wave interaction with porous coastal structures

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Wave Interaction with Porous Coastal Structures

Jensen, Bjarne

Publication date:2014

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Citation (APA):Jensen, B. (2014). Wave Interaction with Porous Coastal Structures. Technical University of Denmark.





Wave Interaction with Porous Coastal Structures

Bjarne JensenMarch 2014


Wave Interaction with Porous CoastalStructures

Bjarne Jensen

Technical University of DenmarkDepartment of Mechanical Engineering

Section of Fluid Mechanics, Coastal and Maritime Engineering

March 30, 2014



The present thesis Wave interaction with porous coastal structures is submitted as one ofthe requirements for obtaining the degree of Ph.D. from the Technical University of Den-mark. The work was performed at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sectionfor Fluid Mechanics, Coastal and Maritime Engineering, under the main supervision ofProfessor Erik Damgaard Christensen and co-supervisor Professor B. Mutlu Sumer.

The external stay was conducted at University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) under theguidance of Assistant Professor Xiaofeng Liu (currently at Penn State University). Thehelp and supervision during this stay, and the continuous collaboration after the return toDenmark, is much appreciated and acknowledged.

A thanks goes to my colleges in our group for any help and discussions during my firstmore then three years in the group. A special thanks goes to Ph.D. Niels Gjøl Jacob-sen, Ph.D. Bo Terp Paulsen, and Ph.D.-student Sina Saremi for many long discussions,sometimes also of relevance for our field of research.

Several M.Sc.-students completed their thesis under guidance of the author and the super-visors. Of relevance for the work presented in the present Ph.D.-thesis, a thanks shouldbe given to Mr. Martin Vistisen who worked on the experimental investigations presentedin Chapter 2, and Mr. Morten Ibsen who worked on the numerical modelling presented inChapter 4.

During the development of the Immersed Boundary Method presented in Chapter 5 someinitial tests were performed with the armour unit Xbloc® by Delta Marine Consultants,Netherlands. Drawings and other general information in this relation was provided byPh.D. Markus Muttray. Although the simulations have not made its way into the presentthesis the help and information provided is greatly acknowledged.

The project was founded by the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innova-tion through the GTS grant: Fremtidens Marine Konstruktioner (Marine Structures of theFuture). The support is greatly acknowledged.

Bjarne Jensen30th of March 2014




Preface i

Contents iii

Abstract v

Resume vii

1 Introduction 11.1 Wave interaction with breakwaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2 Experimental design methods for armour layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.3 Numerical approach to breakwater design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.4 Outline of current work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1.5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2 Flow and turbulence at rubble mound breakwater armour layersunder solitary wave 17

3 Pressure-induced forces and shear stresses on rubble mound breakwaterarmour layers in regular waves 35

4 Investigations on the porous media equations and resistance coefficientsfor coastal structures 57

5 Porous media and immersed boundary hybrid modellingfor coastal structures 85

6 Wave interaction with large roughness elements on an impermeablesloping bed 105



Nomenclature 125

A Discretisation schemes for numerical simulations 129A.1 Gradient terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

A.2 Divergence terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

A.3 Laplacian terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

A.4 Temporal terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132


Porous breakwater structures are widely used as protection against waves for ports andharbours as well as for general coastal protection. The structures differers dependingon the exact purpose e.g. harbour protection, detached breakwaters, groins, submergedbreakwaters etc. Typical types of structures are rubble mound breakwaters and bermbreakwaters where common structural elements are core material, filter layers and armourlayers. The armour stones serves as the main protection of the filter and core materialagainst wave action. Therefore the armour stones must maintain stable when exposedto waves. The general design methods are based on a long tradition of experimentalinvestigations in scale models. This has resulted in empirical design formulas which incombination with physical model tests during the design phase constitutes the typicalapproach to breakwater design. Numerical models are also applied as part of investigatingand designing breakwaters. The models can provide more detailed information on sometopics, such as pressure attenuation through the porous core material, while it is moredifficult to simulate the direct destabilisation and movements of individual stones. Thepresent study seeks to extend the methods currently applied to gain more insight into thephysical processes involved with armour layer destabilisation. Both experimental andnumerical methods are treated.

In Chapter 2 the flow and turbulence around armour layer stones as well as the shearstresses are investigated based on physical experiments. A detailed methodology wasapplied which takes a different approach than normally seen for breakwater experiments.The physical processes related to generation of turbulence were separated by means of aseries of experiments with increasing complexity. Hereby the contribution to generationof turbulence, and destabilizing shear stresses, from the wave breaking, the armour layer,and the porous core was singled out. In Chapter 3 a similar detailed approach was takentowards experimental investigation of the pressure induced forces in the filter layers belowthe main armour stones. Here it was shown how pressure gradient in the filter layer cancontribute to the destabilization of the structure.

In Chapter 4 the numerical approach towards breakwater investigations was treated interms of resistance type porosity models solved with the Navier-Stokes equations. Themethod was based on adding the effect of the porous media via the Darcy-Forchheimerequation to the momentum equation. This is a well know method that has been applied for



several decades. A detailed derivation was presented of the volume averaged Reynoldsaveraged Navier-Stokes (VARANS) equations that forms the basis for the model. Withthis derivation it was possible to show the origin of the resistance terms which are even-tually modelled with the Darcy-Forchheimer equation. The model was calibrated by in-cluding several calibration cases that has not previously been applied. Hereby severalflow regimes were included giving a better understanding and applicability of the cali-brated coefficients. In Chapter 5 the porosity model was extended to be coupled withan immersed boundary method (IBM). This method provides a simple mean of includ-ing complex geometries in the numerical model without the need for complicated meshgeneration. Hereby parts of the structure, such as the armour layer, can with relative easebe resolved directly. This can provide results such as flow and turbulence around the ar-mour stones and the direct forces on the stones for evaluation of stability. An examplewas shown with the simulation of a rock toe structure on a rubble mound breakwater.The stones in the toe structure were resolved directly in the model while the rest of thebreakwater was included with the porosity model.

In Chapter 6 both experimental and numerical topics are included. The physical exper-iments includes the first results from the experiments on flow and turbulence around ar-mour stones. These results are presented in greater details in Chapter 2. The numericalsimulations includes the flow around the idealised armour layer in terms of spheres whichare compared to the measurements from the experiments.


Bølgebrydere er en udbredt konstruktionstype for beskyttelse af havne og terminaler savel som for generel kystbeskyttelse. Konstruktionerne er opbygget forskelligt afhængigaf deres specifikke formal. Typiske bølgebryder-konstruktioner er rubble mound og bermbølgebrydere hvor de gennemgaende elementer er kernemateriale, filterlag og ydre dæk-sten. De ydre dæksten tjener til formal at beskytte filter of kerne materiale mod bølgerne.Det er derfor vigtigt at dækstenene forbliver stabile nar de udsættes for bølgepavirkning.De generelle designmetoder er baseret pa en lang tradition for eksperimentelle undersøgelseri modelskala. Det har resulteret i empiriske designformler som i kombination med fysiskemodelforsøg udgør den typiske fremgangsmade for design af bølgebrydere. Numeriskemodeller bliver ogsa brugt til undersøgelse og design af bølgebrydere. Modellerne kangiver mere detaljeret information omkring visse omrader, f.eks. trykdæmpning gennemdet porøse kernemateriale. Det er dog sværere at simulere den direkte destabilisering ogbevægelse af de enkelte sten. Dette studie forsøger at udvide de metoder som typisk bliveranvendt for at opna bedre forstaelse for de fysiske processer som er involveret ved desta-bilisering af bølgebrydere. Bade eksperimentelle og numeriske metoder er undersøgt.

I Kapitel 2 undersøges strømningen og turbulens samt forskydningsspændinger omkringstenene i de ydre beskyttelseslag ved brug af fysiske eksperimenter. De fysiske processerrelateret til generering af turbulens blev belyst ved en serie af eksperimenter med stigendekompleksitet. Hermed var det muligt at vise bidraget til generering af turbulens, og desta-biliserende forskydningsspændinger, fra bølgebrydning, dækstenene og det porøse kerne-materiale. I Kapitel 3 er en lignende tilgang benyttet ved eksperimentel undersøgelse aftrykinducerede kræfter i filterlaget under de ydre dæksten. Her blev det vist, hvordantrykgradienter i filterlaget kan bidrage til destabilisering af konstruktionen.

I Kapitel 4 er den numeriske porøsitetsmodel baseret pa en løsning af Navier-Stokesligninger beskrevet. Metoden bygger pa at tilføje effekten af det porøse materiale viaDarcy-Forchheimer ligningen til momentum ligningen. Modellen blev udledt ved envolumen-midling af ligninger hvorved det var muligt at vise de modstandsled som mod-elleres med Darcy-Forchheimer ligningen. Modellen blev kalibreret ved brug af flerekalibreringseksempler som ikke tidligere har været anvendt. Det gjorde det muligt atinkludere flere strømnings-regimer og dermed opna en bedre bestemmelse og forstaelseaf modstandskoefficienterne. I Kapitel 5 bliver porøsitetsmodel koblet til en numerisk



metode kaldet immersed boundary method (IBM). IBM modellen gør det muligt at opløsekomplicerede geometrier direkte i den numeriske model uden nødvendigheden at et kom-pliceret beregningsnet. Hermed kan dele af konstruktionen, f.eks. de ydre dæksten,beskrives direkte i modellen. Det kan give resultater som strømninger og turbulens omkringstenene og en direkte simulering af de kræfter som pavirker de enkelte sten. Ta-beskyttelsenpa en bølgebryder blev vist som eksempel, hvor de enkelte sten i taen er opløst direkte,men resten af bølgebryderen af beskrevet med porøsitetsmodellen.

I Kapitel 6 er bade de eksperimentelle og numeriske emner berørt. De første resultaterfra de fysiske eksperimenter ang. strømninger og turbulens omkring dækstenene er vist.Disse resultater er vist i større detaljeringsgrad i Kapitel 2. De numeriske beregningervise strømningen omkring de idealiserede dæksten og sammenligner med malingerne frade fysiske eksperimenter.



The breakwater structure forms a key element in ports and harbour engineering and coastalprotection. It is applied to ensure safe and functioning harbours and as a mean to protectcoastlines against erosion. The very first harbours were traditionally located in fjords andrivers. Hereby they were sheltered against the most severe wave conditions. This was alsothe case for the large European ports in the Medieval in e.g. London and Rotterdam. Laterport developments in e.g. New York and New Orleans were also naturally protected dueto their placement in rivers. During the industrialisation the development went towardslarger vessels with a bigger draft. The increasing globally trade continuously increased theneed for more transportation by sea and hereby bigger container vessels. The increasingactivity within the oil and gas industry during the 70’s and 80’s demanded larger builds ofcrude oil and LNG carriers. In order to accommodate this the port development needed tofollow the same trend. They went towards the coast where some of the biggest breakwaterstructures were constructed at up to 30-50 m of water depth. Examples of this are theCiervana breakwater at the port of Bilbao, Spain which extends down to about 30 m andthe breakwater at port of Sines, Portugal with a depth of about 50 m.

During several decades the design of breakwaters has been studied experimentally, re-sulting in design formulas for the various parts of the structure. Although this work hasbeen on-going for several decades the area is still not fully investigated; new and up-dated formulas are continuously published which are incorporating new parameters andparameter ranges. As described later in this chapter the amount of governing parametersis large which complicates the task of covering the appropriate parameter space in designformulas.

Although there have been a long development of design methods there do exists exam-ples on breakwater failures. In Figure 1.1 the round head and outer part of the westernbreakwater at Hornbaek harbour in north Sealand, Denmark is shown. The breakwater ismade of natural stones (sea stone) up to about 1 t. Damages occurred during a storm in



December 2013 where approximately one meter of the breakwater crest was pushed intothe harbour.

Figure 1.1: Damaged breakwater in Hornbaek harbour, Denmark.

Figure 1.2 shows the breakwater at the east coast of the island of Terceira in the Azores.The breakwater is exposed to Atlantic storms. The breakwater was constructed in 1963and the armour layer was made of 17 t tetrapods. Already during construction the break-water was damaged and several repairs were conducted during the following three decades.The structure continued to experience failures and in 2004 a new construction phase wasinitiated with the armour based on CORE-LOC units up to 31 t.

The breakwater at Sines, Portugal is shown in Figure 1.3. Here a 2 km long breakwateron water depths up to 50 m protects the harbour. The main armour layer was constructedby 42 t Dolosse units. In February 1978 a storm destroyed a large part of the 10, 000Dolosse units. Hereby the seaward side of the breakwater was eroded and the super struc-ture was undermined and consequently destroyed. In December 1978 and February 1979the breakwater was again exposed to severe storms which destroyed the 5, 000 Dolosseunits that were placed to repair the first damage. According to Burcharth (1987) the waveconditions during the storms should not have caused significant damages to the breakwa-ter.

In the view of the long tradition of experimental investigations following the same method-ology it is interesting to raise the question whether we can apply a different approachin order to gain more insight into the failure mechanisms? Not as a replacement forthe current experimental work but as an additional mean of describing the physical pro-cesses. Also, it is worth considering the role of numerical modelling both in relation tounderstanding the physical mechanisms and in the design process. These questions areaddressed further in Section 1.4. First, a brief overview is given in relation to the geomet-rical and hydraulic aspects of breakwaters and destabilizing forces. Also the governing


parameters are summarised together with examples of the design formulas typically usedfor breakwater armour layers.

Figure 1.2: Collapsed breakwater in the Azores.

Figure 1.3: Collapsed breakwater at Sines harbour, Portugal.


1.1 Wave interaction with breakwaters

Breakwaters are constructed with different geometrical characteristics and choice of ma-terials depending on the purpose of the actual structure. Examples of different types anduse of breakwaters are compiled in e.g. Jensen (1984), Bruun (1989), and Goda (2010).

Traditionally rubble mound breakwaters and berm breakwaters are seen in relation to portsand harbours but also as a mean for general coastal protection. For example as detachedbreakwaters parallel to the shoreline as emerged or submerged structures, or as groinsplaced perpendicular to the shoreline. Breakwaters and similar structures as a coast andshoreline protection are described in Mangor (2004).

As the breakwater structures are applied to provide protection against wave action in alarge variety of situations and conditions the layout and design of these structures are notidentical from structure to structure. However, there are several common elements whichmay be found in most of the breakwater structures. Figure 1.4 shows the cross section ofa typical rubble mound breakwater.


Figure 1.4: Example of the typical elements of a rubble mound breakwater. After Burcharth(1993)

The inner part is denoted the core which is often made out of quarry run or gravel. Thismaterial is not stable towards wave impact itself and must therefore be further protected.This is done by applying an outer armour layer which is the primary protection of thestructure against wave action on the sea side. On the rear side an amour layer may beapplied as well as protection against overtopping and wave disturbance. The armour layeris made out of rocks of a sufficient size to remain stable against wave attacks. Alterna-tives to natural rocks are concrete elements such as the Accropod, Tetrapod, Dolos, andXbloc. To provide a stable foundation for the armour layer units and to ensure that thecore material is not washed out through the armour layer, one or several filter layers areplaced between the core and the armour. A toe berm may be included to provide a stablefoundation for the armour layer .

These typical elements may all be found to some extend and in different combinationsin the various porous breakwater structures. A traditional rubble mound breakwater maybe designed similar to the shown example while other types e.g. a detached submerged


offshore breakwater may consist only of larger armour layer rocks. Common for them allis that the stability of the complete structure is closely linked to the capability of the outerarmour layer to remain stable and intact when exposed to waves.

1.1.1 Flow sequences

When the porous breakwater is subjected to waves the flow cycle is divided into a numberof sequences given as:

1. Wave approach and initial run-up. Possible wave breaking and initiation of inflowtowards the core.

2. Run-up and wave breaking.

3. Maximum run-up and inflow. Outflow initiated at the bottom part of the structure.

4. Run-down.

5. Lowest run-down water level and outflow from the core.

During these sequences a number of flow stages are present. In Andersen et al. (2011)the run-up flow was divided into the flow stages as shown in Figure 1.5. Here the flow isseen to change considerably in space and time during the run-up phase. At the lower partof the structure the thickness of the run-up wedge may be several times the roughness ofthe armour layer. Here the flow has similarities with a rough bottom channel flow. At theupper part of the structure the run-up wedge thickness is less than the roughness whichmay resemble flow around obstacles as described in Andersen et al. (2011).

Wave propagation

1 2 34

Wave surging

and breaking

Surface flow

upper part of wedge

Surface flow

lower part of wedge

Porous flow

Figure 1.5: Flow regimes during run-up. After Andersen et al. (2011).

Following the same methodology as for the run-up phase the flow stages for the run-downphase are shown in Figure 1.6. Again, the flow is dominated by the upper part of thestructure where the wedge thickness is small compared to the roughness and the lowerpart with a relatively larger wedge thickness. In addition to this a formation of a breakingbore or hydraulic jump can be seen during the run-down as described in Pedersen andGjevik (1983).


For both the run-up and run-down an additional flow stage can be defined in terms of theporous flow in the core of the structure.

Surface flow

lower part of wedge


Breaking bore/

hydraulic jump


Surface flow

upper part of wedge1

Porous flow

Figure 1.6: Flow regimes during run-down.

The different flow stages shows the complexity related to evaluating the flow interactionwith the structure. Depending on the flow stage different physical processes governs theforces, and thereby the destabilization of the structure.

1.1.2 Hydraulic forces on the armour layer

The flow sequences outlined in Section 1.1.1 will give rise to a hydraulic loading actingon the armour stones. The external forces acting on the outer armour layer are mainlygoverned by the wave induced loading during the run-up and run-down stage. The indi-vidual stones will experience a resulting force which decomposes into a drag force actingparallel to the underlying filter or core material and a lift force acting perpendicular to this.The wave induced forces may differ according to the type of wave action. A surging wavemay introduce a flow over the armour layer very much governed by run-up and run-downwhile a plunging wave breaking on the breakwater slope may give raise to maximum loadsduring short impact periods.

The flow in and out of the porous core may be important for the stability of the outerarmour layer. Especially the flow out of the core may contribute to a force acting on thearmour stones away from the core. In Hald (1998) this process was exemplified duringrun-up and run-down. It is described how the out going flow and the associated forcesare largest during the run-down where the lowering of the surface elevation inside thecore is delayed compared to the surface elevation outside the core causing an outwarddirected flow. In addition to the forces directly from the flow around the armour stonesanother destabilizing effect can be generated due to the delay of the flow inside the filterand core material. This delay may cause inward and outward directed pressure gradientsin the outer layers of the core or filter. The outward directed pressure gradient will causea suction effect which will act as a destabilizing force.

Including the forces described above as destabilizing, a force balance may be set-up for a


single armour stone where the stabilizing forces are introduced as the gravitational forceand reaction forces from adjacent armour stones. Figure 1.7 shows a schematic represen-tation of the force balance during run-down.

Figure 1.7: Schematic force balance for an armour layer stone. After Hald (1998).

The forces which will act as destabilizing are given as the drag force, FD, and the liftforce, FL. The stabilizing force will be the gravitational force, Fg, and also the reactionforces from adjacent stones may act as stabilizing. The flow from inside the core andoutwards will add to the drag and lift force depending on the orientation of the outwarddirected flow. Both the drag and lift force are composed of the contribution from thedifferent flow processes such as boundary layer flow above the armour layer, flow aroundthe individual stones, wave breaking processes, and flow from the porous core. Resultsfrom the traditional physical experiments gives the combined effect of these processes interms of an observation of whether the stones are moving are remains in place.

1.1.3 Breakwater failure modes

In Figure 1.4 some typical structural parts of a breakwater were shown. As a results ofthe very different scales and materials also the type of failures will differ throughout thestructure. The failure of breakwater structures are divided into failure modes depending onthe type of failure, see e.g. Abbott and Price (1994) and Burcharth and Liu (1995). Someexamples are instabilities and movements of armour stones, slip failures where largerparts of the armour, filter and/or core material slides downward the slope, settlement ofthe core and subsoil, and sea bed scour at the toe structure. These failures are summarisedin Figure 1.8.

For the present study the relevant failures are mainly direct instabilities and movements of


armour stones and destabilization of the filter layer due to e.g. suction mechanisms. How-ever, the approach presented in this work towards detailed experimental investigations andthe numerical modelling concept can be applied for investigations of other failure modesas well.

Figure 1.8: Failure modes for rubble mound breakwater. After Burcharth and Liu (1995).

1.2 Experimental design methods for armour layers

As described in the previous sections the breakwater structure consists of several struc-tural parts that must all remain stable during wave loading. The forces on the structureare governed by a number of both hydraulic and structural parameters. The structuralparameters are given as:

• Armour stone diameter, Dn50

• Armour stone grading, D85/D15

• Armour stone roughness

• Armour stone density, ρs

• Armour layer thickness

• Angle of the slope, γ

• Crest height

• Porosity, n

• Placement of the armour stones

• Internal friction angle between armour and filter layer

Correspondingly a number of governing hydraulic parameters are given as:


• Wave height, H

• Wave period, T

• Number of waves, N

• Type of wave spectra

• Water depth, h

• Water density, ρw

When incorporating all governing parameters into the design process for e.g. the armourlayer it becomes a complicated task. As such there exists no general functional relation-ship that relates the stability of armour layers to the governing parameters. The design ofthe armour layer is traditionally based on stability formulas derived from physical modelexperiments. The formulas are derived with the applicability limited to the conditionsand parameters investigated in the experiments. This has lead to a large amount of designformulas. However, they all have the same general form as:


∆Dn50= Kf(·) (1.1)

where H is the wave height, ∆ is the relative submerged stone density, Dn50 is the equiv-alent cube length, K is an empirical coefficient, and f(·) is a function of various parame-ters.

One of the most referenced stability formula for armour layers is the stability formula byHudson (1959):


∆Dn50= (KDcotγ)

13 (1.2)

where KD is an empirical parameter and γ is the slope angle. The formula is rathersimple and the stability is expressed only as a function of the slope angle. The effect of allother governing parameters, both structural and hydraulic, must be incorporated via theempirical coefficient.

In van der Meer (1988) another stability formula was presented which takes into accountseveral of the governing parameters. The formula was presented for plunging waves as:


∆Dn50= 6.2ξ−0.5

0 P 0.18




and for surging waves as:


∆Dn50= ξP0





where ξm is the surf similarity parameter, P is the permeability factor, S is the damagelevel, and Nz is the number of waves.


More recent formulas are shown in e.g. Andersen and Burcharth (2010) and van Gent(2013) where prediction methods for a rubble mound breakwater with a berm is given.Also specific structural parts of the breakwater is treated in this way. This is e.g. vanGent and van der Werf (2014) and Muttray (2013) where specific design formulas fora rock toe is presented. These more recent formulas, also including those of van derMeer (1988), includes the effect of both geometrical parameters such as slope angle andpermeability, and hydraulic parameters such as the wave condition in terms of the surfsimilarity parameter. Several empirical parameters are also introduced which shows thelimitations of these formulas in terms of the range of data applied for determining theseparameters.

1.3 Numerical approach to breakwater design

Numerical methods have been applied in relation to coastal structures and breakwaters forseveral decades. In particular solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations have been modifiedto handle the flow in porous media. The actual porous media can not be resolved directlyfor large structures as breakwaters and as such the effect of the porosity is added to theflow rather then the actual porous media. This effect, in terms of an added resistance, iscommonly included as the extended Darcy-Forchheimer equation:

I = aρui + bρ√uiui〉ui (1.5)

where ρ is the density of the fluid, ui is the Cartesian velocity vector, and a and b areresistance coefficients. The resistance coefficients must be determined e.g. based onexperiments. Often the formulation presented in Engelund (1954) and van Gent (1995)have been applied.

Some examples of numerical models that used this approach is van Gent et al. (1994), vanGent (1995), Troch and De Rouck (1998), and Liu et al. (1999). In Hsu (2002) the volumeaveraging of the Navier-Stokes equations (VARANS) was introduced in order to derivethe porous media equations. Hereby the extra resistance terms were shown however theystill needed to be modelled by the Darcy-Forchheimer equation. This formulation wasapplied in several models such as Garcia et al. (2004) and Lara et al. (2006). In del Jesuset al. (2012) a new version was introduced which also made use of the volume averagingprocedure but with some discrepancies compared to the previous versions.

The resistance-type porosity models have a limitation in the information that can beachieved. It is possible to estimate e.g. the armour layer stability based on velocitiesnear the surface of the porous structure. But this requires the knowledge about force co-efficients for the drag and lift forces. The details on the forces on individual parts ofthe structure can not be simulated. Possible destabilization evaluated directly based onthe forces are thus not a possibility. With respect to evaluation of stability these type ofmodels does not provide more information than obtained from physical experiments.


One reason for applying numerical modelling is to get more detailed results which cannot be achieved with physical experiments. Therefore it is attractive to be able to resolvethe flow in the armour layer and thereby simulating the forces directly on each stone.This becomes a complicated task in terms of the model setup for the computational mesh.A random packing of naturally shaped stones may prove to be nearly impossible to re-solve with a good quality mesh. This can also be seen in terms of the previous examplesof models with this capability. In Latham et al. (2008), Maeno et al. (2009), and Renet al. (2013) armour stones have been resolved in the simulation. But to overcome thecomplexity of mesh generation the stones were included via a discrete element modelling(DEM) method. Here the stones are included as solid objects/particles that are not directlyresolved with a body-fitted mesh.

1.4 Outline of current work

The work compiled in this thesis covers a number of topics related to wave interaction withporous breakwaters seen from both an experimental and numerical point of view. Thefollowing five main chapters includes five papers each covering a specific topic. Somepapers have been published, some are under review or will be submitted shortly. Thecurrent status is given on the title page before each chapter.

When reviewing the previous work and design methods as briefly summarized above inrelation to an experimental and a numerical approach, some questions arises that haveformed the basis for the present work.

• Can we design a simple/generic experimental setup that can single out some of thephysical processes involved in armour layer destabilization?

• Is it possible to measure the contribution to e.g. turbulence from the individualstructural parts?

• What is the magnitude of pressure gradient induced forces in the filter layers? Dothey give a significant contribution to the destabilizing forces?

• Can the resistance coefficients for porosity models be determined taking into ac-count the entire parameter space and several flow regimes?

• Can we extend the current porosity model approach to handle a direct resolution ofselected parts of the structure with a simple mesh generating routine?

• Can a numerical model provide more detailed information about the loading processon individual stones?

Regarding the experimental approach for investigating breakwater stability and design ingeneral, the typical methodology is focused on a scale model of a complete breakwaterincluding the different parts such as core, filter and armour layer. The model is build as


a direct scaled copy of the prototype structure. The response of the structure when ex-posed to waves, e.g. the amount of damages is compiled into empirical design formulasas described in Section 1.2. Another experimental approach is to construct an experimen-tal setup that includes the physical processes however not necessarily as a direct copy ofthe structure of interest. The experimental model may not look like the real life proto-type but the physical processes are reproduced while the design of the experiment enablesmeasurements of the physical processes. In this study this approach has been adopted forexperimental investigations of breakwaters. The goal was to design the physical experi-ments in such a way that more details about the physics could be achieved and with thepossibility to distinguish the physical processes from each other.

The first two papers (Chapters 2 and 3) covers the experimental investigations of the physi-cal processes related to destabilizing of breakwater armour layers. Detailed measurementsof velocity, turbulence, and pressure were performed. In Chapter 2, the flow, turbulenceand shear stresses at the armour layer was described. The experiments included a smoothimpermeable bed, a rough impermeable bed, and a porous bed. With these different setupit was possible to single out some of the physical mechanisms related to generation ofturbulence and the associated shear stresses. In Chapter 3, detailed measurements of pres-sure gradients below the armour layer are presented. Here it was shown how the outwarddirected pressure gradients in the core or filter layers contributes to the destabilizing ofthe armour layers. Also shear stresses were derived from measurements of turbulence.

For a numerical handling of breakwaters there are examples of model developments dur-ing the last three decades. As described in Section 1.3 the most common approach isthe resistance type models incorporated in the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations.For a practical engineer this large amount of models may create some confusion as somedifferences appears in terms of the model formulation. Also calibration of the resistancecoefficients have generally been done based on a limited amount of calibration cases. Agood understanding of the variations of the parameters for coastal engineering is needed.

The first part of the numerical work related to resistance type models is presented in Chap-ter 4. Here the focus is on the detailed derivation of the VARANS equations making use ofthe volume averaging theorem which is generally not presented in previous publications.The implemented model was applied for investigating the variation of the resistance pa-rameters covering the entire parameter space. Several calibration cases were introducedin order to cover several flow regimes. In Chapter 5, a numerical method referred to athe immersed boundary method (IBM) is introduced. The method makes it possible to in-clude complex geometries, such as an armour layer, in a computational mesh without theneed for complicated mesh generation. The model was implemented and coupled to theporosity model presented in Chapter 4. With this new coupling the hybrid approach wasproposed for simulating coastal structures. An example was given where the toe struc-ture of a breakwater was resolved with the immersed boundary model while the mainbreakwater was modelled by the porosity model.

In Chapter 6 both experimental and numerical topics are included. This chapter presents


the contribution to the International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 2012. The ex-perimental results deals with the first outcome of the experiments on flow and turbulencearound the armour layer which are presented in more details in Chapter 2. The numericalpart presents a detailed simulation of the flow around the spherical roughness elementsapplied as a generic armour layer. The results were compared to the measured velocitiesabove and in-between the spheres.

1.4.1 Remarks on future work

In relation to the above mentioned work some remarks are given in the following regardingthe current status and future work.

The experimental investigations took a different approach then typically applied for break-water structures. Some details were shown on the wave interaction with rubble moundbreakwaters and in particular the armour layer. The same methodology can be applied toinvestigate many other geometrical and hydraulic effects. Regarding the results presentedin the present thesis some future topics could be effects of irregular waves, variation ofslope angle, effect of thickness of armour layer etc. Also other parts of the structurecould be of interest. Currently an on-going project seeks to extend the results on pressureinduced forces and shear stresses (Chapter 3) to include a toe structure. Here the samemethodology is applied for detailed measurements of pressure and flow in the toe.

The hybrid modelling concept with the combination of the porosity model and the im-mersed boundary model is an attractive way of getting more details from the numericalmodels than possible from a porosity model only. The possibility to only resolve thosedetails which are of interest with the IBM model gives a more efficient approach. The sim-plicity in terms of grid generation makes the method useful not only for research purposesbut also for more practical engineering tasks. The present work coupled the IBM modelwith the porosity model including the free surface VOF formulation. An example of thepossible extend of the model was shown by simulating a rock toe structure. Future workin this relation will be to further validate the model in terms of detailed force and pressuremeasurement on both idealised (cylinder, sphere) and real armour stones placed on filterand core material. Also, a planned extension of the present model includes six-degree-of-freedom rigid body motion module for simulation of actual movements of armour stonesdue to the hydrodynamic forces.

1.5 References

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Andersen, T.L. and Burcharth, H. (2010). A new formula for front slope recession ofberm breakwaters. Coastal Engineering, 57(4):359–374.


Andersen, T. L., Burcharth, H., and Gironella, X. (2011). Comparison of new large andsmall scale overtopping tests for rubble mound breakwaters. Coastal Engineering,58(4):351–373.

Bruun, P. (1989). Port Engineering, volume 1. Gulf Publishing Company, Book Division,4 edition.

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Garcia, N., Lara, J., and Losada, I. (2004). 2-D numerical analysis of near-field flow atlow-crested permeable breakwaters. Coastal Engineering, 51(10):991–1020.

Goda, Y. (2010). Random seas and design of maritime structures. World Scientific, 3edition.

Hald, T. (1998). Wave Induced Loading and Stability of Rubble Mound Breakwaters.Series paper no. 18, Aalborg University.

Hsu, T. (2002). A numerical model for wave motions and turbulence flows in front of acomposite breakwater. Coastal Engineering, 46(1):25–50.

Hudson, R. Y. (1959). Laboratory investigations of rubble-mound breakwaters. Americansociety of civil engineers Transactions, (3213):610–659.

Jensen, O. J. (1984). A Monograph on Rubble Mound Breakwaters. Danish HydraulicInstitute, Agern Alle 5, DK-2970 Hoersholm, Denmark.

Lara, J., Garcia, N., and Losada, I. (2006). RANS modelling applied to random waveinteraction with submerged permeable structures. Coastal Engineering, 53(5-6):395–417.

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Liu, P. L.-F., Lin, P., Chang, K.-A., and Sakakiyama, T. (1999). Numerical modelingof wave interaction with porous structures. Journal of Waterways, Port, Coastal andOcean Engineering, 125:322–330.

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Muttray, M. (2013). A pragmatic approach to rock toe stability. Coastal Engineering,82:56–63.

Pedersen, G. and Gjevik, B. (1983). Run-up of solitary waves. Journal of Fluid Mechan-ics, 135:283–299.

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Troch, P. and De Rouck, J. (1998). Development of two-dimensional numerical waveflume for wave interaction with rubble mound breakwaters. In International Conferenceon Coastal Engineering1, pages 1638–1649.

van der Meer, J. W. (1988). Rock Slopes and Gravel Beaches under Wave Attack. Phdthises, Delft University of Technology, Delft.

van Gent, M., Tonjes, P., Petit, H., and van den Bosch, P. (1994). Wave action on andin permeable structures. In International Conference on Coastal Engineering, number1992, pages 1739–1753.

van Gent, M. R. (2013). Rock stability of rubble mound breakwaters with a berm. CoastalEngineering, 78:35–45.

van Gent, M. R. and van der Werf, I. M. (2014). Rock toe stability of rubble moundbreakwaters. Coastal Engineering, 83:166–176.

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Submitted for publication as:Jensen, B., Christensen, E.D., Sumer, B.M., 2014. Flow and turbulence at rubble moundbreakwater armour layers under solitary wave. Journal of Waterway, Ports, Coast andOcean Engineering. Under review.



Flow and turbulence at rubble mound breakwater armour layersunder solitary wave

Bjarne Jensen∗, Erik Damgaard Christensen, B. Mutlu Sumer

Fluid Mechanics, Coastal and Maritime Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.


This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation of the flow and turbulence at the armour layer of rubblemound breakwaters during wave action. The study was focusedon the details of the flow and turbulence in the armourlayer and the effect of the porous core on the flow and stability. In order to isolate the processes involved with theflow in the porous core the experiments were conducted with increasing complexity and hereby adding the differentphysical process to the experiments. Following this methodology, three parallel experiments were performed: 1) arigid-bed experiment with a smooth sloping bed, 2) a rigid-bed experiment with large roughness elements added tothe sloping bed, and 3) a porous bed experiment where the porous core was added below the sloping bed. In this paperthe focus is on the details of a single cycle of wave approach,run-up, and run-down. In order to isolate this wavecycle the experiments were performed applying a solitary wave. The individual sources of generation of turbulencewere distinguished and the effect of the armour layer and porous core was described in termsof a reduced impact ofthe run-down process, production of lee wake turbulence, and less transport of turbulence up above the armour layer.The shear stresses were evaluated from the measurements of turbulence and they were associated to the run-up andrun-down phases. The Shields parameter, determined from the shear stresses, was found to be reduced by 30 % as aresult of the porous core material.

Keywords: Wave-structure interaction, Porous flow, Turbulence, Shear stresses, Breakwater stability, Model scaleexperiments

1. Introduction

The rubble mound breakwater structure is used withincoastal and harbour engineering for providing shelteringagainst offshore wave action. Often the breakwater struc-ture is designed as a porous structure which allows waterto flow through the structure while the wave energy is re-moved. The internal porous core is made of gravel mate-rials with specific gradations. To protect these rather finegrained internal layers from being eroded by the wavesone or several layers of larger stones are placed on topof the core material. These are referred to as cover or

∗Corresponding authorEmail addresses: bjaje@mek.dtu.dk (Bjarne Jensen),

edch@mek.dtu.dk (Erik Damgaard Christensen),bms@mek.dtu.dk (B. Mutlu Sumer)

armour stones.It is a common practice to evaluate the stability and

general functioning of breakwater structures by meansof physical experiments. This can be seen for examplein Jensen (1984). The experiments often includes a com-plete scale model of the breakwater structure includingcore material, filter layers, and armour stones. The re-sponse of the structure is observed as function of the ap-plied wave conditions. With this methodology the designformulas have been derived which are used for practicalengineering design. Regarding stability of armour layersthis includes e.g. the formulas of Hudson (1959), van derMeer (1987), and the general guidelines given in CIRIAet al. (2007).

Recent examples on such experiments are Comolaet al. (2014) where stability of a breakwater roundhead


was investigated, van Gent (2013) where the rock sta-bility of a berm breakwater was described, Andersenand Burcharth (2010) where the recession of the frontslope of a berm breakwater was described, and Andersenet al. (2011) which investigated overtopping on break-waters. In addition to stability and overtopping also theflow through the porous material of the structure is stud-ied e.g. in terms of pressure distributions through thebreakwater. Examples on this are Muttray and Oumeraci(2005) and Vanneste and Troch (2012).

The stability is evaluated based on the observed dam-ages during the experiments, however, the details on thefailure mechanism such as the porous flow and the ar-mour layer flow is not investigated in these types ofexperiments. In general the porous structure is seenas a black box where the details of the flow and load-ing processes is not measured and described. Examplesof a more detailed approach is seen in Tørum (1994)where forces were measured on armour units on a slop-ing breakwater in laboratory scale. In Hald (1998) forceswere measured on armour stone also in laboratory scale.In Moghim and Tørum (2012) the same approach asin Tørum (1994) was applied for investigating loads ona reshaping rubble mound breakwater. Liebisch et al.(2012) investigated the effect of the porosity in relation toporous revetments by means of pressure measurementsboth above and below the outer armour layer. Exper-iments were performed with both highly porous slopesand almost impermeable slopes. In the above mentionedstudies, the focus was on the response as function of theincoming wave condition whereas details on velocitiesand turbulence in the armour layer were not investigated.

The scope of the work presented here is to study thephysical processes related to failure mechanisms withspecial focus on the interaction between the armour andthe porous core material. In this paper a set of experi-ments are presented that shows some details of the flow,turbulence and shear stresses. The isolated phenomenonof one cycle of run-up and run-down is investigated. Thisis studied by means of a solitary wave. The solitary waveon a sloping bed has been studied extensively in e.g. Ped-ersen and Gjevik (1983), Synolakis (1987), Grilli et al.(1997), Lin et al. (1999), Li and Raichlen (2002), andJensen et al. (2003). These studies have primarily fo-cused on the hydrodynamics. Other studies have appliedthe solitary wave in order to study other features duringthe run-up and run-down process. Examples are Grilli

et al. (1994) where solitary wave breaking induced bya breakwater was investigated, Sumer et al. (2011) whostudied flow and sediment transport due to a plungingsolitary wave, and Lara et al. (2012) who applied a soli-tary wave for investigating wave interaction with a break-water both experimentally and numerically.

It is noted that two processes in ordinary oscillat-ing waves were missing in the present idealized solitarywave case, namely the process controlling the wave setupand the process controlling the water table in the porouscore of the structure.

The present experimental work focused on the detailsof the armour layer flow and the effect of the porousflow in the core in relation to turbulence and stability.In order to isolate the processes involved with the flowin the porous core the experiments were first carried outwith a completely impermeable bed, both with and without roughness elements on the bed, and subsequently re-peated with a porous bed (porous core material).

The present paper is a detailed continuation of thework presented in Jensen et al. (2012) where some firstresults were presented. It also follows the same detailedmethodology as applied in Jensen et al. (2014) where thefocus was on pressure induced forced in the core mate-rial.

The paper is organized as follows: The experimen-tal setup and instrumentation are presented in Section 2.Section 3 presents the applied wave condition. A generaldescription of the run-up and run-down process is givenin Section 4. The results in terms of velocities and tur-bulence are presented in Section 5 and 6. In Section 7the Shields parameter, the parameter characterising themobility of the armour stones, is discussed. Finally, con-clusions are given in Section 8.

2. Experimental setup

All tests were carried out in the wave flume referredto as Flume No. 1 at the hydraulic laboratory at theTechnical University of Denmark (DTU). The flume hasa length of 25 m, a width of 0.6 m, and a depth of 0.8m. The water depth for the present experiments wasfixed at 0.4 m. The flume is equipped with a piston-typewave maker in one end. At the general testing area thesides of the flume is made of transparent glass, which en-ables a visual observation of the experiments as well asLaser Doppler anemometry (LDA) measurements from


the side. An overview of the entire flume setup is shownin Figure 1.

The front and rear slope of the breakwater were ar-ranged with a slope of 1:1.5. For the rigid bed experi-ments (smooth and rough bed) the sloping bed was madeout of a plastic PVC plate with a thickness at 20 mm.The width corresponded to the width of the flume at 0.6m. The plate was fixated both at the top and the bottomof the flume to ensure that there was no movements of thebed during wave action. The small gap between the PVCplate and the side and bottom of the flume was sealedwith silicone filler to ensure that no water exchange tookplace between the front and rear side of the slope.

For the rough bed experiments the PVC plate was cov-ered with one layer of spherical plastic elements with adiameter ofd = 38 mm. The spheres were glued to thebed in a 90◦ arrangement as shown in Figure 2.

For the porous bed experiments the core material wasmade of the same spherical plastic elements used for thearmour layer. A cage was constructed with a perforatedsteel plate to hold the interior plastic spheres in place.The perforated plate substituted the impermeable PVCplate. The plate had a thickness of 2 mm. The perfo-rations were made as quadratic voids with dimension of1 cm and a void-to-plate ratio (porosity) of 0.41. Thiscorresponded approximately to the porosity of the corematerial ofn = 0.4. The armour layer for the porous bedexperiments was identical to that applied for the roughbed experiments as the plastic spheres were glued to theperforated steel plate in the same arrangement.

Two types of measurements were performed: veloc-ity measurements and surface elevation measurements.Measurements of velocities and turbulence were per-formed with LDA. A DANTEC two-component LDAsystem was applied in back-scatter mode where the twovelocity components, horizontal and vertical, were mea-sured simultaneously. The two velocity componentswere converted to a bed parallel and normal directionduring the subsequent data-processing. The samplingfrequency of the measurements was 120 Hz. The ar-rangement of the LDA system is shown in Figure 2. Twovertical profiles normal to the sloping bed were measured(section I-II) with measuring points distributed both be-low and above the surface of the armour as shown inTable 1. The exact vertical position of the measuringpoints differed depending on the possibilities to directthe LDA laser beams into the pores between the armour

layer roughness.

Table 1: Position of LDA measuring points. Distance is measuredoutwards from the bed. In the case of the rough as well as theporous bed, it is measured outwards from the bed on which the plas-tic spheres are glued.

Smooth bed Rough bed Porous bed(mm) (mm) (mm)

2 3 24 7 96 12 318 22 3610 27 4119 32 49

37 574757

The surface elevation measurements were performedat two locations; one at an offshore location and one atthe toe of the sloping bed as shown in Figure 1. The wavegauge at the toe of the breakwater was applied as refer-ence between all experiments and corresponding videorecordings. Conventional resistance type wave gaugeswere used in the measurements. The sampling frequencyof the measurements was 120 Hz. The LDA measure-ments were synchronized with the surface elevation mea-surements at the toe of the breakwater.

In addition to the above, synchronized flow visualiza-tion were performed using a digital video recorder ap-plying 200 frames per second. From here the detailedobservations are drawn of the entire process of run-up,run-down, breaking and trailing waves.

3. Test conditions

All experiments were performed with a solitary wave.The wave height wasH = 0.14 m. The undisturbed off-shore surface elevation is given by the small-amplitudesolitary wave theory as:

η = Hsech2(ωt) (1)

whereH is the hight of the solitary wave measured fromthe still water level,t is time, andω is given as:

ω =









from toe




Figure 1: Experimental setup. A) Overview of the entire flumesetup and B) measuring sections for LDA velocity and turbulence. Approxi-mate run-down level is indicated for the smooth bed experiments which gave the lowest run-down level.

whereg is the gravitational acceleration andh is the stillwater depth. Similar to sinusoidal waves a time scale canbe defined by:

T =2πω= 2π


3gHh (3)

which can be interpreted as the time scale characteriz-ing the width of the surface elevation time series (Sumeret al. (2011)). This quantity wasT = 2.48 s in all exper-iments.

The number of realizations for each measuring point(for ensemble averaging) was 30 for the impermeablerough bed experiments and the porous bed experimentswhile it was 10 for the smooth bed experiments. A sen-sitivity analysis carried out indicated that the statisticalquantities, the mean values and the standard deviations,converged to constants values for these sample sizes.

The waves were found to be reproducible. Twenty ar-bitrary selected time series of the surface elevation at thetoe of the sloping bed were plotted together. Here it wasseen that they collapsed on a single curve which con-firmed the repeatability of the generated wave. This en-

sured that no artificial fluctuations were introduced dur-ing the ensemble averaging process.

Regarding the characteristics of the solitary wave thebreaking criterion given in Grilli et al. (1997) can be ap-plied. Here the breaking was defined based on the slopeparameter,S 0, defined by:

S 0 = 1.521s√H/h


wheres is the slope angle. The breaking types are char-acterized in Grilli et al. (1997) as spilling (S 0 < 0.025),plunging (0.025< S 0 < 0.30), and surging (0.30< S 0 <0.37). For the present experimental conditions the slopeparameter wasS 0 = 1.71 which was outside the definedbreaking criterion thus giving a reflecting wave. Thisis due to the steep sloping bed. As will be seen latera breaking bore/hydraulic jump formed during the run-down.

4. Description of the run-up and run-down process

The cycle of approach, run-up and run-down is de-scribed by means of high speed video recordings. Here


Figure 2: Setup of LDA measurements. The measuring points areindicated with black dots. For the rigid bed experiments (smoothand rough bed) the perforated plate was substituted with therigidPVC bottom.

the surface elevation is schematically presented for anumber of relevant time steps during the process. Thetimes given in the following were synchronised with thewave crest at the toe of the slope (wave gauge no. 2) cor-responding to timet = 0 s. The entire cycle is dividedinto the following four stages. i) approach, ii) run-up, iii)run-down and, iv) secondary run-up.

Figure 3 shows the entire sequence of run-up, run-down and trailing wave with secondary run-up for thesmooth bed experiments. The wave has already beencharacterised as being reflective i.e. no breaking takesplace during the run-up. In Grilli et al. (1997) and Jensenet al. (2003) the run-up phase was divided into severalflow stages depending on either the steepness of the slop-

ing bed or the amplitude of the wave. Here it was de-scribed how the run-up was smooth with a low steepnessof the surface for a reflecting solitary wave. This was alsoconfirmed by the present experiments where the wavewas seen to creep up the sloping bed. In the beginningof the run-up phase the flow was comparable to a smoothbed channel flow with large water depth. Towards theend of the run-up phase a wedge was formed at the upperpart of the slope where the water depth decreased untilonly a thin water film reached the most upper part of thesloping bed.

Following maximum run-up the flow reversed and ini-tiated the run-down phase. The upper part of the slopeexperienced a flow where the relatively low water depthwas maintained. Indications of a hydraulic jump wasseen as the transition between the upper part of the flow(low water depth, supercritical flow) and the lower part(higher water depth, subcritical flow). At the end of therun-down phase the downward directed flow interactedwith the volume of water above the lower part of theslope which generated a breaking bore. The breakingprocess on the run-down was also described in Jensenet al. (2003) and was shown numerically and experimen-tally in Pedersen and Gjevik (1983).

In figure 4 the entire cycle for the rough bed experi-ments is shown. In general the same flow regimes wereseen as for the smooth bed experiments, however someremarks can be made regarding the effect of the armourlayer roughness elements on the bed. The front of the up-per surface wedge showed a highly disturbed and turbu-lent flow due to the flow around the roughness elements.The upper part of the flow did not continue to the pointof a thin surface film but remained with a water depthin the order of the diameter of the roughness. Further-more the front part of the flow generated an aeration zonewhere a large amount of air was trapped and releasedfrom in-between the roughness elements as the surfacefront moved up along the slope. For the run-down phasethe effect of the armour layer roughness was also seenin terms of a slightly reduced run-down level as well aslarger air entrainment. The reduced run-down level andflow around the roughness elements caused the breakingbore to be less pronounced.

For the porous bed experiments the run-up and run-down are presented in Figure 5. The porous media flowis now included as seen by the surface elevation in theporous core. The run-up and run-down flow at the front


-0.13 s

0.1 s

0.58 s

Figure 3: Visualisation of surface elevation on smooth bed duringA) run-up, B) run-down, and C) trailing wave.

of the breakwater was affected by the porous core as thewater was allowed to flow into the structure. During run-up the delay of the water surface inside the porous corecaused a higher water level outside the structure whichgave a flow directed into the porous core. During the firstpart of the run-down process the flow was still directedinto the core. Later the delay of the water surface in theporous core resulted in a higher water level inside thecore which created the opposite situation where the flowwas directed out of the porous core. In e.g. van der Meerand Stam (1992) this effect of the porous core was alsodescribed in the same manner in relation to the run-uplevel.

Due to the interaction with the porous flow in the corethe run-down was reduced compared to the smooth andrough bed experiments. The breaking bore during run-down and the subsequent secondary run-up was practi-

Section I

Section II

SWL-0.23 s

Aeration zone

0.48 s

0.0 s

Section I

Section II





1.74 s

1.49 s

Secondary run-up

air intrainment

1.27 s

Section I

Section II

SWL0.85 s

1.0 s1.2 s

Surface flow around

roughness elements

Stirring zone with

air intrainment

Figure 4: Visualisation of surface elevation on rough bed during A)run-up, B) run-down, and C) trailing wave.

cally removed.

5. Velocity

Further to the overall description given in Section 4the process was investigated in details in terms of veloc-ity measurements performed with LDA according to thelayout given in Figure 2. The measurements presentedin the following were synchronised with the wave crestat the toe of the slope (wave gauge no. 2) correspond-ing to timet = 0 sec. A reference signal is shown in thefigures in terms of the surface elevation at the toe of thebreakwater.

Figures 6 and 7 present the velocity time series for thecomponent parallel and normal to the bed at measuringsection I, respectively. All three series of experiments,smooth, rough, and porous bed, are collected in the samefigures. Two measuring points; 2 mm and 57 mm (19


Section I

Section II

SWL -0.31 s

0.06 s

0.19 s

0.47 s

Section I

Section II





2.19 s

3.44 s

Section I

Section II


1.39 s

0.82 s

1.06 s

Figure 5: Visualisation of surface elevation on the porous bed duringA) run-up, B) run-down, and C) trailing wave.

mm for the smooth bed) above the bed are presented.For the smooth bed the velocities were rather constantover the depth. At the point farthest away from the bedthe entire run-up and run-down cycle was very little af-fected by fluctuations. Close to the bed the run-up andfor the largest part of the run-down the tendency was thesame in terms of very little fluctuations. At the maximumrun-down level att ≈ 1.2s some fluctuations were seento be present close to the bed. This is interpreted to bedue to the turbulence generated by the breaking bore dur-ing run-down as described in Section 4. It is noted thatthe velocity experiences a phase lead compared to thesurface elevation. The measurements were taken close tothe bed and as such they reflect the bed shear stress whichwill also have a phase lead. In Sumer et al. (2010) andLiu et al. (2007) the phase lead for solitary wave bound-ary layer flow in the laminar flow regime was shown tobe≈ 20◦. For the present experiments the phase lead was

found to be in the range of 19◦ − 20◦.For the rough bed experiments the bed parallel veloc-

ity component in the free stream showed the same varia-tion over time and order of magnitude as for the smoothbed experiments. However, fluctuations appeared fromthe beginning of the run-up phase and throughout the en-tire wave cycle. Close to the bed in between the sphericalplastic elements the velocity was highly effected by thepresence of the spheres which was also seen in terms ofa high level of fluctuations throughout the wave cycle.The free stream fluctuations as well as the fluctuationsaround the spheres indicates one or several contributionsto the turbulence during the run-up and partly the run-down phase which can be accounted for by the roughnesselements.

When the porous core was added to the experimentalsetup the flow was directed inward and outward of theporous core. As described in Section 4 the run-down flowdid not reach the same maximum run-down level as forthe impermeable bed experiments and there were onlyvery little secondary run-up. This was seen from the ve-locity measurements as well in terms of a reduction in thebed parallel velocities during run-down as presented inFigure 6. The bed normal velocities showed how the flowwas directed slightly inward and outward of the porouscore during run-up and run-down.

6. Turbulence

The turbulence between the armour layers was as-sumed to be generated by four sources given as:

1. Boundary layer turbulence generated in the bound-ary layer above the armour layer and subsequentlytransported down between the armour stones.

2. Wake turbulence generated behind the armourstones.

3. Wave breaking turbulence.4. Seapage/outflow turbulence from the flow exiting

the porous core.

The mechanisms for generation of turbulence can beassociated to the different sequences of the wave flowcycle. At the lower part of the structure the water depthis up to several times the armour layer roughness. Herethe flow resembles a rough bottom channel flow wherea turbulent boundary layer will develop as described ine.g. Grass (1971) for steady current. For oscillating


−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4














Smooth bedRough bedPorous bed




Surface elevationat toe section

t (s)

Figure 6: Bed parallel velocities at Section I and surface elevation atthe toe. A) Surface elevation at the toe section, B) Velocities 57 mm(19 mm for the smooth bed) from the bed, and C) velocities 2 mmfrom the bed.

−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4














Smooth bedRough bedPorous bed




Surface elevationat toe section

t (s)

Figure 7: Bed normal velocities at Section I and surface elevation atthe toe. A) Surface elevation at the toe section, B) Velocities 57 mm(19 mm for the smooth bed) from the bed, and C) Velocities 2 mmfrom the bed.

flow a wave boundary layer will develop as described

in Jensen et al. (1989) and Dixen et al. (2008). At flowreversal from run-up to run-down and during run-downthe boundary layer turbulence may be transported downbetween the armour layer stones.

For the flow in the upper part of the run-up wedge thewater depth is relatively small compared to the roughnessof the armour layer and the generation of turbulence willmainly take place in-between the armour layer stones aswake generated turbulence. During run-down an addi-tional contribution is seen in the case where a break-ing bore is formed as described in Pedersen and Gjevik(1983). This may also be interpreted as a hydraulic jump.The generated turbulence from this process can be trans-ported down to the armour layer stones as the breakingbore moves downwards the sloping bed.

Finally the outflow from the porous core will con-tribute to the production of turbulence in the pores be-tween the armour layer stones. The porous flow can beof a laminar type, transitional between laminar and tur-bulent or fully turbulent as described in Burcharth andAndersen (1995).

The level of turbulence was analysed based on thevelocity measurements. The turbulence was quantifiedby the root-mean-square (RMS) value of the fluctuatingcomponent of the velocity,u′ = u − u calculated by:

√u′2(t) =


N − 1



{[u(t)]i − u(t)}2



wheret is the time,N is the number of samples (realiza-tions),u is the instantaneous bed-parallel velocity, anduis the mean velocity found by ensemble averaging overN samples.

The results presented in the following were synchro-nised with the wave crest at the toe of the slope (wavegauge no. 2) corresponding to timet = 0 s as werealso the case for the velocity and the general descriptiongiven in Section 4. The time variations are presented interms of four selected measuring points distributed overthe depth. For all time series the surface elevation at thetoe of the breakwater is shown as a reference signal. Alsothe time of maximum run-up level and maximum run-down level is indicated for each experiment.

For the smooth bed experiments Figures 8 and 9present the RMS values for the velocity component par-allel and normal to the bed, respectively, at measuringsection I. Here it is clear how the breaking bore formed


during the run-down phase generated a large peak in theturbulence at the time when the maximum run-down oc-curred (A in Figures 8 and 9). Hereafter the turbulencelevel gradually decreased. The contribution to the gen-eration of turbulence from the run-down breaking borewas seen as a very isolated phenomenon in these mea-surements.

−2 −1 0 1 2 3 40

















√ u′2



Parallel rms values2 mm from the bed

Parallel rms values4 mm from the bed

Parallel rms values10 mm from the bed

Parallel rms values19 mm from the bed

Surface elevationat toe section

t (s)

Run-up Run-down





Figure 8: Time variation at Section I of the RMS values of the fluc-tuating component of the velocity component parallel to thebed onthe smooth bed. The surface elevation at the toe is shown as a ref-erence signal in the top panel. The time for maximum run-up leveland maximum run-down level is shown in the top panel.

The turbulence levels for the rough bed experimentspresented in Figures 10 and 11 shows the effect of thearmour layer roughness. The turbulence production wasinitiated from the beginning of the run-up phase (B inFigures 10 and 11) and increased gradually until the

−2 −1 0 1 2 3 40

















√ v′2



Normal rms values2 mm from the bed

Normal rms values4 mm from the bed

Normal rms values10 mm from the bed

Normal rms values19 mm from the bed

Surface elevationat toe section

t (s)

Run-up Run-down





Figure 9: Time variation at Section I of the RMS values of the fluc-tuating component of the velocity component normal to the bed onthe smooth bed. The surface elevation at the toe is shown as a ref-erence signal in the top panel. The time for maximum run-up leveland maximum run-down level is shown in the top panel.

point where the breaking bore during the run-down phasegenerated a peak increase in the turbulence level (A inFigures 10 and 11). During run-up, fluctuations wereseen both in the free stream as well as in the pores. Inthe free stream above the roughness elements the run-upturbulence developed to a smaller level than in-betweenthe roughness. Above the roughness (B in Figures 10and 11) the turbulence was mainly generated as bound-ary layer turbulence over a rough bed. It is noted that thisturbulence do not correspond to a fully developed bound-ary layer turbulence due to the limited distance from thetoe to the measuring section. Below the top of the rough-


ness a larger turbulence level was seen (C in Figures 10and 11). Here the effect of lee wake turbulence from theroughness elements was added to the total level of turbu-lence. Also it was clear how the turbulence levels dropsmomentarily at the point of flow reversal from run-up torun-down.

From Figures 10 and 11 it was found that the bound-ary layer turbulence above the armour layer roughnesshad a level that corresponded approximately to 25 % ofthe turbulence produced by the run-down breaking pro-cess. The turbulence in-between the armour layer rough-ness reached values of the same size as for the run-downbreaking process.

In Figures 12 and 13 the turbulence production forthe porous bed experiments are presented. A compari-son with the rough bed experiments in Figures 10 and11 shows the effect of the porous core material. Abovethe armour layer roughness, during the run-up phase andpartly the run-down phase, the turbulent intensity wasconstant at a very low value. This is in contrast to therough bed experiments where the turbulence increasedduring run-up. The low turbulence during run-up for theporous bed experiments were due to the flow being di-rected into the core material as described in Section 4.Hereby the turbulence was also directed into the core andwas not allowed to diffuse up into the free stream. At thelast part of the run-down phase the flow was directed out-wards from the core material and hereby also turbulencewas moved up above the armour layer roughness (A inFigures 12 and 13).

Below the upper surface of the armour layer roughnessthe production of turbulence follows what was seen forthe rough bed experiments. An increasing turbulent in-tensity was found during run-up caused by the lee waketurbulence from the roughness elements (B in Figures 12and 13). At this point the turbulence reached a slightlyhigher level than for the rough bed experiments due to theboundary layer turbulence above the armour layer beingtransported down between the roughness elements. Thiswas caused by the inward directed flow as previously de-scribed.

It was also found that the sudden drop in the turbu-lence level after flow reversal from run-up to run-down(C in Figures 12 and 13) was even more pronounced forthe porous bed experiments than for the rough bed exper-iments.

−2 −1 0 1 2 3 40

















√ u′2



Parallel rms values2 mm from the bed

Parallel rms values14 mm from the bed

Parallel rms values29 mm from the bed

Parallel rms values57 mm from the bed

Surface elevationat toe section

t (s)

Run-up Run-down









Figure 10: Time variation at Section I of the RMS values of thefluctuating component of the velocity component parallel tothe bedon the rough bed. The surface elevation at the toe is shown as areference signal in the top panel. The time for maximum run-uplevel and maximum run-down level is shown in the top panel.

7. Shear stress and Shields parameter

The stability of sediment, gravel, and stones exposedto current and/or waves may be evaluated based on theShields parameter defined in e.g. Fredsøe and Deigaard(1992) as:

θc =U2

f c

(s − 1)gd(6)

whereθc is the critical Shields parameter for movementof the stones,U f c is the critical friction velocity,s is therelative density of the stones, andd is the stone size.

The critical Shields parameter expresses the critical


−2 −1 0 1 2 3 40

















√ v′2




Normal rms values2 mm from the bed

Normal rms values14 mm from the bed

Normal rms values29 mm from the bed

Normal rms values57 mm from the bed

Surface elevationat toe section

t (s)

Run-up Run-down








Figure 11: Time variation at Section I of the RMS values of thefluctuating component of the velocity component normal to the bedon the rough bed. The surface elevation at the toe is shown as areference signal in the top panel. The time for maximum run-uplevel and maximum run-down level is shown in the top panel.

value of the destabilizing fluid forces to the stabiliz-ing forces. The destabilizing forces are expressed viathe friction velocity while the gravitational accelerationacts as the stabilizing force. Eq. (6) is given for a flatbed. If the bed is sloping an additional term arises inthe force balance between stabilizing and destabilizingforces. That is an additional destabilizing force due tothe gravitational acceleration being projected into the bedparallel and normal direction. Furthermore, the stabiliz-ing gravitational force is also reduced due to this pro-jection. This gives a correction to the critical Shields

−2 −1 0 1 2 3 40

















√ u′2



Parallel rms values2 mm from the bed

Parallel rms values9 mm from the bed

Parallel rms values31 mm from the bed

Parallel rms values57 mm from the bed

Surface elevationat toe section

t (s)

Run-up Run-down




Figure 12: Time variation at Section I of the RMS values of thefluctuating component of the velocity component parallel tothe bedon the porous bed. The surface elevation at the toe is shown asareference signal in the top panel. The time for maximum run-uplevel and maximum run-down level is shown in the top panel.

parameter on a flat bed (Fredsøe and Deigaard (1992)):

θc = θc0cosγ

[1− tanγ



whereθc0 is the critical Shields parameter on a flat bed,γis the slope angle of the bed, andφs is the friction angle(angle of repose) of the stones.

The critical Shields parameter depends on the grainRe-number and is described by empirical data. For fullyrough beds, namely for stoneRe-numbers,Re = dU f /ν,larger than 70, the critical value is≈ 0.06 as shown in e.g.Fredsøe and Deigaard (1992). Hereby it is assumed that


−2 −1 0 1 2 3 40

















√ v′2



Normal rms values2 mm from the bed

Normal rms values9 mm from the bed

Normal rms values31 mm from the bed

Normal rms values57 mm from the bed

Surface elevationat toe section

t (s)

Run-up Run-down




Figure 13: Time variation at Section I of the RMS values of thefluctuating component of the velocity component normal to the bedon the porous bed. The surface elevation at the toe is shown asareference signal in the top panel. The time for maximum run-uplevel and maximum run-down level is shown in the top panel.

there is a clear difference between stationary and mov-ing sediment/stones. However, this is not the case dueto variations in e.g. bed shear stress and stone size. InBreusers and Schukking (1971) experiments showed thatmovements of some stones could occur atθc0 = 0.03. InCIRIA et al. (2007) it is recommended for design of ar-mour stones and rock fill that the critical Shields param-eter takes the valueθc = 0.03− 0.035 at which stonesfirst begin to move. For the flow along a sloping frontof a breakwater the correction of the critical Shields pa-rameter given in eq. (7) was applied. The friction angleis depending on the material. Assuming that there exists

an interface between two materials; the armour layer andthe core material, the smallest friction angle of the twomaterials may be used according to CIRIA et al. (2007).If the porous core is assumed to be constructed of typicalgravel material the friction angle can be set toφs = 45◦.With a slope of the bed of 1:1.5 the corrected criticalShields parameter reduces to a value ofθc ≈ 0.01.

The friction velocity, U f , was found based on theReynolds-stresses as described in Dixen et al. (2008).In the latter study the friction velocity on a rough bedwas determined based on both velocity profiles andReynolds-stresses above the bed. The results of the dif-ferent methods showed a very good agreement whencompared. As such the method based on the Reynolds-stresses was adopted in the present study to evaluate thefriction velocity and thereby the Shields parameter. Thefriction velocity was defined as:

U f =



whereτ0 is the bed shear stress found from the Reynolds-stresses as−ρu′v′.

Figure 14 present an example of a Reynolds-stresstime series for the porous bed experiment at the measur-ing point at 36 mm from the bed. Two distinct eventsare seen with positive and negative Reynolds-stresses,respectively. During run-up the Reynolds-stresses in-creased to a positive level (A in Figures 14). At flowreversal the stresses dropped to zero which coincidewith the corresponding drop in turbulence intensity seenin Figures 12 and 13 (point C). During run-down thestresses increases again, now to a negative level. Thistemporal variation also defines the sign convention forthe Reynolds-stresses when compared to the velocitytime series in Figures 6 and 7. During run-up when theReynolds-stresses were positive the flow was directedupward the slope and slightly inward to the core. Dur-ing run-down with negative Reynolds-stresses the flowwas directed downward the slope and slightly outwardfrom the core. With respect to destabilizing forces on thearmour layer the negative Reynolds-stresses are of inter-est for the present case due to the outward directed flow(lift forces). However, both the run-up and run-down wasdominated by the bed parallel flow for the present mea-suring sections and as such also the positive Reynolds-stresses are of interest in terms of drag generated desta-bilization.


−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4−80









−u′ v′ (

cm2 /




t (s)

Run-up Run-down

Surface elevationat toe section



Figure 14: Reynolds-stress time series at Section I for the porousbed experiment at the measuring point 36 mm from the bed (definedin Table 1.

Figures 15 and 16 presents the profile of maximum andminimum Reynolds-stresses at measuring section I. Thedistribution follows the results of e.g. Dixen et al. (2008)and Jensen et al. (2014) with an increasing shear stressjust below the top surface of the armour layer roughnesselements. In Jensen et al. (2014) the Reynolds stressesfrom the present experiments with the rough (imperme-able) bed for the run-up phase were compared with theresults of Dixen et al. (2008). Here the Reynolds stresseswere found to be of the same magnitude which served asa validation of the present measurements.

From Figures 15 and 16 the maximum values werefound to be−u′v′ = 106 cm2/s2 and−u′v′ = 75 cm2/s2

for the rough bed and porous bed experiments, respec-tively. Applying a relative density ofs = 2.65, a stonediameter ofd = 3.8 cm, a density of water ofρ = 1000kg/m3, and inserting in eq. (6) and (8) the maximumShields parameter was found to beθ = 0.0172 andθ = 0.0122 for the rough bed and porous bed, respec-tively. Here it is noted that the Shields parameter is inthe same range as the critical value for stone movementas described previously. As such the experimental con-ditions describes the physics for a possible destabilizingevent. When the rough bed and porous bed experimentis compared it is seen that the effect of the porous bedresulted in a reduction of the Shields parameter of≈ 30%.

The effect of the porous core material in terms of re-duced loading on the armour stones was also noted ine.g. van der Meer (1987). In general, design formulas

for breakwater stability given in e.g. CIRIA et al. (2007)predicts an increasing stability for increasing porosity ofthe core. This is the case for the formulas given by e.g.van der Meer (1988) and Hudson (1959). The designformulas contain a damage coefficient,KD. For increas-ing values ofKD the needed stone size for a given wavecondition is decreased. In CIRIA et al. (2007) the valuesfor KD is recommended to beKD = 1 for impermeablecores andKD = 4 for permeable cores corresponding toa reduction in the needed stone size (or the destabiliz-ing loading) of 75 %. These values were based on theresults in Hudson (1959) which were given irrespectiveof the type of wave breaking and may as such need cor-rections depending on the exact breaker type. However,they give an impression of the effect of the porous corematerial in relation to destabilizing forces, as also seen inthe present experiments. In Reedijk et al. (2008) detailson the effect of the permeability of the core on armourstability was compiled. Here the effect was also reportedto be in the same order of magnitude in terms of possiblereduction in stone size for an permeable core comparedto an impermeable core.

0 20 40 60 80 100 1200







−u′v′ (cm2/s2)



Rough bedPorous bed

Surface of spheres

Figure 15: Maximum Reynolds-stresses.

8. Conclusions

Three parallel experiments were performed in orderto show the details of the flow and turbulence in rubblemound breakwater armour layers. In particular the ef-fect of the porous core material was of interest. The ex-periments included a smooth impermeable bed, a rough


−120 −100 −80 −60 −40 −20 00







−u′v′ (cm2/s2)



Rough bedPorous bed

Surface of spheres

Figure 16: Minimum Reynolds-stresses.

(armour layer) impermeable bed, and a porous (core ma-terial) bed. The experiments were performed with a soli-tary wave in order to isolate the processes of one cycle ofrun-up and run-down. The following conclusions weredrawn.

1. The run-down phase and the breaking bore wasthe governing mechanism for generation of turbu-lence on the smooth bed. This mechanism was alsopresent for the rough bed. For the porous bed thiseffect was found to be small compared to the othermechanisms of generation of turbulence (boundarylayer and lee wake turbulence) due to the reductionof the run-down and secondary run-up.

2. For the rough bed experiments, wave boundarylayer turbulence was generated above the armourlayer roughness during run-up. It was found thatthe boundary layer turbulence had a level that cor-responded approximately to 25 % of the turbulenceproduced by the run-down breaking process.

3. The turbulence generated between the armour layerroughness (not from the porous core) was of thesame magnitude as the contribution from the run-down breaking process.

4. With the porous core the flow was directed inward tothe porous core which limited the transport of turbu-lence up into the boundary layer above the armourlayer.

5. The porous core reduced the Shields parameter forthe armour layer, found from the shear stresses, with30 % compared to the impermeable rough bed.


The support of the Danish Ministry of Science, Tech-nology and Innovation through the GTS grant: Fremti-dens Marine Konstruktioner (Marine Structures of theFuture), is acknowledged.

The smooth bed and part of the porous bed experi-ments were performed by Mr. Martin Vistisen underguidance of the authors.


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Submitted for publication as:Jensen, B., Christensen, E.D., Sumer, B.M., 2014. Pressure-induced forces and shearstresses on rubble mound breakwater armour layers in regular waves. Coastal Engineer-ing. Under review.



Pressure-induced forces and shear stresses on rubble moundbreakwater armourlayers in regular waves

Bjarne Jensen∗, Erik Damgaard Christensen, B. Mutlu Sumer

Fluid Mechanics, Coastal and Maritime Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.


This paper presents the results from an experimental investigation of the pressure-induced forces in the core materialbelow the main armour layer and shear stresses on the armour layer for a porous breakwater structure. Two parallelexperiments were performed which both involved pore pressure measurements in the core material: (1) uniformcore material with an idealized armour layer made out of spherical objects that also allowed for detailed velocitymeasurements between and above the armour, and (2) uniform core material with real rock armour stones. Forboth experiments, high-speed video recordings were synchronized with the pressure measurements for a detailedinvestigation of the coupling between the run-up and run-down flow processes and the measured pressure variations.Outward directed pressure gradients were found which exerted a lift force up to≈ 60 % of the submerged weight ofthe core material. These maximum outward directed pressuregradients were linked to the maximum run-down eventand were in general situated at, or slightly below, the maximum run-down level. Detailed velocity and turbulencemeasurements showed that the large outward directed pressure gradients in general coincide, both in time and space,with the maximum bed-shear stresses on the armour layer based on the Reynolds-stresses. The bed-shear stresseswere found to result in a Shields parameter in the same order of magnitude as the critical value for movement of thearmour stones.

Keywords: Rubble mound breakwater, Porous flow, pressure-induced forces, Bed-shear stresses, Model scaleexperiments

1. Introduction

Breakwater structures are a central part of coastal pro-tection and harbour engineering. These structures pre-vent coastal erosion and ensures safe and functioningharbours. As such it is of high importance that the thesestructures remain stable under severe wave action. In thispaper the destabilizing effect, in terms of the pressure-induced lift forces on filter layers and shear stresses onarmour layers, is investigated for rubble mound break-waters.

It is a common procedure to evaluate the stability and

∗Corresponding authorEmail addresses:bjaje@mek.dtu.dk (Bjarne Jensen),

edch@mek.dtu.dk (Erik Damgaard Christensen),bms@mek.dtu.dk (B. Mutlu Sumer)

general functioning of breakwater structures by meansof physical experiments. This can be seen for examplein Jensen (1984). However, there has been a great dealof focus on the overall stability of the structure while thephysical background for failure mechanisms may not beseen in details. The experiments often includes a com-plete scale model of the breakwater structure includingcore material, filter layers, and armour stones. Recentexamples on such experiments are Kramer et al. (2005),Burcharth et al. (2006) Andersen and Burcharth (2009),Andersen and Burcharth (2010), van Gent (2013) andvan Gent and van der Werf (2014) where stability andovertopping were investigated. In addition to stabilityand overtopping also the flow through the porous mate-rial of the structure were studied e.g. in terms of pressuredistributions through the breakwater. Recent examples of


this are Muttray and Oumeraci (2005) and Vanneste andTroch (2012).

The stability is evaluated based on the observed dam-ages during the experiments. The details on the failuremechanism such as the porous flow and the armour layerflow is not investigated in these types of experiments. Ingeneral the porous structure is seen as a black box wherethe details of the flow and loading processes is not mea-sured and described. Examples of a more detailed ap-proach is seen in Tørum (1994) and Moghim and Tørum(2012) where forces were measured on spherical armourunits and armour stones on a sloping breakwater front inlaboratory scale. In Hald (1998) forces were measuredon real armour stone also in laboratory scale. These stud-ies focused on the response as function of the incomingwave condition whereas details on velocities and turbu-lence in the armour layer as well as the porous flow werenot investigated.

Several different physical processes contribute to adestabilisation of the breakwater structure. Failures arecategorised in different failure modes depending on thetype of failure and physical process involved in the fail-ure. Details on failure modes were shown in e.g. Ab-bott and Price (1994) and Hald (1998). Relevant fail-ure modes for the present investigations are rocking ofarmour stone, lift and drag forces in combination withrocking, sliding of filter and underlayers, sliding and/orscouring of toe protection. For the main armour stonesthe drag and lift forces directly caused by the flow aroundthe stones play an important role for the destabilisingforces. For sliding and suction mechanisms the filterand underlayers are critical to ensure a stable structure.One possible physical process that may contribute to suc-tion/lifting of the filter layer is outward directed pressuregradients in the outer part of the filter layer.

In both Sumer et al. (2011) and Sumer et al. (2013)the pressure gradients in a porous sloping bed were in-vestigated for solitary and regular waves, respectively. Inthese studies a mildly sloping bed was investigated andno armour stone covered the sand bed. However, it wasclear how pressure gradients in the porous bed generatedupward directed forces. These were found to be causedby the breaking process and particularly in the case ofregular waves (Sumer et al. (2013)), subsequent gener-ation of vortices. In Nielsen et al. (2012) the suctionmechanism was investigated on sloping beds exposed tobreaking waves. A steeper slope was included, up to 1:2,

and armour layers were applied. It was shown that thesuction mechanism may cause the underlayer material tobe moved out between the armour stones. However, de-tailed pressure measurements were not performed to linkthe possible suction to the existing pressure gradient inthe underlayer.

In the present work the pressure gradients were inves-tigated along the sloping front of a breakwater for regularwaves. The applied waves, characterised by e.g. the surfsimilarity parameter, fall within the range of those ap-plied for the steepest bed slopes in Nielsen et al. (2012).The pressure measurements were supplemented with ve-locity and turbulence measurements at the armour layerand high-speed video recordings. Hereby the pressure-induced forces were linked to the physical processes ofrun-up and run-down.

The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presentsthe experimental setup and instrumentation while the ap-plied test conditions are given in Section 3. A general de-scription of the run-up and run-down processes based onvideo recordings is given in Section 4. The results of thepressure measurements including the pressure-inducedforces are presented in Section 5. Section 6 gives someresults from the velocity and turbulence measurements.Section 7 describes scale effects while conclusions aregiven in Section 8.

2. Experimental Setup

All tests were carried out in the wave flume referredto as Flume No. 1 at the hydraulic laboratory at DTU.The flume has a length of 25 m, a width of 0.6 m, and adepth of 0.8 m. The water depth for the present exper-iments was fixed at 0.4 m. The flume is equipped witha piston-type wave maker in one end for generating reg-ular as well as irregular waves. At the general testingarea the sides of the flume are made of transparent glasswhich enables a visual observation of the experimentsas well as Laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) measure-ments from the side. An overview of the entire flumesetup is shown in figure 1. The front and rear slope of thebreakwater were arranged with a slope of 1:1.5. The corematerial was made of gravel with a diameter ofd50 = 1.8cm. In order to maintain a stable and reproducible struc-ture a perforated steel plate was attached on the front ofthe breakwater on top of the core material. The platehad a thickness of 2 mm. The perforations were made
















from toe




















from toe






Figure 1: Experimental setup. A) Overview of the entire flumesetup, B) measuring sections for pore-water pressure, C) measuring sectionsfor LDA velocity and turbulence.

as quadratic voids with dimension of 1 cm and a void-to-plate ratio (porosity) of 0.41. This corresponded approx-imately to the porosity of the underlying core material ofn = 0.4. The armour layer for the first part of the exper-iments was made out of spherical plastic elements witha diameter ofD = 3.8 cm. They were glued to the per-forated steel plate in a 90◦ arrangement mounted on topof the core material, see Figure 2. For the second part ofthe experiments real rocks were applied for the armour.Here, crushed stones with a diameter ofD50 = 5.0 cmwere applied. These were also glued to the perforated

steel plate. Hereby the exact same configuration of thearmour could be applied for each rebuild of the structure.

Three types of measurements were performed: pres-sure measurements, velocity measurements, and surfaceelevation measurements. Pore pressure measurementswere performed using Honeywell RS395 pressure trans-ducers. Rigid steel pipes with a diameter of 3 mm wereinserted in the core material with the opening at theposition of the measuring point. The pipes were con-nected to the pressure transducer with transparent plasticpiezometer tubes. A description of this technique was


given in Sumer et al. (2011). The sampling frequencyof the measurements was 120 Hz. Profiles were mea-sured normal to the sloping bed at 12 sections equallyspaced with 5 cm. The measuring sections were placedalong the sloping front as shown in Figure 1 with thefirst section no. 1 at a distance of 16 cm from thetoe. The pore-water pressure was measured at six depth,y = [0;−2.0;−3.0;−5.0;−7.0;−10.0] cm, for all 12 mea-surement sections. Here,y is the distance from the corematerial surface (under the armour stones) with they-axis directed upwards. At the beginning of each test se-ries the pressure measuring pipes where placed parallelto the front slope at these depth with the openings alignedalong the measuring section closest to the toe (measur-ing section 1). The pipes had a length so they extendedup through the breakwater crest. When the first measur-ing section was completed the entire set of six measuringpipes where moved up to the next measuring section byslowly pulling them parallel to the front slope. All mea-suring pipes were fixated together in order to ensure theexact same positioning of all pipes.

After each completed tests series of pressure measure-ments (12 measuring sections) the core material was re-moved at the front part of the structure in order to rear-range the pressure measuring pipes in the interior of thestructure. Due the above described procedure where thepipes were moved up along the slope for each measur-ing section, this rearrangement was necessary in orderto reset the position of the pressure measuring pipes atthe first section closest to the toe. Hereafter the core andarmour layer was re-build. The armour layer was repro-duced in the same configuration for each test due to fixa-tion to the perforated steel plate. The re-build of the corematerial between each tests introduced some variabilityto the physical setup. This is addressed in Section 5.3.

Measurements of velocities and turbulence were per-formed with LDA. A DANTEC two-component LDAsystem was applied in back-scatter mode where the twovelocity components, horizontal and vertical, were mea-sured simultaneously. The measurements were rotatedto a bed parallel and normal direction during the sub-sequent data-processing. The sampling frequency of themeasurements was 120 Hz. The arrangement of the LDAsystem is shown in figure 2. Four vertical profiles nor-mal to the sloping bed were measured (section A-D) withmeasuring points distributed both below and above thesurface of the armour.

Figure 2: Setup of LDA measurings. The measuring point appliedfor the latter analysis is indicated with the black dot at a distancefrom the bed (surface of core material) ofy = 42 mm.

The surface elevation measurements were performedat three locations at the offshore location and at the toe ofthe sloping bed as shown in Figure 1. The three offshorewave gauges were applied for separating the incident andreflected waves. The wave gauge at the toe of the break-water was applied as reference between all experimentsand corresponding video recordings. Conventional resis-tance type wave gauges were used in the measurements.The sampling frequency of the measurements was 120Hz. The pressure and LDA measurements were synchro-nized with the surface elevation measurements at the toeof the breakwater.

In addition to the above, synchronized flow visualiza-tion were performed using a digital video recorder ap-plying 200 frames per second. From here the detailed


observations are drawn of the entire process of run-up,run-down, breaking and trailing waves.

3. Test conditions

The experiments were divided into two groups basedon the type of armour layer. The first group appliedspherical plastic elements in one layer as the armourwhile the second group used natural stones in one layer.Table 1 presents the applied test conditions whereD isthe armour diameter,d is the core material diameter,HI

is the incident wave height,T is the wave period,Kr isthe reflection coefficient from the breakwater defined asKr = HR/HI whereHR is the reflected wave height.ξ0is the surf similarity parameter defined in e.g. Battjes(1974) as:

ξ0 =tan(γ)√H0/L0


whereγ is the slope of the bed,H0 is the deep water waveheight, andL0 is the deep water wave length.

The target wave height wasH = 0.14 m. The inci-dent,HI , and reflected,HR, waves were separated basedon a three-point wave gauge method based on the methoddescribed in Mansard and Funke (1980). Hereby the in-cident wave condition was determined at the flat bed be-tween the wave maker piston and the breakwater struc-ture. This wave height,HI , is reported in Table 1 togetherwith the reflection coefficient. Each wave condition wasrepeated for each of the 12 measuring sections along theslope. The presented wave heights, surf similarity pa-rameters and reflection coefficients are given as a meanof these repetitions. The waves were generated based onfirst order Stokes theory. The wave generator was oper-ated with active wave absorption control (AWACS) de-scribed in Schaffer et al. (1994) for removal of the re-flected energy from the structure.

For calculating the surf similarity parameter the deepwater wave height,H0, was applied. This was calculatedfrom the measured incident wave height at the flat bedbased on linear wave theory and conservation of energyflux. This follows the method also applied in Sumer et al.(2013):

H0 = HI

√tanh(kh)(1+G) (2)

wherek is the wave number,h is the water depth, andG = 2kh/sinh(2kh). The wave number isk = 2π/L andwas found from the linear dispersion relation as:

ω2 = gktanh(kh) (3)

Table 1: Test conditions for experiments with spherical plastic ele-ments (D = 38 mm) and stone (D = 50 mm) armour layer.D d d/D HI T ξ0 Kr

(mm) (mm) (-) (cm) (s) (-) (-)38/50 18 0.47/0.36 11.7 1.0 1.76 0.2538/50 18 0.47/0.36 11.6 1.5 2.64 0.3438/50 18 0.47/0.36 11.4 1.7 3.05 0.4638/50 18 0.47/0.36 11.9 3.0 5.79 0.63

whereω = 2π/T is the angular frequency.

Based on the surf similarity parameter the wave con-ditions can be classified according to Galvin (1968) as:spilling (ξ0 < 0.5), plunging (0.5 < ξ0 < 3.3), and surg-ing (ξ0 > 3.3). Comparing to Table 1 it is seen that thepresent experiments falls within the plunging and surgingregimes. Here it is noted, that the present test conditionspartly falls within the applied conditions in Nielsen et al.(2012). Here, a steep slope at 1:2 was applied whichin terms of run-up and run-down resembles the presentexperiments. These experiments were conducted withξ0 = 5.36− 5.64 i.e. in the surging regime. Also mildlysloping beds at 1:14 were applied in Nielsen et al. (2012)whereξ0 were found in the range ofξ0 = 1 − 3, how-ever here the run-up and run-down process may differfrom the present experiments due to the slope of the bed.In Sumer et al. (2013) the same methodology regardingassessment of the destabilising pressure gradient was ap-plied as for the present experiments. Here the wave con-ditions were within the plunging regime withξ0 = 1.42.However, these experiments were conducted on a mildlysloping bed at 1:14.

The reflection of waves from the breakwater structureincreased for an increasing surf similarity parameter. Thereflection coefficient ranged from 0.25−0.63 which is inaccordance with e.g. Zanuttigh and Van der Meer (2006)both in terms of the variation and the absolute values. Assuch the breakwater interacts with the waves as expectedfor this type of structure. Further discussion on the waveinteraction with the porous breakwater in relation to aprototype structure is given in Section 7.

Each experiment had a length of 10 min which pro-vided between 200 and 600 waves depending on thewave period. The last 100 waves were applied for dataanalysis providing e.g. ensemble averaged quantities.


4. Description of run-up and run-down process

The present experiments included wave conditionsranging from the plunging to the surging breaker regime.A pressure variation depending on the breaker type wasfound as will be described later in Section 5. In order tounderstand the measured pressure variations in relationto the physics of the breaking wave a general descriptionof the run-up and run-down sequence is given in the fol-lowing. The presented water-surface elevations are basedon the high-speed digital video recordings.

4.1. Plunging wave

Figure 3 presents the run-up and run-down process forthe plunging breaker with a wave period ofT = 1.0 s andξ0 = 1.76. The numbers in the figure refers to the differ-ent instants in time as given in the figure caption wherethe reference timet = 0.0 s corresponds to zero-up cross-ing of the water-surface at the toe of the sloping bed. Themeasuring sections for pore-water pressure are indicatedin the figure with measuring section 5 highlighted for ref-erence to the later results. The run-up illustrated in Fig-ure 3A shows how the wave initiated the run-up phasewith a very steep slope of the water-surface (stage 1).Just before the wave breaking occurred the water-surfacewas positioned with an angle of appropriately 90◦ to thefront slope of the breakwater (stage 2). At a positionjust above the still water level the wave curled forwardin the breaking process and impacted into the front ofthe breakwater (stage 3). The run-up continued hereafterwhich generated some splashing and air entrainment atthe region of the highest run-up (stage 4). Here it maybe noted, that several flow regimes are present along theslope. At the lower part of the slope the thickness ofthe run-up wedge was several times the roughness ofthe armour layer. Here the flow had similarities with arough bottom channel flow. At the upper part of the slopethe run-up wedge thickness was less than the roughnesswhich resembled a flow around obstacles. These differ-ent flow regimes were also described in Andersen et al.(2011).

In Figure 3B the run-down process is illustrated. Af-ter flow reversal the run-down created a thin layer ofwater rushing down through the armour stones (stage5). Due to the delay of the water movement inside theporous core a water level difference was seen between thecore and armour layer. At the maximum run-down level

the downward mowing water impacted with the succes-sive incoming wave and hereby initiating the next run-upphase (stage 6).

Figure 3: Sequence of A) run-up and B) run-down, for plungingbreaker with wave periodT = 1.0 s. The numbering corresponds totimes: 1:t = 0.2 s, 2: t = 0.4 s, 3: t = 0.5 s, 4: t = 0.7 s, 5: t = 0.8s, 6: t = 1.1 s. The reference timet = 0 is taken at zero-up crossingof the water surface at the toe of the breakwater.

4.2. Surging wave

Figure 4 presents the run-up and run-down process forthe surging breaker with a wave period ofT = 3.0 s andξ0 = 5.79. Some differences were seen regarding boththe run-up and run-down phase compared to the previ-ous waves with a period ofT = 1.0 s. The run-up phasewas initiated with the water-surface being close to thestill water level (stage 1). The long wave period resultedin a run-up where the water surface did not approachthe breakwater front slope with a steep angle as it wasseen for the short plunging wave. Without any severewave breaking the run-up wedge was allowed to movealong the slope to its maximum run-up level (stage 2+3).Again, the flow is dominated by the upper part of theslope where the wedge thickness is small compared to


the roughness and the lower part with a relatively largerwedge thickness. Figure 4B presents the run-down phasewhere a large downward directed velocity was reachedat the armour layer (stage 4). The run-down water im-pacts with the main body of water which at this instantin time has not been affected by the successive incom-ing wave (stage 5). At the maximum run-down level astirring zone occurred with some air entrainment. Imme-diately after the maximum run-down level was reacheda secondary run-up was initiated as shown in Figure 4C(stage 6). This formed a breaking bore or hydraulic jumpwhich was also described in Pedersen and Gjevik (1983)for surging waves (stage 7). The secondary run-up cre-ated some air entrainment during the breaking process(stage 7+8).

5. Pore-water pressure and pressure-gradient forces

In the following the details of the pore-water pressureand pressure gradient along the slope is given. First,the pore-water pressure time series are presented whichshows the occurrence of pressure gradient near the sur-face of the bed. For some relevant measuring sectionsthese results are presented in terms of profiles of thepore-water pressure below the surface of the bed. Thevariation of the outward directed pressure gradient is pre-sented along the sloping bed which provides an under-standing of the spatial variation in relation to the positionof the water surface outside the structure.

5.1. Pore-water pressure time series

Figure 5 and 6 present the time series of the pore-waterpressure for a wave period ofT = 1.0 s andT = 3.0s, respectively. Measuring section 8 and section 6 arepresented. The water-surface elevation at the toe of thebreakwater is presented along with the pore-water pres-sure time series as a reference signal. All times are givenrelative to the zero-up crossing of the water-surface ele-vation at this position.

In Figure 5 it may be seen how the pore-water pressurevaried over the depth throughout the entire wave periodfor the short wave with a period ofT = 1.0 s. Regard-ing the surface elevation it is noted, that the surface el-evation was measured at the toe while the pressure pre-sented in Figure 5 was measured at section 8 along theslope. As such the surface elevation does not representthe crest/trough variation at the position of the pressure

Figure 4: Sequence of A) run-up, B) run-down, and C) secondaryrun-up, for surging breaker with wave periodT = 3.0 s. The num-bering corresponds to times: 1:t = 0.1 s, 2: t = 0.5 s, 3: t = 1.0 s,4: t = 1.2 s, 5: t = 1.8 s, 6: t = 1.9 s, 7: t = 2.2 s, 8: t = 2.4 s. Thereference timet = 0 is taken at zero-up crossing of the water surfaceat the toe of the breakwater.

measurements. Due to the small wave period, and wavelength, a crest was seen at the toe (0.22 s) while the max-imum run-down level occurred on the slope (stage 1 inFigure 3). Correspondingly a trough was seen at the toe(0.75 s) approximately at the same time as the maximum


run-up level occurred on the slope (stage 5 in Figure 3).For interpreting the pressure variations the time instant

for maximum run-up and run-down levels are indicatedon Figure 3. During run-up (from maximum run-down tomaximum run-up) the pressure changed from being high-est in the core (y = −7 cm) and lowest near the surface(y = 0 cm) to the opposite situation with lowest pres-sure in the core and highest pressure near the surface.These variations resulted in a pressure gradient directedoutward (out of the core) during the first part of the run-up and inward (into the core) during the last part of therun-up. The change in direction of the pressure gradi-ent appeared between stage 2 and stage 3 in Figure 3.During run-down the pressure gradient was directed out-wards with highest pressure in the core (y = −7 cm) andlowest pressure near the surface (y = 0 cm) for most ofthe run-down stage. The maximum gradient was seen atthe time where the maximum run-down occurred and thenext run-up stage was initiated. In relation to instabilityof the armour and underlayers the outward directed pres-sure gradient is of interest as this will act as a lift forceon the outer part of the sloping bed.

The long wave with a period ofT = 3.0 s is shownin Figure 6. Again it should be noted that the surfaceelevation was measured at the toe while the pressure pre-sented in Figure 6 was measured at section 6 along theslope. As such the surface elevation does not representthe crest/trough variation at the position of the pressuremeasurements. However, due to the relatively longerwave the phase difference is smaller which means thatcrest and trough variation at the toe approximatly coin-cided with the water level on the slope.

The pressure variation over the depth was less pro-nounced for a large part of the wave period than for theshort wave withT = 1.0. However, one area exists wherethe outward directed pressure gradient were generated, ataboutt = 1.7 s. Again this corresponds to the time for themaximum run-down level. The in- and outward directedpressure gradients for all wave conditions are a result ofthe delay in the pore-water pressure to the run-up andrun-down flow. This was shown in relation to breakwa-ter structures in e.g. van Gent (1994) and also pointedout based on pressure measurements in both Sumer et al.(2011) and Sumer et al. (2013).

The pore-water pressure time series were comparedto the details of the run-up and run-down processes inFigure 3 and 4. Here it was found that the outward di-

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1













t (s)









A. (Toe Section)

B. (Section 8)

Max run-down Max run-up

Figure 5: Pore-water pressure time series for gravel core with stonearmour layer for wave periodT = 1.0 s.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3−15












t (s)







A. (Toe Section)

B. (Section 6)

Max run-downMax run-up

Figure 6: Pore-water pressure time series for gravel core with stonearmour layer for wave periodT = 3.0 s.

rected pressure gradients in general occurred at the in-stant in time where the maximum run-down level was


reached. This was found to be in accordance to the ob-servation of Sumer et al. (2011) where outward directedpressure gradients were also found during the run-downphase. Figure 7 and 8 shows the water surface elevationfor that instant in time where the maximum outward di-rected pressure gradient was seen. The outward directedpressure gradient increased when the run-down was at itslowest level and when the run-down volume of water im-pacted with the main body of water at or below SWL.This mechanism was also described in relation to break-water structures in Bruun (1989) however with no furtherdetails on the variations of the pore-water pressure.

Figure 7: Water-surface variation for the instant in time where themaximum outward directed pressure gradient occurs at measuringsection 8 for wave periodT = 1.0 s.

Figure 8: Water-surface variation for the instant in time where themaximum outward directed pressure gradient occurs at measuringsection 6 for wave periodT = 3.0 s.

5.2. Pore-water pressure profiles

The variation of the pressure through the core materialis presented as pressure profiles normal to the bed surface

in Figure 9. The pressure profiles corresponds to the datapresented in Figure 5 for two instants in time;t = 0.23s where an outward directed pressure gradient was seen,andt = 0.51 s where an inward directed pressure gradientwas seen. The ensemble averaged data were used foundas:

pi(y, ωt) =1N



pi[y, ω(t + ( j − 1)T)


wherei corresponds to each measurement points acrossthe vertical andN is the number of wave periods overwhich the ensemble average was performed.

−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6








p/γ (cm)



t=0.23 s t=0.51 s

Figure 9: Pore-water pressure profiles for the wave condition withperiodT = 1.0 s at measuring section 8. Standard deviation is shownas the horizontal error-bars.

The pressure profiles showed the same direction of thepressure gradient as seen in the pressure time series. Themeasurement at the surface of the core material (y = 0cm) is also presented in Figure 9. This measurement wasperformed on top of the perforated steel plate that heldthe core material in place and on which the armour layerwas fixated. Due to uncertainties regarding the positionof the pressure steel pipe (described in Section 2) on topof the perforated plate this measurement was not appliedin the following analysis of the total pressure gradient.For this analysis only the pressure measurements posi-tioned in the actual core material were applied.

5.3. Pressure gradient spatial variation

In relation to destabilising forces on the under/filterlayers the outward directed pressure gradients are of in-terest. The variation of the outward directed pressure


gradient along the sloping front is presented in the fol-lowing. Again, the two wave conditions with periodsof T = 1.0 s andT = 3.0 s are presented in details asthese covers the range from plunging to surging breakertypes. Figure 10 presents the variation forT = 1.0 s.The distance from the toe follows the definition given inFigure 1 wherex = 0 corresponds to the position of thetoe. The still water level (SWL) is indicated along withthe maximum run-down level detected from the synchro-nised video recordings. For all the measuring sectionssome scattering of the data were seen, however, there wasa clear trend towards increasing pressure gradients whengoing from the toe towards the water surface. For thelower part of the sloping bed a constant variation of thegradient was found. The maximum gradient was reachedapproximately at the position of the maximum run-downlevel. The large outward directed gradient were in gen-eral localized around this position.

For the wave periodT = 3.0 s the variation of thepressure gradient is shown in Figure 11. Here the sametrend was found as for the short wave withT = 1.0 s.It was found that the gradient increases from the lowestpart of the sloping bed where the short wave conditiongave a more constant variation along the lower part. Thisreflects the differences in the run-up and run-down pro-cesses for the plunging and surging breakers. The maxi-mum pressure gradient was reached at a position slightlybelow the maximum run-down level.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10






x-distance from toe (m)




SpheresStones rep. 1Stones rep. 2


Figure 10: Maximum upward directed pressure gradient alongthesloping front of the breakwater for wave periodT = 1.0 s. Thelegend named Stones rep. 1 and Stones rep. 2 refers to the tworepetitions of the experiment with stone armour layer.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10







x-distance from toe (m)




SpheresStones rep. 1Stones rep. 2


Figure 11: Maximum upward directed pressure gradient alongthesloping front of the breakwater for wave periodT = 3.0 s. Thelegend named Stones rep. 1 and Stones rep. 2 refers to the tworepetitions of the experiment with stone armour layer.

Regarding the applied armour (stones or sphericalplastic elements) it was found from Figure 10 and 11that the pressure gradients in general were not affectedby the different armour types. Also the run-up and run-down processes for the spherical plastic elements armourwere found to correspond to those observed for the stonearmour as described in Section 4. When comparing thetwo repetitions with stone armour layer the effect of there-packing of the core material were singled out as allother parameters were identical. This showed that thecore material introduced some variability however the re-sults were comparable both in terms of magnitude andvariations along the sloping front.

The outward directed pressure gradients results in anoutward directed force on the core material. From Fig-ure 10 and 11 this force was found to reach values up to−∂(p/γ)/∂y ≈ 0.4 and−∂(p/γ)/∂y ≈ 0.55 for the waveconditions withT = 1.0 s andT = 3.0 s, respectively.With the submerged weight of the core material being(s− 1)(1− n) ≈ 0.9 the outward directed forces corre-sponds to≈ 40% and≈ 60% of the submerged weight ofthe core material for the two presented wave conditions.

6. Velocities and bed shear stresses

Velocity measurements were performed along thesloping bed for the experiment with the spherical plas-tic element armour layer as described in Section 2. Four


measuring sections were included denoted section A-Din order to clearly distinguish the velocity measurementsfrom the pressure measurements (denoted section 1-12).The arrangement of the measuring section is shown inFigure 2. Due to air entrainment from the breakingand/or run-down process the LDA measurements couldonly be performed up to a water level approximately cor-responding to the maximum run-down level. For this rea-son, measurements are not conducted under the actualbreaking point.

In relation to these measurements it is noted that therun-up and run-down process corresponded to those de-scribed in Section 4 for the stone armour layer. This wasensured by comparing video recordings for the two ex-periments (plastic spheres and stones) frame by frame.Furthermore, it was found that the recorded surfaceelevation at the toe was highly reproducible during arecorded time series. This was ensured by plotting thesurface elevation from 100 succeeding waves (used forensemble averaging) where it was seen that they prac-tically collapsed on one curve. A high repeatabilitywas necessary in order to make sure that the computedReynold-stresses only reflected the turbulence generatedby the boundary layer, the wake turbulence around the ar-mour stones, the breaking process and the seapage flow.

6.1. Velocities

The LDA measurements provided the bed parallel andnormal velocity components. Figure 12 presents an ex-ample of the velocities at measuring section C for thepoint 42 mm above the surface of the core material (4mm above the upper surface of the spherical plastic el-ements). The surging breaker with a period ofT = 3.0s is presented. The velocity measurements showed howthe run-up and run-down was mostly governed by bed-parallel velocities. At the final stage of the run-downwhen the maximum run-down level was reached the flowwas directed outwards from the core towards the mainbody of water generating higher bed-normal velocities,as revealed in Figure 12B. For calculation of Reynolds-stresses, the velocity measurements were applied as de-scribed in Section 6.2.

6.2. Bed shear stress

For evaluating the shear-stress on the armour layer theReynolds-stresses (−u′v′) were computed from the two






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3








t (s)η





A. (Toe Section)

B. (Section C)


Figure 12: Bed parallel (u) and normal (v) ensemble averaged ve-locities at measuring section C.

velocity components,u and v. With the Reynolds de-composition the fluctuating part,u′, was given as:

u′ = u− u (5)

whereu is the instantaneous velocity andu is its mean(ensemble averaged). Here it is noted that three contri-butions to the generation of turbulence are expected. 1)Wave boundary layer turbulence generated above the ar-mour layer, including vortex-shedding turbulence gener-ated due to the flow and separation around the armourstones. 2) Turbulence from the breaking process. 3)Turbulence generated due to the seapage flow from theporous core.

Figure 13 and 14 present the Reynolds-stress time se-ries at the point 4 mm above the armour layer for thefour measuring sections with a wave period ofT = 1.0s andT = 3.0 s, respectively. The sign-convention iswith the direction of the Reynolds-stress being positiveupward the sloping bed. First, it is noted that a very dis-tinct increase in the shear stress activity was observedfor t ≈ 0.15 s andt ≈ 1.6 for the two presented waveperiods. Especially for measuring section D this wasvery clear. When comparing to the general descriptionof the run-up and run-down processes in Section 4 it wasfound that this increase in shear stress appears just beforethe time of maximum run-down. Secondly, when Figure13 and 14 were compared to the corresponding pressuretime-series in Figure 5 and 6 it was seen that the increase


in shear-stresses also appears just before the generationof the outward directed pressure gradient. The velocitymeasurements were not performed at the exact same po-sitions as the pressure measurements, however measur-ing section D for velocity approximately corresponds tothe pressure measurement sections where the maximumoutward directed gradient were found. This indicates thatthe increase in shear-stress is linked to the outward di-rected pressure gradients both in time and space and arecaused by the run-down flow.

When Figure 13 and 14 were compared it was seenhow the variation in Reynolds-stresses was more smoothfor a wave period ofT = 1.0 s compared to the waveperiod ofT = 3.0 s. Based on the flow visualisationsand the general description in Section 4 it was found thatthis was also linked to the run-down process. For thewave period ofT = 1.0 s the run-down level did notreach section D. Furthermore, the breaking process waslocalised slightly above SWL. At velocity section A-Dthe flow was oscillating upward (and slightly directedinto the core) and downward (and slightly directed outof the core) without being affected by the breaking andrun-down process. For the wave period ofT = 3.0 s therun-down level came very close to section D and there-fore the Reynolds-stresses were greatly affected by thestirring-zone generated at maximum run-down. The run-down process enabled turbulence to move down alongthe sloping bed towards both section C and B.

In Dixen et al. (2008) measurements were performedof turbulence and Reynolds-stresses on a rough bed madeout of spherical plastic elements of the same diameteras those applied for the present experiments. However,these experiments were applied on a flat bed withoutwave breaking. Here a production of turbulence was seennear the bottom and transported into the main body ofwater. This was also seen as an increase in Reynolds-stresses near the upper surface of the spherical plasticelements both during the crest and trough half period.For the present experiments the flow was also affectedby the run-down processes as well as wave breaking.However, during run-up the part of the slope below SWLmay be regarded as a rough bottom wave boundary layerflow. When observing the Reynolds-stresses in Figure 13and 14 it is clear that no, or only very small, Reynolds-stresses were seen during this phase of the flow at thepoint at the upper surface of the armour layer. This ob-servation deviates from the results of Dixen et al. (2008).





















0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1






t (s)



−u′ v′ (

cm2 /


−u′ v′ (

cm2 /


−u′ v′ (

cm2 /


−u′ v′ (

cm2 /


Toe Section

Section A

Section B

Section C

Section D

Max run-down

Figure 13: Reynolds-stresses above the armour layer at fourmea-suring sections for wave periodT = 1.0 s.

This can be explained by the effect of the porous core ma-terial in the present case and the converging flow alongthe slope during run-up as follows. Due to the porouscore material the flow was allowed to pass into the coreduring run-up. When examining the flow direction justabove the armour layer it was found that this was indeedthe case. Figure 15 shows the flow direction at measur-ing section C above the armour layer. The flow directionwas defined withα = 0 for bed parallel flow upwardalong the slope, 0< α < 180 corresponded to outwarddirected flow from the core to the main body of water,and−180< α < 0 corresponded to inward directed flowfrom the main body of water to the core. It was found



















0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3





t (s)



−u′ v′ (

cm2 /


−u′ v′ (

cm2 /


−u′ v′ (

cm2 /


−u′ v′ (

cm2 /


Toe Section

Section A

Section B

Section C

Section D

Max run-down

Figure 14: Reynolds-stresses above the armour layer at fourmea-suring sections for wave periodT = 3.0 s.

that an inward directed flow was generated during therun-up phase which limited the transportation of turbu-lence into the main body of water. At flow reversal, afterthe maximum run-up level, the flow was directed into thecore. Immediately after this the flow turned downwardthe slope and at approximatelyt = 1.1 s the flow was di-rected outwards from the core to the main body of water.If the above details of the flow direction are compared tothe Reynolds-stresses in Figure 14 (section C) it is seenhow the increase in shear-stress above the armour layercoincides with the periods of outward directed flow.






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3






t (s)






Inward flow Outward flow

Max run-down

Figure 15: Flow direction above the armour layer for wave periodT = 3.0 s. 0 < α < 180 corresponds to outward directed flow,−180< α < 0 corresponds to inward directed flow.

6.3. Shields parameter

As described in the above the high values of Reynolds-stresses were found at the same locations as for the largeoutward directed pressure gradients. At this points it isrelevant to address the destabilizing forces acting on theouter armour layer in conjunction with the pressure gra-dient forces from the porous core. The stability of sedi-ment, gravel, and stones exposed to current and/or wavesmay be evaluated based on the Shields parameter definedin e.g. Fredsøe and Deigaard (1992) as:

θc =U2

f c

(s− 1)gd(6)

whereθc is the critical Shields parameter for movementof the stones,U f c is the critical friction velocity,s is therelative submerged density of the stones, andd is the di-ameter of the stones. The critical Shields parameter ex-presses the critical value of the destabilizing fluid forcesto the stabilizing forces. The destabilizing forces are ex-pressed via the friction velocity while the gravitationalacceleration acts as the stabilizing force. Eq. (6) is givenfor a flat bed. If the bed is sloping an additional termarises in the force balance between stabilizing and desta-bilizing forces. That is an additional destabilizing forcedue to the gravitational acceleration being projected intothe bed parallel and normal direction. Furthermore, thestabilizing gravitational force is also reduced due to this


projection. This gives a correction to the critical Shieldsparameter on a flat bed (Fredsøe and Deigaard (1992)):

θc = θc0cosγ

[1− tanγ



whereθc0 is the critical Shields parameter on a flat bed,γis the slope of the bed, andφs is the friction angle (angleof repose) of the stones.

The critical Shields parameter is depending on thegrainRe-number and is described by empirical data. Forturbulent flow the critical value is≈ 0.06 as shown in e.g.Fredsøe and Deigaard (1992). Hereby it is assumed thatthere is a clear difference between stationary and mov-ing sediment/stones. However, this is not the case dueto variations in e.g. bed shear stress and stone size. InBreusers and Schukking (1971) experiments showed thatmovements of some stones could occur atθc = 0.03. InCIRIA et al. (2007) it is recommended for design of ar-mour stones and rock fill that the critical Shields param-eter takes the valueθc = 0.03− 0.035 at which stonesfirst begin to move. For the flow along a sloping frontof a breakwater the correction of the critical Shields pa-rameter given in eq. (7) was applied. The friction an-gle is depending on the material. In this case there ex-ists an interface between two materials; the armour layerand the core material. According to CIRIA et al. (2007)the smallest friction angle of the two materials may beused. For the present case this gives a friction angle ofφs = 45◦. With a slope of the bed of 1:1.5 the correctedcritical Shields parameter reduces to a value ofθc ≈ 0.01.

As a measure of the bed friction in the experiments,expressed as the friction velocity,U f , the Reynolds-stress was applied as described in Dixen et al. (2008).Here the friction velocity was determined based on bothvelocity profiles and Reynolds-stresses above the bed.The results of the different methods showed a very goodagreement. As such the method based on the Reynolds-stresses was adopted in the present study to evaluate thefriction velocity and hereby the Shields parameter. Thefriction velocity was defined as:

U f =



whereτ0 is the bed shear stress found from the Reynolds-stress as−ρu′v′ for the measuring point 4 mm abovethe upper surface of the armour layer. With this the ac-tual Shields parameter was computed at each of the four

measuring sections for the four applied wave conditions.Here, the maximum Reynolds-stress over one ensembleaveraged wave period was applied. Figure 16 presentsthe Shields parameter for the four wave conditions. Firstit was noted that the variation along the distance fromthe toe showed a general trend of an increasing Shieldsparameter from the toe towards the SWL. This is clearlylinked to the increase in shear stress near the run-downlevel due to the run-down process and outward directedflow. Secondly it was found that there was a clear differ-ence between the flow regimes of the plunging breakersand surging breakers. For the surging breaker the Shieldsparameter takes a higher value which was clearly distin-guished from the remaining wave conditions. The plung-ing breakers were grouped together with a lower Shieldsparameter. This was explained by the differences in therun-up process, and therefore also the run-down process,as described in Section 4. For the surging wave the run-up was long and without any severe breaking. The largerun-up level and volume of water resulted in a large run-down that created higher velocities and stresses at theupper part of the slope.

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.60






x-distance from toe (m)




Surging breaker

Plunging breakers

Figure 16: Shields parameter for all wave conditions. Run-downindicates the maximum run-down water level for the surging breakerwith a wave period ofT = 3.0 s.

Regarding the values of the Shields parameter thesurging wave resulted in a value ofθ = 0.009. Thecritical Shields parameter for movements of some stonescorrected for the sloping bed was found to beθc ≈ 0.01according to CIRIA et al. (2007). This indicated that thedestabilizing forces on the outer armour layer were inthe same order of magnitude as those required to initial-ize movements of the stones. This was the case for themeasuring sections included in the present study. If the


Shields parameters presented in Figure 16 was extrapo-lated to a larger distance from the toe it was expectedthat even higher values may occur. It should be notedthat the present evaluation of the possible movement ofthe stones do not take into account the contact forcesand inter-locking forces between the individual armourstones. These will act as stabilizing and may as such pre-vent the stones from moving.

6.4. Verification of Reynolds-stress measurements

In order to verify the measurement technique forReynolds-stresses the data from our earlier study, Jensenet al. (2012), were applied. The experiments presented inJensen et al. (2012) were part of another study performedwith a solitary wave on a rough impermeable slopingbed. The setup was identical to the present experimentsexcept for the impermeable bed in Jensen et al. (2012).The same LDA system as described in Section 2 was ap-plied. Details on the experimental setup were shown inJensen et al. (2012) where also some results were pre-sented. The data were re-analysed as part of the presentstudy in order to compute the Reynolds-stresses for com-parison with the data of Dixen et al. (2008).

The impermeable bed experiments in Jensen et al.(2012) were applied for three reasons: 1) The porouscore applied in the present study enabled the flow to bedirected into the structure and thereby not generating theboundary layer turbulence as expected for an imperme-able bed. By applying the impermeable bed experimentsthis effect was removed from the system. 2) The soli-tary wave enabled a flow which was not affected by thebreaking process during the run-up stage (the wave wassurging) nor the breaking and run-down stage from theprevious wave. The experiments of Dixen et al. (2008)were conducted with no wave breaking and as such thesolitary wave experiments offers a more direct compar-ison. 3) The experiments in Dixen et al. (2008) wereconducted with the same spherical plastic elements andcomparable wave conditions. The orbital amplitude todiameter ratio wasa/D = 1.58. The impermeable bedexperiments of Jensen et al. (2012) applied an orbital am-plitude to diameter ratio ofa/D = 3.95.

It is noted, that the turbulence generated due to thewave boundary layer was not represented correctly withthe solitary wave experiments. However, the order ofmagnitude of the Reynolds-stresses were expected to becomparable. In Jensen et al. (1989) results were pre-

sented for turbulent oscillatory boundary layer with reg-ular waves and in Sumer et al. (2010) results were pre-sented for turbulent boundary layer with a solitary wave.Here the maximum turbulent quantities during the cresthalf period in the fully-developed turbulent boundary

layer stage were found to be√

u′2/U f ≈ 4 for both theregular and solitary waves.

Figure 17 presents the comparison of the vertical dis-tribution of Reynolds-stresses obtained from the solitarywave experiments of Jensen et al. (2012), and the regu-lar wave experiments of Dixen et al. (2008). In Jensenet al. (2012) measurements were conducted both aboveand below the center line of the spherical plastic ele-ments. In Dixen et al. (2008) measurements were onlyperformed down to the theoretical bed (0.23D below thesurface of the spheres). The data for the solitary waveexperiments were taken for the last part of the run-upstage (ωt ≈ 100◦). For Dixen et al. (2008) the datafor the last time instant presented for the crest half pe-riod (ωt = 100◦) was applied. The depth was non-dimensionalized asy/ks whereks is the equivalent sandroughness taken as 2.5D as found in Bayazit (1976) andDixen et al. (2008) for spheres. The Reynolds-stresseswere non-dimensionalized as−u′v′/U2

f where the fric-tion velocity was found as described in Section 6.3.

It was found that the non-dimensionalized Reynolds-stresses were comparable for the two experiments. Thesame order of magnitude were seen for the maximumReynolds-stress that occurred slightly below the uppersurface of the spherical plastic elements. The generaldistribution across the vertical direction was compara-ble in terms of a decreasing level above the spheres. InDixen et al. (2008) the stresses decrease rapidly belowthe point where the maximum values were found whilethe data from the solitary wave experiments in Jensenet al. (2012) showed a distribution of higher Reynolds-stresses further down between the spheres. It should benoted, that the present solitary wave experiments wereconducted on a steep sloping bed which created a con-verging flow during run-up. Hereby the flow was morelikely to be directed down between the spheres.

With the agreement between the data of Dixen et al.(2008) and the experiments of Jensen et al. (2012) (per-formed with the same experimental setup as the presentstudy) the measurements of the Reynolds-stresses wereverified.


−0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.20







y/k s


Jensen et al. (2012)Dixen et al. (2008)

Surface of spheres

Figure 17: Reynolds-stresses on a rough impermeable sloping bedfrom Jensen et al. (2012) (surging solitary wave) and a roughimper-meable plane bed from Dixen et al. (2008) (regular wave on planebed).y is measured from the physical impermeable bed.

7. Remarks about scale effects

In the following a short note is given regarding scaleeffects in relation to applying model scale dimensions.In general, scale effects related to model scale experi-ments of breakwater structures are caused by differentflow regimes experienced in prototype and model scale.An overview of scale effects for hydraulic model ex-periments was given in Heller (2011). The problem ofscale effects related to porous breakwater structures wastreated in e.g. Perez-Romero et al. (2009) which inves-tigated reflection and transmission of breakwaters. InAndersen et al. (2011) the impact of the scale effectson the overtopping rate was investigated. Several stud-ies have proposed methods to minimize the scale effectse.g. Jensen and Klinting (1983), Martin et al. (2002) andVanneste and Troch (2012).

For the present study the experiments were not de-signed to be an exact scaled copy of a prototype struc-ture. Here, the scale model was applied to investigatesome physical processes. As such it was important toensure similarity between model and prototype for thoseprocesses in order to extrapolate the results to prototypescale. This was done by identifying the non-dimensionalparameters which are governing for the physical pro-cesses.

The scope of the present study was the pressure-

induced lift forces on the core material and the dragforces on the armour layers. As it was found in Sections5 and 6 these forces are related to the run-up and run-down flow, in particular the maximum run-down level,and the delay of the porous flow in the core to the fluidloading.

7.1. Surf-similarity parameter,ξ0The surf-similarity parameter,ξ0, governs the breaker

type and thereby the run-up and run-down flow. The re-lation between the run-up level andξ0 was shown in e.g.van der Meer and Stam (1992).ξ0 was defined as shownin eq. (1) and takes the values presented in Table 1. IfFroude model law is applied for scaling to prototype thesame values will be achieved.

7.2. Armour layer roughness, a/ks

In van der Meer and Stam (1992) the dependency onthe run-up level of the surface roughness was investi-gated. There was a clear effect on the maximum run-uplevel when a smooth and rough surface were compared.The reduced run-up level for a rough surface will alsoinfluence the maximum run-down level. The roughnessmay be expressed in non-dimensional terms as the ratiobetween the amplitude of the oscillatory motion and theequivalent roughness,a/ks. This number may also be re-garded as the Keulegan-Carpenter (KC) number whichexpresses the ratio of the stroke of the oscillating motionto the size of the roughness. It is noted that also the forceson an object exposed to an oscillatory flow is governedprimarily by theKC-number.

For a Froudes model law scaling thea/ks-number willbe identical in model and prototype scale.

7.3. Armour stone Reynolds-number, ReD

For evaluating the stability of armour stones the pro-cesses accounting for the destabilising forces must beincluded correctly. The governing parameters for theforces on stones exposed to an oscillatory flow are theKC-number and theRe-number. TheKC-number isidentical in model scale and prototype as shown in Sec-tion 7.2. TheRe-number found in prototype can not bemaintained in model scale for a Froudes model law scal-ing. TheRe-number governs the flow regimes in termsof laminar, transitional or turbulent boundary layer flowaround the stone. This affects the total drag force dueto variations in the position of flow separation points.


For circular cross sections this effect may lead to an in-crease in drag coefficient,CD, of 50 % to 100 % when theRe-number is decreased from 5· 105 to 1 · 104, see datacompiled in e.g. Sumer and Fredsøe (2006). For crosssections with sharper edges this effect is less pronounceddue to fixation of the flow separation at the sharp edges.

For evaluating scale effects due to the above depen-dency of theRe-number the armour stone Reynolds num-ber, ReD, is often used as shown in e.g. Andersen andBurcharth (2010) and Andersen et al. (2011):

ReD =



whereDn50 = Volume1/3 is the equivalent cube lengthexceeded by 50 % of the armour stones.

In Dai and Kamel (1969) experiments were performedwith regular waves where it was found that the criticalarmour stone Reynolds number for evaluating stabilitywas 3·104. For the present experiments the armour stoneReynolds number takes the valueReD = 4.4 · 104 andReD = 3.3·104 for the stone and spherical plastic elementarmour layers, respectively. These are seen to be abovethe critical value given by Dai and Kamel (1969) and assuch scale effects are expected to be minimal.

7.4. Pore Reynolds-number, Rep

For the porous core the scale effects are related towhether the flow is in the laminar/Forchheimer, transi-tional or turbulent flow regimes. For prototype measuresthe flow will often be in the turbulent regime while inmodel scale the laminar regime is often found. The flowin a porous medium is often described by the Darcy-Forchheimer equation which includes both a linear term(laminar) and a non-linear term (turbulent). Dependingon the flow regime these terms will have different impor-tance and thereby the effective resistance of the porousmedium will differ, see the discussion on porous mediumterms in e.g. Jensen et al. (2014). The flow in a porousmedium with relation to the Darcy-Forchheimer equationwas investigated in e.g. Engelund (1954) and Burcharthand Andersen (1995). The flow regimes can be classifiedby the pore Reynolds number,Rep, given as:

Rep =UD50


whereU is a characteristic filter velocity andn is theporosity. In general the fully turbulent flow regime is

reached forRep > 300. In Jensen and Klinting (1983)a method was proposed for minimizing the scale ef-fects. This was done by ensuring the same hydraulicgradient through the structure in prototype and modelscale. The hydraulic gradient was described based on theDarcy-Forchheimer equation which resulted in a correc-tion factor for the core material dimension. Here a char-acteristic velocity is needed which for the present studywas found from the Darcy-Forchheimer equation apply-ing the maximum pressure gradient across the structurebased on linear wave theory for an undisturbed wave onthe sea-side and still water level on the shore-side. Itshould be noted, that discussions on the method for de-termining the velocity in the porous media was givenin e.g. Martin et al. (2002) and Vanneste and Troch(2012). The pore Reynolds-number was found to beRep ≈ 320. For prototype structures,Rep may take val-ues in the order ofRep ≈ 105. This shows how theprototype flow in the porous core is in the fully turbu-lent regime while in model scale it approached the tran-sitional regime from laminar to turbulent. When relatingthe model scale results to prototype dimensions this de-viation in Rep should be taken into account. For typicalmodel scale tests the scaling factor for the core materialwill be reduced by 15− 25 % by the method of Jensenand Klinting (1983).

8. Conclusions

The present study investigated the generation of desta-bilizing pressure gradients in the core/filter material be-low the main armour layer of a sloping porous breakwa-ter. The pressure gradients were measured together withvelocities and turbulence. High-speed video recordingsenabled a visual connection between the measured quan-tities and the physical processes. The following conclu-sions were drawn:

• Outward directed pressure gradients at the surfacelayer of the core material were found for all investi-gated wave conditions.

• The temporal variation of the pressure gradientshowed a connection between the maximum out-ward directed pressure gradient and the maximumrun-down event.


• The spatial variation along the sloping front of thebreakwater showed that the maximum pressure gra-dients appears at or just below the position of themaximum run-down water level.

• Outward directed pressure gradient exerted a liftforce up to≈ 60% of the submerged weight of thecore material for surging breakers.

• On the lower part of the breakwater slope the turbu-lence produced near the armour layer was found notto be moved up into the main body of water duringthe run-up phase due to the flow being directed intothe porous core.

• During run-down the flow was directed outwardfrom the porous core and turbulence was producedand moved up above the armour layer. At the timeof maximum run-down the turbulence and the re-sulting Reynolds-stresses experienced a large in-crease.

• The bed shear stress determined based on theReynolds-stresses gave a Shields parameter close tothe critical value for initiation of movements of thestones.

• The high shear stress levels coincide in time andspace with the generation of the large outward di-rected pressure gradients.


The support of the Danish Ministry of Science, Tech-nology and Innovation through the GTS grant: Fremti-dens Marine Konstruktioner (Marine Structures of theFuture), is acknowledged.

DHI kindly provided the AWACS system applied forgeneration and active absorption of waves.


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Originally published as:Jensen, B., Jacobsen, N.G., Christensen, E.D., 2014. Investigations on the porous mediaequations and resistance coefficients for coastal structures. Coastal Engineering 84, 56-72.



Investigations on the porous media equations and resistance coefficientsfor coastal structures

Bjarne Jensena,∗, Niels Gjøl Jacobsena,b, Erik Damgaard Christensena

aFluid Mechanics, Coastal and Maritime Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.

bCoastal Structures and Waves, Deltares, Rotterdamseweg 185, 2629DH Delft, The Netherlands


This paper considers the flow in porous media that occurs in coastal and offshore engineering problems. Over thepast decades numerous formulations of flow equations for porous media have been presented. The present work re-examines the porous media equations of the most recent form and corrects some shortcomings which were identified.The applied type of porosity models relies on empirical resistance coefficients which often needs to be measured orcalibrated. Only few examples of calibration for numericalmodels are present in the literature which often appliedthe same experimental results. In this study new calibration cases were introduced to the calibration procedure inorder to achieve a better understanding of the variation of the resistance coefficients. Hereby the coefficients weredetermined with a better description over the entire parameter space for the resistance coefficients than previouslyfound in the literature. Constant values for the resistancecoefficients for a broad range of flow conditions wererecommended based on the new calibrations. The model was validated for the main physical processes that occur inwave-structure interaction in coastal structures including three-dimensional wave-structure interaction, run-up, run-down and pressure damping, regular and irregular wave conditions and evaluation of overtopping. Simple two andthree dimensional uniform caisson structures and breakwater layouts were investigated. The model was implementedin the open source CFD library OpenFOAMR© and has been made publicly available to the engineering communityas part of the wave generation framework waves2Foam.

Keywords: Wave-structure interaction, Breakwaters, Porous media, Resistance coefficients, Navier-Stokesequations, VOF

1. Introduction

Porous structures are often encountered in coastal en-gineering. One example is the breakwater structures,which form a key element in coastal and harbour en-gineering. A typical breakwater structure consists of aporous core material such as sand or gravel. The core isprotected against erosion by means of one or several fil-ter layers which are themselves protected by an armourlayer. The porous breakwater allows for a flow through

∗Corresponding authorEmail addresses:bjaje@mek.dtu.dk (Bjarne Jensen),

coastalof@gmail.com (Niels Gjøl Jacobsen),edch@mek.dtu.dk (Erik Damgaard Christensen)

the structure. In order to ensure a correct and safe func-tioning of the breakwater it is essential that it remainsstable during wave action.

A common procedure during the design process of abreakwater is to perform model scale experiments. Insuch experiments the entire profile of the breakwater isconstructed in a hydraulic laboratory, including core ma-terial, filter, and armour layers. The structure is exposedto the design wave conditions and the response of thestructure is observed.

In recent years, numerical methods and computationalresources have developed to a level at which consult-ing and design engineers apply numerical simulations asan integrated part of the design and development pro-


cess. However, a complete resolution of the porousstructure in breakwaters is not yet feasible. A methodfor simulating the effect of a porous medium withoutresolving the actual pores in the porous material mustbe applied. In van Gent (1995) a model based on theNavier-Stokes equations was developed, where the effectof the porous media was included via resistance sourceterms. The porous media, consisting of a rigid skele-ton and pores, is treated as one continuum which exertsforces on the fluid due to drag, friction, and acceleration.The resistance was described with the extended Darcy-Forchhimer equation where the unknown resistance co-efficients were determined from physical experiments. InBurcharth and Andersen (1995) the flow in porous mediawas also investigated and several references to the resis-tance coefficients were considered. The same method forincluding the porous effect in the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations was shown in Liu et al. (1999) wherethe formulation in van Gent (1995) was adopted. In Hsu(2002) the same numerical model was applied and ex-tended to handle turbulence in the porous media. In bothcases the empirical coefficients in the extended Darcy-Forchheimer equation were determined based on the rec-ommendations in van Gent (1995) and a limited numberof test cases were selected for the current applications.The same numerical model was applied in Garcia et al.(2004), where low-crested breakwaters were investigatedand in Lara et al. (2006) who included irregular waves inthe investigations. Karim et al. (2003) developed a two-phase model (fluid and air) based on the volume of fluid(VOF) method, that was extended to include interactionwith porous media. This was also achieved by the inclu-sion of resistance terms in the Navier-Stokes equations.The resistance terms were based on a drag and inertiacoefficient which needed calibration. Furthermore, thedrag resistance terms included a dependency on the reso-lution of the computational mesh which makes it of littleuse in practical applications. Their development was fur-ther described in Karim and Tanimoto (2006), Karim andTingsanchali (2006) and Hieu and Tanimoto (2006). Inthe latter, breaking wave interaction with porous struc-tures was investigated. Further attention was given towave transformation in the porous structure in Karimet al. (2009) with the same model development. Themodel presented in Liu et al. (1999) was further devel-oped in Losada et al. (2008) where overtopping of rub-ble mound breakwaters was investigated and in Guanche

et al. (2009) that focused on wave loads on impermeablecaisson structures placed on a porous rubble-mound. InLara et al. (2010) a new model development was pre-sented, which was also based on the volume averagedNavier-Stokes equations in order to describe the porousmedia by using resistance terms. Here the resistance wasformulated as it was originally in Engelund (1954), whoproposed a relation between the Darcy-Forchheimer co-efficients and physical parameters such as grain diame-ter and porosity. A thorough description of this modelwas later given in del Jesus et al. (2012) and Lara et al.(2012b) for model formulation and validation, respec-tively. The resistance terms were calibrated based onthe same experimental results originally presented in Liuet al. (1999).

As described above, the resistance-type porosity mod-els have been developed and applied several times. How-ever, the exact formulations of the porous media equa-tions are still under debate with proposed changes andmodifications for each new model development. The lat-est contribution towards a general set of porous mediaequations was shown in del Jesus et al. (2012). Hereit was also pointed out that some discrepancies wereseen compared to the earlier work by Hsu (2002) and deLemos (2006). As will be seen in the following some fur-ther changes to the formulation in del Jesus et al. (2012)are introduced in the present work related to the formu-lation of continuity and momentum which re-introducesthe formulations in Hsu (2002).

The open source CFD code OpenFOAM is gainingpopularity not only within the academic community butalso among consulting engineers. A framework for thegeneration and absorption of free surface waves was re-cently presented in Jacobsen et al. (2012) and has con-tributed to the availability of OpenFOAM for coastal en-gineering topics. Examples of the use of OpenFOAMfor considering both flow in connection with breakwa-ters, modelling of scour around structures, and cross-shore morphodynamics were recently seen in for exam-ple Lara et al. (2012a), Matsumoto et al. (2012), El Saftiet al. (2012), Stahlmann and Schlurmann (2012), and Ja-cobsen and Fredsøe (in press). Recently, a numericalmodel for coastal engineering problems was presentedin Higuera et al. (2013a) and Higuera et al. (2013b), inwhich OpenFoam was also applied.

This rises a problem as the porosity model in the of-ficial OpenFoam releases (presently up to v. 2.2) does


not conserve mass for free surface flows in porous me-dia (further details are given in Section 2.4), leading inmany cases to errors. Furthermore, the porosity wasnot included in the momentum equation according to thederivation presented in this work (see Appendix A).

The present work proposes changes to the mathemat-ical formulations regarding continuity, momentum, andfree surface modelling. The volume averaging processwas described in details for deriving the volume averagedequations for porous media flow based on the averagingprocedures given in e.g. Whitaker (1966), Gray (1975)and Whitaker (1986a), and also summarised in Slattery(1999). The current implementation was re-implementedin a physically correct manner. The resistance coeffi-cients were described based on the formulations of vanGent (1995), which express the coefficients as a functionof porosity, stone diameter and KC number. Only twoparameters are unknown in the present formulation, andthese were calibrated as part of the calibration procedure.The calibration was performed with focus on the relevantflow regimes and the entire resistance coefficient param-eter space.

The main objectives of the present paper are as fol-lows:

• Revise and re-implement the porous media equa-tions for a correct handling of mass continuity andmomentum.

• Implement a mass-conserving formulation of theVOF model in the porous media.

• Re-implement the porous media description inOpenFoam based on physical parameters such asporosity, stone diameter and KC number.

• Perform a calibration of the resistance coefficients,which covers a detailed investigation of the resis-tance coefficients for the relevant flow regimes.

• Validate the recommended resistance coefficientsfor coastal structure applications.

2. Model description

The model was based on the Navier-Stokes equations,that were transformed to the Volume Averaged Navier-Stokes equations for including the effect of the poros-ity. The numerical method was based on a finite vol-ume discretisation on a collocated grid arrangement. The

present paper used a version of the Navier-Stokes equa-tions where the eddy viscosity is not taken into account;for a formulation of turbulence closures in porous me-dia, the reader is referred to the literature, e.g. Nakayamaand Kuwahara (1999). Further discussion on turbulencemodelling is given in Section 2.5. The starting point wasthe general form of the incompressible Navier-Stokesequations formulated with the continuity equation:


∂xi= 0 (1)

and the momentum equation:


∂t+∂ρuiu j

∂xj= − ∂p∂xi+g j xj





∂xj+∂u j



whereρ is the density of the fluid,ui is the Cartesianvelocity vectorui = (u, v,w), p is the excess pressure,g j

is the j th component of the gravitational vector,µ is thedynamical viscosity,t is the time, andxi are the Cartesiancoordinates.

If Eq. (1) and (2) are to be solved in the porous media,knowledge is required about the geometry of the poresforming the porous media. Furthermore, a very finely re-solved computational mesh would be required in order tocapture this geometry, which in most cases is not feasi-ble. To overcome this problem the Navier-Stokes equa-tions were averaged over a volume that was assumed tobe larger than the length scale of the pores constitutingthe porous media. A detailed description of the deriva-tion of the volume averaged equations for porous mediais presented in Appendix A.

In the following the continuity and momentum equa-tions for porous media flow applied in the present workare presented. Discussions on the physical interpretationrelated to previous work are included as well.

2.1. Continuity equationIn del Jesus et al. (2012) the continuity equation was

first presented based on the pore (intrinsic) velocities andlater rearranged based on filter (superficial) velocities bymeans of the relation〈u〉 = n〈u〉 f , where〈〉 denotes thesuperficial volume average over the entire control vol-ume including the solids,〈〉 f denotes the intrinsic volumeaverage over the pore volume only, andn is the porositygiven as the ratio of the pore volume to the total vol-ume. Here, the continuity equation was given as the di-vergence of the pore velocity being zero (∇ · 〈u〉 f = 0).


Below it is argued, that a physical correct representationwill be the divergence of the filter velocity being zero(∇ · 〈u〉 = 0) which was also the definition applied in theprevious works, e.g. Hsu (2002).

Figure 1 presents a sketch of a one-dimensional sys-tem with a flow through a porous media confined by im-permeable walls parallel to the flow direction. The poros-ity is decreasing in the flow direction i.e. a gradient inthe porosity is present. The flux through the system isstationary which leads to an increasing pore velocity inthe flow direction as well. Applying the local volume av-eraging of the pore velocity over the pore volume in thecontinuity equation yields a non-zero divergence of thevelocity field.

If the filter velocity is considered then it is found tobe constant in the flow direction. Applying the volumeaveraging over the entire volume in the continuity equa-tion thus provides a divergence free velocity field. Thiscorresponds to the volume averaging procedure by Gray(1975), Whitaker (1986a), and Whitaker (1996) whichwas also followed in the present work (see Appendix A).The continuity equation was hereby expressed as:

∂〈ui〉∂xi= 0 (3)

where〈ui〉 is the volume averaged ensemble averaged ve-locity over the total control volume including the solidsof the porous media.

2.2. Momentum equation

For the momentum equation del Jesus et al. (2012)also used pore velocities for the initial volume averagedformulation. This formulation is physically correct as thecorrect amount of momentum is maintained when porevelocities are used. Correspondingly the formulationwas rearranged based on filter velocities divided by theporosity which then again ensures the correct momentumcontribution although filter velocities are used instead ofpore velocities. The same formulation is adopted in thefollowing according to the derivation shown in AppendixA, where the momentum equation for the porous mediabecomes:

Figure 1: Sketch of definition of continuity equation for pore andfilter velocity.






ρ〈ui〉〈u j〉n

= −∂〈p〉f

∂xi+ g j xj





(∂〈ui〉∂xj+∂〈u j〉∂xi

)+ Fi (4)

whereCm is the added mass coefficient to take the tran-sient interaction between grains and water into account.Furthermore, an additional term on the right hand side,Fi, was included to take account of the resistance forcedue to the presence of the porous media. The details ofthe derivation of the resistance force term are presentedin Appendix A. The term,Fi, will also be discussedfurther in Section 2.3.

The definition of the pressure gradient term is givensome further attention in the following. Figure 2Apresents a simple case with stationary water in a domainwith a clear fluid region and a porous media region. Thehydrostatic pressure distribution in both regions will belinear and identical outside and inside the porous mediaas shown in Figure 2A. Hence the pressure in pointsCand D will be identical and no pressure gradient existsin the horizontal direction. This also shows that the porepressure in the porous media is equal to the pressure inthe clear fluid region.

In del Jesus et al. (2012) the momentum equation was


defined as the superficial pressure given as the averageover the total control volume. This pressure was dividedby the porosity in the pressure gradient term. This im-plies that the pressure gradient term will provide differentvalues inside and outside the porous media. Returning tothe simple case of stationary water the formulation givenin del Jesus et al. (2012) provides a pressure distributionaccording to Figure 2B where the pressure gradient is af-fected by the porosity. Hereby, a pressure gradient is in-troduced from pointC to pointD which is not physicallycorrect.

Based on the above it is noted that Eq. (4) deviatesfrom the latest formulation in del Jesus et al. (2012) interms of the pressure gradient. In the present formulationthe pressure was defined as being the pore pressure di-rectly in the momentum equation as described in detailsin Appendix A. This procedure also follows the vol-ume averaging of the pressure gradient term presented inWhitaker (1986a). With this implementation the simplecase in Figure 2A will yield a pressure distribution that iseasy to interpret both inside and outside the porous me-dia.

2.3. Porous media resistance forces

When the momentum equation was volume averagedin the porous media, two terms arose representing fric-tional forces from the porous media and pressure forces(form drag) from the individual grains. The derivation ofthese terms is shown in Appendix A Eq. (A.37). AlsoHsu (2002) and del Jesus et al. (2012) presented theseterms. A closure model must be applied to describe thecontributions from these terms as they cannot be resolveddue to the volume averaging of the porous media. Herethe extended Darcy-Forchheimer equation was applied,that includes linear and nonlinear forces as well as in-ertia forces to account for accelerations. The linear andnonlinear resistance forces were expressed as:

Fi = −aρ〈ui〉 − bρ√〈u j〉〈u j〉〈ui〉 (5)

wherea and b are resistance coefficients. These coef-ficients must be determined. Engelund (1954) formu-lated a relation between the resistance coefficients andthe porosity, viscosity, and grain diameter for steady stateflow, as also later included in Burcharth and Andersen(1995). These relations were included in the model pre-sented by del Jesus et al. (2012). A similar expression

Figure 2: Sketch of definition of pressure gradients (for total pres-sure,P) for porous media. A. Correct hydrostatic pressure distribu-tion. B. Non-physical hydrostatic pressure distribution due to poros-ity effect in the pressure gradient term.

to Engelund (1954) was formulated in van Gent (1995),where the effect of oscillatory flows was added to theexpressions in terms of the KC-number. The latter for-mulations were applied in the model presented by Liuet al. (1999) and were also adopted and implemented aspart of the present study. The resistance coefficients wereformulated as:

a = α(1− n)2





b = β



)1− n




whered50 is the grain diameter andKC = umT/(nd50),whereum is the maximum oscillating velocity andT isthe period of the oscillation.α andβ are empirical coeffi-cients set to 1000 and 1.1 by van Gent (1995). These co-efficients are further discussed in Section 3. However, itshould be noted, that the literature provides different val-ues depending on how the coefficients have been deter-mined or calibrated and how the resistance coefficients,


a andb were formulated. The formulation by Engelund(1954) yieldsα andβ values that differ from those ob-tained in the formulation by van Gent (1995).

Finally, the inertia term in the extended Darcy-Forchheimer equation was included in Eq. (4) throughCm, which van Gent (1995) gave as:

Cm = γp1− n


where γp is an empirical coefficient, which takes thevalue 0.34.

2.4. Free surface VOF modelling

The present study also revised the original formulationin OpenFoam in terms of the tracking of the free sur-face interface in the porous media. The interface trackingwas conducted using a volume of fluid approach (VOF),where the specific details are given in Berberovic et al.(2009). The tracking was resolved by the solution to:








i 〉α(1− α))= 0 (9)

whereα is 1 for water and 0 for air.〈ur〉 = 〈uf 〉 − 〈ua〉is a relative velocity between the fluid and the air as de-scribed in Berberovic et al. (2009). The last term is de-noted the compression term and handles the compressionof the interface between fluid and air. This term vanishesin the fluid (α = 1) and in the air (α = 0), and is onlyactive in the interface region of the free surface. Notethat the 1/n terms have to be included to account for thefact that a given volume is filled/emptied faster, when asediment grain takes up part of the volume.

2.5. Turbulence modelling

The present implementation used a version of theNavier-Stokes equations in which no turbulence closurewas introduced i.e. the eddy viscosity was not taken intoaccount. This is considered to be a valid approximationin many engineering applications. As will be seen in thevalidation cases described below, the results do not suf-fer from the lack of a turbulence closure model. Thiswas also noted in Higuera et al. (2013a) where valida-tion tests were performed applying aκ − ǫ-turbulenceclosure model and in Higuera et al. (2013b) where alsoa κ − ω-SST closure model was applied. Here the negli-gible effect of including a turbulence closure model was

attributed to the fact that no or only little wave breakingoccurred in the test cases. This is also the case for thesimulations presented throughout the present paper.

The above concerns the flow outside the porous me-dia. If the actual level of turbulence kinetic energy isof interest inside the porous media this must be mod-elled. It was shown in e.g. Hsu (2002), del Jesus et al.(2012) and Lara et al. (2012b) how aκ − ω-SST modelcan be applied in the porous media based on Nakayamaand Kuwahara (1999). However, the overall effect on theresults of applying a turbulence model in the porous me-dia was not investigated. In the following it is arguedthat when the actual turbulence levels are of minor inter-est the effect of the turbulence can be included via theDarcy-Forchheimer equation.

The Darcy-Forchheimer equation was introduced tothe Navier-Stokes equations as a closure model for han-dling the porous media resistance force which cannot beresolved directly in the model. This also correspondsto the concept of a closure model for turbulence mod-elling. If the resistance coefficients,α andβ, are foundfrom measurements they already includes the effect ofturbulence. If these coefficients are used in the numer-ical model the contribution from turbulence is thereforeincluded via the coefficients.

If the numerical model, without a turbulence model, isapplied for calibration of the resistance coefficients thesame effect is achieved in terms of describing the effectof the turbulence via the coefficients. In that case thecalibrated coefficients may also be compared to experi-mental values. If a turbulence model is applied in thenumerical model an extra contribution to the resistanceis included. In this case the coefficients found from ex-periments may no longer be applicable. Furthermore, co-efficients found from a numerical calibration including aturbulence model may also not be comparable with coef-ficients found from experiments.

3. Calibration of porous media resistance coefficients

As shown in Section 2.3 the formulation of the Darcy-Forchheimer equation includes two resistance coeffi-cients,α andβ, which must be determined empirically.The actual variation of the resistance coefficients are notinvestigated in-depth at present although the coefficientshave previously been investigated by means of physi-cal experiments and theoretical and numerical consider-


ations. In order to provide a general overview a briefsummary is given in the following of previous findingsfrom experiments and numerical calibrations. Followingthis a calibration is performed related to the present im-plementation.

3.1. Flow-regimes

The resistance coefficients represents the contribu-tion from the linear and non-linear terms in the Darcy-Forchheimer equation. These terms will have differentimportance depending on the flow regime. For a verylow Reynolds number the linear term will dominate theresistance and the non-linear term will not influence thetotal resistance to a very heigh degree. The opposite isthe case for a high Reynolds number flow. To achieve avalid calibration with a broad applicability it is importantto include investigations that covers all flow regimes.

A general description of the flow regimes in a porousmedia was summarised by Burcharth and Andersen(1995). Here, the regimes were defined based on the poreReynolds-number given as:

Rep =〈u〉D50


whereD50 is the median grain size, andν is the kine-matic viscosity. The Darcy (laminar) flow regime wasdefined forRep < 1. At 1 < Rep < 10 the bound-ary layer around the solid grains becomes more pro-nounced and forRep > 10 a non-linear relationship ap-pears between the resistance and flow rate. This non-linear laminar flow regime is referred to as the Forch-heimer flow regime and is present forRep-number up to≈150. For 150< Rep < 300 an unsteady laminar flowregime occurs, which is a transitional regime betweenthe Forchheimer and the fully turbulent flow regime. ForRep > 300 a fully turbulent flow regime has developed.To summarise, the following flow regimes are given at-tention in the present work:

1. The Forchheimer flow regime, 10< Rep < 1502. The transitional flow regime, 150< Rep < 3003. The fully turbulent flow regime,Rep > 300

3.2. Previous investigations on resistance coefficients

The existing knowledge about the variation of the re-sistance coefficients originates from theoretical consider-ations, physical experiments and numerical calibrations.

Engelund (1954) presented a formulation for the resis-tance terms in the Darcy-Forchheimer equation with rec-ommendations for the resistance coefficients for irregularsand grains. The values were proposed up toα = 1500andβ = 3.6 (reformulated into the formulations by vanGent (1995) in Eq. (6)-(7) the coefficients take the valuesα = 360 andβ = 3.6, assuming a porosity ofn = 0.4).The work by Engelund (1954) was based on sand ma-terials and was in general not in theRe-number rangestypically found in coastal engineering applications. Invan Gent (1995) an experimental investigation was per-formed with focus on coastal structures. Here a new for-mulation of the terms in the Darcy-Forchheimer equa-tion was proposed which incorporated the effect of anoscillating flow via theKC-number as shown in Eq. (7).The resistance coefficients were proposed to take the val-uesα = 1000 andβ = 1.1. Burcharth and Andersen(1995) examined the porous media flow equations andalso based on the formulations in Engelund (1954) rec-ommended values for the resistance coefficients.

The two formulations of the resistance terms given inEngelund (1954) and van Gent (1995) have frequentlybeen used for numerical modelling of fluid interactionwith porous media. However, in terms of calibration ofthese coefficients when applied in a numerical model thebackground is more weak. In Liu et al. (1999) a dambreak experiment was applied to calibrate the resistancecoefficients. Here the starting point was the values rec-ommended in van Gent (1995). Based on comparisonswith the experimental results theβ-coefficient was main-tained at a value at 1.1 while theα-coefficient was re-duced to a value at 200. This was for an experiment withglass beads and lowRe-numbers where the viscous ef-fects had grater importance. For a corresponding exper-iments with crushed rocks Liu et al. (1999) applied theoriginal values from van Gent (1995) asα = 1000 andβ = 1.1. No further investigations of the variation overthe parameter space were performed. In Hsu (2002) thecoefficients were adopted with the same values as givenin Liu et al. (1999) also with no further investigations ofthe parameter space.

del Jesus et al. (2012) returned to the dam break exper-iments given in Liu et al. (1999) and performed a moredetailed investigation. Here the resistance coefficientswere calibrated by testing a range of bothα andβ. Threevalues ofα were selected asα = [5000, 10000, 20000],while β remained constant atβ = 3.0. Here the best


comparison with the experimental data was found forα = 10000. Hereafterβ was tested with the valuesβ =[1.0, 3.0, 6.0], while α remained constant atα = 10000(corresponding to the best fit from the first part of thecalibration). Here the best comparison was found forβ = 3.0. It is not surprising to arrive at a value ofβ = 3.0as this was the only value applied when calibratingα. Indel Jesus et al. (2012) the formulation of resistance pa-rameters by Engelund (1954) was applied. Reformulatedinto the formulations by van Gent (1995) in Eq. (6)-(7)the coefficients take the valuesα = 2500 andβ = 3.6,assuming a porosity ofn = 0.49.

In Wu and Hsiao (2013) the model formulation pre-viously showed in Hsu (2002) was applied. Herethree combinations of resistance coefficients were inves-tigated. The two first were based on Liu et al. (1999)(α = 200 andβ = 1.1) and van Gent (1995) (α = 1000andβ = 1.1). The third combination was based on Laraet al. (2011) which presented formulas for calculating theresistance coefficients (α = 724.57 andβ = 8.15). Asalso noted in Wu and Hsiao (2013) the latter set of coef-ficients were out of range of what has previously been re-ferred in the literature regarding theβ-coefficient and didalso provide the largest discrepancies compared to ex-perimental results. The two remaining set of coefficientswere selected with the same value for theβ-coefficient.The investigated flows were in the fully turbulent regimewith Rep = 1.5× 105. As such the non-linear coefficient,β, is expected to be dominating while the total frictionwill only have little effect of the linear coefficient, α.Based in this it is seen that the parameter space has beenvery poorly investigated. Especially as the dominatingnon-linear term was maintained at the same value for twoof the parameter combinations.

3.3. Calibration procedure

The calibration presented in the following was set upin order to close some of the gaps presently found in theliterature. One major concern is the use of only one cali-bration case for the calibration of two parameters. In thecalibration procedure applied in the present study threecases were included; 1) Forchheimer flow withRep = 62where the linear coefficient,α, was dominating, 2) Tran-sitional (Forchheimer)/turbulent flow withRep = 325whereα was dominating while also the non-linear co-efficient, β, had some effect on the flow, and 3) Fullyturbulent flow withRep = 2750 where the non-linear pa-

rameter,β, was dominating. Hereby the effect of bothparameters was investigated and a better understandingof the entire parameter space was achieved.

In the following the three calibration cases are pre-sented and the results in terms of the error compared toexperimental results are included. The error was com-puted as:

ǫ =1M






[(ηexp,i − ηnum,i




whereM is the total number of time steps (equidistantlyspaced) for which comparisons are made,X is the totalhorizontal distance over which comparisons are made,N is the number of data points over the distanceX, ηis the quantity being compared,∆x is the sub-distancecorresponding to each data point.

Following the three cases a common set of resistancecoefficients are found and the results of all three casesare finally presented based on these recommended coef-ficients.

3.4. Forchheimer flow - Rep = 62

In the following a calibration was performed includ-ing a flow where the linear parameter,α, was most dom-inating. The case is a stationary flow through a damwhere the flow was established by separating two wa-ter bodies by a porous rectangular dam. A head differ-ence between the front and back of the dam was enforcedwhich drove the flow through the porous material. TheReynolds number was found to beRep = 62 which cor-responds to the Forchheimer flow regime. The positionof the free surface through the porous material was com-pared to experimentally obtained results in Billstein et al.(1999). The setup is shown in Figure 3.

The test was conducted with the length of the porousdam beingL = 0.215 m. The water depth on left handside was set toH = 0.522 m, while the water depth onthe right hand side wash = 0.015 m. The porous damwas made out of spherical glass beads in the experiments.The porosity wasn = 0.34 and the grain diameter wasd = 2 mm.

The numerical model was setup as a two-dimensionaldomain with a length of 1.0 m and a height of 0.5 m. Thisgave a length of 0.39 m on the upstream and downstreamsides of the porous dam for inlet and outlet conditions.Uniform grid resolution was applied in the entire domain


with a cell size of 0.4 cm in all directions. A total of31, 250 grid cells were applied. The total simulation timewas 30 s which was found to provide a stationary solu-tion. Each simulation was performed on one processorcore and was completed in approximately 1 h.

The calibration was achieved by completing a sim-ulation matrix, where the two coefficients were var-ied as α = [100, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000] and β =[0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]. This yields a total of 25 simula-tions. The error between simulation and experiment wascomputed as the difference between the measured andsimulated water surface according to Eq. (11). Figure 4shows the error between the simulated and experimentalsurface elevation as contours over the parameter space.It was found that not one unique combination ofα andβprovided the best fit between simulated and experimentalresults. An area in the parameter space was found to pro-vide low errors as indicated with white colour in Figure4. This area is mostly depending on theα-value.

Figure 3: Sketch of the setup for stationary dam break through aporous dam following Billstein et al. (1999).

3.5. Forchheimer/turbulent flow - Rep = 325

The second calibration case considered a simple dambreak through a porous media with a Reynold numberof Rep = 325. This corresponds to the flow regime atthe transition between the Forchheimer and the turbulentflow regime. Here a stronger dependency on the non-linear coefficient,β, was expected. The simulated resultswere compared to the experimental results given in Liuet al. (1999).

Figure 5 presents the experimental setup in terms ofgeometry and dimensions. The porous structure consist-ing of gravel was considered with a porosity of n= 0.49

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4













β (-)



ǫStationary dam flow -Rep=62

Figure 4: Contours of the error between simulated and experimentalsurface elevation for stationary dam flow withRep = 62. Black dotscorresponds to simulations.

and a diameter of d50 = 1.59 cm. The water was initiallyseparated from the porous media by a vertical gate onthe left hand side. When the experiment was started thegate was rapidly removed and the water was allowed toflow through the porous media. At the initial stage theflow experienced a high acceleration into the porous me-dia, while later the flow resembles a more stationary flowthrough the porous media.

Figure 5: Setup of porous dam break following Liu et al. (1999).

The numerical model was setup as a two-dimensionaldomain with the exact dimensions as the physical modelexperiment. This gave a length of the domain of 0.892 m


and a height of 0.5 m. The porous dam was placed at thecentre of the domain. Uniform grid resolution was ap-plied in the entire domain with a cell size of 0.4 cm in alldirections. A total of 27, 875 grid cells were applied. Thetotal simulation time was 4 s for comparisons with theexperimental data. Each simulation was performed onone processor core and was completed in approximately20 min.

The calibration was achieved, as for the sta-tionary dam flow, by completing a simulationmatrix, where the two coefficients were var-ied as α = [100, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000] andβ = [0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]. The error between sim-ulation and experiment was computed as the differencebetween the measured and simulated water surfacesaccording to Eq. (11). Figure 6 shows the error betweenthe simulated and experimental surface elevation ascontours over the parameter space. A large dependencyon β was found as also reported in Liu et al. (1999).This is seen as the contours are mostly aligned along theaxis representingα which means that only little effectof α is seen. Furthermore it was found that not oneunique combination ofα andβ would give a minimumerror. Rather a band in the parameter space was found toprovide low errors. This is indicated in Figure 6 with thewhite contour.

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4


















β (-)



ǫNon-stationary dambreak flow -Rep=325

Figure 6: Contours of the error between simulated and experimentalsurface elevation for the dam break dam flow withRep = 325. Blackdots corresponds to simulations.

This simulation was the only one in this work wherewater neither entered nor left the computational domain.Therefore it was well suited for validating the implemen-tation of Eq. (9). The fluid fraction in the domain wasfound to be constant throughout the simulation as seen inFigure 7 in terms of the curve with porosity correction.For comparison, the original formulation in OpenFoamwhere the 1/n terms were not included is also shown inFigure 7 as the curve without porosity correction. Here itis seen how the mass was decreasing as the fluid enteredthe porous media.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 40







t (s)






Without porosity correctionWith porosity correction

Figure 7: Fluid phase fraction in the computational domain.Withporosity correction refers to the new implementation according toEq. (9). Without porosity correction refers to the originalOpenFoamimplementation.

3.6. Turbulent flow - Rep = 2750

The third calibration case was a stationary dam flowwith a Reynolds number atRep = 2750. This corre-sponds to the fully turbulent flow regime. The setup cor-responded to the stationary flow through a dam shown inSection 3.4 where the flow was established by separatingtwo water bodies by a porous dam. In this case the testwas conducted with the length of the porous dam beingL = 0.5 m. The water depth on the left hand side was setto H = 0.292 m, while the water depth on the right handside wash = 0.118 m. The porous dam was made out ofspherical glass beads, the porosity wasn = 0.41 and thegrain diameter wasd = 25 mm.

The numerical model was setup as a two-dimensionaldomain with a length of 1.0 m and a height of 0.5 m. Thisgave a length of 0.25 m on the upstream and downstreamsides of the porous dam for inlet and outlet conditions.


Uniform grid resolution was applied in the entire domainwith a cell size of 0.4 cm in all directions. A total of31, 250 grid cells were applied. The total simulation timewas 30 s which was found to provide a stationary solu-tion. Each simulation was performed on one processorcore and was completed in approximately 2 h.

The same simulation matrix as for thetwo previous calibration cases was completedwith α = [100, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000] andβ = [0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]. The error between thesimulated and measured surface elevation is presentedin Figure 8 as contours over the parameter space. Herethe effect of the fully turbulent flow was seen in terms ofthe non-linear coefficient,β, having the most dominatingeffect on the results. Practically no effect of the linearcoefficient, α, was seen. The error was found to beminimized for a rather large area in the parameter spaceindicated with the white contour in Figure 8.

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4













β (-)



ǫStationary dam flow -Rep=2750

Figure 8: Contours of the error between simulated and experimentalsurface elevation for stationary dam flow withRep = 2750. Blackdots corresponds to simulations.

3.7. Recommended coefficients and calibration results

Based on the parameter investigation presented in Sec-tion 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 it was found that a common areain the parameter space would provide an optimised so-lution for all three tested flow regimes. For the Forch-heimer flow regime a strong dependency on the linearcoefficient,α, was found with practically no effect on the

solution from the non-linear coefficient,β. The optimalsolution was found for relative low values forα at 100to 500. For the fully turbulent flow regime the strongdependency was found on the non-linear coefficient, β.Here the optimal solution was found forβ taking valuesbetween 2 and 3. For the transitional flow regime be-tween Forchheimer and turbulent flow some dependencywas seen on bothα and β however the most dominat-ing was the non-linear coefficient, β. The Rep-numberfor this case was just above the upper limit for the tran-sitional regime given in Burcharth and Andersen (1995),hence a stronger dependency onβ was expected. The op-timal solution was found for 1) low values ofβ at around1 and corresponding high values ofα at around 2500 or,2) higher values ofβ at around 2 and corresponding lowervalues ofα at around 500.

When the results of all three parameter investigationswere taken into account the optimal values were pro-posed to beα = 500 andβ = 2. The results of the threecalibration cases with these coefficients are presented inthe following.

The results in terms of the free surface positionthrough the porous dam during stationary flow condi-tions are presented in Figure 9. A good agreement withthe experimental data was seen for both the Forchheimerregime (Figure 9A) and the turbulent regime (Figure 9B).It should also be noted that the vertical jump in the watersurface at the downstream interface of the porous mediafor the Forchheimer regime was well predicted by themodel as it may be seen in Figure 9A.

The results for the non-stationary porous dam breakcase are shown in Figure 10. The first time steps in thecomparison showed some deviations with the experimen-tal results. The same deviations were seen in Liu et al.(1999) and del Jesus et al. (2012) and may be attributedto the different initiations of the dam break in the physi-cal experiment and the numerical model. In the physicalexperiment the gate separating the water from the porousstructure was removed by pulling it upwards. Hereby thewater was allowed to flow towards the porous structurein the bottom first. In the numerical model the entirevolume of water was released at the same time. Afterabout 0.6 s the experimental and numerical results coin-cide. This was the case both inside the porous media andoutside in the free fluid where reflections from the endwalls of the tank were captured as well.

The calibration results showed that a constant set of


−0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.60






−0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.30






Distance from upstream edge (m)















Figure 9: Final calibration results for stationary free surface flowthrough porous dam. Numerical results of free surface are comparedto measurements presented in Billstein et al. (1999). A. Forchheimerflow with Rep = 62. B. Turbulent flow withRep = 2750.

resistance parameters may represent the flow for bothForchheimer, transitional, and turbulent flow regimes.As such it was found that the proposed resistance coeffi-cients may also be applied for different parts of a porousstructure with different stone diameters and porosity, andtherefore different flow regimes.

3.8. Scale effects

In the following a brief account is given on scale ef-fects between model and prototype scales. Hydraulicmodel experiments with porous structures are often con-ducted in a scale where the flow in some parts of thestructure is not fully turbulent. If the corresponding flowin prototype scale is turbulent it may lead to scale effects.

In Jensen and Klinting (1983) an analysis was pre-sented of the scale effects for model experiments withbreakwater structures. Here a method was proposed forcompensating for the scale effect by adjusting the stone
















0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.80



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8


x (m)x (m)










t = 0.0 s t = 0.2 s

t = 0.4 s t = 0.6 s

t = 0.8 s t = 1.0 s

t = 1.2 s t = 1.4 s

t = 1.6 s t = 1.8 s

t = 2.0 s t = 2.2 s

Figure 10: Final calibration results for porous dam break flow. Nu-merical results for free surface are compared to measurements pre-sented in Liu et al. (1999).

diameter in the model experiment. The adjustment wasbased on the fact that for complete similarity the hy-draulic gradient must be identical in model and proto-type. Expressing the hydraulic gradient in terms of theDarcy-Forchheimer equation (Eq. (5)) for both modeland prototype scale the stone diameter for model scalecan be found as a function of the stone diameter in pro-totype, velocity, and porosity. This can also be seen as afunction of the Reynolds number. In Perez-Romero et al.


(2009) the scale effect in porous flow was also investi-gated and the same conclusions as in Jensen and Klinting(1983) were given in terms of the method of adjusting thestone diameter in model scale.

The possible scale effects in model scale experimentsas referred above should be taken into considerationwhen applying resistance coefficients found from exper-iments or numerical calibrations. The main reason forthe scale effect related to the flow in the porous part ofa structure is due to the different flow regimes in modeland prototype. As such the flow regime expressed bythe Reynolds number should be evaluated for the experi-ments in which the calibration is based on. In the previ-ous work related to numerical applications of the Darcy-Forchheimer equation the resistance coefficients were of-ten evaluated for one specific application i.e. only onecalibration test case. See for example Hsu (2002), Gar-cia et al. (2004), Hieu and Tanimoto (2006), Karim et al.(2009), and del Jesus et al. (2012). This provides coeffi-cients for the given case however, a general understand-ing of the variation of the resistance coefficients over sev-eral flow regimes may not be found. In the present workthe calibration procedure was designed in order to pro-vide information on the resistance coefficients for sev-eral flow regimes. Based on the three calibration casesfor three different flow regimes the resistance coefficientswere proposed with values covering a broader applicabil-ity.

The calibration case for the fully turbulent flow wasbased on a Reynold number ofRep = 2750. Althoughthis corresponds to a turbulent flow there will still be alarge deviation from the largest Reynolds numbers seenin prototype scale. For the armour layers exposed to run-up and run-down the Reynolds number may be 2-3 or-ders of magnitude higher than for the present test case.Based on this it is noted, that further investigations forhigher Reynolds numbers may provide more informa-tion about possible scale effects within the fully turbulentflow regime.

4. Validation cases

Validation cases were carried out to demonstrate theability of the model to reproduce the physical con-ditions involved in coastal applications. Three caseswere selected with the focus on three-dimensional wave-structure interaction, wave run-up, run-down, and pres-

sure damping, and finally overtopping events on break-water profiles.

4.1. Three-dimensional wave interaction with caisson

The first validation case was based on experimentaldata presented in del Jesus et al. (2012) for wave in-teraction with a porous caisson structure. The structurewas rectangular and was placed in a wave flume withan opening on one side of the caisson. Hereby a three-dimensional flow was seen both outside and inside theporous structure. The experimental data consisted ofmeasurements of the surface elevation around the struc-ture.

Details on the experimental setup are given in del Jesuset al. (2012). The wave flume had a length from the wavemaker mean position to the end of the flume of 20.595m. The width wasd = 0.585 m and total depth was 0.78m. The porous caisson structure was positioned with thecentre of the structure at a distance of 11.519 m from thewave maker. The arrangement of the caisson structureis shown in Figure 11. The structure had a length,L,and width,W, at 0.24 m and was placed along one sideof the flume. A block of impermeable Plexiglass with athickness of 0.06 m was placed between the structure andthe side of the flume. The porous structure was made outof crushed stones with a mean diameter atD50 = 0.083m. The final structure had a porosity atn = 0.48.

The experiment was conducted with regular wavesbased on cnoidal theory with a wave height atH = 0.06m and a period atT = 2 s. The mean water depth wasfixed ath = 0.25 m. The experiment had a total timeof 20 s which allowed about 6 waves to pass the struc-ture. Measurements were performed of the surface ele-vations at positions around the structure. The positionof the gauges used in the present validation are shown inFigure 12.

The numerical model was setup with a domain lengthcorresponding to the physical flume at 20.595 m and awidth at 0.585 m. The height of the domain was 0.45m with a mean water level ath = 0.25 m. The porouscaisson was placed according to the experiments at a dis-tance of 11.519 m from the inlet. The resistance coeffi-cients applied in the numerical model wereα = 500 andβ = 2.0 according to the calibration results in Section3.7. The overall grid size was set to 4.0 cm in all direc-tions. A refinement zone was applied in a band aroundthe free surface at−0.05m < z < 0.08m wherez is the


vertical coordinate. The grid cells were refined in all di-rections to a size of 1.0 cm in this area. A relaxationzone for wave generation and absorption was applied atthe inlet and outlet with a length at 6.0 m and 3.0 m, re-spectively. A total of 2.1M grid cells were applied. Thecomputational time was 7 h on 24 cores for simulating20 s.

Figure 11: Setup of experimental test for three-dimensional wave-structure interaction as given in Lara et al. (2012b).

Figure 12: Wave gauge arrangement around the porous caissonfol-lowing the setup given in Lara et al. (2012b).

Figure 13 shows the free surface elevation in the ap-plied wave gauge positions. The results are compared tothe experimental data from Lara et al. (2012b). In gen-eral a good agreement was found both in terms of phaseand amplitude. Some discrepancies were observed in thebeginning and the end of the time series. At the begin-ning the numerical and experimental wave generationsare not identical. It appears that the experimental wave

generation has gained up the input signal over 1-2 peri-ods which is not the case for the numerical wave gen-eration. At the end of the time series the experimentalresults are affected by reflected waves from the end ofthe flume, which returns to the model testing area. Thisis especially seen in wave gauges no. 7 where the am-plitude is suddenly increased during the last 1-2 waveperiods. This effect was also noted in Lara et al. (2012b).The numerical simulations applied a relaxations zone atthe outlet boundary which absorbed the majority of thewave energy. Therefore the effect of wave reflection wasnot seen in the numerical results thus causing some devi-ations at the end of the time series. With the above men-tioned causes for the observed discrepancies the modelwas found to provide a good representation of the three-dimensional flow around the porous caisson structure.

The three-dimensionality of the flow field around andinside the porous caisson is shown in Figure 14 in termsof a contour plot of the surface elevation at one instancein time. Here it can be seen how the surface elevationwas affected by the presence of the porous caisson whichcauses the flow to pass partly around the structure andpartly through the porous structure.

4.2. Run-up and run-down velocities, and pressure inrubble mound breakwater

An experimental test series was performed as part ofthe present study, in order to evaluate the external andinternal flows for a rubble mound breakwater structure.In these experiments, velocity measurements were madewith Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) of the detailedflow in the armour layer and the internal flow in theporous core. Pressure measurements were performedacross the porous core and detailed profiles were ob-tained below the armour layer. In the following the re-sults obtained for the flow velocities on the front slope(run-up and run-down) and the pressure variation acrossthe structure will be used. The experimental setup andprocedures are described in Vistisen (2012) while a briefdescription of the experiments is given in the following.

All tests were carried out in a wave flume at the hy-draulic laboratory at the Technical University of Den-mark. The flume has a length of 25 m, a width of 0.6 m,and a depth of 0.8 m. The water depth for the present ex-periments was fixed ath = 0.4 m. The flume is equippedwith a piston-type wave maker at one end for generatingregular or irregular wave conditions.






















0 5 10 15 20






t (s)












Figure 13: Comparison between the numerical results (blackline)and experimental measurements (dashed line) by Lara et al. (2012b).Wave gauge numbering refers to Figure 12.

The breakwater model had a slope of 1:1.5 on bothfront and rearward sides. The crest height wasHc = 0.68m which was sufficiently high to prevent overtopping.The crest width wasw = 0.2 m. The porous interior ofthe structure was composed of randomly packed spheri-cal plastic elements with a diameter of 38 mm. A cagewas constructed with a perforated steel plate to hold theinterior plastic spheres in place. The porosity of the ran-

11 11.2 11.4 11.6 11.8 120





0.5 −1.5




















x (m)



Figure 14: Contour plot of surface elevation around and inside theporous caisson structure at one instance in time. Measures are in cm.

domly packed spheres was measured to ben = 0.4. Anarmour layer was placed on the front slope, which wascomposed of the same spherical plastic elements as theinternal porous structure. These were glued to the surfaceof the perforated steel plate in a structured 90 degree pat-tern following the definition given in Dixen et al. (2008)in their Figure 4.

Three types of measurements were performed: ve-locity measurements, pressure measurements and sur-face elevation measurements. Measurements of veloci-ties and turbulence were performed with LDA. A DAN-TEC two-component LDA system was applied in back-scatter mode, where two velocity components (horizon-tal and vertical) were measured simultaneously. Veloci-ties were measured above the armour layer on the frontslope as shown in Figure 15 (points v1 and v2).

Pressure measurements were performed at seven loca-tions inside the porous structure as shown in Figure 15(points p1-p7). Rigid tubes were inserted in the struc-ture with the opening at the position of the measurementpoints. The tubes were connected by plastic tubes to thepressure transducers.

The measurements of the surface elevation were per-formed at two locations in the offshore area (WG1) andat the toe of the sloping bed (WG2). Conventional resis-tance type wave gauges were used in the measurements.The LDA and pressure measurements were synchronisedwith the surface elevation measurements at WG2.

Regular waves were generated with Stokes 1st ordertheory. The wave height wasH = 0.14 m and the periodwasT = 3 s. The wave maker was operated with activeabsorption (DHI AWACS) which removes the energy re-


flected from the structure back to the wave maker. Theexperiments had a duration of 6 min, where the last 1 minwhere applied for ensemble averaging.

The numerical model was set up to correspond to theexperiments with a distance from the inlet boundary tothe toe of the breakwater at 13.55 m. The distance fromthe leeward side of the breakwater to the outlet was 6.0m. The height of the domain was 0.8 m. Relaxationzones were added at the inlet and outlet for wave gen-eration and absorption with a length at 8.0 m and 5.0 mrespectively. A uniform grid size of 0.02 m was used inthe domain. Grid refinement was applied around and in-side the breakwater structure with a grid size at 0.01 m inall directions. A total of 80, 000 grid cells were applied.The total simulation time was 6 min and each simulationwas completed on one processor core in approximately28 h. The porosity module was applied with resistancecoefficients set toα = 500 andβ = 2.0 according to thecalibration results in Section 3.

Figure 15: Sketch of the experimental setup of the breakwater testcase. Velocity measurements are indicated asv1 andv2. Pressuremeasurements are indicated asp1-p7.

The measured velocities at points v1 and v2 are com-pared to the numerical results in Figures 16 and 17.The horizontal and vertical velocity components are pro-jected onto the slope of the breakwater in order to repre-sent a parallel,u, and a normal,v, velocity component.The results are presented in terms of ensemble averagedvalues over 20 wave periods. A reasonable comparisonwith the experiments was found, in which the generalvariation was captured as well as the maximum and min-imum values over one wave period. However, some devi-ations may be seen, especially during the last part of thewave period (from aboutt/T = 0.5). This is found to bedue to corresponding deviations in the representation ofthe free surface which also suffers from minor deviationsfrom the experimental results at this point. This is linked

to the fact that 1st order wave theory was applied, whichcauses higher order harmonics to be formed as the wavetravels down through the wave flume, see Chapalain et al.(1992). The interaction of these harmonics will affect thefree surface profile, which is therefore very sensitive tothe exact position of the wave generation relative to thestructure. Further optimization of the numerical setupin terms of the wave generation layout may improve theprediction of the free surface profile and is also expectedto improve the predicted velocities.








0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1







t/T (-)







Measurement v1Numerical v1

Figure 16: Parallel and normal ensemble average velocitiesat pointv1. Comparison of numerical results and experimental measure-ments.

The pressure measurements are compared to the nu-merical results in Figure 18. The maximum and mini-mum pressure over one wave period is shown. At thefirst measuring point, p1, the pressure was slightly over-estimated for the maximum pressure. At this point thepressure reading is mostly a representation of the waterdepth, as the position is close to the edge of the frontslope. These deviations are therefore linked to the rep-resentation of the free surface, which also exhibits mi-nor deviations from the experimental results. This is dis-cussed above in connection with the velocity results. Agood representation of the pressure envelope was foundfrom point p2 and onwards through the structure.

It should be noted that the present breakwater case wassimulated in a two-dimensional model, which in the case









0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1







t/T (-)







Measurement v2Numerical v2

Figure 17: Parallel and normal ensemble average velocitiesat pointv2. Comparison of numerical results and experimental measure-ments.

of wave breaking and air entrapment may have a limi-tation. The numerical model was formulated as incom-pressible and with a two-dimensional setup the entrappedair phase cannot escape in the transversal direction. Ina case with possible wave breaking a three-dimensionalsetup may be more accurate. However, in the case pre-sented here there were no or only little wave breakingand as such a two-dimensional model was found to beappropriate.

4.3. Overtopping events

A quantity which must be evaluated for a given break-water design is the amount of overtopping i.e. how muchwater passes above the structure towards the shorewardside. Breakwaters are designed to prevent overtoppingor to allow a certain amount of overtopping dependingon the specific use of the structure. In the following, twoovertopping tests are presented. The results were com-pared to the experimental results and empirical relationsreported in Bruce et al. (2009). These experiments arealso part of the CLASH database reported in Steendam(2004). Here more than 10,000 test results concerningwave overtopping are collected in one single data base.

Based on results from model experiments the over-topping may be estimated by empirical relations. For

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2









x (m)





Figure 18: Maximum and minimum pressure variations throughtheporous structure. Comparison of numerical results and experimentalmeasurements.

the present configuration of the breakwater structure theamount of overtopping,q, may be estimated by Bruceet al. (2009):



= 0.2 exp




1γ f


whereHm0 is the incident significant wave height,Rc isthe crest freeboard andγ f is the roughness influence fac-tor. The roughness influence factor includes the effect ofthe armour roughness and porosity and was determinedin Bruce et al. (2009) for the applied armour configura-tions to take the valueγ f = 0.42. For a smooth imper-meable surface the value isγ f = 1.0.

Details on the entire experimental series can be foundin Bruce et al. (2009). In the following a review of the ex-periments used in the present investigations is given. Thecase with an armour layer composed of natural rocks wasselected. The general layout of the structure is presentedin Figure 19. The breakwater had a slope at 1:1.5. Thebreakwater was composed of three materials; core, filterlayer and armour layer. The thickness of the layers wasrelated to the diameter of the applied armour units in theexperiments. For the selected case the armour stone hada diameter, d50 = 0.03 m. The corresponding grain di-ameters for the filter and core material are 0.014 m and0.007 m based on the characteristics given in Bruce et al.(2009). The resistance parameters in the porosity model,α andβ, were set to the calibrated parameters from Sec-tion 3.

According to the experiments two water depths were


used, given ash = 0.185 m andh = 0.222 m. An armourcrest level of 0.2812 m yields a free board ofRc = 0.0962m andRc = 0.0592 m respectively. An irregular wavecondition was applied based on a JONSWAP spectrumwith a peak enhancement factor ofγ = 3.3. Threedifferent significant wave heights and peak wave peri-ods were applied asHm0 = [0.111, 0.074, 0.0555] m andTp = [1.56, 1.16, 0.97] s. A total of 12 simulations wereconducted as the two smallest wave heights were notsimulated for the highest crest free board.

The numerical model was setup with a total domainlength of 16.0 m and height of 0.5 m. The porous break-water was placed at a distance of 10 m from the inlet.An overall uniform grid resolution was applied with agrid cell size of 5 cm. Refinement was applied aroundthe free surface and breakwater structure with three re-finement levels. This gave a grid cell size of 0.625 cmaround the free surface and the porous breakwater. Thisgave a total of 63, 000 grid cells. The total simulationtime was set to 1024 s following the experiments, whichincluded between 700 and 1300 waves depending on thewave period. Each simulation was simulated in parallelon eight processor cores and was completed in 96 h. Thewaves were generated according to the target wave con-ditions reported for the experiments. The actual incidentand reflected wave characteristics were determined basedon the method described in Zelt and Skjelbreia (1992) forseparating incident and reflected wave fields.

First, a benchmark test was performed with a smoothimpermeable structure. The impermeable slope was sim-ulated as a solid boundary i.e. the porosity model wasnot applied in this case. From this it is seen how theovertopping rate is predicted for the extreme case withmaximum overtopping.

Figure 19: Layout of the breakwater structure following theexperi-mental setup given in Bruce et al. (2009).

The overtopping rate was measured at the back edge ofthe armour crest and is represented as the dimensionless

overtopping as given in Eq. (12). Figure 20 presentsthe overtopping rate for the smooth surface compared toexperimental data (Bruce et al. (2009)) and the empiricalrelation (Eq. (12)). The model was found to provide agood agreement between the simulated and experimentalresults. From this it may be seen that the run-up andovertopping process was described correctly without anyinteraction with the porous structure.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5





Dimensionless freeboardRc/Hm0 (-)


H3 m





Figure 20: Comparison between the empirical overtopping, exper-imental data by Bruce et al. (2009) and simulated values for thesmooth impermeable slope withγ f = 1.0.

Figure 21 presents the simulated overtopping for theporous breakwater structure compared to the empiricalrelation (Eq. (12)) and the experimental results (Bruceet al. (2009)). The model was found to give a good esti-mation of the overtopping. The simulated results weredistributed around the empirical relation in the samemanner as the experimental results. No general over- orunderestimation was seen.

The incident and reflected spectra were separated inorder to evaluate the reflection coefficient of the presentstructure. The incident and reflected wave height,HI

and HR were determined based on the integral of thespectra,m0, as H = 4

√m0. The spectra were trun-

cated at 0.05 Hz and 10.0 Hz. The results for all sim-ulated cases are shown in Figure 22 as a function ofthe breaker (surf-similarity) parameter,ζ0 = tanα/


whereS0 is the wave steepness based on the spectral pe-riod Tm−1.0 = m−1/m0 and the significant wave height atthe toe of the breakwater. The results were comparedto the empirical relation given in Zanuttigh and Van derMeer (2006). It is noted, that the reflection coefficientsfor the experiments given in Bruce et al. (2009) were dis-


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5





Dimensionless freeboardRc/Hm0 (-)


H3 m





Figure 21: Comparison between the empirical overtopping, experi-mental data by Bruce et al. (2009) and simulated values for a porousstructure withγ f = 0.42.

tributed around the empirical relation with the same ac-curacy as seen for the numerical predictions.

0 2 4 6 80





Zanuttigh and Van der Meer (2006)Numerical

Surf-similarity parameter,ζ0





Figure 22: Reflection coefficients compared with the empirical rela-tion presented in Zanuttigh and Van der Meer (2006)

5. Conclusions

The present paper investigates the porous media equa-tions in the most recent forms presented in the literatureand the Volume Averaged/Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations were derived for porous media flow.Furthermore, emphasis was put on the procedure for de-termining the resistance coefficients. Here a detailed cal-ibration procedure was presented and values for the coef-ficients were proposed. The following main conclusionswere drawn:

1. The OpenFoam porosity model was revised and im-plemented using resistance parameters based on thephysical parameters porosity, stone diameter andKC number.

2. The VOF model for simulating free surface flowswas implemented for the porous media in a massconserving form.

3. The resistance coefficients for the linear and non-linear contributions were investigated in details overthe parameter space for both Forchheimer, transi-tional, and turbulent flow regimes.

4. Based on the parameter investigation the coeffi-cients were recommended to take the valuesα =500 andβ = 2.0.

5. The model was found to correctly predict interac-tion with both two and three dimensional structures.


The support of the Danish Ministry of Science, Tech-nology and Innovation through the GTS grant: Fremti-dens Marine Konstruktioner (Marine Structures of theFuture), is acknowledged.

DHI provided the AWACS system applied for the gen-eration and active absorption of waves during the physi-cal experiments described in section 4.2.

Appendix A. Derivation of volume averaged equa-tions

The Navier-Stokes equations were ensemble averagedto obtain the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equa-tions (RANS) following the general temporal averag-ing procedure described in e.g. Ferziger and Peric(2002). The volume averaging procedure was ap-plied on the RANS-equations to obtain the VolumeAveraged/Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations(VARANS). The method applied in the following refer-ees to the procedures described in Whitaker (1966), Gray(1975), Whitaker (1986a), and Whitaker (1986b). Thesame methodology was later applied in Ochoa-tapia andWhitaker (1995) and Whitaker (1996). In Slattery (1999)a general overview of the method was summarised.

A porous media was defined as illustrated in FigureA.23. The surface,S, creates the averaging volume,V,which may include both the solid phase and the fluidphase. In this example the surface,S, is defined by a


circle with the radius,r0. The actual volume of the fluidphase,Vf , may variate over the porous media dependingon the position of the averaging volume while the totalvolume,V, is constant. The macroscopic length scale,L, and pore length scale,l, are defined as shown in thefigure. The volume averaging procedure is applied withthe length scale constraint given asl ≪ r0 ≪ L.

Figure A.23: Definition of volume average areas and length scales.

The volume averaging procedure transforms theRANS equations to the VRANS-equations. In the fol-lowing the superficial volume average is defined as theaverage over the entire volume denoted by〈〉. The in-trinsic average is defined as the average over the fluidvolume denoted by〈〉 f . The superficial volume averageof a scalar, vector, or tensor denotedB is defined as:

〈B〉 ≡ 1V

V fBdV (A.1)

where〈B〉 is the superficial volume averaged quantity.Similar, the intrinsic volume average is defined as:

〈B〉 f ≡ 1Vf

V fBdV (A.2)

These two averages are related by:

〈B〉 = n〈B〉 f (A.3)

wheren is the porosity given by:

n = V f/V (A.4)

For a gradient,∇B, the corresponding volume averag-ing operator is defined according to Howes and Whitaker(1984) as:

〈∇B〉 ≡ 1V

V f

∇BdV= ∇(







= ∇〈B〉 + 1V


BndA (A.5)

where〈∇B〉 is the volume averaged gradient,Sw is thesurface area of the solids,n is the normal vector to thesurface of the solids. This volume averaging operator isreferred to as the theorem for the volume average of agradient.

For the ensemble averaging procedure the velocity ina point is assumed to be composed of an ensemble aver-aged value and a temporal fluctuations as:

ui = ui + u′i (A.6)

whereui is the ensemble averaged value andu′i is thetemporal fluctuation.

When the volume averaging procedure is applied tothe ensemble averaged value, it is convenient to intro-duce the velocity decomposition given by Gray (1975)as:

ui = 〈ui〉 f + ui′′ (A.7)

where 〈ui〉 f is the intrinsic volume averaged ensembleaveraged value andui

′′ is the spatial fluctuation.

Appendix A.1. Continuity equation

The starting point is the Reynolds averaged continuityequation written as:


∂xi= 0 (A.8)

where ui is the ensemble averaged Cartesian velocityvectorui = (u, v,w) andxi are the Cartesian coordinates.

Applying the averaging theorem in Eq. (A.5) the vol-ume averaged ensemble averaged continuity equation be-comes:






ui · ndA= 0 (A.9)


The second term on the right hand side integrates overthe surface of the solids (pore walls) which are closedsurfaces. This, together with the assumption of the ve-locities on the surface of the solids being zero, reducesEq. (A.9) to:

∂〈ui〉∂xi= 0 (A.10)

where〈ui〉 is the volume averaged ensemble averaged ve-locity over the total volume including the solids of theporous media. This velocity is also referred to as the fil-ter velocity or the Darcy velocity.

Appendix A.2. Momentum equation

The starting point is the Reynolds averaged momen-tum equations given as:


∂t+∂ρu jui

∂xj= − ∂p∂xi+ g j xj





∂xj+∂u j



(A.11)whereρ is the density of the fluid,p is the excess pres-sure,g j is the jth component of the gravitational vector,µ is the dynamical viscosity, andt is the time.

The first term on the left hand side was volume aver-aged according to Eq. (A.1). This gave the following:





V f


∂tdV =



V f



(A.12)The second term on the left hand side of the momen-

tum equation, Eq. (A.11) was treated as follows. First,the ensemble averaging decomposes the term into a meanand fluctuating part as in Eq. (A.6):

∂ρu jui

∂xj=∂ρuiu j




Hereafter, the volume averaging theorem is applied onthe first term on the right hand side of Eq. (A.13):

⟨∂ρuiu j


⟩=∂ρ〈uiu j〉∂xj



uiu jndA (A.14)

Assuming the velocities on the surface of the solid arezero this reduces to:

⟨∂ρuiu j




The right hand side of Eq. (A.15) expresses an averageof a product. Here the velocity decomposition given byGray (1975) and shown in Eq. (A.7) was applied. Thevelocity decomposition is shown without the tensor no-tation in the following for reasons of space:

〈uiuj〉 = 〈〈ui〉 f 〈u j〉 f 〉 + 〈〈ui〉 f u′′j 〉+ 〈u′′i 〈u j〉 f 〉 + 〈u′′i u′′j 〉 (A.16)

Following Gray (1975) the relation between superficialand intrinsic volume average given in Eq. (A.3) was ap-plied which gave:

〈uiuj〉 = n〈〈ui〉 f 〈u j〉 f 〉 f + n〈〈ui〉 f u′′j 〉 f+ n〈u′′i 〈u j〉 f 〉 f + n〈u′′i u′′j 〉 f (A.17)

Assuming that the intrinsic volume averages are constantwithin their averaging volumes as given in Gray (1975)and Whitaker (1996), the following was seen:

〈〈ui〉 f u′′j 〉 f = 〈ui〉 f 〈u′′j 〉 f = 0 (A.18)

〈u′′i 〈u j〉 f 〉 f = 〈u′′i 〉 f 〈u j〉 f = 0 (A.19)

and〈〈ui〉 f 〈u j〉 f 〉 f = 〈ui〉 f 〈u j〉 f (A.20)

These relations reduced Eq. (A.17) to:

〈uiu j〉 = n〈ui〉 f 〈u j〉 f + n〈u′′i u′′j 〉 f (A.21)

Returning to Eq. (A.13), the volume average of the firstterm on the right hand side can now be written as:

⟨∂ρuiu j


⟩=∂ρn〈ui〉 f 〈u j〉 f

∂xj+∂ρn〈u′′i u′′j 〉 f∂xj


Reformulating from intrinsic (pore) velocities to superfi-cial (filter) velocities by Eq. (A.3) gave:

⟨∂ρuiu j




ρ〈ui〉〈u j〉n

+∂ρ〈u′′i u′′j 〉∂xj


The first term on the right hand side of the momentumequation in Eq. (A.11) describes the pressure gradient.This term was analysed in details in Whitaker (1986a)and Quintard and Whitaker (1993) regarding the volumeaveraging procedure. In the following the pressure gra-dient was volume averaged according to Eq. (A.5). Thisgave:

⟨− ∂p∂xi

⟩= −∂〈p〉∂xi+



p · ndA (A.24)


Here, the last term on the right hand side describesthe pressure induced forces acting on the surface of thesolids. When analysing flow in porous media the superfi-cial (filter) velocity is generally preferred. However, forthe pressure the intrinsic volume average is preferred asthis corresponds to the actual measured pore pressure.Therefore the relation between superficial (filter) quanti-ties and intrinsic quantities given by Eq. (A.3) is appliedto Eq. (A.24) along with the velocity decomposition byGray (1975) given by Eq. (A.7). This follows the deriva-tion by Whitaker (1986a) and gave:

− ∂〈p〉∂xi+



p · ndA= −n∂〈p〉 f∂xi

− 〈p〉 f ∂n∂xi

− 1V


〈p〉 f · ndA− 1V


p′′ · ndA (A.25)

In Whitaker (1986a) it is assumed that the intrinsic (pore)pressure,〈p〉 f , is a constant with respect to integrationover the surface area,Sw, and further that the relation:



〈p〉 f · ndA=1V




}〈p〉 f (A.26)

is satisfied when the radius of the averaging volume ismuch smaller than the macroscopic length scale. Usingthe volume average theorem it can be shown that:



ndA= − ∂n∂xi


Using this with Eq. (A.26) and substituting into Eq.(A.25) gives:




p · ndA= −n∂〈p〉 f∂xi

− 1V


p′′ · ndA

(A.28)The gravitational term in the momentum equation was

treated as: ⟨g j xj∂ρ


⟩= ngj xj



where the volume average was included via the porositybased on Eq. (A.3).

The last term on the right hand side of the momentumequation, Eq. (A.11) includes the viscous stress tensor.Again, the volume average of a gradient was applied ac-cording to Eq. (A.5) on the ensemble averaged values.

This gave:




∂xj+∂u j






∂xj+∂u j







∂xj+∂u j


)· ndA


Applying the volume averaging theorem a second timegave:


∂xj+∂u j



(∂〈ui〉∂xj+∂〈u j〉∂xi




ui · ndA

(A.31)Here the assumption of the velocity being zero at the sur-face of the solids removes the second term on the righthand side. Using this relation in Eq. (A.30) expresses theviscous term as:




∂xj+∂u j





(∂〈ui〉∂xj+∂〈u j〉∂xi






∂xj+∂u j


)· ndA


Using the decomposition from Gray (1975) on the lastterm in Eq. (A.32) gave:





∂xj+∂u j


)· ndA




(∂〈ui〉 f∂xj

+∂〈u j〉 f∂xi





Substituting Eq. (A.33) into Eq. (A.32) and reformulat-ing from intrinsic (pore) velocities to superficial (filter)velocities by Eq. (A.3) gave the volume averaged vis-cous term as:




∂xj+∂u j




(∂〈ui〉∂xj+∂〈u j〉∂xi









〈u j〉n





Here, the last term on the right hand side correspondsto the viscous stress forces acting on the surface of thesolids.


Substituting Eq. (A.12), (A.23), (A.28), (A.29) and(A.34) into Eq. (A.11) the momentum equation reads:



ρ〈ui〉〈u j〉n

+∂ρ〈u′′i u′′j 〉∂xj




= −n∂〈p〉 f∂xi− 1



p′′·ndA+ngj xj∂ρ



(∂〈ui〉∂xj+∂〈u j〉∂xi









〈u j〉n





Dividing by the porosity,n, gave the final form of themomentum equation:





ρ〈ui〉〈u j〉n


∂ρ〈u′′i u′′j 〉∂xj


∂ρ〈u′i u′j〉∂xj

= −∂〈p〉f

∂xi− 1



p′′ · ndA+ g j xj∂ρ




(∂〈ui〉∂xj+∂〈u j〉∂xi










〈u j〉n





The third term on the left hand side describes the spa-cial velocity variations within the averaging volume. Thesecond term on the right hand side describes the pressureinduced forces acting on the surface of the porous mediasolids. The last term on the right hand side includes theviscous forces on the surface of the porous media solids.These three terms originates from the volume averagingprocedure. They cannot be simulated directly and mustbe determined by a closure model. The three terms arecollected in one term as:

Fi = −1n

∂ρ〈u′′i u′′j 〉∂xj

− 1n



p′′ · ndA









〈u j〉n





Introducing this into the momentum equation gave:






ρ〈ui〉〈u j〉n



= −∂〈p〉f

∂xi+ g j xj





(∂〈ui〉∂xj+∂〈u j〉∂xi

)+ Fi (A.38)

The last term on the left hand side describes the turbulentfluctuations in the porous media. These cannot be re-solved directly and must be modelled by a closure model.This is typically handled by introducing an extra contri-bution to the viscosity denoted the eddy-viscosity. Ex-amples on turbulent closure models are thek − ǫ-modelandk−ω-model described in e.g. Wilcox (2006). Theseclosure models may also be modified in order to accountfor the porous media. An example on a turbulent clo-sure model for porous media was given in Nakayama andKuwahara (1999).

In the present work it is argued, that the effect of theturbulence in terms of an additional resistance, may bedescribed via the resistance term,Fi, given in Eq. (A.37).Further discussion on this topic is given in Section 2.5.Hereby the resistance term is extended to include the tur-bulent fluctuations as:

Fi = −1n

∂ρ〈u′′i u′′j 〉∂xj

− 1n



p′′ · ndA









〈u j〉n




− 1n

∂ρ〈u′i u′j〉∂xj


This reduces the momentum equation to:






ρ〈ui〉〈u j〉n

= −∂〈p〉f

∂xi+ g j xj





(∂〈ui〉∂xj+∂〈u j〉∂xi

)+ Fi (A.40)

For modelling the resistance terms given in Eq. (A.39)the extended Darcy-Forchheimer equation was applied,which includes linear and nonlinear forces as well as in-ertia forces to account for accelerations. The linear andnonlinear resistance forces were expressed as:

Fi = −aρ〈ui〉 − bρ√〈u j〉〈u j〉〈ui〉 (A.41)


wherea and b are resistance coefficients. These coef-ficients must be determined. Engelund (1954) formu-lated a relation between the resistance coefficients andthe porosity, viscosity, and grain diameter for steady stateflow, as also later included in Burcharth and Andersen(1995). These relations were included in the model pre-sented by del Jesus et al. (2012). A similar expressionto Engelund (1954) was formulated in van Gent (1995),where the effect of oscillatory flows was added to theexpressions in terms of the KC-number. The latter for-mulations were applied in the model presented by Liuet al. (1999) and were also adopted and implemented aspart of the present study. The resistance coefficients wereformulated as:

a = α(1− n)2





b = β



)1− n




whered50 is the grain diameter andKC = umT/(nd50),whereum is the maximum oscillating velocity andT isthe period of the oscillation.α andβ are empirical coef-ficients set to 1000 and 1.1 by van Gent (1995). Thesecoefficients are further discussed in Section 3.

Finally, the inertia term in the extended Darcy-Forchheimer equation was included on the time deriva-tive in Eq. (A.38) throughCm, which van Gent (1995)gave as:

Cm = γp1− n


where γp is an empirical coefficient, which takes thevalue 0.34.


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In preparation as:Jensen, B., Liu, X., Christensen, E.D., 2014. Porous media and immersed boundaryhybrid modelling for coastal structures. To be submitted.



Porous media and immersed boundary hybrid modelling for coastal structures

Bjarne Jensena,∗, Xiaofeng Liub,c, Erik Damgaard Christensena

aFluid Mechanics, Coastal and Maritime Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.

bDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio, One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX, 78249cPresent address: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Penn State University, 223B Sackett Building, University Park, PA



This paper presents a new numerical modelling approach for coastal and marine applications where a porous mediaconceptual model was combined with an immersed boundary method (IBM). The work is an extension of the porousmedia modelling presented in Jensen et al. (2014). The starting point was the Navier-Stokes equations solved bya finite-volume method. This model was re-formulated to handle porous media flow based on the volume averagedReynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations (VARANS) and coupled to an immersed boundary model. The immersedboundary model covers the method of describing a solid object in a simple computational mesh without the need toresolve the object with a conventional body-fitted mesh. A breakwater structure consists of several geometricalscales e.g. large armour layer stones on the front and core material based on more fine materials. With the newhybrid model it is possible to resolve some parts of the structure e.g. the armour layer while the core material ismodelled with the conceptual porosity model. The model was furthermore combined with the Volume of Fluid (VOF)method for simulating free surface water waves. The implementation of the coupled model in the open source CFDlibrary OpenFOAMR© is presented together with a number of validation cases thatproves the capabilities of the newimplementation. A rubble mound breakwater rock toe was investigated with the new hybrid modelling approach.

Keywords: Wave-structure interaction, Immersed boundary method, Porous media, Breakwaters, Navier-Stokesequations

1. Introduction

Breakwater structures have been investigated inten-sively by means of physical model scale experiments.This has resulted in empirical relations describing ar-mour stability, front slope recession, overtopping, reflec-tion etc. Some of the most applied stability formulaswere described in van der Meer (1987), van der Meer(1988), and van der Meer (1992). More recently bothreflection, transmission and stability were further de-scribed in Zanuttigh and Van der Meer (2006), Vannesteand Troch (2010), Andersen and Burcharth (2010), and

∗Corresponding authorEmail addresses:bjaje@mek.dtu.dk (Bjarne Jensen),

xliu@engr.psu.edu (Xiaofeng Liu),edch@mek.dtu.dk (ErikDamgaard Christensen)

Vanneste and Troch (2012). Common for these meth-ods is that they relate on an observation of the effect ofthe wave-structure interaction e.g. level of damage to thearmour layer, transmission, and overtopping rate. How-ever, some details are not treated in these experiments.Topics which may be of interest are: forces on individualarmour stones, effect of filter and core porosity on forces,hydrodynamics in the armour layer, turbulence betweenarmour stones, details of suction mechanisms etc.

Some scale experiments have focused on the abovetopics. In Tørum (1994) the forces on a single armourstone on a rubble mound breakwater were measured.Hald (1998) followed the same procedure and recentlyMoghim and Tørum (2012) repeated the same type ofmeasurements on a reshaping rubble mound breakwater.The results were not completely conclusive on all mat-


ters. For example, in Tørum (1994) the force measure-ments for lift forces normal to the sloping bed could notprovide a conclusive result with respect to force coeffi-cients. Also the details on the flow field, turbulence, andinteraction with the filter layers were not described.

In recent years, numerical methods and computationalresources have developed to a level at which consult-ing and design engineers also apply numerical simula-tions as an integrated part of the design and developmentprocess. However, a complete resolution of the porousstructure in breakwaters is not yet feasible. Thereforea common procedure is to apply resistance-type mod-els where the effect of the porous breakwater structureis added as a source term in the momentum equation.Examples of this was seen in van Gent (1995) where amodel based on the Navier-Stokes equations was devel-oped. The porous media, consisting of a rigid skeletonand pores, was treated as one continuum which exertsforces on the fluid due to drag, friction, and accelera-tion. Several developments has been presented applyingthe same methodology for two-dimensional domains e.g.Liu et al. (1999), Hsu (2002), Garcia et al. (2004), andLara et al. (2006). del Jesus et al. (2012) and Lara et al.(2012) presented a model where also three-dimensionalflows were considered. Recently Jensen et al. (2014) pre-sented a detailed investigation of the theoretical back-ground and resistance coefficients. These models pro-vides results at the same level of details as correspondingphysical experiments such as reflection and transmission,overtopping and front slope velocities for stability evalu-ation etc.

If the actual armour stones could be resolved directlyin the numerical model a higher degree of details couldbe achieved. This would correspond to measuring theforces directly at an armour stone as in Moghim andTørum (2012). However, the complex geometrical lay-out of multiple armour stones on the front of a break-water gives a complicated computational mesh. A tra-ditional way of including solid structures in a computa-tional model is by a body-fitted mesh where the grid cellsfollow the surface of the structure. For randomly placedarmour stones with complicated shapes this may be animpossible or at least very time consuming task. Herethe immersed boundary method provides an efficient wayof including complex shapes in a simple computationalmesh.

The immersed boundary method was originally devel-

oped to simulate blood flow. Here the entire simula-tion was performed on a simple Cartesian grid, whichdid not conform to the shape of e.g. the heart. Sincethis first introduction of the method several modificationsand new developments have been presented. In Mittaland Iaccarino (2005) a general overview of the differ-ent methods was given. The general idea of the methodis to impose the effect of the solid structure into thecomputational mesh without actually including the struc-ture. Two methods generally referred in the literature aregiven as the continuous forcing method and discrete forc-ing method. For the continuous forcing method, a forc-ing term is added to the Navier-Stokes equations beforethey are discretized which imposes a forcing in the en-tire computational domain. The distinguishing betweenthe solid structure and the free fluid is handled by resis-tance parameters, damping functions etc. For the discreteforcing method the forcing is applied in the discretizedNavier-Stokes equations at the position of the immersedboundary.

Ye et al. (1999) presented a finite-volume model withthe immersed boundary method implemented as the dis-crete forcing method. However a cut-cell approach wasincluded in order to form new control volumes aroundthe boundary which followed the shape of the solid sur-face. Fadlun et al. (2000) also presented an immersedboundary method based on a discrete forcing where theforcing at the boundary was calculated by the Navier-Stokes equations based on interpolation of velocities nearthe solid surface. Also Kim et al. (2001) and A.L.F.Lima E Silva et al. (2003) applied the same approach forimposing the velocities at the immersed boundary withmomentum forcing. A general concern for the abovementioned developments was the way in which the ve-locities were interpolated onto the position of the im-mersed boundary for different boundary condition types.This may effect the accuracy of the method. In Tsengand Ferziger (2003) a ghost-cell approach was presentedwhere an extra layer of ghost cells were applied on theinside of the solid surface. Based on these ghost cellsand interpolated velocities at points outside the solid sur-face, the appropriate boundary condition could be spec-ified only by adjusting the forcing in the ghost cells.This ghost cell approach was also adopted in Ghiaset al. (2007), Mittal et al. (2008), and Nasr-Azadani andMeiburg (2011). In the latter it was also noted that thebest results were obtained when the forcing term was ap-


plied in the first cell inside the solid, e.g. the ghost cellcompared to the first cell outside the solid (in the fluidregion).

Regarding the application of the immersed boundarymethod for coastal engineering some previous examplesare seen. Petit et al. (1994) presented a model wherevirtual velocities were applied to simulate an imperme-able sloping bed. In Peng et al. (2012) an immersedboundary method was applied for simulating the inter-action between free surface water waves and submergedobjects. Ha et al. (2014) applied the immersed bound-ary method for simulating the run-up processes of soli-tary waves where the sloping bed was resolved by theimmersed boundary.

The combination of the immersed boundary with aporous media model was shown in van Gent et al. (1994)where the model by? was extended to include porousmedia. However, applications involving both imperme-able structures (IBM) and porous media were not pre-sented. In Nielsen et al. (2013) the IBM was combinedwith a porous media model for simulating scour protec-tion around offshore wind turbine foundations. The com-bination of IBM and porous media modelling includingfree surface water waves for detailed simulation of flowaround armour stones on breakwaters has, to the author’sknowledge, not previously been presented.

The remainder of this paper is organised as follows.In Section 2 the numerical model is described with themodifications for handling the combined porous mediaflow and immersed boundary method. The model is val-idated in Section 3 with special emphasis on the im-mersed boundary implementation. Section 4 presents anapplication with a breakwater rock toe. Final conclusionsare given in Section 5.

2. Model description

The numerical model was based on the Navier-Stokesequations with an additional body force term for in-cluding the immersed boundary method. The numericalmethod was based on a finite volume discretisation ona collocated grid arrangement. The general form of theNavier-Stokes equations was formulated as the continu-ity equation:


∂xi= 0 (1)

and the momentum equation:


∂t+∂ρuiu j

∂xj= −∂p

∂xi+g j xj





∂xj+∂u j



whereρ is the density of the fluid,ui is the Cartesianvelocity vectorui = (u, v,w), p∗ is the excess pressure,g j

is the jth component of the gravitational vector,µ is thedynamical viscosity,t is the time, andxi are the Cartesiancoordinates. The Navier-Stokes equations were modifiedto include the immersed boundary method as describedin the following.

2.1. Porous media model

The first modification of the Navier-Stokes equationsis introduced in order to handle the flow in porous mediawhere a direct resolution of the grains and pores are notpossible. Here, a volume averaging of the equations isperformed in order to derive the VARANS equations. Adetailed account on the derivation and implementation ofthe model was given in Jensen et al. (2014). In the fol-lowing the final equations are presented as the continuityequation:

∂〈ui〉∂xi= 0 (3)

where〈ui〉 is the volume averaged ensemble averaged ve-locity over the total control volume including the solidsof the porous media. And the momentum equation:






ρ〈ui〉〈u j〉n

= −∂〈p〉f

∂xi+ g j xj





(∂〈ui〉∂xj+∂〈u j〉∂xi

)+ Fi (4)

whereCm is the added mass coefficient to take the tran-sient interaction between grains and water into account,〈〉 f denoted the volume average over the pore volume, inthis case applied for the pore pressure. Furthermore, anadditional term on the right hand side,Fi, was includedto take account of the resistance force due to the presenceof the porous media. The details of the derivation of theresistance force term is presented in Jensen et al. (2014).The extended Darcy-Forchheimer equation was appliedto represent the resistance force, that includes linear andnonlinear forces as well as inertia forces to account for


accelerations. The linear and nonlinear resistance forceswere expressed as:

Fi = −aρ〈ui〉 − bρ√〈u j〉〈u j〉〈ui〉 (5)

wherea and b are resistance coefficients. These coef-ficients must be determined. Engelund (1954) formu-lated a relation between the resistance coefficients andthe porosity, viscosity, and grain diameter for steady stateflow, as also later included in Burcharth and Andersen(1995). These relations were included in the model pre-sented by del Jesus et al. (2012). A similar expressionto Engelund (1954) was formulated in van Gent (1995),where the effect of oscillatory flows was added to theexpressions in terms of the KC-number. The latter for-mulations were applied in the model presented by Liuet al. (1999) and were also adopted and implemented aspart of the present study. The resistance coefficients wereformulated as:

a = α(1− n)2





b = β



)1− n




whered50 is the grain diameter andKC = umT/(nd50),whereum is the maximum oscillating velocity andT isthe period of the oscillation.α andβ are empirical coef-ficients which are set to 500 and 2.0 according the inves-tigations for coastal structures presented in Jensen et al.(2014). It should be noted, that the literature providesdifferent values depending on how the coefficients havebeen determined or calibrated and how the resistance co-efficients,a andb were formulated. The formulation byEngelund (1954) yieldsα andβ values that differ fromthose obtained in the formulation by van Gent (1995).

Finally, the inertia term in the extended Darcy-Forchheimer equation was included in eq. (4) throughCm, which van Gent (1995) gave as:

Cm = γp1− n


where γp is an empirical coefficient, which takes thevalue 0.34.

2.2. Immersed Boundary Method

The Navier-Stokes equations were transformed to theVARANS equations as presented in Section 2.1 in order

to handle a porous media without resolving the actualporous structure. These equations were further modi-fied for a coupling with the immersed boundary methodfor resolving some parts of the porous structure. Thepresent IBM-model was based on a discrete forcing ap-proach applying ghost cells. The method was describedin e.g. Ghias et al. (2007), Mittal et al. (2008), and Nasr-Azadani and Meiburg (2011) and was also applied in Liu(2013). The solid boundary was imposed via ghost cellsby a body force term included on the right hand side ofthe momentum equation (eq. (2)).

The general description of the method and the enforce-ment of boundary conditions is given in the followingbased on the velocity field. The method can with rela-tive ease be extended to any quantity. The assumptionof a no-slip boundary condition at the immersed bound-ary (IB) was applied, i.e.u = (0, 0, 0) m/s. Looking ata point at the solid surface and following the notationsin Figure 1 the following approach was applied. First,the grid cell with cell center inside the solid surface wasidentified and denoted a Ghost Cell (GC). The normaldistance from the GC centre to the surface of the solid,d, was computed. An equivalent distance from the solidsurface and into the fluid region determined the positionof a point denoted an Image Point (IP). This point maynot necessarily correspond to a cell centre. The veloc-ity vector in the IP was determined based on interpola-tion from the surrounding fluid cells based on a certainsearch radius. This IP-velocity was mirrored into the GCand subsequently the direction was reversed which givesthe desired velocity,Vi. Hereby the actual velocity in theIP and the desired velocity in the GC cancels out eachother at the location of the immersed boundary (IB).

The desired velocity,Vi, was enforced into the flowfield by including a body force in the momentum equa-tion as:






ρ〈ui〉〈u j〉n

= −∂〈p〉f

∂xi+ g j xj





(∂〈ui〉∂xj+∂〈u j〉∂xi

)+ Fi + Bi (9)

where Bi is the immersed boundary body force. Thebody force was determined by a first-order temporal dis-cretization of the Navier-Stokes equations:


Figure 1: Definitions for immersed boundary method.


i 〉 − ρ〈uni 〉




ρ〈uni 〉〈un

j 〉n

= −∂〈pn〉 f∂xi

+ g j xj∂ρ





i 〉∂xj


j 〉∂xi

)+ Fn

i + Bni (10)

where∆t is the time-step increment and superscriptn andn+ 1 indicates the current and next time step. To satisfythe desired velocity,Vi, at the current time step the mo-mentum forcing term was hereby approximated as:

Bni = (1+Cm)

ρVi − ρ〈uni 〉




ρ〈uni 〉〈un

j 〉n

+∂〈pn〉 f∂xi

− g j xj∂ρ

∂xi− 1




i 〉∂xj


j 〉∂xi

)− Fn

i (11)

Here it is noted, that the body force was determined asan explicit solution only based on known values from thecurrent time step. The body force thereby lags one time

step behind which puts some limitations on the size of thetime step increment. The body force was only enforcedin cells inside the solid objects which was controlled bya cell marker with the value 1 inside and 0 outside thesolid object.

2.3. Enforcement of boundary conditions

The above section outlines the general approach re-garding the computation of the momentum source termin order to impose the force field in the flow correspond-ing to the effect of the solid structure. As it appears fromeq. (11) the body force term is found based on the de-sired velocity,Vi, in the ghost cells. The description sofar is based on the assumption of a no-slip velocity con-dition on the immersed boundary. In the following thegeneral expressions are derived for imposing Dirichlet(fixed value) and Neumann (gradient) boundary condi-tions.

2.3.1. Dirichlet boundary conditionThe velocity at the IB was expressed by linear interpo-

lation along the normal probe between the image pointand ghost cell. This gave:

uIB =uIP + uGC


whereu is the Cartesian velocity vector, subscriptIB isthe velocity at the immersed boundary, subscriptIP isthe velocity at the image point, and subscriptGC is thevelocity at the ghost cell. Hereby the ghost cell velocitywas expressed as:

uGC = 2uIB − uIP (13)

The velocity at the image point,uIP, was found basedon interpolation from the surrounding velocity field. Thevelocity at the immersed boundary,uIB, was set accord-ing to the desired boundary condition. For the case of ano-slip boundary condition i.e.uIB = 0, eq. (13) reducedto:

uGC = −uIP (14)

2.3.2. Neumann boundary conditionThe Neumann boundary condition at the immersed

boundary had the generic form of:

(▽u) · −→n = q (15)


where−→n is the normal vector pointing outwards from thesolid surface. It was discretized on the immersed bound-ary along the normal vector direction as:

uIP − uGC

∆= q (16)

where∆ is the distance between the ghost cell center andits image point. Hereby the value at the ghost cell centerwas given as:

vGC = vIP − q∆ (17)

For the simple case of a zero gradient, i.e.q = 0, theghost cell center had the same variable value as the imagepoint.

2.4. Interpolation

As described in Section 2.2 the immersed boundarymethod was based on interpolation of quantities near theimmersed boundary into the image points. The accuracyof the immersed boundary method is related to the ap-plied interpolation method. In this work, two types ofinterpolation schemes were implemented, namely Shep-ard interpolation and radial basis function interpolation.

Details on the radial basis function can be found inBuhmann (2003) and Press et al. (2007). The radial ba-sis function interpolation is based on the assumption thatany known points influences its surrounding points ac-cording to a functional form,φ(r), refereed to as the ra-dial basis function. This function depends only on theradial distance,r = |x − xi | from the point. The interpo-lated value was hereby given by a linear combination ofthe radial basis functions as:

V(x) =N−1∑


ωiφ (|x − xi |) (18)

whereN is the number of interpolation cells,ωi is a setof unknown weights andφ(r) is the radial basis functionwhich only depends on the radial distancer = |x − xi |.The weights,ω j, are determined by requiring the interpo-lation to be exact at all the neighbour cell centres. Eachsurrounding point with known values included in the in-terpolation routine is given as:

V j =



ωiφ(|x j − xi |


This will result in a set ofN linear equations inN un-knowns for the weights,ωi. By solving this linear system

the weights are found. Applied in eq. (18) the interpo-lated value can be found.

There are several choices for the radial basis func-tion φ(r). In Press et al. (2007) a description was givenon multiquadric, inverse multiquadric, thin-plate, andGaussian. Comparison has been made in the literatureamong these functions and no consensus has been reachon which one is optimal. In this work the above men-tioned methods have been implemented. According toPress et al. (2007) the most commonly used is the multi-quadric given as:

φ(r) = (r2 + r20)1/2 (20)

wherer0 is a scaling factor whose value is problem de-pendent and should be properly chosen. Specifically,r0

should be larger than the minimum separating distancebetween the neighbour cells and smaller than the size ofthe interpolating cell cloud,R. Several orders of magni-tude difference between the interpolation accuracy withdifferent choices ofr0 have been reported. Thus, sometrial and error onr0 is needed in the simulation. Detailson all implemented radial basis function can be found inPress et al. (2007).

For the Shepard interpolation scheme, the values at theimage point can be estimated as:

Vi =

∑N−1j=0 vj

∣∣∣x − x j



∣∣∣x − x j

∣∣∣−p (21)

wherep is a parameter which usually ranges in 1< p <3. It is noted that the Shepard scheme is a special caseof the more general radial basis function interpolationwhere the weights,ωi, are equal to the respective func-tion values at the neighbour cell centres. The Shepardinterpolation is simple and fast since no linear system issolved. However, its accuracy rarely exceeds those of thegeneral radial basis functions.

2.5. Free surface VOF modellingThe free water surface was modelled by the volume

of fluid approach (VOF), where the specific details aregiven in Berberovic et al. (2009). The method was cor-rected to handle free surface flow in porous media as de-scribed in Jensen et al. (2014). The tracking was resolvedby the solution to:




∂xi(〈ui〉α) + 1



(〈uri 〉α(1− α)

)+ S = 0 (22)


whereα is 1 for water and 0 for air.〈ur〉 = 〈uf 〉 − 〈ua〉is a relative velocity between the fluid and the air as de-scribed in Berberovic et al. (2009). The last term is de-noted the compression term and handles the compressionof the interface between fluid and air. This term vanishesin the fluid (α = 1) and in the air (α = 0), and is onlyactive in the interface region of the free surface.

The source term,S, was introduced to enforce a Neu-mann boundary condition for theα-scaler field on theimmersed boundary. The term was based on the samemethodology as described in Section 2.2 and 2.3 for thedesired velocity in the ghost cells. Similarly theα-fieldwas determined in the image-points based on interpola-tion and subsequent applied in the ghost cells accord-ing to the Neumann boundary condition given in Section2.3.2.

2.6. Large Eddy Simulation turbulence modelFor high Reynolds number flows the turbulent fluctua-

tions may not be resolved directly by the computationalgrid. Therefore a turbulence model must be introduced toaccount for the effects of the turbulent fluctuations. Forthe present simulations a Large Eddy Simulation (LES)model has been applied. This allows for a direct simu-lation of the large scale turbulent fluctuations while theLES model adds the effect of the small scale turbulentfluctuations. LES modelling includes the direct simula-tion of turbulent fluctuations larger than the selected filterscale however this also sets some strict requirements tothe grid resolution. In general a finer grid resolution isrequired compared to RANS turbulence models. Someapplications of LES within coastal engineering has beenseen e.g. Christensen and Deigaard (2001) and Chris-tensen (2006) applied LES modelling for investigationof spilling and plunging breakers.

The LES model is based on a spatial filtering of theNavier-Stokes equations. A top-hat filter is appliedwhere the computational grid is used as the filter. Thefiltered Navier-Stokes equation reads:


∂t+∂ρuiu j

∂xj= −∂p

∂xi+ g j xj





∂xj+∂u j



(23)where overbar denotes a filtered quantity. Note that thefiltered equation is written without the transformation tothe volume averaged version. Presently the LES turbu-lence closure is only applicable in the free fluid region

i.e. not the in the porous media. A discussion on the tur-bulence modelling in the porous media is given in Jensenet al. (2014) where it is argued that the effect of the tur-bulence can be included via the resistance terms based onthe Darcy-Forchheimer equation. In eq. (23) the secondterm on the left hand side is split up into two terms as:

∂ρuiu j

∂xj=∂ρuiu j



(uiu j − uiu j




The first term on the right hand side is simulated di-rectly while the second term is moved to the right handside of eq. (23) and must be modelled. This term is alsoreferred to as the sub-grid scale Reynolds stress:

τsi j = −ρ

(uiu j − uiu j


Eq. (25) is the closure problem for which a modelmust be applied. This model will be referred to as a sub-grid scale (SGS) model. For the present simulations withheigh Reynolds numbers the Smagorinsky SGS model isapplied. The sub-grid scale stresses given in eq. (25) aremodelled as:

τsi j =


kkδi j = 2µtSi j,

Si j =12


∂xj+∂u j


) (26)

Hereµt is the eddy viscosity that is found as:

µt = ρ(Cs∆)2|S| (27)

where∆ is the filter length scale and|S| = (2Si j Si j )1/2.Cs is the Smagorinsky constant that is generally in theorder of 0.065 to 0.2. For the present simulations it is setto 0.1 however the optimal value can vary from case tocase.

3. Validation of immersed boundary method

The numerical model was validated by a number oftest cases. The flow past a circular cylinder was sim-ulated for low Reynolds numbers where the boundarylayer and wake is laminar hence no turbulence closure isapplied. The flow over a sphere for heigh Reynolds num-bers was simulated including the LES turbulence closuremodel. The interaction between the free water surface


and the immersed boundary was validated by simulatingthe run-up of regular waves around a vertical cylinder.Grid refinement and convergence tests were performedto evaluate the needed resolution of the computationalmesh and the accuracy of the solver.

3.1. Unidirectional flow past a cylinder

The flow past a circular cylinder is a basic test casewhich has been widely used for testing the validity of nu-merical solvers. For the immersed boundary method thisexample has also been used previously, see for exampleSun et al. (2010), Chiu et al. (2010), Mittal et al. (2008),and Choi et al. (2007). For low Reynolds numbers be-low 200 the flow can be treated as two-dimensional andlaminar. Hereby the models general ability to reproduceflow and pressure around a solid object can be investi-gated without the complexity of turbulence modelling.For Re < 40 the flow is symmetric while atRe > 40vortex shedding occurs. Simulations were performed forRe= [40; 60; 80; 100; 120; 160].

The cylinder had a diameter ofD = 0.4 m. The modeldomain was set up with a transverse and longitudinal di-mension at 50D. The upstream distance from the centerof the cylinder to the inlet boundary was 10D. The meshaspect ratio was 1 in the entire domain. Mesh refinementwas applied in areas around the cylinder. The largest gridcell dimension was 0.1 m while the smallest dimensionaround the cylinder was 0.00625 m corresponding to 64grid cells per diameter,D. Regarding the spatial resolu-tion further details are given in Section 3.2 where a gridconvergence test for the present test case is presented.A total of 68, 000 grid cells were applied. The mesh ispresented in Figure 2 and 3 with a close-up of the lo-cal mesh refinement around the cylinder. Figure 4 showsthe grid near the cylinder surface with the detected ghostcells marked with black.

At the inlet boundary a Dirichlet condition was appliedfor the velocity while a Neumann condition was appliedfor the pressure. At the sides parallel to the flow directiona slip condition was applied for the velocity while thepressure was given as a Neumann condition. At the outletboundary the velocity was given as a Neumann conditionwhile a Dirichlet condition was applied for the pressure.

For Re= [40; 100] comparisons were made with datafor the pressure coefficient along the cylinder surfacegiven in Park et al. (1998), Kim et al. (2001), and Dennisand Chang (1970). For all testedRe-numbers compar-

Figure 2: Grid for 2D cylinder with refinement zones.

Figure 3: Close-up of grid near the cylinder surface.

isons were made for the Strouhal number with experi-mental data given in Williamson (1989) and the base suc-tion pressure coefficient,−CpB, at the trailing edge withdata given in Williamson and Roshko (1990).

Figure 5 shows the pressure coefficient,Cp, along thecylinder half periphery where 0◦ degrees correspondsto the upstream leading edge and 180◦ the downstreamtrailing edge. ForRe= 40 the flow was stationary withtwo symmetrical separation zones downstream the cylin-der. ForRe= 100 laminar vortex shedding was seen witha vortex street downstream the cylinder. In both casesthe pressure distribution along the surface of the cylin-der was estimated with good agreement with the resultsgiven in Park et al. (1998), Kim et al. (2001), and Dennisand Chang (1970).

Figure 6 presents the base pressure coefficient at thetrailing edge corresponding to 180◦ in Figure 5. HereseveralRe-numbers from 40 to 160 were included. At


Figure 4: Close-up of grid near the cylinder surface with markingof detected ghost cells where the immersed boundary body force isapplied.

aRe-number at 200 the flow becomes three-dimensionalhence a two-dimensional model will not be sufficient todescribe the flow at these regimes. For theRe-numberrange where the flow can be treated as two-dimensionalthe model was found to give a good estimation of thebase pressure coefficient.

At a Re-number above 50, vortex shedding takes placewhich was also seen for the present simulations. Thisintroduces an oscillating flow as the vortex shedding al-ternates between the two sides of the cylinder. The vor-tex shedding frequency is expressed with the Strouhalnumber,S t, defined asS t= f D/U0, where f is the fre-quency of the vortex shedding,D is the cylinder diame-ter, andU0 is the free stream velocity. Figure 7 presentsthe S t-number compared to experimental data given inWilliamson (1989).

In Figure 8 the velocity vectors are shown near theimmersed boundary. The ghost cells where the forcingterm was applied are marked with a grey colour. It isnoted that the velocity in the ghost cells is reveres com-pared to the velocity just outside the immersed bound-ary. This follows from the enforcement of a dirichletboundary condition with the velocity being zero at theimmersed boundary according to Section 2.3.1.

3.2. Grid convergence and accuracyWith the finite-volume method each term in the mo-

mentum equation is integrated over a cell volume. Thespatial derivatives are converted to integrals over the cellsurfaces by the Gauss theorem. In order to obtain the sur-face values of a given field an interpolation scheme were








Present studyKim et al. (2001)Park et al. (1998)Dennis and Chang (1970)

0 30 60 90 120 150 180−1.5







Present studyKim et al. (2001)Park et al. (1998)

ω (degrees)




(1 2ρU




( P−


(1 2ρU





CD = 1.56

CD = 1.32

Figure 5: Pressure coefficient on the surface of the cylinder. A:Re= 40. B:Re= 100.

selected for each term. Linear second order schemeswere selected for the convective and diffusive terms aswell as gradients which should provide a solution withsecond order accuracy. The immersed boundary methodintroduces the interpolation of variables near the surfacein order to impose the immersed boundary conditions.Here a lower order accuracy may be introduced into thedomain.

A convergence test was performed to document the ac-curacy of the current IBM implementation. The test casewas the flow around a cylinder atRe = U0D/ν = 40whereU0 is the free stream velocity,D is the cylinder di-ameter, andν is the kinematic viscosity. The domain was4d× 4d with a uniformly distributed hexahedral grid. Asa reference solution for computing the error a highly re-solved solution was obtained with a resolution of 1260×1260 grid cells. The time step was 1×10−4D/U0 and the


200 400 600 800 10000.5













Present studyWilliamson and Roshko (1990)

Figure 6: Base pressure coefficient compared to experimental data.

solution was obtained after a total of 1× 104 time steps.The same flow was computed with a grid resolution of420× 420, 252× 252, 180× 180, and 84× 84. Thesame time step size and total number of time steps wereapplied for all simulations. TheL2 andL∞ norms of theerror for each solution was found as:

ǫ2 =








i, j − φ1260×1260i, j




ǫ∞ = max∣∣∣φN×N

i, j − φ1260×1260i, j

∣∣∣ (29)

The L2-norm expresses the global accuracy while theL∞-norm captures the local errors near the immersedboundary. Figure 9 shows the variation of the errornorms for the two velocity components,u andv, plottedagainst 1/N whereN is the number of grid cells in onedirection. The line with a slope of 2 denotes second or-der accuracy while the line with a slope of 1 denotes firstorder accuracy. It was found that the global accuracy wasclose to and slightly better than first order. The local ac-curacy was close to first order which is introduced dueto the immersed boundary interpolation. Depending onthe overall domain size this also affects the global accu-racy. For the present case the domain is small relative tothe size of the immersed boundary which gives a globalaccuracy also close to first order.

With respect to the temporal accuracy the time deriva-tives are all discritized with a first order Euler schemethat results in a temporal accuracy at first order.

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1800.1









Present studyWilliamson (1989)

Figure 7: Strouhal number compared to experimental data.

Figure 8: Close-up of velocity vectors near the immersed boundary.

Regarding the spatial discritisation, a grid refinementtest was performed in order to estimate the necessary gridresolution for the immersed boundary method. The testcase for flow past a cylinder given in Section 3.1 wasapplied. The overall setup in terms of domain size andboundary conditions were as described in Section 3.1.Three different refinement levels were applied around thecylinder corresponding to grid size,∆, of D/16, D/32,and D/64 whereD is the cylinder diameter. In Figure10 the pressure coefficient around the cylinder is com-pared to experimental data. For the two coarsest resolu-tions the pressure was found be purely estimated at thecylinder surface. Especially for the coarse resolution of∆ = D/16 some spatial oscillations were seen along thedownstream edge fromω = 100◦ − 180◦. For the third












Figure 9:L2 andL∞-norms of the error for grid convergence.

refinement level of∆ = D/64 the pressure convergedtowards the experimental data. For the following simu-lations the relative resolution were selected to be of thesame size as found for the present grid refinement test.

0 30 60 90 120 150 180−2









Kim et al. (2001)Park et al. (1998)Dennis and Chang (1970)

ω (degrees)




(1 2ρU



∆ = D/16∆ = D/32∆ = D/64

Figure 10: Grid refinement for unidirectional flow past a cylinder.∆is the grid spacing corresponding to 16, 32, and 64 cells per cylinderdiameter.

3.3. Unidirectional flow past a sphere

For high Reynolds numbers the flow becomes turbu-lent and may therefore not be treated as two dimen-sional. For validation of the immersed boundary methodfor three dimensional high Reynolds numbers flow a

sphere was simulated at high Reynolds numbers. TheSmagorinsky LES model was applied for the turbulentclosure. In order to address the effect of including theturbulent closure a corresponding simulations was per-formed without the LES model. The simulations wereperformed forRe= 1.62 · 105 corresponding to the ex-perimental data presented in Achenbach (1972).

The sphere had a diameter ofD = 1.0 m. The modeldomain was set up with a transverse and longitudinal di-mension of 40D. The upstream distance from the centerof the sphere to the inlet boundary was 10D. The meshaspect ratio was 1 in the entire domain. Mesh refinementwas applied in areas around the sphere. The largest gridcell dimension was 0.3 m while the smallest dimensionaround the sphere was 0.019 m. A total of 493, 000 gridcells were applied.

At the inlet boundary the velocity was specified as aDirichlet condition while a Neumann condition was ap-plied for the pressure. At the sides parallel to the flow di-rection a slip condition was applied for the velocity whilethe pressure was given as a Neumann condition. The out-let boundary was specified with a Neumann condition onthe velocity and a Dirichlet condition on the pressure.

Figure 11 presents the distribution of the pressure co-efficient compared with data given in Achenbach (1972).The model was found to provide a good representation ofthe pressure distribution around the sphere. Especially itis noted that the pressure on the downstream side of thesphere and the base pressure at 180◦ is well predicted.This implies that the flow separation is estimated cor-rectly as the downstream and base pressure is sensible tothe position of the separation point.

For the results shown in Figure 11 the LES model wasapplied. The effect of the LES model was addressed bya repetition of the simulation where no turbulence clo-sure was applied. Figure 12 presents the results whereit is seen how the pressure from about 60◦ and furtherdownstream was higher than the experimental measure-ments. The pressure drop is caused by the acceleratingflow from 0◦-90◦. When the flow separates from the sur-face of the sphere the negative pressure at this point con-tinues around the sphere. In this case where the pres-sure was too high it indicates that the separation pointwas positioned upstream compared to the position in themeasurements. Hereby the pressure has not decreasedsufficiently before the separation occurs.

The comparison between the solution with and with-


0 30 60 90 120 150 180−1.5







ω (degrees)




(1 2ρU


(-) Achenbach (1972)

Present study (incl. LES closure)

Re= 1.62× 105

Figure 11: Pressure coefficient on the surface of the sphere atRe = 1.62 × 105. Turbulent closure was applied in terms of theSmagorinsky LES model.

out the LES turbulence closure shows that a better solu-tion was obtained by applying the LES model. It shouldbe noted, that a detailed verification of the LES modelin relation to the IBM implementation is recommended.This is part of the future work planned for the presentmodel development.

0 30 60 90 120 150 180−1.5







ω (degrees)




(1 2ρU


(-) Achenbach (1972)

Present study (excl. LES closure)

Re= 1.62× 105

Figure 12: Pressure coefficient on the surface of the sphere atRe=1.62× 105. No turbulent closure was applied.

3.4. Free surface water waves around vertical cylinder

The coupling between the immersed boundary methodand the VOF model for simulating free surface flows was

validated by simulating regular wave interaction with avertical circular cylinder. The cylinder was included ina structured hexahedral mesh with immersed boundarymethod as for the case with flow over a circular cylin-der. The surface elevation along the cylinder surface wascompared to experimental data for wave run-up given inKriebel (1992).

Figure 13 presents a definition sketch of the run-uparound the cylinder. The incident wave is magnified as itinteracts with the cylinder. Here the run-up,R, is definedas the distance from the mean sea level (MSL) to the po-sition of the free surface on the cylinder at any given timeand angular position around the cylinder. The run-up en-velope is defined as shown in Figure 13 as the maximumfree surface position that has occurred during one waveperiod around the cylinder.

Figure 13: Definition sketch for the run-up experiments given inKriebel (1992).

A rectangular model domain was setup with di-mensions corresponding to the experiments reported inKriebel (1992). A sketch of the layout is shown in Fig-ure 14. The cylinder had a diameter atD = 0.32 mand the water depth wash = 0.45 m for all experiments.Two cases were simulated with regular Stokes 2nd orderwaves given askH = 0.215 (H = 0.13 m andT = 1.95 s)andkH = 0.402 (H = 0.17 m andT = 1.5 s). At the inletand outlet boundary a relaxation zone with a length ofapproximately one wave length was used for generatingand absorbing the waves, respectively. Wave generationand relaxation was based on Jacobsen et al. (2012). Ahexahedral base mesh was setup with an overall dimen-sion of (length× width × height) (20.0 × 2.5 × 1.0) m.


A uniform grid resolution of (length× width × height)(0.08× 0.04× 0.02) m was applied in the entire domain.A refinement zone was applied in a band around the po-sition of the free surface which gave a vertical resolutionof 0.01 m. Two zones were applied around the cylin-der with refinement in the horizontal direction as well asone local zone following the surface of the cylinder. Thisgave a horizontal resolution near the cylinder of 0.01 m.A total of approximately 1, 100, 000 computational cellswere applied. The simulation time was 30 s. Each sim-ulation was performed in parallel on 16 processor coresand was completed in approximately 20 h.


Figure 14: Model setup according to the experiments in Kriebel(1992).

Figure 15 presents the results of the two cases withkH = 0.215 andkH = 0.402 respectively. The run-up,R,was normalized withH/2 in order to follow the notationin Kriebel (1992). The results are shown as time stampsof the surface elevation around the cylinder during onewave period. Experiments are shown as the envelope ofthe surface elevation i.e. the maximum position of thewater surface at any angular position around the cylinder.

4. Application: Breakwater rock toe

A rubble mound breakwater rock toe was simulatedwith the hybrid model. The breakwater core, filter andmain armour layers were simulated with the porositymodel while the rock toe was resolved with the immersedboundary model. The stability of the toe structure ofa breakwater is of general interest regarding the overallstability of the structure. The toe acts as support for themain armour layer as well as protection against scour.

0 30 60 90 120 150 180−2









ω (degrees)








Present studyKriebel (1992) experiments

Figure 15: Envelope of run-up around the cylinder compared to ex-perimental data in Kriebel (1992).

Some recent examples of investigations of rock toe sta-bility were presented in Muttray (2013) and van Gentand van der Werf (2014). Stability formulas were derivedbased on model experiments taken into account the effectof e.g. toe dimension, wave steepness and water depth.This example shows how the numerical model can be ap-plied for investigating the toe stability as function of thesurf similarity parameter. The actual forces on the stoneswere evaluated as well as the flow in and above the toe.

It is noted, that a general investigation of stabilitywould apply irregular sea states based on a defined wavespectrum. This is also apparent from the design formu-las in e.g. CIRIA et al. (2007), Muttray (2013), and vanGent and van der Werf (2014) where spectral quantitiesfor wave height and period are applied. In the follow-ing it is demonstrated how some details on the physi-cal processes can be investigated by means of the pre-sented model. For this, shorter time series of regularwaves were applied. For a practical design applicationit is proposed to combine a 2-dimensional screening pro-cess with the 3-dimensional immersed boundary hybridmodel as follows. First, a 2-dimensional model is ap-plied for an irregular time series representing the defineddesign condition. Here the breakwater is included onlyby the porous media resistance model. This simulationprovides an overall estimation of the stability based onvelocities near the structure. From these results the mostsevere events are picked out. These are reproduced asshort time series in a 3-dimensional model where the im-


mersed boundary hybrid model is applied. Hereby thedetails on the loading process and stability is found forthe events which may cause damages to the structure.

Figure 16 presents the general layout of the breakwaterincluding the toe structure. The breakwater consisted ofa core, a filter layer and an outer armour layer. Both thefront and rear side had a slope of 1:1.5. The crest heightwas 30 m and the crest width was 6 m.

4.1. Main breakwater setup

The main part of the breakwater consisting of the core,filter and armour layers was included with the porositymodel. The characteristics of the individual componentsof the main breakwater are given in Figure 16. The resis-tance parameters,α andβ, for the porosity model wereset toα = 500 andβ = 2.0 according to Jensen et al.(2014).

The computational domain had a dimension of(length×width×height) 800 m× 10.5 m × 40 m withthe breakwater toe positioned at a distance of 600 mfrom the inlet boundary. A hexahedral mesh was ap-plied with a uniform grid spacing in all directions of 0.5m. Grid refinement was applied in a band around thefree water surface with one refinement level providing agrid spacing of 0.25 m corresponding to 20 points perwave height. The grid around the main breakwater struc-ture was also refined with one refinement level where theporosity model was applied. Further refinement was ap-plied at the toe structure as described in Section 4.2. In-cluding the toe refinement the total number of grid cellswas 2, 400, 000.

4.2. Rock toe setup

Each individual stone in the toe section was resolvedin the model. For this a detailed representation of thestones were needed. A number of natural stones weremapped in a 3D scanner in order to obtain a digitalrepresentation of the surface of the stones. The stoneswere selected from the hydraulic laboratory at DTU andthe scanning was performed at Texas University at SanAntonio (UTSA). Figure 17 presents the digital repre-sentation of one stone as obtained from the 3D scan-ning. To achieve a random packing of the stones asix-degree-of-freedom rigid body motion solver was ap-plied to arrange the stones. The libraries by BulletPhysics (http://www.bulletphysics.com) were used. Herethe stones were dropped along an impermeable sloping

bed which gave a natural random placement at the toe ofthe breakwater. Figure 18 shows the final placement ofthe stones next to the main part of the breakwater thatwas modelled with the porosity resistance model. Thefinal placement of the stones was exported to one finaldigital surface that was applied for the immersed bound-ary method.

The overall grid was setup as described in Section4.1 with refinement levels around the free water surfaceand the porous breakwater structure. An additional threerefinement levels were applied around the toe structureproviding a minimum grid size near the stone surfacesof 3.1 cm corresponding to 64 grid cells per stone diam-eter, d50. This corresponded to the same relative reso-lution as for the validation case for unidirectional flowpast a cylinder in Section 3.2. The computational meshis shown for a vertical section through the toe structurein Figure 19. It is noted that the grid refinement wasoptimized with a refinement procedure that detected thesolid surface of the stones and applied refinement levelsaround this surface. As such the number of grid cellswere optimized as the refinement for the smallest gridcells around the stones were only present where it wasneeded for the immersed boundary.

4.3. Wave conditions

Regular waves were applied for investigating theforces and loading process. Four wave conditions weresimulated with constant wave height and varying waveperiod as shown in Table 1. The surf similarity parame-ter,ξ0, was defined in e.g. Battjes (1974) as:

ξ0 =tan(γ)√H0/L0


whereγ is the slope of the bed,H0 is the deep water waveheight, andL0 is the deep water wave length.

A water depth ofh = 18 m was applied for all sim-ulations. The waves were generated as Stokes 5th orderwaves by means of relaxation zones according to Jacob-sen et al. (2012).

4.4. Forces on and stability of toe

The stones in the toe structure were placed in approx-imately two layers as shown in Figure 18. The forceswere extracted for stones placed in the top and bottomlayer. Figure 20 and 21 presents the lift force time seriesfor the two wave conditions with a period ofT = 6.7 s


Figure 16: General layout of breakwater for rock toe simulations.

Figure 17: Digital representation of a natural rock stone obtainedfrom a 3D scanning.

andT = 20.1 s, respectively. The water surface elevationabove the toe is presented as well.

The effect of having two layers is apparent for bothwave periods. In the bottom layer the stones are shelteredand experiences a low lift force. At the top layer thestone is exposed to the flow acceleration above the toethat creates a large lift force. For stability the top layer isof interest in order to ensure that the destabilizing forcesdue not exceed the stabilizing forces.

The stones experienced similar loading cycle for thedifferent wave lengths. For the stones in the top layer theloading cycle was oscillating in a regular manner withtwo positive lift events during one wave period. This wascaused by the low pressure above the stone due to flowacceleration both during run-up and run-down. The pos-itive lift force was larger during run-up than run-down.For the stones in the bottom layer only one positive lift

Figure 18: Placement of rocks for toe structure.

Table 1: Wave conditions.

Wave No. H (m) T (s) ξ0 Breaker type1 5.13 6.7 2.31 Plunging breaker2 5.13 10.1 3.07 Plunging breaker3 5.13 16.8 4.39 Surging breaker4 5.13 20.1 5.11 Surging breaker

event was found for each wave period. This was associ-ated with the run-up stage while the flow was dampenedsufficiently to prevent positive lift during run-down.

The effect of the surf similarity parameter was inves-tigated by four wave conditions ranging from the plung-ing to the surging breaker regime. Figure 22 presentsthe maximum lift force over one wave period. First itis noted that the lift force increased for increasing surfsimilarity parameter. This is a result of larger orbital ve-locities at the bed for larger wave lengths as well as thedifferences in the run-up and run-down process for the


Figure 19: Close-up of grid refinement around the toe rock stones.The outer contours of the stones for the presented vertical section isshown with black lines. The main porous layers of the breakwaterand the sand bed are indicated with grey.

different surf similarity parameter.Regarding stability, the submerged weight of the

stones is indicated in Figure 22 based on the diame-ter, D50. The simulated wave conditions did not causelift forces that exceeded the submerged weight of thestones. It is noted, that based on the most recent rock toestability formulas in Muttray (2013) and van Gent andvan der Werf (2014) the applied wave conditions shouldnot cause instabilities.

5. Conclusions

The present paper presented a hybrid modelling ap-proach for coastal engineering problems. The newmodel combines a standard Navier-Stokes solver with aporous media resistance model and an immersed bound-ary model for solid structures. The following conclu-sions can be summarised:

1. A discrete forcing procedure was selected as the im-mersed boundary method.

2. The method was implemented in the OpenFoamCFD model based on an additional forcing term inthe momentum equation.

3. The flow around a 2D cylinder and 3D sphere wasrepresented with good accuracy compared to exper-imental data.

4. Free surface water waves interaction with a verticalcircular cylinder was reproduced with good accu-racy.









80 85 90 95 100−10





t (s)





Top layerBottom layer

Figure 20: Lift force time series for wave periodT = 6.7 s for stonesin the bottom and top layer.

5. The immersed boundary model was coupled withthe porous media resistance model for simulation ofsolid structures near sand and gravel materials.

6. The possible extend of the model was exemplifiedby simulation of a breakwater rock toe.

Further work is recommended on this topic. Currently,future work is planned to include a detailed validationof the LES turbulence closure in relation to the IBMmethod, inclusion of validation cases for stones placedon/in porous materials, and rigid-body-motion solversfor movements of armour stones.


The support of the Danish Ministry of Science, Tech-nology and Innovation through the GTS grant: Fremti-dens Marine Konstruktioner (Marine Structures of theFuture), is acknowledged.

The 3D-scanning of the rock stones was performed bystudents at UTSA.










40 50 60 70 80 90 100−20








t (s)





Top layerBottom layer

Figure 21: Lift force time series for wave periodT = 20.1 s forstones in the bottom and top layer.


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2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.50







ξ0 (-)




Top layer

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Originally published as:Jensen, B., Christensen, E.D., Sumer, B.M., 2012. Wave interaction with large roughnesselements on an impermeable sloping bed. International Conference on Coastal Engineer-ing, Santander, Spain.




Bjarne Jensen1, Erik Damgaard Christensen1 and B. Mutlu Sumer1

The present paper presents the results of an experimental and numerical investigation of theflow between large roughness elements on a steep sloping impermeable bed during wave ac-tion. The setup is designed to resemble a breakwater structure. The work is part of a studywhere the focus is on the details in the porous core flow and thearmour layer flow i.e. theinteraction between the two flow domains and the effect on the armour layer stability. In orderto isolate the processes involved with the flow in the porous core the investigations are firstcarried out with a completely impermeable bed and successively repeated with a porous bed.In this paper the focus is on the impermeable bed. Results areobtained experimentally forflow and turbulence between the roughness elements on the sloping bed. Numerical simula-tions have reproduced the experimental results with good agreements and can hereby add moredetails to the understanding of the fluid-structure interaction.

Keywords: Fluid-structure interaction; Breakwaters; Model scale experiments; Numericalmodelling

INTRODUCTIONThe breakwater structure is widely used within coastal and harbour engineering for pro-

viding sheltering against offshore wave action. Often the breakwater structure is designedas a porous structure which allows a water flow through the structure while the wave en-ergy is removed. The internal porous core can be made of sand and gravel materials withspecific gradations. To protect these rather fine grained internal layers from being erodedby the waves one or several layers of larger stones are placedon top of the core material.These are referred to as cover or armour stones.

The scope of the work presented here is to study the stabilityof the breakwater armourlayers with special focus on the interaction between the armour and the porous core ma-terial. The flow in and out of the porous core contributes to the stability and/or instabilityof the armour layers. In general the flow can be divided into two domains: (i) porousflow in the core material and (ii) armour layer flow just above,and in between, the ar-mour layers. The theoretical background for the porous flow was described in Engelund(1954) for both laminar and turbulent flows. In Burcharth andAndersen (1995) the porousflow was investigated with reference to breakwater structures. The armour layer flow hastypically been included via model scale experiments where the entire structure includingthe porous core is constructed in laboratory scale and exposed to wave action. Recent ex-amples on such experiments are Andersen et al. (2011) and Burcharth et al. (2006) wherestability and overtopping is investigated. In addition to stability and overtopping also theflow through the porous material of the structure is studied e.g. in terms of pressure distri-butions through the breakwater. Recent examples of this areMuttray and Oumeraci (2005)and Vanneste and Troch (2012).

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby,Denmark



The stability is evaluated based on the observed damages during the experiments; how-ever the details on the failure mechanism such as the porous flow and the armour layer flowis not investigated in these types of experiments. Examplesof a more detailed approachare seen in Tørum (1994) where forces have been measured on spherical armour units on asloping breakwater front in laboratory scale. In Hald (1998) forces were measured on realarmour stone also in laboratory scale. These studies focused on the response as functionof the incoming wave condition whereas details on velocities and turbulence in the armourlayer as well as the porous flow were not investigated.

Numerically the entire system can be further investigated which is the case in for ex-ample Losada et al. (2005) and recently in del Jesus et al. (2012) and Lara et al. (2012);however due to limitations in computational resources it isstill difficult to fully resolve thedetails of the flow between the armour stones and in the porouscore. In Lai et al. (2010)the flow between actual spherical stones were resolved in a numerical model however on amild sloping beach.

The present work is focused on the details in the porous core flow and the armour layerflow i.e. the interaction between the two flow domains and the effect on the armour layerstability. In order to isolate the processes involved with the flow in the porous core theexperiments are first carried out with a completely impermeable bed and successively re-peated with a porous bed. In this paper the focus is on the impermeable bed experimentswith one layer of roughness elements. With this methodologythe complexity of the struc-ture is increased step by step as the experiments are progressing. When adding the differentstructural parts to the experiments one at a time it is possible to see the effect of the physicalprocesses accounted for by these structural elements.


All experiments were carried out in a wave flume at the hydraulic laboratory at DTU.The flume has a length at 25m, a width at 0.6m, and a depth at 0.8m. The water depthfor the present experiments was fixed at 0.4m. The flume is equipped with a piston-typewave maker in one end for generating regular as well as irregular wave conditions. In theopposite end the flume is equipped with a parabolic shaped wave absorber. At the generaltesting area the sides of the flume is made out of transparent glass which enables a visualobservation of the experiments as well as laser LDA measurements from the side. Anoverview of the entire flume setup is shown in figure 1.

The slope used for therough bed experimentswas arranged with an inclination of1:1.5. The bed was made out of a plastic PVC plate with a thickness at 20mm and a lengthat 1.5m. The width corresponds to the width of the flume at 0.6m. The plate was supportedon the top of the flume by a steel profile spanning over the flume in the transverse direction.Furthermore the plate was fixated at the bottom of the flume to ensure that there was nomovements of the bed during wave action. The interface between the flume walls and thesides of the sloping bed was sealed with silicon filler to ensure that no water exchange tookplace between the front and the back of the sloping bed. Waterwhere pumped to the rearside of the sloping bed before start of the experiments. A general sketch of the rigid bed



Slope=1:1.5h=40 cm

H=14 cmWG 1 WG 2







Sloping bed

experimental setup

Figure 1: Sketch of the experimental setup for the impermeable bed experiments withsmooth bed and roughness elements.

model is shown in figure 2a. The sloping bed was covered with anidealized armour layerconsisting of spherical plastic elements with a diameter ofD = 38mm glued to the bed in a90 degree arrangement, see figure 2b. The plastic spheres were applied in one layer.

In addition to the above described rough bed experiments a series of smooth bed ex-periments has been conducted as well. These will only be included briefly in the presentpaper. The setup for the smooth bed experiments was identical to the rough bed experi-ments only the bed being smooth. Hereby the hydrodynamics accounted for by the slopingbed only can be investigated without the effect of the roughness elements.

Slope=1:1.5Water depth=40 cm

Flume depth=80 cm Spherical element

diameter=3.8 cm



B) Plan view

Section view

D=3.8 cm

Figure 2: Rigid bed model with spherical plastic balls arranged in a90◦ pattern.

Test ConditionsThe experiments were performed with a solitary wave which allows for an idealized

investigation of the dynamics within one wave cycle including approach, run-up, and run-down. Other studies have previously applied this methodology in order to study the run-upand run-down processes. Examples are Grilli et al. (1994) where solitary wave breaking in-duced by a breakwater was investigated, Sumer et al. (2011) who studied flow and sedimenttransport due to a plunging solitary wave, and Lara et al. (2012) who applied a solitary wave



for investigating wave interaction with a breakwater both experimentally and numerically.The offshore water depth wash = 40 cm for all experiments and the height of the

solitary wave wasH = 14 cm. The undisturbed offshore surface elevation is given by thesmall-amplitude solitary wave theory as:

η = Hsech2(ωt) (1)

whereH is the hight of the solitary wave measured from the still water level, t is time, andω is given as:

ω =




whereg is the acceleration due to gravity. Similar to sinusoidal waves a time scale can bedefined by:

T =2πω= 2π


3gHh (3)

which can be interpreted as the time scale characterizing the width of the surface eleva-tion time series as described in Sumer et al. (2011). This quantity was T = 2.48 s inall experiments. The experiments were performed at a Keulegan-Carpenter number atKC = 45(= UmTw/D) whereUm is the maximum bed parallel velocity, and a correspondingReynolds number atRe = 4× 104(= DUm/ν).

The sampling frequency of the measurements was 120 Hz. The number of runs for eachmeasuring point (for ensemble averaging) was 30 for the impermeable rough bed experi-ments. A sensitivity analysis carried out indicated that the statistical quantities, the meanvalues and the standard deviations, converged to constant values for these sample sizes asshown in figure 3. Here the maximum ensemble averaged RMS value of the fluctuatingcomponent of the velocity is depicted against the number of repetitions applied for theensemble averaging. The left panel shows the error in terms of the absolute RMS valuenormalised by the mean value of the ensemble averages for 25-30 repetitions. The rightpanel shows the absolute RMS values.

The RMS values shown in figure 3 is also applied to quantify theturbulence level interms of the RMS value of the fluctuating component of the velocity, u′ = u − u. This isfound as:

√u′2(t) =


N − 1



{[u(t)]i − u(t)}2



whereN is number of repetitions.The waves were found to be reproducible. Twenty arbitrary selected time series of the

surface elevation at the toe of the sloping bed were plotted together. Here it was seen thatthey collapsed on a single curve, which confirmed the repeatability of the generated wave.



0 10 20 300






0 10 20 300








Number of samplesNumber of samples







√ u′2


)Figure 3: Sensitivity analysis for convergence of RMS values as function of sample size.

Regarding the characteristics of the solitary wave the breaking criterion given in Grilli et al.(1997) can be applied. Here the breaking is defined based on the slope parameter,S 0, de-fined by:

S 0 = 1.521s√H/h


The breaking types are characterized in Grilli et al. (1997)as spilling (S 0 < 0.025),plunging (0.025< S 0 < 0.30), and surging (0.30< S 0 < 0.37). For the present experimen-tal conditions the slope parameter takes the valueS 0 = 1.71 which falls outside the definedbreaking criterion thus giving a reflecting wave. This is dueto the steep sloping bed. Aswill be seen later a breaking bore/hydraulic jump forms during the run-down.

It is noted that two processes in ordinary oscillating wavesare missing in the presentidealized solitary wave case, namely the process controlling the wave setup and the processcontrolling the water table in the porous core of the structure. The latter is of no importancefor the present experiments as the bed is impermeable.

Instrumentation and MeasurementsTwo types of measurements were performed: velocity measurements and surface eleva-

tion measurements. Measurements of velocities and turbulence were performed with LaserDoppler Anemometry (LDA). A DANTEC two-component LDA system was applied inback-scatter mode where the two velocity components, horizontal and vertical, were mea-sured simultaneously. The arrangement of the LDA system is shown in figure 4 for therigid bed setup with one layer of spherical elements. The velocity is measured in the porebetween the flume wall and the two neighbouring spheres across the vertical. Hence thevelocity does not represent that measured in a regular pore.However, the effect of the wallhas been investigated by repeating a reference experiment with measurement at a largerdistance from the wall. This showed no wall effect compared to the pore measurementsnear the wall. The wall pore is chosen as it gives a greater flexibility in term of positioning



the LDA measuring point.


Horizontal plane


glass wall

(a) (a)

Vertical section (a-a)

Rigid bed

LDA optics

Figure 4: Arrangement of LDA measurements for the rigid bed model with one layer ofspherical plastic balls. Measuring points are indicated with dots.

The surface elevation measurements were performed at two locations: at the offshorelocation and at the toe of the sloping bed as shown in figure 1, WG1 and WG2 respectively.Conventional resistance type wave gauges were used in the measurements. The LDA mea-surements and the surface elevation measurements were synchronized. In addition to theabove, synchronized flow visualization were performed using a digital video recorder ap-plying 250 fps. From here the detailed observations are drawn of the entire process ofrun-up, run-down, breaking and trailing waves.

EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSThe experiments cover three types of measurements: LDA velocity measurements, sur-

face elevation measurements and video visualization. In the following the main results ofthe experimental investigations are presented. First, a description of the run-up and run-down cycle is given based on visualisations of the experiments. Here the different flowregimes are outlined. Second, the details of the flow is investigated in terms of velocitiesand turbulence based on the LDA measurements.

Wave Run-up and Run-down CycleThe complete cycle of run-up and run-down is visually depicted and described based

on high-speed video recordings. Here the surface elevationis schematically presented fora number of relevant time steps during the process. The entire cycle is divided into thefollowing four regimes. i) approach, ii) run-up, iii) run-down and, iv) secondary run-up.

Figure 5 shows the entire sequence of run-up, run-down and trailing wave with sec-ondary run-up. The wave has already been characterised as being reflective i.e. no break-ing takes place during the run-up. In Grilli et al. (1997) andJensen et al. (2003) the run-upphase is divided into several types of flow regimes dependingon either the steepness of thesloping bed or the amplitude of the wave. At the lower part of the slope the thickness ofthe run-up wedge may be several times the roughness of the armour layer. Here the flowhas similarities with a rough bottom channel flow. At the upper part of the slope the run-upwedge thickness is less than the roughness, which may resemble flow around obstacles as



also described in Andersen et al. (2011). The effect of the roughness elements on the bedis clearly seen at the front of the upper surface wedge. This shows a highly disturbed andturbulent flow due to the flow around the roughness elements. Furthermore the front partof the flow generates an aeration zone where a large amount of air is trapped and releasedfrom in-between the roughness elements as the surface frontmoves up along the slope.

Section I

Section II

SWL-0.23 s

Aeration zone

0.48 s

0.0 s

Section I

Section II





1.74 s

1.49 s

Secondary run-up

air intrainment

1.27 s

Section I

Section II

SWL0.85 s

1.0 s1.2 s

Surface flow around

roughness elements

Stirring zone with

air intrainment

Figure 5: Visualisation of surface elevation on rough bed during A) run-up, B) run-down,and C) trailing wave.

Following maximum run-up the flow reverses and initiates therun-down phase. The up-per part of the slope experiences a flow where the relatively low water depth is maintained.A hydraulic jump is seen at the transition between the upper part of the flow (low waterdepth with supercritical flow) and the lower part (higher water depth with subcritical flow).At the end of the run-down phase the downwards directed flow interacts with the volumeof water above the lower part of the slope and generates a breaking bore. The breakingprocess on the run-down is also described in Jensen et al. (2003) and is shown numericallyand experimentally in Pedersen and Gjevik (1983).



Velocity and TurbulenceFigure 7 shows the bed-parallel-velocity time series. The flow direction above the

spheres is calculated based on the measured parallel and normal velocities,u andv andare shown in the top panel of figure 7. Here the flow reversal from run-up to run-down isclearly seen. The definition of the flow direction is given in figure 6. Fluctuations appearin the run-up phase (B in figure 7) and throughout the entire wave cycle as a result of lo-cally generated turbulence around the spheres. Close to thebed just above and in betweenthe spherical plastic elements the velocity is highly effected by the presence of the sphereswhich is also seen in terms of a high level of fluctuations throughout the wave cycle. Thefree stream fluctuations as well as the fluctuations around the spheres indicates one or sev-eral contributions to the turbulence during the run-up and partly the run-down phase whichcan be accounted for by the roughness elements. However the additional turbulence due tothe breaking bore during run-down is also seen (A in figure 7).Also turbulence generateddue to the turbulent boundary layer on the impermeable bed will be present however thismay be difficult to distinguish from the turbulence generated due to theroughness elements.Later in this paper a comparison is given to smooth bed experiments where the effect of theroughness is removed.


Figure 6: Definitions sketch of flow angle,α, calculated based on parallel and normalvelocities,u and v. Angle of the sloping bed isβ = 34o.

The turbulence levels presented in figure 8 further show the effect of the roughness ele-ments as already mentioned. Again, the flow direction is shown in the top panel and followthe definition in figure 6. The turbulence production is initiated from the beginning of therun-up phase and grows gradually until the point where the breaking bore during the run-down phase generates a peak increase in the turbulence level. During run-up fluctuationsare seen both in the free stream as well as in the pores. These may originate from two dif-ferent processes namely the boundary layer turbulence above the roughness elements andwake turbulence formed locally in-between the roughness elements.

Above the roughness elements the run-up turbulence develops to a smaller level thanin-between the roughness. At this point (B in figure 8) the turbulence is mainly generatedby boundary layer turbulence above the roughness elements as well as lee wake turbulencefrom in-between the roughness elements which is diffused up into the upper layers. A largeincrease is seen when the run-down breaking occurs (A in figure 8). Above the roughness



elements this process is seen earlier than in-between the roughness. Below the top of theroughness but above the center of the roughness a larger turbulence level is seen (C in figure8). Here the effect of lee wake turbulence from the roughness elements is seen. Also it isclear how the turbulence levels drop momentarily at the point of flow reversal from run-upto run-down.

−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4

























Parallel velocity2mm from the bed

Parallel velocity14mm from the bed

Parallel velocity29mm from the bed

Parallel velocity57mm from the bed

Flow direction57mm from the bed

Time [s]

Run-up Run-down







Figure 7: Time series for velocities parallel to the bed for solitary wave at measuringsection I on rough bed with one layer of spheres. The flow direction in the free streampoint above the spheres is shown as a reference signal in the top panel. Notation A, B andC refers to the discussion in the text.



−2 −1 0 1 2 3 40
















200√ u′








Parallel rms values2mm from the bed

Parallel rms values14mm from the bed

Parallel rms values29mm from the bed

Parallel rms values57mm from the bed

Flow direction57mm from the bed

Time [s]

Run-up Run-down









Figure 8: Time variation of the RMS values of the fluctuating component of the velocitycomponent parallel to the bed at measuring section I on roughbed with one layer ofspheres. The flow direction in the free stream point above thespheres is shown as areference signal in the top panel. Notation A, B, C and D refers to the discussion in thetext.

Finally a brief comparison is given with the corresponding data performed with thesmooth sloping bed setup. When the results from the rough bedexperiments are comparedto identical smooth bed experiments the effect of the surface roughness can be seen. Thecomparison is summarised in figure 9. Here it is seen how the bed parallel velocities experi-ences very little fluctuations during run-up and most of the run-down phase for the smooth



bed experiments. At the end of the run-down phase fluctuations are initiated first due toboundary layer turbulence and immediately after further increased due to the breaking borewhich is very pronounced for the smooth bed experiments. Compared to the rough bed ex-periments it is seen how the turbulent fluctuations starts todevelop during the run-up phasecaused by locally generated turbulence in-between the spherical elements. Again a largepeak in the fluctuations are found at the end of the run-down phase where the breaking boretransports turbulence down to the measuring section. Furthermore it is seen how the flowreverses from run-down to secondary run-up at an earlier stage for the rough bed comparedto smooth bed.

−2 −1 0 1 2 3 40






Smooth bedRough bed






√ u′2











Time - t [s]

Parallel rms values2mm from the bed

Parallel velocity2mm from the bed

Flow direction19mm from the bed

Run-up Run-down

Fluctuations frombreaking bore

Growth of turbulenceduring run-up

Figure 9: Time series for velocities and RMS values parallelto the bed for solitary wave atmeasuring section I. Comparison of smooth bed and rough bed with one layer of spheres.The flow direction in the free stream point above the spheres is shown as a reference signalin the top panel.

NUMERICAL MODEL AND SETUPThe experimental setup has been further investigated by numerical simulations. The

open source CFD library OpenFOAMR© has been applied including Large Eddy Simula-tion (LES) turbulence modelling. A detailed model has been setup where the roughnesselements on the sloping bed are resolved directly in a periodic domain. The measured free



stream flow from the physical experiments is applied as boundary conditions hereby en-abling a direct comparison of the simulated and measured results. The numerical modeland the model setup is described in the following.

Numerical ModelThe numerical model is based on a finite volume discretisation of the Navier-Stokes

equations on a collocated grid arrangement. The Navier-Stokes equations consists of thecontinuity and momentum equation as follows:

Continuity equation:


∂xi= 0 (6)

Momentum equations:


∂t+ ρu j


∂x j= − ∂p∂xi+∂

∂x jµ


∂x j+∂u j



whereρ is the density of the fluid,ui is the velocity vectorui = (u, v,w), p is thepressure,µ is the dynamical viscosity,t is the time, andx is the spatial variable.

For high Reynolds number flows the turbulent fluctuations maynot be resolved di-rectly by the computational grid. Therefore a turbulence model must be introduced toaccount for the effects of the turbulent fluctuations. For the present simulations a LargeEddy Simulation (LES) model has been applied that allows fora direct simulation of thelarge scale turbulent fluctuations while the LES model adds the effect of the small scaleturbulent fluctuations. LES modelling includes the direct simulation of turbulent fluctua-tions larger than the selected filter scale however this alsosets some strict requirements tothe grid resolution. In general a finer grid resolution is required compared to RANS turbu-lence models however some applications of LES within coastal engineering has been seene.g. Christensen and Deigaard (2001) and Christensen (2006) applied LES modelling forinvestigation of spilling and plunging breakers.

The LES model is based on a spatial filtering of the Navier-Stokes equations. A top-hatfilter is applied where the computational grid is used as the filter. The filtered Navier-Stokesequation reads:


∂t+ ρ∂uiu j

∂x j= − ∂p∂xi+∂

∂x jµ


∂x j+∂u j



where overbar denotes a filtered quantity. In equation 8 the second term on the left handside is split up into two terms as:

∂uiu j

∂x j=∂uiu j

∂x j+

∂(uiu j − uiu j


∂x j


The first term on the right hand side is simulated directly while the second term ismoved to the right hand side of equation 8 and must be modelled. This term is also referredto as the sub-grid scale Reynolds stress:



τi j s = −ρ(uiu j − uiu j


Equation 10 is called the closure problem for which a model must be applied. Thismodel will be referred to as a sub-grid scale model (sgs model). For the present simulationsthe Smagorinsky sgs model is applied. The sub-grid scale stresses given in equation 10 aremodelled as:

τi js =13τkk sδi j = 2µtS i j,

S i j =12


∂x j+∂u j


) (11)

Hereµt is the eddy viscosity which is found as:

µt = ρ(Cs∆)2|S | (12)

where∆ is the filter length scale and|S | = (2S i jS i j)1/2. Cs is the Smagorinsky constantthat is generally in the order of 0.065 to 0.2. For the presentsimulations it is set to 0.1however the optimal value can vary from case to case.

Model SetupThe model has been setup to reproduce the experimental results obtained for one layer

of spherical roughness elements on the sloping impermeablebed. Currently the focus hasbeen on the detailed flow around the spherical elements. Therefore a model has been setupthat includes the local area around the spheres. Only one spherical elements has beenresolved and periodic boundary conditions has been appliedin order to add the effect ofmultiple elements. With this approach the oscillating flow around the roughness elementis modelled; however the free surface is not included. This leaves out some effects such aswave breaking as will be seen later.

Figure 10 presents the setup in terms of geometry and appliedboundary conditions. Thedomain has horizontal dimensions corresponding to the diameter of one sphere,D = 38mmand a hight at 3D.

At the bottom below the sphere a wall boundary condition is applied whereu = 0 at theboundary. The surface of the sphere is modelled with a wall boundary condition as well.A slip boundary condition is applied at the top of the model while a periodic boundarycondition is applied on the vertical sides of the model. Hereby any quantity transportedout of the domain e.g. via the right hand boundary will at the same time be moved intothe domain via the left hand boundary. This will create the effect of an infinite number ofspheres placed next to each other.

The flow is driven by a forcing term in the momentum equation that is based on theexperimental measurements. Here the velocity measurementfrom the free stream regionabove the spheres (one run-up and run-down cycle) are used asinput. The momentumequation (7) is extended as:



d (mm)

u (m/s)

Top surface

of spheres

Wall BC





slip BC




Figure 10: Numerical model setup. One spherical element in aperiodic domain.


∂t+ ρu j


∂x j= − ∂p∂xi+∂

∂x jµ


∂x j+∂u j


)+ fi (13)

where the forcing term,fi, is included as:

fi = ρ∂uei


whereuei is the experimentally measured velocity vectoruei = (ue, ve,we).The computational grid is setup with the smallest grid cell being 0.3x0.3x0.3 mm (at the

surface of the sphere) and the largest grid cell being 2x2x4 mm (at the top of the model). Atotal of 800, 000 grid cells were applied. The computational grid is presented in figure 11.Parallel processing was applied where the model domain was decomposed into 6 domains.


The numerical results have been compared to the experimental measurements previ-ously presented. The bed parallel velocity is presented in figure 12 as ensemble averagedvertical velocity profiles. Time steps are selected to coverthe entire cycle of run-up, run-down and secondary run-up. Measurements (black line with circles) are compared to thenumerical results (red line).

The model is seen to capture the measurements with good agreement during the run-upand most of the run-down phase. Both the flow above the spheresas well as in the pores in-between the spheres are well described. During the last partof the run-down and especiallyat the secondary reflected run-up some deviations are seen. This might be due to the factthat the free surface is not included in the model and therebythe breaking bore during therun-down is not simulated. As seen for the experimental results in figure 7 and figure 8 the



Figure 11: Computational grid. Left panel: full view of domain. Right panel: close up onspherical surface.

flow is clearly affected by the run-down breaking in terms of velocities and fluctuations.This effect is not represented in this numerical model.

Figure 13 shows an iso-surface plot of vorticity around the longitudinal direction (in-line with the flow direction) and the transversal direction.On the left hand panel it isseen how the flow separates on the surface of the sphere and four symmetrical vorticesare formed which travels downstream with the flow. These vortices have similarities withhorse-shoe vortices which are well known from e.g. flow around vertical cylinders. Onthe right hand panel it can be seen how a boundary layer develops both on the smooth bedbelow the sphere as well as above the sphere. On the down stream side of the spheres a leezone is apparent where the boundary layer does not develop.

















−0.6 0 0.60







−0.6 0 0.6 −0.6 0 0.6 −0.6 0 0.6 −0.6 0 0.6

t=-1 s t=-0.8 s t=-0.6 s t=-0.4 s t=-0.2 s

t=0 s t=0.2 s t=0.4 s t=0.6 s t=0.8 s

t=1 s t=1.2 s t=1.4 s t=1.6 s t=1.8 s

u [m/s]







Figure 12: Ensemble averaged velocity profiles for velocities parallel to the bed for solitarywave at measuring section I. Comparison of measurements (black line with circles) andsimulated results (red line) for rough bed with one layer of spheres. The horizontal dashedline shows the top surface of the spheres.t = −1 − 0.2s corresponds to the run-up phaseand t = 0.4− 1.2s corresponds to the run-down phase


CONCLUSIONExperiments have been conducted with an impermeable sloping bed with a structured

layer of spherical roughness elements. The setup resemblesa simplified breakwater struc-ture. The experiments are part of a series of several experimental investigations wherethe individual physical processes are described. This is achieved by starting out with avery simple setup where the different structural parts are added; one at a time. Hereby thephysical processes can be seen and distinguished from each other.



Figure 13: Iso-surface of vorticity at a phase angle ofωt = 30deg. Left panel: vorticityaround the longitudinal direction (X-axis). Right panel: vorticity around the transversaldirection (Y-axis).

The experiments showed the effect of the roughness elements in terms of the turbu-lence generation during run-up both locally between the roughness elements and above theroughness as boundary layer turbulence. The breaking mechanism on run-down showed atransport of turbulence below the surface in-between the roughness elements. This processis very clear for the smooth bed experiments however it is also found for the rough bedexperiments.

The experiments have been followed by numerical simulations which have been setupto reproduce the experimental results. A periodic domain was applied to simulate the oscil-lating flow around one spherical roughness element however including the effect of severalspheres placed next to each other. Good agreement was found between the simulated andmeasured ensemble averaged velocities. Some deviations were seen at the very last partof the run-down phase which is explained by the fact that the free surface is not includedin the present simulations and thereby the breaking mechanism during the run-down is notdescribed. This effect will be included in future simulations where the free surface is sim-ulated. The numerical results showed a level of details which can be used for in-depthanalysis of e.g. erosion mechanisms and armour stone forces.


The support of the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation throughthe GTS grant: Fremtidens Marine Konstruktioner (Marine Structures of the Future), isacknowledged.


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Roman letters

Bi Immersed boundary method body force〈B〉 Superficial (filter) volume averaged quantity〈B〉f Intrinsic (pore) volume averaged quantitya Porosity model resistance parameterb Porosity model resistance parameterCpB Base suction pressure coefficientCp Pressure coefficientCs Smagorinsky constantD Diameterd Core material diameterDn50 Equivalent cube lengthD85/D15 Stone gradingFi Porosity model resistance force termf Frequencyg Gravitational accelerationH Wave heightH0 Deep water wave heightHm0 Significant wave heightHI Incident/incoming wave heightHR Reflected wave heighth Water depthI Hydraulic gradientK Empirical coefficient for stability formulaKC Keulegan-Carpenter numberk Wave numberks Equivalent roughness heightKD Empirical coefficient for stability formulaKR Reflection coefficientL Wave lengthL0 Deep water wave lengthN Counter for e.g. number of realisations, number of grid points etc.Nz Number of wavesn Porosityn Normal vector



P Permeability factor in Chapter 1, Eq. (1.4)p Pore water pressurep Ensemble averaged pore water pressure〈p〉 Volume averaged ensemble averaged pore water pressure〈p〉f Intrinsic (pore) volume averaged ensemble averaged pore water pressurep′′ Spatial fluctuating part of the pore water pressureR Run-up on circular cylinderRc Crest free boardRe Reynolds numberReD Armour stone Reynolds numberRep Pore Reynolds numberr Radial distance for RBF interpolationr0 Scaling factor for RBF interpolationS Damage levelS Source term in Chapter 5, Eq. (22)S0 Slope parameter for solitary wave breakingSt Strouhal numbers Relative density of stoness Slope angle in Chapter 2, Eq. (4)T Wave periodt TimeU0 Free stream velocityUf Friction velocityUfc Critical friction velocityui Cartesian velocity vectorui Ensemble averaged velocity vector〈ui〉 Superficial (filter) volume averaged ensemble averaged velocity vector〈ui〉f Intrinsic (pore) volume averaged ensemble averaged velocity vectoru′ Fluctuating component of the velocityu′′ Spatial fluctuating component of the velocityVf Control volume for volume averagingVi Desired velocity vector for immersed boundary methodxi Cartesian coordinate vector

Greek letters

α Porosity model resistance coefficientα Free water surface tracer (VOF) in Chapter 4, Eq. (9)β Porosity model resistance coefficientγ Slope angle of bedγf Surface roughness factorγp Added mass coefficient for porosity model∆ Relative submerged stone density∆t Time step incrementε Error between measured/analytical and simulationη Water surface elevation


θc Critical Shields parameterθc0 Critical Shields parameter on flat bedµ Dynamical viscosityµt Eddy viscosityν Kinematic viscosityξ0 Surf similarity parameterρs Stone densityρw Water densityτ0 Bed shear stressτsij Sub-grid scale Reynolds stressesφs Friction angle for stone and gravelφ(r) Radial basis function (RBF) for interpolationφNi,j Numerical solution on a N gridω Cyclic frequencyφ1260×1260i,j Numerical solution on a 1260× 1260 gridωi Weights for RBF interpolation





In the following an overview is given on the applied discretisation schemes for the numer-ical simulations. The choice of discretisation, e.g. first order, second order etc., can influ-ence the accuracy of the numerical model. The details of the individual models regardingdomain size, computational mesh, boundary conditions etc. are given in the appropriatechapters.

The applied discretisation is given in the following for each terms in the equations. Themomentum equation is used to exemplify the different terms:



= − ∂p

∂xi+ gjxj







where ρ is the density of the fluid, ui is the Cartesian velocity vector ui = (u, v, w), p isthe excess pressure, gj is the jth component of the gravitational vector, µ is the dynamicalviscosity, t is the time, and xi are the Cartesian coordinates.

The first term on the left hand side is the temporal term. The second term on the left handside is the convective term which corresponds to a divergence term. The two first termson the right hand side are gradient terms of pressure and density, respectively. The thirdterm on the right hand side is the diffusive term which corresponds to a Laplacian term.The Laplacian term can also be seen as the divergence of a gradient, i.e. a combinationof the divergence term and gradient term. The details on how each of these terms weretreated in the numerical simulations are given in the following.

The finite volume (FV) discretisation of each term was done by integrating over a cellvolume, V . The Gauss integration was applied for all terms where the spatial derivatives



were converted to integrals over the cell surface, S, that enclosed the cell volume by theGauss theorem. Figure A.1 presents the definitions for the discretisation where P is thecentre point of the cell of interest, N is the centre point of the neighbouring cell, d is thelength vector between P and N , f is the face plane shared between the two cells, and Sfis the surface area vector to the face plane, f .

The following descriptions are shown for a general version of each term for the quantity,φ.

Figure A.1: Definitions for finite volume discretisation.

A.1 Gradient terms

Gradient terms are integrated over the control volume and linearised as:



∂xidV =

∫SdSφ =


Sfφf (A.2)

where V is the volume of the cell, S is the surface area of the cell. The field value at theface of the control volume, φf , was evaluated by linear differencing also referred to ascentral differencing (CD):

φf =|df,N ||dP,N |

φP +

(1−|df,N ||dP,N |

)φN (A.3)

where |df,N | is the distance between the face plane f and the centre point N , and |dP,N |is the distance between the center point P and the centre point, N . The linear CD-schemeis unbounded and second order accurate.


A.2 Divergence terms

The divergence terms, e.g. the convective term in the momentum equation, are integratedover the control volume and linearised as:



∂xjdV =

∫SdS • (ρuiφ) =


Sf • (ρui)fφf (A.4)

The field value at the face of the control volume, φf , is determined by the linear upwinddifferencing (LUD) scheme:

φf = φP +φP − φN|d|

|dP,f | (A.5)

The LUD-scheme is based on the upwind differencing (UD) scheme but includes a correc-tion term based on the upstream gradient. Only values from upstream nodes are appliedwhich ensures that the scheme is bounded. The LUD-scheme is second order accurate.

A.3 Laplacian terms

The Laplacian terms, e.g. the diffusive term in the momentum equation, are integratedover the control volume and linearised as:





)dV =

∫SdS • Γ




ΓfSf •(∂φ




where Γ is the diffusion coefficient. The value of the diffusion coefficient, which corre-sponds to µ in the case of the momentum equation, at the cell face is obtained by lineardifferencing by the CD-scheme as given in Eq. (A.2). For the surface normal gradient alinear corrected scheme is applied. The correction accounts for mesh non-orthogonalityin the case where the length vector d between the centre of cell P and the neighbouringcell N is not orthogonal to the face plane, f , between the two cells. For the orthogonalcase the linear differencing of the surface normal gradient is:

Sf •(∂φ



= |Sf |φN − φP|d|



A.4 Temporal terms

The temporal term is integrated over a control volume and discretised by differencing intime using the implicit Euler scheme:


∫VρφdV =

(ρPφPVP )n+1 − (ρPφPVP )n


where n + 1 is the time step the equations are solved for (one step ahead in time), n isthe current time step with known values, and ∆t is the time step increment. The implicitEuler is first order accurate in time.

DTU Mechanical Engineering

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