warming reps

Post on 12-Feb-2018






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  • 7/23/2019 Warming Reps


    Warming Reps K

  • 7/23/2019 Warming Reps



  • 7/23/2019 Warming Reps


    1ncApocalyptic framing of warming as a security related issue destroyssolvency redirects solutions towards a technical manner, limitsattention on other issues, doesnt address root cause or alternative

    causes of warmingCrist ! Ass. Prof. Sci & Tech in Society @ VT (Eileen, Telos 141, Winter, Beyond the Cli!te Crisis"

    While the d!n#ers of cli!te ch!n#e !re re!l, $ !r#%e th!t there !re even greater dangers inreresentin# it !s the ost %r#ent ro'le e f!ce. )r!in# cli!te ch!n#e in s%ch ! !nner

    deser*es to 'e ch!llen#ed for to re!sons+ it enco%r!#es the restriction ofroosed sol%tions to the technic!lre!l, 'y oerf%lly insin%!tin# th!t the needed !ro!ches !re those th!t directly !ddress the

    ro'le !ndit detr!cts !ttention fro thel!net-s ecolo#ic!l redic!ent !s ! hole,'y*irt%e ofcl!iin#the lieli#ht for the one iss%e th!t tr%s !ll others. $dentifyin# cli!te ch!n#e !s the 'i##est thre!tto ci*ili!tion, !nd %sherin# it into center st!#e !s the hi#hest riority ro'le, h!s 'olstered the rolifer!tion of technic!l roos!lsth!t !ddress the secific ch!llen#e. The r!ce is on for fi#%rin# o%t h!t technolo#ies, or ortfolio thereof, ill sol*e /the ro'le.0

    Whether the c!ll is forre*i*in# n%cle!r oer, 'oostin# the inst!ll!tion ofindt%r'ines, %sin# ! *!riety of

    rene!'le ener#y so%rces, incre!sin# the efficiency of fossilf%el %se, de*eloin# c!r'onse2%esterin# technolo#ies, orl!cin# irrors in s!ce to deflect the s%n-s r!ys, the n!rro ch!r!cter of s%ch roos!ls is e*ident+ confrontthe ro'le of #reenho%se #!s eissions 'y technolo#ic!lly h!sin# the o%t , s%ersedin# the,c!t%rin# the, or iti#!tin# their he!tin# effects. $n his The 3e*en#e of !i!, for e5!le, 6o*eloc7 'riefly entions the need tof!ce cli!te ch!n#e 'y /ch!n#in# o%r hole style of li*in#.018 B%t the thr%st of this or7, h!t re!ders !nd olicy!7ers coe!!y ith, is his ree!ted !nd strident c!ll for in*estin# in n%cle!r ener#y !s, in his ords, /the one lifeline e c!n %seiedi!tely.019 $n the olicy re!l, the first ste to!rd the technolo#ic!l fi5 for #lo'!l !rin# is often identified ithileentin# the :yoto rotocol. Biolo#ist Ti )l!nnery !#it!tes for the tre!ty, co!rin# the need for its s%ccessf%l endorseentto th!t of the ;ontre!l rotocol th!t h!sed o%t the oonedeletin# C)Cs. /The ;ontre!l rotocol,0 he s%'its, /!r7s ! si#n!loent in h%!n societ!l de*eloent, reresentin# the first e*er *ictory 'y h%!nity o*er ! #lo'!l oll%tion ro'le.01< =e

    hoes for ! siil!r *ictory for the #lo'!l cli!tech!n#e ro'le.>et the deeenin# re!li!tion of the thre!t of cli!te ch!n#e,*irt%!lly in the !7e of str!tosheric oone deletion, !lso s%##ests th!t de!lin# ith #lo'!l ro'les tre!ty'ytre!ty is no sol%tionto the l!net-s redic!ent. ?%st !s the ris7s of %n!ntici!ted oone deletion h!*e 'een folloed 'y the d!n#ers of ! lon#%nder!reci!ted cli!te crisis, so it o%ld 'e n!*e not to !ntici!te !nother (erh!s e*en entirely %nforesee!'le" c!t!strohe!risin# !fter the (hoedfor" resol%tion of the !'o*e to. )%rtherore, if #reenho%se #!ses ere restricted s%ccessf%lly 'y e!ns of

    technolo#ic!l shifts !nd inno*!tions, the root causeof the ecolo#ic!l crisis !s ! holeo%ld re!in %n!ddressed.The destr%cti*e !tterns of rod%ction, tr!de, e5tr!ction, l!nd%se, !ste rolifer!tion, !ndcons%tion, co%led ith o%l!tion #roth,o%ld #o %nch!llen#ed, contin%in# to r%n don the inte#rity, 'e!%ty,

    !nd 'iolo#ic!l richness of the E!rth. $nd%stri!lcons%er ci*ili!tion h!s entrenched ! for of life th!t !dits *irt%!lly no liits toits e5!nsi*eness ithin, !nd ercei*ed entitleent to, the entire l!net.1 B%t 2%estionin# this ci*ili!tion is 'y !nd l!r#esidesteed in cli!tech!n#e disco%rse, ith its sin#leinded 2%est for ! #lo'!l!rin# technofi5. $nste!d of confrontin# thefors of soci!l or#!ni!tion th!t !re c!%sin# the cli!te crisisD!on# n%ero%s other c!t!strohesDcli!tech!n#e liter!t%reoften foc%ses on ho #lo'!l !rin# is end!n#erin# the c%lrit, !nd !#onies o*er h!t technolo#ic!l e!ns c!n s!*e it froiendin# tiin# oints.1 The doin!nt fr!e of cli!te ch!n#e f%nnels co#niti*e !nd r!#!tic or7 to!rd secific!lly

    !ddressin# #lo'!l !rin#, hile %tin# ! host of e2%!lly on%ent!l iss%es. Cli!te ch!n#e loos so h%#eon the

    en*ironent!l !nd olitic!l !#end! tod!y th!t it h!s contri'%ted to donl!yin# other f!cets of theecolo#ic!l crisis+ !ss e5tinction of secies, the de*!st!tion of the oce!ns 'y ind%stri!l fishin#, contin%ed old

    #roth deforest!tion , tosoil losses !nd desertific!tion , endocrine disr%tion, incess!ntde*eloent , !nd so on, !re !de to !e!r second!ry !nd ore for#i*in# 'y co!rison ith

    /d!n#ero%s !nthroo#enic interference0 ith the cli!te syste. $n h!t follos, $ ill foc%s secific!lly onho cli!tech!n#e disco%rse enco%r!#es the contin%ed !r#in!li!tion of the 'iodi*ersity crisisD! crisis th!t h!s 'een so'erlydescri'ed !s ! holoc!%st, !nd hich desite dec!des of scientific !nd en*ironent!list le!s re!ins ! *irt%!l nontoic insociety, the !ss edi!, !nd h%!nistic !nd other !c!deic liter!t%res. Se*er!l or7s on cli!te ch!n#e (tho%#h 'y no e!ns !ll"e5tensi*ely e5!ine the conse2%ences of #lo'!l !rin# for 'iodi*ersity, '%t r!rely is it entioned th!t 'iodeletion red!tesd!n#ero%s #reenho%se#!s '%ild% 'y dec!des, cent%ries, or lon#er, !nd ill not 'e stoed 'y ! technolo#ic!l resol%tion of #lo'!l

    !rin#. Cli!te ch!n#e is oised to e5!cer'!te secies !nd ecosyste lossesDindeed, is doin# so !lre!dy. B%thile

    technolo#ic!lly reetin# the orst of cli!te ch!n#e !y temporarily !*ert soeof those

  • 7/23/2019 Warming Reps


    losses, s%ch ! resol%tionof the cli!te 2%!nd!ryillnot %t !n end toDill"arely addressDthe on#oin#

    destr%ctionof life on E!rth.

    #nvironmental securiti$ation leads to war

    %r$os&a ' ;ich!el $nstit%te for Pe!ce 3ese!rch !nd Sec%rity Policy !t the Fni*ersity of =!'%r#,/The sec%riti!tion of cli!te ch!n#e !nd the oer of concetions of sec%rity,0 P!er re!red for the$ntern!tion!l St%dies Associ!tion Con*ention

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