webmd health highlights

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7/28/2019 Webmd Health Highlights

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June 2013



Tips for PainRelief 

pg. 4

l i v i n g

H e a l tH y

Busting MigrainMyths

pg. 3


c H e c k

Could It Be aMigraine?

pg. 5

b y t H e

n u m b e r s

MigraineFacts & Stats

pg. 2

download tHis is

on your ipad for ffrom tHe app sto

HeadacHes & Migraines



contains a selectionof articles from

7/28/2019 Webmd Health Highlights

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rviwd by Hansa Bhargava, MD, WbmD mdical edito

Hlth Hhlht

MigrainesFacts and stats on top HealtH conditions

 By Heather Hatfeld 

 Sources: American Academy of Neurology; Migraine Research Foundation; National Headache Foundation; World Health Organization

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Myth BusterstHink you know about migraines?

we separate Fact From Fiction

 By Christina Boufs

l i v i n g h e a l t h y

You wake up with oneside o your head

pounding. Moving yourhead is agonizing. Theslightest noise amplies thepain. Maybe you’re nau-seous or even vomiting. Youwant nothing more than tolie in a dark room undis-

turbed and wait or thestorm to pass. I you’re oneo the nearly millionAmericans, includingchildren, who havemigraines, you may beamiliar with some or all o these symptoms.

But while the pain o a migraine is well docu-mented, the causes o thesedebilitating headachesare less understood andmisperceptions persist. Toshed light on the mystery o migraines, neurologist andmigraine expert Peter J.Goadsby, MBBS, director o the University o Caliornia,San Francisco HeadacheCenter, debunks some o the top myths.

Migraines are a 

woman’s issue.

Not true. “It’s a conditionthat certainly occurs inmen,” says Goadsby.However, women are threetimes as likely to getmigraines. Why thedisproportion? Researchersbelieve emale hormones

are to blame. Many womenget migraines aroundtheir period or sometimesmid-cycle when they ovu-late, Goadsby says. Andmigraines oen improveaer menopause, whenestrogen levels decline.

All migraines are severe.

“That’s a misperception,”says Goadsby. People whoget migraines tend to

experience symptoms likepain on one side o the head,throbbing, increased painwith movement, nausea,and/or light and soundsensitivity, says Goadsby.“Some migraines are verysevere and some are milder,”he says. But both typesare considered migrainesbecause the biology thatcauses them is the same.

rviwd byBrunilda Nazario, MD

WbmD Lad mdical edito

Relief MaPTAkE STEPS ToPrEvEnT MigrAinES

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All migraines are

accompanied by

an “aura.”

“That’s a big myth,” saysGoadsby. Only about athird o those who getmigraines have what’scalled “migraine aura,” aneurological brain distur-bance that typicallyoccurs to 6 minutesbeore the headache. Youmight see fashing lights

or zigzagging lines and lose your vision temporarily.But auras aren’t just visual,he says. “Some peoplehave pins and needlesthat move up their armsor legs. Some have speechdisturbance—they can’tunderstand things or can’tspeak properly. Some haveweakness down one side o the body.”


W k mrmr


Dwlad ths specal ssue yu Pad FrEE! Seach WebMD Magazine the App Ste tday.

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Hlth Highlight

Heads up

1 Get helpAn estimated 47%o people globallyhad a headache inthe past year. Inthe United Statesand the United

Kingdom, onlyhal o people withmigraines had seena doctor.

2 Beware o  chocolateIngredients inchocolate can trig-ger a headache.Avoid it or a cou-ple o weeks, then

re-indulge. I aheadache happens,avoid it orever.

3 Go alcohol-reeAlcohol can dilate your blood vesselsand dehydrate you,bringing on a mas-sive migraine. Skipit altogether, ordrink moderately.

Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD, WebMD Lead Medical Editor

June is m igraine awareness month.

get relief with these tips

 By Heather Hatfeld 

  N  E   W


The essential iPhone app for people

living with chronic pain.

 A Better Day Starts Here.

Personal journal to easily log

pain levels, triggers, and more.

Daily tips approved by

WebMD doctors to help you

meet your goals.

Articles, slideshows, and

videos related to yourcondition.

Custom reports for better

discussions with your doctor.


4 Control  stressUse relaxationtechniques tohelp stop aheadache beoreit starts.

5 Plan or  periodsA woman’s hor-mones duringher periods canmake migraines anightmare. Planahead: Avoid othertriggers and prac-tice stress control.Menstrual mi-graine treatmentsare available.

6 Sleep tight Sleep disorderscan lower theoxygen in yourblood, causingheadaches. Talkto a sleep special-ist to treat yoursleep and help your head.

7  Cut cafeineI you skip yourmorning joe, yourhead could throb.Consider cuttingcofee out o  your diet to lower your daily doseo cafeine andimprove yourmigraines.    M

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Hlth Hhlhts

HeadacHeor Migraine?

Terrym2442 has been “plagued” with headaches or about 5 yearsand has long thought they were sinus headaches. But recently this

WebMD migraine and headache community member has developed newsymptoms, including nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. “I can’t helpbut wonder i these are migraines,” Terrym44 writes. The symptoms o migraines and other types o headaches oen overlap. How much do you

know about the diferences between the two?

1. Stress might causeregular headachesbut not migraines.


2. You know it’s asinus headache i 

 you eel pain andpressure in thesinus area.


3. Only migraineshappen withnausea.


4. Migraines caninclude sensitivityto light and sound.



Answers: 1. False. Stress can trigger migraines. Socan anxiety, hormonal changes (such as during PMS),skipping meals, getting too little sleep, red wine, oodswith nitrate or MSG, and weather changes. 2. False. Amigraine with sinus symptoms can also occur with painand pressure in the sinus area. Sinus headache pain, how-ever, is not as severe as with migraines. Sinus headachesalso tend to have a thick yellow or green nasal discharge,which can be a symptom o a sinus inection or congestiondue to a cold or allergies. 3. True. Tension and sinus head-aches don’t make you eel sick to your stomach, althoughwithout question you may eel lousy. A migraine oen

does include nausea.4. True.

Many people report thatnormal lights and noises are uncomortable when they’rehaving a migraine.

 S ources: National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,

 HHS, WebMD Migraines & Headaches health center 

1 Can migrainesbe prevented?

If so, how?

2 What types of 

food can triggerheadaches and


Reviewed by Michael W. Smith, MD, WebMD Chief Medical Editor

W e b M D . c o M J U N E 2 0 1 35

Download WebMD’s PainCoach App to get personalizedtips and track your triggersand pain levels.

A SK y o u r

D o c to r

3 Is exercise

good or badfor migraines?

4Will reducing

stress helpprevent


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