vox magazine: where's william edition

Post on 01-Apr-2016






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An old edition of the magazine...this is where it all began!


First things first, I think introductions are in order, I’m Emily East (you may recognise me...thought maybe not without the moustache). I am the new Student Editor of the VOX Magazine! I am really looking forward to shaping VOX into a fun-filled read for all of you to enjoy!

Dear Readers,

You know, being the curious person I am, I was wondering...Do you...Love tremendous tunes?

Worship fantastic films? Adore taking snazzy snapshots! Have a burning passion for fashion?

Know your way around a paintbrush and pallet? Enjoy sharing your views on spectacular

sports? Always want to share your exciting experiences about the top theatrical shows in town?

I thought so!

And that is exactly why you should fulfil your destiny by getting involved with VOX, the new and

improved college magazine. If you are unfamiliar with VOX, it is run by students, giving you, yes

YOU, the opportunity to write on a subject that you have such enthusiasm for; music, films,

fashion, art, sport or even just an opinionative article about any matter you feel is important!

Now, you might be thinking ‘Why would I want to do more writing?! I do enough of that in les-

sons!’ Well you can stop thinking that right now, because VOX has something for everyone. Per-

haps you are more suited for photography? Then clearly you should become one of the maga-

zines photographers! A music photographer – tagging along with the music editor, snapping

your favourite band, and maybe getting the chance to bag yourself some gig tickets! A fashion

photographer – working that camera on the catwalk, capturing the latest trends! You know I

could babble on about been a photographer in the other subjects, (which by all means you can

do) but by now I think you get the idea, and I have a limited word count here, so moving on....

If writing or photography isn’t your style, maybe you have artistic blood running through your

veins? Here at VOX we would absolutely love it if we had a comic strip featured in the magazine,

and it makes perfect sense that if you go crazy for comics, you should come and be our cartoon

comic artist! Of course, someone will have to write the comics first, so next time your sat pass-

ing the time in the canteen and a crazy story pops into your mind, (which has happened before

– don’t deny it!) turn it into a comic and get it in the magazine!

Getting involved with VOX is sure to appeal to universities as it will let them know you are able

to work independently on a something you feel so strongly about! Additionally, working with

VOX will improve your CV for future employers, and let’s face it in this day and age that got to

be a good thing, right? And let’s not forget what’s important here... this is your college maga-

zine! Who wants to read some boring, bland magazine eh? With your input and dedication, I’m

sure that VOX with be far from any of those descriptions!

Emily EastEdiotr-in-Chief

Where’s William?College launches exciting summer competiton for new 2012 students.

This summer Wilber-force are giving their newly en-rolled students a chance to win some stonkingly good priz-es. The competition fondly known as ‘Where’s William?’ will see students guessing the mystery locations of Wil-liam’s holiday snaps. In case you missed out on the rules...here is a recap:

Your first challenge is to identify the locations our friend William, and some of his friends, are visit-ing over summer.

Identifying all of the locations cor-rectly will auto-matically win you a mystery prize and enter you into a draw to win an iPad when you join us in Septem-ber 2012.

You will find Wil-liam’s holiday snaps on the Wilberforce Face-book page in the ‘Where’s William? Event’.

Each week from now until the end of July William will pop up a weekly snap for you to feast your eyes on. The idea is to guess each location. To enter this part of the competiton you need to go give Wilberforce Facebook page a big old like and then find the event. By the end of July you could have answered your way to owning yourself a brand spanking new iPad!

The second part of our chal-lenge is over to you...At the

end of July you will receive a pack that will include your very own “Will.a.like” printed on acetate. The idea is to take your own photo with the Will.a.like face to add to the charm. The most creative picture,

as cho-sen by a top panel of judges, will win it’s pho-togra-pher a digital camera. All of the submissions will be dis-played in a fabulous gallery in September.

Try to be creative with your image. You can take your snap anywhere in the world...within reason! (RE-MEMBER: This is a sepa-rate part of the competi-tion and is for the cameraprize not the iPad.)

Simply head on over to the Facebook page and add your picture to the event.

Sally DearingStaff Editor

A Level student Sian Friend has been studying at Wilberforce for three years. Sian is now preparing to study for a degree in Fashion Jour-nalism. Sian has been writing for Vox for 2 years (she even used her previous articles as part of her application portfo-lio!). Here’s Sian’s experience of College life...

The first day in a new environ-ment can be very daunting and I experienced this on my first day at Wilberforce. I didn’t know many people from my old school, which seemed to make it worse, but when I arrived at Wilberforce the mature and enthusiastic atmosphere was very welcoming. Everyone seemed to be happy and socialising and it made me feel at ease. I instantly started meeting and talking to people that I’d never met before and it made me feel more con-fident – clearly everyone was experiencing the same nerves as me. The teachers were kind and friendly too. They were walking around The Dome and talking to new students, answering any questions that they had. On arrival, the site seemed a lot more manageable than my school. It was well signposted and more compact, which made it so much easier to get around and to remember where to go for my lessons. It was modern, clean and tidy, giving the place a welcoming and professional feel. Before I started college I thought it would be difficult to make new

friends. But this isn’t the case at all. Group work is usually pro-vided in the first few lessons to introduce students to each other. Although it can be uncomfortable

at first, it helps so much be-cause it really does get every-

one talking. The breaks that are between lessons also contribute to making new

friends because, in the first few weeks, it gave me the opportunity to socialise with the new people that I had met. I often found that people who I knew had breaks at the same time as me, so we would arrange to go and do col-lege work in the library together or grab a drink and tasty snack from one of the college diners or cafes before a lesson There were so many enrichments available to me when I started at college. A college magazine, sports classes and a radio station to name a few. The one that I found particularly helpful was the Driv-ing Theory session. It gave tips on how to the pass the theory part of the driving test, which I found a lot of students were worried about whilst learning to drive. I passed my theory test first time, and I believe the sessions defi-nitely contributed to it. I am now in my third year at col-lege, studying Travel and Tourism,

and I have genuinely enjoyed every year that I have been here. I have achieved excel-lent A-Levels in English Literature and English Language, as well as AS Levels in Media Studies, Ger-man and History. College has not only provided me with the chance to extend my knowledge in the subjects I enjoy most, it has also allowed me to gain enough UCAS points for me to have my pick of a range of universities for when I leave. As a result of help from my tu-tor, I have produced a personal statement which has enabled me to get an interview with the University for the Creative Arts in London, studying Journalism. I am also waiting to find out if I have gained a place at York St John and Lincoln University. The help I have received from Wilberforce has really helped me in organising my successful university application and it would have been so much more difficult to do it by myself. Overall, my time here at Wil-berforce Sixth Form College has been an amazing and rewarding experience and has helped me to progress towards further educa-tion and my chosen career.

Sian Friend

My first dayof college...and


On my holiday, I am going to my home country Latvia. I am going see my friends and we will be going to the adventure park called Tarzan, then journey-ing to the cinema, breathe in that sea air at the beach, spend some pennies shopping, before going to see some more friends in other part of the country. I might be jumping on a catapult (which I am really excited about!).

Also, I am going to see my family as well as some close family friends. We are going to have a big party in our house celebrat-ing not only my Sister’s birth-day, but my Grandmother’s too! My Sister and I will help our Grandmoth-er with the gar-dening because she is too old to do it.

I will be going by car with my Mum, Sister and step Dad to Lat-via which is going to take us two and half days. At the beginning of August I’m going to my Dad’s house, where I will be going to see my friend who I haven’t seen in four years.

By the time I get back, I will hopefully have a fantastic brown tan! Unfortunately while on my holiday,

I won’t be able to talk to my friends in UK, but at least I will have a brilliant time in my country and I can’t wait....

Renate Budze(14-16 Project)

My Summer

in Latvia!

A clearing in the screeching woods brought

forth the sacrifice he lusted after – it ’s thick

fur coat and gleaming eyes would serve per-

fectly. Clean and swift, that would be all he

could have for now. With one sudden swipe of

his sword, it ’s body tumbled to the floor with

a helpless howl . Licking his weapon clean ,

the killer smiled sweetly with the salty taste,

before dragging his conquest away to complete

the next stage of his plan .

Lauren Waudby

Creative Writing Round-Up

. I didn’t mean to hurt her, I watched as the colour washed out of her angelic perfectly structured face along with dimming glow of the red sun kissed cheeks as her lips trembled with fear. Mine jittered with confusion , I tried to keep them there but as one glass drop deli-cately floated down and the salt met my lips the tears just collapsed and cried out a song of doubt. Why didn’t my Rose know me? The crimson blood trickled around my hand, the guilt dripped off in drops.

Rio Spendlow

Snap. It served him right.I never bothered to move the body; too much faffin’ about, I left him in the barn and locked the doors; put a padlock on for good measure . I thought it would be easy, easy to forget about him ly-ing there on the cold stone floor, his blood soak-ing into the hay that surrounded him. I saw him sometimes. He stood and watched me from the end of my bed. He never spoke, just watched me. His eyes cursing me for what I had done; his mouth pressed into a smile .

Emma Walker

He briefly snapped his eyes shut, for the wrath of fury which he

was currently struggling to hold onto, threatened for release . Af-

ter stifling a ragged breath , he jerked them open . Red clouded his

vision . The lustrous tint of glacier fire blazed, overpowering and

shadowing the once dominant cerulean . Mouth curving into a fe-

ral smile, two sleek and deadly canines descended, soaked in ven-

omous saliva. Within the space of a couple of seconds, he reached

what he had pinpointed and attacked.Angela Beltran

Submit your writing to: voxeditor@wilberforce.ac.uk

Thick blood ran from his frothing mouth be-fore he stumbled and fell dead to the woodland path , the rain battering on his lifeless back.Emily East

as if you care”, creates an atmosphere of boister-ous energy at gigs and turns the audience into a tireless tribe of dedicated You Me at Six devotees. Despite increasing popularity, purists have accused the band of renouncing their British roots in favour of a more mainstream American sound. Critics claim that the album is unoriginal and even that the band’s sound had been tailored with the sole intention of achieving fame. However, these boys aren’t playing to the kind of audience that is happy with mind-less, manufactured pop. The op-posite in fact, You Me at Six fans are hard to please and without all the effort that’s the boys have

put in to create their individual sound, its guaranteed they would not have achieved the mass of fame they have managed too.

This band is by no means one dimensional. Being multifac-eted ensures that YM@6 uniquely for the alterna-

tive rock/early post-hardcore genre of music, have the ability to master the slower songs like Always Attract. This is a strength that has these obviously gorgeous guys guaranteed to have girls going weak at the knees. Lead singer Josh Franceschi’s beauti-

but one that really paid off, literally, in sales.

Signed by Slam Dunk Records the boys took on an Americanised style with an addictive opening track, The Truth is a Terrible Thing aspiring to follow in the footsteps of their influences by achieving a faithful group of fans who appre-ciate their music style. The bleed-ing sarcasm reflects the teen angst underpinned by comical titles like Take off your Clothes, erm...Colours. A pounding an-themic finale sandwiches the meaty mid-section of addictive tracks seasoned with pop-punk

pace. You Me at

Six show a clear understanding of main-stream punk music in this album by showing they can create pacey and catchy songs that guarantee crowd participation. The Rumour, a punchy track where the entire band sing “Hold your hands in, into the air. Hold your hands up

In this issue Rebekah has one thing on her mind...You Me At Six.

Surrey boys You Me at Six have worked relentlessly since 2004 to build up their loyal fan base in preparation for their new album release on the 3rd October ‘11. From their humble beginnings at The Cockpit, Leeds and Colchester Arts Centre to the main stage alongside Paramore and Fall out Boy; the band’s hard work finally paid off in 2009 when they played their own headline tour.

Virtually unheard of until 2008 and the release of Take off Your Colours, You Me at Six had been work-ing hard perfect-ing their sound, inspired by the musical triumphs of Blink 182, Incu-bus and 0. With influences from the pop punk success of Ameri-can bands Green Day and The Offspring the band have tweaked and fine-tuned their instruments, going so far as to replace their amateurish drummer right before the album release – a bold risk,

The Strive for Success

ful vocals combined with buzz saw guitar riffs, romantic lyrics and the added bonus of having a female singer - none other than Josh’s sister Elissa – and the track is destined to be a hit. The final part of the album is more diverse and we are introduced to You’ve Made Your Bed - a self referential track dedicated to an ex girlfriend that has a fair amount of woe-ful “woahs” thrown in for good measure. As you approach the last few tracks, this album can begin to feel like a marathon-listen, more than 12 tracks, not including bonuses, is a signifi-cant mistake for all but the most treasured time-served bands and only permissible (just) with the Christmas ‘Best of...’ album. But this misguided judgement of tim-ing, shouldn’t put people off, after all tracks are skippable in the 21st century and this is, undoubtedly a great pop-punk album showing nothing put future potential.

In 2010 You Me at Six went on to release their second album Hold Me Down through Virgin Records and they seem to hold on to their Americanised sound - more than likely in the hope to keep their fans as fans. We tend to hear the same catchy chorus’ and heavy layered guitars in this album but instead of the fun and cheeky lyrics that we all loved, we get a bitter feeling from this album, as the lyrics are centred around Josh’s breakup. Highly strung critics went crazy after hearing this album, complaining left right and centre about how repetitive and soppy the tracks are and how after signing with a major label the boys have “sold out” for the clichéd love songs written by a great looking ‘boy band’. Their criticisms were apparently un-founded since the album placed a number 4 spot in the charts. Prior

to release the band stated they were very happy that the album “reflects our growth as people and musicians”. If the band’s happy, the fans are sure to follow.

It’s good to see that the strong vocals are still there – so, well done Josh – in the slower songs such as Stay with Me and Fireworks. The album also features guest vocals from Aled Phil-lips of Kids in Glass Houses on There’s No Such Thing as Acciden-tal Infidelity and Sean Smith of The Blackout on first single, The Consequence. Just like any band YM@6 are becoming increas-ingly advanced with their song writing in this album with clever lyrics such as “3 whole words and 8 letters late, well that would have worked on me yesterday” (Fireworks) – far more original than the anticipated heartbroken sentiments. Although the album doesn’t really differ in sound it’s an easier album to listen to and you can hear in the songs that the boys are maturing and taking their music a lot more seriously, they also seemed to have devel-oped as a band in the making of this album. Although the album is mainly about breakup, the female fans have taken it as a positive be-cause after all who wouldn’t want a guy who’s attractive and has a beautiful singing voice.

After being nominated for the Kerrang! Award for Best British Band in 2008, 2009 & 2010 - but losing to Bullet for My Valentine: the Welsh heavy metal band from Bridgend who formed in 1998 - in 2011 YM@6 was nominated yet again and this time finally landed their well deserved K! Award

crown: Best British Band.

Fresh from a UK headline tour YM@6 have released a new single Rescue Me featuring Chiddy – one half of the American alterna-tive hip hop band Chiddy Bang - showing the boys are taking a

risk to branch out to a more diverse audi-ence. Following in the similar footsteps of B.O.B ft. Hay-ley Williams - Airplanes the boys created an

upbeat song about heartbreak “I feel a hate crashing over me, so rescue me” even though the lyrics in context are dreary the cheerful backing track gives the fans hope that the happy go lucky London lads they all loved are back.

With the new album Sinners Nev-er Sleep soon to be released, the single Loverboy was unleashed to fans on the 30th August as a taste of what is yet to come. The band has described the song as the most similar to their old trade-mark music with catchy guitar riffs and a punch chorus. The critics responded positively to this track assuring fans that they won’t be disappointed. With a hum along beginning and a chorus that sticks in your head all day the album is destined to be first-class. You Me at Six will undoubtedly ex-pand their fan base with this new album with rumours surfaced on the internet that the band has invited several guests to appear on the upcoming album, some of which are Bring Me the Horizon’s front man Oli Sykes, Adele and Hayley Williams.

Rebekah Emerson

Our principal, Stephan Jungnitz, is sadly retiring this year and we have ap-pointed a new principal – our previous Vice Principal, David Cooper (congratulations David!)

Exclusively for Vox Maga-zine, David and Stephan have agreed to take part in a joint “Ask” page. Here are their an-swers to questions posed by you – the students of Wilber-force College!

How do you feel about be-coming the new Principal of Wilberforce College?

I think I’m still a bit shocked, but also excited by the prospect. These are challenging times for young people and education, and that challenge is very sharply felt in Hull. It’s mine and all of our responsibilities to make sure that the College prepares Wilberforce students so that they make the most of their skills and talents.

What are you most looking forward to about your new role?

I’m a bit hyperactive and I really enjoy taking on new things, not standing still. There’s certainly going to be lots that is new in this role, so it should keep me very well occupied.

On a personal level, in all honesty having a tidy office, and someone to help me do that. I file in piles of paper, and it doesn’t look pretty. Now I will have somewhere to store it all away.

What are your hopes and dreams for Wilber-force Col-lege in the future?

I was brought up in East Hull, and my experience of education at Andrew Marvell School (no Sixth Form Colleges then) was fantastic, gave me a real love for learning.

I want this College to do the same for all of its students, to continue to give them an outstanding edu-cation that opens doors for their futures, but also provides some terrific memories and friendships. Qualifications are absolutely the key, but College needs to be so much more than an exams fac-tory.

You have been working at Wil-berforce College for many years now, what is your best memo-ry?

There are two that stand out. In 2007 when Ofsted came, the inspectors graded Wilberforce students as ‘Outstanding’, and

that was in comparison to all students nation-ally. They did the same again in 2011. Having been at the Col-lege as you say ‘for many years’, that made me very proud.My other memory is the incredible light show that Roger Waites and the Art Department put on earlier this year, when they lit

up the entire front of the College. It stopped buses and gathered a crowd. If you didn’t see it, have a look on the College website.

If you could offer one piece of advice to students for their future lives, what would it be?

It might seem a bit of a cliché, but I would say ‘make the most of every opportunity’, in College, at home, in work. It all helps to shape who we are, and you never know when that experience will come in useful.

Ask...Stephan.and david


What has been your favourite aspect of your job as Princi-pal here at Wilberforce Col-lege?

Conversations I’ve had with students in the canteen, in the library and around college. Those conversations have helped me to think about students’ needs, plan what we do in college, and have kept me on my toes!

What’s your best memory from your time here?

Getting gunged was certainly the worst! When I agreed to do it I had no idea how horrid the whole thing would feel. My best memory is of results days and seeing students win-ning university places, get-ting grades needed for jobs and leaving the college set up for a great future career.

What are your hopes and dreams for Wilberforce College in the future?

I hope that Wilberforce can continue to support and nur-ture the aims, ambitions and dreams of students and do it in a way which exceeds students’ expectations.

What will you miss the most about the job?

The buzz and liveliness of working in an environment with enthusias-tic and lively students.

Are there any things that you really won’t miss?!

Late finishes from governors’ meetings, which sometimes go on very late into the evening.

If you could offer one piece of advice to students for their future lives, what would it be?

Be adventurous. In other words, don’t feel that anything isn’t pos-sible, or anything isn’t worth try-ing. Have a go and don’t be shy!

Thank you to all students who submitted questions.

Everyone at VOX would like to wish both Stephan and David lots of luck in the com-

ing year and we hope that Stephan finally gets a rest!!

Stephan Top 5Things About College

Some members of staff like Sue, Jane or David because they helped

us get use to the college when we were transferred here and they were all really nice. I personally also felt more con-fident in lessons than when I was in my old school.

The Common room because there is lots of space and enough

seats and tables for everyone to sit in there and talk at break time and have our dinners. There is also a large TV what we can watch

The canteens because there is again lots of space for people to

sit and eat there dinners and there is a large variety of food to choose from. There is also good range of vegetarian meals to choose form which is good for people like me as I have more choice.

The Art Block because it provides a good source of raw materials

meaning we can actually make things and get a better grade in art. There are also plenty of class rooms with lots of space.

The computer rooms because there is enough computers for

everyone to go on and there is big fans what keep the room nice and cool when it’s hot weather.

Amy Thompson(14-16 Project)






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