warhammer battle - vanguard clash - games workshop ltd

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If she had been a fraction slower, the axe would haveburied itself in her face. As it was, Eldaria Goldmaneducked low in her saddle just in time for the spinningthrowing axe to pass harmlessly over her head. Aheartbeat later, Eldaria nocked an arrow to her bow andloosed it in a single, fluid motion. The white-fletched shaftlodged itself so deep into the barbarian’s throat that thearrow’s bloody tip could be seen protruding from the backof his neck. The fur-clad marauder gargled helplesslybefore sliding from his snorting warhorse and crashingignominiously into the mud.

Risking a quick glance around her, Eldaria could see therest of her Reaver knights dispatching the last of thehorsemen. Judging by the riderless Ellyrion steednuzzling a lifeless Elven body nearby, they had not doneso without loss. Yet it seemed that their victory over theenemy outriders had earned them a brief reprieve.Eldaria called for her fellow knights to form up as shesurveyed the battle to discern where their presencewould be needed most. A plan began to formulate in hermind as her gaze settled upon another company of

Reavers ploughing through a pack of mutated hounds.The bestial howls of the warped canines turned to fearfulyelps as the glittering spears of the Elven knightspunched through their tortured flesh, even as the hoovesof their steeds trampled them to bloody pulp.

Behind the dying hounds, a formidable host of two dozenheavily-armoured brutes advanced upon the reavers asthey slaughtered their quarry, though it appeared thatthe Ellyrions were not yet aware of the danger. Such anumber of Chaos warriors would have been intimidatingeven if she had Tyrion and the full might of his warhost ather back, but they were still some leagues behind. With anudge of her heel, Eldaria sent her steed gallopingtowards her comrades, her Reavers following swiftlybehind.

‘Fly, my kin,’ Eldaria called as she drew within earshot.‘The enemy are upon you!’ Harkening to her warning, theElven knights sped away from the charging warriors justin time, loosing arrows as they withdrew. Eldaria was inno doubt that her Reavers were no match for thetowering Chaos warriors before her, and wheeled themswiftly away before their foe could react. Yet she knewthat her meagre force could not achieve victory over thatof their enemy whilst the black-armoured killers

remained unchallenged. Though none of the Elvenadvance guard could engage the Chaos warriors at closequarters with any hope of success, she knew that theystill had one distinct advantage – speed.

As if reading Eldaria’s thoughts, the majestic eagle,Bilgarim, swept down from the skies to smash apart abrutal-looking enemy chariot and snatch up its haplesscrew with his talons. With a few beats of his mightypinions, Bilgarim took to the air once more and releasedtheir flailing forms from his grasp. After a brief moment offreefall, the screams of the chariot crewmen were cutshort as their bodies broke apart with a grisly squelch onthe ground below. With the chariot’s destruction, theElves had now eliminated the fastest-moving elements ofthe Chaos host, and had the freedom of the battlefield tomake the most of their advantage.

Thus far, the arrows of the Elves had only felled two ofthe heavily-armoured warriors stoically advancingtowards the spear company that held the Elven battleline.Moments later, another of the Chaos brutes collapsed, ashaft protruding from his helm’s eye socket. Eldariaimmediately recognised the ashen cloaks of Nagarythishadow warriors. They had taken up position in the copseof trees to her left and had begun to send forth a hail ofsilverwood arrows. She led her knights in a wide arc tocome upon the Chaos warriors from behind, noticing withfierce pride that her fellow Reavers had regrouped and

were sweeping around the right flank to surround theirfoes with a keen, predatory instinct. Eldaria’s Reaverscontinued to assail the Chaos warriors at range until theyhad emptied their quivers. Their rearward positionensured that their arrows met with much greater successby virtue of circumnavigating the huge tower shields thatprotected their targets to the front. Only half of the Elves’deadly adversaries now remained, and even theirindomitable courage was starting to wane.

The time to strike was at hand. Standing up in herstirrups, Eldaria drew her elegant ithilmar longsword andraised it high for all of her fellow Elves to see. Whisperinga silent prayer to Asuryan, she swept her blade down tosignal the charge. As one, both companies of Reaverknights charged, hitting the Chaos warriors from the flankand rear, even as the spear company advanced to engagethem directly.

A bloody melee soon broke out as the wave of Elvescrashed into the black-armoured wall of Chaos warriors.The spears of the Reavers, finely-crafted tips powered bythe swiftness of their steeds and the angle of their attack,took a heavy toll as they punched through exposed jointsin the armour of their targets. Yet despite the momentumof their attack, the Elves were soon hard-pressed. Every

Chaos warrior was a purebred killer, his strength andcapacity for slaughter augmented beyond mortal ken bythe unholy blessings of the Dark Gods. Against theserelentless slayers, the Elves were little match. Withinmoments, a dozen brave Asur had been carved to bloodyruin, their elegant scale mail scant protection against theterrible power of the Chaos warriors.

In the thick of the fighting, Eldaria lanced her bladethrough the neck of one opponent and pressed onwards,only to find herself face to face with the dread championthat led the warriors. Blood dripping from his enormousaxe, the champion sneered a contemptuous challenge.Eldaria knew that she faced certain death, but hoped thatif she could just hold his attention for long enough, one ofher kinsmen might yet be able to strike him down. Anysuch thoughts fled from her as soon as the championattacked. Eldaria barely evaded the first blow, and hissecond shattered her blade as she made a desperateparry. The third looked set to cut her clean in half. Eldariaclosed her eyes and readied herself to meet her ancestors.

The blow never fell. As Eldaria opened her eyes, shebeheld a legend. There was Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan,his enchanted blade having blocked the killing blow ahair’s breadth before it struck home. Sunfang, its runesblazing with white fire, swept across the neck of the Chaoschampion before he could react to this unexpected turn ofevents, sending his head spinning through the air. All

around Eldaria, Tyrion’s elite Silver Helms were finishingoff the last of the Chaos warriors. Victory belonged to theAsur.

‘You have noble Bilgarim to thank,’ said Tyrion, sensingEldaria’s incredulity. ‘He flew hard to bring word of yourencounter with the enemy vanguard.’ Eldaria nodded, stillyet to recover from the shock of the last few moments.

‘Form up your Reavers,’ Tyrion ordered, knowing thatEldaria would soon snap out of her reverie if givensuitable instruction. ‘We will need them in the battle tocome. The main enemy host approaches and I would haveyou scouting ahead to warn of their movements.’

‘Of course, my lord,’ said Eldaria, her heart alive withexcitement. The Chaos worshippers would not stand achance.

When armies are on the march, it is common fora vanguard force to forge a few hours ahead ofthe main column. The vanguard is tasked withscouting out the swiftest march routes for thearmy following in their wake, and screening theiradvance to ensure the way ahead is clear. Shouldthey encounter the vanguard of an enemy host, aswift and brutal clash of blades will invariablyfollow as each side seeks to gain advantage in thelarger battle to come.

To form the most effective vanguard, a generalmust ensure that he utilises experts in the waysof the pathfinder. By picking the most effectivetools for the job, he can rely on the specialistexperience of these regiments to reconnoitre andprovide advance warning of enemy movements.Their combination of cunning and swiftnessenables them to overcome even the mostpowerful enemy forward elements with speedover brawn. Victory in such a contest will grantthe general a significant tactical advantage inthe ensuing conflict, as his scouts will then havefree reign to sow disruption amongst the enemywhilst shadowing their advance and drawingthem to a battlefield of his choosing.

THE ARMIESEach player chooses his force from a Warhammer armybook to an equal points value before the game. In thisscenario, players can benefit from a number ofadvantages by selecting forces comprised of units that arebest suited to fighting in the vanguard (see Outrider Elitebelow).

Designer’s Note: Given that this scenario isintended to represent the vanguard forces oftwo much larger hosts clashing in battle, wefind that it is best suited to smaller armies of,say, 500-750 points. Avoiding the battlefieldfrom becoming overcrowded with too manymodels gives the faster moving units plenty ofspace to use their speed and manoeuvrabilityto the fullest effect, which is exactly howvanguard forces would prefer to fight. Anadded benefit is that such a small-scale gamecan easily be completed within half an hour orso, making it a perfect scenario to play as aprecursor to a larger game.

THE BATTLEFIELDSet up the battlefield as described on page 142 of theWarhammer rulebook or in a mutually agreeable manner.

DEPLOYMENTRoll off to see which player picks the half of the table theywill deploy in. The opponent deploys in the other half.

Units may be placed anywhere in their half that is morethan 12" from the centre line.

Players take it in turns to place units on the table, using

the alternating unit method of deployment described onpage 142 of the Warhammer rulebook.

FIRST TURNRoll off after deployment to see which player takes thefirst turn. The player that finished deploying his armyfirst adds +1 to his roll.

GAME LENGTHThe battle lasts for six game turns, or until a time limitagreed by the players is reached, whichever comes first.

VICTORY CONDITIONSUse victory points to determine the winner of the battle,as described on page 143 of the Warhammer rulebook.

SCENARIO SPECIAL RULESOutrider Elite: For the purposes of this scenario, if allof your unit selections fit into one or more of the followingcategories, your army will benefit from the OptimalVanguard Force Special Rules listed below:

- Vanguard Specialists: Units with theScouts or Vanguard special rule.

- Skirmishers: Infantry units with theSkirmishers special rule.

- Light Infantry: Infantry units with anarmour save no better than 5+.

- War Beasts: Units with the War Beast trooptype.

- Flyers: Units with the Fly special rule.

- Swift Chariots: Chariots with a Movementvalue of 8 or higher.

Optimal Vanguard Force Special Rules

- All units have the Vanguard and Swiftstridespecial rules.

- All ranged weapons have the Quick to Firespecial rule. If a unit is equipped with Move orFire weapons, this rule removes the Move orFire special rule from their weapons instead.

- All Cavalry and Chariot units have theDevastating Charge special rule on any turn inwhich they charge into the flank or rear of anenemy unit.

LINKING YOUR BATTLESThis scenario can be great fun to play as a quickprecursor to a much larger battle to follow. If

both players agree to linking your battles in thismanner, the winner of the Vanguard Clashscenario benefits from the following specialrules in the next game:

Chosen Battleground: The tireless efforts ofyour vanguard have forced the enemy army toface you in a battlefield of your choosing.

Do not roll on the Pitched Battle table (see page141 of the Warhammer rulebook) to discoverwhich scenario from the rulebook will be playedin the next game – the winning player canchoose instead.

In Ascendancy: Your victory over theenemy’s vanguard force has ensured that themomentum is very much in your army’sfavour as the battle unfolds.

The winning player wins any draws in the roll-off to see who goes first in the next game, andcan choose to re-roll the result (though he mustaccept the second result).

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