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Post on 06-Feb-2018






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I. Rise of Industry

A. (Oil is a resource that originally was used only as a lubricant in todays world oil is a necessity)Natural Resources

___________________ - power steam engines / machines - large coal deposits found in Penn, WV, Kentucky & Ohio

___________________ - lubricate machines / fuel lamps - found in Ohio & Penn

___________________ - make steel - found in Minnesota & Pittsburgh

B. (Coal is a resource that is very difficult and dangerous to mine many miners died from black lung and mining accidents machinery in factories and railroads used coal as fuel)Increased Labor ForceUS History 8 Notes: Unit 1: Industrial Expansion/Immigration Mrs. Oliver __________________ immigrants Americans gave up ___________________ to work in factories large number of move to cities increased number of

C. Increased(money)

(The rise of industry in America led to the need of unskilled labor in America millions of immigrants came to American for a better life immigrants faced long workdays at monotonous (repetitive) jobs many viewed America as the land of opportunity and believed the streets in were paved with gold)

IntroductionIn the mid to late 1700s a series of new ideas and inventions transformed the way people did things. One idea was the establishment of a capitalist system with a free market economy. In a capitalist system, people have the right to own property, become entrepreneurs (work and own a business), and make profits with little or no government interference. People with capital, or money to invest in business in order to make a profit, are called capitalists.

A new revolution began to sweep across the United States in the late 1700s. This revolution had no battles or bloodshed. Instead, it was a long, slow process that completely changed the way goods were produced. It was known as the Industrial Revolution. Goods that were once made by hand were now made by machine, which allowed for increase of production at a cheaper cost. The Industrial Revolution not only changed the way goods were made it also affected the way people lived and worked.

The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain and was triggered by a series of inventions that transformed the way things were made.




ConclusionAnyone touring the northern part of the United States was impressed with the burst of industry there with all the textile factories, shipyards, and iron mills. Northern industry grew steadily during the 1800s. That growth was largely due to new methods, inventions, and developments.

Improvements in farming technologies bolstered huge agricultural growth in the south. The cotton gin, especially, expanded slavery, and sectional differences between the north and south grew.

1. What is the connection of the Industrial Revolution to these roads and canals? Why are they an offshoot of the Revolution?

2. Explain the thought behind making these roads and canals go through major cities such as Chicago, New York, Baltimore and Charleston?

(Whats in a Name? Dont underestimate the importance of a products name. Think about theadvertisements and commercials you have seen. Which ones caught your attention because of the unusual, clever, funny or easy to remember? The name can also help the inventor or manufacturer sell it! Brainstorm possible names for your invention. Consider how you would like other people to remember your invention. Think of a brief descriptive phrase that explains what your invention is designed to do. Using your description, brainstorm a one, two, or three word title for your invention. )

(The Model An important step in planning how you will develop your invention and what it will look like is to create a model. Show that your idea of the invention can work. First, draw a picture of your model. Label the important parts. On the back of your paper, write about how your invention will work.While planning the model, you need to think about more than the invention itself. An inventor considers the questions below as he/she makes the model.1. What type of consumer will be interested in your invention? 2. What special features will your invention have in order to attract consumers?3. What will it cost to produce your invention? 4. How much money will your invention sell for? 5. Where will you sell it? 6. If your invention is an improvement on a previous one, in what way is it better?7. If your invention is a brand new product, in what way is it unique?)

II. Free Enterprise

A. free enterprise =

& private businesses are free to organize and operate for


inwith others

= individuals & private businesses are free to choose what to produce

B. supply and demand

= _/

C. = people who assume the risks for success or failure of the business enterprise

= leaders that organize and

________________, adopt new __________ and inventions, and raise

Life in the North

Life in the South



Economy based on


Economy based on


Railroads increased commerce within the U.S.

Cotton Kingdom:

Cotton most profitable cash crop

Yankee clipper ships

increased foreign trade

Dependent on North and Europe

for manufactured goods

New machines helped

produce more goods

Invention of cotton gin

increased planters profits

Artisans(craftsman) formed trade unions

to improve working conditions

Limited industry as money

invested in land and slaves

Wave of European immigrants supplied factory labor

Slave codes place restrictions

on African Americans

Slavery outlawed, but African Americans faced discrimination

About 94% of regions

African Americans enslaved

Inventions: telegraph, steamboat, factory system, Bessemer Process, interchangeable parts, steel plow, reaper (used in northwest)

Inventions: cotton gin, steel plow

I. Rise of Big Business _________________,_______________, _________________& ________________________

(Vanderbilt was the Industrialist responsible for developing railroads in the United States)

A. Railroads

_____________= 30,000 miles of track

(Vanderbilts unique management style allowed him to run a very efficient railway service and maximize his profits)_____________ = over 193,000 miles of track

famous RRs

Union Pacific

Santa Fe

Central Pacific

Great Northern

___________________________________ = major leader of RR industry to control sections of the RRs (large-scale operation)

raised several million $s to build RRs and upkeep RRs

(What specific kinds of economic opportunities could the railroads have created? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why might southern farmers have used rivers/oceans to transport their crops and not the railroad? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What effect might these factors have had on industrialization in the south compared to the north?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________)hired managers to control sections of RRs

According to this map, how did the completion of the first transcontinental railroad benefit economic growth in the United States? ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Based on the Cartoon, what is one negative impact of the Railroad? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What does this chart show about the effect of the transcontinental railroad on the population of western cities? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Based on this passage, state Two ways the railroads influenced economic growth in the United States. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Oil Refining

B. John D.

= developedin Cleveland

= formed the Standard(1867)

= built its own,,

= received shipping deal from

result = cheaper to produce and ship oil = cheaper to

= controlledof the oil refining business

1. In the cartoon above, what do the men at the top of the image represent? What are they sitting on? ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. In the same cartoon, what do the men at the bottom of the page represent? What are they trying to do? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What are some of the industries depicted in the cartoon? ______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What point is the artist trying to make through this cartoon? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C. Steel Industry

Andrew ____________

used___& latest _____________ to make steel

bought iron ore,& for shipping

results = cheaper to produce and ship steel

cheaper tosteel

controlled the US

became the first$ company

(Carnegie developed a more efficient way to produce steel he used the latest technology and controlled every resource needed to produce steel he became the worlds first billionaire) (Carnegie was one of the first to upgrade his steel mills with the expensive, but efficient Bessemer machines this move aided in Carnegie moving from a poor Scottish immigrant to a billionaire)

D. Meat-Packing Industry

prior to 1860, cattle shipped to__________________ _________

Gustavus __________

developed theRR car

meat was nowthen

= cheaper to produce and ship meat = cheaper tomeat

= controlled theindustry

(Swift developed a more efficient way to ship meat from western cattle ranchers to the cities of the Eastern United States the refrigerated railroad car allowed livestock to be slaughtered first then shipped much more meat could be shipped with this method)

E. Business Organization

_____________= groups of investors who buy shares ofin a company

____________=_______stock holders receive based on the number of stock they own

____________= corporationstogether to_____________with other companies

F. Philosophy of Business


____________________does not make rules or control business (stays out of business)

gospel of wealth =owners use part of their wealth for the good of society (philanthropist)

socialism =

1. According to Carnegie, what does the man of wealth have, that his poorer brethren dont (besides money)? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Does this quote indicate that Carnegie is a Captain of Industry, or a Robber Baron? Why? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(Many Old Immigrants came to America for the abundance of land available above, an immigrant family takes advantage of the Homestead Act immigration accelerated American westward expansion)

Old Immigration = prior to 1880

A. Mostly fromEurope = Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden


B. Push / Pull Factors

Reasons for(push factors)

Irish(fungus destroyed potato crops in Ireland

large(too many people) in Europe

not enough (scarce)_____________in their countries to farm

not enoughjobs available

Reasons for(pull factors)

need for cheap factory labor (many settled in cities)

(Between 1845 and 1851 over 1 million people in Ireland died from the potato famine the famine was caused by a potato fungus known as the Blight close to 2 million people left Ireland during this time, many coming to America above Irish load a ship destined for America) (During the age of industry, American factories had a great need for cheap/unskilled labor some immigrants settled in American cities left, a factory outside of Cleveland, OH)some moved west to be farmers (Homestead Act)

C. Restrictions =

**Why? America was growing rapidly and needed the labor in the factories. Also, America had a surplus of land in the west (farming).

New Immigration = 1881-1920

D. Mostly from Southern and Eastern Europe =_, Greece,__________, Poland

mostly Catholic and Jewish

E. Reasons for leaving __________________________ fleeing _________________________

Not enough factory jobs available

F. Reasons for coming (pull factors)

=of industrial (factory) jobs in America most settle in cities

=(religious) in America

1. Based on this graph, identify Two conditions in their native countries that caused immigrants to come to the United States._________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Based on this graph, identify One situation in the United States that led to an increase of immigrants coming into the nation. ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

Based on this document, state two reasons it was difficult for this Polish immigrant to fit into American society. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(Due to the Chinese Exclusion Act, thousands of Chinese immigrants were turned away Asian immigrants faced the harsh racism in the U.S.)III Asian Immigration = 1881-1920

A. Mostly from______and __

most settle in the ________

brought Buddhism and Daoism

(Most Chinese immigrants were originally attracted to America because of the 1849 gold rush after the gold rush, Chinese immigrants found work building railroads they contributed greatly to the expansion of railroads in the American west)**Because of their physical appearance, different language, and religion, Asian immigrants were discriminated against the most this led to a difficult life in America and many restrictions placed on Asian immigrants.**

B. Reasons for leaving (push factors)

= most live in(poor)

C. Reasons for coming (pull factors)

= opportunity for a better life (higher pay)

= cheap labor needed to buildin American west

D. Restrictions -

i. could not own

ii. Chinese___________Act 1882 = said that no Chinese worker could enter the US for _____ years. Result = stopped almost all Chinese from coming to the US

iii. Gentlemens Agreement = current Japanese Americans would get more _________ if Japan did not send anymore immigrants

IV Immigrants Journey to America

A. European Immigrants

most were crammed ____________________________________________

most arrived in New _________ __________ ____________ _________________ screened for __________________

many immigrants __________________________________________

Statue of ___________became a symbol of American ______________

(An immigrants journey to American was long they had to endure horrible conditions, sharing bunks and floor space many came down with illness on the journey some steerage had windows, but could not be opened)

(Chinese immigrants being screened for disease and infection on Angel Island the Angel Island Immigration Station was the west coast version of Ellis Island this is where most Asian immigrants were processed) (Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to be free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.- Words Engraved at the Feet of the Statue of Liberty -) (Prior to arriving at Ellis Island, the first image of America immigrants saw was the Statue of Liberty the Statue of Liberty and the passage at her base became the symbol of American immigration)

B. Asian Immigrants (arrive on west coast)

most were crammed in steerage (airless rooms below deck)

most arrived in San Francisco (Island) screened for disease

Asian immigrants were turned away

II. Americans Against Immigration

= Americans Against Immigration

a. Resented Immigrants working forwages

= useagainst immigrants

= work toimmigration in America

(This is a cartoon depicting a Nativists view immigrants are shown in this cartoon as invading the U.S. in addition to working for lower pay, many Nativists despised immigrants because of their different culture (language) and customs often times violence was used against immigrants)

(Directions: -Create a comic strip, newspaper advertisement, or political cartoon based on the topic of Nativism.Use the definition of Nativist-a person who wanted to limit immigration and preserve the United States for native-born white Americans- to help you. Other ideas you could use: Chinese Exclusion Act, American Protective Association, or anything else on this topic. Make sure your picture is in color! )

Based on this document, identify one reason many native-born Americans in the late 1800s were in favor of restricting immigration.


Small Group Gallery Walk

What is the total number of immigrants who came to the United States from 1820 to 2010? Choose a decade, and then use your research skills to find out what the U.S. population was at that time.

How does the overall population compare to the number of people who arrived in that decade?

From 1820 to 2010, which three countries had the highest number of immigrants come to the United States?

Choose one of the countries you selected in question 2. During which decade or time period did most of the immigrants come to the United States?

Immigration to the United States doubled from the 1890s to the 1900s. What events may be responsible for those numbers? Think about events that happened all around the world.

Look at the immigration data from Ireland, China, and Vietnam. When did the greatest numbers of immigrants arrive from those countries?

At one point in history, the greatest number of immigrants to the United States came from Europe. Look at the data to figure out in which decade that changed. What continent where most people coming from then?

I. (Due to industrialization and a large influx of immigrants, American cities boomed below the streets of NYC are bustling with people overcrowding become a problemThe Great Chicago Fire of 1871 buildings were built so close to one another the fire spread rapidly also there wasnt an adequate fire department for the city)Development of cities

A. Geography

largest cities grew along the

ocean ports =

B. Industries

brought people to cities

C. Technology

Process = skyscrapers, elevators, mass transit (street cars)

Line = created by Henry Ford greatly increased production

(Henry Fords assembly line drastically increased production by streamlining labor workers would do the same job over and over all day long this became repetitive to the worker, but allowed the factory to output more than it ever had before)

II. Problems Caused by Industrial Expansion



Result = improved ___ __systems, water



Result = street lighting,______forces, fire departments/fire _________________

C. Pollution

D. Tenements





workhours, poor working conditions

F. Labor

needed the

parents had no place forto go

(Political cartoon showing the evils of child laborWho does the man in the chariot represent?Why would he use children in the factory?What could be changed to avoid child labor?)

What is the biggest difference between Mary Pauls first letter to her father and her second?


Imagine that you are Marys sister in 1848 and you have just talked with your father about the letter Mary just sent . Explain whether you would consider working at your sisters mill if you found out that your father would no longer be able to work and your family needed money. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


II. Factory Workers during Industrialization

= the number of people in ___________________

= factory workers needed little or no______________________to work - workers could be ____________

= workers had little________________________________________with their employer

= number of

A. The Knights of Labor an organization of

- 1879 Terence Powderly - = leader of K of L

- ________________should set up own mines, factories, and RRs

- believed in solving worker / owner disputes with

- against strikes

- 1886 over _________________members

(Employees of the McCormick factory assemble outside the factory to conduct a strike What are 2 reasons workers strike?) (The Knights of Labor did not discriminate against anybody this labor union was open to all workers this union did not believe in the use of strikes to achieve their goals)

B. Haymarket Square Chicago 1886

workers from McCormick Harvesting Machine Company struck for an ____________________

police came - one striker killed several wounded

next day - ___________________________ spoke up against police & treatment of workers

police break up the meeting - someone threw a bomb at police - 7 police die - 4 workers die

C. Result of Haymarket Square

_________________________________________________ tried and executed for murder

public upset with ____________________________________ - blame the K of L

_______________________________________________ power

(Women workers strike for better working conditions womens role in Industrialization followed by their efforts in World War I contributed greatly to the womens rights movement in America started by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton in Seneca Falls, N.Y.)

D. The American Federation of Labor (AFL)

founded by Samuel Gompers

made up of skilled workers who had belonged to national trade unions

gain better working conditions

higher pay & shorter hours

favored the use of strikes

Social Studies Letter Assignment

During the period of immigration, many people came to America from many different places and began working in Americas cities. Being dependent on their jobs for wages and landlords for living spaces, immigrants were often exposed to poor working and living conditions.

Situation and Task: You are a new immigrant (after 1900) who has come to the United States. You will write a letter to a friend or relative in your old country. The information and situations you include must be usual for the time period. Do not include unique or unusual ideas. This is not a creative writing assignment! You must be historically accurate. The letter should demonstrate to your teacher that you know and understand the time period.

Use the following resources to assist you: textbook, class work packet, homework packet, ideas from videos we watched in class and laptops/Internet.

Requirements for your immigrant

Immigrant from what country (Southern and/or Eastern Europe)

Boy or girl/man or woman?



family (with specific names):


place to live (state, city, neighborhood):

When you create your character, please be careful to make sure that your character is appropriate. You have to first make sure that the person you are creating and the parts of their life agree with what we have discussed in class. Also, the person that you are writing to knows nothing of America, you need to describe, describe, describe!!!

You may type or neatly write your letter. Please check your spelling and sentence structure.

Chapter Vocabulary


a system of connected railroad lines


to combine many businesses into one


a business owned by investors (called stockholders)


a share of a corporations profits


control of a type of business by an individual or group

Sherman Antitrust Act

a 1890 act that banned the formation of trusts and monopolies


a group of corporations run by a single board of directors


an economic system in which land, resources and businesses are privately owned, tendency towards a concentration of wealth

free enterprise

the economic practice of permitting private industry to operate without government control


workplace where people labor long hours in poor conditions for low pay

labor union

organization of workers whose goal was to improve working conditions

mass production

manufacturing a large quantity of goods quickly and cheaply

Knights of Labor

1869 the first labor union, at first only open to skilled workers but it expanded under Terence Powderly

American Federation of Labor

1886 union for skilled/trade workers only

assembly line

a system of manufacturing where a product is moved to the worker


refusal of employees to work until demands are met

old immigrant

an immigrant who came to America between 1840-1885

new immigrant

an immigrant who came to America after 1885


people who wanted to limit immigration and preserve the country for native-born while Protestants


organized attacks on Jewish villages


a way of life of a group of people


becoming part of another culture, while holding on to older traditions

ethnic group

a nationality

settlement house

a center offering help to the poor


artist who wants to show life as it really is


small apartment


investors seek to make money by investing in companies (buying stock) result


companies have more capital ($) to spend on raw materials & labor

E. Results of Increased ________________________ growth of RRs in the United States

created giant companies

labor force - immigration - caused pollution

migration west - removed NA from land

towns & cities grew - need for steel - set up time zones

top related