webinar: angularjs and the wordpress rest api

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Technical Deep Dive into AngularJS and the

WordPress REST API

March 16th, 2016


Vote for your favorite plugins:www.pluginmadness.com

Ask Questions as We Go!

Please use the “Questions”pane throughout the webinar


Slides and recording will be made available shortly after the webinar

What We’ll Discuss

Building on last webinar: The WP REST API as a Springboard for Website


❖ How to make custom admin interfaces using REST API and AngularJS

❖ Angular basics with the WordPress REST API❖ Build a plugin admin screen (Ingot A/B testing)


Quick Intros!


Josh Pollock Owner/Developer, CalderaWP and Ingot@josh412

❖ CalderaWP.com

❖ IngotHQ.com

❖ JoshPress.net

Anthony Burchell Operations Engineer, WP Engine@antpb

❖ Started on WordPress 2.8

❖ Casual Core Contributor

❖ Antpb.com

❖ Synth nerd

Is this the new way?

What is the benefit?● Respects standards &

separation of concerns● Relatively easy to learn● Testable● Someone else pays to

maintain it. #thanksgoogle

But admin-ajax!

Custom or Default Routes


Use Default Routes

❖ Install the plugin

❖ https://wordpress.org/plugins/rest-api/

Make Your Own Endpoints

❖ Make your own API with WordPress 4.4+

❖ Talk: video, slides & links

❖ Torque Article

Part One



MVCModelThe model is the current set of data, defined by the controller,

displayed by the view.

MVC$scopeCurrent state of the model. Defined in controller - used in


MVCView● The visual representation of

the data.● In Angular this is an HTML


MVCController● Keeps the models up-to-

date using the remote API.● Updates the model based

on your interactions with the view.

Part Two


MVCBindings● Connects views to

controllers.● HTML5 Attributes

● Template Tags: Curly Brackets

<div ng-controller="postExample"> <form> <input type="text" ng-model="post.title" /> </form> <div>{{post.title}}</div></div>


MVCBindings● Use controller function to

create controller...● $scope is available in view

Template(function(angular) { 'use strict'; angular.module('learnAngular', []) .controller('postExample', ['$scope', function($scope) { $scope.post = { title: 'Enter Title' };


MVCBindings● Bindings can be used to call

functions● Examples:

○ ng-submit○ ng-hide

Views<div ng-controller="postExample"> <form ng-submit="submit()"> <input type="text" ng-model="post.title" /> <input type="submit" value="Save" ng-hide="post.title == 'Enter Title'" /> </form> <div>{{post.title}}</div></div>

MVCBindings● Define functions for view on

$scope.● Example: $scope.submit

Controller(function(angular) { 'use strict'; angular.module('learnAngular', []) .controller('postExample', ['$scope', function($scope) { $scope.post = { title: 'Enter Title' }; $scope.submit = function(){ alert( 'saving' ); } }]);})(window.angular);

MVCBindings● ng-repeat:

○ Repeat items (like a list of posts)

Views<div ng-controller="postsExample"> <h3>Posts:</h3> <div ng-repeat="post in posts"> {{post.title}} </div></div>

MVCBindings● Look mom, two controllers!● Iterating over posts array.

(function(angular) { 'use strict'; angular.module('learnAngular', []) .controller('postExample', ['$scope', function($scope) { $scope.post = { title: 'Enter Title' }; $scope.submit = function(){ alert( 'saving' ); } }]).controller('postsExample', ['$scope', function($scope) { $scope.posts = [ { title: 'Post One' }, { title: 'Post Two' } ]; }]);})(window.angular);

Making your own Super Fast Super Fancy Admin Interface!


SFSFAI!This is going to catch on...

Making your own Super Fast Super Fancy Admin Interface!

MVCAngular UI Router

● What URL uses what controller and template?

● http://jpwp.me/ingot-router

ingotApp.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) { $urlRouterProvider.otherwise("/"); $stateProvider //click tests .state('clickTests', { url: "/click-tests", templateUrl: INGOT_ADMIN.partials + "/click-groups.html" }) .state('clickTests.list', { url: "/click-tests/all", templateUrl: INGOT_ADMIN.partials + "/list.html", controller: 'clickGroups' } ) .state('clickTests.edit', { url: "/click-tests/edit/:groupID", templateUrl: INGOT_ADMIN.partials + "/click-group.html", controller: 'clickGroup' } ) .state('clickTests.new', { url: "/click-tests/new", templateUrl: INGOT_ADMIN.partials + "/click-group.html", controller: 'clickGroup' } )});

MVCStart it up● Include dependencies● Adding translations to


var ingotApp = angular.module('ingotApp', [ 'ui.router', 'ui.bootstrap', 'colorpicker.module', 'ngAria', 'ngResource', 'ngclipboard', 'ngSanitize'] ) .run( function( $rootScope, $state ) { $rootScope.translate = INGOT_TRANSLATION; $rootScope.partials_url = INGOT_ADMIN.partials; });

MVCAngular $http

● Similar to jQuery AJAX● Use to update $scope and


ingotApp.controller( 'clickDelete', ['$scope', '$http', '$stateParams', '$state', function( $scope, $http, $stateParams, $state ){ $http({ url: INGOT_ADMIN.api + 'groups/' + $stateParams.groupID + '?_wpnonce=' + INGOT_ADMIN.nonce, method:'DELETE', headers: { 'X-WP-Nonce': INGOT_ADMIN.nonce } } ).then( function successCallback() { swal( INGOT_TRANSLATION.deleted, "", "success" ); $scope.group = {}; $state.go('clickTests.list' ); }, function errorCallback( response ) { var data = response.data; var text = INGOT_TRANSLATION.sorry; if( _.isObject( data ) && _.isDefined( data.message ) ){ text = data.message; } $state.go('clickTests.list' ); } );}]);

MVCFactories● Reusable code for HTTP● Makes data an injected

dependency -- easily mocked/ modified

● http://jpwp.me/ingot-factory

ingotApp.factory( 'groupsFactory', function( $resource ) {return $resource( INGOT_ADMIN.api + 'groups/:id',

{id: '@id',

_wpnonce: INGOT_ADMIN.nonce, context: 'admin'

},{'query' : {

transformResponse: function( data, headers ) {

var response = {

data: data,

headers: headers()};return


}, 'update':{ method:'PUT', headers: { 'X-WP-Nonce': INGOT_ADMIN.nonce } }, })});

MVCFactories● Think of it as your own API



ingotApp.controller( 'clickGroups', ['$scope', '$http', 'groupsFactory', '$sce', function( $scope, $http, groupsFactory, $sce ) { var page_limit = 10; $scope.description = $sce.trustAsHtml( INGOT_TRANSLATION.descriptions.click ); groupsFactory.query( { page: 1, limit: page_limit, context: 'admin', type: 'click' }, function ( res ) { if ( res.data.indexOf( 'No matching' ) > -1 ) { $scope.groups = {}; return; }; $scope.groups = JSON.parse( res.data ); var total_groups = parseInt( res.headers[ 'x-ingot-total' ] ); var total_pages = total_groups / page_limit; $scope.total_pages = new Array( Math.round( total_pages ) ); $scope.groups.shortcode = []; } );}]);


❖eBook: The Ultimate Guide to the WordPress REST APIhttp://wpeng.in/rest-api-ebook/

❖Article: Basics of AngularJS with the WordPress REST APIhttp://torquemag.io/2016/02/basics-of-angularjs-with-the-wordpress-rest-api/

❖Building Apps with the WordPress REST APIhttps://learn.joshpress.net/downloads/building-apps-wordpress-rest-api/

❖Creating a Javascript Single Page App in the WordPress Dashboardhttp://torquemag.io/2015/12/creating-javascript-single-page-app-wordpress-dashboard/ #wprestapi

CalderaWPREST API CourseCalderaWP.com


Feel free to ask away inthe “Questions” pane!

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Myths, Mistakes & Management of WooCommerce at Scale

Wednesday, April 13th, 12 pm EDT/ 11 am CDT/ 9 am PDT/ 5 pm GMT+1

Register Now! http://wpeng.in/woo/

❖ Myths associated with scaling WooCommerce

❖ Mistakes and how to avoid them❖ How to pick development and hosting



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