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  • Voyagers Lesson 1

    September 9/10 1

  • Voyagers Lesson 1

    September 9/10 2


    About this Series:

    Man the hatches! Hoist the sail! Pull up the anchor, but don’t do it alone. Sailing a ship takes an entire

    crew. Each person has their own role, from the captain to the cook. In our own lives, the roles may be

    different, but the problems are the same. With friends for our crew, parents as our captains, and even an

    occasional storm, how can we manage the rough seas of relationships?

    Memory Verse:

    Philippians 2:4- “None of you should look out just for your own good. You should also look out for the

    good of others.”

    Weekly Overview:

    Lesson: Topic: Big Idea:

    Lesson 1:

    Sept. 9/10

    Lesson 2:

    Sept. 16/17

    Lesson 3:

    Sept. 23/24

    Lesson 4:

    Sept. 30/Oct. 1

    Lesson 5:

    Oct. 7/8

    Lesson 6:

    Oct. 14/15

    Choosing Your Crew

    Rehoboam- 1 Kings 12

    Rough Seas

    Jonah- Jonah 1-4

    Captain’s Orders

    David and Saul- 1 Samuel 16-19


    Paul writes Letters- Philippians

    Damage Control

    Jacob and Esau- Genesis 27, 33


    Jesus and Peter- Matthew 14:22-33;

    John 19-21, John 13:34, Ephesians 2:13.

    To make good friends, I must

    be a good friend.

    I can be a good friend to


    Respect makes my

    relationships better.

    My words can help me be a

    good friend.

    Forgiveness can fix a broken


    I can have a relationship with


    Large Group

  • Voyagers Lesson 1

    September 9/10 3


    Series at a Glance for Elevate (continued)

    Lesson 1: Choosing Your Crew

    King Rehoboam had only been king of Israel a short time, but he already had a big choice to make. The

    royal advisers encouraged him to give everyone a break from work for a while. His group of childhood

    friends said to work the people even harder than before. Rehoboam’s choice of friends shaped his legacy

    as king. How are your friends shaping you?

    Lesson 2: Rough Seas

    Relationships are rarely easy. When a person or a group of people is against us, it can feel like we are

    sailing in a vicious storm. How can we keep going through the rough seas of bullying, teasing, and lost

    friendships? Jonah knew what that felt like, but when God asked him to stand up to people he didn’t like,

    it was in a way Jonah never expected. God didn’t tell Jonah to fight back or get even. Instead, he told

    Jonah to help the people he disliked.

    Lesson 3: Captain’s Orders

    No ship can be without a captain. The same is true in life. Everywhere you go, there’s a teacher, a leader,

    a parent, telling you what to do. It’s not always fun, but those relationships are some of the most

    important ones in our lives. It’s extra hard when that leader isn’t someone you like. For years, David had

    to follow a mean and unlikable leader, even though David was destined to be king! The way he treated

    King Saul is a great example of how respect makes our relationships better.

    Lesson 4: Ahoy!

    Many relationships today are built on words. You might text, talk, message, call, or snap what you want

    to say, but all of those things are ways to communicate. This week we’ll ask “What am I

    communicating?” How do the words you choose affect your relationships? A man named Paul knew the

    power of words. He used words to encourage people, solve problems, and help others in amazing ways.

    Come and discover the incredible power of your own words!

    Lesson 5: Damage Control

    Many relationships end up broken. Some sink slowly, but others are wrecked in a storm of mean words

    and anger. Jacob and Esau had a stormy past. They were brothers, but hadn’t seen each other in twenty

    years! Lies, fighting, and stealing had broken them apart, but there was still one thing that could repair

    their wrecked relationship: forgiveness.

    Lesson 6: Rescue

    There is a lot we can do to make our relationships better. Even so, there is one relationship we are in that

    we can’t repair. All of us are sinking in sin, we’ve broken our relationship with God, and there is nothing

    we can do to change that. We need to be rescued. God sent Jesus, not only to show us how to be free from

    sin, but to show us that God loves us. Following Jesus will guide us to the most important relationship of

    all: our friendship with God.

  • Voyagers Lesson 1

    September 9/10 4


    Lesson Outline for Elevate

    Lesson 1: Choose Your Crew

    Lesson Segment Total Running Time


    Opening Song (2:00)

    Welcome (1:00)

    Question of the Day (2:00)

    Group Activity (10:00)

    Worship: Heartbeat (5:00) 0:00 - 20:00


    Media: Part 1 (4:00)

    Lesson Intro (1:00)

    Group Time (15:00) 20:00-40:00


    Memory Verse Challenge (3:00)

    Media: Part 2 (7:00)

    Application (5:00)

    Worship: Jump (4:00)

    Wrap Up (1:00) 40:00 - 60:00

    Video Cue Slide Cue Audio Cue Tech Notes

  • Voyagers Lesson 1

    September 9/10 5

    Opening Song 2:00

    Welcome to Elevate! I’m super excited that you are all here! We have so many new people,

    turn around and learn one person’s name!

    Welcome 1:00

    My name is _______! I’m excited to meet all of you. Welcome to a brand new year of

    Elevate! I am so excited to see all of you here today!

    We’ve got a lot of incredible things to do today. In fact, we’re starting a wild adventure.

    We’re going to meet some new friends, solve a big problem, and when you leave, you’ll

    have a challenge to complete. In fact, I have a couple new things to tell you about. When

    you came in, you got an arm band with your team’s color on it. I hope you found your team

    leader, but if not, just look for the adult with your team’s arm band! Let’s see, can I get a

    cheer from the orange team? How about the gray team? The white team? The black team?

    And finally, the teal team!

    As you’ve probably noticed, we have a competition going on for your teams this series. Up

    here, we have a large point tracker for each of your teams. Your team will earn points for

    the next five weeks, when you bring a friend, and at random times during the lesson. The

    best way to earn points for your team is by bringing a friend! Every time you do, you will

    get a point ball! Do This: Drop one ping pong ball into each team’s point tracker.

    You get a prize for bringing a new friend to any week of this series, and if you bring a friend

    to the last week, you get an extra-special prize, too. There’s also a big reason for all of us to

    invite. I’m going to let our kids pastor tell you more about what all of us could win!

    (Roll when directed) Elevate Opener

    (Auto advance) Elevate Slide and Underscore

  • Voyagers Lesson 1

    September 9/10 6

    Question of the Day 2:00

    That will be awesome! Make sure you are inviting your friends to each week of this series,

    to get as many points as you can, and remember, you and your friend get a prize every time

    you bring someone who hasn’t been to Elevate before! Every time you are here in Elevate,

    we want you to get to know each other better. That’s why we always start out with a question

    of the day!

    What is the greatest adventure you have been on? This could be a time you have traveled

    far away, or something cool you did this summer like camping, hiking, or sailing. Find

    someone who is wearing the same arm band color as you, and listen to their cool

    adventure. Then, tell them about yours! Do This: Emcee as the kids are sharing their answers. Encourage them to share with the people

    around them, and encourage any kid whose story you hear.

    Know This: It’s more important that the kids interact with each other than with you. Allow them

    time enough to share with each other, and don’t have them share with the whole group.

    I’m pumped to be starting this new adventure with all of you in Elevate. Speaking of that,

    one of the most important things to have on an adventure is a team. You have a team here

    in Elevate, too! You can find them by looking at their arms. Everyone on your team is

    wearing the same color! In a minute, your team is going to work together to complete a

    challenge. Before you do that, let me explain how it’s all going to work.

    Group Activity 10:00

    (Auto Advance) QOTD Slide: What is the greatest adventure you have been on?

    Question of the Day Video

    Kids Pastor Message- Slime and Gear (Campus-Specific) (0:30)

  • Voyagers Lesson 1

    September 9/10 7

    Worship 5:00

    First, I’m going to need some team cheers. You may not have met all your teammates yet,

    so this time we’ll go for volume. Let’s see which team can cheer the loudest when I say your

    grade! Fifth grade? Fourth grade! Third grade! Second grade! First grade! Good job, all of

    you. _____ grade, you were super loud, so here are some points! Do This: Put a couple ping pong balls into the tube of the team that cheers the loudest.

    Today has a lot to do with colors, so I thought we’d play a game that has to do with colors,

    too. Each of you is going to get five jelly beans. Can I get the volunteers to hand them out?

    It’s important that you have exactly five, so don’t eat any of them!

    While they hand them out, I’ll go over the rules. You are going to be trading jelly beans with

    other people. You can only trade one bean with one person, so you’ll have to find a lot of

    people! Your goal is to get five of the exact same color jelly bean. When all the beans in

    your hand are the same color, come up to the front! The first person to the front, with five

    of the same jelly beans, is the winner!

    Once you’re ready with your beans, we’ll begin. Remember, you can only trade one bean at

    a time with one person. When you get all five to match, come up to the front. Ready? Set?

    Go! Do This: Give the team of the winning person one or two point balls.

    Congrats to our winner! I’m going to give you a token that you can trade for a prize at the

    end of the hour. And good job to the rest of you. You can throw your beans into the trash

    cans our volunteers are bringing around.

    Game Title Slide: “Bean-There Done-That”

    Worship Slide

    Fun Game Music!

  • Voyagers Lesson 1

    September 9/10 8

    Media: Part 1 4:00

    We’re here in Elevate to have fun and get to know each other, but there is an even bigger

    reason we are here, too. We’re here to get to know God. That’s why the church exists, so

    that people can get to know God together. One way we do that is by praising him. We praise

    God by talking or singing to him, thanking him, and showing that we love him! Let’s get up

    on our feet and sing an awesome song to God right now.

    This is a new song for everyone, so we have some new actions to learn. The chorus is pretty

    simple, though, so let’s learn that together. We’ve got the words up on the screen for you,

    and I’ll show you the actions.

    Do This: Show kids the actions to the chorus of “Heartbeat.”

    Worshipping God with all of you is incredible. Another way we can show love to God is by

    talking to him. That is called prayer. Sometimes when people pray, they get on their knees

    and fold their hands, and that is a good way to show God respect. The truth is, though, you

    can pray anytime and anywhere. Whatever you want to talk about, God will listen to you. In

    fact, you can even pray without speaking. God knows what you are thinking about! Though

    we don’t have to, we usually close our eyes and bow our heads, to show respect for God

    while we talk to him. It’s not a time to talk to our friends or make noises, prayer is a big

    deal. Let’s take a minute to talk to God now.

    God, thank you for everyone here in church today. Help us to learn more about you while

    we’re here. You are so amazing, and so incredible. Thank you for loving us. Amen.

    Today, we begin a brand-new adventure with an incredible team of heroes. They are called

    the Light Force. They have dedicated their lives to defending the Nexus, a virtual world,

    against an evil crew known as the Syndicate. Check out the screen as we meet with the Light


    Boom, boom, the beat of your heart, the beat of your heart goes on and on.

    Boom boom they’re playing my song, so turn it up, can’t get enough of your love.

    Song 1: Heartbeat

    (Auto advance) Worship Slide

  • Voyagers Lesson 1

    September 9/10 9

    Lesson Intro 1:00

    It doesn’t seem like Network has much respect for Spectrum. I hope they can figure out what

    to do before something bad happens.

    Today we depart on a seafaring adventure called “Voyagers.” This series is all about

    relationships, and it has a lot to do with the problem that team is facing. The big question is,

    how do you find good friends? All of us need friends. On a long sea voyage, choosing a

    good ship’s crew is super important. Just like that, the friends we choose change our lives,

    either helping us make good choices, or not so good ones. Since friends are so important,

    how do we choose the right ones? You know what, I’m not sure. This is a problem you are

    going to have to figure out. To do that, I’m going to send you into group time! Follow your

    leader to your group’s area, and see if your group can come up with an answer to that big


    Group Time 15:00 Do This: Make sure each kid finds their group. Help group leaders if there is a need. Encourage

    kids as they work to answer the question.

    Know This: Kids will be discussing how to make good friends. This is a time for them to search

    for answers, and see how they can use the Bible to investigate and better understand life. This time

    is designed for kids to interact and deepen their understanding. They won’t get all the answers, but

    allow them to question and discover as much as possible.

    Do This: Give the groups a warning about one minute before this time is up. When this time ends,

    transition into the memory verse challenge.

    Memory Verse Challenge 3:00

    Light Force: Part 1 (4:00)

    (Auto advance) Series Title Slide: Voyagers

    Bumper Video

  • Voyagers Lesson 1

    September 9/10 10

    Come on up to the front, but make sure to sit by your team, because it’s time for a group

    memory verse challenge! Each series here in Elevate, we learn a new memory verse. These

    verses come from the amazing book God has given us: the Bible. During this Voyagers

    series, we’re learning a verse from the book of the Bible called Philippians, chapter 2, verse

    4. This was written by a guy named Paul, who started some of the very first churches.

    None of you should look out just for your own good. You should also look out for the good

    of others. What a great verse. All of us are good at looking out for ourselves. When you

    want good things, like a good grade, a goal in soccer, or a pizza, you try to get them. This

    verse means that we shouldn’t only try to make good things happen to ourselves, we should

    look for ways to make good things happen to others. We can help someone out in school,

    encourage them, or share the last piece of that pizza. Those are awesome ways to be a good


    For this memory verse challenge, you will need your group team. You have two minutes to

    practice this verse. Then, I’m going to have your group say the verse together. I’ll give you

    more points the louder you are! Get with your groups, and practice! Know This: Encourage teams as they work together. They may read the verse from the screen, so

    leave it up during this time.

    Alright, it’s time to say the memory verse. When I call your group, say it as loud as you can! Do This: Call each team, and give them points. If a team is super loud, give them three or four balls,

    but make sure each team gets some points.

    Good work! That was quick for all of you. We’ll be learning this verse more over the next

    few weeks, so be sure to keep thinking about it.

    Media: Part 2 7:00

    Now, let’s check in with the Light Force team, and see how they are going to handle their

    big problem.

    (Auto-Advance) Memory Verse Slide: Philippians 2:4- “None of you should look out just for

    your own good. You should also look out for the good of others.”

    Light Force: Part 2 (7:00)

  • Voyagers Lesson 1

    September 9/10 11

    I’m super glad they figured that out. I know that my friends have changed my life in a lot

    of ways. I’m also glad I have better friends than King Rehoboam did.

    Application 5:00

    We can put that story, and our memory verse, to some use right now. The verse was about

    looking out for the good of others. What does that have to do with choosing good friends?

    Well, all of you have been talking about different things that a good friend should be, and

    ways to make good friends. Can you tell me some of those things? Do This: Allow 2-3 of the groups to show what they made in group time. Encourage them to share

    both the things they said a good friend should do, and ways that they came up with to choose good

    friends. To encourage them to share, put a ping-pong ball into the point tracker of the teams that

    reply. You don’t have to tell them that their team gets points when they share, they will get the idea.

    Know This: Encourage each group! Their ideas may be funny and creative, that is all great.

    Those are all important things for a good friend to do. A good friend is there for you, they

    help you, they stand up for you, they are fun to be with, and they help you make good

    choices. I loved your ideas for ways to make good friends, too! Thinking about that memory

    verse gave me an idea, though. I need two volunteers to help me out! Do This: Choose two volunteers of about the same height and build. You may want to choose two

    kids of the same gender, as well.

    You two are going to be friends. Can you tell me your names? Great. Could you sit back to

    back with each other? Now, your goal here is simple. You must link elbows behind your

    backs. Yep, just like that. Now, both of you should work together to stand up. Give it a try! Do This: Allow the kids to stand up. Clap when they do!

    Nice work. Now, I need a third volunteer. Do This: Choose a third volunteer of the same gender. Make sure she/he is about the same size as

    the other two volunteers.

    You are going to join their group, and link arms with both of them. The problem is, you

    don’t want to help. You are like someone who wants people to be their friend, but doesn’t

    want to make the effort to be a good friend to others. So, these two are going to try to stand

    up, but you aren’t going to help at all.

    (Auto advance) Series Title Slide: Voyagers

  • Voyagers Lesson 1

    September 9/10 12

    Wrap-Up 1:00

    Worship 4:00

    Do This: Allow the kids to attempt to stand up. If the third volunteer isn’t helping, this should be

    nearly impossible.

    Good try! Do you see what this means? What do you think this can tell us about choosing

    good friends? Do This: Allow some kids to answer, including the kids on the stage.

    Great thoughts. It makes me think of several things, but I keep wondering how often I’ve

    been this third friend, and missed out on ways that I could be a good friend to others. There

    are times where other friends can help you, but it’s important to look out for ways to help

    them, too. To have good friends, we need to start by being good friends to others. Like our

    memory verse says, this starts by looking out for others, not just ourselves. That’s a big deal,

    and I know all of you can do it. Thank you all for helping! You can go back to your seats.

    Our relationships and friendships matter to God. He cares about our families, friends, and

    neighbors, too. His love for us is so incredible, it makes me want to sing, dance, and

    celebrate! Let’s do that with this song, Jump!

    God’s love is awesome! As we finish today, there’s one thing I want to encourage you to

    do. Tell someone about what you learned today. Talk to your parents, friends, or someone

    here in Elevate about what you thought was the most interesting thing we did or talked about.

    Tell them our main point, that you need to be a good friend to make good friends.

    As you leave, make sure you grab one of these, a family connection card. Do This: Show kids the family connection card.

    Song 2: Jump

    (Auto advance) Series Title Slide: Voyagers

  • Voyagers Lesson 1

    September 9/10 13

    We’re giving you a different one of these cards every week this series. This card can help

    you remember what we talked about today, and gives you a chance to share what you learned

    about with others.

    There’s one more important thing to know. You get points for bringing your friends that

    haven’t been to Elevate before. If someone who is new to Elevate comes with you, let us

    know as you check out today, and your team will get more points!

    Let’s finish by talking to God one more time. He’s the one who teaches us all of this, and

    the best leader ever.

    God, thank you for leading us all here to Elevate. Help us to be good friends to others, and

    make good choices in our friends. You are great. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    Elevate Slide

    Closing Music

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