watch video clip and take notes about details of otzi’s life

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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The Neolithic Age

Watch video clip and take notes about details of Otzi’s life.

Otzi the Iceman

Read Otzi’s biography on p. 12 (Journey Across Time)

Imagine you are Otzi and you are able to write a letter home to your family. Write a letter including the following:

-Why are you away from home?- What is your life like?-What are you bringing with you on your


Otzi the Iceman

View: BrainPop Agricultural Revolution

What were the benefits of the Agricultural Revolution?

The Neolithic Age, or New Stone Age began about 8000 B.C. and lasted until about 4000 B.C.

People began to domesticate, or tame animals and plants for human use.

The Agricultural Revolution began during the Neolithic Age.

People in different parts of the world discovered how to grow crops at about the same time.

People who farmed could settle in one place.

Greater securitySteady food suppliesBigger population to produce a bigger crop

Trade extra food (surplus) Specialization- different kinds of jobs (ex. making pottery, weave cloth, etc.)

Better tools

Benefits of a Settled Life:

Is farming today the same as it was during the Neolithic Age? Explain.

View: Food, Agriculture, and the Economy

Applying New Agricultural Techniques…

Read p. 13-15 (Journey Across Time)Complete Notes worksheet

Slash and Burn: used to clear the land out for more farmland and burn the land for more fertile soil.

Neolithic Guided Notes:

Read the QuestionUnderline key wordsEliminate answersSelect correct answerTell why it is correct

QUEST Strategy:

Humans migrated constantly during the Paleolithic age. What was the cause of this mass migration?A. tribal warsB. language developmentC. animal migrationD. religious practice

Why is farming better for human society than hunting and gathering?A. Lack of foodB. more dependable for food C. more natural resourcesD. dependence of physical features

If you were a Neolithic farmer, what would be the most important physical feature to settle by?A. mountainsB. animalsC. desertsD. river

Read “Life in the Stone Ages” Article

Complete Venn Diagram


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