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Unit 41 – 3D modelling (Assignment 1)

Applications of 3D


3D models, these are models or otherwise known to be graphical images which are displayed in 3 dimensions (z, x and y axis). What this means is they will not be flat like how 2 dimensional models are where they only use 2 axis. Software like Houdini, Blender, Autodesk Maya are used to make 3D models for developing movies which are animated, physics simulations, 3D games and visual effects. These days’ 3D models are normally built as textured polygonal models as computers can quickly render them and they are flexible. Creating models can be made by using shapes which are solid, and they are connected through multiple ways like edges, lines and curves. In short 3D models are objects which portray conceptual and real-world visuals for people’s entertainment, art, simulation and more. For example, the way 3D models are created and used within video games are through the character models which have been made by the games designers, after they have been made they are given animation to which respond to the controls of the game and is done by the programmers/coders as well as animators and then finally they are put into the actual game where they are an 3D interactive character. Below is an example of 3d models in a game which is battlefield 4, each of them is created differently because they have their own strengths.

Product design

Many years ago, designers would have had to draw their designs by hand from every single angle which was a long process and time consuming. However, the advancements in technology has brought software which allows designers to use 3D software like Maya to develop 3D models. Now they are able to see every single part and angle of the model and have a good idea of how the actual design will look like. This is a huge advantage as they will be able to improve parts that they are not satisfied with or think that it does not work. So, product design is the design process of a 3D model, made to its maximum potential and tweaked before

spending money on the production of the model. It’s a good way to design models as it allows a designer to gain a full dimensional perspective on the model which they are developing. Product design is a helpful way to visualise how the end result of a model may look like and it allows you to make changes to parts you may want to improve. There are many examples out there, one of them can be a prop from a movie like batman where they would have used a 3D modelling and designing software like blender for example to design props like the ‘Batarang’ and test prototypes as well as improving parts which did not work or don’t fit in well.


There are two types of animation, there are 2D animations and 3D animations. Making a 2D animation will require you to draw as everything seen in a traditional 2D animation had to be drawn which was usually frame by frame. In 2D animation when something is not seen it does not have to be drawn. For example, if you were to animate a person walking in 2D you will first need to draw the first key pose then the rest of the key poses, when something like an arm is covered by the body it cannot be seen, when something has not been shown in 2D animations there is no need to draw it. (Screenshots of example below). On the other hand, with 3D animations when a character model has been created by the 3D designer, it is given to an animator where they put a skeleton in the model which is animatable that includes crucial parts to create action and movement like joints for example. This will allow animators to manipulate 3D models therefore creating animation. With 3D animations you can see movement of all

Motion and performance technology have been created which allow actors to wear equipment like a rig which tracks and captures the movement of their face which includes their facial expressions and their unique way of moving and translates them into 3D animation which is put on to a computer. A good use of motion capture is in the movie Avatar where

motion capture was needed when the Na’vi (Blue beings) were needed to bring to life. Motion technology was put on to each actor and their facial expressions and mouth movement were captured which were put onto the Na’vi. This gave them animation and movement like real human beings. An example of this can be seen in the screenshot below. Games also use this method like 2k20 for example, where each athlete has a motion capture suit on and where they can make their own unique dunks, shots. Etc.

TV, Film and Games

Most high budget TV shows and TV advertisements use 3D modelling and add animation to it, in order to make it entertaining to watch as most animated programmes and adverts on TV and movies are fun to watch. It can be as small as removing parts from the backgrounds or it can even be something as big as creating a whole movie using 3D modelling, animation and even CGI. An example of animation and 3D models on TV is the Coco Pops advert where designers created a multiple 3D models such as the monkey, the crocodile, the carts and more and added animation to it like the movement. Films which include animation and 3D models are Toy Story where the whole movie is animated and uses 3D models as the main characters. It is used in most blockbuster films due to the fact that it is easy to manipulate images in order to make the audience perceive reality.

3D modelling normally uses same techniques as well as tools in order to complete good looking models, this can be using software such as 3ds max or even Maya. But modelling within gaming and movies/TV have same techniques however they have their own limitations as well as having different processes. For example, a huge difference they have with each other is the polygon budget. Movies like Toy Story that I have mentioned above, have no limit to the number of polygons which can be used. The only constraint in making films is time because films have deadlines which means you will be required to create fantastic looking models within a certain amount of time. Movies are going to use however many polygons it takes in order to make the model look good because that is one of the main things that film creators look for as it is one of the things that make a film look like it is good quality. However, for games it is very different they have a budget when it comes to the polygons used due to being limited by the game engines power and hardware. Games get rendered in front of users in real time, this would mean 3d models should be created to a point where it is not taxing on the game engine in order for the game to run properly at a frame rate which is constant.


A great way of teaching students is through 3D modelling, the reason to this is because they can have a full 360-degree view of a certain object they may be studying. A benefit from having a model which is digital is you are able to access it at any time, whereas a physical one can only be

accessed in a classroom. Another big benefit of 3D is that if medical students are not able to access a heart for example, with the use of a 3D modelling software one can be created allowing them to view, examine and study it like you are able to with a real heart. In addition to this 3D animation can come in to use for students when they are not able to understand a certain topic, for example, 3D models of the solar system that we have can be created to show students certain processes which occur which may give them a better understanding of how they happen or if they are students which understand better visually.

Displaying 3D polygon animations


Direct 3D

Direct 3D is an application programming interface which is also known as API, its purpose is to render three dimensional objects which are within application such as games. Introduced with Direct X application programming interface, it will let object like these to render without the sacrifice of the performance. In addition to this, it lets software application like games to be ran with a full screen. If something like a video card is available Direct 3D will be able to use a process which is known as acceleration of hardware. There are two known API’s which are common which are Direct3D and also OpenGL. Direct3D has parts where it is suitable for example, it is better for graphics at high performance as well as this it has tools

for developers which are better. The only negative feature is that it is made by Microsoft which means that it is only available on Xbox and Windows OS and anybody else can’t use it.


Diversely, OpenGL is an Application Programming Interface which is the standard one, it can be used on any and all devices an example

of a device that uses OpenGL ES are mobiles. OpenGL ES is made for systems which are embedded such as mobiles, OpenGL itself is

made for desktops. OpenGL’s is a type of software, which its main purpose is to allow rendering of two dimensional and three-dimensional graphics. What it does is, it interacts with the Graphics Processing Unit to make quicker graphic rendering thus making the whole process of rendering much faster. OpenGL is quick to render graphics which are 3D, this is beneficial, so games and apps don’t have space which is blank for a short amount of time where the graphics are loading. A quick time for rendering allows games to be much more immersive with good views of objects from a distance which is far.

Displaying 3D polygon animations

Graphics pipeline

Graphics pipeline is the transformation of a scene which is 3D, which has a specific camera position as well as orientation, to a two-dimensional image which represents the scene that is three dimensional from the viewpoint of this camera. It is basically the description of the different steps which a system of graphics needs in order to render a scene which is three dimensional to a two-dimensional screen

For three dimensional programs for displaying objects first it needs to be ran via the Application programming Interface. An API is basically a package that lets your GPU to allow effective communication to software, games which try to display allowing better use of the memory. There are many cards out there which can be used, main thing to look for is the memory as a graphics cards were initially made to share graphical processing for CPU allowing a smooth way of showing graphics which are being view

In computer graphics which are three dimensional the pipeline of graphics is a reference to sequences of steps which are utilised in order to make a raster which is 2D representation of a three-dimensional scene. When a model which is 3D has been made for example in a game the pipeline is the steps of the transformation of the three-dimensional model to whatever computers display. Early days computer graphics main objective was to speed up steps of the pipeline through a pipeline which is fixed. After it became general which allowed rendering to be more flexible. Hardware improved as well as graphics pipeline the DirectX and OpenGL pipelines general concept stays the same however.

Modelling is the process of creating a model or making adjustments from an already existing model which may need improvements or changes. The modelling stage requires the modellers to change the concept of the two-dimensional art into models which are 3D by using a specific specialised software. It

basically where you create exactly what you would like from manipulating certain polygons

as well as verts. The whole stage deals with manipulation of edges, manipulation of vertices and the manipulation of faces which create the entire scene. Polygonal modelling is for object models as well as architectural models that are built from primitive shapes such as; spheres, cubes and cylinders. Etc. which then are changed through the use of the tools available on software like Maya, Autodesk and 3DS Max. Digital sculpting however, is better for models which are organic for example, models like characters which uses tools which are soft in order to make creasing and stretching on a model realistic.

Lighting is where the surfaces of the object which has been created, to be lit up depending on various things such as the position of the light, the quantity of the lights as well as the type of light which is being emitted. This will result in shadows of the object being created as well as displaying the creation. The importance of lighting is high when creating a 3D model is high, the source of light will have numerous amounts of effect such as reflections and shading resulting in a realistic look towards it. Having no source of light will result in, the scene will be dark and black causing nothing to be able to be seen creating a dull effect.

Viewing, the way a world which is 3d is navigated is via a camera system which is 3D, where the actual camera is within the origin. The reason to why this is used is because it for viewing the actual model from every angle and perspective for example, isometric or orthographic. Objects within the scene transform from 3D world space to a 3D co-ordinated system which is based on the cameras orientation and position of camera which is virtual. As you can see from the screenshot below there is a virtual camera which has been placed, and based on the positioning of the virtual camera the environment is then converted so its co-ordinates which are 3D.

Projection is when the person who has created the model views a model which is three dimensional in a two-dimensional view. It is done through z co-ordinate which make the models retain the original size they were initially at, no matter what the distance of the camera is. There are two examples, the first one is perspective projection, this is where objects which are distant from a camera are reduced in size. The second example is orthographic projection, in this one regardless of the distance, objects retain their size.

Clipping is where geometric primitives which are not within the viewing range at the time of rendering, are removed, so basically it gives the ability to allow or either disable the options of rendering in a region of interest which has been defined. This will give benefits to two things. The first one is that it the processor is able to render anything much faster as

there is less that to display on screen at any given time due to clipping. Another benefit that clipping provides is, because there is less to display it requires minimal amounts of power from computers, reducing the strain on the system.

The scan conversion, this is also known to be called “rasterization” and it is the process of where a scene image is rendered to a bitmap/raster format in a way through the calculation of the right colour values of all the pixels which are on the screen. It is the process of representing continuous object graphics by way of a collection of pixels which are discrete is known to be scan conversion. An example can be a line for example is defined with the two ends and also the line equation, whereas circles are defined through its radius, circle equation and also the centre position. It’s the graphic systems responsibility or either the application program in order to convert every primitive from their “geometric definition” to pixels which create the primitive within the image space. Conversion is usually described as rasterization or either scan conversion

Texture and shading, at this stage means it would that the model has now been given something called pre pixels, meaning that the colour has been given to the model which is based on the values which are from vertices during the scan conversion which is normally from texture which is within the memory. Whilst rasterization the colours are given which are based on the lighting effects as well as the applied textures. This will determine the

concluding outcome of the model before the full rasterization of it. Shading is basically fill of colour achieving a realistic look to a model. Texture It is a method which is used in order to give it a certain look for example, roughness and also smoothness. Display, this is the final part of the actual graphics pipeline, at this point the model is now rendered fully and can finally be displayed on the screen so you will be able to see the final finished model. It is as simple as that.

Rendering techniques (radiosity, ray tracing)

Radiosity is a technique in rendering which its main target is on the global lighting within scenes by through the use of something which is called a global illumination algorithm and the way this works is it tracks the way light is diffused as well as spread by the sources of light and also surfaces which reflect the lighting around the scene as well.

Radiosity is a great method for creating shading which is natural as it tries tracking the light sources around a scene for example a hallway or either a room. Another way of explaining radiosity is, it calculates the light and how its diffused across a scene in order to create a range of shading and colours and what this will allow is, for surfaces as well as models to have a reflection between them to influence the lighting of their surroundings. An example of radiosity can be viewed in this screenshot.

Ray tracing, this is a method which is used to render graphics which are three-dimensional. The way that this is done is through tracing the lights path through pixels within an image plane. It is used in order to create realistic looking graphics however it requires a high amount of processing power. For example, they are able to produce effects such as refraction, where if used in

water the direction of the light shifts slightly to the side, reflection, glass could be an example of this, dispersion and also scattering, where the ray touches the geometry and as a result it comes back and scatters, to create excellent results. In short it is basically an advance way of rendering shadows within a scene as well as light. TV shows as well as movies use it in order for blending CG work with scenes in real life. The reason to why we don’t see ray tracing implemented win videogames is due to the fact that the tracking of the ray light which has been created by a light source requires really huge amounts of power for rendering.

Rendering engines, this is something which renders 3D graphical images that is based on models and texture which they then display on screen, they transmit models which are three-dimensional to a suitable format. Videogame engines such as Frostbite which is DICE’S engine could have ray tracing engines as well as radiosity engines that are able to create lighting and imagery effect at high quality, they are able to be seen in a popular first-person shooter game which is battlefield 3.

Distributed rendering techniques

Usually this is used in cinematics and 3D animated movies and more, which use rendering methods which are high end such as ray tracing as well as radiosity, this method was created in order to help minimise the job to render done via splitting frames which are single into sections which is known as buckets, these are then taken to multiple computers, which is known to be a render farm. Within a render farm every single computer has a task of rendering a part of a small frame, after they have completed this they send their buckets to a computer which is the main computer, the main computer then renders the buckets which has been sent from each computer to produce a complete frame. This technique assists in saving huge amounts of time, an example of this can be seen through Pixar’s Toy Story, according to Insider the animators had 117 computers which ran for 24 hours a day in order to render the movie. Every single frame could’ve potentially have taken 45 minutes to 30 hours in order to render, this depended on the complexity of it. Totally there was 114,240 frames which were needed to be rendered. This will allow for two things to happen which are for the process of the work to be sped up as well as a less likely chance of errors.

Lighting, this can be used in loads of different ways in the modelling of three-dimensional models. Lighting is one of the most vital factors when developing three-dimensional graphical images due to the fact that it is used to accent specific bits of models as well as shadowing some bits. A good example of how lighting can be used in modelling

and presents the different effects it gives to models as well as the importance of it. Without having lighting, it will impact the appearance of models giving it a very unrealistic, blunt and dull look. Lighting will calculate the impact the source of a light has on models. This can be something such as the effect transparent material may have like glass and reflections as well as the location of where the shade on the object will be.

Textures, these are also vital as they are important bit of rendering, this is due to the fact that they are able to make objects have a more of a realistic life like look to it. They are important in a way that viewers of the model will have some type of idea of how they model may feel like. For example, if there were two models and both of them were a plank of wood and had no texture to them of what type of wood they are, viewers will not be able to tell the difference or have any idea of how they may feel, this will make it look fake and unrealistic. The textures on a model will give the effect of how light is reflected of the surface of it. For example, models which hold dark materials will absorb more light giving no type of reflection.

Fogging is a method which is done to change the perspective of light that is on a model. Using it will create a dimming effect of lighting through the atmosphere, what this can do is create intense lighting features which could be engaging to viewers. The fogging technique is put into effect because it is able to make distant

objects appear with fewer details than the ones that are up close and they don’t have huge amounts of rendering time. Doing this, will allow perception of distance to be enhanced for the users/viewers as well as the benefit of having less rendering time. The reason to why there is less rendering time is because models which are distant have fewer details as well as being bury meaning that not much has to be rendered.

Shadowing, this is basically a specific area which is around a model, where it is not impacted by a source of light where the model is blocking. In this area it makes the pixels within the area to have a dark colour to it due to the fact that no light source is able to reach there. Shadowing will have a good impact on many things such as games, imagery etc. As shadowing delivers an element of realism to models. The realism is shown through how real-life works, where the source of light is mainly the sun and the surface, we cover is the ground, resulting in our own shadow being projected to the ground. This is the same thing that applies in games for example. As you can see the screenshot gives a great example of how shadowing is applied, you can see where the source of light is coming from and where the shadow is being projected which shows an example of my explanation.

Vertex and Pixel shaders, a vertex shader is basically a Graphics Processing Unit, also known as a GPU and it’s what is does is it used to for object to have special effects within a three-dimensional environment by doing mathematical operations upon objects’ data of vertex.

Every single vertex is able to be defined by multiple variety of variables. For example, Vertex’s have continuously been defined according to the location of them within three-dimensional environment using co-ordinates which are X-, Y- and Z-. They are also defined through lighting, colour and also textures. In simply terms what they do is alternate data values in order for a vertex to emerge with different positions in space, texture and also colour. Examples of this shader can be something named matrix palette skinning, where a programmer is given the opportunity to develop animation of characters that include 32 bones a joint, giving them the ability of movement.

Pixel shader is something which produces atmosphere by using surfaces and materials which mirror real-life. These effects of using materials at high quantities substitute the computerised and fake appearance and swaps it with natural surfaces. Models you see now

include things such as; blemishes, stubbly facial hair or a chair may have a leather look which is subtle. Modifying lighting effects as well as the surface ones will enable artists with the opportunity to manipulate shapes, textures and colours as well as this, developing complex and realistic looking objects/ scenes. In addition to this it’s a graphics

function similar to vertex shaders, but what pixel shaders do is calculates pixels’ effects on a singular basis. Adding on the benefit it gives to programmers is it gives them the ability to make changes to every single pixel of their lighting, colour also the shading. Which allows them to have numerous amounts of special effects on surfaces.

Level of detail, when an object is distant from the camera details of the object cannot be seen clearly in contrast to when the object is up close or near to the camera. Level of detail or LOD refers to the technique which is used to reduce the count of triangles or polygons which 3D models are made of, and is based on how close or distant a camera is away from the certain model. It increases rendering by reducing the workload which is within a GPU or either a graphics card. The way this is done is by LOD groups where a model within a game are created along with multiple versions of them from one being the highest detailed one with the most polygons which contain thousands, to the least detailed a low number of polygons. I will now give an example with the use of the screenshots of the rabbit. The rabbit has been created along with three more which all show the exact same rabbit. These all represent the different levels in a LOD group. So, if the camera is close to the rabbit the one with the most polygons will be able to be seen which is the first rabbit in the screenshot but if the camera is very far from the rabbit the one with 76 triangles will be

shown and you won’t be able to tell them apart. This will prevent things like processing power to be wasted as well as rendering models that cannot be seen clearly giving things such as games good framerates.

Geometric theory

Vertices, these are the same as how they are defined within geometry, which is Point which are located within a space which is three-dimensional, the points are all labelled as vertices or vertexes and they have they have their own co-ordinate information for example, Y, X and Z values. Vertices are the points which give the definition to shapes which are of 3D. The way that they are presented is through the dots which have the ability to be connected with each other in order to create meshes, as well as this, they can be manipulated to make changes to the mesh to be deformed to different shapes and sizes. Adding high quantities vertices will increase the complexity of models, however it will strain computer a lot more than usual but will create a smoother appearance

to a model. Another way to describe vertices is the area/point where edges encounter each other. The screenshot shows where the vertices are located within a shape like a cube for example.

Lines, the combining of vertices produce lines which are also known as edges, the length which link the vertices that are combined and if the positioning or a vertex has altered the lines will automatically make adjustments ensuring that there still connected with each other. Lines are the most basic part of creating models and it one of the main things to create one which shows the importance of lines. The initial basic definition of a line is

something which extends in two directions infinitely. Examples of lines being used are guaranteed to be used in every single or most models. An example/idea of lines being used in models can be seen in the screenshot, where you can see two lines are connected to form a vertex, if there were four lines connected with each other it would forma square and form something which is called a face of a mesh. The connection of three and above lines will result in an area which is closed which forms a face identifying itself as being a polygon.

Curves, again this is still a line which is in between two vertices and are connected, however only this time it is curved which means it has been spread to another co-ordinate. Instead of normally just being on the Y axis as well as the X axis, to make it a curve it will be assigned to the Z axis too therefore giving it a bendy/curve to it. Another difference with curves and with lines is that they are similar when moving however the curves go through a more complex process and transformation when vertices have been altered. An example of curved lines used can be in a 3D modelling software where you can create a ball which will certainly use curved lines as balls are round. This screenshot proves this and demonstrates how they are used to create a model which is round. It is very likely when creating complex models, you will use curved lines as most objects are not all around straight. Other examples may be something such as cameras, where the lens is round which will involve the use of straight lines

Edges, edges are another part which are a part of polygons, edges give assistance in a way of defining a shape or model in addition to this they can be utilised for model transformations. Edges are once again lines which are upon meshes, and the way that they defined is by the vertices at both ends of them. The movement of an edge will impact the vertices in a way which whenever they have been altered locate wise the vertices will follow them and move as well. When

edges are connected, they will create something which is called a face and this is of a mesh. Examples of edges can be presented on a three-dimensional shape such as cubes, pyramids, cuboid. Etc. As you can see in the screenshot, the arrow in red indicates where the edge is and you can see at the end points where they connect, vertices are formed. The increase of lines added will result in complexity in the shape which will include way more edges and vertices.

Polygons are identified as a shape containing at least three straight lines or more, as explained before these lines form a shape and the name, they are given are also known to be called edges. Examples of polygons are any shape which apply to this, for example, squares, hexagons, triangles etc. When these straight lines have been connected together, they form vertices where to lines intersect and they also form a closed area which is identified to be something called a face. The way polygons are put to use is when someone is using a 3D software, where they are named as meshes, they are used to develop three-dimensional models as well as a type of object. A high level of meshes which are inserted for creating a realistic looking character as well as it being smooth., and you are able to apply colour and texture. This is what models are made from and depending on the number of polygons used will require high amounts of graphics processing power and also CPU power. They are composed of multiple different polygons joint with each other into a polygon mesh. Examples of polygons can be viewed in the screenshot, and shown how they are used within a 3D software, you can see that a three-dimensional model of a face has been developed.

Faces are defined the same way as they are in mathematics, it’s surface which is flat and a two-dimensional which combined with curves, edges and also vertices they make a mesh. Faces are formed only when at least three edges are connected and there are at least three vertices included. E.g. a triangle. When all of these have been combined it creates a closed area forming what we call a face. The two-dimensional

shapes can be created to form a 3D model. An example of this explanation is when making a cube, where you will need to combine 4 lines together making a square, making six of these, then putting them together will form a cube, each one of the squares created will 1 face making the total amount of faces 6 on a cube. You can see this example within the screenshot, where the cube includes the combination of vertices and edges to form a face. Faces are very common and are included in nearly every two-dimensional and three-dimensional shape, the only shape which does not have any faces is a sphere. More examples of shapes which include face can be seen in the screenshot.

Primitives are the fundamental, simple mesh shapes which are pre-defined in a 3D software a developer may use. These simple shapes are able to be manipulated through the use of certain graphic techniques as well as special tools, and by using these things it will allow the shapes to be merged together to create more complex graphical images. The simple shapes which are used are used for the foundation of the more complex graphical images which are created. Some examples of primitives are cubes these have six faces, the total of eight vertices and twelve edges, Sphere these are made of a rounded set of vertices and a set of curves, a pyramid this shape is created with five vertices, five faces and eight edges. There are more examples but these are just a few which are available on a 3D software.

Wireframes are found in meshes also they are created of lines as well as vertices that give the definition of the shape. In contrast to the complete mesh, wireframes they lack faces which are required in order to make a polygon. An analogy of this could be that

they are similar to skeletal model view, where the only thing that is shown are the bare bones. Nearly all types of 3D software will let you see a model through view of the wireframe. This view will most likely be used in the beginning of 3D modelling because of the frame structure they provide for example, a designer may make models by the points of the vertices being defined as well as the lines. when this has been done further details can be added. In short and simple terms wireframing is a technique which most of the time gets rid of faces form the viewing side of the user and what this will do is leave all the lines, curves and vertices allowing the person to edit it. As you can see in this screenshot the view is shown where everything in the model is removed however the lines as well as the vertices have stayed. Another advantage is the render time, because they only contain vertices and lines, they will have quick render times.

Two-dimensional coordination geometry is something which can be used in order for the calculation for the location/position of objects which are within a plane which is two-dimensional and consists of X and Y cartesian coordinates. This is usually used is normally in mathematics for the purpose of trying to identify the coordinates which are located on a plane which is two-dimensional. According to byjus it deals with coordinates which are seen in a plane, this has a number of two axis one of the axis is the X axis which is horizontal and the vertical axis is the Y axis. Coordinates can be both positive as well as negative for example, (3,0) and (8,0) are positive and lie on the X axis and (0,-3) is on the Y axis.

Three-dimensional coordination geometry is basically the same as two-dimensional however this has an axis which is called the Z axis. When working with 2D there is only two axis but with 3D geometry an extra axis is added due to the fact that it is needed in order to make an object three-dimensional. X and Y axis represent the height and width of a model and when a Z axis is present it represents the depth of the model. The coordinates will now have three numbers now instead of two. In 3D modelling the reason to why three-dimensional coordinate geometry is used is because it gives the computer a chance of making a space which is three-dimensional and then will let the user develop three-dimensional models which give them that realism effect.

Mesh construction

Box modelling is a type of method which shapes where basic primitive shapes are being used like mentioned before spheres, cones and cubes for example and used for the creation of the foundation of the model which is going to be made. When models have been created through these fundamental shapes they are expanded on greatly and going through identical processes in order to add more details making it a more complex model and this would go on to develop the complete model. The advantage of the use of this technique is that it gives the users the benefit of having a lot of control on models as well as this it will allow users to refine it to have huge amounts of tiny details. The screenshots show perfect examples where it shows the whole process

from the use of primitives and refining them to make it more complex which adds realism and more detail to the model. One of the screenshots uses cubes in the building process and then goes on to be further refined until the last head which you can see at the end. The rabbit image shows how realistic the shape and look of the rabbit looks when creating a model with simple shapes and after go on to expand more on it.

Extrusion modelling is where meshes are shaped into too many different forms. It is similar to box modelling in a way where a primitive which is common is picked and for it to be used for the model’s foundation/ the outline of the model. Other than that, it is different, with extrusion what happens is something like a Cube or a pyramid is controlled for it to either be outwards, inwards or down or up through the faces which have been chosen on the object. It is not beneficial as box modelling as it come quite difficult to make models with more complexity to them. Another thing that extrusion modelling is able to do is it is able to make vertices expand and even contract them. Extrusion modelling is common when you are creating models which are cubic. The screenshot shows faces being chosen then extrusion pulls it out, and rather than impacting the geometry within the area it creates new faces to accommodate it.

Common primitives are three-dimensional shapes such as spheres, cubes, pyramids and cylinders as explained previously these are the fundamental shapes and the mesh that they make up. Primitive shapes will let mesh to transform as well as shaped. They are used to create an object or a model from its lowest detailed level then over time refine it and add more details to make it look

much better and improved. Cubes, these are made up of a total of six faces, eight vertices and is normally designer will use a cube in primitive modelling this is because everything is even allowing them to make something like a face symmetrical can even on both sides. Pyramids, these have a feature which is called a raised vertex as well as a total of four vertices and faces are a total of five. Pyramids can be used for multiple things when designing something like a roof and a building or a house for example. Spheres can be used for round things such as footballs, baskets bats etc. these shapes have nor vertices, faces or edges. Cylinders can come into use for designers where creating something which is tube based like a pipe for example or even like a mug/cup or glass.

3D Development Software

3D development software, there are many of these software programs developers are able to use in order to create realistic looking characters and worlds. They all have similar tools, controls and features making them all very usable to any designer. Examples of some 3D software is Maya, 3Ds max, Cinema 4D and more which I will be discussing.

Maya is a 3D computer graphics program application which release date was back in 1998 by a company by the name Alias Systems however it now seems as though Autodesk currently own it. Maya is a software application where it is usually used for gaming, TV shows, animated movies as well as effect (visual). The way Maya is known through the TV and film industry where its ability is featured to create good detail with a limit of multiple parts. Maya is costly from the monthly price being £204 a month to £1000 per year. Some may argue to say that for the price you get high quality tools w and the software itself is used by people who are professional giving the feeling that it is good to use. Although Maya may not have all the features that 3Ds max has, it is still cheaper and is more popular than most of the other 3D development software which is out there. There are many movies which have used Maya some are Pixar’s render man, monster’s Inc and more. This shows how great Maya is because award winning movies are using it to develop the animated characters within their movie. Maya also has unique effects tool of interactive hair grooming and Bifrost which makes Maya good for animations and cinematics the file format that Maya uses is. mb this is alike with the next software I will be discussing. Extensions allows for animation data to be saved, lighting as well as more assets.

3Ds Max in an argument people may say that 3Ds Max is the best 3D software and I will discuss the reason to why people may think this. This software allows designers to create three-dimensional models as well as world spaces and is main OS is windows to be used on. This software helps designers to create realistic looking images, animations and effects. This software was used heavily in the gaming industry due to the modelling capabilities that it had as well as the rendering which is high end. Games which are popular which use this software were wild hunt and The Witcher 3. In addition to this point the software utilises plugins which is named character studio which assists in animation in the characters. Another advantage is that extras such as meshes or even shaders are able to be installed. In terms of price this software is costly like Maya and includes student versions, and just like Maya it worth it due to the tools which are provided. File format .3ds is one that this software uses, it allows users to export and import stuff like data models, the file format is compatible with many programs of graphic then turns back to normal allowing ease of transition between.

Blender is a software which is free to use, this is good for designers as they are able to get a software which they can test on to see if it suitable enough for them. It specialises in two things which are animations and three-dimensional modelling. For example, 3D modelers wanting to be able to make assets for games blender will be goof for them. Small projects are usually done on this software as it is a good piece of software as a starting point. For example, if a starting user was to get all the basics down like the main controls it will be easier to pick up on the complicated aspects.

The combination of main OS is able to run blender with it being an open source will give an edge over other software companies as people are first likely to test out a software without paying. The only bad thing is not all tools will be available like Maya or another big software company may have.

Houdini is another great software to use to create assets which are three-dimensional. Unique things like a node-based workflow is within Houdini meaning that designers are able to explore with freedom when making alteration to their project. A good reason to why Houdini is a good software to use is because it is known for its dynamic simulation tools which are advanced allowing you to

create really high effects (visual). There are many advantages to Houdini for example, rigging, fluid simulation, animation and many more. Houdini will be great for 3D animation as well as VFX for films, videogames and VR. Really Houdini is used for particle effects and environments, it involves a set of tools which are for artists that would want to use them in places such as modelling for example. The screenshot shows the creation of an asset through multiple nodes being combined with one and another.

Lightwave this is one of the underdogs because this software is not the most popular so it is not used by a lot of people. The people who created the piece of software are called NewTEK and this software has been involved in huge movies such as Alice and the wonderland. There is something which found which is pretty cool which is the physics in the software, it a dynamic one where bones and hair interacts. The file type which this software uses is name is .lwo it contains object stored meshes, polygons and points, these all define the appearance of the model

AutoCAD is a software application which lets creating three- and two-dimensional designs. Like other software pieces this on is for designing like logos of companies, labels as designing of products. This has more to do with designing rather than for entertainment. So, it may be things such as; architects designing a house or constructing something. The overall software is a planning tool for them allowing them to plan, design analyse and execute the benefits of what they are building. It can also allow them to spot any issue which may arise and solve it, as well as this it gives them a very accurate view of what the final model will look like when it has finished. The file format which AutoCAD uses is named .dxf, and what this does is it’s a file which is universal which means that it was developed by CAD allowing huge range of apps to gain access to files of auto CAD. The file type is very adaptable as well as very accessible meaning that all 3d software is able to view it. In addition to this it will mean that the compatibility of it with huge range of programs is also high.

Cinema4D release date was all the way back in 1990. It’s a software which specialises in modelling, motion graphic and modelling and lastly rendering software which can be used on both mac and windows OS This specific software is used for the standard creation of

three-dimensional models for the use in editing videos. It

used similar packages which are used within other software programs. A reason to why people use this certain software is due to the easiness of using it. An advantage of Cinema 4D is that it is able to handle models which are really complex which may be a reason it can be better at times than software programs. It comes with polygonal modelling rendering and lighting for a fair price which is cheaper than the first two software applications I have discussed. The file format which this software uses is .c4d and what it does is stores models which are three-dimensional, the objects and the scene, meshes animation information and more. These file types can also be exported to software which can edit videos like adobe photoshop for example.


File size can possibly be a constraint when a model as well as meshes are too big in size having many polygons and are very complex. In three dimensional animations also modelling a very important factor is quality, but files sizes are what is a barrier to this. Having a well-made 3d model with huge amounts of detail will result in file sizes becoming really big, when quality in the model is increase the file size goes up with it as well. The file sizes will differ but it is dependent on the user and how they create the three-dimensional graphics and the way it is compressed. When compressing it may result is some of the quality may be lost. Larger files will result in the problem of rendering objects which will take really long which may not be helpful in some situations. For example, if something was set a deadline the rendering of the file mat cause you to not meet the deadlines

Rendering time is a very extensive process when it comes to larger models will loads of polygons it will take longer depending on workloads as well as the quality of graphics. Things like computer performance have to be considered as having a computer which is slow will not be able to handle high quality rendering which would mean that the time of the process will be increased as compared to a farm where loads of computer are connected to one computer and they render parts of a movie for example and send it back to the main computer this will speed up the process and more computers are working on it. This is something that Pixar’s toy story did in order to render the whole movie.

Level of detail, when an object is distant from the camera details of the object cannot be seen clearly in contrast to when the object

is up close or near to the camera. Level of detail or LOD refers to the technique which is used to reduce the count of triangles or polygons which 3D models are made of, and is based on how close or distant a camera is away from the certain model. It increases rendering by reducing the workload which is within a GPU or either a graphics card. The way this is done is by LOD groups where a model within a game are created along with multiple versions of them from one being the highest detailed one with the most polygons which contain thousands, to the least detailed a low number of polygons. I will now give an example with the use of the screenshots below. The rabbit has been created along with three more which all show the exact same rabbit. These all represent the different levels in a LOD group. So, if the camera is close to the rabbit the one with the most polygons will be able to be seen which is the first rabbit in the screenshot but if the camera is very far from the rabbit the one with 76 triangles will be shown and you

won’t be able to tell them apart. This will prevent things like processing power to be wasted as well as rendering models that cannot be seen clearly giving things such as games good framerates.

This is an example of what polygon count is. The number of polygons which a model which is three-dimensional is limited because of multiple factors like the computer power, programs the features of them as well as the strength. Not only that the example from above can be an example of this where you can see the rabbit with the most polygons it will take that one the longest to render but the one that you see at the end is the one with the least. Having a range of different models will help because if that rabbit was in a game and on the other side of the level, we won’t be able to tell a difference from the most detailed polygon from the least, so creating on for distance view will save some time on the rendering because it will have less polygons whereas having more polygons and us not seeing will be a waste.


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