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NEWS SHEETEditor and Clerk to the Council:Mrs Andrea Smith, Parish Council Office, High Street, Waddington, Telephone: 01522 722793E-mail:

Distribution:Mrs Kath Fogg, 101 Grantham Road, WaddingtonTelephone: 01522 720440


Waddington Village Hall Playpark. Donkey rocker.


Copy Date – Next IssueItems for the July / August issue should be sent in no later than Thursday 16th June


and keep our Village a safe, friendly place for adults and children. We have seen a large amount of vandalism in the village over the past couple of months and the Parish Council would like your help to try and stop it. Nearly every weekend we are finding smashed beer bottles over the playparks, especially the one at the Village Hall, over the Easter weekend the Ark Nursery had their outdoor play equipment vandalised and the weekend of the 7th / 8th May the children’s donkey rocker and waste bin were burnt at the Village Hall Playpark, along with the skip and the changing rooms windows smashed.

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Lincoln Lawn CareYour local lawn care service

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The Vine Free Church

A non-denominational group which meets each Sunday atThe Community Centre, Millers Road, Waddington.

Morning Service every Sunday 10.15amEvening Service alternate Sundays 6.00pm (please see website of phone for details)

A warm welcome awaits you!For further details: Telephone 01522 789015



‘SWINGTIME’9 Piece Swing Band

At the Horse and Jockey

Thursday 16th June 2011, 8.30pm – 11pmCome and enjoy the music from:

Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Frank Sinatraand many more!

Now in our 5th year of residency at the H & J


The Parish Council is working with the police to try and stop this mindless vandalism, we believe the youths behind it are from the village. We do have some CCTV footage for one of the incidents, which has been passed to the police.

Waddington Village Hall Playpark, litter bin.


Waddington Parish CouncilParish Councillor VacanciesWe still have 5 vacancies for Parish Councillors,

why not become a councillor – you can make a difference!

For further information please contact Mrs Andrea Smith on 01522 722793, pop into the Parish Office or email:

Annual Parish Council MeetingAt the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on the 9th May 2011 the new Chairman, Councillor Mrs Patricia Hopkins and Vice-Chairman Councillor Ms Sian Thompson were elected.

Parking on the HilltopThe Parish Council has had numerous complaints about the condition of the Hilltop due to cars parking on it. The Council has written to the owners of the cars that are parked there regularly asking them not to park there but they are still doing so. Therefore, the Council want to know what you think, some options open to us are bollards, changing the curb or a byelaw. A byelaw could be put in place preventing people from parking on the Hilltop which would then give the Parish Council authority to prosecute anyone who parks there. The Waddington Residents Association have written to Highways requesting a parking layby on the Hilltop, this is something that the Parish Council supports but we are aware that Highways do not have the money for this and therefore we could offer to pay part of the costs towards one. What do you think? Please let us know.


The Parish Council is working with the police to try and stop this mindless vandalism, we believe the youths behind it are from the village. We do have some CCTV footage for one of the incidents, which has been passed to the police.

Queens Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

Next year is the Queens Diamond Jubilee and the Parish Council have been discussing the possibility have holding some sort of celebration in the Village for the occasion.What do you think? Would you attend some sort of celebration?What sort of celebration would you like to see? Maybe something for the whole family.Please let us know what you think, the Parish Council is here for the residents of the Village.


Local Resident - 90 Years Young


Mrs Mary Norton celebrated her 90th birthday on 22 May. Mary has lived in the village since the 1950s when her late husband was posted to RAF Waddington, and since that time she has been a lynchpin of many village activities.She is an active member of numerous village societies. She is the treasurer of the Drama Society and the thrift shop. She is a member of the Residents Association and regularly plays indoor bowls.Waddington, is very lucky to have Mrs Mary Norton living within its parish as we all benefit from her hard work often done behind the scenes but always unselfishly for the good of us all.We hope you had a lovely birthday Mary. Congratulations.

St. Michael's Parish Church, WaddingtonHigh Street Waddington

Sunday Services are held at8.30 am Holy Communion [Common Worship Rite 2 [BCP]]

10.00 am Parish Communion [Common Worship Rite 1] with Junior Church12.00 noon Holy Baptism 1st Sunday in the month

2nd Tuesday each month 3.15 for 3.30 pmAfter School Club for children & their carers

We hold services in Residential Homes and a Community Centre.Arrangements for Occasional Offices, Baptism, Marriages and Funerals

through the Rector, Roland Parker 01522 720323.Please note the Parish Church Office [720323] at the Rectory is open

on Monday mornings from 10.00 - 12.00 noon.This is often a good time to make enquiries.

Rector’s RetirementOn the 30th September this year I shall be resigning as Rector of this parish after nearly nineteen years and retiring from full time ministry in this diocese of nearly thirty-seven years. Judy and myself are moving to southwest Scotland, a place where we have holidayed through the years. Of course it is quite a disturbing time for us, having to both move and retire and we are grateful for people’s understanding at this time. We have agreed that the last formal Sunday service will be on Sunday 25th September and I understand this is to be followed by a party/lunch in the village hall. It is still too early to say fulsome things but I hope in the coming months there are opportunities for us to catch up with each other. Please pray for Judy and myself as we work things through.

From the beginning of October the parish will go into a state of interregnum with formal responsibility passing to the Rural Dean, Nick Buck. This will be a time when there will be the opportunity to sort out the best direction for the parish given the current circumstances within the diocese.

Churchwarden Jo Duffield was admitted to the office of Churchwarden on the 4th of May. This is an ancient office within the parish acting as a kind of trustee of church life. Jo volunteered and I hope people can give her the support that she needs to be able to carry out her task effectively. We hope that someone else can come forward to share the responsibility.

Cluster and Deanery. Increasingly in the coming years the cluster, a local group of parishes and the deanery, a wider administrative area of the diocese, will become important in our life as a church. Members of the congregation attended a Bible Study within the cluster and a teaching day on “Healing” within the deanery. Hopefully these links increase the opportunities available as well as being supportive of one another’s church life.

When the Lights go on Again Concert 30th April. This was a successful event in every way thanks to the organisational abilities of the Morrison family and to the beauty of the singing of Amanda Morrison. The event raised over £1,000. An important effect was the way that we were


allowed to engage again with the emotions of the time by the way that Amanda so carefully sang. Thank you to all who supported the important occasion.

Christian Aid Thanks to all who supported this event. Some collectors have found that year by year you get to know people and as people know you so they are more open to giving. The amount given to support some of those in this world with nearly nothing will be announced when it has all been counted.

Dr John Adam It was good to see such a large congregation come to pay their respects to this able doctor who served for so many years in this community. People came to pay tribute to his skill as a general practitioner and to his decency as a person. Our thoughts are with Daphne and the family.

Parish RegistersWe pray for those who have diedJohn Adam and Derek Leming

May they rest in peace and rise in glory. We pray for those who mourn.


St Michael's Church Bell RingersWe are seeking new recruits.Have you ever thought about taking up a new hobby, learning something new, or feel ready for a new challenge? Well if you have how about trying your hand at bell ringing? The art of campanology has been a part of village life for centuries and still is today. Bell ringing is not just a new challenger but opens up many opportunities to get out and about, make new friends but is also good for body and mind.If anyone is interested then please contact Amanda Pues on 262967 or e-mail Alternatively come along to one of our practice nights where you can find out more. We meet at St Michael's on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month  between 7:30 and 9:00pm.


All Saints Primary School, WaddingtonSummer Fair

Saturday 25th June 2-4pmStalls, refreshments, bouncy castle, Arena and lots

more!Everyone Welcome

Monday Thrift ShopWe are usually open every Monday in the Village Hall 1.30pm- 3.30pm during School term times, when we can accept your items for sale. We will accept up to 8 items on one visit. Please itemise your articles add your name and address and if possible with the price you would like. We add 20% to your price to cover our costs. This is the best time to try and sell "Summer" clothing though we do accept toys, books etc. Why not visit us anyway and maybe find a bargain to buy and have a refreshment. We would be grateful if you spare a few hours on a Monday Afternoon to help us please ring 720440 or 720418

Waddington Women’s InstituteWednesday the 8th June is the NFWI AGM at Liverpool. Our next meeting is Wednesday 8th June at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, when our guest will be Linda Patrick “History of Christening Gowns”.Come and see what were like! You don’t have to join, just drop in. You will get a friendly welcome, a cup of tea/coffee (naturally!) information and a lot of people to talk to.For further information please call 720556.

Waddington Toddler GroupWe are currently at a position where we are desperate for helpers to run the Group or come September we will be no more. We meet every Thursday during School term time from 1.30-3.00pm in the Village Hall. Mums, Dads, Grandparents or Childminders are all welcome, come along and let your children play and have a drink and biscuit, while you have a cup of tea or coffee at just £1.75 a session.

Redwood Ladies Our next meeting is on Tuesday 21st June when our guest will be medium, V Morrison. We meet in the Redwood Drive CP School, Redwood Drive, Brant Road at 7.30pm.

Waddington Sunshine ClubMay has been a very quiet month within the Club, we are looking forward to the outing to Bridlington on June 7th leaving Millers Road at 9am  with various pick up points, some seats are still available Visitors £12. Contact Geoff on 729004 to book your place.The river Cruise on July 5th is fully booked.Several other outings are planned. Why not visit us at Waddington Village Hall 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 2.30-4.30pm transport is available from Brant Road & the Village at a nominal fare, contact Carol 722167 for route.Looking forward to meeting you further details from Georgina M Rainthorpe 823718

First Thursday Open MeetingMeetings are held in St. Michaels Church at 2.00pm with tea and biscuits.The next meeting will be on 7th July, when it has been proposed that we have a lunch in the church with some entertainment.

LIVES First Responders, Waddington Group7

 We are still recruiting in the Waddington area.  If you would like to know more about LIVES First Responders, or are interested in becoming a First Responder or a fundraiser, please call Colin or Shirley on 721391.  You can also visit the LIVES website at  If you run an organisation and would like a presentation about the work of LIVES, please call the above number. Car Boot Sales.  Our first two car boot sales were a great success, and we thank everyone who turned out, both sellers and buyers.  Our next car boot sale is on Saturday 4th June, from 10am to 1pm at Waddington Village Hall.  Refreshments will be available in the hall at reasonable price.  If you would like to book a pitch, please call Colin or Shirley on 721391.  The cost is still £5 a pitch, and sellers can set up from 8:30am.  We like you to book so that we have some idea of how many cars to expect and plan for; we can also phone you if we have to cancel for any reason.  The remaining dates for this year are: 25th June, 6th August and 3rd September, all Saturdays. Waddington Air Show.  We will be having our tombola stall at the Waddington Air Show again this year.  We are in the process of delivering leaflets around Waddington to ask for donations of tins, cartons, bottles and packets, and new items of bric-a-brac or smellies.  If you haven't received a leaflet and would like to make a donation, please leave it at 94 Station Road or phone 721391 and we will collect. Events First Aid.  Several of our responders are now qualified to provide First Aid cover at events.  If you are planning an event, and require First Aid cover, please consider us for your needs.  Please call Shirley on 721391 to discuss your requirements. Vandalism.  Unfortunately, we have had to report a case of vandalism to one of our car boot advertising boards to the police.  It was the one near the cross roads traffic lights and the plywood board was broken in two, not an easy task.  These boards cost us about £20 each to make, not to mention 3 or 4 hours work.  We are a voluntary charity, working for no payment to help the community, and any acts like this take vital funds away from purchasing equipment.  If you see anyone vandalising our boards, will you please report it to our local PCSO.  Although this may seem trivial, up to now vandalism to our boards in the village has cost us £60 from our funds.


Drop – in Coffee Club visitors welcome. Tuesdays & Thursdays 10am – 12 Noon‘Vitality’ Exercises – 11am till 12. The next sessions will be :- Tuesday 31st May and Tuesday 7th June.

The Next Coffee Shop Luncheon. Wednesday 1st June at the Horse & Jockey. 12.30 for 1pm. Get your names on the list now, at the coffee club Tuesday and Thursdays.

Social ClubThis years outingsSeats for the following are still available:-Wed 20th July Normanby Hall (including entry) £18.00 eachWed 21st Sept Pickering to Whitby by train £30.00 eachPlease secure your seat early to avoid disappointment by contacting Shirley on 804016 or Jean on 720399.Please Note. Insurance should be sought for the trips as deposits are normally non-returnable.WADDINGTON LOCAL HISTORY GROUP


During May the Group will be visiting Alford Manor House and Gardens, so there will be no evening meeting.

The next meeting will be an OPEN MEETING on 23rd June commencing at 7.30 p.m. to be held at ‘The Horse & Jockey’ in Waddington. There will be archive photographs of the village to view and also books for sale. Please come along and look at these, see if you can recognise your street or some of your ancestors!

A further afternoon visit in July to the Digby Plotting Room and no meeting in August means that the next formal meeting is 22nd September when the speaker is Stuart Sizer talking about ‘Louth Canals’.

Evening meetings are held at the Communal Centre, Millers Road at 7.30 p.m. on the 4 th Thursday of most months. Membership fee is £5 per annum. Members pay £1.50 per visit and visitors £2 to cover the hire of the hall, speakers, tea/coffee and biscuits afterwards.

If you want to contact me, Diane, Secretary to the History Group my telephone number is 01522 788691 and my email address is

WADDINGTON DRAMATIC SOCIETYThere will be an extraordinary meeting of the Society for members to elect a new committee on Thursday June 9th at 7.00pm at  Waddington Village Hall.Now is the time to join to be in the next Pantomime due to be chosen from a short list of new scripts next week.  The Youth group production is due to be staged shortly, watch out for publicity posters. For Further information please contact Graham Pues 

Thursday 7th and Friday 8th July 7:30pmAn Evening of EntertainmentAt Waddington Village Hall

Tickets £5 and £4.50 for concessions.For more information check our website; or contact Graham Pues 826840.


Charity Pop Music Quiz Night

Raising money for Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance Appeal

Venue: BRANT ROAD SOCIAL CLUB, Lowfields, WaddingtonFriday, 17th June, 2011; commencing at 8pm

Teams required between 2 -5 : £2 per person (pay on night). Refreshments Further details or register a team please contact Paul on (01522) 721631


Strawberry Tea

Mystery Tour in Vintage Bus

Tuesday 14th June 2011

Meet at Waddington Co-Op at 6.00pm

Cost £15.00

(including Seat Down Meal)

Contact: Mrs Daly 722632 or Cllr M Gallagher 722505


Spiritualist Pioneer CentreRedwood Drive Community Centre, Waddington,

Every Saturday 7pm startLast Friday of every month medium ship special pm start,

Different medium each weekEnquiries 01522 514513


Sunday 26th June 2011, 188 Grantham Road,

2.30pm – 5.00 pm

Cost £5.00Contact Mrs Daly 722632

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