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Unit 5: Media Literacy



CompletedValue Mark

The Essentials – Grammar and Paragraph Writing Parallelism /10Capitalization /10Final Mark for Grammar /20 /10Final Mark for Basic Sentence Review /50 /10The Importance of Media Literacy1. Personal Media Usage /50 /302. Privacy /20 /103. Tough Guise or Killing Me /60Mark /130 /100 /15 /20

Outcomes: 4-1 Critically evaluate information and stories accessed through media4-2 Interact in both leadership and support roles to plan and produce


Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 1 2012-2013

4-3 Produce media characterized by complexity of thought and structure

MEDIA ASSIGNMENTSStudents will complete the Media Literacy assignments, Privacy and either Tough Guise or Killing Us Softly.

Media Literacy1. Media Awareness – Complete the form below for yourself. (5 marks)

Activity Total # of hours / day

Content (what are you watching, reading, playing)

Watching TV Top 5 programs Genre: drama, crime, comedy, home improvement, news, etc.


Playing video games

Top 3 video games Genre: puzzles, sport, warfare, etc.123

Searching the net Top 3 sites visited Genre: news, videos, cooking, etc.


Facebook or other social networking site


Reading a book Comments:HomeworkSleepingEatingPhysical ActivityHobbies

Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 2 2012-2013

Now complete the form for a child. If you have children, look after children, have friends with children, answer the questions below regarding their activity – up to age 14Activity Total # of

hours / dayContent (what are you watching, reading, playing)

Watching TV Types of shows:

Playing video games

Types of video games:

Searching the net Sites they visit:

Facebook or other social networking


ReadingHomeworkSleepingEatingPhysical ActivityHobbiesOther Questions:

Does your child have a TV in his/her bedroom?

□ Yes □ No

Does your child have a computer in his/her bedroom?

□ Yes □ No

Have you ever used the TV as a babysitter?

□ never □ sometimes □ often

How many items does your child own/use that are based on a TV or movie character

□ one or two □ under 10 □ more than 10

When your child is watching TV do □ never □ sometimes □ often

Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 3 2012-2013

you watch with them?

2. Media Analysis (10/15 marks) – Look at the information above and reflect on your personal media use. What types of programming dominate your your viewing? How could this affect your values and lifestyle? What types of messages are you receiving? What content are you receiving the most? Is this a problem? What are your children watching the most? What medium is affecting them the most? Describe any difference between the amount of media you are using compared to that used by the child you studied. Explain the difference. Explain any concerns you may have. Academic: How do your findings add truth to McLuhan’s words – the medium is the message or does it?

3. Media Activism (5 marks / 10 marks) Once again looking at your findings and your reflection on these findings, make a list of at least five changes you will make to your personal media usage. Academic students: Include in your list, the reason why you are doing this and the outcome you hope to achieve. You may create a chart to reflect this information if you’d prefer.

4. Media Advocacy (5 marks / 10 marks) – What steps will you take to promote positive media use? You may create a list, a SmartArt document, a poster or a short letter to the editor.

5. Media Access – (5 marks / 10 marks) Case Study: CTV recently aired a show at 8:00 p.m. on a weeknight that showed excessive violence and sexuality. No warnings were given and this was a program not usually scheduled at this time. You are shocked at the content and turn the set off immediately. What is your next step?

Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 4 2012-2013

The media's power is frail. Without the people's support, it can be shut off with the ease of turning

a light switch.” Corazon Aquino



Assignment: Graduates choose one of the activities below. Academic students

do both.

1. Create a flyer or poster explaining how to create a self-profile that still

protects one’s privacy. Include what you think is the most significant risk to

privacy and explain what you believe to be the most effective means of

controlling the risk.

2. Make a list of all the personal, government-related and business information

that exists about you. Your list must include 20 items. An example is 1. SIN # .

. . (you do not have to give the actual number). Based on the information you

have gathered, write a brief reflection on this statement: “If someone put

Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 5 2012-2013





together all the personal information you have provided about yourself, how

much would they find out about you and so what?”

Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 6 2012-2013

Tough Guise or Killing Us SoftlyChoose one of these short films: Jackson Katz’s Tough

Guise: Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity or

Jean Kilbourne’s, Killing Us Softly 3 (or 4). Check their

availability through the NSCC Library. Short versions

can be searched on line. Check out or Class viewings will be



Tough Guise Assignment

1. Media Awareness:

Tagxedo Vocabulary Assignment: Graduate students list at least 10 words

associated with this film. Academic students must use more than 10 words and

demonstrate a clear theme through your word choices and the shape of your

Tagxedo. Save your Tagxedo and email to your instructor who will print off a

colour copy.

Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 7 2012-2013

2. Media Analysis: Options – Graduate students do one; academics, two.

Option 1: “Real Man” project:

Graduate students: Graduate students:

List 10 words/phrases that describe a “real man”. Using magazines from the classroom or at home, find at least 10 ads, articles,

headlines that support your choices. Create a poster that includes the ad and the descriptor you have selected. Create an effective title for your poster. Be prepared to share your findings with the class. Be ready to discuss how you felt about your “real man” descriptors.

Academic students: Academic students: Compare the words that describe a “real man” and the “man who doesn’t Compare the words that describe a “real man” and the “man who doesn’t

quite measure up”. quite measure up”. Show the comparison in either a poster by writing or a one-to two page essay.Show the comparison in either a poster by writing or a one-to two page essay. Be prepared to share your findings with the class.Be prepared to share your findings with the class. Be ready to discuss how you feel about your “real man” and your “man who Be ready to discuss how you feel about your “real man” and your “man who

doesn’t quite measure up” descriptors.doesn’t quite measure up” descriptors. After your presentation, write a brief reflection on what you learned from the After your presentation, write a brief reflection on what you learned from the

descriptors you selected and the supporting documents as well as what you descriptors you selected and the supporting documents as well as what you learned from the class.learned from the class.

Option 2: Discuss a book, film, sport personality, politician, or someone you know that features a man who portrays an image of himself as a “real man” when in reality, he is really something quite different from this stereotype. Use the 5W and H approach to this assignment – Who is it? What does he do? Where did he live? When did this happen? How did he portray himself (use ads, stories, articles)? What is he really like? Academic students: So what?

Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 8 2012-2013

See set up options for Option 2 and 3 below.

Option 1 – for the ALP student who enjoys using the computer Using an online tool like Prezi ( or PowerPoint, tell an

organized and detailed story of the man you have selected to discuss.

Option 2 – for the artistic ALP student who enjoys fine art Create an, organized, visually attractive and informative poster or

piece of art making sure you tell an organized and detailed story of the man you have selected to discuss. You could also write a song or a poem or come up with any other creative work that meets the assignment requirements.

Option 3 – for the ALP student who enjoys writing

Create an organized essay (no more than two pages double spaced) making sure you tell an organized and detailed story of the man you have selected to discuss.

Option 3: Write about a personal experience about yourself or someone you have known who has had to conform to a rigid gender stereotype. Use the 5W and H approach to this assignment – Who is it? What does he do? Where did he live? When did this happen? How did he portray himself? What is he really like? Academic students: So what?

3. Media Activism: Choose one of the options below.

Option 1: Media reflects change or inspires it?

Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 9 2012-2013

Find a picture of a male movie star from the 1960s and one from today. Find a picture of a male football star from the 1960s and one from today and finally, find a picture of a war hero from the 40s, 50s, or 60s and one from today. List the similarities and differences for both. Creatively arrange these pictures with the comparative descriptions. You can use Venn Diagrams to help sort this out. Graduate students hand in your picture display and your Venn diagrams. In addition, write a reflection on why these changes have taken place. Academic students, take this one step further – reflect on whether or not you think media reflects the change in society or inspires change. Who decides how people should look – us or the media?

Option 2: Stereotypes

Divide your paper in two. On one side, write down qualities that are masculine and on the other, qualities considered feminine. Then return to your lists and decide what cultural values we assign to theses descriptions. Next, look at your lists again and decide which qualities encourage stereotypes about gender or race. You may design a chart to illustrate your responses to this assignment. Write a reflection on what happens when we categorize people. Academic students – find a newspaper article that reinforces stereotypes of a specific group of men. Write about the stereotype by focusing on the sort of masculinity portrayed.

Option 3: Backlash

Find one/two newspaper/online articles that illustrate violence against a person because that person does not meet our current definition of a “real man”. Using the 5ws and h, discuss the news item. Academic students, take this one step further – reflect on whether or not you think media encourages this violence and if so, how.

Option 4: Fact: 90% of all violent crimes are committed by men

Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 10 2012-2013

Do images of men as powerful because they’re in control (of both women and men) contribute to violence? Find two (four) examples in the media (film, TV, books, articles) where boys/men are shown as being in control or abusive to girls/women. Using the 5ws and h, discuss whether or not you feel this portrayal of violence effects a man’s likelihood of using violence?

4. Media Advocacy and Access – Everyone do 1 and choose 1 option. Academic students, choose 2 options.

1. Identify a specific form of media (television, film, gaming, print) that perpetuates male stereotypes. Write a letter to the president of the production company (the producer, director, corporate boss) that discusses the points raised in the film, Tough Guise, the producer’s role in perpetuating male violence and what they can do to change.

Option1: Women perpetuate the myths about “tough guise”. Explain this. Give examples. What should women be doing to change this?

Option 2: Divide your page in half. On one side, list ten typical characteristics of masculinity. On the other, list characteristics of the non-traditional man. Next, list five TV shows or movies that depict the traditional man and five that depict the non-traditional man. Which shows would you advocate that others should watch and why? Have these changing depictions made a difference? What kind?

Option 3: Write a short story from the perspective of a male (your age) in the 1950s who is transported to 2012 that focuses on gender roles and interactions.

5. Reflection All students reflect on the film, Tough Guise, and write a review or create a compelling ad encouraging others to see it.Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 11 2012-2013

Killing Us Softly 4 Assignment

1. Media Awareness:

Tagxedo Vocabulary Assignment: Graduate students list at least 10 words associated with being a woman in today’s culture. Academic students must use more than 10 words and demonstrate a clear theme through your word choices and the shape of your Tagxedo. Save your Tagxedo and email to your instructor who will print off a colour copy.

2. Media Analysis: Do two/ Do two/fourfour assignments assignments

1: What is the “perfect woman”?

List 10 words/phrases that describe a “perfect woman” according to media Using magazines from the classroom or at home, find at least 10 ads, articles,

headlines that support your choices. Create a poster that includes the ad and the descriptor you have selected. Create an effective title for your poster.

Academic students: Academic students:

Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 12 2012-2013

Compare the words that describe a “perfect woman” and the “woman who Compare the words that describe a “perfect woman” and the “woman who doesn’t quite measure up”. doesn’t quite measure up”.

Show the comparison in either a poster by writing or a one-to two page essay.Show the comparison in either a poster by writing or a one-to two page essay. After your presentation, write a brief reflection on what you learned from the After your presentation, write a brief reflection on what you learned from the

descriptors you selected and the supporting documents as well as what you descriptors you selected and the supporting documents as well as what you learned from the class.learned from the class.

2. Objectification

Look through popular magazines and find at least five ads that objectify women in order to sell a product. Save these images to create a poster that shows the image and a brief explanation of the objectification. List the possible consequences of objectification. Create an effective title for your poster. Academic students, take this one step further – reflect on whether or not you think media reflects the change in society or inspires change. Who decides how people should look – us or the media?

3. Sexualization

Find at least five examples where a young woman, or girl, is sexualized in an advertisement. Break down each of the ads you have selected.

What product is being advertised? How is the girl in the ad sexualized? Academic students, take this one step further – reflect on whether or not

you think media reflects the change in society or inspires change. Who decides how people should look – us or the media?

4. Ageism

Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 13 2012-2013

Advertisements for beauty products frequently claim that women can defy the normal and natural aging process and seemingly look young forever. Find five ads for products that claim to fight the signs of age. Save the ads and include them in your assignment. Answer the following questions.

What are they selling? What point of view do these ads seem to have toward age and beauty? How is this point conveyed specifically in each ad? Academic students, take this one step further – reflect on whether or not

you think media reflects the change in society or inspires change. Who decides how people should look – us or the media?

5. Body Image

In The Hunger Games, plastic surgery was the norm in the Capitol. Research statistics on plastic surgery performed in North America, particularly in the United States.

What are the main surgeries performed? Are we the Capitol? What are the weirdest surgeries performed? What reasons do women give for having surgery? What are the ages of women having these surgeries? What is the

youngest? What is the oldest? What are the most surgeries done by one woman? Why are so many plastic surgeries being performed? Find pictures of five well known women who defy the norm and refuse to

have plastic surgery. Why have they elected this route? Academic students, take this one step further – reflect on whether or not you think media reflects the change in society or inspires change. Who decides how people should look – us or the media?

Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 14 2012-2013

3. Media Activism: Choose one of the options below.

1. Objectification:

Jean Kilbourne states “turning a human being into a thing is almost always the first step toward justifying the violence against that person”. What does she mean by this? Do you agree with her reasoning? Why or why not?

2. Sexualization:

In ads that are sexualizing women and girls,

Who is the target audience? What message does this image send to young girls about sex? What message does this image send to young boys about sex? What do you think it says to older men?

3. Ageism:

Do you think advertising has created the idea that youth and beauty are synonymous? Or do you think it simply reflects this cultural attitude? Explain what you see as the difference and why it matters.

Do you see signs of this attitude toward aging in other parts of the culture? If so, give examples

Do you think this is a universal attitude? Or do you think different cultures might take different views of the aging process?

Do you think that our views of aging and beauty might reinforce ideas and ideals that go beyond “skin”? Explain.

4. Body Image:

Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 15 2012-2013

What is the acceptance of plastic surgery saying to women and, in fewer cases, men?

Would you have plastic surgery? Why or why not? What advice would you give your daughters?

5. Media and Violence Against Women

Read Sandra Cisneros’ short story “Woman Hollering Creek and this document or the documents from The Chronicle Herald

Do you think the values and messages we absorb from media – including advertising – might contribute in any way to the difficulties women often have learning abusive relationships? If so, how? If not, why not? What other factors contribute to these situations?

4. Media Advocacy/Access: Choose one.

Option 1: Choose one of the topics above (objectification, sexualization, ageism, plastic surgery, violence against women) and explain what changes you will make in your own life to correct viewpoints that don’t support your own. You may write a reflection, create a poster advising others, or have a dialogue with the class. Academic students, take this one step further – reflect on whether or not you think media reflects the change in society or inspires change. Who decides how people should look – us or the media?

Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 16 2012-2013

What will you tell your daughters, your husband or partner, your friends, your friends’ daughters about objectification and sexualization of women and girls?

What message do you want to get across? How will you do this?

Option 2: Design a self-help brochure or poster that will provide women and girls with information on where they can go for help if they are in an abusive relationship.

Option 3: Write a short story from the perspective of a female (your age) in the 1950s who is transported to 2012 that focuses on gender roles and interactions.

Option 4: Divide your page in half. On one side, list ten typical characteristics of femininity. On the other, list characteristics of the non-traditional female. Next, list five TV shows or movies that depict the traditional female and five that depict the non-traditional female. Which shows would you advocate that others should watch and why? Have these changing depictions made a difference? Explain. Academic students, take this one step further – reflect on whether or not you think media reflects the change in society or inspires change. Who decides how people should look – us or the media?

5. Reflection All students reflect on the film, Killing Us Softly 4 and write a review or create a compelling ad encouraging others to see it.

Comm 1040 / 1041 UNIT 2 – PROJECTS: MEDIAWaterfront (NSCC) 17 2012-2013

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