warranty deed with relinquishment of …. l: i consideration ... ij w^ifau ffltrtat 1 fcfitw...

Post on 07-Jun-2018






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Poor Quality Original

^^ . FILEDf) -,-,1 "«•"*** &•" .fcti-Jwi 6i5Bt»•O" l&'.Oihr-

MAR 25 3971ani a. ussm, aneuit ama' _.__

THIS AGRmEMT by and between MIHKIS CtASK, an unmarried

person, hereinafter called ''lessor", and JAMES H. WLLTS, herel--arie-" <-dllcd "losaeo", which terras fihall include their rospoccivo

i-ioir-., pcrsoftfll roprofiontativas and assigns, V/ITNESSETH;


Lessor is tho ownar of the following dascribed real ostflto

in the Greenwood District of SebaatA^n County, Arkanoas, to-wit;

A certain strip coal mino pit of approximatoly eightacres, fflore or loss. in Section Thirty-one (313, ..oyn-ship Seven (7) Hortfr, Range Thirty-ono (31) West, beiri'yapproximately 2000 foet by 307 feet by 2132 fest by 4a3feet in size.

Xn consideration or.Ona Foliar ($1.00) cash in hand paidby loaseo to lessor^ receipt of which is hereby acknowledged/

and in consideration of the payment of rentals h^reinaftor

descrl^sect, lessor doos hereby IGASO and let iho above deacribtid

prei.us%3 to lesseQ ^or a term nomine ricing February 1, 1970, and

ending DoseRibar 31, 1973, and lessee has leased anc; ta^on theaaffia ai2-Gording-''y.


'Loasee agrees to pay as rontai for tho use of s&id pneRisestha SILX or Throe Hundred Sixty and Ho/lOO SoUais ($360.00) per

year, p^ayablo on or borore the first day of each, aenth of Februaryafter t^io caBiRidncainsnt of said tena.

, 4. - .,

^Lsssdo aay uso said premisas for tha purpose of diSBo '...;

a£ industrial wasto and yefuso^ but agrees not to burn any of thosaac i."i. tha east ond of said atrip 'pit and will conJ?ina all bura;...' :

»deno '\eroin to tha west end thereof. All eefuaa dump in Ease ead wtll•> •'. •...'.'b« (.dvar-ed wieh <Hre or soil. "i." 5 ' • . .

'«."X.ossor warrants that sh's has ffood t.-tle to said premisas

and Wfr. yicht to laasa soaa as herein done, and caararttees toi • .. . & • • ' yy.:


lessee tho quiet Use, enjoyment and posoaseion of aaid prc».ic e

for ihe terra horaof or durir"- any renewal of such term, and upcn

fin^l expiration cf tha tai. ..' this leaso, or ar.y such removal

torn, lesAaa shall promptly surrender possession ".hereof back tolofisor.


l:i consideration hereof, lassor grs.-iss to .aasse the rich:

and option, upon the expiration of the ari i.nal scr:i hereof, to

s'Qnow tna saae for an additio-'al period uf five years by givinc

notice to lebsao in vriting of his inteatior. to exercise auch

option, not later than thirty (30) days prior to raGenbei- 31, 19"

WITHESS sar hands this aSnc dsy of January, 1970.

MJ^__ 4A^Minnie C l a r £ - L A S S O r

^W^-ld^^^Jwaes H. i/iHia - Lessee



On this 22nd day of January, 1970, hcrors ^he undc;a;;;r.ad

notary public duly qualified, eoEuni.asior.ed and actir.g, appoarod

Kinnie Clarl; and Jamas K. Villia, parties lessor and lessee to

tho above agraeaent, and stated and acknowledgorf they n&ch

«xoeuted : a aaa^ this data fcr the consideration aad pusyoaa®thorair, iroc;lt<id. ,,

VISMSSS niy hand and seal of office the date arorssaid.


- • • i ' . • — ^^.^^^'^; ----- ..^--."•^ "^PpWERfot^^AT^rCRNE - "

—^- '^^^N^^^7^^^^• K - J f t H ffl ^^'^^^^K A^- " - ,^aofn ,AU <fil*n feg %tit.»BHittilt: ; ;- i^ •\ •-.£-.- -^ -T .'... . ;•-^ ••t-^^-.^S'^^^t'^ -. ' ^ fc . "^ - n" i - ^ipnt.e Hae-Clark ••-•-•••-•'^ <"•"_•"' w^SSy^Li &o_g 38:„ u. i, ,f; sei?asjili$ffy j-^ . aaaii ;; . J, , ,

• '- - • '^.vT^^y'-i' -'^s ..-"-'?• - • • t - " -__^—. »• iui« •n»iatJ.a.(iAA5L^_ £»T* fti

k. M' tBM^d^oui IiaJd JixEiLL^Ll J:iCx;^^-- ••1 ^'-^"'- " ' -' ' "••

ri »f Ull* Br*..B«. — ».••- -—- - • • - - - _ . -- -- -.•••, Efaiu4iid »» mii er*i«oi> «• atkt flo^utBt ^d'tBpoifli tIi JEiS.LSilEd-L- l .Jl. ^^

Rout-g 2.__BQx, 3_8.3-X'.^^y- ••;t. ;; 'Fo?c' Sg; h'."'* . las::"- • . "IXr'^t^Afl',-1 ,.'.•:('•,',.•-'(.•; ; t - . - . t - .

er tn* ul tivfol attonfi hi ss*. Ud te uy aim*, Dlic* idd ileil, u4 la B' eH td.

^^•••A^^^iwei^-"..^-. \.,•-•••^^A-^;^^-•^^^ ^ J- - rY -E .^

J^ •-V/ dBAyK1',• ) . ^ v.s1

^ ^ ^ ,01. 1

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ji ^ort 5;.t.

' *PE*tB[H - - •'^-••-. --.-


^--.•« ,"-.'•< t'''-.'-'.•i1.^--'''^•^t;."'"l: •


•^'.- A.


••at or itiS Worffv ftttt fa'-- - " do >»*frtM?( »hiii )•»&• r ft, •t »ift.•I I *Mld da If ^ffi -ir .tot, •-..« f«JI 'Mil. • Jiflll: mfMT. ar , .. ,lar -.Kil laffB)' a.. .1 tun. . . .

IJ W^ifaU ffltrtat 1 fcfitw hitta^lo MI uy MM tlit-B^AEm^^d* •L .. .1 •

•'f, ..7' , -..?tfe^»U^S;-•'**•-. -.. HiRr, Mar ck

^ B tt* irt•ruri


. •

•^ --^o/aa^iu^ffY ( ^ feasJiUt-

B<Art »«, iii« miifu'llfB* * Haufy PuJSa Sft iM far iM t.-w; *&— '^j /^ _^ -„„_ ——i it-U-, SBnw>lly tpottHil—l--^'1"^

•v - '.-li

a-Bl'-.L . -Ac<E»tt». <CSffiKTJU-rirfOto. ^OT

-tt Oi. ...

^£-^—i<»y e(

.-• KMvm to be Ui« tiimtkaii p-rloa-. w'-» nctsultd lha'wiOii.. »ai. toreBfa • L '*"\

~JiJi£»,4xe£uted in* •am» tl^-hfiXJrte lad WlUKUry im .. d. d (-fltna Bftdcr 07 h*1^ ' »*** l"« <l«y uid >;ir )U11




That James H. Willis and Sva -*. •*-l:ll3, huslar.d and .fife, fand In conajLderi-cion of fcha aura or C.\£ 2CLLAh to as ..aid J^

Winnie dark, do hereby relea-a unto ;..a sais Hl;-r.i< ;la. A any

and all righta under a certain Lea^e AB?s'e«ar-s dssed Jan .ry 22.

1970, recordsti .lareti 25, 19?* In Eooh *26, pasc *..1. ." t..J rtccr-s

of cfte Greenwood District; of Sebastian :c^ni;y, Ar.can. as • ,; theJcrip pie lying In th^ North part of :..a :'al^owl.r.^ ci^scr .e-property, ss-wl - ;

Beginnl!".g at a point 1 ,015 .'^e- "—sl; a.-.d JG3 .''eeWort*' •if the Southeast cor-'.cr ^ -r.e Sou: -•-•<• ;Ci-arser [SW/ii) of Section :hi.--y-.ne (31 . " ^n-ship Seven (7) North, Rar.tJ T.-.-r-. -or.e ("'.; MEther.co '.ifeat 2086 feet, tht.-nce ..::.h 307 :-'?tchence .-lortheasterly 2,13; fi;--, :;;er.ce .-;i,t.. *-8fee* eo the point of begi.--.-.ir.£ l.l-.g In •.-.a . rse;Ho^d Distric*; cf Sebassiar, Cs-.,?; , A.-kar-^s.

witneaa our hands and seals '—';..,. ^"•y o. ...u ast - ^ 7 4 .



j BE IT PESE.-lBaRED chas on tnia .•.*,,- c.j sigfiad, a Nasary PubUe wishin &r^ •-~.' s:-l-eaaffllsaioned sr.d a&»lr.g, Janifts ;I. '-.li^,;3j band and wife, to ffle wall -cnown as ^... g

HeUase ef ^ease Agreewer.t and sta':-.- -•h.She »a«e tJf We (ionaidaratl.on and ..-..c-and .',8& ftHPCil- f, .

-* aafo J t-• CJuas at.-.d Eva J..'.tars -. t

- ciey ^ne? :n

-e L'ras > G *J'




^-Wl -Q.^M

•a;:o'S-'.^ !/K

JG I 6 ^74

/-? /f^This Agreenent oade in)* ^•-'j ' , d ./ of "• £- 1and between Hir.nie dark, an unmarrl-.d person, 'a..

Uesaor", and GNJ, Inc. an Arkansas corporation, r.

called "Laaaee" (whether ofia or awre person*), WIT;

That for and in conaldt.-'ation o; She covenant.

talnad and the rent hereby ragervad, ««««or haa •«

unto the Leaaae, and the Lacsve has h:r«4 and CaAB.

utasor. She following deaerlSBd propt.-ty, ic w;^;

A certain strip coal silne pit of c.pprcxi.-a.alght aersA, iaor« or I«fia, i- 3efitlcn -.irase (3D. Township S^ven (7) Nor^h. aa.'-.u--Thirty-'one (31) Wa»t, Sreenwc&d Siairic'- „.Sebaatian County, Arkansas l;-laB ;.". th® :.-•pan of the tract fftasribed LS fallows; -ning at a point 1 ,015 f»ofc W< »6 s.'-:l &2C -'•<; »n-




< for :e.

" the -=..

the t

»» u»- . -...

leaac far

yas a; -.•»Aa 1; ^a;i

*ys pi 31-

^ opt a-.;.-.eovem .;s

sna 6( .-

Morsh o? the Southea^^ coma- of '..-.t S&..--.-.Ouarfr (SW/fi of 3<»;sion Th-.-ty-i-.if ( 3 - ' ,Townthip Seven (7) Horsh. "-ige ':: •— sy-c...Weat. thonce West Sf^a feel, ihen-.' Xor-:-.feet; fehenca SortheasSarly 2,;32 :2et, -,..South <§3 feet to the point .: b<^l;..^r.^..

To have ar i to hold tha preffliaft- ur.s.: -ht „--

<*f five years i cocaiencing on the above (!a.;, a:- -. afid eoftdlfcions hertlr.after aet i'orth.

1. ¥h< rensal ror the :i;-aS fl-.a ;5: - ea-- -

shall lie *600.C3 per a'0""* ii y-S^ yearly ..-. ac-.-'»

3, Lea»^. granss to I>c«,.d ehe .'!&..- -. c. ,--

•expiration of t*»e original t*ra harsof, to ?«Mi; fc..IX Ad^lH"--' - • -^ »a Additional pyriod af fi»» y«ar» ur.dai- t-ia sa;..'1

4 <l6WHtioii3 by ai n& W-S9 to Lawoi- iB i-.-ifci:^ .it

, ta o-dreise suca opei-sn not laser eh*-.i thi.'ty ^." to eft* o^plratlon af. ehe orlg .ial 60: a.T'i 3. The p^alsss ahall ^^ uasd .JT t.^-; pur. .

^ a lAtwfill for Induaerial vas^- ar^ lafus*;. Le'tJ that it; shall comply with fliasa and r^tter^l re^-

| cernin^ tho ope.-afclon of aaiti landfl:.!.I B 'l'~'

- , W.naft( ea:;

einai ..-


tie re 1 . con-

and r r.:edfroa •„<



fi. Usior wari-ant.i fcha: at-,- i-.-;-30U



.11 t.



and che rigns £o le««a t-^a •• »6 -s :;r.

Le»a(?t ch< quiec u««, enjoyBt. .it ^sw ?G.

for cho itfriii hereof or durin, ar.y ri.-.e-.

final •xplrttldn of th« terr of ;?•.:.- 1,

csra, Le»«ea »h»l: proapt:y Jrrandcr ;L«»«or.

VITHE55 our hand* and •calf an -.-.<

GHJ. ;:C

8y-^^^-'^^a 37^ -^




3 AT?£5T:

I ^L.

,, S'TW O? A&tJUtfAS


-1 t ••/^'^" ' AU£ " :• ,>;nd<p»lgna»* oi'tlear, per^onal:y -,,--

'j Be to bfl the parson uhos« naw ^s s-ss-.i. - s ,.".ej tffcrus«nt and acknowladged that; a:~.« .--aa •xe ..s»i ;::*9 eha purpose* Sftarair. eon-.Unad.•; - '?

;n WAtrAaa Whereof : hefeur. »; ^ .-- = /;/, /- • / ' —" —


--.. -. f'-A,t»L. 1. • »n?i .Ait"

' ACKKO^EDGMgMr-'•:'.'•• ..^T^' rr - ,'" ':?

. ' J l 4 ' — — — — - . ' ^STATE OF ARKANSAS


/£^ " i'OB fehi» tho ^21-day of Auguat. XS7*i, befc.-o Re, a Noca.-yPubUc. par»onaUy appeai-od i3rady Shtplay, who i<;itnowl,..lgedhiagelf to &• the PfBsidcnt of CHJ, In;., a coi loratlor, andeaat he, «« aueh Presidani, b«ing authcrleed SL to (ilo, <xecut<dtae foregoing InacruntAt for the purpOEas tharel.n eont. ined, by•lining trt» nanw of tha corporation by hlwelf r Praa-^ent.

;n Vtc.-.us Whoreof X hafuntOM^/.y hartd md off:;lal »Ml.

f^^^^^^^7u5TIc~————————7 Notary PuoTn

'"(/l-^1^3"1"13" exP^*'<8;

^^^Z/?2 '•.'- / ' ^ " "



-.ie Clark

.-i«3 Ouqan


^ ^ „-3>^re WARRANTY DEED


" i^——- f^nnj a C larit


FIlEri-^lK':1*^ Ci.F.flK


(tff ind In conihJeririon of fha turn of

; )OLIAB&.

i hina p«>d by- Galdie Dugan

'ar»M, 6«'gi.ned »nd Sold, ind (to hwby GfliM, 6*rg»l", itil •rtd Convey unto lh« laid————.——^-—-i———— 00-_' -l lS Qigar- _—__ __ -_. _ - ^-*nri ...rtm her tmt^ ind ltdgni forever, lha lofltfwtng

;« »<al Esfia .y fl in ihe ComXy 3^a$Lian——————^_^—————————ind Sl»lB of A*k»niM, to-wlti-- •Jceie Souta Half of. the $gue^est Ouarter of Section 31.. •nam9hiD.7. Worth.. Ban?e_31 0-75^aiti»iaxmty,^kattas. wee paEXicularlydM^iJbedaifoilitt.ra!Baqifviwg at ttie /-.•-rt a i- JMiB^ -ot-aaad'Seuch iiatf of' u.« 3ouiJitfa3L~^artarrTtfenL.'u HUi. Ur00~ttegttiaa"'03" 0;M KMt, alcnt| tfta Waat. llIM Ot aani South half. 1130.65 feat fo [.t^ point of bffqlR&in^-ai ttltnie ^torttroo ^ noB 05 Hlwtes l c, «i aaidMMtlTiiB.^107.2 feet co. the ©

/^t-oitwaift-Woi-w-certff oi-au-ip-iMci:.—'ftieneB-MiKUi-M'dMfiutfcrMrtBiJiuciUu gaBt, aluiaj ifiU'd<-.- ^ Mortr. sanfc, 2174.24 fwft. •nm»^ Sooth O0.tegreei_2g ffliniiCM MMh 'qfl.3 ? t En3?prsausat*5ii8rSMv?»erip pit. Thtswa (ollcwing laid •ppraxuute Souch bank, Sout."•*q'l*»- -i-M3ftBcea-<te3e-J«*'»rfr t»avs—•HaBmi-Suotlr^ydtfJiiaaii-3trsmt6tBS'»mc~i8t~^'faat..=e South •3 iWW 43 autta^ lhafc M1.6 gaet. ' angfe Stai h ftf rtftp-*« 'A mmir^ UM>

•ST—s.t1-*wa ttorth 17 dfti w— 57 fDinucas Hast 1040.04 faae to the point of fccgi.'yun;:< uuftir-ai- -ncytta-etarfr-w i alr t Jil ^•••teJ'••a^^aL^n^tfc* 'WS* t8''o ' «y'.———————'—'-3 KAV( WO 13 HOU> tff M»M MUft *• H^ SSibJU. &^PP——-.——,.——^-__———————————^——•.».-_

"er '-"1' *Hd ttueni f««v«r, iMih lU privti o (nd iwmwm»e»t ihumr^a tiihuiging———..———»,

•d. .du<i4——•4nim Clart -. let—aa——wa. _^*aLdo

*<ftby toi/timy wflh tfu i*ld'

Jtec—hMt «nd tlilgni. itin ]" iia 'nrffirffy-

2-- ^ >a 1«« ftJ •» «ter«g>inftf prinneL ihit A«r Ira (f«* (r«m Jtl incuniocntat; *tt_ _Juv« owd ftahl

»it •fereiild•id wwci ifte t«m« to t*i« (ltd———S^m.S-flUSfln .. . .- —... --

->t_^_______will. *"^ a^ *a., •xKuiwi •nd idminiiiruon

lyevti www C-J (utind OKI iula <o lixt •Mt «lt*ia *g*uHt Jif ttwfwJ (t«imi Md denundi whnwevf.

-hafttf—i—Jr-d mL-JLofl fcl*. .29 .rf.y^_. .Juna

^>4^^^.\L&», Sabflr _Ci.AttQCnev. fQ£."linniA F-f >rP-«Ha 1


Jietaafci.ui-29 .. 19^L, JnafMify VfHund balor» in«, a_

,iWttMa J»d fer lha CftuAty tnd Sf«r ifofeiikJ,yy .u-BflM >"rt •r-lt Harle ^ parPcues af Attscamev ^or mrsiig Hae f-lat-k d«ed 35 July.•, r»coiroad iit. Bodfe i4( PaqB <7S, GxeefMWil Olatrict. S«li«at.i«n Coaity. ArkAnaaa.*«.: ••»«•«* «* -*.» pMior. — i.na«a u<n«^_i9fmf.—^pod Ui« on-tun Joa tofQuag deed. » if p«tt« .

. •»•* u—tf • IIT ilHni 'iir' •wound (ha iiu to lhA t«a**(fw*Nani wl (tufpaidi ihBrun M«f»loaed

JtefcKyJMilu' ,^^—„„—.—^-_rtM d*v ind rer tn* ttafva cnuuianirf.


•t'VnCIS, —f OJ^l •M« l»tt H tkC*

? * it<" •*f- i__i!ylil--l


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