volume 14, issue 3 september 2009hopped for food, toiletry and personal clothing items. care bags...

Post on 06-Oct-2020






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The Messenger 1

From the Pastor’s Desk

It has been correctly observed that these are joyous times in which we live. You and I are constantly being ”Blessed by the Best.” As we approach the month of October, we look forward to our involvement in various activities wherein we observe our ninety-first year together as a body of baptized believers. We possess a much-coveted history and heritage and we have a great deal for which to be both proud and grateful. We truly thank God for the many ways in which God has manifested God’s presence and power in our midst these ninety-one years. There are many challenges that await us as this year winds to a close and we embark upon a new one. None is more crucial, in my opinion, than that of becoming the people of God according to the will of God. There is much that has, and too often still, separates us. More often than not, that which has been allowed to separate us is of very little importance in the larger scheme of things. For what does it profit any of us to gain the whole world (including having all that we want, the way that we want, no matter what) and lose our souls?

The Messenger Volume 14, Issue 3 September 2009


2 Board of Trustees

10 2009-2010 Church School Staff

12 New Members / Upcoming Events

We talk often of going to heaven as we make this earthly journey down here. It seems to me that there is plenty of "common ground" upon which we may travel in unity and love in our efforts to make that journey. As we look back on this year and commit ourselves to moving forward together, let us also accept the challenge of "going the extra mile" and "making the extra effort" to promote unity as we move forward together. As much as possible, let us commit to relating to our brothers and sisters as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ does. We look forward to the weeks and months ahead as we continue to seek ways to honor God through our many ministries within and outside of the confines of our church’s family. We pray constantly that “all” of us will answer responsibly the question posed by the Eternal through the Prophet Isaiah many years ago: “Who shall I send and who will go for us?” We should be reminded that we are all in this together, and, as such, we all have a vital part to play in the unfolding drama that shapes our history together. We continue our trek forward as “God’s People Moving from Vision to Victory.”


Website: http://www.gsbcrichmond.org Twitter: www.twitter.com/GSBC_Richmond Facebook: Good Shepherd Baptist Church, Richmond, VA Myspace: Myspace.com/472789955








500 for 120 Donations


August 31, 2008:






Do you know what to do if you are approached by a carjacker or someone with a weapon threatening to do you bodily harm? We would like to think that this would never happen to us; however, we know that these types of crimes

The Messenger 2

The Messenger 3

What Do I Do Scenarios!

1. You observe someone who appears to be hanging out and looking inside of vehicles in the parking lot. He looks suspicious and acts nervous when he sees that you have noticed him. What do you do?

a. Demand he leaves the parking lot. b. Ask him what he is doing. c. Do Nothing – Mind your own business since he is not looking in your car. d. Contact security immediately.

You do not want to approach the person. Though we would like to think that everyone is innocent and means us no harm, we are fully aware that this is not the case. Get a description of the person (what they are wearing, colors, race, sex, approximate height, etc.) and provide that information immediately to security. If our GSBC security is not on duty, contact the local police by dialing 911. The correct answer is “d”.

2. Someone you have never seen before is walking around in the Fellowship Hall.. He approaches you for money. You have noticed this person approach several other GSBC members. What do you do? a. Give him money. b. Ask him to leave and tell him he is

not welcome at GSBC. c. Get a description of the person and

immediately notify security. d. Tell him you do not have any

money but direct him to ask someone else.

We would not want to start giving money to everyone who asks nor do you want to tell someone that they are not welcome in God’s house. Get a description of the person and immediately provide the information to GSBC Security. The correct answer is “c”.

3. If you see a door that has been taped

at the lock to prevent the locking mechanism from engaging, what should you do? a. Do nothing – Just walk past it. b. Remove the tape to secure the door. c. Notify GSBC security.

The correct answer is “c”.

The GSBC Trustee Ministry wants you to be SAFE at all times. If ever you have security questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our security officers.

Food Pantry Update

Thank you, GSBC congregation, for your generosity!! It is because of your willingness to help others that the Trustee Ministry was able to distribute bags to 13 families desiring assistance on Saturday, September 19, 2009. Each bag included the fixings for one meal. Please continue to donate non-perishable items in the boxes labeled “Trustee Food Ministry” located in the vestibule and on Level B so that others can continue to be blessed. Always remember, “Whenever you are able, do good to people who need help”. Proverbs 3:27

The Messenger 4


The Outreach Committee continues to collect cell phones for the cell phone donation program. The program will continue through the end of October. Please place your old cell phones in the box located in the lobby.

The 15th Pastoral Anniversary Luncheon was held on June 27, 2009 at Crowne Plaza Hotel. A total of 198 tickets were sold for the luncheon. Music was provided by The Jazz Ladies and Mr. Jeffrey Goode who were accompanied by Dr. Weldon Hill. Reflections were provided by the pastor’s family, the office staff, the Deacons, Deaconesses and Trustees Ministries and the Associate Ministers. The Reverend Paul Pleasants delivered the address. The lunch was tasty and everyone enjoyed themselves. The Rev. Dr. Wallace Cooke was the guest preacher for the Anniversary Sunday service.

The second birthday celebration was held on August 16, 2009. Attendance at the birthday celebrations continues to increase. Activities were provided, members and interacted and enjoyed themselves. The next birthday celebration for September, October, November and December birthdays will be held in December.

Deacons, Deaconesses and Trustees’ Day was held on October 4, 2009 at 11:00 AM. The Rev. Gina Whitaker was the guest speaker.

In an effort to reach out to visitors and members, the Deacons will sit in the congregation on the 4th Sunday of each month as a part of the Deacons’ Outreach activities.


Members of the Men=s Fellowship want to thank all persons who donated school supplies. This is the second year that this event has been sponsored by this ministry and because of your generosity, children were provided school supplies and a light breakfast on August 16, 2009. The Prayer Breakfast was held on October 4, 2009, beginning at 7:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The Reverend Angelo Chatmon was the guest speaker. Mark your calenders for the following event sponsored by our Men=s Fellowship: A morning of dining and fellowship -- November 21, 2009, starting at 9:00 AM at Cold Harbor Restaurant, 8153 Mechanicsville Turnpike. In closing, special thanks are extended to the wives and significant others of the men who are a part of this unique ministry. Thank you again for sharing your helpmates. May the Lord bless your kindness!

GOOD MORNING God Offers us His Outstanding Devotion to Make us Obedient and Ready for a New day with Him. Inspire others please, and Never forget God loves you!

The Messenger 5

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE The Scholarship Committee will present A Musical Tribute Through the Roots of African American Gospel Music featuring

The Roots Family

Desiree Roots-Centeio, Alan Roots, and Brandon Roots

With Special Guest Lottie Henry Smith

Former Featured Soloist with Sister Rosetta Thorpe and the Rosettes

on Sunday, November 15, 2009 at 4:00 PM. Please join in this effort to help GSBC college students further their education.


The Leadership Committee has a passion for the great things that are happening here at GSBC and sends this personal invitation to all. Come! Step in the process of life, join our dynamic ministries, and reinvigorate our passion and love for the Lord. We are “God’s People Moving from Vision to Victory.”

To God Be the Glory!


The JYF met for its big kickoff meeting to discuss new projects. Members of JYF will help the members of the Youth Fellowship count the hymnbooks that need replacing and with the sock drive in October. JYF members will also work on their family trees. Other planned activities include Laser Quest, horseback riding, tennis lessons, motorcycle riding and bowling. Some of the trips planned are Luray Caverns, Funland, the beach, Rockwood Park and Jamestown. Members also learn about Biblical moments during meetings and play games. The fun and learning just keeps on happening! See you at the meeting every third Saturday at 11 a.m. New JYF officers are: President: Kiera Cheatham Vice President: Septimber Storm Reporter: JaQuan Kersey Chaplin: Zareon Pettiford Asst. Chaplin: N’zinga Williams


The next meeting of the Book Club is scheduled for October 20, 2009 at 7:30 PM on Level B. Holes, written by Louis Sacher will be discussed. If you cannot attend this meeting, the Book Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM on Level B. A weekly reminder will be posted in the Church Bulletin that provides the title of the book and author and the next meeting date and time. Hope to see you on October 20, 2009!

The Messenger 6


Outreach Ministry: Teaming Up to Serve People who are Homeless

Most people at Good Shepherd are aware of Pastor Smith’s outreach efforts to men and women who are homeless in the Churchill community. Pastor Smith’s “peeps” have come to expect care packages prepared by Good Shepherd members. Two GSBC members, who regularly package care packages for men and women in our community are Deacon Emma Pittman and Deacon Thelma Marion. Deacons Pittman and Marion discussed their outreach activities with the Evangelism Ministry stressing how fulfilling it made them feel to prepare a special gift for someone in need. On Saturday, May 16, 2009 and August 15, 2009, the Evangelism Ministry met during its usual monthly meetings to prepare over 60 care bags for people who are homeless. Cash donations were collected from Evangelism Ministry members. Deacons Pittman and Marion shopped for food, toiletry and personal clothing items. Care bags were assembled following a short business meeting. Deacon Pittman and Marion were right, the joy we felt and shared as we assembled the bags was fulfilling enough for the Evangelism Ministry to agree to make this activity a regular part of its outreach ministry. Once all the care bags were assembled they were delivered to Pastor Smith. The Evangelism Ministry now teams up with Pastor Smith to replenish his stock of care bags full of needed items to share in the community. The mission of the Evangelism Ministry is twofold in nature: (1) to promote awareness of evangelism in the church congregation, and (2) encourage ministries within the church to be about outreach ministry -- reaching out to those outside of the church in Christian service. What better way for the Evangelism Ministry to walk the walk and talk the talk by reaching out to our brothers and sisters who are homeless.

The pictures say it all, as Jesus teaches us, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40) If you would like to join the Evangelism Ministry please contact the Rev. Lawrencine Smith at (804) 914-1041.

The Messenger 7

A Preview of the 91st Church Anniversary Celebration

Theme: “Proclaiming the Magnificence of the Lord for

91 Years of Grace and Mercy” The end of September and the month of October marks the celebration of three major observances for our church family: Homecoming, the Combined Anniversary of the Deacons, Deaconesses, and Trustees followed by the Church Anniversary celebration on the last Sunday in the October. What a wonderful time is had fellowshipping, remembering and praising the Lord as one body in Christ! For this church-wide, historical observance, you are invited to view the historical displays in the vestibule, in the atrium, and in the Fellowship Hall. Additionally, our committee has planned several exciting and diverse activities throughout the month. Each Sunday, for instance, you will be blessed with a rendition of a most beautiful and memorable song chosen by each musician. Certainly these lyrics will warm our hearts and help us remember the beautiful voices and faces of yesterday. Also charter members, pastors, 50-year members, 90-year old plus members, officers, and honored members who have gone from labor to reward will be remembered. The speaker for this glorious occasion is our former pastor, Bishop Rudolph McKissick of Jacksonville, Florida. As is customary, the Handbell Choir and our combined choirs will render the music. All in all, we are looking forward to a great celebration that will conclude with a fellowship reception on Level B. Be sure to sign up so that an accurate count may be made. Come and join us -- reminisce about the goodness of the Lord!

Deacon Pearl P. Clark, Co-Chair 91st Anniversary Committee

MINISTRY OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION RR ee nn ee ww RR ee cc oo mm mm ii tt RR ee cc oo nn nn ee cc tt

After months of summer fun, the beginning of Fall brings with it an opportunity to renew and reinvigorate our congregational lives. As members of the church return to the routines and support of our faith community, Christian Education helps lead them into a right relationship with God. Christian Education enables one to know and love God’s Word and to live according to His principles. It provides a vehicle for understanding lives, history, and culture as one walks in the light of God’s Word. At Good Shepherd, the Ministry of Christian Education aims to inspire spiritual growth and fellowship among God’s people through education and service ministries. To ensure alignment with this vision, the Ministry of Christian Education recently took time to revisit and re-examine its mission, goals and objectives. Now is the perfect time to get involved, renew commitments and learn more about walking in the light of God’s Word.

Ministry of Christian Education

Mission Statement

To inspire spiritual growth,

development and fellowship among God’s people through

education and service


GGoooodd SShheepphheerrdd BBaappttiisstt CChhuurrcchh

CChhrriissttiiaann EEdduuccaattiioonn

Ministry of Christian Education

Goals and Objectives

▪ To discover, interpret and

establish the educational needs

and objectives of the Church.

▪ To assist in the development,

planning and coordination of

education programs.

▪ To extend the Church’s

educational ministry.

Spiritual Growth

1. What would it look like if

persons were actively

growing in their faith?

2. What would persons be

doing? How would they be


3. What biblical images and

visions speak to growing

in faith?

The Messenger 8


Praises in Motion has been dancing to the glory of God for the past eight years -- someone should stand up and shout for joy! The Praises in Motion Dance Ministry has been on the go, or as the dancers state, “We have been on tour.” Praises in Motion began their tour on April 26, 2009 when they were invited to New Bridge Baptist Church to help celebrate their Praise Team reunion; they continued their tour on June 12,, 2009 to Third Street Bethel AME Church for their Friday night revival services, and went on to Mount Olive Baptist Church in South Richmond, on June 14, 2009 as they celebrated Children’s Day. What an experience that was!

The heaviest traveling month started on July 1, 2009 at the Marriott Downtown when they danced for the Baptist General Convention Youth Program at 9:30 pm. The tour continued by joining Pastor Smith at Bethesda Baptist Church on July 12, 2009 for their Church Anniversary. Next was Foster Creek Baptist Church in Louisa, VA on July 15, 2009 for their Youth Revival and the tour ended at Mount Olive Baptist Church in Glen Allen, VA on July 17, 2009 for their Youth Revival.

At the end of July it was decided by Ms. Diane, the Co-Director of Praises in Motion, that the dancers would get off the van, get some rest, enjoy the summer and regroup in September. Praises in Motion consists of twelve young ladies: Danielle Brown, Tiara Coles, Jamie Cosby, Kiera Cheatham, Ayannah Kersey, Mei’Asia Palmer, Shamonte’ Palmer, Septimber Storm, DeAnna Walker, N’Dara Williams, N’Zinga Williams, and Amber Wilson; and four young men: Daekwon Rawlings, Johnta Palmer, Josef Storms and Tyrone White. Ms. Diane would like to thank all the parents/guardians for bringing their young ladies and men to the practices, dropping them off at the van when they went on tour or bringing them to the different churches when they needed to dance. Thanks for all of your support. Ms. Diane and Praises in Motion extends a special thanks to Ms. Hester Walker for saying yes, when asked to drive the van. Your help was greatly appreciated. It is our prayer we will continue to let God use us to minister though dance, to grow and be a family -- the Praises in Motion Family.

The Messenger 9

(continued on page 5)


A very special thanks is extended to the members of Good Shepherd Baptist Church for support provided to Woodville Elementary School during the 2008-2009 school year. This thanks is extended to you on behalf of the students, parents, and staff of the school and the members of the Dorcas Steering Group. Your participation included:

Special Projects/Events/Activities: Revival of volunteer newsletter, summer camp, annual Christmas Dinner, Career Day, PTA, Teacher Appreciation, Moving-On Program, yard sale, balloon sale, and parent workshops

Donations: books, school supplies, exercise equipment, belts for boys, clothing (dresses, pants, shirts, hats, gloves, coats, and undies), gift cards, Christmas gifts, door prizes,

incentives, and treats

Services: leadership on boards, committees and planning groups,

PTA memberships, transportation, refreshments and paper products

Volunteers/Mentors: classroom assistants, tutors, mentors, class adopters, and book club sponsors

Woodville and Dorcas wanted to let you know how much you are appreciated by remembering you on Valentine's Day and during National Volunteer Week. Please continue to assist in "removing all barriers to success" for our children.

Many opportunities are available for you to give back. Scheduling can be flexible. Utilize your time and talent to help a young person succeed. The stakes are much higher for 2009-2010. Students must score 85% in Reading and 81% in Math in order for the School to meet the goals of No Child Left Behind (AYP). Woodville made AYP and Accreditation:

Reading - 86% Math- 88% History - 92% Science - 72% Watch the bulletin for an upcoming mentor training workshop. A special 2009-2010 project for Woodville is to sew vests for the school choir. The robes made a few years ago are missing and despite several searches have not been located. Please let us know if you would like to participate financially (purchasing fabric/notion) or physically (sewing a vest). Contact Mary Powell at 737-7195 for information about being a volunteer at Woodville. Thank you in advance!


Influenza activity is now considered “Widespread” in Virginia. A statement excerpted from the Center for Disease Control web page reminds us that… “In crowded settings, social distancing (that is, measures that increase the physical space between people and reduce their frequency of close contact) is difficult to maintain. Moreover, at public gathering events that are celebratory in nature (such as weddings, graduation ceremonies), participants frequently have social personal contact (like handshaking and hugging). As a result, there may be increased risk for spread of novel influenza A (H1N1) virus among attendees of such events and subse-quent spread of illness in the community or in communities to where attendees return. People infected with seasonal and 2009 H1N1 flu shed the virus and may be able to infect others from 1 day before getting sick to 5 to 7 days after.” Stay informed and learn what you can do to stay healthy. Please remember to use alcohol-based hand sanitizer!

The Messenger 10

The 2009-2010 Church School Staff

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF General Superintendent – Patricia Dickerson Asst. General Superintendent – Donnie Brown General Secretary – Valerie Harris Assistant General Secretary – Lillian Cheatham Program Coordinator – Cynthia Jackson Program Planner/Resource – Nicole Hunt Breakfast Coordinator – Donnie Brown Breakfast Helper – Carolyn Chambers Breakfast Helper – Shirley Rogers Breakfast Helper – Rosalind White

ADULT DEPARTMENT Superintendent – Rosie Jones Assistant Superintendent – Jo Jenkins Adult Class Assistant – Betty Dailey Adult I Teacher (1st Sunday) – Ellen Blount Adult I Teacher (2nd Sunday) – Robert Melvin Adult I Teacher (3rd Sunday) - Lynne Rozier Adult I Teacher (4th Sunday) – Freddie Evans (4th Sunday Substitute) – Robert Melvin Adult I Teacher (5th Sunday) – Evelyn Harris Adult I Class Assistant – Betty Dailey Adult II Teacher (2nd Sunday) – Ernest Elliott Adult II Teacher (3rd Sunday) – Corine Williams Adult II Teacher (4th Sunday) - Lloyd Pettus Adult II Teacher (5th Sunday) – Robert Spears Adult Forum Teacher – Larry Johnson Adult Forum Teacher – Muriel Branch

YOUTH DEPARTMENT Superintendent – Florence Jones Assistant Superintendent – Theresa Brown Senior High Teachers (1st Sunday) – Tyrone and Vanesta Gaines Senior High Teacher (2nd Sunday) – Paul B. Nichols Senior High Teacher (3rd Sunday) – Terrence Wilson Senior High Teacher (4th Sunday) – Alternate Senior High Teacher (5th Sunday) – Kendra Cheatham Intermediate Teacher – Catherine Norrell Intermediate Teacher - Vernon Howard Intermediate Substitute Teacher - Nancy Jones

CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT Superintendent – Hester Walker Assistant Superintendent – Clara Elliott Junior Teacher – Nellie Jones Junior Teacher – Mildred Carter Junior Substitute Teacher – Yvonne Marion Primary II Teacher - Willy Barr-Davis Primary II Teacher - Carolyn Friend Primary II Teacher – Alice Flannigan Primary II Teacher – Monica Anderson Preschool/Primary I Teacher – Rosalind White Preschool/Primary I Teacher – Alfreda Hansom Cradle Roll – Nettie Scott Resource Person – Mary Powell Resource Person – Betty Johnson

MUSICIANS 1st Sunday – Weldon Hill 2nd Sunday – Lottie Smith 3rd Sunday – Shirley Diggs 4th Sunday – Carolyn Pauley 5th Sunday – Lottie Smith

The Messenger 11


The Messenger 12


We welcome persons who joined our fellowship from June 15, 2009 – September 27, 2009.


Nicholas Howard Daekwon Rawlings Amber Wilson


Jeannette Clarke



1 Revival 4 Men’s Fellowship Prayer Breakfast, 7:30 AM 4 Deacons, Deaconesses and Trustees Day, 11 AM 6 Men’s Fellowship with Lexington Court, 7PM 18 Dedication of Infants 25 91st Church Anniversary 31 Christian Harvest Fest, 6 PM – 8 PM


1 Stewardship Sunday Prove the Tithe Day 8 Veterans’ Recognition Sunday 15 Scholarship Committee Program, 4:00 PM 26 Joint Thanksgiving Service with St. Paul’s Baptist Church at GSBC, 10:00 AM The Rev. Lance Watson preaching 28 Host site for CARITAS (thru - December 4) 29 1st Sunday of Advent


6 2nd Sunday of Advent 13 3rd Sunday of Advent 14 Church Business Meeting, 7:00 PM 20 4th Sunday of Advent Candle Light Service, 5:00 PM 27 College Students’ Recognition Day 31 Watch Night Service, 10:30 PM


The Reverend Dr. Sylvester Smith Pastor

The Reverend Paul Pleasants

Ministerial Assistant to the Pastor

Mrs. Andrea Seward Administrative Assistant to the Pastor

Mrs. Phyllis Booker

Administrative Secretary

Mrs. LaVerne Farrington Asst. Church Clerk


Board of Deacons Chairperson Mrs. Wanda Hunt

Board of Trustees Chairperson

Mr. Willie Oliver

Board of Deaconesses Chairperson Mrs. Helen Fenner

Board of Christian Education Chairperson

Mrs. Deborah Hodge


Mrs. Wanda Hunt Mrs. Andrea Seward

Managing Editors The Messenger is a publication of the Good Shepherd

Baptist Church. Please submit news articles for consideration to the appropriate staff member.

Next Publication: December 2009

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