboo) buses h a n been purchased from the Ogden arsenal, Harold Boyd. sU te purchasing agent, said today.

Boyd said the buses are a 1»U International model and were aecurvd through the sixth anny. 'R iey will be dellvtred Feb. 3<-

Boyd said the buses wtU be sold to achools tn the order tn w hkh re- q uesu are rteelved tn h b office.

T he purchase price waa no t dls> ClOMd.



f n e w n ig M , n e w

l o d to 'a iM d tn o o n H ^ c iw ahew



T hla O ld T re a tm e n t O ften B ring* H appy ReUtf

Wk»ndI»onl« ofkUacyfgnetieiiDntalmIkjoouj m»iur ta mnala la joor blo<k» It mtr OUM M«gta» btekidx. rfafxunaU* ptlni. l<xp«iDi. Ion of {i«{i uid cncrsT. r '

•ctnlr Muwci wlU> vnvtlur aiui WnJi _ •emtUnin thoin Uwr* li •oowthJBa <mas irlUiroarkldfimerkUdiUr. •

Doa*t M11 Aik TOOT dranfrt fsr Dout'* roil. ai (tlnmlast dlurtUe, iu«l tucttursaj

T h i s B e a u t i f u l H O M E


$19,000Immediate Possession


125’ X 125’


10 Rooms 3 Fireplaces Hotwater Heat Fine Neighborhood

• 3 Bathrooms • Oil Furnace

Close In

J GE Refrigerator and stove, Bendix t'nce Includes Automatic Washer, 3 B e d ro o m Suites and Yard Equipment

20 Shade Trees

Other Fnmiture


160 Seventh'Aye. N. Twin Falla, Idaho


Heavenly Sh«r 51 GnuRe


1.49H ne-elim aeama a n d flatter> i n f f re sc b heela . S lo v e l r abade*. 8 ^ - 1 0 ^ .

BeauHfitilj T tdlcnd


1 .9 8R a fo n taCTcU 'n e a th l ic r “ gay ninetiea” govm l Ad« justA ble e tra p t — 4 g o red fo r p e rfec t f i t T e a ro ie . n a v j , w h ite , b lu e , b la c k . 3 4 4 4 .

YOU Wont a CordtUT>y


14.75Here’s the atyle, nnd light pinwalc corduroy’s the fabric you younjr fcUowfl have been yelling f for this Spring! New col- ‘

100!;i Wool


13.75Tan or light brown colont, 100% woo! pleated fronts and talon fasteners, nice for sport wear.

Jusl Received New Shipment Men’s


9.90 „d 10 .90A good selection of colors, tana, blacks, greens, greys and maroons, some regular button and wme pcari snap fastener, some are part others arc 100% wool. •

Mr. Venney,I have a probhn^,

“ U i r l u u b ( m d U a 6 i u ! n m m i m , a n d u » h a v e t o d o t o U o f m t » f ‘

la !n in g — t o v a H f l y ( i J m p o M m u t n m y i t a r d n b t . F d a p p n c i a H

y o u K ie U I n g m e h o w I j f m g e t U w U h o i H f e m d i n g t o o m i t c h , "

Look! Here’s Variety! Look! Here's Economy! Look! Here’s Spring,Style!


Junlon’, Womtn'tm d l o f I H m e n 'i S a n !

T h u e drcMcs luvo tU Uio etrtnarks o f expensive dresses . . , good quality rayoQ crepet with tnpnnto. dyed<to-m«lch lace trimming . . . the *hicw look” . . i a ll the things that ordinarily co<t more money. We Tiring the best fashioDi pouible at the price, to yon constantly. A .Penney shopper is well dressed for little money.

*'For Her Spring Vkrdnbet

S m u t H A N D BA G S

2.98p lo t tax

S a d i d e lig h tfa l V d e & tb e it E x q o i i i le h a o d b ig i w i th fu h io o a b le , new con loo ts . P la n ie n e d e , p a te o t, c t l f

g«y. S p t in j » Io r« .


D a in ty E A R R IN G S

ploaUx Hen^tKtltoachor«pttU* v n x j w o a u Iot**! O eli. cate earrlnp of gold or lU- rer finiihed netal, nrnth ht«d pearla, ritiiMttoMt.

W o m e n 's


Handsome sUjvons, ra^ on suede. Versatile, 4- button length in blnck, brown, and colors, Siics 6 to 8 4 .

GIRLS LOVE DRESSES FOR VALENTINESiP e n n e / t B t t i B t m d n d t o f C o o o i u a n d K a x o a t

ADORABLE STYLES FOR 3.14’ersT1» xnreB pu tT pnm r Sprin, J m « ,I A»a y m c a a m i a t F m im t’. io ( h . ; n i t l » w U (h qiuHtr i k o | iridi tlK low prin t Her . 7i» win . p r f l , o n r da. ( t u b u ja . n ia c i- Io u of « U u e j d a m d appIiqoK • o n «itli tinr h e tm -ilu U a i eouiM b n u . Ri(!>t for E a u r n d d Spriii, M t

3.98S 4 X

M 4

1 III-; \\>\\ i;i{ I d \(ii |{


yital Qianges ‘Making-Over’ Idaho Prison

DOIBE. Ttb. B OLW-Th* W»he pen]t«nUM7 fndu tlljr Is btlng buUt in to Uie m oit modem prUon In the » t» f. Not modfm In phnlc&I »t- irtbuua, bu t In th* JundUnf »nd rrhabm t«tjon of ptljcnert.

I t w u Jiu t % ten t h m y tu t »«o and for • p o d tniny yean before th a t, th a t th# Idaho penlKnUiry v a a pcrlodlcaUjr coming up v lth * meai. W ardm» «er* hired and n r td i t a u m flc paw. A couple of ehjef d e rtu were caufht nnbeziUn* money. P rlw nen were Idle. Thfre wer« namerom e»capfji. Rehablllla-

' Uon »as • Jokr. Pardon* wep tran t«d wlUy-nllly and often w pollUtal UnpuUei. "rte parole iji

Twin Falls Radio SchedulesK L I X


i bad.B«ard Work! Fatl-TUn*

The nev dril a t Die state prlion Uesan seven month* s jo when the bM rd of correctlonii took over. The three-m ail board work* full Ume .a t the Jot). Warden Louis E. CTspp aer^’rs a.t the buxlnrsi msnaser, I t P. Bchoflrld Is the reliabllltaUon and educallon dlrwtor. Herman P. Pslla la Uie parole officer, New 1017 laws outlined the duties cf the board and procedureji to be followed. And thOM laws »erc revolutionary In char­acter.

T o 8lve you an Idea of how the board operates now, ail th a t Is needed U to quot« from a lengthv, slaU m ent of policy adopUd by the board la il week. Ilc-rt are somt u e e rp ls ;

•ThU Institution 1* to be placed on a ba.ils of self-iupport. Insofsr

practicable, In accordance with the facilities available, and within tlie llm iutlon .1 of the laws—but not In InlerlapplngcompeUtlon with pri­vate Industry or orjanlted labor.

Work Needed ■The need of providing erery pris­

oner who Is able to work . . . with « fuJf dsy’s work requires no a rru ‘ tnen t . . . I I U a ^ a t and needless waste of the Uxpayen' money not to permit them to engage In work th a t Is productive and has training value as well.

''T he supretsie aim cf prison ditcl- p llne Is the rehablllUtlon of crim­inals. not (he mnictlng cf vlndlctlrc lufferlng. '

"Of all rehabilitation agencies, re- llSlon Is first In importance, because I t is most potent In 11* action upon the human heart and life.

Relf.Rnpeel CnlllTated '*nie prisoner's self-reipect should

be culUvBtcd to the utmost, and «-ery effort aisde to glr» bock to h im 'his manhood. Thera Is no rrea t« r mlsUke hi the wholt com­pass of penal discipline, than Its studied Imposition of degradaUon u a p a rt of punishment.

“A large proporUon of th» Inmates are In need cf general and vocational ediKaUon. I t sliall. b« the policy of the board to trovlde each Inmate w ith as much education adapted to hU Individual needs a t his capaclUu and available facllltlM will pemlL"

T he ettabUshnient of th t license p late factory a t the prison was taken as a step to provide employment. T h is year, the prison Is expected to establish work camps on roads and In forests to aceompllsli the same piupose. The last legislature author- Ued crcatlon of such camps.

10 K.J.nu Kollrcr



K T F I - A M - F M(i::0 KILO-».7 MEG)


l:M C«nl«rl;M >hut,p«r Clob l:l t unionliH iXf, P. A.

I Im •HXn*HeCc7al<kI III lOob

l:CO II:i II«ror< R«Tl»v

4lUnil s( WorUlill 111. V. Ktlueben

Illui Dtrroa<ill tlli-riftm Ullkm!5!l:M MuiU Tea I.Ik.• :M FUtn 8«iifwifoa >■<> Cinu ||C9 Clubl>M tCin Tofl Top ThU l«iM Iton iTBo ItraoK l<l>M .Burr T.Il.r

Wyoming Leading In Cash Put Into Reclamation FundWABHWOTON. Feb. 5 -

Wyoming holds a big lead over other states In the a rm unt of money which It has jmt Into Uie reclam ation fund.

The fund—used t o . finance the coiutnictlon of reclam ation proj­ects—Is derived from revenues from public lands. Wost of Wyornlns'a share has been oil royalUes.

Altogether. Wyomlns ha« turned -;er «7.«73ii68 to the fund, accord­ing to the annual report of Secre- u ry of Interior K rue. Of this 118,- 033.0M was from oil royaltlc.v and ♦3,737517 from th e sale of public lands.

Reclamation fund revrnue.i from aU sourcca ulnce lU esUbllshment added up to *341.307,031, ns of June 30. 1S47, K nie ^ald.

Revenues lo the fund from other states Included Uicnr:

MonUna. <18,400,207; Oregon, 113,- 001.S4fl: W a s h 1 n R lo n . t7,&30,G39; Utah. MJ07J133: Idaho, 17,113,750,

R e tu rn H o m eGLENNS FER Iiy, Feb. 5-^frs.

H enry Lcwlng has returned h«ne lo Chatcolet. She had »pent tlie earlier p a rt of the winter In Glenns Pen>‘.

Mrs. Miles Miller and Mrs. J, L. Sum ner were delegates from the local lodge to the state convention of (he Lady Trainmen a t PocateUo,


sey CatUa club will hold a sUtewlde meetlnc here m d ay , U. o . Mj-ers, sK retary, announced today. The meeting will honor fjoyd Johnson, Columbus, 0-. secreurr of the American Jersey Cattle club. Harr>' McCaulej-, Buhl, president of the Idaho group, will preside a t a noon luncheon with discussion following.


in n iK rRonATK c o u b t o r tw i: rALI-» COUNTT, STATT Or It>AH0

HITATK Of lloirinj II.Nellf* U htttkii «lT»n Lf Ui« ctijmim

Admlnblriilrli, i t Ui« o(fkr« T»tl. AtUntT, Twin r»lliCo<inl7. RUI* f t Idtko. U

New Shoe Store Will Open Hefe

r r shoo slore to be known a>i "Becks Shoes" n lll open In T*'ln ralU In the near fuiurc, necordlng to Ben zloUilck. owner.

The store will t e locatcd a l ISl Main avenue w c't In quarters for rJtrly occupied i>y Dr. J. W. M sr (litll. The space va .i vacated when 3 r. Marshall moved his offices *ne Twin Falls C llnit building. In preparation for Uic opciiln? of tlie shoe store, the quarters a t 151 Main oxrnue WMt are bclnu rciiiodelccl.

No definite date lias been set for the opening of Uie shoo slore. but Zktnlck says the store will be open In the near future. Zlotnlck Is fpnjierjnanager of tin H ushw cor pjny slore In Uolse. Don Ctirey w be nmnager of the .woo slorc^ 21c nick announced.

Commerce Group At Gooding Meets

GOODING. Peb. 3—The board of directors of the Gooding Chamber of Commerce Tuesday noon au tho r­ised Virgil Daniel, president, and Velden J. Sullivan, secretary, to at> tend tha state Chamber of Com­merce meeting In Boise on Aug. 18 and IB.

Wayne HudcUon gave a report on the slate fair board meeting In Preston l u t week. Attending th a t meeting were Hudelson, Leland G. Uurress, Earl Prance, Alex W atson and George Cleveland.

Members of the 194S board of directors are Daniel, BulUvon, H ar­ley Crlppen, Pred N. Locke, M. H. Meti. Wayne Hudelson, E. L. StJl- son. If. F, Jackson, Leo Rice, R. E. HlKgln.1, Leland 0 , BurreAS, Harold Bright, II. O, Green and B ranch Dlrd.

32,000 KiUed Is 1947 Auto Accident Toll

CHICAGO, Feb, 5 t/P; — Motor vehicle K cldtols killed 33XW A m ir- leans m 1M7, but the figure was four per cent lera than In 1946.

Thai's the report of the National Safety council, which noted the Uital compared favorably w ith 33,- 411 In IMS. II wss aLv> well below the all-time high of 39,909 esUb- lUhed In IBil.

The lowered death total, the coun­cil su u d , was. the more encourog- Ing because 1947 vehicle mileage was 9 per cent greater than In 104S and 11 per cent greoater than In IM l,

In addition to the faUllUea, 1047 traffic accldfnla causcd approxl- lately 1,100,000 Don-fatal Injuries rhlle the value of property destjvytd

and damaged was estimated by the council a t »900,000,000.

Forty-two cities of JO.OOO popu» lation or more completed th e year wlthotit a trafJle death. Poughkeep­sie, N. V , with a population of 40,000, w u the largest d ty to achieve this

Booms Wallace


Mrs. Guy H arris and family. Coal dale, Alberta, Canada, are visiting a t Uie home of Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Darrow. They are en route to Mess, A rlft for the winter.

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTSruD iic KOTto! o r HcnooL dond

EI.ECTIO.S la Clua A. .Vhocl Dkitrkt

.Vo. 411. In Twlo Fall. C.»jnt7, IdiKe, fforvitrlr tnd*rtn<Itnl School DliUkI Jio. 1, Twin r»lli Countj).I’UllUC NOTICE IS IICREDT GIVEN .»•. »r«rdlflf l» l«w tSo rpul»U«

>. t l : Tib. IAdalnk



NOTICE IS UEnr.UT GIVEN B ai>d«nun*a •Jnitibintor of Uarthi Pittan, 1« th« (r«llu<r> o*11 OtTMCt k» ln l CUIBU i i i lu t Ui dtm iol. to ohlbli ih«m vllti lh«•try Toucbtn, .withlit toor nonUi* lk«. rint patilielllu .1 Uti m ix.

’ uid IT-

m*M bid! «t hli Oftk< .. Jou*^ «nUI t P. M, r^bnjiir for faraliUra Uii >ollv«liv u At D«I>4rb

AU motor olli *tvd (mmm, Iu

*m b. tukiwt,rw4 a t Dm tbor* llmr pUct. . »OMt fernt «»4 it>Kt(ktll<ii» bw b« m> csnd frem Ox Suu furchnlni AcinL

rUit to n)«iftb.1 r«k 4. I. €. ISIS.

Tli« S u u eNOnCS TO BIPDEU 8UU P^^hultif Atcst w

rarakhl^ tkt Callovl {or Um Dnt^ BO.I P«klk Work., d

SU 0Mb LitMl CimmI MadcL n«tT7 J>sv DkMl Mot«rCr»4«r,All :>ld* «1U h, M llelr opm*! «b4 rwi

a t ite (her* Uie. u d ylu*. fropoal fem i a«d .p«r{K*U0B( a u W iwiirtdfroM U» SUM 1>«rclwla« AxcBt.

TJm Sut* riMm* Um risks to r.i«t •V w all .

HAItOLO A. Boyp,

C)u. A .................................' tiiil»i>»ndtnl SfSf.ll Dliirla NCtll. CouBt7J In IVlB r.ll* C«ui

Election Held by Pupils at Burley

BURLEY, Feb. 5 — Report card i •ere Luued to Burley achool stu - ents last week as tha first semester ime to an end.Senior high school students held

elections for representaUves in the school senate with the following re ­sults: Seniors: James Coppese, Dale Jolley, Robert Gibbs and Barbara Pollard; Juniors: Marilyn Bronson, Robert Millard. Pat Laurld.'^n and Lois Scovll; sophomores: Junior Ross, Phyllis Novuel, Donnlo Dlauer, and Cleo Marchant. Betty Doggett l9 secretary of the senate.


o t a t k ok k a tiieuvn M. liost CKAKEO.

Concert Given by University SingersU N ivE R am r o p id a h o , m « -

yv. Feb. &-WlUlam Merrill. F a ir­field. w u one of the aolobta a t the recent concert given by the Univer­sity Singers a t the D nlvcnlty of Idaho,

Other Magle Valley studenla par­ticipating In the concert were Wel­don Clark and Mary Ruth King, TK'tn Falla; Donna Darker, Good­ing; Nancy Jo Duerl* and Ruth Reichert, Filer; Lora Lee Epper-

Jerome, and Jean Feldhusen, Kimberly,

Six musicians from Burley took p art Id the concert. They wer« Cecil Grow, Dean Holmes. Alan Holyoak. Paul Rlgtrup, Maxine Salmon and Fatrtcla Tajlor.

Others in the University Singers , ;o William Novoeel and Helen nice, Deelo;' Ronald Peck, Carry; lUzel June Howard, Hsrelton; Dorla Mac- Ilar. Paul; Gloria Meuleman, Ru­pert; Carol Jean Miller, Castleford, and Marvin Utter, Harucn.

C. B. BALDWIN . . . New Toric City, « n i mtt*

as eaxBpalga mattager for Henry Wallace's third party. Baldwin was former ecoaemle d lrM ter for Italy and eiecnUve vlee chairm an cf the FrvgrmlTa ClUxena of America.

Lunches ServedFILER, Peb, 5—A total of 1,814

hot lunches were aerved a t the Cen^ tral Grads school and 1.50S meab were sened a t the Victory school during January,

ACCEPTS p o e m o MHAILEY, Feb. 8-M rs. Mary Min­

ton ha.1 ncccpted a position In the office of the Idaho Power company In Hailey to replace Irene Barrett who resigned.

Miners in Hailey Planning Store

H A H J r . Feb. 5 ben of th*HaUey Miner*' tmlon dlseuuad. fcr a eooperatln store to b« etUb- llsbwl In S a n e r w lua they o s t Tuesday evening.

Tbe store wUl be spcxssortd by the u s k a bu t ftlso v ia ic n e the public. A committee was appolat«d to meet w ith a member of the educational departm ent o f CooperaUm o f America ta Bailey on Feb. 8 to make plans for th e store.

VISITS SISTER OAKLEY. Feb. 8 -M rs. Jsck Whlt-

taks, Elko, t fe r , U TislUni her sis­ter. Mr*. Waaley Cooper,

Kimberly Movie Aids Polio Drive

laU B E R L T . Jan . &-Frlday night will b e . 'tn a rc h of dimes night* the Ma«lc theate r here with all reeelpu to be dcoalod to the poUo fund, K conllo i; to M aitafer noyd OambrcL

Two ahowtncs of a good moria have been arranged through tha [Umberly Booeten club, spocjcr of the eren t. About 800 penoos ' be con tribu tln t to the march dimes If tha theater U full for both the 1:30 and B:30 p jn . shows.


Radio Repair Serviceon Home and Auto Radios

BEN FAIRBANK,Managrer, Ai^IIuice Dept

Myron Harbough Motor Co.Goodliiff, Idaho Phone 146

___________CJSCTTDO T w v t t a n r o r m A a a r»b . s

--Ja ck atennedc. JUipert, has been elected pna lden t o f Bl(m a Alpha E p ^ IrateiBlty a t the D h lm alty of Id ah a Amoog thoee chosen to as- m Steoneck wae A rthur OrUf. Twin FUts, ehronlcler.

GvtfAisam'cf;3 -m yf^eFf

to em iiflgf Get

lattiag rtlief 9I . taMS thrM t tkk le

2 * rvw, Irrlreferf

Awards MadeScouts were presented w lth'aw ards

Bt a meeting in the M rthodtot ! church lust week.

Those who received awards - - Ray Glllcriile, Verlln M eulngcr and DeMar Msdsen. A program presented and an exhlbl of work done by Uie Bcouts woa shown.


AproiNTJin roR rnoviN c WILL. ETC.

IN T iir I’lioiiATj; couiiT o r tvi’in •• I.LS COUNTY, STATK Or lOAIIO.

IIK JIATTKR o r niK ESTATE Or U) A. WAIISEK. UIXr.AFED.• uinl ta «n onI<r of tl>< Ju<U> nt

s ;,-XrUiT, iKf :Oth <lir of r.bruirr. r 'Court lloQia of 'mM Court. «t iht C ■loui. In Ti.ln F.IU, Countr of T-ln f.

Ul« of liliHa. )|M b«»ll *pl>olnl»J uTla A, \V4rn«r. ami for h*«Hni

Dvplirtllan of U>iil~ Warm '

UtW Ftlnitrr I, im .

ANOnirR SIIMMOSB ir. DiKTnicT cot;uT op thk /CNTII JI1DICIAI, UlSTIlirr

r>iWuhr r.h, I. i:

>1 Dnllan, hMrlne Inti

!h“ „ a

lion tb>n*IUi: (OMltiltx.

rrllloi. Ui* Quallon . .(M Ullol*I. -Bond*, Xm~ tni

w»t>Uo» of Um W. SOtllinB vlll k« or«l<«4

oVlcrji r . M.! u>« tu D itir .rollinf rUna '•htrt

» r».r M.l th.!r b»ll0U«l«<-l»os; ont *l Ui* Llnrala School n Twin fillj. I4*h», ter U»t por.

U.« dliirkt Irlfts »»«l c t Dim UkM Boglrrord, o a t ef Ekoabon* (Intl.

m oVIotk P. M, e ’ *111 U <lo«*<l.

.n4 . » klshwi- tkotbooo Ptratt lo wnillitn) boun i •tl4 4hltkt. On* *1 Dl<k .« It. T»la r«IU, Idibo, for Ui4t per-

- J cl tte diitrkl ou t of niuo L*I>«> Boalcrwl. «ul ot Sliaabaa* atmt. aB4 Mil «{ tbo bubwu iMdlne MuUi from PknaW* SUnt. to Mvthtrs k^ndsrr of

CI«V. Boat4 of W tA . ' .flcjiool DUI^tt.

r«k.i a a . n , t* i f«k I . u , i tu .


JOHN UAI8CI1. BR-. DECEASr-D. P unun l to aa eritr of taU Court, mado. th« iih dtr of r.bni.t», I.............

borobr flna tb«l TU»4>t, ir of robruUT. nil, *1 Ua n'c : day, a« 0>. Co«rl Iloo.. ....urt. . t «.• Court llout. In lb. Cltr of win r«lU. Cooatr ef T«l<i K«llt. ht*

............... • 'l™ *nJ riofo for

<f n*'p>i I'r b..rlf rrltcollon

nlrrMlod si>7 arpoar rrtrvarr <IK. I


r wlUilti fowr

th« law offlcti of Eorl E. Walk - -I Law, Room 1. I. D. a

Fa.b, Idibo. Ihu M u

I. li. II

jjorailon i

hand and Watt

In hook I, Mif li: . morlxact rx. • •Id Twin P.lla Counlr. D*f«Man




plalnilfft >111 uka jud

U< la p!<lnlltr< u lo 1 Ui. cacltloa h*r«f.) WlUiaai mr kan<l an.


ilonifja for rUInllffa

a new ideal The Incredienta complete, rlch-tastinj p i e -

ready prepared for you to use. Ju*t follow directions and In half the tuual time your pic is In the oven. I t comes out perfect — o isp , flaky crust that melts in your m outh . . . luidous, creamy filling w ith th a t homemnde flavor. You become an expert pie-maker the very first tim e. I t 's quick and it's easy because p ie crust and filHngere exactintly mea*> ured and mixed for perfect results. Only the fuiest ineredients are used. You get a perfect pie every tim e. Get 7-Minit Complete Pie (letnoa or chocolate) at your jrocer'a today. See what a thrill to bake your own pie*—and always have them tuns out perfectly.

No Troubla To Inspect No Trouble To Buy No Troubid To Save At ThoseThree i" 2 Days« m o i a u c tio n SALES

(Uied and Unuted Material)

at Salt Lake City, Utah Redwood Road Feb. 19-20,1948

I N S P E C T I O N February 16,17,18

9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (MST) At The Site Locationi

TIME OF SALES Feb. 19—9 a.m., 1 p.m. Februory 20 — 9 o.m.


IS" SoUllKC : Airport l>-toot Wlu]I Eltraud Utrkcr Ll|l


JANUAItr « . IMl datllrtlr. i -jMx I th« midllloni «oalaIn*f htraln. will b« rvi lUST) Ftbrvarr 1C. 1*11. an4 ihra paklkl, for f.j>tiU

Urlali and |.trr«miln( all votk for lb> IntUlUllon ol runwar II l>. T-lfl Fall! Munitlpa] AlfJ>orf. T-l« Falii. Idaho. Major Utrr., rk arta j follo^i

QttanlJur 'Coai

,llhU ---------------------------------------------------------•r Traailomrr <W|b4 «««•) IKnUtor, Coatnl PaMl.

Tr»n<S «aca>all»* for lilnil/ C............. ...Trancb azea>aliaa for Tm Cablia In a a r i h _Slafla Conductor Ko. I Ur<t<r<rinnd Gobi* In Tnn tlaeU Coodixur Na. I Uidtnroand Cabl« la Duel

- ....................................... Cakla Ii11 T«o Condaftor h'o II Undonround Duel II Bpart Paru -

I Uad*fr»iitNS <Ubb In Durt _

Wb.ro raplaa of plant an< tpifl'latlona «r« m u-l.,! . a «hiTii o parabla br (hKk la En(lnf<r &>r<lrn, l«4 So. 4lb. llolu. Idabo.

i will b« TMDlrad wlUi oarb bid In an araoital oqul th* bid. J d lha fom of bid boBii. MTtlf‘«l or raal' '

II b« r»9iilrt<l for u a It net law tb^n of coalratt.I’trfortnanco bos4 *... ^ ..........rarn«nl bood aqgal to 10% of LU ....................... ... .... _Tbo ach»dal« of nlclaua aa pr*dtt«raln«d hr Iht fifrrwlttr of Ubo.

:Io4H In Ih. .paclfkaltona <rlll be acpllcabl* on UiU projKl.bo tgbnltud u m U>« Siawlar^ Fom of Ul4 and llx tuKvafal bl

" S i .lar luma »f »ar b

_i« I s tm l « t ___« vatra aar lBfarBsllt» ta > . aalaai aacb bid b qualtlM mut b* h*M. markod.FalU ilgBlfiMl Airporl

— . ^ . I r a i 'r a i ^ a ^ w 'o r hr >»«cilla llaluUoD,

ftk.1 /aa. Ml r*. 1.11, II, mi. . CIV Clark. T«U faJU. 1.

Sale No. SU-236~Feb. 19, 1948-9 a.m.inven to ry Includeii 102,168 solid ru b b e r s to p p e rs— 2 ,3 U m ochlne screw fops, 907 vo ltag e roflu lofor te s te rs — han d fools — au tom otive ports a n d oulo> m o tive too ls — eleclrleal e qu ipm ent — stop w atches, w a tc h po rts — eheils a n d boxes — electric sew ing m ach ines — canvas covers plum bing su p p lie s — t a rg e t kite a n d balloons — 4 ,000 lbs. w e ld in g rod — fo w c h a irs e n d cab le — A lrw oy elec trica l e q u ip ­m e n t — pho tog raph e quipm ent a n d su p p lie s — flig h t clothing — Industrial trucks a n d tra i le rs — fu e l hose — office supplies.

Sal. No. SU-239-F«bruary 19, I948-I p.m.Irteludesi 8 ,017 lbs. sliol rope, I r t " H * d ia m ete r , 3 strond i, w eight coil 50 lbs. - 6 ,2 3 0 ten t lines — 76,796 chest h in g es — 3 ,000 box strop seals - 32 ,800 In trench ing shove l carriers — 11,222 e igh t ounce c o n s shoe Im pregnite -- a rm y field ran g e s — m ess tray* — folding cam p tobies —12,776 sk i a d a p te n — inow ihoe p a d s — 3 ,000 ga llons stencil Ink — typew riter de iks ( w ood) — 1,240 tubes fool plo itlc — 1,253 bo lo kn ives — 5 ,756 gallons w aterproofing cem ent 4 ,1 2 0 g a llo n i w aterp roo fing ru b b er b a se cem ent- 83 ,1 6 4 lantern generators — 391 ,000 h e a te rs fo r bu rner h e a te r Im m ersion co rru g a ted cons — stoples — w ire cuttsrs — ba lin g m ach ines — Industrlol sew ing m achines — la u n d ry eq u ipm en t - 116,325 lb. cans Insectic ide - 4 ,555 fea th e r pillow s — 1 12 ,800 can* teen covers — 70,000 poirs goggles b e lts , trouseri, loggings, undersh irts , shirts, g loves, socks, su ipenders — icobbords - boo ts — h o n d truck i - tro lle rs -w a re h o u se trac to rs , e tc. ’

Sals No. SU-237-F«b. 20, 1948-9 a.m.Includes! Plumbing Fllllligi - 375 ,022 ft. 5 /1 6 ” Seven S lra n d Golv. W ire - Wire Rope - 2 ,502 ft. SIsoI Rope- 1 ,404 lbs. O iled Slsol Rope - 2 (g as) P o w er Units - 3 ,000 Spring Steel Clips - 1,056 G e n e ra to r Support Dolts - 4 ,975 ft. Insulated Copper W ire - 2 0 7 Sw itch­b o a rd C heit Uniti, Modoli T-26, T-39 - 2 1 ,2 4 6 Porce- lolft • In so lo loh - ■MlsC’ S w itth b o o rd -' C q u lp m e n t - - - W o rehouse Forkllfti, Trailers a n d Skids — 1 Cor, Roll,Self P ropelled — Electrical E quipm ent — Boilers —Furnaces, Controls — W ater Proofing C em en t — N eats- fo o t OH a n d Im pregnlle ~ W ood C h e sti — 28 ,544 B oxes W axed P aper - 2,856 yds. Ju te - 6 8 ,7 5 0 lbs.Fire Ext. Pow der - Fire Extinguishers e n d H ose — Can- VOS - C lothing - 977 lbs. U pholstering H a ir - 1,485 lbs. G o at M ohoir — Melol C abinets — L acquer a n d P a In t-1 2 7 ,4 1 9 le o lh e r Accessory C o see -D ynom olo rs- G rind ing W heels - DDT Pow der o n d Insecticide S p ray — Switches, Safety, Electric, Bulldog, e tc. — Job lo ts o f MochlfM ^ i t s , Capscrews, e tc.


FrvOMllra bUdtra, airoM (be vko bar* aaUkUabad ttvdll * tka WAA wtu ba ra^alnd U <•»•_. vllli tba awklar aa aaasnt a«ul ta SI r*r M l oC Um total uUri. H M rv'tkaaaa at Iba aaJa. 0«»«alu aad M /aaal wlU ba aada by aaah.

• Uo-VkIM UaUa, « r ___Uttar a t CrodJL t% VUk BUU lUlM T u will ba nllortad <rfca« alJcabla. FINAt. rATUENT UM

nuread la a»-b«ma ai dta c w

Ijwata kr T raw ^ Ckack Hu««h

*rv offarad la (Ua aala k aa aar .0 3 . Utaiiaa bMla |au*»< f«nj. t«ra aa4 affu* Badtlaaai, ca4 aab-

...... - alD ka avallaUa Mdvt.

And Many Othtr H«m« Too Numtrout To M«tiHoti

O F F IC E O F 5 A I E 5 M A N A O E M E N T

w a r a s s e t s A O M I X I S T K A T I O N

S o l t L o k e C f t y C u t t e m « r S « r r i e t C e n t e ri n e tMik t m i u u h i s, p. o . • « . s m r u m r - u n

S d l U k » Q ly 13 , U toii



Coach Set for Tar, Feathers Klan Threats

L A M V irW . Ttb. 6 Of) — A t h m t to U r KQd f u th t r left » coMh and a M sh sehcnt pKnelpiJ calm, tinlrl«hieo«<l lod r n d r to •boot It out with the Ku Klux K lu u

A sd w hen hooded kU nantn bum* •d a c ro a In fron t of Coach W alter Bowland'8 home oo Jan. IS wbUt b e wai away, b b p rtp jan t wife kicked oTer the flei7 irmbol and called the m aiked rWet» ■jelloir eowardi."

B orland u l d th« U inat foUowed a ri«ht be bad a t th« tchool itid- naslum w ith a (tudent.

He eald b e had appealed to Sheilff #lrn M oreland or C aloou eounU for protection b u t had been Rfused.

In a aU teasent to The Challa- Dooga Tim es last n lsh t. Moreland de­clared b e aaJd to Dovlaad, "I'm ju s t u scared of th e Ku Klux K lan as you are . You should conduct yourseU In such a ray that the K u Klux K U n wouldn't appear la fron t of your house."

V Bovland sa id he hid collected ^ t h r c e ahotcuns, an auiomailc rUle,

anununlUon and a blackjack to meet future K lan demotutratlons.

Principal John B. Durbi, ordered to get Bowland out of totm or face to r and leathers hlsuelf, had Ihla to say;

"I have a pistol and anununttlon. If they come to my house maklns threa ts I am coins to shoot some*

The coach said the flsht came when the a tudent, Msrion Hayes, now aUendlng the Unlvenlty or C haltanooea. objected to chores as­signed two members or the basket­ball team.

y told Hayes to leave," Bowland recounted. " lie called me a dirty so-and-50. I h it him. His father

Boyle Follows Advice of Old Editor and Pens Poor Prose

B y HAL BOYLE N EW YORK. m . 6 (ffV-Aa old

ed ito r, h is eyebaUs calloused from ' y ta ra ot arw spaper prose, osee said:

“S o a . th e re are ftre nibjecu peo. pie alw ays are toterested la—an easy w ay to make m oney, aex, do(s. b i r d a and the w eather."

B e aald a w riter w ho d e a lt con- a l s t e a t l y with Iheae topica would n e re r lack read*


lo i a war

BonrUnd said. He added that "short* ly after, the K K K took crer."

Return From TripsBURLEY, Feb. ^ -M r. end Mr*.

Clive Lindsay and Mr. and Mr*. Harley MOKgort relum ed Saturday from a two weeks trip to CalUomla.

Mr. and M rs. Wayne Long and

jlvo o f f th e plea*, a n t s o u n d of cUnklng coins.

1 w onder K all rtTo A t once would quintuple that? H ere Boes:

A Ja n ito r has ccoie to me with an Im portan t new discovery In the rield o r quick wealth, but I heslUte to pass I t on until I leant w hat hap­pened to th e 13 he borrowed. He w anted I t to test out an exdtlng th e o o ' th a t racing Is linked to as> trology, a n d th a t you should bet on , a horse only when Its ‘ favorable.

No l>ulletln.i have come In from le w ide wonderland of sex except h u rried note from a friendly cab

d r ir e r who reporU that In the last week h e knows of three moirlage proposals made In the rear seats of taxis cruising through Central park.

“I figure I fs because of the fuel ahortage," his memo continues, "It' too cold now a t home to propose."

O ur d o f stoiT c aa ea from Buda­pest, where It is a faro rlU among th e people wbo lire under th e shad­ow of th« bammer a sd alckle.

A bungiy Austrian dog m et a weU<red H ungarian dog and was invited to ahare the menu a t his kenseL But a doubt flickered to the huoger-plnched brain of the Aus- U lan dog and it ln<;ulred:

“Before I come, you’U pardon If I ask whether there Isn 't some catchT Doeant your m aster exact some teeny-weeny unccmXortable dem and on you for feeding you so weUI-

“Of course no tl" Mid th e Hun.

Area Students Get Offices at U. of I.

u r m r E R s m r o p id a h o , mo«.cow. Feb. 5—Charles Clsrk. Paul, was elected secretary of Pine hall, m en's living group a t the Unlrerslty o f Idaho .

Sonnlch Sonnlchstn. Jerome, was tiam ed social chairman and Marvin B adger, Heybum, w a s elected ithletlca chalnnan.

P a tto n R ofj. Haselton, will be aophom ore cU.« repreientaUve, and

Simmons. Haielton, will be ir c lass representaUve.

J'aylor Given Lacing by State Demos at Idaho Falls Meeting

OBy JOHN C O nU T TBOISE. Keb. 5 tU.B—Idaho's Dem­

ocratic Sen. O len H. Tajlor took a Uclng from men In his own party a l a D em ocrat meeting In Idaho Falls.

PYom th a t m eeting Taylor learned UmC the Idaho Democrat leiders w ant him to be a Democrat nl! Uie way. They called for full support for Pre.ildent ‘lYuman In lils foreign policy and fo r the Nfarthall plan. Taylor has bltterlj- u.*isallfd our for­eign policy and opposes the ^fttr- Ihnll plan.

PurUiermore. the Democrat ers Including

ipporters. a ir r.tartlnK i

3 they

All In Ml. It wa., a bsd night for

W cad 'o f ''t lm e’' ii

m ittee m a n ; former Qov. Arnold W llllam a and SUuncti Party Mem­b e r P. C. O’Malley from rejecting th e views held by Taylor.

O m iJ e y , who halls from Poca­tello. T aylor's home town, was te r . Ho eald the party should pud la t« Taj'lor. He said the Ideals a n d th e p rln c lp lu ef the Democratlo p a rty h a d been developed since the tim e of Jefferson and named the g re a t leaders of (he party and of-----------‘on. He claimed thst T ^ lo r

adhere to the Democrstlo Inclples. O'MaUej-'s remarks

w ere n o t m ade public through the pre.is a t th e meeting.

Some D em ocraU believe tlu t such a reliction to Taylor's views may resu lt In h is adopUng a -hands o J f policy In th e coming congressional 'ectlons.

Tlie RO-called cowfr\’atlve Drm- :rnt.n, Icil by former Sen. Charlcj

C. G ossett, were more tlmn plcnied.>pearM almost certain that vllt try for the Dcmocratlo I nom ination next Aucust.

aa a ll will remrmber. fought a o a s e t l bitterly In the l[H(l p rim ary crnnpalgn and Taylor's cnn. d ldate. O eorge D enart, won tlie nom ination .

" I d o n 't th in k we hare to wony T ay lo r now." said a Gossett

B u t fo rm er QOTcmor WIlllomL ade a n " In tem a tlo n sr speech at 10 Idaho Palls golhexlng and ob- n 'e rs figured Immediately that he o . will seek the sensle post no?

by Republican Henry Dwor- ik. By the same token, Dlstllne •e a p re tty good speech hlnself

by adopting the same rfa-wn- he m ay ' senate ilonal

However, the word goes an >w th a t BisUlne wants to rt .3 na tio n al XJemocratlc commli

drawback. Come righ t on over and have your fUat squara meaL T here 's only one small th ing to re­member.”

"W hafs th a t?- asked the Austrian dog.

••You can 't bark." said th e Hun­garian.

To go on to ornithology, a friend recently visited his sick grand* mother. To amuse her he took along one of those novelty toy ducks which you pu t on the edge of a glass of w ater and it teeters beck and fo rth : as If drinking. '

He left the toy on the mantle. He returned the next morning to find his grandmother with deep circles under h e r eyes.

•■Take th a t bird out of here." the old woman cried angrily, " I didn't get a wink of sleep. I t kept dunkmg Itself all nlghU anct I couldn’t Uke my eyes off I t . , And look a t I t now —It's sUII doing It. Oct th a t bird o'Jt

r my sight, or I’ll never ge t well."

T h a t brings us to the weather. Well, the Providence, R. I., Evening BulIeUn has found th a t th e 1B48 edition of the "Old Parm er’s Alma, nac" has a clean beat to da te over the U .a . weather bureau In predlct- n s this winter’s storms.

The "almanac" was printed last November.

RocaUlng an old jouinallsUo leg­end th a t the almanac'* weather prdpheeles are made by an office boy when he Isn't busy sweeping up. the Evening Bulletin told o f one boy who predicted violent bllrsards for a day In August

Upbraided by an Irate editor for this fanciful forecast, the boy said:

"Well. I admit I'm sticking my nrek out. but If It does whip up a b lltw rd in Augur,I Just th ink w hat - p rophet I'll be.'’

T here yoti are—easy money, lex, dogs, birds and the weather.

Perhaps I should mention th a t the old editor died broke and sUll a bachelor. He hated dogs, liked birds only In a pie and always said he wanted to go to hell because i t w ij the only pUce where ha could be sure of th e climate.

Family Gains Only Woe by

$92,800Findv m u ju x m u A . peb. s w v - - n «

Benjamin Lltbermans concluded to­day th a t finding m « 0 tn the ir cellar was about the w orst thing th a t ever happened to them.

T he south Philadelphia couple lUH doean t have legal UUe to th e trea s­ure 11 months afU r the d lscortrr. B u t they say ihere'a no doubt about these occurrences:

1 . “n ie lr health has been affected seriously by worry and strain.

a. They are afraid to Ure to tbe lr home.

9. neighbors have abused them, shouting catcalls.

4. Lleberman h u loet h li book­keeping Job.

8. T1)e couple Is existing oo s n e of a shoe clerk son.0. The son's health also baa been

Impaired.T he «7-year-old Lleberman told

police h e stumbled on the t93.B00 In a paper carton while looking for a light bulb. He had no idea how It got there, he said. The federal gov­ernm ent filed a tax lien on the hoard. Seven other persons also staked claims.

The Llebcrman.i. target of crank letters and abuse, said they had Just as soon call the whole thing off, d is­closed Atty. J . Sydney Hoffman. But they feared the government m ight press, the tax claim anyhow.


Visit Out of StateC A S T L E P O n O , Peb. 5 -M rs .

Prank Chandler end son, Robert, have left for Phoenix. A rl t. to' visit her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. w . T . Mc­Cauley.

Mr. and Mrs. John Q uandt le ft Sunday to vLilt relatives and friends In Orange. Calif.

Sure CureBODffTCXV. T ex , Feb. 5 C»)-

Mra. Mabel BoUng. » . o f Hous­ton found a cure fo r Uie blceupa bu t aba i s n l j uappUcation.

Mrs. BoUng was miraing a c u e Q be r au- r aUUOD

when two cara collided in the street, one of tbeso swerved Into the rUtloR. h it a gasoUnt ponpk knocking u over and IgnlUng spilled gasoline; b it a plOar u p - porting the drKrewar caaopj. the rear o f the Boling car. and the eUUon doorway, breaking a plate g la u window.

Mrs. BoUng’a hlecupa ta n - Isbed.


Nazarenes SlateZone Rally Here

For This FridayAn all-day tone rally wlU a ta r t

a l 10-.JO Ujn. Prlday a t the « r » t CSiurch of the Nazarent la Tw in Palls, according to the R er. B ert Daniels, pastor.

Speaker a t the morning acsalcn will be the Rev. W, T . ArmatKiag, Kimberly. A covered dish luncheon will be served a t noon In th e Idaho

Sunday echool serrlcea will be held a t 3 pjn . with Uie Rev. Maaon Lee. Huntington. W. V , epcaklng. Eraagellstlo servlcea will b« con- duclod a t 7 : i i p m with the Rev. Mr. Lea In charge. Loren Duff. Indianapolis, Ind., will have tiiaxge of the muJlc f«t n e t;."---"■.U c Htea, the Rer. Mr. Daniels said.

C M iF P e o u P s ?fhofi o job tor tSm ^ond 9 0 ^


MOVE TO BOISE CAREY, r*b. J—Mr. and Mrs. Lor* I D. Peterson have moved to Bolsa.

Mrs. Petcrton. a recent bride, com- >leted her senior year a t the Carey high school Jan. 23.

If You Prefer anEASTERN BEER


BLATZOr a Wcslem—It’i


Perfect means flawless. A rad ia­tor repaired here ti one th a t baa been carefully, painstakingly r v paired or recored by a sklUad mechanic and then PROPERLY tested to tha t It U returned to you In a condition to functloa PERTECTLY. .

Complete Stock ofNEW RADIATORS


139 2 N D AV E..E . TEL.231

wy ..*t Mint iriu'vufi-Ing, he m ay become a candidate for th e senate o r f in t dlitrlct con-

I,YKN CRANDALU UUlrlct £Rilu«r.

) Republican leaders ex- ... opposlUon for Senator

D*-orshak and R*ps. John Sanborn a n d Abe G off In the primaries. Som o persons m ay announce for the nom ina tions bu t they will not be from am ong th e leadership.

M ark up ano ther possible candi­d a te for th e national Republican naU onal commltteemaji post held »o long by E ira WhlUa of Coeur I ’A lene—Reilly Atkinson of Boise, forroer O O P sta te chairman.

f io m wJiere I s it ... Joe M a rs h

Do You Have Noisy Neighbors?

A lot of the neighbors wera sad- dealy annoyed by Job Crowell’s hammering a t n ig h t Jeb was boild- Ing bimseir a new fron t porch—and the only time tha t he conld give to It was oftar sBuIown.

F inally we decided the best thing to do was all pitch in and help — and get the carpentry over w ith as soon as posilble. We did. Finished the porch next evening— and Jeb graU fu lly treated us to Ice cold beer and cider.

From where I sit . th a fa what being a good neighbor means. In-

•Uad of complaining aboat the other fellow’s kaUii, try to under- itsnd and share his M treilt.

So i f my practising on the flute annoys you, come on over, neigh­bor. with your flddle o r gu lU r and Join me! ..Maybe It will end up In our knowing and appreciating one another b e t te r . . . in an evening of Rood fellowghlp. And 111 promise to pforirfe the beer th a t gort w ith evenings of good fellowship I


ronlag C u n p b e r ^ B la iy M ^ S ^ >CUms BUD CtU STWnitm.. . tlBI-CfliaTltini£SS.BJl»llUITATtO*

p , v Y l A l t R


rir«$ ton«

budget PIAM


SC R AP taAll p l o f l l c -Con’t s . m l *N o P»r«lio>»N x M M n r C O M I IN t o d a y

Election HeldOAfiTLEPORO. J^b . S — HaroJd

Williams was elected president of the OasUeford Range R iders ra- cently.

D. Clark was elected Tlca- ident, Mrs. Robert Brown, aeo-

rv ta ir: Mra. O to t BM d. t m m n Oana Roed, drffl M ptatn, and U n . William Bale, chock wagon beo.

K s c s m x a t x c a t b iz n tOATLBT. Peb. 8 - M i a . B n x r

Shepard Is tat S alt Laka CUy. TJtah, recelrlni medical tna tm e n t.

MR, FARM ER — have you seen — *

The "Skyline" Manure Spreader Attachment

yoor tnllerr

ilniply Inseri the SkyUna i ________la U yesr trailer, u d j m bava aa effecUra lew eeet m a a n a tpnaderl Power ta le ^ f f d r in a . apprextmaUty tQ bo. eapMlty. B e n ere It. asd y«a have ysBr trailer (or a tber uses. SOJS.




3 0 . 5 0Oonpaet, y*X t» g J w s ^« f radle petforaanca. taebt e a t s r e e aa a a l e a a t l e ■rtluiaa oootiol and alactjo- a jn a a le ip u k s r . Baastlfsl iTory pUstle eablaet.


S e a l e d B e a n i

f o g L IG H Tsp read s oarpe» o* oBber Ugtit eloM to „ » a . B .a l.4

to s . Ohroae Cnlsh.

pow *r«/w H fiPolonfun

riM ifo tt*S P A R K P IU G S

5 9 S m

F « Swift.



CopyrifSi, I04S. i ’niud Slalti Brticrri FeunJatioH


Our Cfitire organ iatioa is buift

Ofi the prindple that )«u —

the customer — are entitled to

full value forcvcry dollar you

spend with us foe automobiles,

accessories and scrvice.


D E Q i

S A L EWe Have Buyers for All Type Stocki—


TH IS W EEK WE U'ILL IlAVE->4 Loads Good Slock Cowi; 2 Loads Good Qnallty Cahe* and

Oar Usnal l ^ r r e Bon of General filoek.




~ ,W. J . noDenbeek


PAGE EIGHT TIM ES-NEW S, TW IN F A L L S . IDAHO TBUESDAT, mSRUAKT B, IdaBetter Checks Of Land Cash Seen as Need

WA8HINOTON. P(b. 6 QJ.0 — S«a. WlUUm P. KccwUmd. R , C alif, proposed Codftf th a t tbe rcc ltiuU on

------- _ lnu tiiu tc f p > cloflcf watchpock*U»ook. ' '------------

HU cuK ^U an c a a i U lc r the stcond d a r of iecal« aubcommltu hearln fi on work itopp ign on tf F n » n t-K m i canal In California.

Burtau ipokeunm u ld they knew definitely on or about Nor. X th a t funda lo r th a t project «-ouId be ex- haustetS by Dec. 1. On Nor, JS they so adTliLcd conlracton on the Job. l ^ e contrttcton itopprd work.

Need Detler Bnteni *Tbere will have to be a better

accounUn* ayitetn In the bureau," Knowland u ld , "when they cao’l are fundi are runnlnc out until elShl dftj-a before they do."

Reclamallon Commluloner Mlc- liael S tn u a told Uie le n ato n he knew asd said IrequcnUy from July, 1D47 on. th a t work iloppaje* were tmmlnent. But, he aald, It waa no t until Nor. 30 tha t h it bureau ex- hau«cd both }Mant>Kem lundi and posilble Murce* of fund tranifera to the flnanclally-alllni project

*?<et Unknown Myttcr?1 do not think there It w arrant

to believe th a t It waa an ab«olutely unknown myitery tha t dawned on Kov. IS.- he aald.

Btraua and Sen. Eherldan Downey, D , Caltf.. faced each other a t a pub«

Trio to Speak at LDS Services Sunday

LOWXNE WOOD M E 8. ROY WOODlarln, wlU apeak on eeodlllem ta Em U nd w hen they appear a t (be

7:50 p jn . iertlee* Souday a t the atake tabeniacle, aecwdlnc t« Blihep N. W. A rrln ito n . The family r»- eently relom ed from a lw<».ye*r m iulon la the lire rpao l d litrtet o( EnjUnd. (Blaff en fraT tu f)

3 Buhl Residents Will TeU About Work in Britain

Uc bearing aa wltnesi and lenalor jreaurday for the f ln t Umo alnce pnbllcaUon of Downey's book a t­tacking the reclamation bureau and lU commluloner.

There were a few flare-ups. Downey accused Straui of deliber­ately keeping congrcu and the go»- •reinen t "la the dark’ about the Im­minent work itoppages. S traui den­ied the charge.

Herds in Gooding Show High RecordOOODINO, Feb. i - a o o d ln j . U n -

eoUi and Jerome unit No. 1 of the Dairy Hen! Inprorem ent aasocla- Uon, under Harold BanUng, tu U r , la chowlng a high record. O f 29 herda with 316 milking cowa and 4a dry covi, there was an arerage lor Ja nuary of G94 pounda of milk and SO.i pounds of bo tlerfa t There were n cows areraglng 40 pounds of bu tterfa t or more.

Herds aTeraglng 40 pounds or above were those owned by Dean Bryan, Gooding, grade Holstein with

, SOJ pounds butterfa t; V. W. Canon, Bryao,aoodlng. grade Holstelns with pounds butterfa t; lUy Harding, Goodins, grade and regtilered Hol- stelns. }4J poimds butterfat. and L . ' D. Porter, Ooodlng, regUtered Ajt - ahlrcd and grade O uem uyi, pounds of b u tte rfa t

Former Legislator Dies at Age of 74

THATCHER. Fclj. B MV-WIllIam H. Mendenhall. 74. long prominent In educational. rtUglout. civic and political circles, died at h b home yesterday.

Mendenhall sened two terms as representative and two terms as senator from Bannock county in the Idaho legislature. He was also a former president of the Bannock sU ke of the Latter-Day Bnlnta (Mormon) church.

He constructed the Tliatcher store In IS07 and served a i a member of the school board here for 37 years.

Mendenhall also was sctlve in or* gonUlng the T hatcher high school and the Gera Valley Dairy coopera­tive.


Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and daughter. Loweue. b u h l, will speak on present conditions tn England a t 7:30 p jn . Sunday a t th e stake tabernacle. Blsljop N. W. Arring­ton announced Thursday.

T he family recently re tu n ied from A two-year m lu lon In the Liverpool distric t of England where Bishop Wood was district p residen t

T hey will tell about war destruc­tion In Uverpool where whole «c- tlona of the cliy were wiped ou t by bombing. Bishop Arrington said.

Mrs. Wood, besides her work i A missionary, wrote and directed ceacenniaf pageant, *Tl]e Strengtii of th e HUls." lo r a mlsslon-wide conferenee held In 1047 In Bradford. England.

MUs Wood worked In the London LDS mission office before being as- algoed to the regular mlsslonaiy serrlc« In the NotUngham a n d UV' erpool districts.

Bishop Wood Is widely known the Twin Tails slake, having been a bishop In Twin Tails. Kimberly and Buhl wardt. Previous to hli missionary work ha was s lake high councilman. Bishop Arrington

Does Gas and Bloat Hinder Your Joy Of Living?

Thousands of men and women ... the very prime of life lose the Joy of living. Sour Qassy Stom achs rob them of the plca-iure of NORMAL HAPPY EXIhTENCB. they cauMcomplications th a t bring ...........of Ills and symptoms.

C onstant tiredness, general de­pression, general effects of old age, d lo y n e u . acid Indigestion. Inscm- tila, blood pressure, nervousness, underweight. rheumaUe pains, short of b reath and so many o ther general complaints. ‘Hiese gastdo atU cks, dizziness. Ill effects of too slow di­gestion due to costive sU snatlon , w ith Its slow stom ach poisoning are relieved quickly with BROTHER

Lions at Richfield Hear Grange MasterRICTfPIELD. Feb. 5—H arry Prior.

Rlchflrld O range master, was gUMl speaker a t Uie reguUr Lions club meeUng Tuesday evening.

Vem Thom as waa recelrid as new member and Clifford Word w a guest.

The Feb. 17 meeting will feiiure a Boy Scout program with a Scout rcpresnitaUve scheduled to addrtsj the auembly.

Attend Meeting:HAOERMAN. Peb. 5 -T hose who

alUnded the NaUonal Wool Owwcri meeting a t S alt U k e City. UUh. last wtek were Mr. end Mrs. Martin Curean. Mra. j . w. Jones, prcsldtnl of the auxiliary of the Idaho Wool Growers, and Mrs. Bess Abbott, chalrwfln of the woy* and mesni cammlttee. Mrs. J . w. Jones re­ported th a t Idaho won first prise lo the woolen articles.

Canal Company to Elect 2 Directors

CAREY, Feb. 5 -N e w directors will bo chosen a n d a ne«' chsrter will be voted on a t th e annual meeting of the stockholders o f th e Little Wood Hirer Canal com pany s t 3 p. m. Monday, a t th e Carey ward LDS cliurdi.

Mrs. Ro«s StAnford, acting oecre' Ury of the com pany In the absence of A. B. BlAnford, stressed the Im* portAnce of th e meeting. Votes of two-thirds o f th e company's shsrcs will be needed to re liu ta te the chart-

site said.

RICHHELD. Feb. &-A charge of disturbing the pesce a t a basketball sam e cost Robert Dean Bell M3 nnd court costs a t a hearing Tues­day Afternoon before Justice of thePeace Farris Dodd. A porUon of I ____________«v.uth e fine. »13, will be suspended for by Ttollnger-s Pharmacy h e re In « days for good behavior. | Tw in Falls.—Adr.

TOM'S M roiC lN E . REMEMBER— I f food remains undigested longer than four to six hours due to re­curring cosUreneas or spells o f con­stipation. It may mean sluggish liver, gastric attacks, headaches dlrzlne&s and ga.i pressure pa lp ita ­tion. MANY SPELLS OP PEELING BAD ARE CAUSED BY TOO SLOW D IG E S T IO N -B R O T H E R TOM'S MEDICINE contains 5 G reat Herbs; U.ry cleanse bowels, clear gas from stom ach, act on alusgWi Intestines and a s a diuretic on kidneys. M iser­able people soon feel d ifferen t all over, so don 't go on sufferlngt Get BROTHER TOM'S MEDICINE. Sold

K L I X i s K L I C K I N 'JVith /JfldiVs Best Entertainment!

6 : 0 0 p . m . J u n e a u S h i n n

Idaho's Ovm lexoB Commentator

6 : 1 5 P . M . E l m e r D a v i s

With Wfiuia Direct From Washington

7 : 0 0 p . M . P l a n t a t i o n P a r t y

*‘With the Duka of Paducah"

7 : 1 5 P . M . S i N G i N ' S a m

■ Now -Heard at a New Hour

T i i x-ITCUCKSr


Radio ServicePrompt Plek-np — Fbone t t t j


717 M ala A venue W at

Found: One ‘Bureaucrat’ Who Hopes for an End to His Job


Tlghe B. W oods Is so wrapped up tn his m lssioa th a t be thinks, with any luck a t a ll. he 'll be able to work himself o u t o f a Job inside of two years.

A t le a s t h e hopes so.As ih ln g s a re now, everybody

picks on th « ra th e r pudgy, good- natured fe llo v , who Is tbs federal housing expediter. The fan he geUl L andlords say iheyll be mod a s h o p s If ha talks congieas Into keep ing the Ud on r e n ts until Marcli 31. 1850.TTie people w ho P. - , . ■ pay re n t will be IJ ■ sore If bo f a l l s . 9 l ^ .T h a t ta k es In ant*.. awful lo t o f peo­ple.

Now w« know where M r. Woods stands. T h e h a r ­ried fellow go t A fresh hA lrcin. pu t on his new blue *»•«*•• NUUU su it and yellow sox and west to» t for th « lit tle guy. He appeared before th e house banking and cur­rency com m ittee which U working

ver a b ill th a t would hold the Une n rents.Tlie com m ittee sa t In sour-fsced

silence fo r three-<iuarters of an hour while Mr. W . read a prepared state­m en t

He said h e realized there w erest many m ore people now than there

DO y o u KNOWth a t C h iropractic and Physio­therapy b ring wonderful aid to those su ffe rin g from high blood pressure? G ood health can yours.


CblropracU c PhysicianCATHERINE

MACDONALD P h y a lo lh e ra ^ t

130 M a la Ave. North

were la ZMO. B ut peojde a re tn dif­ferent places—the dtles. where It's crowded. A ad the goTemiBent c a n t Just shoo them back to th e farm.

Rep. Bow ard BuffeU. N ebr. said why would p t o ^ w ant to go back when they control re n u In Omaha and dona p u t the Ud on tn small Nebraska towns? Mr. Woods said It was his experience th a t peoirie will llT« where they happen to h a re a Job.

Be went on w ith some more facts. Since IMO. he said, folks haTe been. getting m arried Uke crazy. Instead of holing up w ith In-lsws. they get a little place of the ir own. further complicating the housing situation.

Hep. Frederick C. Sm ith. O , looked down oTer his glosses from the octnmittee bench. B« w anted to know w hat Is causing a ll of the shortages In building materials. And before th a witness could answer, Bmlth asked him if he beliered In planned eoonomy—o r. as b e put It— toelallon?

Mr. Woods said. no. sir, h e guessed he d ldn l. But he added th a t he looked a t I t Uke this:

•The building cf COO house* stopped recenUy because we couldn’t get heating equipment in th e W ash­ington area. I would ra th e r take some of th e Iron we need away from the auto m anufacturers—and do with a sm aller fender on my car. If tha t's planned economy, I'm for IL-

State Gains Early Pay Tax Returns

BOISE, rtb. t OU^-Use aU U In- ocsns tax department collected SHUTS troi^ Idaho IsdlTlduals, cerpocatlons and flduclariei, DU ree tcr p . O . KelU aald today.

NelU said that was a good show, ing and Indicated Idahoans were fiUne returns earUer than usuaL B ut ha said ba still expects a last> muiuie rush (o meet Uis March 15 deadline.

STOPII, D rafts and Foggy

ORDERYour Alsco Aluminum


w ith Sum mer scrcens

Idaho Engrineeringr and Sales Co.

ISS Steond E . F bosa Z377

S U R E W E H A V E T H E MF O R D E L I V E R Y T O Y O U _________ N O W !

On TripsCABTtEFORO, Feb. t~lST. and

Mra. Charles Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bi«*n a t« on a three- week tr ip to Kansas, Oklahoma and California.

Mr. and Mr*. Tony Patacek ha re left fo r Seattle, Wash., to Tlslt Mrs. PatucelCB paresis.

“Physldans licensed-BOISE, rtb. 8 U V -T vent7 a;>pU-

e asts v e n tnccastfnl tn passlnc tb« stat« m e d ^ i»T«mtnmtlnn glTCS here Jan . U-21 and fotir wU re- ctlT# Ucenscs by reciprocity, Mra. E itella 8. MuUlner. announced to­day.

Those pasting the examlnalloD tn- eluded Fred T . Kolouch and Foniey Long Murray. Twin Falls, and E n » F. Bestero. Hailey.

Licensed by rcclprodty w«s James E. Sloat. Jerome.




C O N C R E T EOellrertd mixed and r a d y «•

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Basement East of Po^ffice — Tw in Falls101 2nd St W.

S m a r t s c h o o l t i m e

s a d d l e s

t g B V S T E B B B O W K

Saddles arc on the style sccnc this spring for the fframmar school set.

They’re by Busier Brown, \vith Buster’s good-feelinfr fit, smart styling nnd famous wear.

Sizes 8V2 to 12..................... $4.98

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m T T X T p TX T • the Bu.iter Brown Gang Every X U i l J u l i N Saturday Morning, 9:30 KTFI

The de/ t a t th e tnstep makes this u r o p -

around strap as in teresting as a dimpled

chin. The toe is squared awav and the

tcoop wedge hee l gives that fla ttering

short e ffec t. In th e new est California

color. Emerald G re e n — $6.05

d o n d*‘FootwMr for the Ent}T4 -FemCy”

rmntsDAY. F e b r u a r y 6 ,104s TIM ES-NEW 5, TW IN PALLS, m A H C

Sigma Chapter Enjoys Potluck

And ExchangiB lfiu ch tpU r of B « u aigznft Pl_

h tU t poUuck dinner Kt th e eounliT boflu o l Annie Lue lU edeU cemr BotilWedaesdiiy erealn*.

A ralectlse then>0 « u carrlMl out In Ui» deconuoas. C upids and h e trti were im pended from Hi# MUlsf, t&d the r e r m h m e s t u b le s » e « corertd w iui w Jentlne ctolh* and nipkln*. •'

T to l u s e or h w rta w m pliyed, • s d t {U( u c h u u e w u beld vlU t the | 1:U b rtn iln j p m c n u for the ir “»ecm

Members p resent wer« Uelen Shiner. Mrs. Rcolo MendloU. Mrs. VldU W«de. Mrs. R u th O lesn.

I Ju in lU BeUrt. Norma H jm us, Ada lU lrd. Rubr 8 U 7 tm . BectT Vale, llu lh M eC uthr, t*>e lU edels. Lulu Spencer, Je ine Kline, Lola M ncnu- MD. Faye U»yfleld, Je&sle 8e lara. Mary Joe CahUl and LaR ene Nan* eolai.

M lu OahlU w u eeneriLl chair* man tar the affair. Mra. McndloU and U lu lUlbao were In charge of

^ InTltaUona, and MLu KUne. chair* n a n of refrethmenU, « 'u assisted by Mlu NancolM.

Jerome's Parish Has Dinner and Clever Program

JEROME, Pcb. 5—A pre-len tcn dinner »nu enjoyed la st week by members of Uie SL Jerom e’s parish, a t the American Lesion hall.

The profTum under the direction of Mr*.-U W. Banbers included a comet Mlo by Joan Olbson. high Mliool itudent. She was nccom* panled a t the piano by Jo a n Rlgney. •The Bargain Sale." a humorous reading In costume and “T h e Wed­ding" in Negro dialect, also In cos­tume. were gl»en by Mr«. J a c k Web- Bier. -Piw and M aW E ltenhnuer of WrndcII gave one of the ir h ill billy perforronnces.

Oroup Binging wn* enjoyed w ith Ralph Dunn directing a n d Mrs. Ronald Stewart accompanying a t the pUno. The Rev. F a th e r E. A. 6cherman»on introduced th e new membera of the perish and cuests of the erenlng.

Pillowing the dinner gameji played with prl*<* being awarded ead i couple. Members contributed

A the march of dimes f l ^ e . with U3D( coUected.

The committee In charge of the : dinner Included Mr*. Mary Nutach.■ Mr*. W. n. Churchman. Mrs. Charles

riecnor, M n. 3. U ‘Thorpe, Mrs. Clem Englcbcrt and Mrs. John

: Brant.• * ♦

Teachers FetedHEVBURN, Prtj. 5 -R e lie f nodely

officers entertained the vh ltlng U achen a t a party Friday afternoon a t the church. A program »-aa given and a gift was presented to each honored gue«L

SICE Bride Speaker Reviews Article On History of Gardening

A m le w of “III# World la Your O ardea.'' an arttcla by W, H. la tb a iv i j. IMT, tsu e of NaUoaal O eopaphle nacazlne . n s g tn n by Uxs. A lrab Jay. Kimberly, a t the me«tlBX of th« 'Twto 7«Ui a a id e a club W ednetday aflertwon. M n , E. T . O uttery w ai hosuai 10 t h t group t t ber borae a t 160 W liaore a tm i.

M ia. Jay aald th a t about 2i.CiOO ipedea of plants arc cultlrated by man today. O f these nearly lOMO u% cbertthed for the ir ornamental ralu#. S e reral thousand of the U tter ar«


Marian Martin Pattern

Family Tells of Wedding in Elko

Mr. and M n. RjSph TuUoch. 627 l^ iurth avenue north, have rerealcd the details cf (he marriage of their daughler. Bonnie Jean, to D ralne SUmpson, ion of Mr. aad Mr*. R. C. i SHmpson. Heybum.

’The double-ring c e re m o n y ___pcrfonned by the Ret. Oeorge Daucher nl noon Sunday. Jan . 25. In Elko, Nev. ’llie bride was drewed In a rose auit with black accessories for the ceremony.

Atlencllng the oouple were N a­dine Waldron. Malad. and Bud Gamblln. Shoshone. boH> iludenta a t the Southern Idaho College of Education a t Albion,

Mr*. TuUoch rad u a ted from T*'ln Palls hljli school In 1M7. Rer hus­band, a 1944 graduate of He>'bum high school, served for two ye an In the na^7 . -nie newlyweds are making their h m e In Albion whUe they continue ihelr studies a t SICE,

« * «* * *

OES in Gooding Gathers for 38th

Birthday MeetOOODnJG. I>b. 5—Cosmopolitan

chapter No. 38. OES. observed lu 38th annlvensry a t the regular mceUng held In tlie Masonic temple Tueiday evening, Mra. W alter C. Raby. woniiy matron, presided.

Plans wrre made lo atend riles Instituting a chapter of the order a t Hagerman on Feb, 14 when the worthy grand matron, k!rs. Rachael ■y, Paulsen, will be present. A com- mltteo was appointed to serre a dinner for Job’s D aughttrs when the grand guardian makes her of­ficial visit Feb, 35. A « contribution - a s voted lo tlie polio drive.

Mrs. Raby gave a brief resume of the htsioo’ of Cosmopolitan chap­te r from Its Inception up to the present, ’The chipter was o rgan ltrt o a Feb. 19, 1010 when Oooding was still In Lincoln county. M n. Ruth L, Leyson, the first worthy matron of the chapter, was p reitn t for the meeting, u was Mrs. E a SUiton, olio a charter member. Mr*. Herbert Clark and M n. Helen L. Smith sang “Memories," accomponled by Mrs. L. L. Dailey, chapter planbL

Host group for the 8;30 p. dinner whicli wss served prior ~ the meeting Included Mrs. John P. Clouser and Mrs. Arlette Nelson, co-chairmen; John P. cloa-,er Mr and Mrs. C. A. Reynolds. Mr. and Mra. Harold Drou-n. Mr. and Mra. Albert Dickson. Mrs. Oakley Ber­nard , Mr, and Mrs. E. L StUson and Mm. J, D. Pulscher.

A valentine moUf was carried out In Uble and hall decorations.

classed a s being fairly f«T.iT./in jb America.

Some of the history of the culUra- tloa of pU aU was g lrea by M n . Jay. m th e beclnnlng, she said, planU were frow n for food. She told of the creen p a p m fru it and the sweet poU to grow s by the J l r a n iDdlaas of th e Bnm doraa Andes and of the tulips and nanlssus tha t the an* d e n t Dtcple of the Mediterranean

tew for eating.T h e foxglove, the fererfew, monks-

bood. pansy and soapvort were some o f th e p la a u whose medicinal pro- perUea were described by Mrs. Jsy.

Scene floxrers, ih e &ald. are grown for religious purpooea. To the Japan­ese, th e cherry blouoms are sacred; to the Moslems, paradlia In the garden; to the ancient Egj-pUsns, the lotus, and In wmewhst the aame sen.v. the Easier Illy Is pre­cious to C h rtstm u .

M rs. Ja y described tne f ln t formal gardens, th e terraced 'hanging gar­dens" of Egypt and the gecmetrle- a lly-plansed gardens of the Per­sians.

She said th a t In the 17th century gardening caught In America on the eastern coast. In Philadelphia. John M artram, a Quaker plow­man, introduced many rare plants from all over ihe world, George W ashington brought the IlrU double rose, th e “M artha Washington" and Thom as Jefferson Intreduced many new pUnts.

Mrs. Jay aald th a t with rery lliUe p lanning any small bsckyurd plot can become a "girden of the world" for In America are representative vltfletlea from everywhere. Oriental popples are from P en is; C ilia Ulles and g lidloll from South Africi. peonlea a n d .....................

dahlias and zlnnlM from Mexico, and th e clarkla and the rhododen* dron a re naUve of the IMlted SUtes.

A report from the Iris committee also was given a t the meeting. The committee has announced th a t Mrs. Sidney W. SmiLh Is now regional president of the A m erlnn Iris society.

Buhl Rebekahs Install Leaders

BtJKL. Feb. 5—Rectnliy Installed ofllcera of th e Rebekah lo ^ e No. » of Q uhl are Mrs. Grace Stample. noble grand; Mrs. Pearl L anen. Tice graod; Mr*. May Chaturton . reeordtng aecretaiy; Mrs. Bnlly K ram er, financial iecrelary; Mrs. E lsa Puller, treasurer, Mrs. n* Shaub warden; Mrs. Clara Ulrich, conductor; Mrs. lU n le t Cunning­ham . righ t supporter lo the noble grand; Mra. Leona Ennis, left mii>- porter to the noble grand; Mrs. Ad»- Une U achacek. righ t supporter 10 the Tice grand; Mra. Ora Dalss. left supporter to th e rice grand; Mrs. K atherine Hoeltle. chaplain; M n. Gladys Blckelhaupt. Inside guardian, and Mr*. M argaret Miller, ouuide guardian.

« « «

Birthday DinnerJS IO M E , Feb. 5—A family dinner

party honoring A. E. Dobklai was arranged Sur>day aftem ocn in an ­niversary of h is 7lJt birthday a t the home of his daughter, .Mrs, Harrv Porl>ea. with another daughter. Mrs. Clarence Y tngst assisting.

Membera of the family af.endlng were M r. Dobklns. Mr. and Mrs. H arry Porbea. Mr. and Mrs. Verle Sullivan and famlfa-. Duane Forbes and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence YlnK?!.

Bridge Tourney Held in Jerome

By Jay-C-EttesJEROME. Feb. a-A suce«*ful

bridge toum am eot tpoosored by the Jaycettes to aid In the m a ith of d im a fund was corapltted Tuesday aftem oon tn a play-off a t the home of Mrs. Lauren Neher with Mra. Charles MsrshaU iveclrtni the grand prlie.

A alerllftg silver engraved ash tray and c igarette holder donated by th e R and G Jewelen. Twin Falls, was awarded to the win­ner. Mrs. Verle SuUlran and Mra. Ted Bruckner assisted in the final affair.

Ttie lourrxament began “Thunday evening a t the Civic club rooms. ’Ihe general commliiee In charge In- eluded Mr*. Ted Bryckner, Mrs. Gib TlUey and Mrs- Herman JU lt Com­mittees In charge lo r the three even­ings were; Thursday, M n. Jim Keel. .Mn. Rm srll Woolley. Mrs. Irrlng Towlf. M n. James Felton and Mn. Gib TJUey; Fridaj-, Mra. Victor Cam oale. M n . Bob Bacon. Mn. P rank Humbach. Mrs. Floyd Otl; Saturday, M n . R alph OlU rrow , M n . Olen Robey, M n . Ray Klnkade and M n . Verl* Sullivan.

Women receiving the four high seoita each evening were q ^ lf l e d to play In the final game. Thoee participating were M n . Herman HalJ. Mrs. l^ u re n Neher. Mrs. WU* Ham Spaeth, J r , Mrs. Murray Jen* •en. Mrs. Robert Oaley, Mra.JepRoa. Mrs. E. M. Churchman, Mn. ii. U Thorpe. Mra. Dean C la r t Mr*. Ed Otto. Mrs. VlrgU CroM and Mrs. Charles Marshall.

The to u l fund collected for the m arch of dimes wlU be announced Uter.

Faye Donnelly Marries Pryon

j r a a M E , Feb. 5—Saturday 4:30 p ja . a t the home of the bride’s sb te r tn Namps, Faye Donnelly be* - im e the bride of Thomas Pyron.

F o r h e r marrUge M lis Doenelty chose a three-pleie blue checked

w lih black accesaoria with which she wore a corsage of pink rose buds and shattered camatloni. A tiendanu were .Mr. and Mrs. Rob- e rt Kalousek. Nampa, sister asd brother-in-law of th e bride.

“The bride has been an employe of TtngwaU's In Jerome. The bride­groom has been engaged la farming.

FoUowlng a wedding tr ip to northern Idaho the couple will make the ir hcxne In Jeroree.

* * *

Legion DinesRICHFIELD. Feb. 5 -T h e F«irtl-

ary meeting of the Richfield Amer­ican Legion and auxiliary was pre­ceded by a dinner featuring Tilen- tlne table decorations. Hoetessei w s .t Mrs. Leo Swalnston. M n. H - ^ r ^ S « t o a n and M n. Charles

’The auxiliary un it m ade plans for


OM OM ETRIST-C c a u c t Lensu

LDS in Rupert Has Stake Ball

In Gold-GreenRUPERT. Feb. fr-T he sUke goU-

lod-green baU w u held last week a t the LDS Ubemacle w ith a large crowd In attendance.

Tb» hall was decanted wlih cluslen of colorful balloons aad the tradlUonal gold aad g re e a - ft te n for g rw ih , youth and progress, and to ld fo r achlevemeot. honor aad llory.

Oorsages were presented to the queens of the nine wards and -the slake queen of 1M7. Joy Schofield, queen of the aecond wanl. selected the corsage which gave her the honor o f being stake queen for 1»4S.

At 10:90 lu a . the floor wss clc«red for the floor show by Boy Scouts. A dance by 30 girU Iro n Heybum. Rupert. Haxeltoa and Blen wards was offered, and the sextet from Paul, under the direction of Grace J ^ , sang the theme song, “H a FOrevrr Blowing Bubbles." The gtrls were seated oa a revolving plsttorm which w u decorated in gold and white. T he roll of the drums by Olea Van E rery was the signal for the drawing of the curu in revealing the queen of 1947, Arlene Handy.

"U ltle New Year." the sna il daughter of Ray Joniuon. and "Fa­ther Tltne." Chris Wall. parUclpaied u the queen was e*corted lo the lUelmes to make way for the queen

’The slake queen w u attended by two Iloa-er girls, Lynn Smith and Alice Crandall; t«o tralnbearer*. Jo in n Caimull and Lusna Eld.'ldge, :wo m ajoreites. DeAnn Catmull anc 3herjl ’Tracy, the ward queens anC Ihelr escorts. The dancers forme< a n archway for the queen lo pass •hroush. ’The queen wss crowned by President Oreen and all partlclpeml* of the noor show Joined in a grand march led by the msjorellrv

* * *

Shamrock MeetsShsmrock club met with Mr*.

John McOlnnls ’TUe.ulay afternoon with 17 meml>en and ta-o guest.% Mrs. Alfred Herron and Mrs. Elmer McOlnnls, preaeat.

During th e bu ilnaa meeting It as decided to purchase some cards ) be u.'ed la a money-maklnf prt>-

Je c t Mrs. Elsie Graham received the floa-er-fund prise, and Mrs. Faiuile McGinnis the grab-bsg prtse. Re* tiirra Rimpton and Mrs. Graham won program prise*.

Refreahm enu were serred by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Elmer Mc­Ginnis. T he next meeting is to be w ith Mrs. B a iu a n u In two weeka.

* * *

TravelogueJEROME. Feb. 5 -A tnvele«ue on

China was read by M n. W. O. Har­m an a t a meeUng of the Evealng Guild of th e Methodist church held Monday a t th e home of Mr*. Albert K. MarUn.

Mrs. J . O. Lee presided during


Girl Is Visiting Fiance's Family

Roena Xteykar, fiancee of C. K. (Eddie) O lih, J r , Is vUltlng In Twin Falls a t the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil K. d ish . WJ T hird avenue north.

Miss Meykar, daughter o f Mrs. Florence Wright. Sesttle, W ash , be­came engaged lo Olsh l u t AugusL She Is a student of ballet a t Miss Wells' echool In Seattle.

O lsh U employed by aUtlon KINO to SealUe. He graduated from T »ln Falls high school In 19iS and worked for su tlo n K TPI fo rse reral months. During the war he w u w ith Alaskan com munlcaUoas In SeatUe.

T he marriage b set for this epring but the date h u no< y e t been aa-

Country Club's Speaker Reviews

Story of SingerMrs. 0 . H. SUnsoD. reTlevtng T b e

Life of Uadsm e Schum inn-H elBk,'’ addressed Ihe Countrr W om en's club

M n. XJoyd NIchoUoD w as hoatesi wlih Mn. Gertrude M ort SAd Mr*. Ella Richey assisting. A sh o r t bus* mess meeting directed by M n . Alice Blreo, president, w u he ld to plaa the asnual dlnaer to b« he ld Feb. IB a t the lOOF hall.

In c h u g e - o r th # > n s ( f r a m ___M n. W. W. W hite. N um bers pre­sented by M n, Elva O lsoa Included two vocal lolos, ■Rosary" and *The Cndle Song.- Mr*. C arrie J o n u presented a reading. “A Popular Woman." A contest p rlsa w as — ' by M n. Carrie Modlla.

OueiU Included Mrs. O . W. U nde- nood, M n etlnson, Mr*. A. L. Blades Mr*. Frances Dent, and Mr*. O . W, Stuart.

•A psper from the club m agadne w si resd to ihe group by M n . Glen Doud.

• ♦ •

Pinochle PartyM n. Mark Welch e n terta ined at

ro Ublci ot pinochle W ednesday evening, A valrnllne Ihem e was fol- lowfd In Uir decorations.

Miss M eykir w u entertained a t open bouse for the family Tuesdsy evening and Thursday accompanied the Gishes to Sun Valley. She '■ re tu rn lo Seattle Saturday,

the buslnott meeting. I t was decided

TOe aex t meellag wlU be held s Monday, Feb. a j, a t th e home of

Mrs. W aller White with M n . John D am all u assUtant hostess.

quilt auction wlih proceeds to be used to send a girl to girls' state. Mr*. R uth Supan. unit president, won the p riie contributed by Mrs. CUfford Conner.

A n n o u n c in g ^


' i s now a s s o c i a te d w i th


PHONE 272 B u m BROWN. Prep.

A t*-o-cour»e supper wa* scr^-ed, with Mn, G rant Fillmore assisting, to the gueata. Mrs. H afer, Mr*. Alma W suon, Mn. Opal D earlng. M n. Lois Rodger. M n . Plllm ore. Mrs. Marge Dsakhend and M rs. Purrler.

Plan to WedCAREV, Feb, J -W c it l b u been

received ot the engagem ent of A nita Mclnnls. daughter of M r. and Mrs. D. H. Mclnnls, Priest R iver, to John Burkhart, eon of Mr. a n d M^s. J H. Durkhart. Carey,

Both Mlts M clnnls and B urkhart are attending the U n lvenlty of Ida* ho, where she Is m ajoring la bus!* nesj, and Burkhart, a fo rm er Corey high echool graduate, Is m ajortng In psj-chology.

The wedding date has been se t lo r June a a t Priest River.

Bi-Weekly Elks , Pinochle Played

» . to d Mr*. Andrew 01*oa, Mr. ^ F n o k Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Fred y.lmmyrm»n uy} K f. and MTS. ^ f Staley w en the o aam lttss la C ham of retreduaeaU a t th s b i­weekly D ks pinochle party held W ^ e sd a y erenlng a t th e BPOE hall. A light lunch w u aenred.

•nie prise winner* w en Mr*. D. W. Bertsch, f in t for women; Mr*. W. A. TUnier, second; Mr*. 0 , E. EUfwortb. th lr t; W. A Turner, f in t for m en; Carl Weaver, *eoond, aad A. J . Mteki, third,

The next pinochle party will be Feb. IB.

« « «

Plan FetesIIAtLEY, Feb. 8—Altar and n a u ry

society of St. Chirle* Catholic church, Hailey, held a meeting to make arrangemenls for • a parish party to be given Feb. a and to plan the annual St. Patrick's donee.

T bi meeting w u held In the p a r- . Ish hall Monday evening with Mrs. Kay O n y and Mr*. Pillar Harrl* u hostesses.

• • ♦

W CTUTeaFILER, Feb, 5—The WCTU or*

ganiutlon of Flier w u hostess a t a Frances Willard tea given a t 3 p. ai. Tuesday a t the Baptist church.

’The afternoon's program included discussion of world peace and

special musical numbers by the metnben of the rhylhm band of the Victory school and alngtng by th s choms of the Central grade school.


A n you lUm enough to w sar tb s new stylBs7...Remember. no m a tte r w hat you psy, "new look" fu b lo n s a re n 't flaturing U you're overweight.

If you're reducing n o w ~ ^ plan to - y o u ’ll And the booklet, ‘'KeJlogg's Weight CoDtrol Plan,” helpful. I t fives S apedij sets of sden tiaeally balanced menus for every m eal, every day of the week—and insursnce* company weight tables for each type of Dody fram e. . , These m eaus include KELLOGG'S ALL-BIUN which cotitsins vita] whole-frsin pro* Uctlve food elemcnU — needed whether you diet or n o t. . . T h is book« let U FH E R -]ust write Ke11og« Co., Dept. N. Battle Creek, M i c h . ___



t lihet tied keel trea . . . . h ea t, le le , e tn itkhe l, Cm H folr I M' er»l>* uilei). Try M

V$, I, u• ntlNACIt * * ffOVH• HMTWI • nilKACn


*i steOIUO c e ir t , i t o i i i .

COMPtlMENT CATCHER Sweep the buttons across aad

down for a line most bewltchlngl Pallem Is the scalloped beauty you-ve been wnlUng for. You’ll catch compllmenls galore w hen you w ear lU Sewing. Ironing e u y too.

This psiiem gives pcrfect f it . Is easy to use. Complete, lU ustniUd sew chart show* you every step.

■ Pattern 9»4 la slses 13, 14, 18, IB, 20. Size 18, 3H yds. 39-ln.

Send Iwrnty-rive cea ts tn coins for this pattern to Tlmes-Newg, pat* tera department. Twin Falls. Ida. Print plainly name, addreas. tone ,

’ s lu and style number.Now Is the time to sew for sp ring t

Fifteen cents more brings you th e ' brand-new Marian M artin p a tte m

book, cram-full of cxclUng spring fiuihlon* for evetyonel P lu » -a free pattern printed Inside the book—

: two belli to give you th e new lo<*.' Better have thlsl



ASPHALT T IL E~8psde)IHng tn Floor O oT artao*

G.&G. FLOORS: » A d ^ Wetl F h e a s tOOiM

CalendarDan McCook circle three o f the

Ladles of the OAR wUl hold a busi­ness meeting a t 2 p. m. Friday.

♦ ♦ •General Lawton auxtUaiy of the

United Spanish American W ar vet­erans will meet a t 3 p. m. Sundsv a t the Legion hall.

* « «Past Matrons' club will meet a t 8

. m. Friday a t the home of Mrs. John P. Hunt, 1439 Ninth avenue

P and M dub wUl meet for a 1 p .m . limcheon Friday a t the home of Mrs. T . J . Lloi-d, S30 Third avenue north .

Townsend club No. ’one auxiliary will m eet a t 10 a. m. Prlday a t the home of Mrs. Dsle A schnft, 398 Elm stree t north, for an a ll-diy meeting and potluck dinner. All memben ■re welcome.

^ . Carey Shower

CARE?, Feb. » -M rs . Boyd Barton w as feted a t a poel-weddlng shower w ith h e r sUtcr, Mrs. Cloyd Mecham. and slster.la*Uw, M n. Ronda Hunt, as hoeusies a t the home of the bridegroom's mother, M n. J . A Bar- -m. Carey.

The g u t table w u centered with thne -tlered wedding «■»»»■ x ru .

cellM eous games w en the dlreralon of the evening for the 37 guesU present.

DeBdotu food deserre* the comptny of the coffee ereiybody

likes—HiOs Bros. ColTee. Its tempting aromi, rich Saxor

strengtli sre ihrsjra praised. Uniform goodaesi ia

each poand is tHnred bj the Hills Bros, fcknd of t to

finest coffees obtaiaible. Everjr coffee bean is eveolj routed

to > point of matclileas fliTor hj tbe exclosire EiDs Brot. procesi—

CoNntoiXED Roastctc, Alwajra &sgnnt>£resb because

Hills Bros. Coffee it Tscuum-packed ta cans and Ulcn-Vso |«tt.

ewiwins wii*


Her* b m r i« of Ihe se lien tha t 2 ^ 0 M ifte T anrr h n f n v Id Ihe Golden G lo rn (oanuuafn t »( lb< h lfh »chee1 fjrznnulum Wednt<> d i r n U b t L rf( to r ifh t: (1) L jle T ajler. Darlon. Ida , 1047 ll|b t h » v j- welxbt ehaisplon f lfh tin r tn tb« m iddlrw dfht dUUIon, pn ti OTcr the

rtfh t th a t tDracd the tU» In U s fa ro r a r i l i i i l cUa>7 J a n c f PcatecM t. U irlilaw n, MenL, who ii faelnc th e e a m e n : (2| A blood; nooe d idn 't worry Drlo«* Jonei, Jcrsrae ne rlre U th tm lfh t , • b it u he w ent «n to More » knockool oTer Uoyd Ncbon. Aberdceo; (1) Metrln BarkdoU. lihoihonc. left, ha* jn i t Unded a r i t h t th a t b ronfb t h la a teehnlcAl

knockotrt « rcr Bad BoUmb, Twin Fall*, l a the tU rd r m d t t » m iW D tlcsa. M oaC In tb e I h M reasd . of a hotIm H tblw tliht bos(- (Ow cltcn re lfh l boat; (4) U ert l i m acm e In tbe rov tbca l (Iffat t i the D am ll K ainc> Shosbono noTlre mlddlrwrifht, hai t e t > i»fterrntiic—th a t between Joe Antonettl. B n tU . M e a t, le ft, and U kkl« te the tac« o f Dean PattersoD. Goodlnr. but th ii blew w asn 't cnooxbSUeoi. Twin Falls, in tbe open weltCTwel«bt c la « ; (S) Dwaloe K n im . *a tbe Ialt«- won th e bont. (Slrobe-Utht photos bT Keiker Foto Sbofr.Shoshone, left, looks tn a bad way here btH b« stopped CO Smith. atafT en frarinc ) i f 7 ne iser t » u b n o p . ^


Champs■ub-noTice dlrlxlon of tha TUnu- Nswa*Lesloa Golden O l o v e i

78-lb. claas — Bob Blanhope. Twin PalU.

85-lb. clMJ — Bob Pennock. Twin PnlU.

B5-lb. claas—IiMT7 C»ane, Twin Falls.

lOO-lb. c l w —Howard JClns- fa th tr, Jenxse. U a.

135-lb. c ]a u — Allen Baker. Eansen.U7-lb. elots— Edwaitl Bansen.Ooodlnf.

IM-lb. c lass— Allen OorrcU,Ooodlnj.

600 Fans See Paul Nose Out Heybiu-n Five

RUPERT. Peb. 6—ThB Paul Pan­thers iM t n lsh t Boined Uielr second v lcbry of tha j e s r from th e He;- bum Panthers when they eked oul a 47-45 win.

More than 600 persons turned out to see the Bome th a t was ploj’ed in the jymnaBlum here becausc of the tinaU seaUns capacity of the PaulB7D1.

Paul led (hroughout the same ex* eept for one time In the final period when Heybum had a two-point lead.

Paul won a junior raralty game by a stlU narrow er margin with a score of 34-33. na iper 's pitch from the foul line three seconds before the fu n won the game. At one time In the third quarter the Heybum Junior squad was 13 points In tiie lead. r » I r fs ft pCIII«>I>urn It ft pi R/n> t 4 e iiUrlsgn t - • • ainibir t i e 3lJra»n fDtrtlar i t [Winor •Cn«nv*ll V I I IL Hoor* ■

1 1 titnrrK I1 e |llur«tktr 1 J ;T U »r.

Weiser Welter’s Second Quick Kayo Features 27-Battle Program

By « M Q U I0L E 7Nlnely-on# seconds It all tha t Jerry Pujawara, W eiser 146-pounder, has needed to win two bouU In the

Tlmts-News-Leglon Golden Gloves loumament—thus making the w elterweight of Japanese extracUon one of the standout performers In the big event as U rolls Into the finals a t the Filer gymnasium tonight.

Another capacity crowd of about 2.540 swelled the Twin Palis high school gym last n ight to see 11 boys knocked oul In the 37-contc.it cnrd. O f the 27. tluee were In the sub-novleo division.

Pujawara brought up a right from the floor, nailed Royce Qlsh, 146. Eugene. O re , and turned to his comer to put on his robe. He knew U was all over, a i did Ohlj's seconds who dashed Into the ring without waiting for the ref's count. * ^ ^ '

-................................ 1 knock- * * * «

Tonight’s Qiampiouship BillWith Inst night’s Si second knock­

out Fujawawa Indicated he’s slow­ing up. It only took him 40 scconds Monday night to put away Vance Thompson, Jerome. Pujawswa prob­ably Is saving something for today's finals a t Filer.

11 Magle Valley W nners Including the three sub-novice

bouU whlO; were all won by local boys. MaBie Valley entrants wok 11 of the bouts. Tn-ln Falls and Kim­berly each won one. Jerome four, Gooding th m and Shoshone two.

Montana boys continued to shine In the tournament as they racked up 10 wins. Tliree of these went to Outte boys and one to a Great Falls entrant. Chinook. Lewialoa-n and Belena each took two bouts.

Fighters from Eugene. Ore, took three bouts, while one each

College Ring BillRUPERT. Id a , Feb. 8 - S n n

Francisco Slate's strong boxing team will battle Southern Idaho Oolltge of Education ring tesm a t the Rupert • civic center to­night.

Druu.1l «

rsal _S -l| ToUli

“?S"throw* cnkM«di BlruUr 1. Or*mmII I. Dnunl: 1. 1 1. U Hoon* t. Ilureh I.

♦ * » »

Bobcats Beat Filer, 60-3030.

In a preliminary gam t th t Bur­ley Junior yan lty . sparked by Don Sfflltb'i nlna polnU. def*at«d th i Filer Junior squad 48.37.a ; r , lrLoT<l<n t 1 0 t.IInn t s IShtibr « 1 0 llH’IIIUmi f 1 ICrmM ( I 0 Ijniui ( I «

1 1 .-iAi rrw* OIC RunfW IMtnJa

* tIrowB tlAUlnios

Fm tfcrawi Blnoli CUrk I. Lo>«I« Cns* i. Lkms 1, CItmratt 1. Snson Mlll«r 4. Juswr 4/ Umii i. WlllUmi

SET M G NINE MARK BALTIMORE. M d .-P a u l Koff- a of th e Baltimore pra

M t an «U-Umo four-ye«ir soorlng record for the Big Nine while a t Purdue.

Magic Valley’s Prep Cage Bill For This Week

THURSDAY Rupert J . V. a t Albion

FIUDAT Wendell a t ehoshono - Richfield a t Bellevue Paul a t Ace<]ula King n u i a t Dietrich Jerom e a t PUer Gooding SU t« a t Rngennaa O any a t Bailey BUSS a t Palrfleld Kimberly a t American Falls Eden a t Murtaugh Beybum a t Albion Gooding a t Buhl MaltA a t Z>edo Idaho Palls a t Twin Palls Hollister a t Twin Palls J . V.

SATVROAY EolUfter a t Flier Paul a t Kimberly Idabo Falls a t Rupert Docjo * t Btipert J , V.

_ M o u nt* la Home a t OJennir en r

won by bojs from Weiser and Doy- ton. Ida. The other bout wns won by a boy representing Vancouver, Wash.

A Butte boy. Dick Chambers, wor a fight by default from DeVcrl By. Ington. Twin Foils, In what had been looked forward to , as one ol the evening's features. Bylngton sprained his thumb In lost nlghfi bout.

Blatler to F lilit Panler Dave Blatter. 1B2, Chinook. Mont.

sIuKged his way Into tonight's bout with Dale Panter. 101-pound Pres­ton oontender. by winning a unani­mous Judge’s (IrflMon over Ployd Kirby. 105. Ooodlng,

\Vhether Blnllcr can get by Pnn- ter remains lo bp sern (It should be good fight) but he has got' Uie In­dian sign on the Kirby boys. He took Floyd’s Brother. Waj’ne, by a tech­nical knockout Xlonday night.

B latter dropped noyd Kirby with righ t chop which followed a lelt

hook In th# first round. Kirby look a count of nine, and then tried to blast Blattar with overhand rights b a t thar* was UtUe doubt as to tha winner.

One of the best bouts of the eve­ning saw Mletlo Bllcox. HI. Twin Falls, lose a slugging mutch lo Joe AntonetU. 14«. Butte. Mont. They fought all oTcr tha ring and out of It.

F lfh t tn and Out of lUng Both boys went through tlie ropes ice. and almiMt dragged Referee

Benny Beckstead with them, Denny ju s t about got them back when Sll- co* drove Antonettl out again. An­tonetU got the nod. Mickle got hand, and Benny got a sweat up.

T he crowd liked the open fight staged by Lyle Tajlor. 100, Dayton, and James Pentecait. ICO, Lewls- town. M ont They belted each other OTcr tha ring but Taylor was on the Tcrga of finishing off Pentecost a t the last bell.

Hard on Referees The referees earned their money

In tha bouts as they sUUiered through me flying fists, and In the fight between I>arTeI Knlgfe. HO. Shoahone. and Dean Patterson, JW. Gooding. Referee Louie Denton went down from cilnch-momentum.

Two Twin Palls boys ___knocked out In succeeding fights when Bud Robinson. 143. lost to Melvin Barkdoll. 143. Shoshone, and Lamo>-ne Bylngton. 143.' lost to BUI Fleming. US, Eugene. Ore.

A nother T kUj Palls boy. Harold Dickenson. 123. was TKO'd by Hal Rogers, 129. Aberdeen, but Carlyle Udy. Twin Palls fiywelght. assured himself of a tonight's fight by n tO 'ln g Vojle Hansen, Aberdeen.

Judges for the contests were Wll- ard Teater. Monls Roth. Her- ichcl Cobb and Hamer Adams, whlla 3111 NItsehke did tha announcing.

PresentaUon of trojtfiles, donated by the Twin PalU Qiamber of Com­merce, to winners in the Golden Jloves tourney will ba made by ). J . Bothne. K cretary and man- iger o f the chamber.

^ au m w flib t cIa>*~AIIrn radm on . Ooo<tlnc. n . Cddl* WIUU. Xclto, Wash. rtHbrrwHiBt clus—n n BIJOT. Jm m r. n . IMn Collw. GoodJof.

NOVICE DIVIHION_ m ihrrw fl|h l leml-flnalt—T«<l n m k rft. Encm r. O rt, *1. Dick ChatDbm,

Jrtomr. tl Hal Rocrr>. niehllel4,................ •• RhoihoB. . 1. «Uhrr BIU rlM nlnr

looihip bcul lattr ta tli* •fra ln i. WalU, n . D inar llahuui, U «U-

Ilrkna. .Mom.;H'tltrrirrlibtt^rwHcIlt ch»raVloValiHliLVl»'l'ilT.''T*ri

own. Monl-Itanlamwrliht clunplonship—Tat McOenr

Abrtdrcn. . ItHras. Kant, n . Joo IsTagt.Cnlst*. Shoahonr. n . DtLota Jc

Five Teams Eliminated In Jerome Cage Event

JEROME, Feb. S — Flvs teams ver« e lim inated her« U s t n igh t tn tbe Jerom e Jayceo outlaw basketball tournam ent r td u d n c the slxe of the field to IB Uam s as the tourneyended Its th ird day.

Eliminated were th e Jerome VFW. Edcn-Hazelton. Albion Legion, Filer M erctiants and Camas Lions,

n ’edaeaday^ Bm lU Carey M-Men 33. Camas Uons 35 Scotts Cafe 31. Jerom e VFW 23 Buhl H ardware 48. Eden-Haielton

5.Wall Food Store 47, Albion Legion

45.Heybum M-Men 34. Filer Mer-

;hanls 30.M urtaugb Phillips 66. 36, Camas

Lloru 30.Oakley Whiteley Spuds 35. Carey-

M -M en 33.T honday 'a Scbcdole

Independent M eat va. Scoti'k Cafe At 5 p . a .

B uhl K a r d n r e rs. Stosbeae Rod- skins a t 6 p. m.

Burley Jayceea t s . Jeroeae J a j-«3 a t 7 p. m.W all Food Store ra. Wendell

a t 8 p. m.H eybum M -M ea T3. Carry M-Men

a t 0 p . m.M urtaugh Phillips 6< n . Twin

Falls S e lls a t 10 p. m.R upert Jean Seeds n . Sarage-Mc-

Bride a t 11 p. m.

Goudinc. t.lflii hrM;«<lsht e

G*ort« Thom**, Dutte. <, n Kdlh Ilcnry

r. _n. r t td Wlncrr. T»ta FaUa,1. Jerrr ro -

BUSTSf, Or*.. TT, Jay Etaiu,

t Dob lu n ii.

Ja«firV»f«ft, Urralhrntrlthl IriracUhi thajnpjontblp—lUnkl'MatlaU Jnooir.

MoBI,inutnwcjjhe ch*mpl9n»hl(H-Nf4 B«jl». n u ll., n . Ptla Mieblobonkl. Eagtar.

MarUB. Eufnit. Or», n . Jo* HaUa. Italle.Iddiewrlftil cbamplonakl Kca BUtirr. Chinook, Moat, n . LyU Tajtor. ion, Ida,

_.»ht hnrrarifhl thanplontblp—EddU Tajlor, VaaeooTcr, WaaJi, n . lUj MclUf. (Jooflint. Idaho.

*<!*• ” ■ nisUtr.

* * * * * * «

Last Ni"lit’s Figlit Results_______________ O _____________ O _____________________

CB.ctata—.MIrn rallcrtea. 111. CoodlDS. woo-------------aCollrr. 1: 1. Coodlnc. wea

I. Il», KtUo. » a dKliloa c dtcliloa o«r

a d«Ulon o<lloland, 1: 4. Onurlo,Jottn. i:s. Jrtomr.

No.ifo rl;w.lihU-CaJljle L'dr. ISO. Twla FalU. Kortd ................ ..................In l:?» of afconil round o«er Vojne llanira, 1#S. A brn lm . Ida.: Uaonr Mahans, n o . LeirlslowB. .Monl-, »on a d«l»lon o»»r Uaz Jatlinum. in , *b»rdMn.

Optn Mjwfiiht—nob llartu. n i . Great ralH. .■UooL, aeomj a iKbnlcsl knockoui In 1:}S ot ttir third round a m Dan Donobur, 111. nullt.' Oprn IlanUmnclKht—Ned llc;lr. l i t , Uuttr, won a dttUlon trom Kian Calhrir,

Jerome Tourney TabulationsDUUt nARDWARE 41. EOCS.

HAIELTO.V II ihl la tl p> C<l<n.llilta I t (I

ToUU t 1hfor* at Bill! iiani il. Uan-IUiilUiB Ptra IbTOw* mlMtdl Uuhl t. W»b.I!u«I.

R c o r r s CAFE SI. JUOMC v n r :: Sortt'i fa n p tJ m a * f( n Capp. f 4 a : D a u k .^ t * •U rlanloa ( S 1 S R ErtckMo f 4 1

e t I I i-rmst « « « KniKk t S O OAW*:t>nK • «

U.UEN » . CAKAB LIONS ] t* (I pflLiani I t >t‘ - 1 WhuKrofI f I «

0 Anil«t»oB t 1 t llTuckrr « 1 1

S S 1 W0 • 0 Ar 4 « ITu

Notice Krjilifnrflslil—nick Chimbm. i:«. llrlMia. Moal, m )rVfTl Hjlntion, Twin ►jiti; u ro n n Grtvn. i:s . Jetomf, » Jirx} GIlM, Ul. JfTonif; ICal nocm . 12*. '■1 i:t« ot irrsnd tounit over luroid Olekln>un. l u . twin Oprn reaihrr<irltht~Dai« u'Lcary, IM, llclma. won i

I br drtaull n

. . . . . . —«..,w *-•> US,*.*.*, nwu a dtcliloa oraf DasParlin-o, i : t Kllirr lloa. .Mom..No>lc« L lsbtotliht—bnaln* Knlist, lU . SbrMbonv. wsa fay a kDo«kaal _.............- ....... - - - CU Hmltb. IJ4. Ilfltna; DrLoaa Jomw. m , Jrrt>m».

........................ lod oTn- Uojd Ntlion,.. acorvd a (Kbaltal kno^b-

a dcclaloa orar Lm Mkad oat Bud KaMa-

Majulch, ............ ..................Notice wrllrtweUht—Mrltln _ ___ _____

K>n. lU. Twla ralTt. In I;4S ot th* l^ n l roand.

.............................. <h»flM rrnK oit. IIT, LraKlown. Koat., won a dKliloc pib.oa. 14*. CrMt rUli. ft

Op«n m lddl» tlih t—Krn llUtlff. lU . Chlaook. Uont., knocked [|Ut. UD. ShMhone, In 1:«? ol the aeeend.Opea mldrJIntjItht-tTlo Tajlor. 1*0, Daytoa. Ida , wea a dKltloa o r* jRmm

Kimberly, woa a rddr Tajlor, j n , .Vaaraiirtr, Wash, a

. ruddj, no. T Open ll{hi hrirr<

Ter Dick .Sertrint, . . . . ...... ..... . ......Open t)eaT7>rl(hi-.DiTe matter, ISJ, Cblnook. UonL, woi

noyd Klrbr, JSl. GoodW*.


Ruth a m re d hera yesterday by tra in for a Tacatlon. Ruth deckrcd “1 feel p rtttjr nigged."

Adkins Rolls 657Addle Adkins rolled a 254 gama

and a 057 total to feature play In Uie Major Bowling Icngue last night.

T h e scorts;raellle Has (III Handicap IS. U. SS—

is t i lln r r IM. IM. i : :—441: Monk I tl. I4J. I40-4IS: Coraaona U». HI. I i ;_ 4IS: Ailliitu III. IM. U l—4171 m b 117. 10. l* l-» l» ; Jflll. *;i. lOCJ-JMK

D»tw»il.c'*_(:i I lUndkao 111. III. 114—;

Shannon MI. Ii;, 140—0>: Uinit 141. : i : IIP—SM; tsUlii i;o. l«ll. «s»—1011.

Park Dioetu (tM III. 111. ito - «J: N. 0. JohMoq I«>. 11». 114—4M a^oba Its, 1*1, 114—<:«: Dutamr lU. IM M -4M: II. >lc«.er IIT. IM. Ut-UlSW-l»m iluile’lSli Il!c<.l.man IH. 14» 41J: 1-hiuip. 148. in .

rick U3, i ; ; . I ll—IC : Kar let, t]4. lU - s t i : K. Colman IPt, :»«. I t:—414. olalx III. MS. UI-J741.Idaho E tr 14)1 lUArtkap 141. 141, 14S-

UA(k CIU fu.l (4)1 llindlcap HT. ij/ , >7—4Ili L»icSlll.r WJ. 14$. I ll—III!

When In



O W LFine Foods—Beer "We Never Cloee*

Slaaton. 17S. 1T», JH-UO; PvxIUno 111 14T. US-41S; lloortr 111. 141. 114-171 Ford ITS. 171. 144—4Ui UUhi •:». HI (1 4 -IMS.

DrWrwar Uatket <1) i Handicap 107. 1«7. lOT—111: GUI. :SI. U». ‘IM-471; Mf. DonaU IM. 177. Ul—4:t; >'..l«arJi IM.Dnmeman 14*. i l l , IIS—4U; tsUlti lOw' ■— *14—: i : i .

_.ka (1)1 Raa4lcap t( . 44. 14-141: Carina IM. III. 111-171: C^haa, ITi:

». 317—sa il Kta« 111. III. IC —471: ,ll.r 1ST, 171, 141-4M; H.rtxJ. 141. HI. 1—041: louki S7J, 9M,

rrm Ihrowa nUaed: Cam 7. LIsaa I tOAKLET WnlTELrr BPUDS IS CABEY


M u^ush fe ft P/.I.kiM (c ft »ft i

>00 BTnRE 41. ALBION Lr.CIO.S 41

rg It pl,L«(ioa ft R I


Wooden ShoeMOc* SoBtb o t Hansen

Mnsle by tha Famous SAWTOOTH BANGEB8

S»r« a t half: .-5

Phoenix, Vandal Star, Ineligible

MOSCOW, Feb. 4 JackPhoenix, six-foot. nlce-lncJj Idaho cen te r and the Vandals' leading scorer, x w ruled Inellglbie today for fu rth e r tmkett>all compMlUoa this season because ef schoUsUe dlfflculUes.

Ttie two-year lelterrnan is rated as one of the leading p l to l men In the ao rth e m d lrlsian of the Pa- clllc coast conlertr.c^ and h a s scor­ed 230 polnis in 19 games th is sea« son. H e has scored 55 tn l i r e ton*

On th e

S p o r t F ro n tW ith

A gent from over Buhl way thres? the book a t YOSS and he go t I t r igh t In the bedcr-som eU ilng th a t Uit pudgy one really lu d coming . , . T hat 's Just another way of saying th a t the ancient word puddler Just w n sn l up tn things when he remarked th a t there was no TKord k tp l of identical games in a bowling series.

T h a t m y athleU c-m lnded ss- p c rla tn d e n l e f schooU o rer at B sp e r t the popotar Don Dafoe, praodly retnlBds tbU drpartsnm t th a t Bse teuBS won flr« game* tb« otbcr day, which aboold be sameUiiag of a record . . . The ser- n t h and e ixh th grade teams tripped Barley, and the n n l t y aad Jayree tc am i wen a t Gooding, whQe Use d istrirt champion F.F.A. f s in tr t ae«rtd iU sU th win wlth- M l a Io*s by dcfeaUng Buhl . . . AH cif which m eans tbe end of f lra te UU« team s U nowhere la UghL•n»e light poles th a t will be erected

behind the g randstand to replace those formerly In fron t a t Jnycce park will be 15 feet higher, Cowboy P itsldcn l M auo’ D ocrr rcport.'i . . . And they tost JlOO each . . . T o ob- U ln them for the Waddles, the Idaho Power company graciously patcha-wd two f la t cars of poles.

A.VD T IIA TS THAT FOR NOW. except . . . W ouldn't (his year’s Golden G lo m totim am enl hare looked nice In (hat *'Ultle Madl- •Mi Sqsart G arden" that some- brw w d be bo llt in Twin Falls before another o f the fUUo evenU !«□ arosad .


Povcy Meets FinneliRoss Gay tllmlnated lU y Frelj,

7S-SS. In ft no-handlcap 5 S - ln s A match In the city blUIard to u r n » mcnt jit Ul# BTKgreen poxlcr

mcnt.In a second game F ra n k O recn

iipotled Addle Martlndalc 140 points and won 300-170 In 33 Innings. O reen had the high n in of 38.

Thursday night Jlarry P o rey will spot Floyd FlnncU CJ po in ts In a 150 point game and M a t .Beslan will give Tom Wilson a 10-polnt handicap In an 83-polnt giune. B es­lan and Wilson are undefeatetL

T iniE E MORE r ilO T S SIC KDOISE. Feb, 5 -W >^T hreo more

plaj-crs to r the Boise P ilo ts h a re returned signed- contracts. H aydn Walker, owner-preildent o f th e dub . announced. They were Stanley Whitman, Boise, a rookie outfielder; Emle Pranks, Springdale. W ash , a pltclier. Billy Purcell, New H aren . Conn., shortstop.

"01dat40,50,60?»—Man, You’re Crazi-

seeutlre contests.PhoenU Is a Junior In th i achool

of physical education.

jwoWtac ow MMr w bMr-a tm

Falla al Walsrtn'a aa< Trallasar

W «or

i n ' r u d d y > « d \ W « p l ^ . l t ^ | i i ^

t r ip U B ^ '* f

4 |u a llty a> w f t k W t t a d prf'c«i.;, ................. - • •■ e • .y V ^ ',-9 '


don 6

ia tie aa lO b U Itra en d a d sC c ip ,L t > t s r m l . (SxSrtlsM taiitJSfM t.

“Footwear for the Entire Family”


IM M. T* tad 47 ftcnt. IbprttW »cT*i fr«« I to II KHB. Wdl I*.m M. Uedm horns.

K j. MACAW, nioNe i:uii» nLt«^

«S ACKC >l«k nnrh. ]H men, Ud4. i»orr c*a b. 4*r«lop.4. Ia<b« «r w*tn. I* ir.T»7tot framui for »o9 II

>tun>r «a4 fU. tV'ubU ttraj <04 Urn «ik<r ImlMlnn.




REAL ESTATE FOR SALEl:X7iiA Itrt* fuul iwidntitl


owUldt noKhmt r itr IlmlU.|l«.«0»-KAISER-niArCK AGENCY.

tirM t. whslrul* cuulln« urnrr. *siM9<r{ul rrMlr builBvi In pm- p<reui Mask V.IIrr u>n. %\ti09 «llho<it c>ki!Idi U»lilr>I It.'


INVESTMENT CORP.II] M>ln A«* N. rh««i» tU5


Phone38 ( . C L A S S I F I E Phone


FAKM IMPLEMENTSC.vt r.no»ll r«Ml«r'o n njbter. logiln


Jul,. S prl<-fc J.

tr liuclcn. M, C. llelKmt OH KALCi A irp* arxl T titk*. follT «ulpc»,l. ()•«!< tluin dliUltU >; Mtt, l ; •.

a £boro»l>>r. :


Wlllii J. L;ntti, ItMliurr. I

COMrl.LTK lin. n..ftr tifw fcn j.l___■ ei ((nil «W> •UrV. Imr'l'-n.m Irtll./.; A.iXM ^mlrk. >|il* eaap riVr. mifigr> rpmdcr, Mt Bw at nicr. Den Suimll.


KiM-tuot fr.m t t-mom p. hwil IgiW- Inx, Wall cnftiinjctxl. Mir bf irrn

from Cl<*Tffr Liithrrin rkuKh. I nllM uuUiwmI of Kllrr »n C W r f»«J. «W< -illTtbMrr 1”. tXI. I-<>w«ul<>n r>l»u-mrj SO. Hill. Uu»l b* rrmove! (ram pramUn m>l litrr thto April l».<k«k IM 10% «r hl.l. U*.»r*. il{hl

nor er »11 bW*. J'or turthfr P4rtl«ulin Inqalr* at p*non>{<.




♦9JOO-3 BEXIROOM HOMEFull hutment, oil eiilp»tt »t town. Omntr tniul Mil.

RHJUCED T O ONLY «,W 0Tw« btdroon boa». lut 4lnl»froe«Ti. alrvTiInf porrh. Acmti.cloK in. A iral bktriln.

M.73t>-INCOMt PROPERTVfe«r room Bod«rn honf. I>s rnea a>«r'a"<l la rtir. Inrosit

W.BOO-qUARTEn ACREIJ.If") d.i»B larman

b«l«M« ■! lU.M a mvnitu


i n W EACH. 9 N r wi b^rticm bttit, uM ioiM I Uli irtr*. Ca h hu a M.U■iiaUi. LUU4 cxcludnlr


ir hmIm Af*. y . n « r , :i(CcapUU Lma A iMoraiw* 8«r<k<

McCormick Dcedng BALER TWINE



Save 80c a BaleWHILE IT LA5T8


Klnlxrlr II>I. i'hont OllO-Jt

Klii4f jeor orifr hr Itbnurr U. I’trr anr llsit derlni haublnc


• --- —'...J..*Auilr. W hll^U thorr.

]|«lrh« Tuodar and Tr.ja;. Dul>: «i jiigdeV. rFipuurr:

C A R T E R 'h a tch er y

GOOD THINGS TO BAT reau7k..b ««■ tm.» f . b«. lur

posip, »■ b*flfh frindtf. ___ ___ _W hl.w. U.S.N. rlB«, Phor<« n:*-' OK KALEi M»4«rn «4><a« b«d.

n blvt Ouraaol pUillt. lUa. • uood uiH Keeetont b«arli<> d'. ■lib fmlBf Mrrloa. *U H« 1

»iJlt. r ’

KITCHEN CABINETS t;> frw isu to


1 1 0 appin • oa Kim

.Ml USED MACHINCIir |_iTiB«ll Tracinr

• II>X llairrnillonal Until* plow1 Wn, J.............

I Challln OlUhtr• S«rikiu Ca t AImI HarrowI 1 /cot Inurnailonal Trail MovttI MIC, :.r«- I-oU.» J-Un.TI » t<..l C<«r.mta Land U»«lI I Uunn lnlfrn«tbfl«l Trull PlowLET Us ' rELl "yo”u R MAaflNEA'



l> «tiil Jrw.lT. Tli« Jt»«l too*.

“ f o r S A L E O K T R A D E» 0 >01iu^ il.lii»« I'n^..| ijTi.iJu.



tlKlrlf W.Ulnf IVxJ flrwB Wblr»-"rd Trou»*t» Yfuatrrt. <lffh-rn flnti II>K< Lln*.j KHchl tonola

r ui W ‘th*A J t* VVU ini] Ski Uocu Lttt


0 >l«ln S.iul)> rhant 1 1 1




•Let Us Hnvo Your Order

Nowatald ibal Scrlsf Boib



FARM IMPLEMENTST*ro bt u.al ..liW. W b. i

-«■> JrfOTM. Ja«b»»M,


4 cassfceaiNG



k imM TOMPLTTEQ«i«» aseMli naalnc psUalar




— TRACTORS —U«ld A ranull aai

S C C*»aJobs D*«r«

VAC CaaaWC AIIlMCiiliMra anl »o «„LI J

rt ParrCaaa culU.ilor, pkiw at»l


Ollnr ll>iiKh Trail UJara for fonl llanr^ /or JC Cm

— DISCS —I aed T-fl. UoIlM (nrw) l-fl. LU . C.

food l-bar Caia

•■>1. Saaman Tllln- l-nw oak>n plaslrrCeablrxa. bon« nIUntor*. aevrn ,

■niESE ARE 4UST A r tw o r TOC MANT r r o i s

w s HAVE TO o r r e *


viLLAaE OP oppoRTXTNrrr pnoN ncM





Alia for atharJ29BJ0 and UP


MISC. FOR SALE'(.|>Al.t:i Iln;’* birrila In |Md .



Tix* hithrrK)nii. tKowrri, *Xot4 fronlj,


Uain A>a. S.. t«.rn».ni






SEEDS AND PLANTSlACl, l.liho c rllllH b

H A Y . G R A IN A N D F E E D

I HnoriahaB Ullllaf Srmca

BALER TWINE While It La.st.*?

?11.70 v.o.ii. KAtiinrr.D















For lltntKh asd Mvllrr riiaa. tURi KlBbtrlj. f. 0. bai 114

~ u v E S T 0 c k -P 0 D C T iir

II Ivicuil

-...JT in»-M.__________ ________WANTllOr California ll<j;ula ip'ri^r

ran rkoni :u>.W or i:)M . Las 1 Himob. Twia PalU. lEnEroIlD Iin««. i>ml>ar mMl tjT ^ UrtiJ


Window:l Tari«


?.V« Jtr.rr Lficlnii

Tjr»a I lia Wool Otillu OrMn Nary Tarpt

Hutt .V»w Air Mal»raa<a Rherr Mnr4 I) Pllthl Jarkcta Nrw »>ll LInad Rulih»r C-nU

iL-tr "***All tilm Knt'l Oil T.nkT

ll«>l Untllnf Uata for Kanr* er n«lBtorrlBC ConcraM. lU. 7l.ni:o llaairr Tnirli Tire.

Al) Kindi of J'lamblnf K|itut«»


3. A. CHRlSTOPIIER.'iON, ilCR. Ul Jnd Ara. OooU



miCESWntil ni>M M l . aMoriad enlon ISe tr.E-X-T-R-A S-P.E-C-I-A-L

W,».I nr»*tt» A UndankltU• aikJi tlM»___________Out/ 5«< aa.

Otlirr IKma ef tn>l> and tlrthlr* »l a •..Inc



« htalinn, Itelttal.r

60Ud «.U.B oak Jan. Uf«~ul>U‘»r pboaa

I. taria rollm.

Inlihwt (bnu. rettaw.y b«d«.U. full .prini., Innrraprln*, ».lipul K-Oruim .nil*. d«k'5.00. <lrvi.lr»f tal'lr'anrl rbalr. r«U. kll/hvn r.bln.ia, badroom

lar» l-d.<hjlr, baajb . matlrna.*. ra.ll>vrVionu(r.pIi,





woNi;y ATHARRY MUSGRAVE’S MERCHANDISE MARTIn Ih. Vlllac' of Ui-rorlunllr



t-Iraw.r rtx.ICon’pleltly duilprtmfad '.k.ln. Vft,lnla plau mirror







SPECIAL SERVICESbKAVIX for^rlo-.). >i>d parbln( 1


lar. alok.r rap.lrloi W„i AddUoo. »*IR-

Ooaranla«« RafrUarillaa taf.'laa CsmcB.rci.i - lloowbold

Uwti Valitr llafriirratlaa ftartlaa M.NAUO LOUDER

111 Blaa Uka. ni.H Pbo»« IHi.|l




llil.h.r.1.................................. |M,«






*<1 CIIHYBLEU towa aftd « out i BiooUu. Wilia I>ex It gW a H,

til SPECIAL I i;UM. v.rr t bfal«' P>ioB. 1

----- bUICK----

llN7»OuTcO«i -

in ternationalI' i Too Pkkap, N«v lUbbar

l»ll ClIEVnOLCT S Ton Pkku»



« KTIIDKIIAKKK t I PLYMOUTH aa.Ii 0 ^TUIlEnAkEK C« i>0I)(;e ;..i.’.r

sr.vE iu i. 0Li)i;u models , most HAVE PAI>I0<I ANt> Hr.ATEIlS


I alitpr, (laan tlir»uib«ju I

•Hao. Eiullaiit ronc{lil.in.

Mlimila (Irto on <ltanlnc (not Ih.nir®»l '-r drilnr jour «tmiorf«J (urnllur.. Phoi>» :«J, Doaa £jicto>lTa






0 HAW A V t N. PHONE :t1l

im llUIrK iWanrltauii oLnxMuiiii.i: ;.c.i.i> mo oi.usMoniLU. :.jo>.r«J7 PON-TIAC Sr".n

m : niKVIlOLKT B»d.n ItJO OLD.SUOIIILE M tn 15« CHEVROLET. ;~Jot,r. Wiil. im CHLVHOLLT. !-l.»ir. SUi !»*: DOtXii: rancfr li Ion IrinI«I4 CHEVRoTirr TriitV Hit INTnRNATIONAI. Tnjfk IV1.I roriD panti Ion







■III I**** ler (inl laam if h.a»y h C. H Bactor- Phon. »M«, niar.

Ila»l»lm.l tiutrnirr bull falf

b»lW TraSpw Jitf egr mlit»r.d hard. .... ..

bli bet*, raadrbr»«dlii»Plwk Parrn. Ihlkl.______


Ih. Alao Ushoret. Ro«U, bU<k Atuuk- Ur». r^.> ^ ttraUbt fjurawr* fm.

Inventory Clcnrancc 30% DISCOUNT On Ail Hnrdwnro

And Sjwrtinfir Goodfl






m''"*** *•I. I'bona lUl.

' BICXCLE SALES 0 SEBVtCEIt Cie'.tn I'k. Ill, 41

• PAINTISC 6 PAP7HINGPalnllni and pipathaodBC." Slaan


1117 OLDSUORILE llidromalls "91*1M7 DaSOTO Cutlonlit! DODGE Cuatomm i CHRYSLER Jta,allll l l-LVMOUTfl Sprrlal P<la>*!•<« niKVnoLET 4..l,..r Hi: UIHCK Kpr lal S«.I>nctt<1X1 INTERNATIONAL Plekup •1(1 HUD.SON 4«lo..r 110 PONTIAC 2-lo.r l«a DODGE 4.dner no PLYMOUTH 4 ^ r [«» rORD^pkk.up•II l-LYMOUT°rr«upa WE INVITE COMPARISON


CAR CO.m w A > . . «. r w .7 . 't iw

PLVMBtSG O HEATINGttw* Plaablni aod Ilf. Ca p5m

WaaL Pb«s* U L Alwart tb.

'1 Karaik. PboD* 14o;.R.' Dolaa.


CU.^fAfEnCfAL PRINTINGiTlailni af all klnla. TtawN*ir«.

fLVOn SANUINCHiidM r>« •tiaalafc pl.~:iXt.B.

• CUSS - nA D M ru n s

. D Siera. Pbmt tlU-U.MniEoaRAPHiNr.

I. Baak « Tn»l Bsmsa» fkesa 1941.

> n E F R IG E R A T O R S E R V IC ERlaaM la ApgliaacM



T»kSuu Adrarthinr N*oa Suai. i

■«»d T»V»wniai Cx 0»(«aIU P. 0.

• VENETIAN BUNDSU IL IA U t e .U..O- , a j .



1030 PLYMOUTH1 dtwr. Mack, hcairr and radio


CouiM. tnaroon, baalar and r.di* EXTRA GOOD CONDITION

1038 PLYMOUTH4 dnnr, rraan. hMlar and radio ai< ll.nl cDndltlon for ll’i aic



t doer a«tan, black .n.w rnot»r. kr.l.r CJOOn CONDITION

1037 8TUDEBAKERDkUU-r "4." 4 door. *r»r. haa1«r.

PUlbT CLA.SS CONDITIO.S 1034 PLYMOUTH«lan. blatk. n*;haiik.llr rrrj


^xT elI' St”?;?IW t DODGE

Coupt. Wu«.


SPECIAL DELUXE Srilan. A CeauUful car. READY to so.

i im .o o


•O' 4 .D 00R SEDAN Rrfmished. Radio. H eatrr. Seat Coven. Truly a Fine Cor



"«S" STANDARD Coupe. Here's a good found car. Radio. Hester, and Rood tlrr«. See n i l s Oiiel



-ei" COUPE Here's a good buy. Radio, Healer.


AUTOS FOR SALErv»r 6UiaW6iiLi“ r i

Wtw. t aad t.>l Matal AM

r.'nUM. Ill V u

MTcTlEVKoLkt UaiaH.Bjelcr. (ood tiraa. Ilk* MW. Dan U*Main Aranua South flar ItK (It IlaT*




i CHEVROLET »4 DOOCK .H an___________ ll,t:i.09I MEUCUIIV Mdan ai ati «<i> OLiJSMOniLE .adaa ______ I7I0M» '•» FORD ogiH.__________ tttI.MI CIltVltOLETa^an _______tIHM" \-l FORD I u>n pickap ___ tlM.M


1<ai of iha«t cara ara In firal c'



l:r Main F.ail Phon* i:it.JGUARANTEED A SQUARE DEAL




I d w


Trurk. 9 lap .3 at>««U. ICO W. 0. ) W« Bll«, baatrr. frill xuird and b*d.

IMfl DODGE11 Ion. tablB <haaU. 17( W. D.


Tru.V, l ij ton. 1*0 W. II. k«l M . 40,OM Billrt.



DODGE PLYMOUTH111 trd Ara. }<ort]i





1H7 PLTMOtmi I-J«nr aadan; kaalar I»I7 RTUDEnAKER Champloa 4>]Mr

aadan; h.alrr. radln.1»I4 CHEVROLET |..!oer a«]agi bat.

>I l-ionr aaJan; baalw« PLYMOU « PORD 4Klonr aadan; haalar. radio « rnrVROLET A*r««UBl baatar.

« PLVMOUTJl .«Ja«. kaat«t IIUICK tuprr 4.door a*4aii|

trvlanatt.i fallf

l»4l WILLYS Jaap IHJ PLYMOUTH 4-}~.r a*dan 1*<: CHEVROLET S~loor aadat l l l l nUICK a<ip«r t-paataofar eajp< l*tl PLYMOUTH 4<j»r aadaa ■ 111 CnC%-ROLET 4.d»r iadaa

1*10 DODGE 4H)»r aadaa IKft MERCURY 4Hl«r<Han l in niRt> 4.d«nr >adan 1117 CHRY.'tLER R/ al I-doora*lu IIJI 0LD.SM0B1LE <o«p*

COMMERCIAL UNITS1114 DODGE pUkup n i l CHEVROLET pkkup l»tl FORD Men tnsck aUl*IMl DODGE pkktrp i«u cHEVROLrr pUup




l li l IIUICK Raadaaatar ladwMlu 1111 FORD Sunn Ualuia l aioor aaia 1(11 CHEVROLET To>ii aadaa IM. CIIRYHLER Rota] roupa lllO CHEVROLET flweUI O.Uu 4.

dnor aadaa lltl OL.I.S.MOIILe <Ml<wra«Ut im D()D(;K 4«Joor a»daB III] CHCVROLirr H toa pkkHip.

<.>P«a4 UanamlaaloB 11« PLYMOUTH conmUbla aeepa



i n SKnbona W. fbea* lit


19 PACKARD -I ' iHloor aadan, t«it

XVRULET !-d«cr >;vnoLET :. oor

iEVROLET S-r>Meniar < lEllCURY 4-door

no FORD 4.door USED je ep s”

PICKUPS lilt CHEVROLET Ji-ton llll CHEVROLET V tsn l lll CHEVROLET '. .loa










Haal.r; atoallaal e«n4ltleaj Mw n$1195.00


HMtar, radla, m i aeran.


Radla. haat«. apMJiikl. *tf.$1195.00





TRUCKS AND TRAILERSm: K-S4 flat ratk >.ap««J aila. ln««tr« Triam S.rrlra Suilon. KiBbarlr.Ill LUJAN N>ua* trsllar, tbaap. Plra*

OYCRAh' c«»a~ l.o»«~ trailar, U {. IMX. nod acndlUep. 1% BOt MVl Shall hmka. Pilar.

HoPkKN' lralUrli-------------rallt asd atrW ta

JUsfV arllrad a a . l l i l Manila.. AaarUS................ac tnlWr beo& Im 0*b .1 bt9 thmm. r u ta . U0«

•iulLEa beaaai. Ixll laM: fallr ««al{Fp*a aad Iniulatad. Good rublwr »s4 iMwlp palaUd luMa «ad out. Le(a «( MlW

Zfwl wMkuai :.«p**d ulai *M««n ■blfl airf YatnuB brakat LU Ur«; If.

FOR SALEII Ford l^loB tnrak «<lk

bodri alaaIbaM Caa B«


Far rwtbar latnwUaa (kU

JACKWHITB wm nm i ico. i ■ SLKO.KSVAOA


Dragnets Set For Escaped

Bund LeaderUU m CH , feb . 6 flJ«—O ennw i

poUM threw % d n tn t t thrtnishout a i_ tc _ rt

capture F r il i Kuhn, oneUne leader o f the aen n u s 'A n e rlcu i bund In New TorJt who trom D ichau prlMQ T ueid«7 under mrat«nou» drcum itancti.

Police v e r t placed oo Uie alert U it n lfh t a fu r a 38-hour March failed to uncover an / cluei tha t m lsh t lead to Kuhn'i hiding place.

TTie police tald they »ere m ailne ft concentrated eeirch In Uie Da­chau area and that the Dachau caicp had been placed on an alert to prcTcnt addlUouLl escapes.

B e ll bj atnnana Ajserlean authorities maintained

a handa>oU polic; ilnce Kubn held (or denadlleallon trial b ; Oer> mans lo ft Otrman court.

H overer. because O ennan police handled th e manhunt In a routine manner atnc* Kuhn v t i unknown In Oennany u leader of nazl aeUr- lUea In th e CnKed SUlea, I t wa^ pooaalble th a t American authorlUes m lsh t itep In to tpeed h li rccapture.

Teatlnoor lapllcat«*I t was bellered that K uhn fled

to avoid teaUtylns u a wltnesa In the trial of 21 lormcr German for- d m ofdco heada In N uem bcrs. where he waa deeply Implicated In teaUcion; 7«;iiett]ay.

Amonc wltneues called woa Fritz Qtulbel. Kuhn'f prrdK euor aa head of the "PHend# of New Oermany" In the t;nlted SUtea. which lal«r be­came the Oennan-Amerlcan bund.

Olulbel tcaUIled that the Qerman emba*y In the U, S. acted aa acenta for the nazl propasranda mlnUtcr, J(M ph Oocbbeli. aa early as IfiU by dlJtrlbullDj decumenta and cpecchM.


UEV. StASON LEE . . . who b condBellnc an

eran(ellatle campalya a t (be Church of the Naaareae, re s r tb a treet and B lith aTeaae le r lh la Twin Falli. The B «t. U r. Lm. Weal Virginia, la la chart* of tha m eetlnn which ara b d a f held a t 7:<5 p jn . cTeT7 day sn ill Feb. 15. Loren V. Doff U la e h arft ef muilo toe the enu»ellatlo eani* palrn. aecordlnr to th e R«r. Bert Daniels, p u to r of (ha chnrch.

TB Hospital wm Get Heating Unit

plant a t the a ta te tuberculoala hoe- plU l here wtU be opened May I In Do lie. the s ta le public worlu departm ent reported Thursday. _ D f . K enneth A. l y u r , medical director, aald alx o n e ito ry frame bulldtnc* have been mored from the old Paul priaoner of war camp and are b e lr j readied for occupancy. He aald the addlllonal bulldlnm will Increaae th e hoapiu j-i capaclly to lU pa tlenu .


A 'H and club. D ixon community, haa donated 1333 to the m arch of dlinta. T he money waa ra iled a t a dance

the Dixon achool Ja n . 33.

LEATKS n mPILER. Peb. S - C a im n w«rrttn,

Palo Alto. C alif, who haa beea tlH U tn ( relatlrea and frlenda here , le ft Tueaday for _homa_ a o ^ p u U e t f by

M M m t a r n t i m m n a ,

FEMALECOMPLAINTSArt you troubUd by dU tnM of (rsu li (useUostl pirtodle dliturb* uM «r OcpM Uiia Bua* yoa Riser troa pain. f«*l *o ntrvotu, Und— >t lueli tisMl TtifS M uy Lrttla E. nn th im ’a Viccubia Ooopmmd lo rclltt* fucb (TSipUffia. piaUuA'a bM a fn n d tooUilDS «(r*ct oa one 0/ vosun'a m<M( Important orgmntll


Economist Slates Wendell Meeting

OOODINQ, Feb. J -V . D. K en- uedy, aaaUUnt extension economLit, wilt be In Ooodlng county Monday to aulat County A ;cnt R. E. U ls- cln* a t ft metUnB in Uie Wendell Qranjte hall a t 1:30 p. m.

Dlacuaalon of economic problems of Intereat to fannen will be main bualneu of the ae^slon. Special a t­tention will be slven lo records and record keeping. Income tax. outlook Information and farm manaBcment. AH farmers and Intereated persona are urged to attend thli meeUns.

EMBALMEIIS GET LICFN6ES BClfiE. Feb. 5 (/n -N unea of ap>

pUeanti aucceuful In pau ln s occu­pational examinations held In Ja n u ­ary were released today by Mra. Ealella 6. UulUner, director of occu­pational license bureau. Tliey In ­cluded: Embalmera — Kenneth R. Ballantyse, Twin Palls, and Ross S. Prather, Buhl.

Scottish Rite Masons Parley Date Set upDOISE. Pcb, S W V-The "JBlh lemU

annual reunion of Scotilih lUie Ma.iona of nouthweatem Idaho will be held here April 5-8, W alter M. Wllllatni. Boise, secretary of the Anclcnt and Accepted Scotllah Rite, announced today.

OrlRlnally the dale had been aet for April 10-2} W illiams aald. but due to other conventions schKluled In Boise for tha t time It was deemed nece.visary to change the rite re­union.

nETUIlN HOME HAZELTON. Pcb. fr—Mr. and Mr*.

Emery Venette and Mr. and Mrs. Rellls Murphy and family have re­lum ed from a Uiree-week trip to Loa AnRelea, CallL.____

; I

I TEXTRON’pris e n ti

Relief At Last ForYourCougilCreomiM on rellerea preoiDtly iuse It goes r l ^ t to tlM M st of th a

- I Boothe and beal raw , tender, tn« named btoncMal m a c o o s m e m - braoe& Tell your drugslst to cell TOO B bottle of Creoffiulslan w ith the aD« den tand ln s you m ost Uka th e way U quickly oUaya tha couch o r 70a t r a t o ba ro your mooey back.


D R A P E R I E Sand


PANELSNylon, eggahdl, 42"x81 each panelRayon marquisette, effgshell, 38x81. Each .....Rayon Marquisette, eggshcii, 38x90. Each .Rayon marquisette, ecru. 43x90. Each ____

DRAPESEverglaie chintz drapes in floral paltorns. Pink, white, yellow, blue backtrrounds. Q ft 7K Size 39x84”. P a ir ______________________

Drapery and Bedding Dep’t DOW STA IR S

Don’t Miss Our . . .

Potric ian

T h fs gra ce fu l cow l neckline has s be a u ty

a ll its o w n . T h e double pock ct effect and

c a p tiv a tin g cap sleeves g ive a d d e d distinc­

t io n to the rayon rom aine crepe. Chcwse

fro m these colors: W h ite , B la ck , B ro w n

A l m o n d , G re e n P e p p e r, P im e n to R e d ,

S p rin g N a v y . I n sizes 32 to 38.

N e w ! L a d ie s P r in t e d

j Rayon Gowns


• SPECIAL .S A T U R D A Y a t 3 P . M .

I Nicely mude Rurmenls of good Quality printed rayon featur- Ing ruffled shoulder caps. Assorted ( J C tf)Q

y pastel shades. S lrei « to 48________________ _ « D D .» /0

Main Floor Lingerie Dcp't.

Give him a Valentine's Gift

Hampton Twilla*Viking WoolsGivo him Handsome Hampton Twills and rich Viking Wools—Valentino ties he him­self would prefer. Excluclvo paltorns In

5 0 Valentine Red. The Twills aro hond'Saeonprinled co ftno foulard. The Wools are Australian virgin wortled. Pick yours to­day whilo se l« c lk n 3 aro still complete!

P o w Ies^M ack r.o.T h e H o m e o f B a r t S c h a f fn e r & M a r x C lo th es





Compare quality and prlea j and 70UII §e« w h ; this It

ou tstand lns T a lu e l i Cbooae from an assort* I in en t of colora.

New! Growing Glrl’i


X b is ^*alue Sm art double buckle alln*'— wedge heel — platform aole.


Simple, elcganl, done wilh 0 !! the ilcndctiilng beauty o l fjl ihal you expcct of ill ' fomous Motio Dfculcf lobcl . . . ond looliing jo much more llion ill modcjf price! Becoming surplice bodice . . . youlliful hiplino d rops. N avy or block with tp tcy red pepper p rin t. . . . btowrt wiili oqua.W cjhab le . lool

$ 1 0 .9 5

p Spun Rayons In tailored atyles, chambrays, color* !ful plflidfl with cute pcplum, also a new rcplcnt t-

material in a house dress o f border print, ^

{j See these in the Dress Shop Down Stairs Store. |

Sizes nuiffc 12 to 42.

Idaho Department Store'■ If I t l e n ' t R ig h t , B r in g I t BacK".

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