web view17.09.2017 · neither enid blyton nor dr tegwyn mel williams could have concocted...

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Ministry of Justice

HM Parole Board

The Chief Constable of South Wales Police



For the 2nd Defendant (Parole Board)



Age 72 Occupation Victim of South Wales Police, Courts and Lawyers

This statement (consisting of 15 pages) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true.

Dated 10th September 2017


I. Paragraph 3 in the 3rd Defendants witness statement is firstly written by someone without the relevant facts and that the required facts should be contained in the Defendants replies to the Claimants earlier request for CPR disclosure before he is able to respond by witness statement in a manner acceptable by any court.


Hence, without all three Defendants adequate disclosure, this Claimant witness statement cannot impart further and better particulars as the Claimant was not only detained in HMP Swansea, HMP Park and HMP Bristol during the material time for the 2nd Defendant but he was wilfully denied medical attention by the 3rd Defendant refusing both the Claimants hospital appointment from HMP Swansea and when later on parole, a repeat appointment at the same Cardiff hospital.


The Claimant was informed all three Defendants had their respective service of Particulars of Claim in 2016.


The Claimant for the same reasons of failed 1st, 2nd and 3rd Defendant disclosure was unable to file an amended Particulars of Claim by 29th June 2017 and because the lawyer, apparently representing the Claimant, was not informed of hearing dates and orders by the court. The Claimant suspects he has been nobbled.





The Claimant opposes any strike out application in that it is fact the offices of all three Defendants are riddled with a plethora of Ministry of Justice/HM Parole Board records of relevant facts requiring disclosure.

Those facts will prove that it was the 3rd Defendants continuing harassment of the Claimant, alone, that caused his original and maybe, his continuing incarceration intended to purely hinder his two decades on going BS614159 + five other claims, for fifty odd failed malicious prosecutions and 1CF03361machine-gun damages claim and others still in the sewer pipe.


This cannot be adduced without disclosure of facts under the direct control of all three Defendants. Facts include those within the fabricated forensic evidence generated by the South Wales Police and HM Court Service (Wales) blackmailing their own chief psychiatrist, Dr Tegwyn Mel Williams, over some menage a trois within Caswell Clinic (NHS Wales) psychiatric prison.

All to be disclosed, following laborious arrangement, on 12th Sept 2017 at Cardiff Crown Court re Claimants 4th abuse of process jury trial.

FULL DISCLOSURE of the 3rd Defendants purported forensic evidence on its victim has been refused. Once he is in possession of his MAPPA/Caswell Clinic (Wales) records, on the other hand, will mean a real risk of the Claimant no longer needing to pursue his own and respected government departments based in England.


The primary reason for the 2nd Defendant failing to convene a release Swansea prison hearing was because, told to the Claimant at the time twice and in writing, that no psychologist or psychiatrist from Caswell Clinic was prepared to sit on the Parole Board.

This was despite the fact that by December 2009 no less than sixteen medical professionals, many forensically qualified, had already written active opposition within Caswell Clinic and NHS establishments as far afield as a level 12 forensic psychiatrist, Dr Silver Ashworths high security psychiatric hospital to the north and as far south as Southampton Universitys Dr Kemp, against what the 3rd Defendant had caused to be fabricated.

No one in Wales was prepared to go against the Director of the Clinic, Dr Tegwyn Mel Williams or the lying Professor Rodger Woods fanciful evidence that then went before the then Crown Prosecutor and then His Honour Judge Neil Bidder at the secret 2nd December 2009 CPS Thomlow machine-gun hearing.

His Honour, on 17th December 2009, mysteriously quashed the victims MAPPA level 3 category 3 status without apparent rhyme nor reason given to this day.

Disclosure applications, ever since, have been thwarted in both the Cardiff Crown Court and the Cardiff Civil Justice Centre if only to panic Barbara Wildings shoot to kill policy for MAPPA, from then on and into a hurriedly drafted incorrect Executive Summary accepted , now on appeal to RCJ, but accepted by His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC as correct.

As for para 22 with the Claimants parole manager also being conveniently unavailable the Claimant also pressed for proof, whilst incarcerated in HMP Swansea. Her excuse also may also relate to the fact the ladys office was in the same block at Barry police station as where the 8th June 2009 convening of the Claimants MAPPA level 3 category meeting had taken place consisting only of police officers of the 3rd Defendant and the urgently summoned Dr Tegwyn Williams with his Caswell Clinic entourage in tow.


Again, until there is proper CPR disclosure by all three Defendants and in particular with this 2nd Defendant, the Claimant remains in difficulties until there is full disclosure of both Caswell Clinic and South Wales Police disclose records also being urgently required for the Claimants defence in his criminal trial T20170239 on 12th Sept 17 in Cardiff Crown Court


The Claimant knows this is also false as it has been established the Parole Board neither received such information from the complainant, following this GP practice failing to inform him that it had been the 3rd Complainant again that had blocked the Claimants now urgent internal examination under general anaesthetic.

Similarly, the Claimant knows of no such purported complaint, warranting the recall of their victim following his hurried attempt to register in an alternative Swansea GP practice as neither doctors surgeries nor parole board had informed him he could only attend , during his hour release , one specific GP practice 21 minutes away.

As for the other excuse to recall the Claimant to prison for a further eight months, based on a purportedly published photograph on www.mauricejohnkirk.wordpress.com when published with the full permission of those portrayed, it beggars belief what our Cardiffs cabal will try on at next weeks jury trial resulting from Malfeasance in a Public Office on a grand scale.


The claimant does not believe the content of these 2nd Defendant emails are true.

The Claiment contacted, today his sister, who bluntly denied the content in the above anonymous email as true

Its third paragragh is also based on 3rd Defendant false information while the last paragraph can be proved, with the Claimants sister, as also being false by disclosure from HMP Swanseas records preserved following the claimantinsistance, at the time, warning HMP as per pre action protocol litigation for false imprisonment and unlawful failed production of their prisoner before pre arranged Mr Justice Gilbart for earlier release.


This email contains false information in that disclosure will confirm there were daily prison vans between HMP Swansea, HMP Cardiff and HMP Bristol and the Claimant was returned to Swansea long before the February parole board hearing for release was due.


The Claimant disagrees with the 2nd Defendants interpretation in the above email, it being a further excuse to ensure no parole board would ever convene on behalf of a Claimants possible release from custody while he is hitting their own forseeable income, guarenteed by their own police force, the 3rd Defendant.


The 2nd Defendants July 2014 WARNING letter to the Claimant as to his conduct was deliberately withheld until AFTER his frustrated visits to both Swansea GP practices when simply trying to obtain the prescribed pre anaesthetic medication as always requiring to be administered at least 24 hours before elective endoscopy under a general anaesthetic.

Due to the many years of HMP prisons (Wales) refusing the Claimants right, contrary to Article 6, to carry his legal papers from his cell to the court dock, when defending as a Litigant in Person (LiP) without even a Mackenzie Friend, had resulted in a tempory condition diagnosed as megacolon with chronic rectal injury.

Neither Enid Blyton nor Dr Tegwyn Mel Williams could have concocted such a fairy tale story as is the 2nd Defendants 19th January 2015 refusal letter to their victim, to convene a parole board hearing and the Claimant also puts it to the strict proof thereof.

I believe that the facts stated in this Witness Statement are true.

Signed ----------------------------------------

Dated 10th September 2017 MAURICE JOHN KIRK BVSc

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Case No, C90CF012

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