walleye fishing secrets

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Learn how to fish for Walleye and bring home more fish.


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Walleye Fishing Secrets and Techniques.

If you are heading to Sarasota, Florida for Vacation, then here are some fishing tips to help you maximize your vacation fun - Fishing Sarasota.

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Your Walleye Fishing Guide

Table of Contents

What Are Walleye

What Gear Do You Need

Do You Need a Boat for Walleye Fishing

The Best Time to Fish for Walleye - Spring, Summer, Autumn or


How to Prepare for the Season

All About Bait

What About Rigging and Jigging

Should You Hire a Guide

Ever Try a Fly-in

Preserving Your Prize Winning Walleye

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What Are Walleye

A Beginner Angler's Guide to the Walleye

If you've never fished before, many of your more experienced fishing buddies

will probably recommend you go after the walleye. This popular fish, which is

also Minnesota's state fish, is a challenge to catch but when you do reel one in,

you'll find that it's all worth the effort. Here are some fascinating things you

might want to know about the walleye:

Getting to know the walleye

The walleye, or Sander vitreus, is also known as the yellow walleye, yellow

pike, pickerel or walleyed pike, never mind that it isn’t a relative of pikes or

pickerels. This fish with many names is native to Canada, although it also

makes many northern parts of the United States its home. It is the North

American cousin of Europe's pike perch.


Walleye are sleek, beautiful fish that can grow to about 30 to 36 inches (75 to

90 cms.) in length. They look like the perch in general appearance. Walleye

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can reach about 10 to 15 lbs. (5 to 7 kgs.) in weight, although some might

even exceed that. A walleye caught in the state of Montana, for example,

weighed in at more than 16 lbs. and was measured at over 36 inches long.

Walleye have a large mouth filled with sharp teeth.

Walleye are a mixture of gold and olive and the dorsal side tends to be olive,

with the color gradually turning golden at the flanks. The belly of the fish is

white, with dark saddles at its upper sides.

Female walleye tend to be larger compared to males. How fast they grow will

depend on their location. Walleye found in southern regions, for example, tend

to grow larger and much faster than other walleye.

Walleye tend to be old geezers, capable of living for a decade or more. In fact,

the longest living walleye on record reached a ripe old age of 29. This often

happens in fishing areas where populations largely remain untouched.

However, in places where populations are heavily fished, walleye reach only

about 4 or 5 years of age.

Why walleye?

The reason why it's called the walleye is because its eyes reflect light. Beneath

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its eye surface lies a layer that gathers light. This makes the fish capable of

seeing even in areas with little light, which explains why walleye also stay in

deeper waters. This type of behavior is noted by many anglers, who usually

fish for the walleye at dusk or at night, when feeding occurs.

Walleye can also see well in rough or breaking water, where it will catch prey.

This is why many anglers will look for areas with rough waters. These waters

are also referred to as 'walleye chop' because walleye tend to congregate


Fishing for walleye

The walleye became a favorite catch among anglers because of their beautiful

appearance and impressive size. Many anglers have mounted walleye proudly

and many of these catches are a testament to the its striking beauty.

Another reason that makes the walleye a well sought-after fish is that it isn’t

that easy to catch. This isn’t the type of fish that you just get up one morning,

head off for the lake and hope to catch. In fact, anglers have to watch for

certain locations, conditions, weather and even seasons to catch walleye.

Its popularity is also the reason why walleye fishing is regulated to avoid

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depleting the current population. Agencies in charge of natural resources will

often check anglers’ catches to determine if they meet length limitations and

quotas. If you fish for walleye, for example, you can’t fillet the fish in such a

way that it is unrecognizable. It should be easily identifiable and its actual

length measurable. Otherwise, you will be violating regulations.

In Minnesota where the walleye is king, a giant statue of the fish stands. It is

so popular with the locals that residents of Minnesota are the largest

consumers of the walleye in the U.S. However, the walleye’s fame extends far

north, where it remains as one of the fish that Canadians seek on regular

fishing trips. Since fishing is well regulated in both the U.S. and Canada, there

is good reason that the walleye will remain as popular today as it will be years

from now.

What Gear Do You Need

Fishing Gear You Will Need to Catch the Walleye

Catching walleye will depend on your equipment. In fact, more than the boat,

it's the gear that will matter most in fishing. True, you can successfully catch

walleye with the basic rod and a simple bait hanging from the line but really,

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when it's walleye you're eyeing, don't you want to increase your chances?

Here are some tips on determining what fishing gear you need and how to

choose them to catch the elusive walleye:

Choose a good, sturdy rod.

The rod is one of the basic components of your fishing gear. A lot of things ride

on the type of fishing rod you buy. If you've never fished before, try buying a

basic rod. Don’t buy the fanciest one. As a novice angler, there's a good

chance you wouldn’t know what to do with it, at least for now.

If possible, go to the store yourself and pick your own fishing rod. Hold it in

your hands and determine if the weight, size and feel are right for you. If you

can grip it comfortably, it's probably a good choice.

A heavyweight rod?

In terms of weight, consider the type of water you will be fishing in. Walleye

live in lakes and rivers and there will be times when you'll have to fish in rough

water. Here, you will be better off choosing a fishing rod that is a bit heavier.

A heavier rod will withstand choppy waters and heavy fish. They will also allow

you to cast faster.

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The only disadvantage of a heavy rod is that if you're a beginner, it can be

tough to handle. But if it's the walleye you want, then an active and heavy fish

like this will need a stronger rod. Go for a rod that offers medium action and is

about 6 +' to 7' long.

Other than the weight, choose a rod that feels generally comfortable in your

hands. Remember that the walleye is a rather elusive creature and you could

be handling that rod for a long time in the water. If you aren’t comfortable,

you won't enjoy fishing at all.

As for material, fishing rods come in different materials. Three of the most

popular include wood, fiberglass and carbon fiber. Again, check how well you

can handle it. Check also for flexibility. Walleye can grow up to 30+ inches

and they can be quite heavy. Even if you caught a 15-inch fish, struggling with

it can be a challenge if your fishing rod is not flexible enough.

Buy a fishing line with the appropriate weight.

Fishing lines will matter when trying to catch the walleye. If you catch a big

fish using a line with a low weight, you could lose it in the struggle because the

line simply can’t hold the fish. Go for a fishing line in the mid-weight category.

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A fishing line with an 8 or 10-lb. test will do nicely.

Selecting a reel.

Modern fishing gear will definitely need a good, reliable reel. Otherwise, you'll

be spending a half of your time trying to untangle your fishing line just to throw

it back into the water. A good reel keeps your line in place, preventing tangles

as you go.

Some experts recommend a spinning reel and rod. This type of fishing gear

will make it easier for you to use light cranks and jigs, two components often

used to catch the walleye. Check for drag. The reel should be smooth and

easy, extremely useful if you'll be faced with a walleye who is more than willing

to battle it out with you.

Choose a reel that fits well with your rod. Again, don’t choose gear that will

weigh you down or be lighter than what you can normally handle. Check the

gear that holds and releases the line. An open-faced reel uses a bail while a

casting reel can be operated with a button.

Buy a good lure.

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Although you can use live bait with walleye successfully, you might also want

to try using flies and lures to complete your fishing gear. In terms of purchase,

by the way, this part is the most fun primarily because flies and lures are

produced in different shapes, sizes, colors and function.

To attract the walleye, choose a lure that is a bit bigger and colorful. Colors

such as red, blue, silver, perch and chartreuse are a hit with walleye. Stock up

on lures and bait that come in natural shades as well. In clear water, walleye

find these irresistible.

Do You Need a Boat for Walleye Fishing

Need a Boat to Fish for Walleye? Use This Practical Guide

Fishing for walleye is fun and challenging because this isn’t an easy fish to

catch. Anglers also prefer this fish because of its beauty and size. Although

many anglers have had success in fishing for walleye from the banks of lakes

or rivers, the need to use a boat often crops up in the pursuit of this elusive


Fishing for walleye from a boat

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Using a boat to fish for walleye will depend on where the fish is found during a

particular fishing trip. Practically speaking, any spot on a lake or river that

can't be reached if you're standing on the shore is only accessible if you use a

boat. A boat is also a practical means with which to follow the walleye.

And really, who hasn’t found fishing in a boat more comfortable? You're dry,

you're seated comfortably and you can even doze off as you wait for the

elusive walleye. Imagine doing that while fishing from the shore or standing

waist deep in water.

What type of boat do you need?

When it comes to using a fishing boat, you have dozens of choices. However,

not every one is a perfect fit. Consider some of these facts before honing in on

your fishing boat:

Are you fishing alone?

If you're the type of angler who likes to enjoy catching fish by your lonesome,

a small boat should be enough to hold you and your equipment comfortably.

However, if you're fishing with a buddy or several other anglers, find a boat

that you all can fit into, with room to move and store your gear.

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Your location

Will you be on a river or a lake? Larger bodies of water such as lakes and

reservoirs make it impractical to choose a boat without a motor. Or if it does

have one, it should be capable of higher speeds to let you move from one area

to another quickly and conveniently. A boat with an electric trolling motor, for

example, may not be very effective on larger bodies of water.

Another consideration is the drift factor. A lake may seem serene and

motionless but there are unseen currents that will move the boat in a certain

direction. Of course, there's also the wind factor. Consider if the boat will drift

faster from the bow or the stern and find out how you will have to compensate

in case of an uneven drift.

Your equipment

The barest essentials when it comes to walleye fishing using a boat include

your fishing gear and nothing else. These days, however, more anglers prefer

to bring in more equipment, such as coolers with ice for storage, cleaning

equipment, even cameras.

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If you will be loading your boat with this stuff and more, make sure there's

enough room in the boat for you to move.


If you'll be fishing on a windy day, will the boat be able to handle it? On

overcast days when fishing for walleye is nearly effortless, does your boat

provide you and your equipment with enough protection in case of a


Your dream fishing boat

Now that you have an idea of what you need from a boat to enjoy fishing for

walleye, it's time to choose your boat. First, of course, is the size and material.

Smaller boats that can hold two to three people are about 14' to 20' long.

Longer ones are about 22' long. These are made of aluminum.

Choose whether you prefer a V-bottom or a flat bottom boat. V-bottoms,

particularly those with deep Vs, are better for use in deeper and larger bodies

of water because they are more stable against heavy waves. Regular Vs are

best used for smaller lakes.

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Manufacturers and dealers also offer different layouts and styles, so simply

choose one that will offer the best in terms of comfort and functionality.

Fiberglass boats are also excellent units, often built to provide speed and

durability. These boats are usually bigger, ranging from 15' to about 30'. If

you fish frequently for walleye in rougher waters, try a center console boat.

When you're far from shore, you will have to rely on this boat for endurance

and stability. It is also equipped with onboard gear you'll find useful offshore.

If you like practicality and function, folding inflatable boats are ideal. These

boats are perfect if you're mobile or if you prefer to use your own boat for

fly-ins. They are easy to store and may be used both for freshwater and

saltwater fishing. If you prefer more in terms of performance, bigger boats

make excellent choices for sports fishing.

Want more comfort and company? Choose cruisers or walk-around boats that

can hold you, your friends or family and your equipment. In terms of creature

comforts, these boats are well equipped, perfect if you want to spend a full day

(or more) onboard to fish for walleye.

The Best Time to Fish for Walleye – Is it Spring

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Fishing for Walleye in the Spring

There are many things that you can associate with spring. For the spiritual

person, it’s a signal of a new life. Flowers start to bloom and ice starts to melt.

For anglers, however, it means a time for great walleye fishing. During the

spring, the temperature of the water turns from cold to warm and the walleye

will start to move from their winter water habitats.

The main purpose for walleye at this time is to reproduce; thus, they will move

to customary spawning grounds. Their movements do differ.

Others will cover a very short mile, probably finding themselves in reservoirs

and lakes. Some of them may venture farther until they will reach the rivers of


If you are seeking to catch the most number of walleye, you should be able to

spot them before they start to spawn. They normally gather in their respective

spawning sites and other barrier structures that generally stop them from


When Walleye Start to Spawn

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There are certain weather conditions that may be ideal for spawning. This

includes the temperature of the water, how long the day lasts, as well as the

rubble and rocky shore lines. The amount of light as well as the length of

daylight can affect the feeding patterns of the walleye. The temperature of the

water, meanwhile, plays an integral part during spawning and it can even

determine how much they reproduce once they have completed the spawning


The Best Temperature for Spawning

The most ideal time for spawning among walleye is 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

They will usually end once the water warms up to 52 degrees. They will

normally hatch their eggs among hard structures such as rubbles and rocks.

The eggs should be properly secured among enclosed areas so they can be

adequately protected from predator fish that love to feast on newly hatched


During spawning, there should be hardly any change in temperature. The

water should slowly start to warm up. There should be no severe and

immediate temperature swings, especially during the periods of gestation and

hatching. The shorelines found in the east and the north become the perfect

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breeding grounds of walleye that are going to spawn.

Now, by nature, walleye fish really don’t have any knowledge which direction is

south, north, east, or west. The shorelines at these directions are the most

preferred for them because they receive the most amount of sunlight all day.

Thus, the warmest waters are those located near the shore.

Two Types of Migration

There are also two kinds of migrations that should be noted. First are those

walleye that migrate from the lakes to their usual spawning locations. The

second kind of movement that should be watched for is that of walleye fish that

don’t go to tributaries and rivers and instead settle in open waters as well as

shallow reefs so they can hatch their eggs.

Spring Walleye Fishing in Wisconsin

Walleye aren’t really the best trophies for those who are involved in sport

fishing in Wisconsin; however, they are still highly sought.

The best time for anglers to fish walleye in the Great Lakes during the spring is

in the month of April. This is because the walleye are undergoing a transition.

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They are going to move from pre-spawn to the spawning period until they can

move on to post-spawn period.

Where to Target

If you want to catch the best kinds of fish, in their most number, you should

target areas such as the rivers as they would frequently settle there. Moreover,

catching them doesn’t have to be difficult for you as you can access them even

if you don’t have a boat or a special kind of tackle at hand. Walleye that spawn

in the river are usually found in deep holes in narrow waters. They may stop

once they encounter the rapids, dam, and other kinds of barriers. They will

continue on as they are permitted to move.

Those fish that are found in the rivers deep holes are likely to be in their

pre-spawn period. They will always bite if you can persuade them the proper

way. You can settle for vertical jigging or use live bait. You can search in these

holes and start jigging the bottom. Slowly move toward the waters column

until you will know where they are most active.

The Best Time to Fish for Walleye – Is it Summer

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Fishing for Walleye in the Summer

Summer indicates numerous activities. For example, children are usually sent

to summer camps right after school ends. It also means a time for great

vacations to different states and countries.

For those who are looking for some adventure, however, particularly fishing,

they can venture to the rivers and lakes and look for walleye.

Get into the Sport

The summer months may be the best times to look for walleye, especially for

any individuals who are into sport fishing. This is because walleye are much

harder to catch during this season. In summer, walleye are usually found in

sand bars. At night, they are seen eating on crayfish as well as minnows. That

is why if you are trying to catch walleye, your best bet for live bait includes

bottom bouncer rigs, worms, and minnows.

Movements of Walleye

Walleye also tend to move to cooler and darker waters as the rivers and lakes

start to get warm. They can be seen attached to various structures including

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deep weed beds, islands, and land forms located under water.

Once fall starts to approach, they go back to their spring routine and they will

frequent rocks and rubbles as well as shallow areas. They will also gobble on

any kind of fish so they can store up energy and prepare for the coming of

winter. Any angler should take note the months of July and August. These

months may not be the best times to actually catch them.

Combination of Live Bait and Spinner

If you are fishing for walleye, make sure you combine a spinner and live bait.

Spinners are known for their speed, which can catch up with walleye that are

simply hard to catch. To the spinner to be appropriately place in the zone, you

should also combine it with a bottom bouncer. The latter can allow you to

manipulate the bait anywhere you want it.

More on this in an upcoming chapter.

Tips on Catching Walleye during the Summer

1. Study the walleye as well as their seasonal habitats.

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Walleye fish are most likely to go deeper during the summer season.

Moreover, they don’t like to run after bait in very far distances. If you are

catching walleye in natural lakes, you can start observing weed beds edges

with the help of a finder. If they aren’t there, you can proceed into their

transition zones like the creek channels. If you are looking for them in

reservoirs, you can search for structures and baitfish. They can also be present

in large reservoirs.

2. Fish during the midsummer.

Walleye fishing is at its best compared to fishing during the spring or early

parts of the summer. You also get to know the waters that they constantly

reside. You may also need to look where the baitfish would usually settle. It’s

likely that walleye fish will find their way there.

3. Pay attention to details.

You can use certain tools such as a depth finder. This will help you mark areas

where they can be a substantial amount of fish. You should also be ready any

time walleye start to take on your bait. Thus, make sure that your lures can go

in whatever direction you want it to go and that the hooks are sharp enough to

anchor the walleye.

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4. Choose your patterns and lure colors carefully.

You can complement the forage base to your lures. You can also choose

fluorescent colors. You can start by using offshore planner boards coupled with

crank baits. If this won’t give you the kind of produce that you like, you can

proceed to vertical fishing and jigging spoons.

Challenges to Walleye Fishing during Summer

Deep water walleye fishing has its own challenges, especially during the

summer. Normally, those who have found their way into the deepest portions

of the water will likely die immediately. This is because the walleye don’t have

much time to adjust their air bladders to any changes in body pressure. This is

the usual scenario when the weather turns out to be very hot.

Sometimes to solve the problem, you can fish walleye during nighttime. The

majority of the baitfish settle deep into the water during the day, but they will

move in water columns at night. Once the sun has set completely, you can

begin marking their areas with the aid of a depth finder.

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The Best Time to Fish for Walleye – Is it Autumn

Fishing for Walleye in the Autumn

A walleye is a kind of freshwater fish commonly found in the northern parts of

the United States and in most of the lakes and rivers found in Canada. It is also

known as the yellow walleye, yellow pike, pickerel, and walleyed pike. Walleye

are a favorite among fishermen because they are such a challenge to catch.

The Tale of the Cold Front

Walleye do react to certain weather conditions. Normally people attribute it to

the cold front; however, everybody knows that there’s more to it than that. In

fact, the most perfect times to catch a monstrous walleye will only happen less

than a dozen times in a particular season. That is why a fisherman or a walleye

hunter, for that matter, should be able to monitor the weather and the clouds

so they can beat the storm.

Cold fronts have a tremendous effect on how many fish you can catch. But

what causes it? A cold front happens when moist warm air and cold dry air

collide with each other. The warm air is pushed in east-southeast direction.

Other signs of cold front include thunderstorm, snow, tornadoes, rain, and

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unstable weather.

Find the Action

The best types of walleye show up during the fall. Thus, its also the best time

for walleye fishing. What you simply need to do is to look for the best walleye

action. In all honesty, fishing for walleye in the fall can be so unpredictable, but

as a majority of the people say, the worst weather conditions can give you the

largest and best kind of fish. Most walleye fish are females. This is because

female walleye should be able to eat a lot of food so they can nourish the eggs

that they are carrying.

When it comes to fishing for walleye in a river, the fall can be the best season.

This is because schools of them will start to move towards the dams and you

can usually see them gathering in heads of pools.

The Challenge of Walleye Fishing

Fishing for walleye in the fall can be a very big challenge because the fish may

be scattered in different areas of the rivers and lakes. You should take note

that the best walleye fishing spot during the summer may not be the same

during the fall. This is because the thermal layers associated with summer

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aren’t present during autumn. Because the level of oxygen starts to even out,

the walleye will either be located in weed lines of shallow waters or in the

deepness of the lake.

Go into the Shallow Waters

If you want to look for the biggest kinds of walleye, you better go to shallow

waters. This is because hungry and large walleye will usually try to find food

around that area. So shallow are they that they only have enough water to

cover them. So if you happen to drop by that location, don’t forget to bring the

rod. They will be happy to take a bite. Once they’re full, however, they will

normally descend into the depths of the lake.

Change in Tactics

Some people complain that they can’t catch walleye during the fall season and

blame it on the fish. What they don’t know, though, is that it has something to

do with their strategies. They should match their fishing techniques with the

seasonal changes of the fish. For example, even the environments of the rivers

and lakes change in the months of September to October. It also means that

your fishing strategies during the summer may not work during the fall.

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Techniques in Catching Walleye during Fall

1. When its fall, what matters most are the big baits and minnows. Go for

six-inch minnows attached to a jig of around + ounces. You can jig your bait

vertically above the fish. You should be patient enough, however, and give

time for the fish to react. While waiting, do the action repeatedly.

2. Think of using light jigs and line. This is because it can take a long time for

the fish to react, considering the coldness of the water. It can’t suck big

amounts of river or lake water and it can’t flare its gills the way it used to when

the water was warm. Thus, in the fall walleye fishing, you need to concentrate

heavily. For best results, you can extend your fishing season for 1 or 2 months

more. You will have better chances of getting the best trophy.

The Best Time to Fish for Walleye – Do You Prefer Ice Fishing

Ice Fishing

When it comes to fishing for walleye, you don’t need to wait for spring,

summer, or fall to come. You can fish right through the cold, hard ice.

What Ice Anglers Do

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If you are truly a serious ice angler, you should watch out for the early

formation of ice. You should also be religious enough to watch it transform

slowly into ice. Once it happens, you need to wait a little longer, perhaps a

couple of weeks, before walleye will start to gather underneath. Normally,

their bite will soon disappear and the oxygen level will disappear. Your best

solution will be to look for where the fish move and get to them.

Factors that Affect Movements of Walleye

There are many factors that can affect the movements of walleye during the

winter. For instance, they have the tendency to move into deeper water. This

may be due to the dropping water temperature. They can fall into the preferred

and the maximum temperature of 39 degrees Fahrenheit.

There is also shortened daytime coupled with snow cover and ice. This will

tremendously destroy aquatic vegetation. It will cause the weeds to turn

brown until they wilt and die. The elimination of weeds can mean the loss of

their food source and protective cover.

Walleye also tend to move deeper when they are bothered by different types of

fishing traffic. This includes the passage of snowmobiles, cars, and noisy

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trucks. Any ruckus happening on the top of the lake will force the walleye fish

to dig deep.

How to Find Them

So you can truly succeed with walleye ice fishing, you should know when to hit

the iced water. In fact, you may have to settle for a late trip during the winter.

At this time, walleye fish will be preparing themselves as they are about to

spawn during the spring.

The challenge, however, is ice fishing in the middle of dead winter. You will

have to think of the water below as well as the movements of the fish during

the day. What makes it worse is that even if there are predators, walleye fish

may not be active at all.

Your best solution is to be truly flexible in locating the walleye when you are ice

fishing. You should permit yourself to move from one location to another. This

is because the fish do move all throughout the day, and you should be able to

follow their path.

Know Where They Will Likely Spawn

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When late winter starts to set in, walleye will travel. They will be looking for

specific locations where they can spawn. If you are aware of their migration

routes, you can start digging the holes and wait for the walleye to come.

If you know where they will likely spawn, it will be very easy for you to catch

them. This is because once the water temperature starts to heat up and they

began moving into the area, they are usually hungry and will be happy to take

a bite of your bait.

When Is the Best Time to Fish?

The best time to ice fish for walleye is during late evening or early in the

morning. The reason may not be mainly because of the walleye but because

there could be so many anglers during the middle of the day. You need to ease

out of the competition.

You will also find it extremely helpful to dig holes in different locations and in

varying lengths. You shouldn’t expect that you will be able to get them when

you settle for similar levels.

Equipment to Use

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Don’t use a lighter line. This is because when you cut a hole, you may be

creating jagged edges. This will make your line very susceptible to breakage.

Heavier line will work best even if you’re seeking average-sized walleye.

Many anglers use the jigging technique to attract walleye. And because they

will be extremely hungry around this time, they may be somewhat aggressive

during their feeding frenzy. It’s wise therefore to make use of a bait and a lure

that possess flash or vibration.

River versus Lake Fishing

Fishing Tips for River and Lake Walleye

Walleye are one of the most sought-after fish in North American waters. Also

known as dore, jackfish, pickerel, walleyed pikes and marble eyes because of

its distinctive gold and olive green eyes, walleye are characterized by their

spotless fins, black rear, and white-tipped tail. Walleye may be found in rivers

and lakes.

Fishing Tips for River Walleye

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If you’re lucky, the river you frequently fish may have walleye swimming in

them throughout the year. This is especially true with bigger rivers.

Nevertheless, it’s best that you ask local authorities regarding walleye

seasons. In some instances, walleye only enter rivers to enjoy better water

temperatures at a given point in time or for spawning before returning to their

lake origins.

The best places to ask are Conservation and Natural Resources offices and

local fishing and bait shops. It’s also prudent to ask if they have walleye fishing

seasons and if so, what the requirements are regarding sizes and so forth.

For rivers with considerable depth, you’ll more likely catch walleye swimming

around twenty-five feet below the surface. They could even be swimming

deeper than that in the larger rivers or in winter or fishing during mid-summer.

In shallower rivers, however, you have a good chance of catching walleye at

just 10 feet below.

For some, the best fishing technique or tactic to use for catching fish is by

utilizing lead head jigs. Consider the casting distance when shopping for jigs

because you’ll want to cover the greatest possible area with every cast. Colors

are also important, and you’ll want something easily spotted even underwater.

Buy something that will best resemble the fish they feed on.

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If you notice a current, make sure to cast your jig upstream. Let it go slowly,

reach the bottom then pull it up just as slowly. Exert light effort because

walleye are more vulnerable to subtle approaches. Expect to lose a good

number of jigs each fishing trip; it’s a given when it comes to walleye fishing.

Use live minnows as bait. Hook through the lips then make sure your bait

works with the current and continues to be on display. If you see a walleye

doing its best to go after your minnow but consistently falling short, try to

re-hook your bait but this time pinning it through the dorsal fin. The latter will,

however, make it harder for you to retain control of your bait in hard and

strong currents.

Fishing Tips for Lake Walleye

Walleye may both be found in natural and man-made impoundment lakes. In

most cases, the best time of the year to fish for walleye is during the summer

not because they’re easier to fish but rather because people have more free

time to enjoy fishing.

Walleye are creatures of habit. The first thing to remember is that walleye

prefer swimming in the most suitable temperatures (approximately 73 F)

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during the summer but at the same time, they may also swim where there’s a

lot of food for them to enjoy and when there are no bigger and predatory fish

to worry about. Sunlight is also another thing they must absolutely avoid!

Again, save time by going directly to the local authorities and ask about the

best spots for fishing. There are, however, a number of tips to remember

where it’s best to fish depending on the time of the day.

At dawn, walleye can be easily found between weed beds. Remember that

they’re nocturnal feeders so they’re up all night eating. At dawn, they’re just

getting ready to leave their feeding places and go deeper to avoid sunlight.

When the sun is fully up, expect to find walleye in shaded areas. When there

are no structures to provide shade, walleye could go deeper, anywhere

between twenty and fifty feet. In areas with structures around like rock piles,

walleye are sure to be in the vicinity because they also provide shade for them.

Walleye travel in schools like other fish. When you’ve caught a fish in a

particular area, you’re sure to catch more from the same area.

Ultimately, there is really little difference between fishing for lake and river

walleye. As long as you’re familiar with the routines of walleye, you’re sure to

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go home with one or more excellent catches!

All About Bait

Choosing the Right Bait for Catching Walleye

As we discussed previously, walleye are mostly found in North American

waters and are predatory members of the perch species. Their eyes appear

glassy, thus its name, and their bodies have distinctive marks for easy

identification. Walleye can both be found in rivers and lakes and prefer deeper

waters as they grow older because of their dislike of sunlight. Although they

don’t put up strenuous fights when caught, their preference for dwelling at the

bottom makes choosing the right bait all the more important.

Choosing the Right Bait for Catching Walleye

Whether you’re using real or fake bait, just remember to choose one that

resembles a walleye prey the most. Walleye have excellent eyesight so don’t

expect them to be fooled with poor bait choices.

Types of Live Bait for Catching Walleye

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Lead Heads and Leeches - Fishing novices would do well by starting out with a

lead head jig and leech combination. A lead head jig is more complex than

using a plain hook. A leech is also the easiest bait because you can virtually

prick it anywhere and still have it effectively serve its purpose. You can also

use an artificial tail together with this baiting combination but it is


If you’re using a lead head jig and leech, it will achieve the greatest number of

catches when you cast it past a riffle edge and proceed downstream. For

shallower waters, make sure you keep your bait directly vertical. Deeper

waters and stronger currents can make it hard to keep your bait vertical so

you’ll have to use heavier bait in such instances.

It’s better to have one other person with you when you’re fishing from a boat.

The person controlling your boat should be able to work with the current as it

goes downstream and you focus on fishing for walleye.

Spinner Rigs and Minnows - Live minnows are arguably the most popular bait

used for fishing walleye. Spinner rigs are definitely harder to prepare and use

than jigs and though you can purchase ready-made ones from local fishing

shops, you’ll usually find something you’ve personally made more effective.

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The best partner to a spinner-rigged minnow is a moderate to high-end fishing

rod with above average speed of use. Let your bait stay approximately one foot

away from the bottom. They don’t work well in rifles.

Types of Artificial Bait for Catching Walleye

Lizards - Walleye are fooled by plastic lizards because they resemble the

amphibians and mudpuppies they prey on. Of course, you’ll have to jiggle

them several times to cause the kind of vibration that walleye understand. The

ideal size for lizards is four inches but you can go as far as seven inches if you

feel that’s what you need. As for the jig heads, use anything between one half

to 5/8 ounces.

Colors matter as well. While experts advise fishing enthusiasts to purchase

lizards in the shades of orange, green, and red, some prefer their artificial baits

to resemble the traditional colors of purple and blue of basses.

Worms - Plastic and rubber worms have long been used as bait for bass but

they don’t enjoy the same level of popularity for those dedicated to catching


To use this type of bait effectively, start by dragging it on the top of reefs just

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so walleye in the vicinity have a better chance of seeing it. In shallow waters,

just cast it out and then wait for it to drift to the bottom on its own. When it

does, jerk your rod up once in a while to set out vibrations.

The good news for walleye fishing enthusiasts is that there’s a company

currently working on plastic worms specifically designed for baiting walleye.

Not only do they greatly resemble the appearance and, even to some extent,

the taste of live bait, they are also safe to use for the environment!

Shad - Shad take the appearance of minnows and automatically work to serve

its purpose once you’ve cast it upon a river or lake. When shopping for shad,

make sure you choose the color that will best resemble live minnows

depending on the time of the day you’re fishing.

Other types of artificial bait you can try using are tubes and grubs.

What About Rigging and Jigging

Basic Things to Remember about Rigging and Jigging for Walleye

Rigging and jigging are two of the primary ways to use your bait and start

catching some delicious walleye. If it’s your first time to fish for walleye, you’ll

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enjoy greater productivity rates once you understand the basics of the two.

Basic Things to Remember about Rigging

To rig live bait for walleye, you’ll have to use a slip sinker. This is connected to

the hook you need to pierce your live bait. With rigged bait, you only have to

drop it in the water and allow the bait to do its work. The constant movement

of your live bait will set out vibrations that will induce the walleye into taking

the bait; hook, line, and sinker.

Rigging is a technique more effective in a specific fishing area. It isn’t ideal if

you wish to cover the maximum possible area because of how it works. In

rigging, you and your live bait stay put in one area. You wait for the walleye to

come after you and not the other way around. Walleye traveling for better

water temperatures are more prone to taking the bait so you’ll have more

chances of catching them during the day. At night, walleye are too busy

feeding from their long-time preferred habitats to notice your bait.

A spinning rig is one of the most popular choices for catching walleye. When

you’re using a spinning rig, you should remember to keep your rig vertical

while you keep your boat stationary. If you sense that a walleye has taken the

bait have your companion move your boat on top of your catch as you begin

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pulling the fish to the surface.

When shopping for rigs, consider the leader length you’ll use because you’ll

want more length to handle the finickier walleye. Colors rarely matter.

Basic Things to Remember about Jigging

With rigging, it is up to the bait to make the necessary action to catch the eye

of walleye in this instance. In jigging, however, an angler is used and

controlled by the individual to produce the necessary bait movement and

action. Because of the presence and function of anglers, artificial bait may be

used with jigging. The main advantages of artificial jigs over real ones are the

added scent and better hook strength.

Another difference between jigging and rigging is the timing. When you feel a

bite, you reel in the rigged bait slowly but with jigged baits, you set your hook

right away.

Here are the several types of jigging techniques you can use.

Trolling Jigs - Jig trolling techniques may work where spinner rigs and crank

baits have failed. Generally, however, jig trolling is used for walleyes not

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traveling in schools and swimming in medium depths.

To make trolling more successful, try to bounce your jig at the bottom as your

boat moves forward. Long-shank hooks are a preferable match with trolling

jigs because they can keep your baits vertical.

Vertical Jigs - Whether you’re fishing in lakes or rivers, as long as the depths

are eight feet or more, vertical jigs may be used effectively. Vertical jigs work

better in rivers, of course, but you can increase their effectiveness by looking

for the deeper areas of lakes.

To keep your bait vertical, look for long-shank hooks again as well as round

heads. With a long-shank hook, you get a better grip on your walleye once you

start reeling it in unlike with a shorter hook. Using light-wire together with

vertical jigs also makes a better combination because they are less vulnerable

to snagging.

Consider the jig weight when using vertical jigs for fishing. This is especially

true if you’re fishing in deeper waters and stronger currents. With vertical

jigging, it’s better to have someone with you so you can fully concentrate on

manipulating your fishing rod.

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Pitching Jigs - Pitching jigs are more effective if you’re fishing for walleyes in

shallower depths. Most cases, walleyes are hiding amidst structures and break

lines in shallow depths. Just remember that walleye, especially older ones,

don’t like sunlight so they’re sure to look for shade. When pitching jigged bait,

you need to use short-shank hooks and keep bait horizontal.

In the end, jigging and rigging have their respective shares of pros and cons so

consider trying them out to see which one works better for you.

Should You Hire a Guide

A Beginner Angler's Guide to Hiring a Guide

Fishing can be a very relaxing and enjoyable activity. However, for newbies, it

can be quite challenging to find the right spot. Hiring a guide will help you

enjoy your fishing trip so much more by taking care of the details of your trip.

But do you really need one? And if you do, how do you go about hiring one?

Why you need a fishing guide

Unless you have a secret fishing hole that you don’t want to tell anyone about,

you'll appreciate the help of a fishing guide. A fishing guide can offer you

helpful tips about where to find the perfect location. They can also tell you

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what time of the year or day is best for a fishing trip.

If you're new to the area, a fishing guide can show you where to go, what to

expect and what laws you'll need to comply with. If you're a beginner, hiring

a guide will also be beneficial, particularly if you can't make heads or tails

about choosing the right fishing gear.

Why you might not need a fishing guide

Hiring a fishing guide isn’t necessary if you're experienced and prefer to work

on your own. If you'll be fishing with a group and some of your friends are

experienced, you don’t really need a fishing guide. Hiring a fishing guide can

also cost a lot of money and there's really no guarantee you'll catch fish.

However, if you prefer the convenience of having a fishing guide, here are

some tips you can use:

Find a local guide.

A guide who operates in the locality where you want to fish will be more

knowledgeable than a guide who doesn’t come from the same area. They are

also a lot cheaper since you don’t have to pay for extras.

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Look for a fishing guide by asking other anglers for references. They could

recommend a good fishing guide for you to use. Plus, you'll have a better idea

what to expect since these people have firsthand experience of how the guide


You can also check with online sites that let you search for guides by area or

locality. Check out fishing forums. Many fishing guides participate in these

discussions and some members may even give you some recommendations.

If you prefer, you can even join online fishing groups with activities in your


If you still can't find a guide, ask your local fly or fishing shops. They should be

able to help you with great references.

Look for a licensed and insured guide.

When interviewing your fishing guide, it's important that you work with one

who is licensed. Fishing, especially for game fish, requires that you follow

certain state regulations and rules, which an unlicensed guide will know little

about. To make sure you don’t do anything illegal or unethical, work with

someone who has a license.

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An insured guide is also safer to work with because he's covered in case

anything happens. He should also have a permit to work in the area where he

will be taking you.

Ask for experience.

Talk to the guide yourself. You'll have a better idea of how well you'll work

together during your interview. Discuss the type of fishing you want to do and

what type of fish you're interested in catching. Look for a guide who has a

good experience. Of course, you'll have to pay more but it will be worth it.

Determine your budget.

Fishing should be fun and relaxing so when you receive your bill, it shouldn’t

leave you shocked and upset. Before hiring a guide, find out how much the

fees are, since they can vary. Most guides will charge you about $150, with a

maximum of about $500 a day. The fee will cover 2 to 3 anglers.

If you prefer a chartered trip, a boat with crew will charge about $500 to over

$1000 a day, which should cover 5 to 6 people. If you want something

cheaper, get in touch with fishing boats that offer public outings. You can

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enjoy fishing for as little as $30 to $80 a day, although you'll have to share the

trip with at least 20 other people, sometimes more.

What about the tip?

Most guides don’t work for tips. However, a tip is a token of gratitude and a

nice touch especially if your guide has done a great job. Give your guide about

10 to 15% of the fee. If you're really generous, a 20% tip is a nice gesture and

will make him even more enthusiastic about your next fishing trip if you choose

to hire the same guide again.

Ever Try a Fly-in

Fishing for Walleye? Try Fly-in Resorts

Fishing can be an excellent hobby and sport but what if you live in an area

where the waters don’t always offer you a chance to find your dream catch? If

you prefer convenience and comfort, try fly-in resorts. In the United States

and Canada, fly-in resorts do a brisk business, thanks to the enthusiasm of

anglers who prefer to get away and be in hot pursuit of their prized walleye.

Why go to fly-in resorts

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A fly-in resort is essentially an exclusive outpost in an area near a lake or river.

Its main purpose is to provide accommodations and services for hobby

fishermen and serious anglers who want to have fun and find time to relax. It's

a waste of good money to spend a few hours in these resorts and then leave.

Fly-in resorts also offer accommodations at remote outposts so if privacy is a

concern, you'll find what you'll need here. In many fly-in resorts such as those

found in Northwestern Ontario and in certain areas in the U.S., for example,

may only be reached using a plane, which increases its adventure factor.

Many fly-in resorts also offer outfitting services so fishing gear rentals are

available. Since walleye are also a challenge to catch, fly-in resorts also offer

fishing guides to assist guests.

What you can expect

Services offered by fly-in resorts vary from the simplest where you have the

bare but decent essentials to the luxurious, complete with expensive beddings,

crew and staff. Cabins will often include separate bedrooms, bathrooms,

toilets and kitchens complete with necessary appliances.

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Since your goal is to fish for walleye, check to see if fishing licenses and taxes

are included in the package. Boat rentals are often included in the price, but

you'll have to check with the resort for certain limits or restrictions. If you

catch your walleye, most resorts will also offer to clean and fillet your catch for


Most fly-in resorts will require a deposit within a specified period of time before

you check in. Watch out for this and make sure to book only if you're truly sure

of your trip. Most fly-in resorts won’t refund your deposit in case of a no-show.

A fly-in resort package often includes air transportation from a designated

location to the outpost and back again. You might also want to check if your

fly-in resort has special arrangements with airlines or shuttle services. Special

rates, usually labeled 'Fisherman's Fare', are often offered to attract more

guests. Check with local travel agencies as well, if you want to take advantage

of these discounted prices.

If you prefer privacy

Most fly-in resorts will have staff and crew on hand to meet your needs and

offer their services in case of emergencies. However, if you're capable and

prefer being on your own or with your family and friends, there are fly-in

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resorts that let you rent the whole area by yourself with no neighbors, no

fellow guests and yes, no cabin staff or crew. These locations are quite safe

and to ensure their guests' well being, resort staff will usually fly in every other

day to check on you or replenish supplies. Otherwise, you're left to enjoy

fishing for your walleye in peace.

How much will it cost?

All these privileges and remote accommodations don’t come cheap. Don’t

consider fly-in resorts if you're working on a budget or don’t want to spend a

dime over a hundred bucks.

Most fly-in resorts offer packaged trips with 3-day packages to 7-day packages

and the cost of which will depend on the number of people who will be flying-in

and on the type of services offered. Of course, the more luxurious the

accommodations and services you'll receive, the more it will cost you.

Expect to spend an average of $950 for a package, with discounts in case you

will be bringing children younger than 12. If you prefer a cheaper package and

live near an area that is great for walleye fishing, try drive-in resorts. These

resorts often offer excellent prices for a day of fishing. Once you're done,

simply pack up and leave after paying a small fee.

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If you're serious about catching a prize walleye, staying at a fly-in resort will be

a great idea not just for a fishing holiday for also for your family and friends.

Costly probably, but once you've tried it, you'll find that it's more than worth

the price.

Preserving Your Prize Winning Walleye

Tips on Mounting Your Prized Walleye: Taxidermy Techniques, Fish Handling

and Advice on Finding the Right Taxidermist

A good-sized walleye (a fish sized between the legally permitted length to

about 30 inches or so) may sometimes be too good to end up getting filleted

and fried. Anglers who catch this beautiful fish often prefer to have it mounted

instead of having it end up in the pan, primarily because walleye are beautiful

fish, capable of reaching impressive lengths and weights. So if you get lucky

with a 25" beauty, consider mounting it by using taxidermy techniques.

What is taxidermy?

In Greek, 'taxis' means arrangement and 'derma' means skin. The art and

science of taxidermy involves preserving and mounting animal specimens

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(mainly vertebrates or those with backbones) to be used either for study or for


If you think taxidermy or mounting of your prized walleye is just simple

'stuffing' of the fish, you're wrong. A beautiful fish like the walleye needs so

much more than just stuffing in order to be put up for display. Remember, you

will be mounting the fish for display and not preserving it for future use as

food. Techniques involving each differ greatly.

Procedure and cost of mounting

If you're curious about what happens to your prized walleye once it reaches a

taxidermist, here is a breakdown of what the procedure of mounting involves:

Materials preparation

To mount your prized walleye, different tools are used, including knives for

making incisions, modeling materials to make the body and chemical solutions

for preserving the skin. The fish is then measured carefully and its external

features are noted. Most taxidermists may even use cameras or drawings in

order to record the unique physical characteristics of your walleye.

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Skinning and tanning

The skin of the walleye is removed and treated with chemicals to preserve it.

This takes a while but it's a necessary process to ensure that the skin doesn’t

rot or become brittle later.

Molding the body

Depending on the taxidermist, a plaster cast or foam mannequin may be used

to represent the body of the walleye. This is where the measurements will

matter because the skin has to fit the mold perfectly. The eyes are also

replaced with glass or plastic to mimic the real walleye.

As for the cost, it can range from about $350 to $700 depending on size and

the work that has to be done. A large-sized walleye may cost more.

Handling your prized walleye for mounting

Before you go to a taxidermist to have your prized walleye mounted, make

sure you know how to preserve your fish well. Make sure that the body of the

fish is well taken care of.

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Try to be gentle with the fish during the struggle and avoid damaging the body.

Lost scales, damaged fins and tails won’t look well on the mounted walleye.

For this, you might have to use a fish net to protect the fish. Never, ever club

the fish on the head. You will ruin its shape, making it difficult for the

taxidermist to repair.

Have it photographed. A colored photograph will be a good reference later on

because the fish's colors will fade after it's taken out of the water.

Next, store your walleye. If you don’t have ice, cover the fish with wet burlap,

cloth or newspaper and keep it away from heat and sunlight. If you have a

cooler, keep the fish in ice. Unless you can find a taxidermist immediately,

best keep the fish refrigerated for about five days. Anymore than that and

you'll have to freeze it.

Choosing a taxidermist

Look for references, if possible. Friends and fellow anglers can recommend a

good taxidermist and you can even view evidence of their work. If not, ask for

a certification as proof that you are dealing with a professional.

Not all taxidermists mount fish, so be sure to ask. Make sure that the

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mounting shop you bring your fish to will do the actual work. If mounting

involves a third party, it will cost more.

If you want the best deal, ask around and don’t just look at the price tag. See

if the quality is excellent or at least satisfactory and up to your standards. If

the work is bad, take your fish elsewhere.

How long do you have to wait to earn your trophy?

That depends on how many jobs the taxidermist still has to complete before he

takes care of your fish. However, a waiting period of at least a month is

reasonable enough. Remember that tanning the skin takes time and once

mounted, the walleye has to be completely dry.

Be patient. Some taxidermists may even work on your mounting for 6 months

or more.

Should you DIY?

Never try to mount your prized walleye yourself if you have no experience as a

taxidermist. Taxidermy is an art and a science and has to be exact and

creative at the same time.

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It also requires that you know techniques used in dissection, have a little

background on anatomy (at least fish anatomy), tanning and sculpture. Learn

about mounting first and practice the art. Once you've perfected it, then you

can try mounting your prized walleye.

Other Fishing Resources

1. Large Mouth Bass Extreme

2. Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing

3. Make Your Own Fish Lures

4. Ice Fishing Tips

5. Powerful Fly Fishing

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