washington's presidency

Post on 21-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. President Washington transforms the ideas of the Constitution into a real government. George Washington 1st President of the United States
  2. 2. State court decisions may be appealed to federal courts Judiciary Act of 1789 Creates Supreme Court 3 circuit courts 13 district courts
  3. 3. Washington Shapes the Executive Branch Washington elected first president of U.S. in 1789 Executive branch is president, vice president Congress creates State, War, Treasury Departments President Washington (far right) meets with his first Cabinet: (from left to right) Henry Knox, Thomas Jefferson, Edmund Randolph (with back turned), and Alexander Hamilton.
  4. 4. Alexander Hamilton becomes Secretary of Treasury Washington adds Attorney General These Department heads are Cabinet
  5. 5. Hamilton and Jefferson in Conflict Hamilton: Strong central government led by wealthy/educated Jefferson: Strong state, local government; Peoples participation Hamilton has Northern support; Jefferson has Southern/Western support ALEXANDER HAMILTON 17551804 THOMAS JEFFERSON 17431826
  6. 6. Hamiltons Economic Plan U.S. owes millions to foreign countries, Private citizens Plan Pay foreign debt with money collected from excise taxes and protective tariffs Create a National Bank Assume states debt Some Southern states have paid debts, against taxes to pay for North
  7. 7. Plan for a National Bank Hamilton proposes Bank of the United States: Funded by government/ private investors Issue paper money/handle taxes
  8. 8. Disagreement over Congressional authority to establish bank Debate begins over strict and loose interpretation of Constitution Strict interpretation (Jefferson): If it doesn't specifically say you can then you can't. Loose interpretation (Hamilton): If it doesn't specifically say you can't then you can.
  9. 9. The District of Columbia To win Southern support for his debt plan, Hamilton suggests: moving nations capital from NYC to South Washington, D.C. planned on grand scale; government seat by 1800Pierre LEnfant proposed a federal capital of spacious, tree-lined boulevards, symbolizing the freedom of the young republic.
  10. 10. Split in Washingtons cabinet leads to first U.S. political parties Federalists and Democratic-Republicans Jeffersons allies: Democratic-Republicans Hamiltons allies: Federalists Two-party system established as two major parties compete for power
  11. 11. Protective tariff Import tax on goods produced overseas Excise tax Charged on products manufacture, sale, or distribution
  12. 12. Whiskey Rebellion Pennsylvania farmers refuse to pay excise tax on whiskey (which Hamilton called a luxury but they called a necessity). They used whiskey as a medium of exchange in a barter system (like money) Beat up federal marshals, threaten secession, no major loss of life Federal government shows it can enforce laws by sending in militia
  13. 13. Whiskey Rebellion: A group of rebels taking part in the Whiskey Rebellion tar and feather a tax collector.
  14. 14. Events in Europe sharply divide American public opinion in the late 18th century. French revolutionaries storm the Bastille in Paris, France, on July 14, 1789.
  15. 15. Reactions to the French Revolution Federalists pro-British Democratic-Republicans pro-French Washington declares neutrality, will not support either side
  16. 16. Jays Treaty Chief Justice John Jay makes treaty with Britain, angers Americans British evacuate posts in Northwest, may continue fur trade British do not agree to stop seizing ships and sailors United States northern region circa 1794
  17. 17. Treaty with Spain Pinckneys Treaty of 1795, or Treaty of San Lorenzo, signed. Spain gives up claims to western U.S. Florida-U.S. boundary set at 31st parallel Mississippi River open to U.S. traffic
  18. 18. Fights in the Northwest Miami tribe chief, Little Turtle, defeats U.S. army Battle of Fallen Timbers General Anthony Wayne defeats Miami Confederacy at Fallen Timbers Miami sign Treaty of Greenville Give up southern 2/3 of Ohio Get less than actual value for land The Miami war chief Little Turtle negotiates with General Anthony Wayne.
  19. 19. During his farewell address, Washington gave the nation two pieces of advice: 1. Do not enter into permanent entangling alliances 2. Do not create political parties. While we ignored the second piece of advice, we managed to stay neutral through the first several presidents

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