volunteer job description

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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Volunteer job description



Volunteer jobs descriptions1) Trainer Description:

Trainers will participate in the preparation, development and delivery of innovative training sessions aimed •at preparing and motivating participants and AFS volunteers.

Desired Qualities:Good communication skills and the ability to motivate others•Experience as a trainer or facilitator desirable•Bilingualism is an asset•

Availability: Selected candidates should be able to move around to different training venues. AFS will cover transporta-•tion costs. Training sessions are occasional events so hours may vary.

2) Sending CoordinatorDescription :

The local sending coordinators organize the meetings and interviews with potential AFS candidates and •their families Helptheparticipantstofilloutthenecessarydocumentsandrevisethemtobesurethattheyareclearand•complete. Ensurethat,followingtheinterview,theconfidentialreportiswritten.•SendthecompletedparticipantfileandtheinterviewreporttotheAFSofficeinatimelymanner.•Keeparecordofthefilesinordertoensureafollow-upwiththeparticipantsatalocallevel.•Make sure that the participant is contacted upon his/her return and is invited to join the local committee.•Assist with all trainings organized for the sending coordinators as well as participate in the local meetings. •

Skills and Abilities Required :Knowledge of the sending programs offered by AFS and openness to cultural differencesHave the skills required to do the interviews , strong listening skillsEnjoy meeting new people

Availability :Thecandidatureofparticipantsisheldbasedona“firstcome,firstserved”basis,soitisimportantthatthe•interviews are done in a timely fashion. The interview may last between 1 and 2 hours, so this position may require an availability of a few hours per week in the fall and winter, depending on the number of applica-tions.

3) Hosting CoordinatorDescription :

Recruit host families; distribute brochures and hosting kits as requested.•Ensurefollow-upstotheinformationrequestsofinterestedfamilies;keepafilewithallrequestsuptodate•andmaintaincontactwiththeAFSofficeasneeded.Make sure that each potential family is interviewed in person according to the standards of AFS; this func-•tion can be delegated to an assistant.Ensurethateachfileiscompletedclearlyandquicklyandissenttothenationaloffice.•Collaborate with the marketing coordinator for the promotion of the sending campaign.•oParticipate in the preparation of the host families prior to the arrival of the participants and ensure that •follow-ups are done throughout the year, as needed. Ensure that the hosted students and their host families participate in the welcome and orientation activities. •Providethenationalofficewithregularreportsontheplacementresults.•Participate in annual planning and training meetings for hosting volunteers. •

Skills and Abilities Required :

Past experience as a volunteer, hosting or sending family is preferred. •Self-motivated.•

Availability :

Between the months of February and July, the hosting campaign requires approximately 5 to 7 hours per •week of your time (depending on the number of students to be hosted). The rest of the year, the coordinator may need to recruit temporary or new host families. As needed, they may also participate in follow-ups done with the families.

4) Counsellors Description :

The Local Counselor plays a key role in the formal support that he/she offers to Canadian host families and •to foreign students aged 15 to 18 years who are hosted by these families. The Local Counselor evaluates, supports and counsels families and participants on issues pertaining to •interculturalandfamilialintegration,theapplicationofAFSregulationsandpolicies,conflictresolutionandcommunication principles.

Description of Tasks and Responsibilities:Provide professional and human support to foreign students as well as to their host families.•Facilitatecommunicationbetweenhostfamiliesandforeignparticipants;encourageconflictresolution.•Maintain contact, a minimum of once per month, with participants as well as occasional contact with host •families. According to each case or situation, communication can be done either in person or by telephone. Written reports of contact made on a monthly basis must be submitted to selected persons in charge.Identifyanydifficultythatislikelytocreateaproblematicsituationandinformthelocalrepresentativein•charge of counselors of measures taken.Attend annual meetings which may include the AFS training sessions and preparation of host families, the •mid-year orientation for families and participants and orientation and preparation for return.

Skills and abilities required:Openness, empathy and an appreciation for the dynamics of teenagers between 15 and 18 years of age•Professional experience, maturity and credibility so as to be able to counsel host families•Ability to analyze and objectivity•Comfort and ease in multicultural settings•Good verbal and written skills (brief and concise reports are requested)•Diplomacyandconfidentiality•Experienceworkingasavolunteerininterculturalsettingsorinconflictmanagementisanasset•

Availability:Monthlycontacts:Atleast3hourspermonth.Additionaltimemaybenecessaryifconflictsarise.•Trainings/meetings, as required•

5) Counsellor Representative Description:

As an AFS volunteer, the local counsellor representative guides, facilitates and supervises the counsellors to •ensure the quality of support being provided to each Canadian host family and to each foreign student. He or she makes sure that each participant and his or her family has a counsellor from the beginning of the •hosting arrangement. The supervisor follows-up on the activities of the counsellors and communicates regu-larly with the director of operations.

Description of Tasks and Responsibilities:Ensure,incollaborationwiththeAFSofficestaff,thatthecounsellorsreceivethetrainingandsupport•needed to carry out their tasks. Organize information meetings and follow-ups with the counsellors on his or her committee and share infor-•mation distributed by AFS staff. Recruit counsellors, train them and organize the matches between hosting family, student and counsellor. •InformAFSstaffofanydifficultiesorproblematicsituationsexperiencedbyaparticipantofahostfamily.•The director of operations will advise the partner country, if necessary. In a problematic situation (crisis, change in family), help the counsellor to prepare a written report and keep •AFS staff up to date on the situation.Ensure that the counsellors produce monthly counselling reports and send them to AFS staff. Help counsel-•lors prepare these reports if necessary. During a change of family, promote an impartial environment and support the counsellor in helping the fam-•ily and the participant. If needed, accompany the counsellor. Keep the local host coordinator up to date on all situations that could require a change of family so that he •or she can initiate a search for a new host family.Help out with local committee meetings (approximately 8 per year) and with approximately 5 meetings an-•nually including: AFS training for counsellors, orientation and preparation for host families, autumn orien-tation colloquium, mid-year orientation (families and participants), orientation in preparation for departure

Skills and abilities required:Solid experience as an AFS counselor•Professional experience, maturity and credibility to support the counsellors, the families and the participants •Openness and empathy toward participants aged 15-18 •Knowledge of the procedures and rules of AFS•Ability to analyze and be objective•Comfort and ease in multicultural settings•Skilled in verbal and written communication (preparation of brief, concise reports)•Diplomacyandconfidentiality•Experienceinthevoluntarysector,interculturalsettings,orinconflictresolutionwouldbeanasset•


Approximately 4-6 hours per month. Anticipate additional time if a counsellor needs support to manage a •problematic situation. Training/meetings: Approximately 8 committee meetings per year (each lasts about 2 hours) and 5 meetings •annually that are each a half day or a full day (evenings or weekends)

6) Local chapter president Description :

The president of the local chapter facilitates and supervises AFS operations in the community. •Heorsherecruitsqualifiedvolunteerstofillpositionsinthelocalchapterandensuresthattheyreceivethe•support needed to carry out their tasks. Heorshecommunicatesregularlywithlocalvolunteersandthenationaloffice.•

Description of Tasks and Responsibilities:

Set goals and specify objectives for the community, in conjunction with the local chapter members and the •nationaloffice.Supervisetheimplementation,monitoringandevaluationoftheworkplan.Recruitqualifiedvolunteerstofillpositionsinthelocalchapter.Ensurethatresponsibilitiesareequally•shared among members and that volunteers receive the support needed to carry out their tasks. Supervise the performance of each local representative in the community in conjunction with the national •officeandthenationalboard.Call, chair and prepare the agenda for each local chapter meeting; one meeting per month which could be •replaced by a telephone conference call.Serve as a resource person for local representatives and members regarding all AFS operations in the com-•munity.Communicateregularlywiththenationalofficetoexchangeinformationrelatedtolocaloperationsandask•for support, if needed. Share with local volunteers all relevant information coming from the AFS network. •Represent the local chapter at the annual FORUM and AGA meetings.•

Skills and abilities required:Solid experience as a volunteer for AFS Interculture Canada •Leadership skills and ability to delegate•Team spirit •Good organizational skills; ability to analyze and be objective•Networking skills •Team management and facilitation skills •Diplomacyandconfidentiality•Good listening skills •Experienceinteammanagement,interculturalsettingsorconflictresolutionwouldbeanasset.•

Availability:Time required may vary from 5 to 20 hours per month throughout the year, depending on the importance of •the chapter and the amount of responsibility delegated to other local volunteers

7) Fundraising mentorsDescription

You will be matched with a future participant and your role will be to share your ideas, encourage and con-•tact your mentee from time to time, supporting them as they work towards their fundraising goals

Skills and Abilities requiredExperienceinfinancialaswellasfundraisingactivities•Openness and interest in working with adolescents between 15 and 18 years of age•Diplomacyandconfidentiality•Experience in other volunteer activities and/or familiarity with intercultural environments is an asset•Good knowledge of AFS fee structure•

AvailabilityVolunteers will be required to make regular contact with participants prior to their departure so as to follow-•up with fundraising activities.

8) Mentors–InterculturalcertificateDescription :

Volunteers who would be interested in sharing their experience by acting as a mentor and corresponding •with the student as they are living and studying abroadParticipate in a preparatory meeting•Contact the participating youth prior to their departure•Establish and maintain correspondence (via E-mail, total of 6 exchanges with the student) with between 1 •and 5 youth (depending on your availability) ages 15 to 18 years old.Thereflectionswrittenbytheyoutharefocusedonthecommunication,interculturaladaptabilityandself-•awareness which they will experience during their year abroad. The mentors are there to read and comment on these texts, make observations and interact with the youth in order to provide guidance for them as they develop their intercultural skills.

Availability:Minimum of 6 e-mail exchanges with the youth throughout the program (August to June)•

9) Airport AssistanceDescription :

Be present at the airport for the departures and arrivals of participants. The volunteers are there to help the •participants with their check-ins, to reassure the families and sometimes to accompany the participants to the bus terminal.

Availability : The arrival and departure of students happens at various times throughout the year.

10) TranslatorDescription : Translation of the Host Family applications from French to English Translationandeditingofhostedstudent’sfiles,generallyfromEnglishtoFrenchTranslation of guides and manuals from French to English

Skills :Volunteers must have a strong knowledge of written English and French. Previous experience in translation is preferable

Availability : Throughout the year as needed

11) Bursary Selection CommitteeDescription :

Reading the applications for the AFS bursary offered to participants who will be going abroad with AFS •Interculture Canada. Review the selection process with the other members of the selection committee.•


Availability: The bursary selection occurs twice a year: mid-November and mid-April. The volunteers must be availableweekdaystocometotheofficefor2-3meetingsatthistime.

12) Participate in the Volunteer BulletinDescription :

Participate in putting together the AFS Volunteer Bulletin. •Writing articles, interviews•Editing and correction of text•Translation of articles from French to English or English to French•Past and present participants are encouraged to submit stories about their experience and photos •Publication of AFS events•

Availability: The bulletin is published 4 times per year in both languages (English and French) and is distributed electronically.

13) School PresentationsDescription:

Tend to the AFS kiosks and information sessions in high schools.•Present the different programs offered by AFS to the students and respond to their questions. •Specifics:•Need to have a strong knowledge of AFS Sending Programs•

Availability: The kiosks are held at schools around the country at different times throughout the school year, generally during the lunch hour or evenings.

14) Interviews – participantsDescription :

Interview potential participants and their families using the interview questionnaire provided by AFS.•Write a report following the interview and send it to the Sending Coordinator. •

Availability: As needed throughout the year. The volunteers will generally need to travel to the homes of the participants. Interviews typically last between 1 and 2 hours.

15) Interviews – host familiesDescription :

Interview families interested in hosting a foreign student for the year using the interview questionnaire pro-•vided by AFS. Write a report following the interview and send it to the Hosting Coordinator.•

Availability: As needed from February to July. The volunteers will need to do the interviews at the homes of the families. The interviews typically last between 1 and 2 hours.

16) Facilitators / TrainersDescription :

Facilitate camps/orientations for AFS participants, either preparing for their program abroad, or arriving in •Canada for their year-long stay. Prepare and animate the activities for the participants, the workshop material will be provided by AFS Inter-•culture Canada.

Availability: As needed according to the hosting and sending realities of the region. Sending: Pre-departure orientations are done in the winter or the spring monthsHosting: Orientations take place throughout the year, from September to June

17) Activities CoordinatorDescription :

Establish the activities for the current year in consultation with the Local Committee members, the hosting •and sending families and the participantsDistribute the calendar of activities to the local members, families and participants•Publicize local activities within the committee•Recruit volunteers to help out with the activities as required•Attend local committee meetings •

Availability: Time required will probably average about 5 hours per month

18) Temporary Host FamilyDescription :

Provide a participant with a short-term place to stay, until a new permanent host family is found.••Availability: As needed throughout the program year (August – July) and for a length of time of a few nights up to a few weeks.

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