war in europe england and spain were rival powers in europe in the 1500s

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War in Europe England and Spain were rival powers in Europe in the 1500s Spain had the most wealth and greatest navy because of exploration After the British defeated the Spanish Armada it opened exploration of the Americas to other Europeans Early Settlements - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


War in Europe England and Spain were rival powers in Europe in the 1500s

Spain had the most wealth and greatest navy because of exploration After the British defeated the Spanish Armada it opened exploration of the Americas to other Europeans

Early Settlements 1583 – Sir Humphrey Gilbert claimed Newfoundland for England 1585 – Sir Walter Raleigh settled Roanoke Island off North Carolina

- they returned after a difficult winter 1587 – John White brought new settlers to the

island and returned to England for suppliesBy the time he returned the settlers had disappearedLeft a gatepost carving “Croatoan”

Jamestown (1607) Established by the Virginia Company (joint-stock company)

Faced many hardships in the early years1608 – Capt. John Smith was sent to govern the colonies along with others Didn’t find the gold they were searching for

Winter of 1609-1610 known as “The Starving Time” Tobacco became the cash crop for the colonyTrouble with Native Americans Improved some after Pocahontas married John Rolfe

Governing the colony House of Burgesses 2 representatives from each of the 10 towns made local lawsKing James eventually cancels the charter and VA becomes a royal colony

Plymouth (1620) Two factions formed in the Anglican church

Puritans – wanted to reform the churchSeparatists – wanted to form a new church -Became known as the Pilgrims -Fled from England to Netherlands because of harsh treatments

Asked the VA Co. for safe passage to settle in VA The Mayflower landed farther north–Cape Cod, MA

Pilgrims made a contract to establish law & order Mayflower Compact – beginning of rep.

government Native Americans teach them to survive

in America

Types of Colonies

Charter Colony – CT, RI-Est. by groups of settlers receiving a charter from the king-Elected governors and representatives for both houses of the legislature-Britain approved the Governors who couldn’t veto acts of legislation

Proprietary Colony – DE, MD, PA-Land given to proprietors by the King-Proprietor ran government; appointed Gov. and Upper

house of legislature-Colonists elected lower house representatives

Royal Colony – GA, MA, NH, NJ, NC, SC, VA-Ruled by King; appointed Gov. and council-Colonists elected assembly who usually did what king asked

New England Colonies

Began in 1629 as a royal charter to the Massachusetts Bay Co.John Winthrop was Gov. – main city was BostonThe key to success in the colonies was settlement Between 1607 and 1775 almost 1 million settlers moved to the Americas from Britain1630’s Great Migration 15,000 Puritans leave Europe to escape religious intolerance and economic hardshipImprovements in living conditions helped boost pop. Larger families, healthier children, longer life spans

Life in New England Soil was difficult to farm – mostly subsistence farming Shipbuilding, fishing industries became the main economic sources Small businesses, craftspeople, etc. flourished in this environment Most people settled in towns

Greens or common areas for livestock and military trainingMeetinghouses for town meetings and church services

Colonial Government Mass. Bay Colony created a colonial legislature (General Court)

Adult male church members who owned property voted for representatives to the Court

Problems within the Mass. Bay ColonyWhile many settlers to the area came looking for religious

freedom they were intolerant of others religious beliefs

New Colonies form

Connecticut – 1636 – Thomas Hooker Settlers moved to the fertile Conn. River Adopted 1st written constitution in America Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

Rhode Island – Roger WilliamsAllowed religious tolerance of all faiths

New Hampshire – 1638 – John Wheelwright Didn’t gain independence from MA until 1679

New England becomes a center for Trade

Manufactured goods were sent to New England in exchange for fish, furs, fruit, etc. from American colonies

Triangular Trade forms       1. Sugar, molasses from the West Indies was shipped to

New England       2. Molasses was made into rum and sent to England

3. Rum and manufactured goods from England and the colonies were shipped to West Africa

       4. Goods were traded for enslaved Africans who were taken to the W. Indies to work on the sugar plantations The most inhumane part of the journey was the Middle Passage when slaves were brought to the America

Middle Colonies 1621 – Dutch West India Co. settles along the Hudson River

Colony is called New NetherlandsMain settlement is New Amsterdam (Manhattan Island, NY) Because of excellent harbors it becomes the trade center

Colonies land was controlled by patroons Ruled like kings with their own courts/lawsPopulated by colonists from Netherlands, Germany, Sweden & Finland They paid the patroons in labor & crops

1642 – The Glorious RevolutionPuritan Parliament led by Oliver Cromwell overthrew King Puritans return to England and those loyal to the king left for America

1658 – The RestorationCromwell dies and Parliament returns the throne to Charles II in 1660

1664 – English sent a fleet to attack New Amsterdam because they wanted the port city

Peter Stuyvesant was Gov. of the colony He had strict laws & high taxes-disliked by colonists Was forced to surrender because he was unprepared

King Charles II gives colony to his brother the Duke of York Proprietary colony – renames it New York

Owned all the land and controlled the governmentMost settlers lived along the Hudson River (8,000) various nationalities (Dutch, Swedish, German, Native Am., Puritans, African slaves)The Duke promised they could keep their religions

1683 – Population of New York grew to over 12,000The Duke appointed a Gov. and Council but the colonists wanted representation

1691 - Received the right to elected a legislature

New Jersey Separates The southern part of New York b/w the Hudson and Delaware R. was given away

Lord John Berkley and George Carteret became the proprietors - Named the new colony New Jersey after the Isle of Jersey - Offered large tracts of land, freedom of religion, trial by jury, and representative government to attract settlersBecause of its lack of harbors it didn’t make the profitsCarteret and Berkley had both sold out & by 1702 it was a royal colony

Pennsylvania 1680-The King owed William Penn a large sum of money for a loan

Penn asked if he could have land in America as payment The Quakers (Society of Friends)

Penn was part of this religious groupBelieved all people had an inner light guiding them to

salvationsAllowed everyone to experience God in their own wayQuakers were tolerant of others beliefsMany feared this because they didn’t use traditional

church ceremoniesWouldn’t bow to lords because they believed all were equalPacifists who refused to fight for political reasonsWere often persecuted for their beliefs

Pennsylvania was a “holy experiment”–put ideas into practice

1682-Began building Philadelphia-called the “City of Brotherly Love”Penn was the first town planner – designing the city himselfWrote the first Constitution for the colonyNegotiated the first treaties w/ Native Americans for selling

landAdvertised for settlers in pamphlets all over Europe

1683 – 3,000 English, Welsh, Irish, Dutch, Germans arrived 1701-Charter of Liberties

gave colonists the right to elect representatives to the legislature 1704-Charter of Privileges

allowed the lower 3 counties to form own government became the colony of Delaware (Swedes, Dutch & English)

Southern Colonies A labor intensive land

The Southern land required a lot of work to maintain the profits of cash crops By 1660 tobacco prices were falling so plantation owners needed more land and labor to continue to make the profits

They Used: 1. Scotch/English criminals and prisoners of war from Ireland came to earn release after 7 yrs 2. Indentured servants worked for a certain time to pay for passage to America 3. African slaves were also used on plantations

Maryland (1632) King gave to Sir George Calvert (Lord Baltimore) – proprietary colony 1634-Two sons went to America to run the colony-had 200 settlers

The land was fertile – didn’t plant just tobaccoDiversified with corn, wheat, fruit, vegetables & livestock

1729-Baltimore was the largest settlement in the colonyLord Baltimore gave large tracts of land to relatives, English aristocrats and promised 100 acres to each settler, 100 to their wife, 100 for each servant, & 50 for childrenAristocrats owned huge plantations that had to be farmed Introduced indentured servants and slave labor

1760s – hire astronomers Charles Mason & Jeremiah Dixon to map itlay out the entire boundary using stones with both families crests

Religious FreedomMeant as a safe place for Catholics – Calvert’s sons had also

allowed Protestants and they soon outnumbered the Catholics 1649 – Act of Toleration – gave both religions the right to worship 1692 – Protestants controlled assembly and made Anglican Church the official church for the colony

Virginia Virginia continued to grow from 1607 (Jamestown)

Plantations took all the tidewater land-new settlers moved westNative Americans were unhappy with being forced off land1640’s–Gov. William Berkeley–keeps settlers from moving west Western settlers like Nathaniel Bacon were unhappy

felt they weren’t represented in the colonial gov’t.settled west of the territory anywayNative Americans attacked & government refused aid

1678-Bacon’s Rebellion Led western settlers to attack Native Americans Governor condemned these actions Bacon marched on Jamestown – set fire to it

Berkeley fled into exile but Bacon suddenly dies and English send troops to restore order

Results of rebellionShowed England colonies wouldn’t be confinedColonial government created a militia to fight IndiansOpened up more land for settlement

The Carolinas Charles II found the colony and gave land to large proprietors

Constitution written by John LockeNorthern part was settled by small farmers, they did not have any port cities of their ownSouthern part had fertile farmland and the harbor city of Charleston Cash crops – rice and indigo (blue gold) Many settlers came from Barbados (English Colony in Bahamas)

Brought their slaves with themRice was also a labor intensive crop and slavery began to growNorthern settlers were angry because they weren’t allowed a part in the government Seized control from the proprietors and divided the colony in 1729 into North & South Carolina

Georgia (1733) – James Oglethorpe 1. It was a colony for debtors to make a fresh start 2. A military barrier between the English and the Spanish 3. Religious refugees also came there

Savannah was the main cityOglethorpe’s laws Ban slavery, Catholics, and Rum in the colony Also limited the size of land grants

Settlers complained and Oglethorpe lifted all bans except slavery

Colonial Culture Religion – Great Awakening

Strong religious values were established in the colonies from 1720-1740

FamilyMen were head of the householdVoting rights only applied to white men who owned propertyWomen participated in the decision making within the house In cities and towns they worked outside the home some

EducationValued in society – Literacy rates were 85% men, 50% womenMany schools were run by women from their homes Quakers ran schools in the middle colonies Craftspeople opened trade schools for apprentices

Harvard (1636) was the first college – Puritans The Enlightenment

Said that knowledge, science and reason could improve societySpread ideas through newspaper, lectures, and organizationsHeld the idea of freedom of speech as a basic right

New France Founded Quebec in 1608

Interested in fishing & fur traderBuilt forts and trading posts to protect their interests

1663 – New France becomes a Royal colonyJean Talon – royal governor – supported further exploration

Down the Mississippi River1670s began to explore the Mississippi River Marquette & Joliet

Searched for gold and a water route to the PacificFound the place the Arkansas R. joined the Mississippi & flowed to the Gulf of Mexico

Robert LaSalleFollowed the Mississippi to the Gulf - Claimed the region for France1718 – New Orleans is founded for France

Later explorers went west to the Rockies & Rio Grande

Growth of New France Seigneuries (estates) – much like patroons

Tenant farmers paid an annual rent & worked for the lord a certain number of days

Relationships with Native AmericansBetter than any other European groupTrappers & missionaries learned the language & respected their waysFrench colonies grew more slowly and didn’t push them off their land

New Spain Spanish had control of Mexico, Caribbean, Central & South America, western & southern N. America (Southwest & Pacific coast)

1610 - Sent soldiers missionaries & settlers to found Santa Fe to protect borders from other Europeans

Spread into Arizona and later Texas after France claimed New Orleans

Missions in California Religious establishments along the Pacific coast Used as Spanish claims and to convert Native Americans Often forced Native Americans to labor at the missions alsoEuropean conflicts in North America 1. Early 1700s many battles broke out between the English & Spain 2. Georgia & Spanish Florida were often fighting 3. France and Great Britain eventually become the greatest rivals

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