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Post on 26-Aug-2020






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Allisha Bell


Individual/Family Tree Project

Infancy (0-2)

I surprised my parents by coming 8 days early, my parents had been working on

remodeling the kid’s bedroom. While at the lumber store, my mom started having

contractions. She didn’t think anything about it, probably just more Braxton hick’s contractions,

because she had a lot of false labor. About an hour in, the contractions were getting really hard.

She realized it was real labor, so they quickly dropped Elnathan (my older brother) off with the

Grandparents, then off to the hospital. Once out of the truck, her water broke (she was so

thankful that it didn’t happen in grandpa’s truck), She left a trail of water all through the

hospital. I came quicker than the doctors thought, the on-call anesthesiologist was in Ogden

playing golf, so it took a while for him to get to her. She got an epidural through all the pain, but

I had different plans. I didn’t wait for the epidural to take place, and I came 5 minutes later. I

was 6lbs 8oz and 20 inches long, I had lots of dark hair and such a beautiful baby.

For the most part, I was a happy baby. Although my mom says that when I wanted

something, I was very vocal and let everyone know. I was very determined, I was sitting at 5

months then got my first tooth at 6 months, crawling at 7 months and took my first step at 11


Elnathan and I were a team when we were younger, and we got into some trouble. One

day my mom was in the bathroom, Elnathan got into the fridge and threw eggs at me, luckily,

he was a terrible aim and they landed at my feet but I was having a grand old time playing with

the shells and the goop. Another time my mom was making strawberry jam, there was a 10lb

bag of sugar on the tables edge. I reached up and grabbed it and dumped it all over my body

and all over the floor. My mom couldn’t get away from the jam because she still had a few

minutes left of it cooking. Elnathan and I made sugar angels, skated on it, and spread it all over

the kitchen. Then when my mom was finished with that batch, she put us in the tub. The phone

rang, so she left for seconds to get it. In the bathroom, there was several new tubes of

toothpaste because of a sale, we decided it was a perfect time to redecorate the bathroom.

We got toothpaste everywhere. I believe after this my mom didn’t leave us alone even for a


I loved to be a big helper, when my little sister was born I was only 18 months. One day

she was asleep on my parent’s bed. I heard her crying and decided she needed my mom. So, I

picked her up, the only way I knew how, I grabbed her under her arms and carried her to my

mom. My mom said that she heard her crying but it was coming closer, I was so proud that I

was helping.

We were always getting in trouble but we were able to bond with each other during

those years. Though it only lasted a while, as we grew our personalities began to clash.

Halloween 86, getting ready to trick or treat My newborn picture, 1985

with grandma and grandpa

Family picture outside grandma Halloween 85, dressed at a kitty and the

and grandpas 1986 lone ranger

Adolescents (age 3-12)

We moved from our little home off of 7th East when I was 4. My dad got a job in Jerome

Idaho, and that is where I called home for the next 4 years of my life.

My time in Idaho was good, I made many friends. I had a friend KC who I would hang out

with every once in a while, but would talk to him on the phone. I remember tangling my fingers

through the cord. I had a friend Erin who lived in the country and had horses. It was so fun to

have those moments with her.

We had a huge backyard and loved to play in it, I loved the apricot trees we had.

Climbing the tree to collect them was always a highlight. Also, we had a very fun

neighborhood. There was a person who had caught a mountain lion and kept it as a pet in a

cage. It was always exciting to get a chance to see it as we walked or drove by.

My dad was scout master for several years while we were there. He would take us with

him while on camping trips, I loved helping my dad set up the camp area, the triangle bridges

and getting involved in the activities. I think this is what helped to instill my love of camping

now. One year as a fund raiser my parents had an old beat up car. They did a slug-a-thon, pay

a certain amount of money, and hit the car with a sledge hammer. It was a great success, and it

was so much fun to see everyone try too hard to destroy the car.

We started dance and gymnastics, a year before we moved. I loved ballet and looked

forward to each class. I was able to develop a little talent and they asked me to help the

younger class during the performance for Sally the Camel. That was probably the hardest

things I have done, I needed to hold the camel head by a stick under a blanket and couldn’t see

where I was going. I ended up running into a woman (who was part of the cast), and the set

wall. My dad caught it on camera and for a long time it was so embarrassing.

When I was almost 9 my dad got a new job so we moved to Washington. This is where I

would really feel like home. Though by this age I didn’t get along with most of my siblings. My

younger sister and I were either best of friend or most of the time enemies. We would have

epics fights and my parents tried many things to help with this issue. They even resorted to

putting tape down the center of the room to help, which only caused more trouble, because

then we would tease each other about being on the wrong side. As for my other siblings, they

thought it was funny to tease me, my nickname became the windy lady, because they could

only hear the wind when I talked. I won’t like it really hurt but I was the odd one out. As I grew

I learned to ignore them and not give the response they were looking for and eventually they


I loved our new neighborhood, we had a park right around the corner and played there

almost every day. We also had some fantastic neighbors, and we became the best of friends.

We grew up playing ball, tag, and other fun active game on the street that we lived. It was

some of my happiest memories, because we weren’t scared about getting wet in the rain, we

were there to have fun!

During this time, I also was molested, but I was too scared to come forward and so I

lived with shame and guilt for many years to come. Which lead me into a depressed state

especially as I was moving into my teenage years.

My third birthday, I loved my clown cake At a dance practice, I loved these

dresses. But I loved to play dress up


My mom and I at a valiant girls activity (9) We got stuck in Mountain home, ID on our

way back to UT. We still all seemed somewhat

happy (12)

Teenager (13-19)

My teens were a hard time for me, because as I stated earlier I had started the stages of

depression around 12. As a young LDS girl, I felt ashamed and worthless. I was afraid to go to anyone

because I was afraid I would be looked at differently. So, I tried to live life well and happy though it

wasn’t ever complete. There were many times in my life (especially early years 13-16) that I

contemplated suicide. I thought no one would really miss me, and I am not sure anyone really took the

time to hear my concerns or took them seriously.

As time went on, I tried to move forward. I made some good friends, though most of the time I

was the third wheel, I had something to look forward to at school. Though many time I still fought to

keep control of the depression. There were many fun activities I would do with these 4 girls: we would

get ready together for dances, have bonfires, but mostly we would just sit, talk and watch chick flicks.

One day while getting ready to attend a Priest/Laurel activity I came home to get ready and there were

police officers at almost every street. I went inside but was told I wouldn’t be able to leave the house

(my dad was able to go talk with the officers and I was able to leave with my friends to go to the

activity,) when I got home I found out a convict escaped from the police station. When searching for

him, the police dogs kept coming to my window, so they had to search my room to make sure my”

boyfriend” (what the police thought) was in there. My parents re-assured them that I had nothing to do

with him.

There were times that I hated being the oldest girl in my family, my brother would be in charge,

because he was the oldest. But I would be the one who would actually do everything. When trying to

get the kids to do something their response was, you are not in charge of me. One night my youngest

brother was upset that I wouldn’t let him watch his movie because he needed to do his chores. He

ended up calling 911, me being a scared teenager I unplugged the phone. Not my wises decision, we had

a police officer come to our house to make sure everything was okay. She was very nice and explained

to Harland that you call 911 only for emergencies. I was also told not to unplug the phone next time.

But I think we both learned our lesson that day.

My teenage years were not all bad, I had a pretty good relationship with my parents. My mom

and I would stay up talking many nights. I really treasure those times and her telling me each time I

would go out, remember who you are. My dad and I weren’t as close but I knew he loved him. He

would tell me how special I was, it was nice to hear especially since most of the time I didn’t feel that

way. But he was also a jokester, we had a paper route to help make ends meet for several years. One

night there was quite a few deer, I didn’t think much of it until one got spooked and ran in front of our

car. Luckily, we weren’t going too fast and it just slid up the hood, though every time I saw a deer the

rest of the night. He would say look out, and made me jump the rest of the night.

He also made sure that I was taken care of while I attend beauty school in Rexburg. It was my

first time away from my parents, it was hard but this was the start of me learning I can do and

accomplish hard things. He would call and make sure I had enough money and that I was doing all right

and see how my day was going. I am truly grateful for the parents I have because they have helped me

many times throughout my life.

Which brings me to 19, I was happy now for the most part. I was active in the YSA ward and

activities. I had made some close friends and hung out with them pretty much every night. Some of my

favorite things we did was go bowling, we were terrible but we didn’t care. I had a great job and could

go shopping with them, at this moment in my life I was so carefree and I was close to true happiness.

My 8th grade school picture (13) My family loved to go swimming at Lewisville river

My aunt took this picture of us during FHE (14)

My junior prom, we took several fun pictures My senior photos for the yearbook (17)

before hand and I had such a great night (16)

Adulthood (2o’s and up)

As I think back, my twenties were like a roller coaster, I had some great ups, but some

major downs. Let me take you back to the beginning.

When I turned 20, life was good. I was going to the YSA ward and institute, I had a

calling as a council member on the institute committee. I enjoyed my job as a shipper with Plus, I was blessed with some great friends. This happiness went on for 2

years. My life then became complete, or so I thought, when I met Chris. He was the love of my

life and I couldn’t wait to start my lifelong journey with him.

Our engagement lasted a year; I shouldn’t have known in that time that it wasn’t right,

but I was blinded by “love”, and worried I wouldn’t find anyone else. We got married in May

with a crazy wedding. I didn’t realize that you needed (in Washington) to get your marriage

license 3 days before the ceremony. So, what was a girl to do, family was in town, only had 2

days to plan. Why you drive to Coeur d'Alene, ID at 2 in the morning, to get married by the

judge at 9; just to make it back an hour before the reception starts. We survived though and

things went well for the 1st 2 weeks. Then I found his first personal ad in his pants pocket, I was

devastated. I rushed to his work and demanded what it was. Of course, it was a “honest”

mistake. Life like this would continue for the next few years.

We found out we were going to expect a daughter in 2008. I was so happy, all I had

wanted to be was a mom. But with me being the sole provider and Chris not being able to find

a job, I asked my parents if we could come move to Utah with him. They graciously let us come,

I thought it would only be a year until we would make it on our own. But we then welcomed a

son in 2010, nothing had changed except me. I felt lost and was just living day to day. I would

find that Chris had been talking with younger girls and I would get mad, but always forgive him.

This was how life was, we fought then I gave in.

At the beginning of 2012 I found out that I was expecting again. I was so excited, but this

pregnancy put a higher toll on me. I was so sick and nauseous. Chris didn’t like that his

attention was gone, so he tried to find it through a craigslist ad, for sex. I was beyond hurt, but

had had enough. I kicked him out, I thought we would work things out and then get back

together. But over the next year things didn’t change. He didn’t want to support me and my

parental decisions. In June of 2013 we decided that we didn’t work, so the process of divorce

started. But it wouldn’t be for another 3 years before this process would be complete.

Though this was a tough time, Emily was molested by her father so we had

appointments for her, Court dates and still trying to find my place in the world. My parents—

especially my mom—were a great support to me. She was the one who told me I should go to

school, slowly as I took the time, I started to find me again. I found I loved volleyball, Zumba,

bowling, and spending time with friends.

I learned so much about myself during these years, I learned I can do hard things and be

successful. Also, Life doesn’t go as planned but we can enjoy the moments, we can overcome

any obstacle. While it may be hard to see the big picture at that moment, it will happen. I will

be graduating from Salt Lake Community College this spring. I have a great part time job, and

they want me to be full time. I am a mom and love raising my children and look forward to

many more years to come.

MY Engagement Photos, I was My sisters and I posing with Bigfoot

20 in this photo In Longview Washington. I was 30 in

this photo

Halloween 2015 with my kids, I was 29 The start of my journey, I successfully

In this photo. completed my 6-week Challenge. I was

31 in this photo.


1 week –

1. Complete my 1st Challenge with the Camp, to lose 20lbs

2. Finish my homework for this class

3. Get caught up on other homework

1 Month –

1. Graduate from SLCC

2. Continue my 2nd Challenge with the Camp

3. Get rid of unnecessary clothing

3 Months –

1. Start my new full-time position at work

2. Paint kids rooms and ready to move in

3. Plan a successful Eldredge family reunion

6 Months –

1. Be more outgoing and friendly to others

2. Be better at habits, reading scripture and pray each day

3. Keep a better cleaning schedule

1 Year –

1. Have at least 6 month food storage

2. Be successful at new position in work

3. Lose 80lbs

5 Years –

1. Get Married

2. Have another child

3. Have a good saving account for emergency

My Family Tree


Grandpa Harold – Alzheimer’s disease

Grandma Anna – Hypoglycemia

Thyroid Issues

High Blood Pressure

Geographical tongue

Grandpa Charles – Arthritis

Heart Disease


Grandma Hester – Breast Cancer


Dad – High Blood Pressure

Diabetes type 2

Geographical tongue

Mom – Asthma





Allisha (me) – Asthma

Geographical tongue



Mark - Seborrhea

Harland - Seborrhea


Who Am I?

Who? What/WhyMe (Body) 1. My eyes

2.My Smile3. My Curves4. My Hair5. My chest

Me (personality) 1. Optimistic2. Happy3. Friendly4. Hard Worker5. Empathetic

Family (Mom) Love me? First of all because you’re my daughter, second because you’re a kind, giving, fun, person. You always think of others and put others needs before your own. Like Me? Because you make me laugh, and we have similar things we like to do. Fun to hang out with. Special? Determination and hard work. You never give up and you keep trying til you succeed.

Friend (Becca) Why my Friend? You take the time to listen and learn about what’s going on in my life. Even when you have a lot going on with your life. Basically, you have all the qualities that make the best friend I could ask for!!!What do they like about me? You are caring, trustworthy, reliable, and honest with me even when I might now like what you have to say but know I need to hear it.

Co-worker (Jill) Like Me? Fun to talk with; always a hard worker.My Personality? Sweet, kind, keeps me on top of things.

My Obituary

Allisha Marie Eldredge Bell, also known as Lisharee, left this world at the age of 89. She loved her family

and truly had a blessed life here on earth, she returned to her heavenly Home, while sleeping in her

home in Salt Lake City; on the 16th of August 2074.

Allisha was born to Vance and LuJean Eldredge on June 6, 1985 in Salt Lake City, UT She was raised in

Utah, Idaho, and Washington. She tried to find joy in all she did. She is survived by her Children Emily,

Steven, Daniel, and her grandchildren and her younger siblings Bryan, Mark, Harland, and Carolyn.

She was blessed with being married two times, the first one was with Christopher Charles Bell in Coeur

d'Alene, ID on May 18th, 2007. Then welcomed 3 beautiful children, she loved camping and took them -

+several times each summer. It was looked forward to each year. She found her second love while

attending a mid-singles activity. He made her laugh and loved her children as his own. They were sealed

in the Timpinogas Temple. She served those around her, through callings in the church. She served a

full-time mission with her husband and loved the experience. She will be greatly missed by all those who

knew and loved her.

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