web design versus web development

Post on 08-May-2015






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SEO Dallas Web Design Company specializing in web design, search engine marketing, social marketing and business application development.


Web Design versus Web Development

To the untrained eye, there might not seem to be a big difference between web design and web development.

However, those who are familiar with the industry know that there are many major differences between these two

terms. The following are a few things that separate web design from web development, and why it is important that

people recognize these differences.

Web Design Versus Web Development

• Web design refers to the part of a website that an end user sees. Particularly, it refers to the graphic elements

and page layouts that make up the visual portion of any website.

• Web development refers to the opposite end of the website, often called the "back end" by industry

professionals. This part of the website is designed to do all of the dirty work and to present the right information

to website visitors in the correct format.

• When a designer is finished with a web design, it typically does not include code. Instead, the design is used as

the basis for any code. The web designer often will break up the web design into two areas: one that can be

represented by code and another that is only made up of graphics or images.

• Web development is often referred to as any data-driven website design that uses specialty scripting languages.

These languages include PHP, ASP.NET, ASP and Coldfusion.

• Web development often also covers the development and design of databases as well. It can also mean

developing scripts such as Java.

People who are looking into a contractor to do their web design and web development need to be aware of these

crucial differences. Often, a contractor might describe their services as web development because that is the most

common term used in the industry. However, they might not necessarily mean that they will be providing you with

both web design services and web development services. When working with a web design contractor or web

development contractor, it is extremely important to have the contractor outline exactly what their services will entail.

This way, you know exactly what you will be getting from the contractor and also you will know exactly what goes into

make your website look great. Dallas web design and web development in tandem ensure that you have a fluid,

flexible website that works not only for you but also for your visitors as well.

Responsive Web Design Tips by Dallas Web Design

Responsive web design is one of the latest and greatest techniques when it comes to Dallas web design. Whether

the site is meant to be personal or professional, responsive web design will ensure that the site is fluid and flexible,

allowing it to be exactly what the end user needs it to be depending on the device they are using. There are three

main goals of any website that uses this approach. First, it will have flexible grids. Second, the CSS can be changed

depending on the type of browser being used. Third, all media is flexible and will scale based on the browser's


Responsive Web Design Tips

• Avoid maximum scale at all costs. When a web designer sets a maximum scale for the page, the user will not be

able to pinch and zoom in on the page. As this is one of the most basic functions a page needs to have

nowadays, it is important to always keep the maximum scale set at 0.

• Trust the professionals you are working with on your website. They know what they are doing. Not only do most

web designers have experience working with the best techniques used in the past, but they also are eager about

working with the latest techniques to make browsing the web even better. By placing your trust in them, you will

be able to reap the benefits of a functional responsive website.

• Remember that the size and dimensions should always be fluid. Again, with people using a variety of different

devices to browse the web, websites need to be able to be flexible. Using responsive web design, you will be

able to create a website that can adapt to just about any resolution size, be it 800x600 or 768px.

• Make proportions the priority. Instead of focusing on the resolution, keep proportions at the forefront of your

website design. Keeping images, graphics, logos and text proportional will help keep your website flexible and

fluid in the age of responsive web design.

While this web design approach was initially met with some resistance, it is proving to be one of the most effective

approaches during this day and age. This is largely because people are not only browsing the Internet on their

personal computers or laptops. In fact, most people spend more time checking out the Internet on their phones,

tablets and other mobile devices. Times will continue to change rapidly, so staying ahead of the curve is key to

ensuring your Dallas web design works well.

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