volcanoes (sofía españa)

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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One of the most dangerous limits to the human life and their constructions is imposed by the internal dynamics of the earth. We are talking about earthquakes and volcanoes. The presentation is focused on volcanoes, which are a real threat to the

human life on the planet.

“Volcanoes are one way Earth gives birth to itself.” 

How does a volcano work?

In this part, I will state two aspects through these two questions: Why do some volcanoes explode? Where does all the magma come from?

Olympus Mons on Mars is the largest volcano in the Solar System

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There are two factors that could lead a volcano to explode:

Water: When magma meets up with water underground, it heats the water up and turns it into gas. This gas provokes an explosion.

Gas under high pressure: In some cases when the magma flows to the surface rapidly or when the pressure in the magma chamber is released quickly- by a sudden opening- the gasses in the magma chamber expanses and leads to an explosion. An example: the warning label of spray cans.

Sarychev Peak -Russian north Pacific island

Teneguia 1971- Canary Islands


Deep under our feet is a river of melted rock. This underground river flows around the earth because of the earth’s rotation. The weight of the matter on top of this river of melted rock created an intense high pressure. To relieve this pressure it breaks through weak spots on the earth crust as volcanoes or magma flows.

Volcanoes have been erupting for millions of years because after every continental fault line earthquake, rock moves down to the river of melted rock. This rock melts and creates pressure. Pressure that will be released at a weak spot, “hot spot” on the earth’s crust, by volcanoes or magma flows.

Recent factFrom the Vesuvius’ volcanic eruption which buried the Roman cities called Pompei and Herculano in 79 A.C. until these days, we can see in this chart the most important eruptions ocurred:

Volcano name Location Date ConsequencesYellowstone Wyoming Pre-history - It led to. geysers, solfataras,


Etna Sicily 1669 2000 deaths

Krakatoa Indonesia 1883 -Waves of 35m.-36.380 deaths (Java and Sumatra)

Montagne pelée Antilles 1902 -Destroyed Saint-Pierre-2600 deaths

Tristan de Cunita Archipelago Britain 1961 -Desert island

Chunchón Mexico 1982 -1/2m. Ash

Pinatubo Philippines 1992 -1000 deaths

Chaitén Chile 2008 -Destruction of houses,streets,fields

Redoubt Alaska 2009 -Canceled or diverted flights

Eyjafjalla Iceland 2010 -Evacuation nearby fams.-An ash cloud covered several European airports. They were inactive.-Flood and detachment hazard

Spain’s volcanic areasSpain’s volcanic areas



The study of volcanic activity has noticeably

improved during the twentieth century. For

example, seismographic maps can help scientifics

to state where there could be risk areas.

However, it’s difficult to know how each volcano is

going to behave because they are different. So, We

have to follow researching!

The solution is in our hands!

By: Sofía España Sánchez

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