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Post on 03-May-2020






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Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________


Remember: This is a SIMPLIFIED review of the unit. Re-read all your notes and practice worksheets. Memorize all key terms and points. The test will be challenging in that you have to APPLY what you have LEARNED. This is more than just memorizing the facts. Good Luck!

1. In ANY reaction, what goes in is called the “r________________” and what comes out is called the “p_________________”

2. What does homeostasis mean?

3. Complete the venn diagrams. Similarities go in the middle, overlapping part. Differences go on the outside.

Directions: Label the following as diffusion, osmosis, or active transport:

Directions: Draw arrows to show which way the molecules would move to create equilibrium.

10. Which two cell parts occur in plant cells but not animal cells?

a. Cell walls and chloroplasts c. Plasma membranes and chromosomes

b. Nuclear envelopes and nuclei d. Ribosomes and chloroplasts

11. The diagrams show which type of transport? Hint: COUNT what is moving!a. Active Transportb. Diffusionc. Facilitated Diffusiond. Osmosis

12. While observing an Elodea plant cell through a microscope, a student noticed some small, green disks. These organelles were most likely which of the following?a. Chloroplasts c. Mitochondriab. Nuclei d. Ribosomes

13. Which of the following pairs of cell organelles is correctly matched with its function?a. Nucleus – houses (holds) DNA c. Ribosomes – storageb. Mitochondria – protein synthesis d. Vacuoles – photosynthesis

14. The arrows in the diagram below indicate the movement of salt molecules through a cell membrane. The X’s represent salt molecules. Which process does the diagram illustrate?a. Active transport

9. 8. 7.

5. _____________________________ 6. _____________________________

4. ____________________________

b. Diffusionc. Hydrolysis Reactiond. Osmosis

15. This cell is probably a plant cell because of the presence of which organelle?

a. A c. Cb. B d. D

16. Which organisms are composed of cells that do not contain nuclei?a. Eukaryotesb. Prokaryotes

c. Plantsd. Animals

17. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are distinguished from each other by which of the following? a. Prokaryotic cells include most cells, other than bacteria, and lack a nucleus and organellesb. Prokaryotic cells include bacteria, and lack a nucleus as well as organellesc. Prokaryotic cells include most cells, other than bacteria, and contain a nucleus and organellesd. Prokaryotic cells include bacteria, and contain a nucleus as well as organelles

18. Which cell would lack a nucleus?a. lizard c. bacteriab. pine tree d. cat

19. A concentration of sugar is greater outside of a cell than inside. The outside of the cell is considered to be a(n) _____ concentration compared to the inside.

a. higher b. lowerc. equal

20. _______________are organelles used for storage of excess water and nutrients.a. Nuclei c. Mitochondriab. Ribosomes d. Vacuoles

21. _____________ produce proteins, which are made of _______________. a. mitochondria, nucleic acids b. amino acids, ribosomes

c. ribosomes, amino acids d. mitochondria, amino acids

For 16-20, mark “A” if the statement is appropriate for an Animal. Mark “B” if the statement is appropriate for both Plants and Animals. Mark “C” if the statement is only appropriate for Plants.

A=Animal B=Both C=Plant22. _____ Contains cells with chloroplasts.23. _____ Contains cells with mitochondria.24. _____ Gets energy through eating food

25. _____ Makes own food through photosynthesis26. _____ Completes cellular respiration

27. In what organelle does aerobic cellular respiration occur?






a. Nucleusb. Mitochondria

c. Ribosomed. Chloroplast

28. In what organelle does photosynthesis occur?a. Nucleusb. Mitochondria

c. Ribosomed. Chloroplast

29. What types of cells experience photosynthesis?a. Animalb. Plant

c. Animal and Plant

30. What are the reactants of aerobic respiration?a. Carbon dioxide, water, and sunlightb. Glucose and oxygen

c. Carbon dioxide and oxygend. Carbon dioxide, water, and ATP

31. What are the reactants of photosynthesis?a. Carbon dioxide, water, and sunlightb. Glucose and oxygen

c. Carbon dioxide and oxygend. Carbon dioxide, water, and ATP

32. You run 3 miles and the next day your leg muscles are extremely sore. What caused this muscle soreness?a. Aerobic respirationb. Alcoholic fermentation

c. Lactic acidd. Photosynthesis

33. Which process produces the greatest amount of ATP?a. Photosynthesisb. Aerobic respiration

c. Anaerobic respiration

34. Alcoholic fermentation is a type of ___________________ that occurs in plant cells and bacteriaa. Photosynthesisb. Aerobic respiration

c. Anaerobic respiration

35. The process of photosynthesis is affected by all of the following factors EXCEPT which one:a. Amount of sunlightb. Amount of carbon dioxide

c. Amount of fertilizer on the plantd. Amount of water available to the plant

36. What gas is released as a product of photosynthesis?a. Carbon dioxideb. Oxygen

c. Water vapord. Nitrogen

37. Which describes anaerobic respiration?a. It is more efficient in ATP production than

aerobic respirationb. It includes lactic acid fermentation in plant

cellsc. It occurs in the mitochondria of the celld. It creates ATP and alcohol in plant cells

38. A major difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is the presence or absence of which of the following?a. Membrane-bound organellesb. A cell membrane

c. Cytoplasmd. DNA

39. What is the correct equation for cellular respiration?a. 6O2 + C6H12O6 🡪 6CO2 + 6H2O + 38 ATPb. 6O2 + C6H12O6 + 38 ATP 🡪 6CO2 + 6H2O

c. 6CO2 + 6H2O 🡪 6O2 + C6H12O6 + 38 ATPd. 6CO2 + 6H2O + 38 ATP 🡪 6O2 + C6H12O6

40. What is the cell organelle that makes the following reaction possible? 6CO2 + 6H2O + Sunlight 🡪 6O2 + C6H12O6

a. H2O c. Mitochondriab. ATP d. Chloroplast

41. The molecular formula C6H12O6 is the formula fora. glucose c. proteinsb. lipids d. nucleic acids

42. What do paramecium use to get rid of waste?

43. What do amoebas use to move?

44. What does the euglena’s eyespot do?

45. What does a cell’s flagella do?

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